· CANADIAN STATES1\1AN AND MERCHANT,BOWl\tIA~Vl.LLE, THURSDAY, 1YOVE.l\1BER 30, 1876. 80NG OF THE PRINTER. P:irk and click Gu tlle type in the stick, A s the printer stands ut his ~asc ; . I lis eyes glance quick, and h~s fl.n ge1'3 PlOk " 'i'he type at n t·a p1d p ace; And1oucrliy one a,.;; t h e le ti,e rs 1-{0, Words aro piled up :.;Leady a n d slow· H l eacl~ aud slff\\' , , BuL :;1,111 the y g r ow, _l\.nd -words of fire 1hny sosm ·villglow: \Vonderfn1 wcll'tl:-:, U1at >nthouta sound, ·a- B.. ' EA llJ(lil C.learing_Sale I ---:--- Business-! October 2, IB75. T rovel'fle thP P.arth to it.'3 uunost bound ; \\-urds t ha.t shn.11 ntnkc NEW STORE! cent. A UTHORIZED DI8C OUNT on American Invoices ' ln l.il f 11rthcr notice :2 pe TLc tyr11nt qunke, filu 1 tlw fetters of the oppJ'ossed shall breal{ ; \Vord:; th at can erun1bl0 an arn1y's rnight. Or tn'lifo .its strength in a J'lg hteous fight. '{et L lie type they lool~ leaden ancl dumh, A t-i h e puts them in "Vi'!th finge r a nd thurnh; SOMETHING NE"W The subscriber, m consequence of the late fire has termined to I NEW GOODS I ' r_... CORNISH AS REMOVED ·INTO HIS NEW H . premises where he has opened out a large stock of tlle best to the coungoods be found in CASH Pl}ICE, ll ct;,. 10 J. JOHNSO)!, CREDIT PRICE, 11 cts. i2z" 20 $1.15. omn1issioner of Customs. - - - - - - - - - - -- - -· -- - - - Under the Sun! A ' NEW MAN FRUIT TEEES! I a1n prepai ·ed t.o f111·11isl1 ail l:::incls of Bn t. I he p nnter snules, Anil lii8 work beguiles By chanting- a :-mng- aa t.he lette1'S he piles, \ Vil,lL pu:k and click, J,ikc the >Ym·~tl't-1 chronomoter, tick! tick! tick ! O where iH the ma.11 with such sin1plc tools ' Can govern the world a,s I~ With ain·infang prcss, ~niroustick, A nd a little Jen den die, "\Yith pa J1P.1" o[ wlutc, uncl inl;;: of black, I sn nporL lhc Rig ht and the \Vrong attack. S:l.y~ '.\'h,\re fa ho, or "\vho IJ.1:0,Y h,o be. 'Thu.t Cl1n ri'>'Ul the printers power? 'l'o 110 111ona,rchs chat live the wall doth he give.; Theu· S\vay lasts only fill hour ; \VJ1ik the p1inter gi·ov..·s, l:Lnd God only knows VVhen hH:> ndght sh all cea.~e f,o to¥-Ter I Sell Off his Whole Stock I AT GREr\ TLY H.ED U CED PHJ CES, in order that he may reopen at his old stancl with a stock entirely n0w. '!.'lie stock now held needs no exaggerated puffing to commend it to public approvaJ, but is known as one of the largest aud best selections of Si;aple and Fancy Dry Ggoods ever place'd !Jeforn the inhabitants of this town and neighborhood. 17 $1.00. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, FLOWER S AN D SHlWBS, , try, consis1.i11g of I IN THE QLD HOUSEi, purchased fro1n -~ 'r·HE UKDERSIGNED HAVING TlIE SOIL OF CaNADA. .As t he cnltiv~~tion Mr. John Borland I WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAJNS, JEWELLERY, FORKS, ' iJPOOKS, ELECTRO-PLATED . wAitE, _ ~ This will be strictly adhered to; .and only six months &:c. CHEAP for O.ASH l trees 1\l·arrantcd true to nan::.c :::.ncl fi ;,st clas ~>\.dd rc~s JOJTN CIIAPLIN , P. 0. Hox 55, Tio·vn1a nvillc . I~OYA_ L THE UGHT-RUNtmm ROYAL .. &;u., {~o., -HISof the ground is the b asis of a country's wealth, the corn posttion BOOT & SHOE BUSINESS, of tl1 e soil, a Dd i ts adaptability .,to the gro..,vth of cereals a.Te qnestions of the first W ill c ontinne t he trade in Um Ra.nm 11lace, and i n1portance, and d~rna.nd the tla.rnest atis prepared to give tentiou of the agriculturist; Connected I with the q uestiun of s0il, nnd inseparable GREATER BARGAINS from it fo tha,t of Otima.tulogy; for unless t,he cli1nate be favorable the culture of the than any house in tlie uount ~" ground will 11ut repay the labors of the husba11dmn.n. In Canad~ ag1icu1ture is iustJy regarded as t h e first and leading intere~t of the country, on whioh every L ·A R, GE ADDITIONS other is dependent for its prosperity. VVe read in the Holy Scriptures -that " the HAVE BEEN profit oft.he ~a.rth is for all, even the king h imself is served by th e fr uit of the field." :M: A DE T 0 T HE S '!.' 0 CK, J t has been said tl1at tha "stomach power "'hicJ1 having been purchased at is that wh.ich drives all the human machinery of the worldi" and we learn fr.o m Bottom Prices .forj!CASH an old song lhat no 1natter 1vhat our calling may be in life's bnEiy wnlks, '·The will be farmer, ~he n1us t feed i..hcni all." 'l1hc soil of the Doininion of Canada is, a. · a w1w1e, not to be surpassed in fertility b y any fHt.l'l of the 1vorlc1. It possease8 soils of ·all kinds, fron1 the light sandy at :figures t11at inust con111uind ::n1blic fa"\'Ol". loa1n to ~he deepest black soils of our river vaHeys and extl'nsive prairi es which are "The proof of the pucldingis the eating Of it"prn.cbcri lly inexhatls lible. In fa.ct its very fertility has heen in the old'er provinces its call a nd satisfy yoursel ves that our prices are worst enemy, iuducing neglect of good and right. scie ntific farming. Bu t its · elasticity is wonderful; one year may witness it inca- ORDERED WORK A SPECIALTY. pa.ble as it_· w el'e of producing even 111odtJra te crops, while two or three years of good .O RDERS PROMPTLY FILLED, . farming wjll ch11ngc the natnre of the soils -Al'i"U11nd put th~rn into a state of exuberant" foriility. Everyfarmintheiand, which GOOD FITS GU ARA.N'l'EED. "' ha.s never been deeply· cul ti rated, has t~Hol11er lying undern eath it, "\\-~ hich only requires deeper tillage to bring it to the .au:or \Vhich are n.e,v. vlean, and 'vill be sold nt lowest pri ces. 1\-fore goods to arrive. Call and see our stock~ and learn pricf's befo1· pnrchasing elsewhere. ~No trouble to sito\v goods. Bowrnanvill c, Sept. 27, 18i6. (9) on average accounts . Accounts now due must be paid. Has t.aken this sea.son the Two Fi1st Pri zes at Cobourg, the 'l' wo First at Port Hope Ccn t 1·a l )l'air, Ffrst, Prize o..t Bo1vmanvi llc; Diplorna at 'Toronto, and other places too numerous to Jncn ti on. 'l'he subscriber l1avlni.; ;-uld -J;F neruly T\vO Ilundred of these hea111 ifnl ma chines the last eighteen months, the HOY ~~Lhasa reco1·d ti1nt NO OTHER 1\1ACHI~E ~V.l!:lt HAD! 1 Grist!ng. An early call is respectfully solicited. , ~Now open for sl1_le on Corner of King and Division strgets. WORK A NDALLKINDOFCUSTOJ\'I done at Soper's l\Iill, Bowmanville. 'lHOMPoOX & Bl'RNS Bow1nanville, Oct. 18, 1876. 2. FY COWLE. Eowmanville, August 29, 1876. 'thi~ Bowmauville, April 5. 1876. 'fHOrtrAS PA'l'ERSON. o_) of Lot No . l, !JI h con. the ' vooded with pine a rul .oak. Tf not sold by tho 1st of APril next, the cleared portion wil l b& eased. Jfo1· partipulars enqui re (J( SB. BP&US!IAW 0 Q ACRES, BETN<J COMPOSED l 0 part of Darlington; about 70 acres clea1·erl, au · l brilance >YCU Tli E 1 BRADBURY TIMES Hard time prices have beeU: adopted at the establ_ i shment of He is offering l~n e1v and handsorn0 assor~ment . of · In the . Field ~~gain! dWing to the retirc1ncnt from buaine3s ol T. BJ.SSETT, eaeh machine \VOrking 11r-l:l1, class. w1tb scarcely 11reath · of a com plaint, a..tHl :.rrn.t onlytln·oug·h t he in oxpedencc of tho operator in a VC!'Y odC. sohta1-y case or two. ~ Son1e of the leading feat ures of Llie ROYAL In its constrn ction the best materials Uf'.e<l; t J1u ' vearirlg part s case-hardened; Ilrat cla.:.s ' ' ork· 1nen e1upl oyet~, '>\·b ich '-Yill ensure it-8 dura bility; great adaptaiwn for <li.:tferent classes of g ood s from :finest inuslin t.o heaviest fullclotll 01~leath~ er, adjustable Lo eit.lie1· 1vork in a few se(_;on ds by presser-foot sprin g- a.fin im:p1ovcdfceder; v ery large bobbin, hol d ing" fiO yards thread; patent la1np-h older, r1rn.hling oper.ttor to acv.' b.1 n ight as well as by day. :F'or so.lo by . J. :3. DO:N"EY, Ag nt for U. C. NoI"lhurnlJerland & Dul'ham, N. B ·. Agent also for ALTH.AJi,f and RT.,G \Y.A.'l'ClIES, -~~·1,~ by nev~r haying to drnnge a Rin gle rnachine- 'l'}l'0116, Sold for CASH, I F. T. ~ H O SKI h~s cornrue nced work s g ain on his own nccouni and bas opened a N 0 jD. MORRISO N , FALL AND "GOODS NEWTINSHOP AT GREATLY REDUCED PHIOES. in the building t·wo doors ~est of Messrs Thompson & Burns' o:fl:lce, where will ah'i'ays be foun(i a full arol':ortment of everything in the 'T'IN - WINTE~ WHis Buffalo Robes are splendid value. ~.His Mink sets are remarkabJe at the n1oney,._ ' -~His Grebe and -Alaska outdistance ·all con1pet~tion, ~""His Ci.\ pa, OollaretsJ l\1u1fs, Mitts, &c, 1 are made np in the ne\vest and most artistic scyle, ~His Children's Ftirs nrc rare r~11d vn1·l0a, nnd are jtist what foud mamrrias .r equire for their pQte. ~'" Then tl10 Geuts' J!'ur11isl1iugs en1b:r.ace evcrythh:ig in the line: Shirts, Dra~crs, Socks, Ct>Jlars, Cnffs, Neckties, Bra.oe-', &c. Everything good and cheap, inspect. 1 J Q BJBiiNG ' ~· z 0 ? ~ ~ LIC that he ha.H seCnred t he se1·dc:es of a fi1"8t cla ss Barber, Hair-dresser, &c., a uU is pr epared to guara.nteo,sal.isfaction to his cusLorners ~.Special accorumodation for L ad ies and Ch ild1·en. · ..f.t;FJ"' !lnir Cuttings and Combings inn.de ~~i~s~"ntches on short notice and at roasonuble B EGSTO ANNOUNCETOTHE PUB- sn~~~\ve Cash customern w-ill buy close. ·Call and 0 A1'1'ENDED TO PROMP'rLY, (pat.en t seamed, sole rigb t. tor the cou n ty-ct and see it.) ~ll Ol'd ers Il ea nt VCJ:y n · CE.t f g llrf S, an, satisfaction gu a r antce9.. A caU from old and n e w friends solicit ed. 0 have abundance of virgin soil Mr. W . .JENNINGS rmnains as~ supe l'inLernlent of the No tro;JbJe t_ o show goods, lvbich only awaits the touch of the husbandman to RAW FURS bought at highest cash pi ;ces, ·... M. 1".1 ; A ' Y E ~f,~~t~~~~"n' ~~ 1:¥ EAVETROUGHINO old cast I The "ERS ,.j.uThe SMO fJt!Ji!" t"i,.vo doors of PoflL OfficR. osbblished Rubcr shop . '- it,bccause they have rocla.im0d it,-bccause t hey have spread Nature 1s g reen carpP.t over it, -bBcause thtly have gathered oolden harvests fro1n it, - because they have -planted trees np1:n i ts bo~om .and eat eu from t.hcn1 the frlnt s of their to1l,bccause they have btlilt a nd beautified t h ei1· heloYcd ho1nes in it, a,nd ln fi ne, beca nse 1vhen their race is rnu they will rninglo their bones ·with its hallowed dust.- canse thcvhave" stake in it, who are a~~ached to~i.he soil, bec<.inse they own awaken it'l prodnctivcncss and make it yield in rich abundance all Uie, l\'IANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT. productions cf our climate, so well calcu, later! to bring lo pe1·fection the leading ~emcmber the olcl stand, Rowman1.rille . A ugust 3,1875 . ce~·eals a;1cl fruits, for which, -~ mong L he Post (Hiiicc Block liin~ §t, ' \SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. nations or the 1vorld, Canada is JU~tly cele' !!!I brnted. A reference to t he display of cereals Rnd othei· ag1·icnlturnl prod uctions - - - '!<'-; BOJll,AND. Time, Money and Labor Sayed. 11'-'=lde Liy C::~tHlda at Philadelphia, and the J October 91,h, 1876. TOWN HALL .erJILDINGS, BOW.i.11.ANVILLE. prizes she has carried off f0r frl1its) &c., DEALER IN \'.cJukr he Fmfficicnt to illLts tra tc the remarkablo adapf it n of the soi l for thBir But t his is ungi·owth aud cultivation , Medi~ines -an-d -Cb. er_:riica Notice. n ecessa.ry,irrasn1nch a s our own T o1vnf'lhip, This ]'rench Oil Polish is prepared for Uye S t ufi'fS, .P&tent ]\fedicinea, Perfumery, Brush es_, Co1nbs, Soaps, Paints and Cou nty , Distsic t, and Provi ncial exhibiHaving disposed of tny business to Mr. Qarriages, Buggies, Harness, tions amply a1test t he adaptability of our Oils, Pai;it Bl'ushes, Coal Oil, and Coal Ou Lamps, &c.,. &c, Boots and Shoel':I, s(fl l an d ct;m ~ te to bring to the hi ghest .F'. Borland, all parties indebted to me are ARE ·UNEQUALLED FOR AND ALL KINDS OJI' LEATHER. p) YSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDERS d eiree of r.nat urity the choice8L products he1'e by no tified to settle the same ,vit h · It. >Vill giTe any article of J.eather a most brilo f the sarden, the orchard and the fi eJd . . . 1 · · CORRECTLY ANSWERED. lian t appearance, and ut the cmme thne from its rhe<i.e l' (~mar]-rn r1TC eqnally a.pplicahJc to h1m forthw1 ti'l, and he IS anthO!"JJ:ed to oily properties tends inuch to pre:..;erve it; it wil 1Ynys bo moist a nd pliant ; and 1Hay he exposed the P.rll'1ince of J\f anitoba and the vast re- 1 rant receipta there_for. .fl1!B' l!'arm<rs '""' Physiciaiis from the Co1mtry will }ind o <r Stock 0'J1 j}Je,d'Zcines cont'· al to water and ·washe<l. aud will not lose its bril0.i.ons ~rabr.:i.ccd in the t erritory of the <?rrca,t I lianoe, and it is not to be fmtred that any crust 'JOHN BORLAND. Osed of the be.t ynalit11. 1 Lo11e I_Jand. In 1872 sa1nples of floil were Will settlq_ 0[! Sa.id leather W}ie1i prCS«"rYed Wit!· 1 -the above 011. · ecnt to G errnanv and were analized by Bo·'nnanYille, October 9, 1876. 11. -""====""'"""""'""'"""""""""'"""""""""""""'"'-"' ~""""""""======='"-""' ""' -"°'"""'='"' ·1 if£ .E'or the \Vood·work of Bugg:h~s, <lirriages P rof(·:::i::-or En1merling, an eminent che1nist, &nd Fun1it ure, thc:i:o ie not n.- bct tJer·artid tfiTI.1.nie-:-· _. ' . J) jrec lor of the Che111ical Laboral ory of ].'[anufactured by A. SIJ\10.N & CO., Ta.nne rs and CurJ'i ers, formerly of France. .to·v ot'. Philat he At::i:ieul fnral As!'.rO ci.ation of K iel, Holdelpbia,. Pa. etein, ~and with the most favorable results TNSTH:UCT rONS-Shake hot.tle. A few jrops Oll as coninor ccl with the best ·oil of that a piP.cc of s ponge, apply i t lightly to the leather, and you will obtH.in ,the -finest h~s tre. p art of Pru~t1la. Senator E1nil Klotz, in - - -'-">-- -P rice 75 cents per Bottle, ol· $i.50 per dozdn . transmitting <.L report of the ana.ly!Sis thus wr iles: "the chief nutrients of Manitoba J. SMALE, Gen A;e n~ Bowman ville, August. 13, 1871. 2 soil aTe. li n1t, nitrogen, th e11 potash and vV It is my intention on the above · date to wind up the longpl:ipspl"'.oric ·1cidi ·which predom inates there, Every buyer should see our stock of THE GREAT lJu t ,.,hat is of particnlar i1nµortance is the winded credit system, and ~ell only for CASH, or its ~quivalent. It requires Ii1ne contrrined in the soil, whereby the 11 1trogen 1s set free, aucl ready to be ab no argument to establish thal it is to the . advantnge of both buyer and sorbed in vcgeta.bie organisn1s. The latter property iR cl<~fecti\~o in many ~oih, and seller to trade for ready pay; the buyer thereby getting goods at LOWER when it is funnel defective, recourse 1nust be had to artificial ineans by putti ng lime or mad (:i. clay which con tains mnch limo) ilwites the a~te ntion of the public PRICES, and the seller being saved from loss by bad debts. We think upon the sarne. . Every buyer should see om stock of "Accdr ding to the analysis of the l\.fanito hi s present stock of then that all parties will concur in the wisdom of this c\taoge on our part. toba soi l, there is no doubt t hat, to the Before Taking. After Taking. farmer who desires to select for his future Our goods will heresJter be bought for CASH only, we and ho1ne, a conntry which has the most proI~EDICINE ductive soil and promises the richest harshall thereby reap the advantngo of lnrge trade discounts, which adv,ntage Cures all NERVOUS DISE4::1F.8, rmch as l'RE!l.rons, vests, no country in the work! offers j usL rccci ved for the fall trnde, wli ich DEBILlTY, PnOSTRATI OK, etc., which, in n1any ~rreatel' attracr.ions than the Province of cases arc produced by over 11Hlu1gence in the we are dcterm·ncd to give to our customers. · Parties purchasing from us use of t obacco nnd 111colwlic sµi.r1ts; but ~ia.nitoba , in the Donrinio:n of CanadH.." he offers at such price; as must Specific Tu!edioine is n101·e l::!~ru-:einllyrecommcnd The quality of the land varies in tliffercd as an unfailing cure f , r SEMI'fAT.l.V H:AKNEsa, Every buyer should seg our stock of' may therefore depend upon getting go~ds at least ten per cent. chca}er en t localities fron1 poor light and r-.warnpy command public attention. SPEFMATOIUUIE A, I~rPOTE:"fCY, anil all diseases , that followcro,s a sequence of Self A 1rnse, as Loss to loa.1ny Soi] 1 nnd in th e valleys of the OF !vlEMORY, UNIYERSAL LASSIT1"~TJF., PAIN I~ th"n under the old pla n, arcat r·ivers it becomes -rich, d ee p and _ TIIE BAOlt:, Dl:i!N ESS 01~ VISION, PRKMA'l'U R IJ: f,lack, while the vast prairies, capable of _ fJ lW w.;. il OLD AoE, and many other disca s eg that lead to INSAN11'Y or CONSUMPTION a uil a PJtKMATURE supporting 1 11illiona of happy homes, GRAVE, all of which, as a rule, tH'e ll rFt ca used Our stock will this Fall he more replete than eve r, and a still boasts of a soil of u nexampled fertility , bv deviating from tho path of ~ naLure and oyer AND BEST QUALITY. iildulgenoe, <>nriched and enriching year by year with ~ e Specific Medicine is the result of a life higher class of good· will be kept. We therefore gunrantee the greatest t.110 ashes of the prairie grosses. If the An -inspection of goo<ls mid prices study and m a ny years of experienee in treating cnltm'e of the ground is the b"8is of a I these special diseases. Fn ll part.i culars in our pamphlet, which we desire to Bend free by mail satisfaction to all who may favoi· us with their patron age. coun try's wealth , what Canada wants is a Every buyer should see OW' stock respectfolly solicited before t.o every one . popnla.tiuq '" wedded to the s·oil, a. co1nn1u ' The Specific :VIedicine is sold hr all Druggist!! at $1 per paokn_ge, 01· p1:1.ckiii.;es for $5, or will nity of fflr1n12rs \vho are not asha111ed of - purchasing elsewhere. The following lines wi!L be found foll: be sent by mail on receipt ur tJie money, by adtheir calling, who love the country bedressing Bown1a.nville. Oc,tober, 1876. also an11ouncc that he has on J1and_ n. fi rst clao!!a stock of Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipe s and smoker:-;' sund ries. CALL AND SEE UR. --:o:-su_ bscribe r woultl D. s T o CHEMIST Druggs, AND T T DR · u GG IS 1' D. MORRISON. Bowman1'·Hle Aug. 16, 1876. 3. Tne rH~SICIAN'S Rt MtO~ ! r' l .. to ~et over it, you .!4'Bn0r~1l!y send fo r your f:hysi cian. IF Ih a opinion of 16 LEA DING ::iHYSICIANS of Montreal 1i :s considci'ed worth l· of confiden ce, you 'vill t ry 'JTHEN you are ill a..'l1d dou't kn,)W ho \\' ls, OIL POLISH J DR. BI RNBAUl11'S P .-grity of Tone and Beauty of .Finish. Rneumatism & Gout Remedy , To !lie -. , etHcacy or which tboso 16 p icians have <;Cl'ti11eti for the cure of . . .-..-- 0 Win. ding~. ~ TI pl OCTOBER 10th, 1875. MURDOCH RHEUMA'rISl\'I. NEUR ALGIA, LUMBAGO, GOUT, "' \ STU;lNESS n ; J OINTS _:c OR Ul\1BS, SPRAINS, FROST Bl'l'ES, CHILBLATJ'H:l, BRUISES, OUTS, .BURNS WANDER.ING PAINS,' &c. t~1ou,~ands of o_ t hers i~ Ca11a.da, a.nd is u o\v cons1de . ed, on _t. J:Hs contine1t1, a$ '\Vell u:.i in Europa, 1 ,J1e ?nly r eliable ren1edy fol' all Rllc.11n atic aiffPcl 1ons. · . J'hefao siniile !!1gnatures of 16 lcadi.rrg nh vs rc1 an~ of.l\ilont1·eal arc on each bottle a'Ja i;u&l' an l ee of 1 ts efficacy. For sale by all dr<Iggists ~ t. 50 cent s a~1d $:ll 11 er bottle. Ce rtillcr~t cs of physicians ure on; each bottle, nnd can be bad aJ,.o b;ir :.o.pply ing to. l I t has cured several of these physicia.ns an d Fa 11 Goods I W. McMURTRY NE G·OODS. English Remedy! DR. Wlll\.\M GRAY'S eHAULES n!AR '!'l:-; . J.1ontrca.1, Sole .Agent for Canada and U . S. One of the Testimon·ials. From Dr. Duncan McCalltun, Jl.fun t rca.1. I f the undei·signetI , have bet·n suffe:::lng very ~nu ch for the.J~st Lwo yenrs frorn Itheumatisn1 · u1 tlie a~kle J01 nt, so much that I \\'o.s often prcvenl:ed from 111.tenifin~ to my cal linP", but t.h r-ee apphcat1ons ~ of Dr, Dirnbaun1~H 1t11eumatlem an_d Gout f.~medy g~1xe in': that relief fr on1 po.in a nil stiffness \"ih1ch I dii1 net cxpHri ence: for t:J;i e last two _;rea1s, and aiter Eight c1ay's t:.Srt of thm t'e:me dy, .1.1lud 1nyself en1irelr C111'ed.. , I <?WC tl1is stn.tc1ucr:t. ,to the puhlic, to 0 1p pro. tcss1011, and to the rner1tl'l of the genuine <U hule .. I'\f E W GOODS! Fancy Dr~ss Goods. SPECIFIC the I DUNCAN McUA1.LUM, J\I. D. June 17t h, 1876. t S:~1y. ftJ '::._ : WEST STYLES BLACK LUSTRES. l - -- ---------· of N0 Old Goods in Stock. WEST END HOUSE. Bow:rnanville, Sept. 21, 1876. F'ancy Woolen Goods. six WILLIAM GRAY & 00., 'Vindsor,Ont. .rt<irSold in Down1anvil1e bv J. Hig)l;inbotham and D. Stott, and all Druggists everywhere. NOR'l'HROP & L "\:.':MAN, Toronto, Wholesale AgenLs I I Every buyer should see our stock of Ready-made Clothi"ng, Clot/ts, Tweeds, Dress Goods, .Silks, Shawls, ,.Skirts, Cottons, Winceys, Blankets, Bz!ffalo Robes, &c.,C:fc. J. l!IIGGINR@'.ll' l-ll.A.Wl'! ()011Jcs!lio111s ot Victim. CENJS' SUITS AND SHIRTS Bo,vMANVILLE, AS A WARNING AND of MILLINERY Goods P UBLISHED fr om for t he benefit Youn g J\fen nnil others wh o suffer NERVOUS DEBIT.TT"\"", J_JOSD 0~' :l\'IANiiOOD, YI'l'... \L PO"\VER, Pl 1~ .· made to Ol'der iu city stylos, on shortest notice --- ----... ---~------ (lucbec will have t.o support by charity rnwJ two thous1nd IJersons t hrongh the IS IJAPPY TO IN:FORM THE IN-yinter, rondered dest.1tute by the last great HABITANTS of Bowman ville and surti 1 ·e. W. Et PETRICK Remember gtvinr.; h is rules of Sclf-Oltre, afte1· much sufferin g &:nCi ( expense. and sent free on receiving a 8t arn p ror return postnge, ,,;\.ddres::i N..:i..'fHAXIEL 1\TAY· :b'AIR, P. 0. Box 153, Brooklyn, K. Y [i8-9m . ~ October ] , 1875. s_ F_ HILL 0 :IE~ p .E 1\.T i .1.'ij NOUNCE that lie has. i·ceeivetl. a. well a s s-?rted_ sLock of Genuine Drugs anil Pure Eng1ish Uhom 1cahi. .Also ,.. a splendid stock of the lnost 'larofully selectea B C:ElEllUS'l' AND DR tJGGIST EGS RESPECTFULLY TO , AN ----- Chn·o nic -- ·- - - - --- .Dh;ea .~el!!. rounding country tb at he has opened his BRYA N'8 - )-\ r.'ll<"EI:.S, (Tho great public ren1edy ,) ha.v e i:ow been i!l u s~ ov e r twcnt v yea;rs, hence 1t cannot he said t hat they a~'e on trial. 'fJ1ey 11ave been t horoughly t ri ed, aod prnnonnced (011 the autho rity of t hose whose lives and h ea.lth t h ey ha'>'8 one doJr We st ~of:\:funlocli B r o's store, where Murdoch Bros is the place to buy your Remember I T E A S. Hair"-Oressing and Shaving Parlor treating following Epilepsy, 01· falling Fits. i.u their '>\'OrHI. form Uonsumption, in its various stages, Iwith Dr J .'s remed ies consumption i s no longer an inou rable dis~ise) ; Dron ch.it.iH, Cll.i.arrh , Asthma Gravel Dropsy, General Dro/>sy, &.c., patients who have b een tapped se\' era tilnes are cura ble under Dr. Jan1es' t reat ment· diHea.st~9 tl1e ·JAMES ,ELECTIOPHYSIC111.N, DR \.'{ould state that he is now successfulJy the diseases :r espectfully ST ScH 1'· - . v ~ ,;11'- i 'l). C :Er 0 -~ A 11, J. 1 ·0 -··N 0 L ,CJ "l:il. Rv _ .L ) . :B 0 1'.' hi <;h cannot be s urpas.::etl fop cxccllcncr o ~.........~."'-~~~~· - ~un~1ty ~n assortn1cnt of .An11inc Dy es 'k.ep con~tantI;. on h nr..d, togcthP-r \Vith n choke 8C lecL1on of s DYE ST U FJ<'S! =~. 0 OL B 0 0 KS, S INK S j CHE1il;"Sr1f:t BHt.rs11Es, u 1:1JrcrnE.3.' co.:~rns , , OILS, PAINTS, COLORS, ~ .A.t tJ1e very SHOL 1.LDEH-BRACES, . fS UPPOR'i'RR S, &c., &c VARN~~~l~~III in p rese1·vr. c1) to be a sure, h_a1·m less.a~1 d eniineu tly '5 ~dnt~.1·y pre paratio n, and 1f taken he hopes by strict attenLion to liusines:, to have will invariably cure co lds, coughs lltH'e 1hrfJat,, and all Bi:,onchial affection?-, o.. share of the public patronage. ()ne fojr t;rial will convince the most skep;rdr Specia1 attention paid to dressing tical. Sold by ~ 11 n1eclicine dealers,25 cts. ~oaS (lfi rdurdoch Bro's is the place to buy your Remember EYE AND EAR, Coffees, per bo.<. S:r.rrrfl.-~ i: tc1nns ' V ard once said, in Cliildrcn's hair. rcf;."!rc nce tu hjs boo.k, before a large audi.ence in 't Hoston Lecture Hall, that tb.e n ame of S111ith was so co1n1non, that if To .t he Ladies. M11rdoch Bro's is the place Remember Errors of "'outh, Nervous Debility, Premature Decay ann all the effects of indiscretions" youth- a. cure is guaranLeP. cl: D:n:.pepsia, Ltvo"' Diseases, and di::ease>i of YVonum and Oldldre11 Cancers cured v.dthout cutt1ng-, and little pain 8ore Legs, Salt Rheum, anrl ~c1·of11la in al! n: ·forms. Dr..T. is happy t,o say, c1isea~cs \Vhich have hith.ert<? been ~hough~ inuura,l:Jlt; are nov,.· rapidly y1cld n1.g ~o h1.:; treat'.'lent, as bts grtltct'u patients are v..illmg to tes11fy. ~o Cal(nnc1, no ! mercury, no M in eral Poi:mt1::., will be admrnis t ered in any for1n, i n any '1isease. 'l'he afflicted , ·vlio cannot obtahl relief from other solu·ces, are particularly invited to ca.ll and SLATES, WRITING PAPERS ~R:.~c~~! ~;~~~~~0 ,~1=~~~~~'" SCH 0 0 L BAGS, PENCIL$ I ·-- --- -- --· --------=--= 1 101vcm. p1·icc'::l. 'a.ntageous terms r e very S1nith would bny a copy uf his book am prepard to ma.lie' up Cornbing2 into . ' } 1e \'!.;onlcl not ca.re for the rest of the popn htt ion, hnt could r etire very _ comfo~'tn:bl_y Switches afshortnotce, and v1·011Itl ~HY that.no ~1 the pru<;tleds of ,.the sale. Bnt st1l_l 1~ JS ~(~ lil o 1ntht..t one or tl1n.t name ever d1st1n- fear-need be entertained by them to come' to'Jny u11 ~hes JJjn1sclf; we can only remember ' O f one i;rnt:a.Hce, and that was the discoY- p'lrlor, as everything ia r>J'derly arn1 t't:'B[JeeL~~Qle. erer of S.ur:rH's GREEN MouNTAIN R~)IO \'Al'Oft. to buy yo ur Sugal'S. itffOfHc<~ in Neil son's Hall, Tielleville. Ofti . hours, 11 a. m . to :=i J1. m. Yours 1nost rm:ipect fully, '>.M~S.M. 1 sec hi n L ®u1c !Jllo x 01· Ci:.a·i· c':. .ffi: LiJ !"ill~. I , s S S P LEN D ID FANCY GO OD S s PLENDID JEw · l:!'ILLTI"IRY - Toys · ' b 1e B1 SAT C II ELS, Machine Needle$ 'I,~~o~v~T~;:e,.~:r. ~ ':~ -~t;1~~'°'l?~~f,; part, Brick A T I N R 0 0 J\II p A p E R InsTl~~"I-!omestoad, ;:~.~~~;o~~,~~~~&g~ Seven DweU1ng,,,, des1ru.bly f.dtn ate ' Real Estate forSalej 1 1 ~ftfi~te8tlr~(~t~1d:c~~t~bt~·~~~~~nc~ss£Jnt1o~~e I yo9cupiec1 hytheunders1gncd--f01.l'teen1oom::.'> 't Col. C11b1tt , Mayor. Larg(· an d commodious Now BrickJ)wellinU' on Kmg St., - o built andlatc- Murdoch Bro's TOBAGCOS, PIPES ANIJ GICARS. . ,. that ca.1; con"t.riln.~'!-e so iuuch to render the l , · b ~ .i.·f 1 d " ""leoant to improve l . 11 ?rse ~~1:1 111 IJ a n '- .::> i.... J · ll b · j T have also a nice stock ofTobaccos, 1'1.eer-. h13 crn: ..... 't1on and 1nake h!m a t at, 18 ~Xllort Agent.s . des~irJ.bl~,_as "Darley's Couditi~ 11 - '~~'°'ers I 81.'hunw and othe1· Pipes, Cig1M' cascs,Ciga1· hoJµ . R 1... Bu12oyne, Bllrbridges &, - Co., ole man Stree a ncl .1.'\.r~tnan Heave Ren1edy ;ll it has .;, ':~I e111e1nuer 1 · Lolldon. u ~tJd bv nntny persons ,V h o own v&luabltl -·~ j Nc,Ybcn·:r & :>;ons, 37Newga.te reet , LnndQ.n , 5 ft~ ,vhich wHI be seld ca.r riag~ a:ad of.her horses with decided er~, Ciga.,_ ' ., ".,,, .a.Barclay &· Sons, V,5 li'arrlngton t'.3treet, LondOJ.-1 SangcJ' (to Sons, Ox:!ord Street, Loridon . sncc0~s . p,nd so well pleased a,re they with l "Q"E._ OlIE.._.\.PEST. , _4._nd all the Londo~1 "".,.holeo:ale IIoueea. it \!ml they always ·keep it on hand iu' OHEAP AS 'i.. · . , is the place to buy the BEST and I ,"'"""1' '" "'""'d'~ C<'Se ot eoH:JJ.'gt;n1cy; iii may ho given at all/ , la,rge_ ... ticnt 1·eal.- J:,va: ns, J,fercer & Co. \Vho1esale tim es with perfect m :i..fcty. P~e1nen1ber the Ron1e1nber the pla.ce-Sign of the !"'-< __....OHEr\.. PE~ST (}oods k.:ept in tO'\Vll. , J~yr~~~~~g(57~~-e & no. ·ia rne, ;:i1 1 d s~~ that t he ~ignature of Hnrll To ro nto.-Elliott& Co., \\thole8ale Druggists, & Oo. is on e 1chpackage. 1\orthrOJ )e ctn-d Ir P~ED, VVHI'l'E & BLUB POLE, " Sho.pteir & Owen. Ha·niilton,......:."\V in er &Co. T . . ·, man, Torunto Ont., proprietors for Can-/ VIC'!V BUILDINGS, · jlalijfl2!.~.Averv. Brown ~Co .ada.. _ Sold by amedicine dealers. ,, K ing street Bow;nanvill~. Bewmanville, Septemb1;J:--22, 1875. .A B1wc·r;'<DL HoRS ~. -Thereis nothing' s the place t(> buy your CROCKERY Vhcmists ,j_di~cha1·ges fro1n the Ui'inn.ry Orgn..:p.s,in either scx.o.cguircd or constitutionu.l,Gravel and Pains in tho Back. Sold in Boxes, 4s t)d each, by al a.nd fq.tent !vicdici.po Vendors. Sole Proprietor.}'. J. ULAltK.1£. APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN, E NGL'D T S w ARRAKTED TO uurm ALL s QCle ·ty · .L.!J .L!J. , rcsidencesrn town. Goo<l 9mden Httachecl. bcstdes do.sets, ctc.,- onc ot CH· rnost con1ph.ii e. D 8p0S l't ory ~ . ·RAMIN G MUSIC P I CT URE F · ' · ' l ' 1 ·1 Garden~tt·oed.,,. I ofCus,toms. Bnck Dwelbno' on >crng h \ , "3~1eet,u,. present occupied by J. ltrrnlnn, Esq. , collccto.1.· Brick Dwellino· 1douLle) ~.nKm i:: Rtrcet. at l\lr. Jr>J1ri iviurcloch. dcnoe, with gooLl garden and ontb1ulil1 n ""fl, . I I .A T I· l\IIUrdOCh B,,..-O'S EASTO~'S, Town_ . Brick Buildirn:Y I Hall Buildings, Bowanville. and DOHENY liLOCK, LINDSAY, $76. 1 "'-, ' 0 J a nd Church Streets, at '[.lresent 01:c11pie d by 1wo tenants. Gnrclen at.tuched. on K i!'g Street, l· ·oly . n occU'p11:01 l as a J.T oop. Rknt Il'acto1·by. \VHh little ou1Jay ::i, :?.'oorl 1·esi, dei;ice co~ld e inatle of this bniltiing. ~ ~ '!he residences above nwntio21l"d flte of a superior clR ss, ·well bnilt, '\Vith s1 (,1 ie-o.valled eclJars nnd. all. necessary con"enie:uc('t:". A raJ'e oppol'~ tun1ty !S n91-v off~ rcd to pcrso;rn ~vrnhinq to procure s u pe~·1or1· e std ences,ns tlie 1,1 ppi-: ,·ty i;vifl on} ,· bo \:open for eale fn r a sJ1o:tt krrn. ·1ntending· I r.urc.(l,ascrs are 1·cout·sted tc) ticw the Jiroriert.y . ]'or f111the~ info:rmation app:;y ~ o 'I'. '11· Cole I \l\an1 J..J, Coi·n1sh, or the undcrt:ign ed. :Kfo~[c~~~~r::~.'(~tif~e~e~f' Brick Dwelli1)0' (doublo) fh 6~ co1"w b B '. OW \"t J OHN COLLAUD, , BoYi'rrH\.nville A. /