.. !'!""~~~J'!ll.~""!~"'!"~-~'L-J __ H~~,.~ ...~:~ -~ -.~:~--~ -~-"!"-..... ..........~...,.""'!~"""'~~ l l':~~~;:~;~:~~:~~~:~:~J!:.~r~~;~'.E B 0 ' I ha.vc li~tely bec u louking over ?iadkie l ~ Tua;:;Bi's .A lni<Luic fo r 187';' , \\Ti L es our E n ropean co rrcsponrlant, "13. It. \V. ," a nd r<:)a J ing ;.ill ht~ ho~os c ope f1.J_1_' the f 11tl11·e, dc ri\'cd f rn rn th e f.:!t;-ors, cm bo ~:iys . .. -ln trea.Liug l' r t he ncx.t--- twdv0 - 1n0nth~ _ ss _ _ _o _ ._ R ---~G ,.AN ·- ·- -~- --A -$~:;~::v:~:~:::~::::.'~::~: 0 l· e aGr l~n~ ... A.ST a 1 .................~....!"!'~~"""'~~"'!'"""',..'"""!""'""""""'...."""'""'""""""_,,......................,_,~................................................ T jn t lic Do m in ion , ,.'\_ddress _ _ _ _ CANADIAN STATES1\i1Al\ AND MI·.HCHANT, BOvVMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JA~UA .tlY 18, 1877, "!.'!..""-.... -"'-""~-·-~ ~-....~ - -~"!.~"'-"'-""'~-~"'-~~~-""""""' _...."'~ -""" -~ · -...,"""'~"°"'""""""""'""""""'"""'"""~"""~""""""'"""'~"""'~~~""'"""_,,;mot".......,."""""'~"'!"'"""...,._, 26 G. A. JOSLI.N , Box80J ,Mon l re ~ ~ ~ ,1,Fa11 -Bu si ~ii e-s- s ·-·--"" .1 - - - -:o:---CASH PRICE, c~ cts. CREDI T .PRICE, 11 ct~. 1 2~" Dcsir:iltlc Rcsideiace F OR. Sr\ LE Ol' R ENT. I - - -:- -- whid i tttis a::>h"->frigcr j [; plon~Lj d to c;d! ' " The .vc:al' o f di::;et.Jr d, ' ' Ji_,1 ~~'t\.'1' a .i: nu.r ,,f .1"' A dttrigt.:r is ut ba11d, of wac a.n d woe l.11 Engli't:,nd if s1: c be: Jn)~; p rc: pae:~J, i f h2r r:1.o u <1e i lk1Ts drc;l.:n c 1i i n f ar;cL.'.Kl secnrity 1 110.-:!. k:;::t lng thr: lrai-n ings of :t!'>Lrnln~y . ]'or .Jn n,u,1ry h o predicts gra t ex l' iten1E n t iu t i n~ a ~n·nt tho 17d1 , and evil in f!nP.nces upe r ;.i Ljr: g on ~h u Royal f;_t1n il 1/. \Vhlle the :-dl':d 1 ·0 of F r "'" 11 ce lil"J tu con\· enience. ~11 6-t.f. :so1't \\ater l'OOn1 R, DWELI~IN G Ii OlTSE, co1llai1d 11g 8 ·w1lhhalf a c1e ofo rl1rn r d : ll ard .-ind 011 t11e Appl Y: to prem i.~ es , ari d e very ·oth er The suhscr iber, in consequence of Lho l::tt e fire has t erm ined to j\'(, 'l'Pll:L l~V E N. JO " " Lol.l d on Stuck Exchange, Sell Off his \Vhole Stock AT G ll ATLY REDUCED PHICES, in order that he may reopen at hi8 old stand with a stock entirely iww. " " 17 $1.00. $1.1.5. n ss tu;1~ a h r-ightcl' a8pect. r11hu l\.i11g 11f is to rrosp cr i n Ii'eb r n': ~·y, a nd thti \ f'":iug {If t he ·nclgi: 1,lf~ is to /SU t:lor _ffi ll H T,h C I lunar eelip,,e of Uh~ :37th i nsr., [ ll) M h onid be ver y carcfnl of his hc"'ltl1 . .l.\)[JUlttr tnrn uli,s- at horno anrl en err ics ah rl)ad 'iYilJ d ist urb his peac<:.J. :Naught but th o g:re.at est p r udence can ayert a caln.n 1 it.y. Turkey is t6 be th e scene of stirr ing ev<:n1ts; I >ari s ls to be clisqnited, a.nrl Greece t o hitve h er ~ta.:_y This will be strictly adhered h a.nds full of troubl e. L ots of e:.t r thqnn,kes aTe se~ dO\Yn for 1\.-f::irch , 1na1uly in I n dia 1 a.nd l\iexico. at h oro0 an d ' P olitics a.h road will b e ino rc tha.n Q\·er enta.nglc<l, and t ho cry of t he iDasses f or liberty ~n d j ustice wi ll resound fro1n pole to µole."'f he birtlul a.y , ;;; of -\ri.ctor R1 n1n an11el aud AT THE CENTENNIAL - T :E:I: E ' ' sorted stcck of Genuine Drug s nnd PUre Englii::!h Chemicals. AJso, a splendid stock of th e most c:a r efully selected B NOUNU!:i: t hat he hns received a well ns DYE STUFFS! CHEMIST AND DR'uGGIST, RGS RESPECTlWLLY TO AN to and only six months ' on average accounts. Accot1nts now due must be paid t h e Kaiser u.r e Greece ~' afrhcted," \Yhat eve L ' th at n iay 1 uea.u.. -~ Evc11t-s in .I ndia, 1Yi cx ico .n u d wi ll <.~tt ra ct the attention of th o '"~orl d in l\.pr il, but peace will be "DOMI·NIO N . ! , I l f Nhich cannot bo surpn sscd for excellency o j tUl-lit.y An assort111ent of .An iline- DyeR k e11 oonst.a..nt.ly on ho.nd,. t,ogcther '\-'1.-ilh a choice st~ i lectio_ n of ~ The stock now hold n eeds n o exaggerated pu ffing t o commen d i.t to public approval, but is known as one of the largest arnl be:;L selecti ons of Staple and Fancy Dry Ggoods ever p laced b efore t he inhabita nts of thi s town and n eighborhood. . preser ved, for H J upiter is happily loca ted in t h eir ruling B ign," a nt..\J.l>~ l t hi::i because ·' 1\fars spee d ~ on his way thro11g h t he ~>i gn Cap ricorn a nd 1 n eets i,vith the sq1:ar_ e . aspect of 1\lerc11ry on the ·10 t h insl;." lt js to be isiuceroly hop ed it:. wou't hnl't h i Ht . Th e ne xt proph ecy is delicio us a n a st,a tt?- DR UGS, CHEl\1.ICA LS, PATEN'f M ED!CT~ES,1 BR U SHJcS, COMBS, . SHOULm;!I -BRACES, OILS, 1Sl:PPOR1'ERS, &c. , An early call is respectfolly solicited. &c ~"Now ' F. Y. COWLE. 13own1anvillc, Angu st 29, 18'7fi. open for sale on Corner of King and Division streets. RECEIVED THE HIGHEST A\VARD ! I PAIN TS, COLORS, '\-... ARKISH:h::-3 · and °"""HI l:IJ' A t t.he ve1·y 1o,v88t prices. EA ]3ow1ntn1 \'ille, 1.\prn 5, 1870. THOMAS PATERSON. ni en t, of cause a n cl cil'e ct. " 1'hreo plan1:1tt1, Ni crcu ry, V onu s a nd Neptu ne, will be p nssi ug thro ugh the sign T a un1 s, t hiti ruo nth, hen ce we 1nay cou tiden tly anticipate that th e t r a d e a.n d co1u me rce of Ireland w ill b e a ugmented, and lris]1 q ue istio11s debated in Parlia111e nt, 1' The poor Italian 'l( ing is to be sick a bou t t he 131.h , "w h e11 8f1t.1u·n 11,-·i\l t1·nu sit th e d~g ret:i of lo ngit- n<le h eld by t ht.· m oon at hls bi1 ·th ." Evi l is to fall on Ro1ne and F rance ; i H Ro u1e, throug)1 t he c1ashing of ecclesiastical privileges and in tert!st., wit h po pular aspiL·a.ti o ns fo r liberty and jus tice. May is f nil of fnn. Th~ 21-s t will be a critical clay £01 · the fortunes of F rance, .l ta1y and Tur.k ey. T he prese nce of the mrl.terlal star t n the sign .l.1. quariu s ~ distuibs th e serenitJ Internatio11al Medal and Diploma F O R THE B ~ . ]H-~ I J HOR.SE AND CA'fTLE MEDICI NE --- ~-------- --~ - Cl1eap Fur·111Jilu/1r ,c ! 11 N . B.-Country Storcpeckcrs sup . pUcd on ·a Yantageous ter1n s . sT The rHYSIGIAN'S REMEDY 0 I ARD I TIMES ~.i!J: ...... ~ -y- ~~ .. CJ/1.et111 Fti,,~l'1ili1tr_e-! -- AT- REED ORGAN pli~;eicinn. Tf tl1e opi n ion of lG .LEADIN G PHYSl CIA-NS o( i\fnntreal isc.onsidci'Cd worthy ot confidence, you will try ' how "l'XTHEN you are ill and don't know l l to get over it., you gene-rally scncl'for -Y om: Hard time pric~~ tiaYe uccn adopted at tho establishment of MANNING'S OLD STAND. tBrl N JIJJT H E itJJW OR LD. ,,,..,..,..,,I'l1e onlv O ·r·!!, ' 'lt outside of the U ni.ted States receivin!! J ~ IJ u_ T 0 the cme:ac.y or -whi ch Llrnso 16 ]J cian of R nsB ia and P r ussia.. r rhn K.ai scr,It~ra.n Jj:J.i have certifiecl (01· Um cnre o t cis J ·oseph, ·\viH be i n person;d danger, -for Jf'.lj~ an International 1\1:edal, although seven Canadian manu RIIEUMATISll'.t, his so ns pl a.1..~ c i s· nffi ict cd both by tranl\EURALGIA, sit atHl dir ecLio n ._ Cr i1ne iMto be p ro n1 i - g 'facturers were competing. LUMBAGO, GOUT, n cnt., and the di vo rce conrt un:lble to car ry Sl'TFFNESS Hi JOINTS on bn silless with $Ufficient rn.pidity. ~\1r. SE.N'D FOR P RICE LlSTS. OR LIMBS, Cancer, who "rules Ne w Yo rk/' is t.be gentlen1<tn for Jn11 e, a nd with so me _ of hi s friti nd:s is pea r:efn l. :Th-la.Ts, h oi.ve \·er, rn ak BowMA!<VIJ,LE, ONT 'I OHILBLAIRS, in6 an entry in t o the sign P isces, bod es BRUISES, CUTS, BUltNS, evil fo r Port ugal , a nd " a d a.rk p ago o_ f Af"T"""T"11'"Q""'-.T WAI\DERING PAINS, &c. future histor y wi ll h avtJ to bo record ed ~rJE3r .JIJ_JI .J..'V..L ..&..1. ..IL. .,&. ~ It:. hn R en.red several of tJ1ese phyHichinH Rnd this 1nnn t h and n ext" thousan ds of others in Cn1u1tl:-t, n11 d is now consid ered, on t.his continent as ·well a.sin Europe, Explo~ions an d ac d d e11ts ar e to oc c1t1 l~~tl'::;}~~ r eliable remedy for all Rlwu1natic af. in I~n0(fla.nd; pop ular . e x ci t en_u~a t a ud t.rou ble t0 th e govern ment in LnndQn . -. .1.' h efac si11ii le signa tures or 16 leadin g phys. 1c1ans nf~fontr ca.l 1:1.re on ea.ch bottl e a s a guar A certaii1 ItoyaJ p~ rso11ag0 suITo rs i u h ealth SO y, antoe of its e.f:D.cncy, a n d in p opuL_ \ rity itlao , and D1ay cvlnc::: n. For sale by a.11 drn.'(J{ist:.s at 50 cents a nd $1 - OFper bottle, Certifica tes of physicia ns aro on lle8irerue11t.,fnr 1vh.en old Sat urn afflicl s th e each bottle, and can be h.'.td also by applying to horoscope inelanch oly thcu gh t3 pre vail. 1 CHARLES MAP.TIN. \lj ctor E rn111an 11el is to prcspe1-,ancl J'eco rer ... , Monl:rca.J, fr om t he t roub le t hat bothered hi1n on t he Sole A gen t for Ca n a da and U.S. 13th of April. L 8o prc ?ii<les in .July, One of the T e.stin-ionials. a.nd rul es Fran ce, I t aly, :Boh em ia, S icily, CA P ITA L . .. , ., ..... . . . ... , ..... . ..... .. ,. ... ... . . ... .. , , .. $1,000,000.00 . Rome, Dath, Bristol, T a.n nto n, . Port::i · Front Dr. Du ncan l\icCn llun1, ~lontrea.1. D . . . . · . . ..·. .. . -... ·.. ... .. ... . . ... . .. ...... ... . 750, 000.00. n1ou t h, t he Alps, .P. r ague, Phi 1adelr1hirt,, S UESOltIBE_ Ii HH~ undersigned, ha:vc been suffe1·ing very 1n1· ch for i,he last two year s fro1n Rheu1n a.tisni Ch aldea, t o D-1E"sorn.h, a n d other suburb8. , I' AID UP . . . .. , ... , ... . , ... , .. . .. . .. .. . ,... .. , ........ · .. · · · 300,00 0 · 00 · i n the a n kle joint , so m uch th a t I \.Vas often-pro- FALL :A.ND WINTER GOODS R~eumatism & Gout Remeo~, , AT GREATLY REDUCED PBJCES. @"His Buffalo Robes are splendid value. @~ His DR. BIRNBAUM'S }le i8 offering hi:-1 new and handsotue assortmerlt of I - - --:- - Bowman ville Furniture. Fact ory. l1aviug commen.ced runnini:; agam, and tb e new Company having appomted th e undersi gn ed lletml Age.n t for the Town and surrounding country, h e iR prnpared to offe . r t he very best styles of Furniture .at prices below a nything at wh icl1 it can be procured elsewhere in the Province. , . 'l'he Mink sets are re- Dominion Organ Co., r s~~tJrTs,BITES, Savings an d I n Ve s t men t OIET 111.; ·'i<"'"'"'ti.Q,.._ '°" Funerals furnished in every r espect in th e very best styl es ;md a.t Everything good and cheap. Cash cu stomers will buy close: Call and ; prices lower than any other firm in tlie country, One of the finest inspect. Ko trouble to sl1ow goods. RAW F URS bought at high est cash prices. H ettrscs in the Province SENT ,FREE to any funeral :furnish ed by the ~.t:. JU. A y E' subscriber, within t en miles of Bowmanville. Il O\\'n1nn \·ille. Oct ober, I8i5. Aho, agent for Raymond's celebrated .Met allic Coffins, New York. n1nr knbl o at the money. --~ His (}rebc ancl Alnskn. onrdi stance all co mpetit.ion, y.-;:~Hia Caps, Collarela, ~luifs, MittH, &c., are nm.d e up in t h e ne\VCst and 111ust artistic sty_lCl. .1~·His Children's Furs a.re rare and vari0d , and arc just what fond tna1n1111.1s require for their pet11. pf: ... Then the Gent s' :Fu rnishi ngs e1ubrace everything in tl10 line: Shirts, Dm· crs; Socks, Collnrs, Dnfts, Nccktics, Braces, &c. UNDERTAKING -----------D tpp c && 9BM¥ H WiLUL&L& STOTT , AND DE ALER IN CHEMIST DRUGGIST' BOWJUA~N VILLB. LONDON, ON 1. L\. RI 0. TOW.N HALL .B t!IJ",DINGS, having be~n circulated that tho undersigned has been overcharging in 11 iB U ndertaking department, he begs to s ttlnnit the following figures, which he challeng@s any one to contradict:R eported a mount charged, $50 .. . . Actual a mount charged, $12. " " " :30. . . . " " " 9. (I " Druggs, Medicines and Chernic~ls, ! 45. . .. " a H · ,?:) , l)yc S t uffs, Patent Meilicines 1 P e-rfu1ne ry;· Brushes, Co1nbs, So:tp3, _Paints and " " "' 60. · , · 50 . . .. " ioO, 30. " Oils, Paint Brushes, Coal Oil, and Coal 011 La1nps, &c., 8.;c, PYYSICIANS' PlmSCIUP'l'IONS CAREFUJ,T,Y COMPOU NDED A ND A LL ORDE RS COUilEC'l'.LY ANSWERED. _7!.!li"' Far-1ners and I'hysi-ci-ct· us frorti the Co1vnflq1 iv1.ll )incl 6 t'r Stock of Mcr:Uc·in cs · .secl of the bc:1t qu ahtv. t'.o n-i " 29, 1870. 72. ... 50. 35 T h er e i8- ta b o " Sicknefrn, n1isr;ry n.n cl bloodshe d " in Spa.in , Port ugal , France and Egypt. Tho 14th is " dny heavily hung 1vith fat e f ot t h e OLt o1n an dyn a.s ty 1 o.nd London is to be the placo of "Scenes I 1 BESE1WE AND CONTINGEN1' FUND ..... . . .. ..... .. , .. , 60i000 .. 00 - is to be a.gain in person al danger. Tn1dt: o b . at Ne~v " ' (ork i~"i to receive agrea.tnnpctns . F . B. LEY, Marwg~ D. MA CFlE, Prcsiden £. "Air :_ u aiable and po pular princosg . ,p~rl i · cipa{ § in an evil intlucnce. .Tu An g u:> t Z:CElll~l~E1\'0E/:f lJY l 'EZ-l11'JISSI01,7 : we are co1lling n ea.rc r the crisis, :ind it , is to be a. period "mep1uraLle i-u the hi :5_l( ~r v GE(). i\'.l cG:l:LL, l!:sq , J\fa11 ager O ntari o B ~nk , Bo1\nHtnv--i lle of Europe. " 1\-f ars; hacked u p in :::-; ,1tu rn~, . . , ,. , ' VILLIA1vl ALLlSO :~r , E sq. , l\i. D., llo"n1.1. 11villc . ru a..kPs all Lhe fnu, alt ~1i:ug: h ·\: e11 u s hc~p.1£1 } _!:~on ~iu·ca 1816, _ a li tt le, for tho 0ppos1t·1 on of \T euu s w1t.J1( - -·- · "' ·= ·"' · """=~~~~~~~=~=~===~===~=~=~==~~= . lV I ars a.11d Sn.Lnrn OH I.h o J.4, t.h in dica.tes n. great pre vale_n ce of poison iu g anJ cru e1 t.f t o wou1e11 . I n 'l'urkr:y, son10 fearful i ncis. e.::. cr es will pr obttbl y ta1: o pla.('e. r\_~; M a r.'J wi ll bp retrogra de v.ftcr t ho 7th 1uay ho pci t hat t he fi o,v of h nn-.:1-n lJlO\Hl is now · ragmg at 1.1.ncl the b urn i1'lg of to wns 1.nay bo sLayei.1 ." J t. is, · inci eed, t>~ piLy t hat S· )llJcbOcly cou ldn't r et.r ogr ade l\i ars ~0111ew hat ~o o n or . " T h e lun ar c;cli pse of tho 2:Jrd wlll bri ng a c h a nge i 11 (hP. G.(1Vf:\ rn1ne n t of Grcntln·it ain. Scp t en1hel' b r i ngl-l no change fo r t he Uettc_r, . i'or we m;i.y l ,·,ok for f ntn rc tronblc ltl Turkey, aud pos~ibly a r eki ndling nf t.he Jl a111 ea of w:,\r in thn t. unfo rtun a.tc cou nt r y. A gre<.tt. nava.1 h ~· Ul e will be fough t 1 . hi~ month , and t1 1c wn.ves rnay again 111: dyed with Brit.1sh Lluod. l {.n,ilwn,y nocidcnts may be nLl Jllero u;;;; a nd d isast ers to ships ·will br_ i n g Joi;s and deso1a.tion ~o nuuiJ E ngl ish lu·111es. '11 h l~ pea,ce ot Spain is t o be p reserved , a nd th;:-re will be l:H:Jl'iou s p hysi cal nrHl polit.1ca1 Cvil ~ in 8ou t b. lirn er ica, ch iefly i n P a.t a,O"on i:::-. F ro rn tbP 4th to ti; e 8th , ; f Octoh e~ deeds of blood and slaughte r · wi ll Li!.:! lifo in Turkey, an d i~nd is determined to continue to sell at the ruinously low prices in E ngla!1d violen t d ca.ths will be ve.rr ch eap er than the cheapest. Why h e can do itprevalent. No_\'IT here is t he opportunity · cash and knows just h ow to buy. F irst, he buys fo1 tha.t the great Zu.d ki el s l:oukl uot, 11e glec~ . Seconll, what he can't buy cheap enough , he m:.nrnfactures. He crJrtai nlv has it a.U in hi ll Olfl1 hu.n·1s to prove tllis pi·nphccy, a.ud how happy Third, he is sati sfied with small profits. we ~h nuld be. A grt :1t naval ba.ttlc i s inFourth, he sells for cash : 1 d ica ted foL' t.11is mo nt h. l1h o eondition, Fi Cth , h e sells at bottom prices. hono r, glory and renow u of the peoples o f lndia are to be elevated, Cnnst,utin opl,c 04!LX..I... .A.N'DWSEEl FOR. Vc:>UR.ISEX..°VE.S nu1.y beccnn e an appendage of Great B ri...._ -AN n tain. M exico is to be h·.p picr; there arc B R , ING U R F RI E N D °'V I T I-J: U, t.o bo good crop,.;: ·an<l all who \V ere born . _. . on t,h e 22nd _ are to h&ve a happy. b i n liday. . 1i:x. ·a 1ninc t he stock, .which con1J?rl se-~ ev e\ythtng in the t.rade, of th e _ v ery latest and n1 ost ,. I · · 1·fog-uJ 1t st.ylcs a nd patterns, of E nglis h, Uan a drn.n , a nrl A mer ican manu facture. I n N overnb er the I\..1ug o f 1ta Y Jd aga.ln 1 , He st.ill conti nues t o 1 nanufo,cture to order, {rom_ tile !Jest or material, a nd non e but fi rst-class b uffeted by fortn T H' 1 p a1·t icuhirly on tho 1 wo1·lrn1 en kept , . of ~iolen ce.',' -The unha ppy King of Ithly 1\-Iorta~r,es rmrchased. :VIoney loaned upon real e st~ite on t11e most fa, vorable I ntornst allowed on deposits. vente d fro 1n a ttendin "" to Iny callin g, but three ap12lie11.Li ons of Dr . :t3ir11ban1n's R.l1eu1natiau1 and Gout H c1nody ga' o m e Lh a t relief from pu.111 and sti:ttD.ess w hich I did nc l. nxperience for the last t wo years, a nd afler eigh t d ay's u se tel'lllS , ortlli:.; remedy, I find n1yself enlire1} cu red. · I ~rwe th is stat ement to the public, to thq pro fcss1on, and to the incritR of Lhe genuine o:rti.ulc. Bownrnnvillc, March W. P. PROWER. 0 THE BRADBUR Y '-· - ·-----·----· J une 17th, 1876. DUNCAN McCALL UM, M,.cD . . . ._ ., .{8-ly. --~- 1 .M UR.J)OCH ---.....-.r.~-- B I G R LT S ::a::: NE vV .Ever~ l;t!-qerrshould see our stock of ""re Fall Goods I STAPLE Every buyer should see our stock of GOODS. ,.f REI...iEVENS I w. rYicMURTRY in vites the. a ttenLion of th e pubEc to his prcsent .Htock of NEW GOODS! just received for the fall trade, w h ieh Fancy Dress Goods. Every buyer should see our stock of he offers a.t such prices as must command public attention. STYLES AND BEST QUALITY. An in spection , of goods and prices resp ectfully solicited before BL...~CK LUSTRES. 0 Evei·y buyer should see our stock of N0 :i~·cl~~:~:c;;er;tock. 1 WES1'1END HOUSE. E~·ery Fancy Woolen Goods. A RE UNEQUALLED FOK y o s y o Purity of rrone and Beauty qf Finish. buyer should see our stock of Bowmanvi lle, Sept. 21, 1876, 9 th and 27th. . 1\Iilitary.atfairs will be tx> Orders Promptly E xecuted, and Good Jlits Guara nteed. t he fore. Tltc Oro 1'fn P.r1nco of G-er i:na1.1y · haa nn evil d iro ctill n 110-'Y ot)ertiting .·- - :-- :S:e ll aH i;1 stoe;knn endless variety of Ladie.s' and G-ent.e' Sura.toga 'l'rnnks, "\.,.a1iscs, etc., all o · 3 t ) wh it lt·he L. "ti ·t -·i'ra nco 1 "i sellin g cliea p for cash. Il · t ·b · · k o rs o e sw. wi ' 1 , J. c , . h St an d- -" BIG BOOT " drawn by t WO H 01ses, · h av e a little breathing time after long Reme1nber t e 01·t~at MILLINERY Goods W. E. PETRICK -s HAPI'Y ·ro I NFORM THE JN. ]HABITANTS of Bowmanville and sur. r~unll i ng Winding U p. -' OCTOBER 10th, 1875 . It is · my intcntioi1 on the - above date t o wind up the l011 gwinded credi t system, and sell only for CASII , ston ns. Dccc1nbe r 1s a fi t co~u pa.nf'o n for t.l~e tln·e?. preceding .1n onths, ~nd E n(Y'l and 1s to su1Ier t hrongh i nc1·eas ecl taxat i;n of thf: people of Great Brita.in, ow. i ng t o _ ,vars and r 1.u no rs of w::i r . 'l1h c 1ai.vs; t oo, will b e a.drninistcred 1 'i' ith h a n.;hness and seve.rity.J and .1hel'e wjll h o b u t littl e of t.hnt 1?011ce u.n'i l111nnony v,.· h ich shnn ld always be associated with Ohrist ru as.·- D iscord is too li kely to obtain , an d thf' people 1vi.ll sigh for 'the r ecovery of t ho~e li bertiP,s 1 w11ich I.heir for efather.i shed then· blood t o. obta.iu , ttu d ".vhich h a:ve b ~en ba... "le1y suTrendorcd i n th o present cen t ury nnd sacriliced lo bia.1u z non. r r h 11 s closes a yt:a.r of t r oub les. ~iay t he curtaiu ri~e iu 1878 up u11 co in m·o po;tcefu l pTotipcct., hght ~ c ucd taii:it ion an d oxtenSion of L i::ue liberty . · - - - ----..-~----- yearsof rnisfor tnue, aml th ere are t o he KING STREET ' BOWMANVI LLE , M. TRELEVEN. · Remember 1J ow rni1l1V illc , Oct ober 2nd, 187G ·. OTE THIS I ---- o---- Murdoch Bros 1s the place to buy your R ememqcr pountry that he h M Open ed his T EA S. or its equivalen t. It requires Hair-Dressing and Shaving Parlor s one door W est of lliurdoch Bro's store, wltere he hopes b y strict nttontion to bus,iness to ha\"S no argument to establish .\hat it is to tho advantage of botl1 buyer ard s. ~'.'.f ASON Murdoch Bro's is the place to buy Remember y o u ~· se ller to t.radc for r eady pay; the buy er thereby getting goods at LOWE R PIUO ES , nnd the seller bei ng saved from loss by bad .debts. We lhi nk - - has receiv ed-- u. share of tho public pat.ronngo. COFFEE then tlrnt all parties will concur in the wisdom of this oha; gc on our part. · .t\. BEAUl'll:' DL Jiol'>.STi' . ~ rhc r e is noth i11g 1 th at can cont.r ibu te so inueh -to rcn J~ r tlH:~ h or.s o beau t iful a11c1 0leg<:\ nt., to ip1pro>.:c h is cor; 2 ~tion .\)d n1ak e h in1 all lhat i is desirable, a.a " 1Jariey's Cun.i i t.iou P o wders HIS FALL - of'.-~which STOC K ' I _..., Specinl a t tenti o n pakl to dresain g Our goods will h er eafter be bought for CASH o.n ly, we and shall thcrcliy reap the advantage of large i'fadc discounts, which advant~gc '~w e nrc detertninml to give to our cus ton1crs. Parties purclrnsi ng from us Child1·en's hail'. To the Ladies. a1n prepared t o m a.1 c up Oo m·bin gs into Mi1rdoch Bro's is the place to buy your Rem em her an cl .c\r ::i.bia.n H eai c R cnni dy ;" it hns been uF.;:ed by u1any persons \vho ow n valuable 7 carr iage a.i1cf oth er horses with d ecicl:.':<l succfi58, an d so well pleased are thoy wit h it t h at i hey a!w 1.i ys keep it on h an d in c.nsc of ernergency ; it n1n.y ~u g_i ven a.t. all tirrio s with pcr ft!Ct sa.fc t.y. B.e1ncn1b er the name, au.U J:1eo lhat the sig n a ture of T -I n r d & Oo. is on cachpn.ck age. N ort.hr uµe a rnl ay111 a.n, Toron to Ont. 1 ptop r1et or~ fo1· Cantdn.. Soid by an 1ndici ne deal erP. BH.Y.a ~ 's ,\'-AFE l~s , (The groat pub cli eln edy,)have n owbc e nin us e ove rt we1 1- G-OOPS, he will sell- IS\vl tch es a.t sliort not w , lU;d'vould say t.hn.t no i fcnr-need be entertained by · t hem to co1uo to·iny Suga.rs. may th erefore depend upon getting goods at leas t ten per ce nt, cheaper t han under the old plan . Cheaper than any House - --o--- . lll Town. J p'lrlor, as cvr1J·thl.11g is 01·dc1·ly a nd reSpec ta.ble, Murdoch Bro'-s s tho place to buy your Om· stock will tb is Fall be more repleLe tlmn ever, and a still highcr closs of goods will be kept: 'Ve t.h croforo gua ra ntee tho grea test . CASH AND CHEAP GOODS HAVlNG . :i· ., C ROCKER'( sntisraction t.o all who may favor us with their potronoge. The following lines will be found full : l h <.1.vUaJeo a uico stock of Tobaccos 1 Meeri ,._.,., ..., , y years, he10ce il cannot te. said .!ha~ they _A l_-{,J~ nro on t.ri aJ '!l: oy- h av1) b oen thorrn~ghly. tri i.:id, an d t 1 cnno nnccd (on the au th ori ty of ) those whose lives <incl he"lth they have p resen cd) to be a snro, lrnrrnless ;rn d ernin cn tly saiuta.r y prep H.rat1on, a.nd if ta.ken in season will invariab~y curn _ _colcfa,co nghs l , - ~: J> THEI·l: _,,. .J.. \, EF'F "CI" d \l er·P1"pes"1' oarc"ses c·garlroll Remember ·u· · , )sc bum . ~ an o -1 , .J..'> i 1 · --o-· H" - pal 'd f 0r Butter and Eg&rs lgh.es t p - rice '-' . . . I ers, Ciga1 s, &c., which ·will be s0ld CHEAP AS THE CHEAI'EST. Re1nen1ber t h e place-Sig n of th e largo lU~D. 'VHITE~& Murdoch Bro's / is the place to lmy the BEST and , OH.E.APE ST ,Go ods kep t in town /- O N E DOOii \VE"l'I' OF EXPRESS O F l<'ICI':. Bowmanville October, 1876. sore throa t;, a11 d all f,ro nch1al affechons. One f:;i,ir tria l will con v~n ?e t he rnof'.i ~k c p- 1 S · MASON · CENTS' SUITS AHO SHIRTS BowMANVILLE, R eadJJ-inade Clo!hing , Clqths, T weeds, D ress Goods, S ilks, Shawls, Shrts, Cottons, Winceys, Blan/m's, Buffalo Robes, & c.,&c. made to orde r in city styles, on shortest notice October 1, 187 5 . BLUE POJ.,E, tical. Sold by all medicrne dealers,2o cts. per box. King St reet Boi,vmanv.il I YIC'l'U BUTLDTNGS, Bowmanville, Septembor 22, 1875, / s. F_ HILL