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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1877, p. 3

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, CANADIAN STATESlVlAN AND MERCHANT, BOWMANVILLE, THURSD~Y, :FEBRUARY 15, 1877 ~:'::;(!IUWO __!!!!' Malcolm Galbraith Esq., Treasurer, CARPENTERS' :Ln account with the Municipality. SUPPLY DEPOT! of the Town of Bowmanville, for . the year ending Dec. 31st, 1876. j Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings., &c., I OuT --FOR--- l·'or Sale. F, T. HOSKIN offers his property on Chure.h strcc.t for ·Sn.le. Tin1e "viU be given to suit purchaser. For further apply to F. T, HOSKIN, Bowmanvillo, Jan. 23, 18'/7, 26. The subscriber bogs n1ost respec tfully to inform the Carpenters, Builders, ltnd IJfLrtles intend~ ing to build, that he can supvly The 1877th Year! ----:o:---Dming this year (as usual) l arge portions of Deo. 31, 1876. Dec. 31, 1876, 2 67 ·· . ~1938 87 By Cash paid for loss, Sheep by Dogs . . $ To Ollsh on hand 31st Dec., 187r., " " For School purposes... ... 6306 11 . · ·· recelved on account " " County rate .. .... ,...... . . . 2669 30 than t11cy can be bought from anY othe rs in t;his · Public Scbools.. ...... $448 00 Watering streets. ......... 195 00 locality. 4·pano}, kiln-dr1cddmn·s, moulded Fromtavet·n,shopa.nd · Debenture Coupons. . . . . . . 2274 t~ two sides, fr0'1n $1.GO ; .sa15l1 from 3 ~- cents other Licenses . . . . . . . . 652 !12 Salaries ... ... .. ... . · .. .. . . . ll\B3 ~;> per light ; out!;iidc Ven~tian bhnds, On a._ c count of fines .. I 295 35 Indigent Poor..... . ....... 6.52 52 fron1~1.25_ per~i ndow. Fron1 Collector of . Town 'l'axes.. .. . . . . . . 13928 92 Sundries""" " """"'" Z.JZ rn Chief Constable.:. ho.It fines _ On account of Public imposed for lruraction of Property ,.,.·hich in~ 72 00 License La;vr .... .· ·..·. · · · eludes l\.:iarket Build~ and jobbing attended to on shortest notice by 'fwo Debentures.......... . 2425 00 in~ s, Town flall, Ha.y 697 76 Public Properly ..... . ·.... Scales, Cemetel"y, &.c. 1264. 50 2191 05 " " Hoa.ds & StreetH .. . ...... . . EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. Col1ccted from several Balance in 'l'reasuret;'s bands on Dec. persOns for extr&Side· 31st, 1870 ..... . .... :· ...... , . . ... .. . . ~184 91· Also uu ·hand a good supply of walks ................. ,~ 113637 31 Ltlllnber, Lath, Sldnyles, s.Ulin.g, ·.F'loori:11i[J, ie1576 21 $21576 21 CHEAPER ~-~·. . _ . · Dcbentu1·es tol" Sale. ESTIMATES GIVEN BARGAINS-! - - A T- -- offer for s1:1.le Five Debe ntures ot the Vilage of New-castle, value $63.-l each, bearing interestat at even percent, Fo1· Curtbcrparticularl! appJy to T HE NEWOAST.LE HARBOUR 00. IL KICHOLSON, ec. Newcastle HarborCo 4 Townships, including the be supplied or 5 Bowmanville. Remotest Corners thereof, will with Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., by COAL&WOOD, all of which will be sold Audited and found correct. FRANCIS STUART, .} CHARLES KEITH. . Auditors. McCLUNG BROTHERS, Cheap for CASH1 · HOUSEHOLD COAL , delivered in town, ~6. SATIS1".A.U'l'IUN" GL!.lltAN"TEED, and a callre spectfully solicited b efore purchasing elsewhere Shop and yard in rear ofR. Vl. J;;i.mes' Implement Depot, King SL. BLACK8MThH COAL, at $5.&5, BROS.' ON :AND AFTER THIRTY :--:-:o:-:--: DAYS T. T~e~ have Come ana are Coming --AT- JY-CcJY-[URTR-Y Will s~ll \.V. ll~cStl"A..DDEN. (18-ly, T. DARLINCTON'S FRUIT DEPOT ! Frosh Sea Herrings, Fresh Cod and Haddock, Smoked Halilmt Finnan lladd!es, Yarmouth Bl~aters, Extra Scaled lferri.ngs, Cod Fi3h a.nd Boneless Cod Fish, Labra.dor _llerrings, Sea. Saln1on and \Vhite E'ish. T HEY THINK T II E Y understand the PHILOSOPHY of which fact they intend the l{alance of his Winter Stock for Thirty Days . at of sel1ing CHEAP GOODS; to ··· Notice GREATLY R .EDUOED BEFORE STOCK 1'AKING; NAMELY: PRICES! BL_ ANKETS, __ __ DRESS GOO:QS, FLANNELS, SHAWLS, SHIRTS & DRAWERS, "VINCEYS, FANOY WOOL GOODS, CLOUDS, &c. Persons wanting the above Hoods will .find it to their advantage to call before purchasing el~ewhere, W. llfolliURTRY. February, 1877. expiration of twenty days f ron1 llie first publi~at.ion 0£ this notice, appl~cation 'Nill be inade t o the Court or" t he U nitntl Gonnti~s of Northu1nberland and Di.if"h11,.m, ai:"Ccrb.OUJ'g,on'"" behalf of · Isabella Lea-sk, of tl1e Townsh ip of Dar1iugton, \Vido·Y of V\'illia m Leask, late of the said Tow nBhip 1 yooroan, ,f orletters of guardianship, constituting her, t he said Isabella Leask, gna1·dian of A lexander Leas !~, John Leask. Robert Leask , David Leask, and El1en Leask; infant of t·t. 1e said V\.'"illiam Leaak, deceased . · Osha\va.. Solicitors for Isahella Lrosk. Dated 19Lb JannarY, 1877. .26-3w. I S HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT THE JELLIES AND JAMS. give abundant and satisfying PROOF during THURSDAY, 8th FEBRUARY. THE J~t rec~ived - ~t D~rltngton's Depot, Red Currant Jelltes 1 Black Currant J:elly. Stra\\--berry Jam, Plum, Raspberry, Gooscberr+-, _ Green GageJams · . Just, to hand at the Depot,a choice lot of McGEE & JONES, wuo;LE OF THEIR CANNED PEACHES, RASPBERRIES, STHA WB~RRIES, PINE APPLES nnd QUINCE. Also GREEN PEAS, GREEN COHN, GitEEN BEANS and TOMATOES. TE.A.SI T .E.A.SI! The finest 1' and the oheapestTeaS, ·GREEN, BLACK and JAPA:'.:'-.1 , arc for sale at'!'. Darlington's Depot. 4lJ,1LITY I S THE TEST OF CllEAPNF.SS ! This 1877th Year EVER,Y'EO .DYS::S:::OULD USE T. G. DAR LE Y'S STORE Will Te-open after the repairs (consequent upon. the late fire) are completed, and will appear like lllilton Gold ~!reweh·y. addi"ess.1 elega1it Gents;\\ratch Chain w"ith Seal, I pair Sleeve · Butt.on::i,_ 1 se_t S.hirt S tn_d?, 1 Collar' Buttc n, 1_ heavy plai.u Ring. 1 Par1s1an Dinn1ondl:'in. Het, price e3.00. $100,QOO stock inust be sold. 1Jlm:1trated . cat11.lo~e ofJe>velr~-, watchcs,&.c.,sertt with every lot.· ~ilver, good time keeper, $4. Watch free to a ll agm1ts. F OR GO CENTS we will se11d to any DRY GOODS STOCK MUST BE 'l'. DARLINGTON, Bo v."DJ.anville, Jan. 24, 1877. (26 a JV!()XTREAL NOVEL'l'Y CO, PHCENIX FROM- ITS ASHES .! SEE FURTHER ADVERTISEMENTS Importers, Montreal, P. Q. SOLD In Chancery. In the ]i.fa.tter of Partition Fer Sale-.--Bargains ! ONE THESHING MACHINE, ueady ne\v, Oshawa make ; Alexander Rose, Plaintiff, -AND- . BETWEEN BREAD supplied as usual, at the Store opposite, one door west of Mr. Bouinsall's 1\iarble works. ONE HORSEPOWER, nearly new, lVIassy Mfg. Co. n1; ONE CLOVER MILL, in good order · Apply_ to the under~igned at his Boot and Shoe store, Post Office Block. , F. BORL...:\.ND. Bo-..vmanvillc, J nn. 17, 187 · 1~01· THE GROCERY BUSINESS · George Swan, D avi_ t?- Swan, ~ictrew Swan, . William Rose, John Fletcher, Mary Ann Fletcher, and ,Janet Swan, Defendants, Bowmanvllle, January .31, 18n, T. G. DARLEY. P URSUANT \VILL BE · CARRIED ON AS USUAL. '.CO AN ORDER FOR · .§aie. Good locality for btisiness." : Two ;;tor·i es high; ~ontains fourteen rooms; good cellar; hard and soft water; and other conveniences. For terms ~nd other pa..r. t1culars enquire on the llrcmises, one door east of 1\1. T'rcleven's boot and shoe store. ]'RAME DWELLING HOUSE, T HE situated on King St. sale made in this maiter direoiing t"he Iteal RepreHentative to sell the lands and premises hereiuafternamed and bearing date the 23rd rlay of October, A. D. , 1876, there -..vill be sold with the approbation of me, the I tea1 Itepresentative aforesaid, by Stephen Chesterfield, Auctioneer, at Rnebottom'i:i Hotel, in the Town of Bowma.oville, at the hour of t welve o'clock, noon, on the IG B ARGAINS Ill · B ED LAN KETS. 10th day of MARCH, A. D. 1877, their stock of U I L T S very low, O FFERING QUALITY[is_right. V E R C 0 A T S at about cost. BARG ~.\..INS IN JOSEPH T,YNDEN, 1 _ Bowman,·We, .Ja.n.15th, 1877. 25-tf, Great Clearance Sale Tl -W-.A..N'I. ED I . ---OF~-1 AT THE U.PPEROANADA FURNI'l'URECO. CROCKERY and , GLASSWARE. Bowmanville, February Gth, 1876: Boots and.Shoes :For the iiext Thirty 500 GO RDS BIRCH &MAPLE LOGS, 6 to 12 inches in diameter and 12 to 15 feet Jong . Bov11nltnvil1e, Jan. 17, 1877, 25-tf.2ilj (3 0) Days at .4. Wanted, Cbest·er, EsSi!X Uo~~-:A:d'cfreBB,!:!LD.tu1gsalary ---·- GRJi]AT .L Y REDUQED ~F.RIQES -= to- make rooin for Spi·ing Goods. . · rt._ ro.ulc, ior S. - S. No.~lG 'l'o-...0._sbip..Q__f ColcE. DUNSTA1'T, Sec. 'l'reas.. ,, _ Gcsto, Ont. --~~-· SCHOOL 'fEAOHEH, Male 01· Fe. exptctcd, to 2Q.I, ·' Women's Goat-foxed Best Felt Boots worth $2.50 for $L7il. Plain 2.00 1..50. also Men's, Women's and Children's Boots of de8criptions at corre·s'"7pondingly low rates for CASH. all Leatlf~:i·-.-and. Findi11gs for the trade always on hand. Leave your order with I I 138 part of Lot No. 1, 9th con. D a rlrng-· I ton; about 70 acres cleared, an d the balance -..veil ACRES, BEING OOllIPOSDD . of F ar1n f'o:r Sale, EXTENSIVE SALE ---OF--- the following lands and premises, that is to say 'l'own Lot, No. 14.G, in Block "I," fronting on NDER SKIRTS RESS GOODS, cheapest' in the country, Church Slreet. in the Town of Bown1an ville, in the oounty of Durhan1. ENY IT who can ! . NDErt. COST. T.he terms of the sale shall be as follows :-~rhe P.u.rchaser shall at the time of sale pay down a deposit of ten per cent. on the amount of the purchase money to the Vendor or his Solicitor, HE CHOICEST and shall pay enough therewith to 1nake np one~ HE .PUREST . . third of the wh~lepurcµ money in one month HE BEsT ~ter the sale -.....-1thout lllterest,ancl the balance in one year after t he date of sale with interest HE CHEAPEST at six pe~ cent. per a unu1n_ The purchaser shall upon paymci;i.t of one-thirµ of the purchase money be entitled to a conveyance ·whioh i:ihall be at his own expense. The vendor will prepare and regisOOr the mortl{age at hiH n-wn expense. In case of default bv the pul'chaser the deposit shall be forfeited. Thcce ..,-,rill be a 1·eser\red. bid. Further part,iculars and conditions of sale can be had from Messrs. 1\-tcDougalJ s & Gordon Vendors' 8olicitors, Toronto, alld J\fessrs Blake: Kerr & Boyd, Banisters, &c., 1'oronto, and , .B o . WMt\NVILLE, 4th Ja:i:tu . a_ r v, ~ §~pheJ! .9.4csterf!eld, J\.. u.ctio;ri.eer ,.Jlowmanville. l "'""""""""""'="""="'=.,;;,,,.,.;,=;,;;:;,:;; -·=,;;;;';;:;;;;;:o;~;;,,,,,;;;,;;;,,,;,,,.,,;;;,,,.,,,,;;.,,,~,,, -;;; .~ ,,, ,.==;;= G. M, BOSWELL, Real Representative, Northumberland & Durham. Cob ourg, N ovember 20th, 1876. 19-3m. D T T.EA 1877'_ . U at McClung Bros.' This. 1877th Year . 2 ·- - --- - - -- WM. JENNINGS if you want wooded wit,h pine and oak. If not ~olU by the ht of April next, the c1P.<tre<1 -portion ·v1ll bfl I eased. For pal·ticulars enquire u! . S B. BY A.DSHA W ·- - - -··· DR..Y- G-OODS I - - A T -- first class Stock and tip top fits at low prices, - Sale ! -OF- 1 OUR TER:::MS ..A.R E C.A..S.H __ Don't. forget the stand :-POST Ol<FICE BLOCK. TAKE A LOOK AT the SPECillli:N PI-10'1.'0S to b~ founcl H IN THE ART GALLEitY OF i I y E N .. E. --All persons owing me will please settle as .soon as possible by Cash or TAIT A~D Note with F ..Borland, and oblige, Bowmnnville, Jan, 16, 1877, JOHN BORLAND. AnTHUR, Ten1pcrnnce sti·eet.- F'. BORL_,'\.ND. MASON'S. BEFORE st..ay HeiCcI". Darlin~ton, YELLOWLE.ES & QUICK HEIFElt, st-Ock. - nmoun ting to about $3Jl00- at and below N.oPHOTO.S .. SllO\VN b11t .w1ui.t arc OoNF. BY 'l'I-iE lVlSELVES; D Q STOC ·: K T..A..K:ING WE WILL TO ANNOUNCE TO THE INAME TO THE l'ltEMISES OF THE B EG hnbitants of Bo,·ille and surrounding O · subscriber, lot Gb 8th con. in country that they arc selling out their w·hole September last, a RE WHITE coming two rears old. O·vner requested .to pay expenses and take .her a'yay. AND ' t hey good AND YOU WILL FIND THEM RmH1' AND TrtUE TO LIFE. 0 c y I N VVINTER DRY GOODS · - -- - - -- - - - - - -- -- cost. The stock collsists of iJOOKS, WM, ~'.ARRICLL, Darlington~ Feb. 7th, 1877.. 28-3ln-~ STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, _ Bow111a11ville lllaclline Co, WINDOW SHADES, OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT PICTURES AND PICTURE-FRAMES, t.he annual generi:i.1 of the Shareholders of this Con1pany will be held at the of· PICTURE-1\iOGLDING, T .A.KB NO'l'E also of tl1eil' stock of H AN DSOME FI:t.A)..TES, which P SELL THE BALANCE --OF OUR-- quELPH - -- : o : - - ·' u WILL FIND LESS IN PRICE than N Jf\c.A ol the Comptmy,cornerChurchandDivJsion Streets\ BowmanviUe. on Monday the 19th inst., lit 3 o·c ock in the afternoon. _ . rl'.h e business to be transacted' -..vill be the rt;· e.e.ptian of the Direotors' report, Election of D~· rectors' for the ensuing year.and any other bns1· i. 'ess that may properly "be entertained by such m ·eeting. . GF:ORGE S. SHAW, Pt·csi<l<nt, GOLD & SILVER PLATED WARE, Jfi.nuary 4, 1877. WORKBOXES1 VALUABLE WRITING DESKS, LADIES' COMP ANIONS, I111provcd J;'ar1n .fo1· OARD OASES, VASES, LARGE&;, S:vIALL CUPS ~fUGS R ·ro BE FOUND IN BOWMANVILLE. G ALSO. 23 Fall and Winter Dry Goods Sewing Machine COMPANY. A 'T COSTT THE OSBORN. KING OF AMERICAN SEWING MACHINES F. F. lVI.oARTJ:IR >yILL SELL HIS 01'1E l)OOR \VE!!i.'I' OF EXPRESS OFFICE. ~ale. Bowmanville, February, 1876. 1loi.v1uanville, Feb. 7th, 1877, (28,2in) TH'E~LD SCOTCH SANGS ! I -. A LARGE LOT o~· North half of Lot 7, in 3rd con, B EING or acres, & SAUCERS, TOILET SE'l'S, CHIN.'\. & 'rTN TOYS, Wednestray, FebI"uary !lJ. sTEnEoscoPEs & sTERF:oscoPE vrnws, o~"' 'E XIGBT ONL'l', TOWN ' HALL, BOWMANVILLE, GR.AND SCO'l'TI6H ICNTERTAINMEN'r ! First ~nd only appt!ara.nce of those ftnnous Scottish Artists MISS ISA ROBERTSON, MR. JAMES LUMSDEN, --J.ND-- and a large quantity of Fancy Goods too numer· onsto mention. AIL must he sold .by tho 1st of . April next--regardless of Pnoe. N. B.- All accounts. duE> to the abate Firm in note or account must be paid by the 15th; and all claims against th.e Firm must be handed in before that date, Eldon, cont aining IOQ nearly all a red and. in a good state of cultivn.tion. _'£be.rt;! on ·the fa.rm o. comfortable Log HouHe, 11'ran1eJJa:rn, a11d other outbuilding_s, together with a ggod orchard. Nearly all fall plougb ed. It is conveniently located for schools, church es, railroads and markets, beinl:{ only ono mile fr!)lll ~ Argyle and Midland Junctmn, and three m~l es \ fl·oo1 ~.,. oodville. To parties de1:1irous oflocat1ug ' in a good farming district~- or i n vesting in a first class farm this presents a rare OPJ?OrtunitJ( .Posscsssion given early in_ the '3pnng. -Title inclisputa ble. . Stoek and lhn1tl c1n cuts on Ll1e farin can be bought at a valuation. __ For f1}rLher particulars apply to A . G. CAJ\.IPBELL. Lornev ille, P. 0., LAUCilLTN CURRIE, _ l lartlHy. p O Executors of the ei~t.ate of ~ate D. J\:f1:Inof Ehl.on, or to '~ · frUDSPE'l'H, Linilsay. Lorneville, Ju.n. 11 1877. 25-fh\'. Entire Stock Without Reserve ! ..A.. T .... :: ::::: : :: :::: ::: :· : :: ::: : :::::: :·.::::·:.::::·:.:::.":.: .... CO ST_ tiro; ::::::::::::AT:::::::::::: ... ............... :::',','.::·:::.::·:::.::,--·:,: : :·::::: :·--:· :::::: ::::" :-::::: LOGK-STIGH }111\'e SE\!~NG MG HINE 1 i\ffSS .TESSIE LUMSDEN. A.dmis~ton 25 CenU. Conl.Dlenclug at Elgbl. YELLOWLF:ES Bo,Ymanvillo, Jan. :n, 1876. & QUICK, 27, !UONEY 1:9 LOAN! instalment or ot herwise. T_erllitS of pay ] 1ner1L \·till b e extended fron1 one to twentyyea1-s l to suit tho conveni_ e nee of the borrower. 1 Apply to W, :ii. HORSE:,,_, I a t tbe Office of theBo\vn1anville 1\iacli ------~-~~~~~-. ~~- V<&luable P1·01·erty. f'o1· Sale 20 and 21, 9th c<n1. Darlington. Good land, -..vell fenced, good dwelling a.nJ. ba--rns, good \Yater. W i thin quarter inile of gravel road. pr.ick tl'velling ~nd t acre ~und on 9hurch st,., IJowmanville, rooms m an.ft dwcllmg, lnclud· ing dining roomNme 28_x 15 i hard soft v.· in b_uilding; fruit trees; good ~table and driving house~ DINN A FORGET, WEDNESDAY 21st. O N HEAL ESTATE, to be repaid hy EAS ... TON'.S . . ··:::: :::::: :::::: :·:·:::.::·:·:.:: :::::: :::::: ,:.::;:: ::: :: : :::::: :::::: :::::: lllQ ·"' r;;. 0 AORES, being compO·ed of Lots BOOK & STATIONARY DEPOT ! :::::: :::::: =:=:·:o:=:=: ::·:::: =~-:-:_:: .AD.A:·are now using these Machines:. '!'hey bee n tested beyond a.11 question, make the fa.vorit.e lock-s.tich, alike on both sides, and are pl"ononncecl RUporior t.o any other machine oifered to the puhlic. For wide range of work, perfect.ion, beauty and excellence of mcchn.nism, ada ptalJility. _strength n.nd durability T HOUSANDS THROUGHOUT OAN- 1 GREAT BARGAINS---SUCH AS · -· ANOTHER Wax Dolls, \Vriting Desks, ::: ::: :: :::: ::: ::: :: ::: : ::::'.: :::::: :,::::: :: :::::: :"::::: :::::: ":::::: ::::: : THE OSBORN SEWING MACHINE ,tlASNO RIVAL, 'I mprovements have l ately been made. enabl ing: the ma1111fuc l,urerfl to cla. in1 it as the Ne p inUltra of Sewing J\{ach ilies. Hu11dreds of. testi~ monials nre being received rlaily fr01n o1d a.s . well as new operat ors a t testing its wonderful capabilities, Will do all kinds of domestic sewing from the :finest cambric to the coarsest overcoat or up_per leathe"r. BIG PUSH ---AT--- Real Estate ·'-'or Sale! J. I -]'our """"' on, Li~~rff, street, Bowmanvile, I TIU. i ESTA'fE IjA'.rE. THOS. 11nder excellent BROWN is offered for i11 "'hole or Ul ~ultna o~. OF TRE sal~ . boxes, :Motto Cups W. T. SCOTT'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, Where competition is Terms liberal. For particulars. apply to :r RICHARD &HA\\ · Bowman,,ine, Jan. 8, 1877. part, Seven Brick Dwellings, dei:intbly situat ed as follows:· ' The H · o1nesteacl, ~~e~~--~~~~~~~1~a~;. Toilet Sets, Skates, Sleighs, PictiU:es; J\1ii~ . . . ........... . ....... .. ........ ,· ..... . ...... ............................ .......... ........................ ..... ..... . ........ ............. ............ sic, Satchels and Miscellaneous Books, &c. ::::: : ::::t:: :::::: ::::::; : :::::: :::::': :::::; :::;:: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: .. .... & · Saucer.s, ' Vases, ···::: :::::: ::::: : :::::: :-.::·.--·. :::::: ; ::::: :::-- · ................. . lOc. Gray Cottons ...................... for 8c. 80 Q. T wee d .. ,,..,,,..,..... ... ················ ,, 65c. defie~. I l·'at·m tor Sale. Col. - Cubit t, Mayor. . He has the largest and best assort1ncnt of , -- BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, Ever offered for Sale in Bowmanville, · . c.ALLA;ND sliE FoJt youRsELvES 1 n (ALL .ARE Wl!:LCOME !. . . ii COME ONE, COl\!E ALI!i ! W, T, SCOTT, Ordered "\\·ork pron1ptly attendeil to. None b"µt .the best stOck used ; aD;.d execut.eil _by ·vorkm~n second to none in the _ province. jj REME MB.ER TilE OLD ST.A ND : J..iAGE of 'l'yronc, :with good. dwelling house. barn suitable o'llt-buildings and a Stave and !leading ]factory driven by ·wuter 110-\ver. Also 1'.s oran Acre in the Village of Ty,onc, · Brick Dwelli ng (double) gi~~t ~ with a commodious dwelling and out-buildings '-.,J thereon. A Cooncrs shop and sheds; and a present occupied .b y .l., Esq., co11ector r i: "'1our b arre!St.aves a nd Hoad- of Customs. Gard en a.t,t i.tched . ' · o. large quantity on . King S keet, at 0 , pi·esent. ing. Will be sold in parts to_ smt purchasers.I'lC "\\ illl;-:, occnph'!d 'l'erm s oasy. Applp t-o .A. YOUNIE, l\fr. John l\'.Iurdoch. ~Iost conrr~r~i:i.ble res1 'l'yronc. donce wit h good garden and outb111lrhngs. . 149 ACRES, ADJOINING THEv·I L · Large a!ld. con1modious dwelling good barn aud outbu1hlings, ~ud one of the be~t fruit an cl vcgctn.ble gardens 1;ll to,~·n. · 1 81 1",:,1,,-1Kta µug lu t e". "" Brick Dwellimr u d y occupied by the undersigned. - fonrteen roon1s besides closets, etc.,-onc of the most co1nplete reside11cesin to>Yn. Good garden n t.t & ched . . 60c. Wool Shi·rts & Drawers " 45c. _ N""' GOODS at abovt HALF-PRICE ............ .... .... · ................ ...... . _ « to l1e aAq 1·e1we.qented, er no sale Warranted: for three years. .· ······ ·················· .........·. ······· -·············· ........ ..· . .......·.. . .....................·.. . .... .. . ..... .. ............ l\io'l'1:0 - "Nim ble sixpence bet ter th~n -a slow poking shl]Jing." B , k D , ell' br '""" ,Blank Books, lnks, Writing . Paper, Envelopes, " " " ······ ...................................... .. .... " ' " ' " ' ... ............ .. .. Bibles, Church Services, Hym_i1 Books, Albums, " ""' " " ··" " '"" ' "'"' '." "' "' " """ ; · ~ . : · 'fhe 06born Outfit is complete and readily comprehended. It is sold at one half the price hit,hP.1·to charged for Machines doing a like range oi ·work, the mannfacturers being determined to place it ·vit.hin '"each of O\rery f111nily in the c.:ount,ry. A trial before ....t rcha.sing ·will convince all thaL our lnachines are unequalled. 20c. Dress Goods ...... ............... .. " 15 J. 16c. Wincey ..... ;.......................... ! " 12~c. 13c. Prints ........................ ........ .. ... " lOc. 40c. -Flannels ... ;.,, .,~ ...... :...... ....... . " 30c. j AND ALL OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION. February 7th, 187!. ~aJe. Brick Dwelling (double} ~rli~~~e,: :::::: :::::: ::: :::: : :::::: :::::: ::::: :·:::::: :··::: ::::: :· :::::: :::::: :::::: and Chul'ch Streets, at present ocou.p ied by two Purses, Picture . ..... :: : : : : : : G . B l ,l·ck Bui'ldi "iig on Ki~g Street, !&lely ... oocup1ed as a Hoop OOD c . LEAN SCOTCH WHEAT. S!tirt Factori'- Wit h littl_e ou~lay a g. ood roSJ- Seed Wbeat f'oa· Ap)Jly to tenants. Garden attaclied. Fi-ami~$', · Bible 'Ilepository. : : ·: ::: : : : : : ; -: ':; ~ :. : :.: ;_:; : :: : :: : ; : : : : : : :: : : : : : : :-: THE CUELPH REVERSIBLE pre-eninently the b~st ·single l\la· hine offe1·00. to the public- hence its marvellous ucccss. "\i\Till do all varieties of don1e~tic sewng. Prioos greatly reduced. ::::::R. EASTON,:::::: :: ::::::.R. EASTON,:: :::: TOWN HAL!j BUILDINGS, "_: PORE.NY: B:LOCK, .. , llOWMA,NVlLI.K ....... .. .. , , .; ,... .... .. . : .. LI:\'DSAV " "" JESSE \V. '\.VILLIAMS. 27-2ln~ ·EnniskHlen, Jan, 311877, r: OPPOS:CTE TO'W"N HALl'. A llowmJ>n;rllle, J"eb. I J, 1817. GENTS WANTED in every Count 26 ill the Dominion, Address G, A, JOSLIN, llox801,Montre bi.:1Iding. 1 ·dence could be .cfth1s . / The residences above mentioned are n( a su i:jprior cb.~s. well built, ·wi_th stone-walled cellars, a,nd an necessary conve!J.1cnccs. ~ ~are_ oppor tuuity is now off~rtid to persons "\-V1sh1ug ty se· cure superior xesiC ene.~s ,a.G the ptoperty "\\--1110~1Ir be oncn for sale for a. sho1·t. te:rn1. ln1,r::.:id1ng \)ill"l!fiasers arc ;requested t Q v1e'>'V tp_~ property. For further informa.tion apply to '11· '11· Cole~ man, L. Con1ish, or the undersigned. Ha.nd Machint3, full outfit, iJ9'. Treadle do., $17. Each Machine gu~teiit:;ect~-' Acrents "\Vanted Ev... ' . induceuient.s to JY'-· ..;rywhere. till' Splendid __ ,_ui:.e money.--Apply to with I GUELPH SEWI NG MACHINE OO'Y. GUELPH, CANADA, R.· & 11. O'HARA, Agents, ~arket Buildin~s, AN .EARLY CALL SOLICITED. Bowmanville, December 7, 187G. I J9)<!N coLioARD, - - ---,- - - -

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