· · Every ~llUl~~1~~an::b~,~~~~ntllU I a: htu·sday at the ltlo1 n111g I by the P.roprioto WM. R. CLIMIE OFFlCE-Post Office Block KIN'1 SIREBl Il( WMANVILLE ONI THE MERCHANT." NO. 29. C0 L D A N0 SI L VE R I -AND- UNDER TA KIN C BUS INES SI KEPT AND SOLD ::' :t A GOOD SUPPLY OF young UNUf RTAKING fURNISHINGS ALWAYS ON HAND SELECTING A TRossY One day last week a powerlully bu It young man to vhoae arm was linked a tall thin girl of e1ghtee \Vlth n. sharp nose pale blue eyes and na r the color of an old kmfe handle entered " Srx:th avenue store wrth the r eyes full of busrness As the pan took seats a clerk rntrmated that he was ready to make bottom prrces on any good· rn the store from the finest silk to the glaziest calrco Tins is kmder dclrcate b rsllless for us replred the young an castrng sheep s eyea at the girl !hat is to say-thtB-yeo- ahem l stammered the clerk But I guess well hve through 1t Molly and so here goes \\hat ~4": \'\ant is a trossy for this grrl a bndal troasy I be lreve they call rt Thats exactly what they call an l now tell me plied th e clerk article· you want and I 11 grve our lo fig urea The pa r looked at each otl er i i a fool tBh way for a mrnute and then the grrl hrd her face behmd a stack of goods ~ Lrttle skeery but sl e II get over t mused the Jover The first tlung I NEW ST RE! NEW GOODST BowMANVILLE H OMCEOPATHIS'l Office ever the Post Office $1000000 HEAD OF.FICE n E ltlciUdlan, Mcinnes Block King .St:Yee/ HAMILTON ONT OLOOKS CHAINR JEWELLE.RY, FORKS SPOONS &o lowest prices More goods to arr e &u CC'S .All of vhich ar.e ne v ulean and will be sold at Call and see our s ock nnd learn pr tmrchasing elsewhere tJI" No trouble to show goods Ilowmanv le Sept 27 1876 befor FIRST First Prize I JUST AS USUAL. Con e and see the Franz ru d Pope kn tting mo.ch ne half way between Bo"'Tuanville and :Newcastle at the old 1 otel s and (0 1 ods ' est of the lownL 1 e HNll Fl.NG MA.C:HJNE~ sho\"img her face Well we II go a leetle better then though cahco is my i otto Hand us do vn son ctl11n0 about 20c per yard Give us FOR$ UE · Add ess CHAS KENNEDY Bowma.nt 1lle Post Office y do' e color f01 doHs are n eek ar d lovely and ao s Molly Twelve yarda of dove colored goods" me c t off and Zeke looked around &nd sa d Le·s see I spose a back comb two yards of blue ribbon a bunch of harr pms and two or throe colla s o ght to fig1 re m somewheni The clerk agreed and they were figure d F' ~~ ;NO Q :a: Lesa see T HOSKIN OIL POLISHr enced o k aga no h sown account a dbasop neda NEWTINSHOP est of Messrs to stand up in an l her shoes lion t sl o'v if she has a long dress on and I guess thats about all isn t rt Molly l 1 he girl bl usl ed 'ery red him closet.': a 1d after a m n itc l e t 1rned to the clerk a 1d sard - have pleasure in informing the THE DOMINION I ubhc th~t I ha"e reopened m BOWMAN\ ILLE my old st.'Lnd (two doors v\ est of the Post Office) CAPITAL PAID UP with an entire new lORONTO HEAD OFFICE stock of fresh BRANCHE I arrtago come off 'l SI es a good girl In about ten daJ s FA.Rltl FOK FAMILY GROCERIES My arm shall be to KEEP the BEST AND SELL AT THE 0RILLIA ConouRo BO"\V~lA"N "ILLE I OsH.!.WA WHI'.l:.BY °CXBRIOOE a d loves me and I am try ng to do tho fa r th ng by her Ta t mai yo ng nren ·ho "ould put up seveI or eight dollars for a bridle trossy for h10 g rl b It when l n ake up wy rurnd to marry Im almost Shs lrdn t need reckless as to wealth LO-W-EST POSSIBLE PRICE Th sere ha\e dctern med to adopt th& illo June 8 18 NEW TAILOR SHOP JOHN HEAL, behevmg it to be advantageour NOT ONLY to 1HE BUYER but also to the SELI ER PARCELS DELIVERED CASH SYSTEM, to ALL PARTS of the town with B to gc era ly that he has removed he b B css he shop 0111 o s te the 1£xprees offi e HaVIDg 1 ad sevc al years exper ence n the ade he ho pes to sat s1) an who rr ay fa"\ or hmwt aca EGS TO INFORM THE PUllLIO promptncse GOOD FITS Bowmanville. Oct 1J GUARANTEED 1876, (10-tf) Highest puce paid fo1 all kmds oj produce Come gal Money to Loan! (ll JOHN McMURTRY THE WA NT SUP PU ED. GRAPE VINES ~MALL FRUIES ORNAMENTAL LOMBER SHINGIES LATH POSTS and SQUARE rIMBER --o-The subscriber would , also announce that he has on bar l a first clae· stock of Cigars Tobaccos Pipes and smoker.a sundries CALL AND SEE US SMOKERS ·· ' there at hrs, feet was the farmer s lrttle da ighter he1 careless nurse n aid leanuig on the fence talkrno; to o ie of the men D MORRISON Bowruanv lle Aug 10 1876 It.A"l.'NES & CO Bo 8 f me I an prepared to furnish a 1 kinds of 110 re you Doyou ell e1 on~h to George Good"m wa· not a man to do thlllg· by hal:ves He had repented of hIB hasty marriage-of the haste of 1t that is to say- and he began courting his "ife as b it few mardens are courted He consult ed Lavna a about everythmg ways and means moluded aad '"'" not above help I Or 0 A ~ F rHERE IS GREASE PAINT OR Oc ober ~ 1£75 A UTHORIZED DISCO ONT on Amer can Iuvo ces int 1 farther not ce 2 pe J JOHNSON !)p:tµJ J~llef: of Customs D rt on your ga.rme t" I clean them if they a.re faded, I w 11 br ng t hem to the r natural color and make them HO that Io man vn.ll know them from new Sa.tlsfa.ction gtJ1J,r2tnteed or no charge THOMAS f!El\.Tjl) Reno¥ator ,q.nd Clatl Clothes Cleaner UT Oppos e T IJoa.r ,alackSIIJ. th s.ha p ' 1 Bowm·p.vllle Obtober 12 is7q, !I tt wili Fruit and Ornamental Trees, l FJ O"ERS AND SIIRUBS l'eeth Eitracte!l. Without P<;m J !YI ·lll BRlM.A.00~1Blll LD S 1 trees f) lune "ore on and grud at the lo68 wore off but one 1 Ight hrs former tl>e wiie appeared t !um m a dream forl l of an a gel Tho once belo\ ed in trodt ced to the solrtary 1 an a woman who n sho w! spered was to be h s seco d Wlfe The face was a. strange ene b it the forn1 and features 'vere m ch 1mp1 es ~d on the m n l of the ma Se cral eks passecl on b It I e failed to find a ·o r ar e faee correspondmg wrth the 1 keness ho carr1e l in 11& heart until ore day a. far one passed hm m the street The mystery "as solved the dream had partly co e true-but the :r-on1an was a stran~e Time ho\vever works out such ruatters,, and a few weeks after the t va u met at a !'arty became acquau te I and th6 SBL[UeH was that the dream as fo lly real zed Tl e couple are no v hvrng1 m 1 app ness at Ire Chandrere -0(~'*""' "fll ee P r s - -- - - -