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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1876, p. 4

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;,:,~~ - :~ ::c_:t~: I!. JI ~~.·._8 ."-~ ---"T · 8~ -"' ~ ,:::T~ --H~ ·- ~:E~ --~--""'" - --"-'!" ~~...... -...... .~ ·~ ·- """""""'""""""""!!"'!'!!!'"""'__!" "!-"!".~ '1 "-""" - -""'"---~ -~- - "-Q '!_" l~ -~e ...a-a~ -.-; ,..-" '"r:i:_. . .;l~.i." '"IlE"-~ '"_g ~" '"A.'". '" _!""!. _ .....; ___ CANADI.1.N STATESi\1.AN .AND MJ~FQHANT,Eow.l\1A~V1LLE, THUHSDAY, DEGEivlBER 21,1s7o. would onppuse. T he was!e " f tim e i n the btrny seosnn of the yec.r is one of thn mo·t, . in1por ta ut il:cn1s , nor. the ti n1e dc..-ofed .to ' luunging ancl idlsn esf'! : for few th ri fr.y farDH'ri) are tlH1 \:..J 0 R GAN --- - -- '!""'T_S _ :_ ..... __· .... . a, ·-.._ ~ . """"'l""'"e"""""""' _ . ..... , ...... ~a~l.,..i"""' -- - """'-"""' --~"""' -1 """' ·~~"""'U..__.... ___ ...,S_l . .._Il,,.,.,,_~S~.f F · ""'" 1'...i' guilty of lha t., ln1t, tin1c lost -----:o:-- - - - · f101n the want uf prtiper IJ]:-i,tt uiw ~ v f wod;: , f:tll:H·e to ,;ccc:u 1plish lh\~~ geea.test nrnonnt of wu;:·k wll h ;i !;i\'e~t cxp0 t1di ct1rc <Jf ti tue :1,nd Ht :·e-: 1gt!J . t) n 1 n:~n divirles a. 1 ) SOMETHING NEW The subscriber, 111 consequence of the late fire has t erminecl to CASH PRICE, 9 cts. CREDIT 1'Rl'JJ£, 11 cts. cuL~. te f a.rm int·Jt'.nw,ll lut..i, <tll (l if h t; ~bo11\d cali.Le time he l osl'i~ in tu1·Hi11g 1i.bn11t in pl<nviug, i n JJlO'>Ving t he 1nachin0, 01· in rn.k ing, he wu11\d b t: a st.0nir:h0d to fiucl ]1rnr n1uch of li fe , an<l of phyf'lical rncrgy ho ia was g: in th i ~ siinplo inn.ttor of t n rni ng rtLout·, how lnnch inore efticiont -J dtf.Ivrcn:t sea.le. Let u <s get nu of sueh a. nn~lt1tnde of division fences u111l so ,;;ave the Lu~d lhcy occ11pr,. P~nd the.. (Jf · 1;l1ne t1F~S 11(.'. Cilslon tu sn.y 11 othing uf tho fr1ct that they h.arb,)ur i1n1un1_e rable ·weeds. Under the Sun! A NEW MAN 10 " 12~" Ji~ 3 . wtirk \'..' O ll _ kl be. 1f it \V e te l?~a.u ned 01 L a. I Sell Off his Whole Stock AT GREATLY REDUCED PRI CES, 17 " " . $1.00. 20 " $1.15. an<l busho:;;)nsects an <'t, injurio11::i anin1als. The vlaste of 1na.nure by neglecting t~ take proper c~1re to s:.1pply proper a.bso5h· f:in ts and to prcYent wasJ1 and drainage is son1~thing enonnous e~·ery year. 'Vo lose nbout as n1uch as we sa\·e, on the <l"erage, and wo nrn..l::e it up· in lfll~E AT ·THE CENTENNIAL --T~~-- 1NTHEOLDtHo:usE:1 ~ purchased fron1 1jNDERSIGNED RA VINO , · m order that he may reopen at his old stand with a stock entirely nrw. This wi11 be s~trictly adhered Mr. _ John. Borland .__,_11_ 1 8---:- to, and ·only six months on average accot-1nts. Accounts now due must part ~y bnyin" fertilizers a.t a high cost. Is this good ::i economy~ Jsu ' t it better to stol? the lea.ks, to use 1 nore JJJ uck: more plaster about the b:J.Tn, 1norc loan1 jn the pig pen, and to collect n1ore lcrn·es for bedding io:r cattle ~ Isn't it bette1· to Sfl.\'O the a~he~, to pick np and s.a ve tl1 0 . old bones about t he place, and to build . the ,con1pos~ heap with a thousand things that are going to waete. ---~ -------+--~--- N, REOEIVfo·THE HiGHEST AWARD I International Medal 'and.', Diplom-a FOR THE The stock now held needs no exaggei·ated puffing ·to commend it to one Of the largest and best selectLOllS Of public approval, but iH ]mown BOOT'~ 'SHOE BUSINESS; Staple and Fancy Dry Ggoods ever placed. before the inhabitants of this 'Viii CQntinne the trndc in the sam e place, and town and neighborhood. is prepl\red to give as GREATER BARGAINS tha;i anr house in the co·u nty. · be paid. An .early call is respectfully solicited. tree in Q,diforni a is iiot- in the Yose~ite valley. K ing's river vtilley in Frenso county is 5,000 feet above the sea, and its walls whtch are abou~ 3,000 feet hi ghi very precipitous. In this valley a. new _ gro\·e· of colossal red\fooc\ trees has been discovered. One· of the1n ectipsef-1 all that have bCen discoverecl on the Pacific It circn tnfe rence, ·a.'s high a;:; a 1nan can reach a.nd pass a ta po line around, is a few inchP.s less. than l!JO feet. 'J1hi3 is bJyo:::lll the n1 easuremert.of any tree in the Cala-vera.s . grove. The ]1ighcst is ...estirnate ~l at n 160 feet. .A.. T-·t,he fi3h n1arket.. ,rrh e lady is aqco_ m':::..--·· ...--panied by a. lovely littlC glr l. "How 1nt'lch · - - - ~ tor tl1a.t 'f' ':Oh what a sweet little a,ngel of a child! Tt is 30 sous, madam·, Ah, the darling! Let u1e en1brt1.ce it ! 'l'he living: iu1acre of ·its ri1 other! " "Thlrty sous? I will give ;you twenty. " "Twenty 1 Get out of thnt with y O Ur little baboon l " 0 Tn~,.est , .: . ~"·Now epen f.or,--sale on_ C.Qrner oLltirig and Division streets. -. . . . 1 LA,R~J?, "A.D;DITIONS : HA'\'""E BEEN FY COWLE. BowmanvJ!le, Augu_ st 29, 1876. _ · 'l'HOMAS ·PATERSON .. · MADE TO THE STOCK, , which havi:ig been purchaae<l at 1 ' .... . . Bottom Pi·ices /m·; :cASH -Mn be ED. ORGAN Sold BEST REii HARD TIMES CHEAP FURN ITTI-R·E ! Q,HEJ\-P FURNIT URE! CHEAP- FURNITURE ! -AT- -----·----- for QASH, . MANNING'S OLD STA-1\ID. . 'l'he Bowmanv~lle Furniture Factory having commenced rurmin"' agam, and the ,new Company having appointed tltc undersigned Retail Agent for the 'l own and surrounding country, he is preparncl to offer th e yery best styles of Furnit.ure a~ prices below anything at which it can he procured elsewhere in the Province. ~t. rrgUi·~·~;; t;iat.·n.iuat cOriimd~d ·1ublic favor . The proof or the pucldingis U1P.eati11g Of it"- Hard time tnices have'been adopted at the establislnuent of J-Ie i;. offering hi:.; .ne'v and handsome a.ssortment of ·.t¥rl N~·T'H EMFWO RLD .irThe oiily Drgah : \juts'ia e of ! the United States receivii1g call .o.nd satisfy foursclycs that our prices arc right. ' ORDE~~~ ",Tako," said a ~lushing da_m·el a ~an International l\!Iedal, althmigh seven Canatlia.n manu · -.ANcilover th.t her fatl1er h'd forbtclden the " ' " " honso, "I don't care if your fee t al'e big ~facturers were -con\peting. GOOD FITS .GU ARAN TE EV. .[ lo\'0 you just as inuch. 11 -" \\~~t.11 Sally I i don't mind so 1nuch about the size of my SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. ~- !. ~ · i · 01vn feet, but l 1·;rish yout' dad's ivere n., little sm,ller ; I should fe.el more_confide1'.~ . you know, ab_ o ut sta.y1ng (l.ll the C\'cn1ng. . _., , ,1· . ' , <. 1~·1 ~ ~ 't]. . f .... - --·~,O BOWM.ANVILLE, ONT . . . I HI syarnpath 1ze s1nce r y w1 l. yonr gne ' remains as superintende nt of the sai·l i-.;· French lady to a recen tly wid owea =="""'"""'~ -. C,"' '= . """=.:"'= -= ="' '===="""=====·,...========;;;;:;; MANUFACTURING DEPAR£MENT. friend: " To 10s· such " hushand a· TJE:l:JE!~ · oo~INI·0Cr~r yon rs-" ·'1\ h, yes he was very good.~ Remember t)).e ~id stand, And theJ.J, you see, snch a . m isfortune -,i~, i " ·· ahyays _great, for uuo_knows 1<hat kind of Post ~Hficc :Bloc·'· King St. a hnsbanil has been l vet, hut cann<Jt tell · -,· ·v_hat kind of a man 0110 will fi.ud tu take . 0 to · WORK .A S~ECIALTY. QRD$Rfl PRO!.JPT.f,-Y l!'ILLED, FALL AND WINTER AT GREATLY RED UCE D PR.ICES. GOODS n·0ffillll0n Q. rga:n .c . 0., I ET Y, , Funerals furnished in every re~pect in the very best RLy les and at pnces lower than any other firm m the country. One of tho finest Everything good and cheap. Cash customers will buy close. Call and Hearses in the Province SENT FREE to any funeral furnished by the inspect. No troub le to sl10w goods. ItAW FURS honght at highest cash prices, subsc1·iber, within ten miles of Bowmanville. ~t:. JU A 'VE · Also, agent for Raymond's celebrated lVIetallic Coffins, New York. B o'vma.nYille. Oct ober, 1875. n1arkable at the n1oney. ~His Grebe and Alaska Qntdistance all compeFtion.~""HiR CapS, Collarets, 1vlnffs, :M::itts, &c., are made up in the newp~t and l:'llost artistic style. ~His Children's ]'urs m·e rare nnd variod, and are just what fond rnarntnas 1 :ef1_nirc fo r thei~· pets. )l::r--::t-"Then the Gents' Furnishlngs .c1nbr.nce everything in thr-.)inc: Shirts, Dra'\ ers, Socksi Collars, Cnffs, Neckties, B~·ae.e3, &c. . ~His Buffalo .Robes are spltmdid value. · ~'-His Mink sets ai;e re- UNDERTAKIN G ,s ·. ·· · I a _. v1 n g s -, an d Investment 8 0 -OF~ · _____. . -~ -ec--~--- .----....."\..___..:.. . . -""-----... luS place." ~ __ ..,..A .~0·1·ABLE ,wedding recently took place Octo bor 9th, F. BORLAND. I 1876. c I--I EM I S1"' Druggs, , B. ST 0 TT_ AND DEALER IN R. E P . C> fl_. .T S :DRUGGIST . °"' in Ne1v York. Thirty-two cqttple, dressed in their nn.tionu1 costume, that of the Boi1cmian Cazechs, were sitnultaneously united in marriage. The ceremony was CAPITAL._ ...... ·., .. . · . , ... , ...... .. ...... ~ ...... ; ... ,,, ... :$1,000,0QO.OO. unique, as one service sufficed for all.After t he reading Of the ser,·ice the SUBl:3CRIBED ........ , ......... .......... , .... . .... .. ..... . 750,000.00 . u1other~ of the Urides in dulged in louC P,AID . UP ···. ,, ·. , ......···........ . ..... , , .. , . . . . · . . . . . . . . 300,000.00. lamen t.ations (pleasant fof thP. grooms) an~ -60,000 .. 0~ RESERVE AND CONTINGENT FUND ..... . ... , ... ,,,,,, , when the blemiing hud been pronouuced by the bishop, bread a.nd salt were served to all present. _ b- t.he Dapartment of Biscay, France, :Money loaned npon real estate on the most favorable tei.·ms, "'-._, / Y-:andowner mu·t plant two 6"plings :Mortga00-es purchased. Interest allowed on dej)Osits. . ""' _.,/"' ~~~~veTV timber tree he cuts down. In \· .Tava the IJirth of overv child is celebrated D. MACFIE; Presic_ lent. F. B, LEY, Mana.£ i ·_ . hy- pl:-:.nting n.. f.rui~ tree , which' is a~ care~...... fo1ly tended as the record of the age of the REFERENCES BY PERMISSION: .child whose birth it registers. · · ' ~ GEO. McGILL,"Esq., Manager Ontnrio Jlank, Howmanville _Mic _i\.loxander Scott, a far1nGr living WILLIAM ALLISON, E sq., J\1. D., Bowmapville. near Dhcrr_y Hill, in Cecil County, 111 · London Mtlreh 1876 i\iaryla.ud, d ied a few days ago from wba:~ physicians pronounc<:id unnustakca.ble ,:;, glanders. n LO ND ON, ·ONTA l{l O. TUTV.N HALL fit!ILDINGS, B01V1ll.A.NVILLE. having he~n circulated that the undersigned has been 9vcrcharging in his Undcrtakmg department, he begs to submit the following tigures, which he challenges any one to contradict:Reported amount charged, $:JO . . . . Actual amount charged, !i;il :i. H U H 30 ~ , , , " ' " ii 0. :- .Notice. ~Ir. Medi~ines and Chemicals, 011 " " " " " Hairing disposed of n1y bnsiness to 'Dye Stuffs, P .a.tent l\!Iedicines_ , Perfnn1ery, Brushes, ConJbs, Soaps, Paints ind Oils, Paint Jlrnshes, Coal Oil, and Coal Lamps_, &c., &c. " Uowmanville, J\farcl1 29, 187G. 45. . .. . GO.... " ,30. ' . . '"" 72... . . " 'P :J . "l'o . ::JO. ,. " 50. 35 F . Dorland, all parties indebted lo me are hereby notified to settle the eame with h in1 forthwitl1, G,aud he is authorized to r nnfreceipts therefor. PYYSICIANS' PHESCHIT'TIONS C.A.H..E~'ULLY COll!POUNDED AND Af,L ORDERS CO_ RRECTLY '.ANSWERED. W. P. PROWER. ' ===-=~ -~ = -=---= - = -= - ~==-=""'--~-=""'--=== - === -~ -== -= -="=-~·-- JOHN DORLAND. 11. Bo":n:utnville, October n, 1876. ;t/J!!JJ· Farmers and Physicirwsfrom the. Connm·11 wi.ll-jind o"' Stock of .loiediciMs cont Os«l of the best qiial·it.J. THE BRADBURY MURDOCH ---'-Q'>--- BRO'S l- ===============::::;:================ ..A.BIG RUS::EC is I~ ~ NEW !=I SA.rD a y,ro1na1i speaker i u a New HaY~n si.lffrage 1ncrting, '; \Vornan ia in every _re800ct th.e equfl-l of rnan. H er r eputat1011 f~l' heroic bravery--" ~'-\.t this p int a mousa ran into sight and t he cirator j umped ou the ta.ble aud screan1cd. 0 Fall Goods I W. McMURTRY invites the attention of the public to his present stock of - Every bnycr should sec our stock of now ragmg at STAPLE Every buyer should see our stock of GOODS,,. 0 ~ .811.nN;S rcmerly,) have now beeu i n us~ over twen~ Ly yr:ars, hence it can no t ·be said that they a re on tria.l il: ey have been thoroughly tried, a.11d pronounced (on the authority of th op;~ whoi'5e lives a11d health they preserr;red) to be a sure, h.a.rmless a.~1d en1ineutly salutary preparation, and if taken Jn season will invariably cure colds: coughs sore throat, anll all Bronchial affectio11s. O n<! f<dr trial will convince the most skeptical. Solt\ by all med icine dealers,25 cts. pe·r box. . .. SMITH.-.\.1 teinus 'Vard once s~~id, · 111 .reference to hig book, before a 1A.rge audience in 'ii. Boston Lecture Hall, that the name of Sn1ith was so common, that if ewry Smith wou ld buy a copy of his book he would not care for the rest of the pOp11lation but coul d retire very cotnfortably -ti the f,rocee<ls of the sale. Bu t still it is _,il~klo ruthat one of t hat narnc ever di.stin1 WAFE~ ('£h~ great -~;1blic I TRELEVENS I} : 0 ~ _, '- NEW GOQD.S! just received for the fall trade, whieh he offers at such prices as must command public attention. Fancy Dres13- -Goods. 9 · Every buyer should see our stock of 0 ~ F3, NEWEST . RonsE.- There is nothing that can contribute so much t o render the horSa bca.ntiful anll eleon.n t) to improve 0 his cor..~itiou and in him all that is desirable a.a " Dar1ey's Con d ition Powde1·s and Ar;iblan I-Ieav1:1 :Remedy ;11 i t h;;,i.s been used by 111:.:tny persons who o:vn valu.ab_le carringn u.nd olher horses \\·1t h decided succe<:is, and so well pleased they wi~-h it that th ey always keep it on hand in case of emergency j i t uut.y be given at all tin1es with p,erfect safe ty. Reu1e1nber the 11n1ne, and see that th e sigua.turo of Hurd .. & Co. is on package. N orthrope nnd Lym ctn, rroron to Ont., pr oprletors for Canada. So1rl by auiediclne dealcri:. R!<,;AD THis rr1v10E. -Five to thirty drops .of THOM.AS' _EcLEC'rRIC OIL, ·will cure corn~ trhon So-ro throat. It n ever fails in Croup. It will cure a. Cold or Cough in twentj-fonr to forty-eight honrs: One bottle .. ha· cured ilrouch itis of eight years stan<l_u1g ; .l'ecent casijs :tt>.c cured i n 1hrce to six day.q. It has resto1·ed the \ oice where· the. person li&d not spoken above a. whisper in five yearn. . As an outward applir-a,t ion ~n n~l cases of pain or larneness:, nothing- hke it Jijas ever been known. One bottle will 1 YATOR. A BE_.o!.UTIFU t And is determined to , _ continue ,to sell . at the ruinously prices AND BEST QU A.!'ITY. cheaper than the cheapest. · Why he can do itAn inspection of goods and prices . ·First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy. Second, what he caJ1't buy cheap enough, he manufactures. respectfully solicited before 'rhird, he is .satisfied with small' profits. purchasing .elsewhere. Fourth, he sells for cash; hiu1self ; '\\;C can only rom~mber <::1f ont; i.nsta.nce, and that wag lhe dtscov· Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. u1'.?r of SMITH'H GREEN l\fouNTAI:f. R];~O No Old Goods in Stock. oax.;:i:... .A.JSl'::OllSEE FC>R. ' Y-OUI-l.SEX..."U'ES AND- STYLES . BLACK LYSTRES. Every buyer should see our stock of ~ U1 ARE .,.. I · F1ancy Woolen Goods. UNEQUALLED FOK Il R ING _ Y 0 U R F 'vorkmen kept. Examine the s ~o ck, which com\}rises evcrithing in the trade, of the very latest and most el~gant styles and -patterns, ofEng-hsh, Canadiiin, a.nd An1orican manufacture. Ho still continues to manufacture to order, from the best of. material, n.nil none but first-class 1 ' · · n TE WESTIEND_ HOUSE. N D S '\.V I T H Y 0 U. Bow~a.nville, Sept. 21, 18i6, PurltY of. Tq~1e and Beauty of Finish. . Every buyer should see our stock of Orders Promptly Executed, ,and Good Fit.1· Guaranteed. Remember .the He h:-ts in stock nn cndles8 vadety of La.dies' and Gents' Saratog-a. Trnnks, ' 1 alieel!I, etc., all o · '. which he is selling cheap for cash. ... ·~. 1 MILLINERY Goods Stand~" l;lIG BOOT" drawn by two Horses, - - - -- -- - - sow MANVILLE. . KING sTRE5'.T, Bowman villi, October 2nd, 1876. · M. TRELEVEN. -w. :_E. PETRICK Remember HAPPY TO INFORM THE lNI' 8HABlTANTS ofBo _ w manville and suri;oundiilg country t4at he .opeueU -l1is OO'TOJ3ER 10th, 1875. NO TE THISI Hair-Urnss[ng an~ Shaving Parlor · --.o- --one door \Yest ~of Mutdoch :Bra's store, ·where h~ hope~ by st~ic~ attention to business to.have Murdoch Bros ' --- .'·--~ - :.--..,, T ..__ - - · It ·is m)· intention ou the above date to wind up the long- is the place to buy your Remember T E,A S. winded credit system, and eell only for CASH, or its equivulent. no argument to establish thnt it is to the advantage of ho. th buyer an d s. _ lVIASON -· -has i'eceived-- I Murdoch Bro's is~ the place to buy your sellct' to trade for ready pay; the buyer thereby getting gooos nt LOWE R PRICES, and the seller being saved from loss by bad dd ,ts, W c th inl< / ~, ehar,~;~~he'.·~~~~ic pn:ron~~o~ . children's hair · .. C'off ees . then that all parties will concur in the l"isdom of this cl1angc on our part. the Back. Fur dli;eases of. t~e Spin9 ancl 1 Contra.ction oi thel\luseles it is.unequalled. · ln l\.heu1natic or other p_AlH the first application docs ;you good . .. l t s~opfl J:!;ar Ache and the p.a.1 n of a .Burn in th Foo minutes, and it; alt~)gother the best aud ch eapest wedici ne everoffe recl to t he people -t11 c cheapest, because it ta.kGn so little to do yuu goocl. It is 001nposed of :Six: of the best oils kno~"ln, and nothing hut oils. ,Js I' \Vorth its '"'eigh~ in gold. ,~lhy not buy 1 it to-cl<tv '?---A. B. Des RoCHERS, assisLaut j postrn1a.Ster, .._\rthabn.skaville P. 9· writes: l -'"rhirteen years ago I was seized hy a severe attack' of rhcn1uat.ism in the head, t:i:om whlch I hav e nearly constantly su:ffererl. },.fter having used 'Thomas Eclectric Oil'" fiJ:i.· nine days, bathing the forehead ,- l lia \re beei.' compll;}tely cured, and have only useci half'>· bottle. This I can certify · under oath it Y;>tt l~· "--:Re~., J · 1A M ALLORY, ofWyonung, N .... w~~es Dr. Tho1n0sEulectric0il£¢nred me cf Br,")11ch1t1s in o~F.>.vnEK. Dealer:saUover th??ounh} 7 ..... cure any case of Lam O or Crick in j'" r H I s FALL .sToc:,K. -of- PJ· Special attention paid to dreBSing I Our goods will hereafter be bought for CASH 011ly, we and Remembei· To the Ladies. am prepared-to_~.Ht.He up Combings into .-;-~$ 0 "·. -.- shall tbereby .reap the advantage of Jorge trade discounts, whic h advan tage we are dcterm:ned to givo to our customers. /' ·M11rdoch Bro's is the place to lmy your Itemember Parties purchasing from us .. G-OODS, -which 'lie \vill sell~ l _StritPJl~~t.~h·ott~·pbtce'.·: ~nu '~ould sa.y that no fear~nccd Q~,: ~nt~~tn1il~a'by~tne1n ~Q 001110to11iy 1 .. :.·· . .. . ' ' p-tr1or,. Sugars. I I may therefore depend upon getting goods at least ten per cent. cheaper than under the old plan. ~s ~~~rythirig ; i:i.ud respect-able. .. is . o:l-derly ·; · _ 1 ' ' .. f, I Om stock will this Fall be mol'e,replete than eve,,, and a still higher class of goods will be kept. ,-Ye t11crefore guarantee the grcrrtest 1 c heaper than _RE a~y House i-n Town. I ~ .~~: " 1 -- -o~~- TOBAQOOS, PIP'ES'AND CIGARS. :} J · ,.; · .· I ". ; ""' 7' . ~,,~ ~ ,, ): Murdoch- Bro's s the place to bl1y your Remember C 'ROC KERY satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. · CASH AND CHEAP GOODS 1:-I.AVING have ~l!io a.,;nic~ ~tock of '['o]l~p~os, i\Ieer. . ·, '"·-' :.. ' The following lines will be found full : THEIR EFFECT ,- schuUl8 a.nti other P lpes, Cigar,OiQ'U,1)iold- 1ha,e givensnch co~p1e. te sat.tsfact\o;n n<l:! tjns. '"Y· "wc hf<ve never sold a jbedicmc t_h~~ I nlg es T. h -~o-~ t 'Price p,zjcil,~;for Butter and Eggs 1 ,. 1- . Murdoch Bro's CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Reu1erhber the .place-Sign i~ /Sold bv n.ll med imne dealers. P.ri ce,;2o c.ts. ·s. N. THOMAS, PmoLI'S, N. Y. And 'NORTHROP & LYMAN. Toronto, -out., Sole Agents for the Dornfaion. "'" Er.lcckic-Sel10· ~d ~nd _ E lectri.zed. ONE DOOR \WE~'i' 0F EXPRES§ OFFICE. , o"! the . large the plac!3 to buy the DEST and ; CHEAPEST Goods kept in to1vn. J Ready-made Clothing, Cloths, Tweeds, Dress Goocl,s, Silks, Shawls, Skirts, CottoA.s, Winceys, - Blankets, B4fa!o Robes, &c.,&c· CENTS' SUITS AND SHIRTS DowMANVlLLE, made to order in city styles, on shortest notice S. MASON. mm, WHITE '& BIXE POLE, King street -,,B"'o-w.. .:!! -,a-n--"= 1 VIC'l'O Hewmanville, Scptcmb~1r 22, 1875. BUI LDINGS, Oet~ber ~' 1875, 9 , F - J:3:::ILL _,

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