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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1877, p. 4

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-. CANADIAN STATESMAN AND MERCHA~T, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1877Shall Barns be Tightly Iloa.rded 1\fany years ago we · modegtly opposed the notion that barn-boardillg must be p11t in so that the air could circulate freely through. Also, that the pra9tice of keepiB r.t BRIDGMAN- & FLEMING -HAVE THE~ land,l'tlaine. $20 par day aUunne. SampTOs '"'·ort.t. 5to· . $1 free. STINso::s & Co., P or Desirable Residence FOR SALE oe RENT. BOSSTORGANFall Business ! ---:o:- --CASH PRICE, 9 ct.~. CHEDIT -PRICE, 11 cts. barn-doors open clay and night while ha~1ling in hay or grain was right ani ph.ilosopbJcal. The free circr1 lati on of air, it was then shown , tended to pro·d nce fermentation or slow co1nbusti on; and the grap.~ 1 if cnt in a st11,ge \vhcn it contained the largest per centage of eugar, was extremely lia,ble t o fer n1enation wh en exposed to the roo1 ns, with half acre of orchard: hard and soft v.'u.ter on the prcn1ises, and every other convenience. ...\.pply to w16:-tf. A DWELLING HOUSE, containing 8 - - - - - - ---- - -- - -- - -OB'- " " " 10 " " " 9 _t 1 -2 " air in the mow. This fact is proved by General Groceries, Provisions, Crockery & Glassware, · TO-W-N. ----:-:o-:~~-- 17 $1.00. 20 $1.15 , . e\'el'y farmer's expericncej which tells him th::i.t hay in the stack nlust?edried more to keep well than hay whichgoesintothe mow· 1\ of our farmet8 are now being \convinceil tlrn.t tight barns keep hay, grain, and everything _ else better than open barns, and hence we frequently see the1n covered with b oards planed, battened, and painted. It is the circulation of air through the hay that causes ferrr1entation and mouldiness. This will be·strictly a dher ed J. HIGGl:WBO'.l'UAJU CALL ,a nd SEE THEM You will be SURE TO BUY. I ~:o:~ B that sorte·d stock of NOUNC~ Cherb.ical~. ~a.refu.ily selected. CHEMIST AND DR0GGIST, EGS RESPECTFULLY TO AN he has received a well as Genuine Drugs and Pm·e English Also, a Hpleudid stock of the most to, and @nly six m onths AT THE CENTENNI'AL I And because the air finds its an~ ona t he coaraes stalks of clover, which \vh en ~reen, cont~i.n much saccharine niat- ww readily DYE STUFFS! ter, it is next to impossible to prevent fenne ntation. If clover-could be pressed do wn to solid mass in t h e rnow and the air ex cluded) there would no hen.ting or mould iness occur and the hay ~ould be bright and sweet . Tho truth here indicated is made plain where a moy.,' has been ha lf fill ed with wheat, which acted as a nhich cannot be 8urpassed for excellency o J_Uality An H.ssorhnent of .An1lb.1e Dyes kep const.antJy on hand, together. with a choice se lection of DRUGS. PATENT MJCDICINES . ~ BRUSHES. COMBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, !SUPPORTERS, &c., &c 1 oiu\,ArnTs, COLORS. VARNISHES and \VHI EA CHEMICAJ~S, on average accdu n ts. EVERYTHING NEW ! EVERYTHING ·CHOICE , ., "D 0 MIN I 0 N" -·RECEIVED THE HIGHEST AWARD! International Medal and Diploma FOR THE Accounts now due must b e paid F. Y . COWLE. Bowmanville, August 29, J 876. great weight in a press and excluded the air . SATIS FACTION GUARANTEED. ----:o:--~- sr At the very lowest prices. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE ·~rantu,geous --·--- ··+·-----·- - N. B.-Country Storcpeekers auppJiad terms on~ a A yd do"'· aged fourteen yt'lars recently took a second husband in Alton, Ill. Cl1etip El'111·11.i li1/1UJe! 11i~()t!! £'!/1e11p P111~n il , -AT- "..A ·wi se son mak eth a glad fat~er, " and ! a prompt paying subscriber causeth an ed itor to laugh. T:rr:rn " Bud" is t he name of a Haloon wh ere the New Orlea.n5 young men "take a 111 p." Many a young n1n.n'<J prospects have been "nipped" in that Bud. Three lbs. of 50ct. TEA for a Dollar. J The PHYSIG~N'S RtMtDY . HERRIN GS ' N o. 1 · wHENyouareillanddon'_ t knowhow Fres h water . togetoverit, yOl)~enerallysendforyour the · physician. PHYSICI.A.....~S Expected in a few days. of J..fontrcal is considered v1·01-thy of oon!ldence, you viiill try If op1n10n of 16 LEADING WHITE FISH AND -to suit the times.- TROUT~ DR. BIRNBAUM'S BEST REED ORGAN · ;; MANNING'S OLD STAND. The Bowmanville Furniture Factory haviDg commenced ru nning again, and the new Company having appointed t.he undersign ed Hetail Agent for the Town and surrounding country, he is prepared to offer the very best styles of Furniture at prices' below anything at w hich it can be procured elsewhere in the Province. · THE Servian plenipotentiaries had a first conference with Safvet Pasha to-day. Tho Porte does not seem disposed to press its point s relative to guarantee as a s'ine qua non.. H F.n n is a receipt for anutricious drink for either in valids or giants : -Beat up a new-laid egg, pour on it half-a-pint of CHEAPER THAN EVER, Rheumatism & Gout Reme~~' 'fo the efficacy of which thoso 16 p have uertl.ficd for the cure of ciao J:TI N~'TH EwWO RLD. States receiving Canadian manu LARGE STOCK OF LABRADOR HERRINGS ON HAND. ----:o :- - - - bojling milk, sweeten to tMte, and flavor wit h len1o n peel, nutmeg, or v"anilla.S erve cold in a glass. TT is stated t hat the Russians are endea vc r in g t o h1duce the Shah of Persia to_ join t h em in the event of war. It is rumored in Belgrade t hat Russia has iriformed Sonia that she intends to crose ne Car-load Good Potatoes Just arrived from l\fontreJ.l. - - --:o:---· RHEUMATISM, g-The only Organ outside of the United NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, GOUT, tJ;Jran International Medal, although seven STIFFNESS IN JOINTS OR i;,IMBS, g-facturcrs were competing. SPRAINS, SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. .FROST BITES, OHILilLAJ.N'S, BRUISES, OUTS, BURNS, WANDERING PAINS, &c. It has cured 8everal !Jf these physicians and thousands of other~ in Ua11ada, and is no1v considered, on this continent as ·w ell a s in Europe, the only reliable r emedy for all Rheumatic af. V N D-ERTAK I NG . Funerals furnished in every respect in the very best styles a n d a t prices lower than any other firm in the country. . One of the finest Hearses in the Province SENT FHEE to any funeral furnish ed by t he subscriber, within ten miles of Bowmanville. Also, .a gent for Raymond's celebrated Metallic C".flins, N ew York. Dominion Organ Co., the Pr uth within ten days. A co1n pn.ny o f ant iquar ians has ·been fo rrned in S witzerland fo r the purpose of unear thing the vill age of Plurs, in Graubunden, which was cov er ed by a fall of rocks in 1618, entailing t he loss of n early 1 ,000 lives. IJarge bo oty is anticipated from the shops, f11otories an d stJ. t es O ' biahony~s -All the above goods will be sold at- 'j . ~l'hefac slmile signaLUl'es of 16 leading pbys1c1an$ of .l\ilontrenJ are on each boLtle as a guar antee ot its efficacy, l!,or sale by all druggists at 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Certificr..tcs of physicians arc on each bottle, and can be had also by u.-pplying to fections. ll::J:'E3I:E DO:D.4IN"I.C >N Savings and Investment SOCIETY, -OF- ROOK BOTTOM PRICES _ · · . CHARLES MARTIN. Sole Agent for Canada and L". S. Montreal, One of the Te.<timoniat.. }"rom Dr. Duncan I\-IcCallum, Mont eal. If the nndersigned, have been suffering very muchj or the last. two years from Rhcwnatis1n FOB O..A...S:::S:_ . - - - : o : -. -- LONDON, ONTARIO. CAPITAL ··.. ,., . . . . . .. . . .. .............. . .. . .. , . . , . , . , . . .. $1,000,00 O. SUB8CRIBED . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . 750,000.00. PAID UP . . . .. . .. . . ..... ,, .. . . ...... . ... . .... . . .. .......... 300,000.00. RESERVE AND CONTINGENT FUND. . . . . . .. .. .... . . . ... 60,000 ..0IJ having b een cii-culated ~that the undersigned has been overchargin g in his Undertaking department, he hegs to submit the following figures, which he challenges any one to contradict:Reported amount charged, $50 .... Actual amount eharged, $12. H " H 30 .. · · li U " 9. w~-; n N. B.-Highest Price paid for all A L oudon desptch to the New York H erald that funeral kinds of Farmers' Produce. 11e th e of a. great de- . n1ade occ asi on I \ I · n1 onRtra.tion in I reland against B ritish J r ule. Th e remains ·will lie in statH for sorne days at Cork, 'v hence they will be ta.ken t o D ublin for int errnent at Glasnevin . Ix t h e beginning all roses were . w hit~ ]:_ kc s tH >W ; bu t soon a maid e n t o il!hti.le their pe r f u11.i e a n d t hey blushed so deeplv that t-he su n sn1 iled, arid said, H S~v~e t fl owers , t ho u may'st keep thy beauty." And to this day there ia not hing so lovely as wome n and roses. Bowmanville, November, 1876. in 'the a.nkle jn_ i nt, so m11ch that I was often pro-vent.ed !ron1. my ca.Uing, but three applications of Dr. Birnhaum's Rheumatism and Gout Rerncdr gave rr1e that relief from pain and stiffness wliich I did net exrier1 ence for the last two{ears, and.after eight day's use of this remedy, find n1yself entirely cured. I O'\\' e this statement to the public, to the pro fession, and to the meritR of the genuine artide. " " " " " " "· 45.... 60-. · . · 50 ..... - ~5 . " " " Bowmanville, March 29, 187(1, 72 ' . . . " " .otO. 30. 50. 35 W. P. PROWER. DUNCAN llfcOA.LLUM, M. D. THE ELEPHANT HOUSE! --:=::=,:o::=-.:.-=:-· . Money loaned upon real estate on·tli.e most favorable terms. Mortgages purchased. Interest allowed on deposifa. F. B. LEY, Manago:, 7 Jnnel7tl>,IB B. \8-ly._ THE KING OF PUMPS! Over 400 Stood the Test of Winter · with Perfect Success! W. E. PETRICK John Mcf:Jeod & Co.'s is-the place, Is HAPPY To INFORM THE IN. everybody says, to purcl1ase HABlTAN'l'SofBowmanville"nd surrounding country that he has opened his D. MACFIE, P r esident. REFERENCES BY PERMISHIOJY: Loudon March 1876 -.__ -·--·· ··~'""' -___...,(i..EO. IilcGlLL~- Esq~Man a ife'r O: n t:irio- Ballf, BO~wmanv·11re :Jf". C. :EE·:x 1\1.1: E S ' WILLIAM ALLISON, Esq:, J\1. D., .Bowm:mville, RUBBER-BUCKET PUMP. '! 'here nre no valv es about it to become obI structed, no screw joints to becorne im1nov- AN nnen tor proposes a vessel that will not be affected by waves at sea. A holl ow body is to be sub1n erged seviral y a.rds below t he surfaee of the water, and above the surface, support,ed by strong posts, is to be the part of tJ1e vessel for passengers. ' The propelling rnachinery " is Cook, Hall, Palor ·Halr-Dressinrr ana Shavinrr Parlor 10 0 an.d Box Stoves, u Hardware, Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, &c. J one door West ofl\-Iurdoch Bro's store, where he hope8 by strict attention to businoss to have a share o!the public patronage. G-R.EAT I THIS PUMP 18 THE CHEAPEST I . and most desirable purnp in the market. able bv rust. It -will raise ·water from a deep ' well wit h perfect ease ; will not freeze unless the 1\'ell ib!'elf is: frozen ; ne."?:cr nf' vr'tminf]; ahva ys raises the purest, coldest water~ from the bot.torn of the WJ!U, and will raiso a oarrcl of water per minute. · l.fn.nufaotured at Bowmanville, Or.t. Price for put ing in, ready for use, $8 for first 10 feet, and forty cents for each adrlit;ional foot. 'l'he following gentlen1en bear t estimony to the l1neqirn11ed excellence of thi!'l p11mp, viz.: .Joseph :\!IcClellan. Esq., A1anag8r Do1niuion Bank, _ O shawa; F. 'V; Glen, W. Hepinst all, Thos. Conant, Chas. Honey, L. Drew, A. S. Whiting & Co., C. V\r. Lent, YV. Scott. .A.glints wanted in every county. Clearing Sa 1 e ---:--- J _.. Special attention paid to dressing hail·~ · The subscriber, m consequence of the late fire has termincd to Children's to be in the submerged portion. THERE ·winter. ba~ been a. gret1it slaughttir of cattle in Nevada by railroad trains this The snow has b een so deep that the animals have sought the track for con1fort.ahlc standing places1 and upon tlu~ approach of a train, a.ft~r rnaking frantic efforts to Reale the bank of snow lining the ~ - ---.. irfiCk ,have been crushed in larue numbera. _.._,\._ pr actical authority on house-paint- I ' ing states that paint applied to the exteriol' of buildings in autumn or winter will eu durc twice as long a.s when in early sumrner or in hot er. In the for-· 1ner case it d r ies slo'wly and becomes hard 1ike a gl a.zed surface, not easily .affected afterward s by the we ather, or worn off by -W-::S::-Y IS I . T ? Because, 1st, . They sell the Cheapest. Because, 2nd, They keep the Best Gnods. Because, 3rd, They have the Largest Stock. Because, 4th, You can get the ~. article you want. Because, 5th, If the art icle is not what they tell you it is, they will take it back. For Sale-Scales and Measures stamped by the Inspector. STOVE FURNITURE, EAVETROUGHING, and all kinds of TIN"WARE Manufactured and . ~epaired, under the practical superintendence of Mr: FRY. ~ To the Ladies. am prepared to n1ake up Cun1 bings into Switches at short notco, and would say that no tearlleed be entertained by them to come to1ny p11-rlor, a.a everything is orderly and respectable. Address P. C. HIMES. Dowman"ille, Ont. Sell Off his Whole Stock AT Ill · RECEIVED GBATLY REDUCED PRICES, order that he may reopen at his old stand with a stock: entirely new. NEW FALL and WINTER DR,-Y G-OODS , TO BE SOLD I have also a nioe stock of Tobaccos, and other Pipes, Cigar cases,. Cigar hold~ ere, Cigars, &o., tvill be s~ld The stock now held needs no exaggerated puffing to commend it to public approval, but is known as one of the largest a 11d best selections of Staple and Fa.ncy Dry Ggoodll ever placed before the inhabitants of this town and neighborhood. CHEAP FOB CA S H I A 'l' I the beating of storm·. '\VLL;AM · SIMPSO~ s0ld his farm in \"\Tarren·burg, Mo., to Albert Roane, and the odd p<>rt of the transaction was that Simpson' s wife was one of the articles included CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Remember the place-Sign of the large RED, WHITE,& BLUE POLE, King Street Bowmanvfl. E3 A . T T ::C N' G-' Bowmanville, Oct. 30, 1876. s . 41. An early call is respectfully solicited. ,¢JrNow open for saloon Corner of King and Division streets. i n the sa.l e . She made no objections to t he change of husbands, and the bargain sati sfac tory t v t he persons concerned; \'"Jnt pu blic opin ion was against it, and they h a ve b een driven out of the neighbor- JOHN M'LEOIJ & CO., Bovw·manville, ~Ov. 8, 1876. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS Est.ab l;ir-:hed lHf:F. .>. GILMORE & CO., .Attor111Jys at Law 629 F Street, Wa'shington, D. C · Anlerican and Foreign Patents. Patents procnr.,d in :tll co11nr.ri~1~. Sn r··ictc." r' AJ)\' A'NCR. No cb:·.rg-e . 1111~ A ss the pa.i.1 ·nt No fe ··>: for 1n:~ki111-\" prttlim i n;u·v r· ~ a.minar,ionf:', ~1wrinl nt.ten·ion gi\·· ·n to i'nr.,·r· fetf!UCe lJ ;u;··s bP fr1re r.hf-l f-" :1.tcnt (), Exl.<·u sions hcfor e. 1-)ong-ri· s s , fnfrinp:flrnRn r. ~ 11.iJ,s in d i :- . ferent St:Lt,es., 1q 1d :i. l! liti~nl.iou a. p_~ H1t'tfl.i1 1 i u g- r.o lnvent.ionl'I Ol" T\1.ti--;11tf< . SMe<11 S·i'A)-fJ' ~·n1( PAMgrantf"d. PHLE·r 01" ~ l :X'I'Y l'.\ ( Jl~i-1. hood by threats of mobbing. THE New York Hun publishes a statement to the effect t hat a petition bas been -.-.- - presen ted to the Seuat.e J u d"iciary - Com. m ittee , praying for an investigation into t hH 1\i ex!can awards , au d alleging corrupt. 1 n otives on ·t)le part of Sir Edward Thorntun;who a eted as abr ih·ator, and making a specific-charge of bribery a.gainst one of h il'> clerks. The petitioner is described as "a disappointed cl aim.ant and ad venturer," and fears exprosseil that his action ,.,-ill lead to complications between the ..A...EIG R U S:::S: is now raging at Bowmanville, April 5. 1876. THOMAS PATERSON. Winding U p l OCTOBER 10th, 1875. It is !fiY inten~ion on t!ie ~bove_ .9.ate J;oc wind_ up t}i.e1ongCASH, '-:----'-.._ HARD TIMES TRELEVENS! United States Court s and Depattme:i.ts. Olttims p1·osl"'c11t.l'<t 11 1 thP S npr., meC0 111· L o r ll11· Unierd S·ru e,.. Uour t of Ol :1ims , Conrt of <Jommi~s lon~rs of tll:l.htu111t Olnirn.<i, Sm i th Arn Cl ;timi;; Commi;;.~ion . :i.nd n.11 clrt.8t:1"" of w1-1.t· chi.i111s hP- Hard time p ri ces h1tve been adopted at the establishment of winded credit system, and sell only for or its equivalent. It requires no argument to establish that it is to the advantage of both buyer an d He is offering his new and handsome assortment of for 1-1 t.h.1--' EX*"C ltt.IV A })..-_pa.rt.rn··11ts. · Li i t' la.t e eeller to trade for ready pay ; the buyer thereby getting goods at L OWER PRICES, and the seller being saved from loss by bad debts. We thin k Arrears of Pay an_ d Bounty. r.heir llfl·irs, :u·H in ma.ny crv-itJ1:1 e11t,i1.l1-1d t0 money from 1he (}o\-:t'r Hm N1t:, of wlJieh lhe.r have no knowledge. \.Y-1·1t.i-; f ill! l11 ;:;t.01·y of ~~rvic · ' and 01 · war, 0F'll'\Cl1iRS, SOl,DH'.lt.-3 nut.I ..,,\1 J.01{S of FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ~His Buffalo Robes are splendid value. ~His Mink sets are remarkable at the money. ~His Grebe and _i:\.l~k_a otrtdistance all competition,.$@",His Caps,. Collar:ets, J\tluffs, Mitts, &c., are made up in the n~west and n1ost artistic style. ~His Children' s F urs .are rare and varied, and are JUSt what fond mam- then that all parties .will concur in the wisdom of this change on our part. Our goods will hereafter be bought for CASH only, we and shall thereby reap the advantoge of forge trade discounts, which ad vantage we are determined io give to our customers. Parties purchasin g from us United States and Great Britain. A Q UEER WAY TO HARDE" BUTTER. - . An E nglish b utter 1naker of large experiencef \v ho is IlO\V on a visit to this country for the purpose of looking over our And is determined to contmue to sell at the ruinously lo"l'if prices c heese anll butter dairieF.1, gives the folcheaper than the cheapest. ·why he can do itlowing information concerning a method First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy. in practice among t.b e best b_ utter makers Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, be manufactures. ;ota.te ..a.monn t ui pa.~' i111ll bo1 1r1ty r;:i r. eived. 'Encl<;>s~ s tiamp, :tnd ·fl f 1 1ll rPply. rdt... r e'x.a1i1in11. tl nn will hi> ; g iv1m .ro11 fr~!'!. Pensions. All ovir1c1rns, so 1, DtK1t.<: ;-wd ~Au.01t,; wom1dHd r11p1 nred, OI" iuj rued Jn tho l~u.e w:ti', lloweve{' sl1ghlly, ctLll ol·tnln a. p t-l H1>iu11, m:1ny nuw rece:iv ing pensions are Pl!·«i to :111 hwre(w11. Seud free. r,.c;, who.<;o- 11t.1, 1:·npy.,; have h ~ en s11i<; · peuded , ~ill bt> gr:tL11a11.sly fl1n1i . <;hed wilh full mfoi-1n;Ltl01 1 tuld pt'uper pap .. ns on;· ppJ 1C:tl ion r.o Ill'! . ~ mas require for their pets. -~Then tho Gents' Fur~lahings embrace everything in the line: Shirts, Drawers, Socks, Collars, Cuffs, N cc:kt1es, Braces, &c. a.un i11fonrn~ 1 i()u w il l be ftH'tli...,/n~d Everything good and cheap. Cash customers will buy close. Call and inspect. No trouble to show goods. RAW FURS bought at highest cash prices, Bowman ville. Octobei- , 1875. may therefore depehd upon getting goods; at least tea per cen t . cheape than under the old plan. Our stock will this Fall be inore replete than ever, and higher class of go ode 'Will be kept. · in England for rendering butter firm and solid during hot we><thor : Carbonate of soda ai1d alum ara used for the purpose, made in to powder. :F1o r twenty pounde. flf butt er one tea.spoonful of carbon.ate of soda ,a nd one teaspoonfull of powd ered alum are Third, he is satisfied with small profits. Fourth, he sells for cash; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. ~AN D- A'~ -\vA ch:trge no frc unlet;:-< i,;ucces:-f'ul : i; l:unpi,; for rl"'r.urn post,:t.g"A F-hou lci be :-Jent us. _,.,......,,___ :!)'.£.MAYER __,,,~~-,-~---..-----......, United Sta.tee OelH,rnl Land O:ffi.ce. Con I1 ·to::ted I,a. ud 1 '.', Pri i·a.tii. La.ud (Jlai11u; "11i1-lin~, Pre-e1npt.ion a11d Hnn1e:olPtUl c~i..·a·~. pros~ 1·cuted !iefore r.he <lmlf!l":tl J . . and O!lict-> a:n.-i n,, n:trim ··nt of th8 Iutel"i(lr. \Y~ pny c~t!'-h for>m. · · D. CHEMIST Druggs, s ......___ ~~ TOTT, DRUGGIST and Chemicals, I ast ilr Old Bounty Land Warran ts. Y"'lw1·"' ai; ,.i141111u-;111 :-; a.rto p~rfrci AND DEALER IN Vi'e therefore guarautee the greatest . d. p ut intJ t he creain. The effect of! Exa.mine the stoclr, which comprises everything in the. tt·a de, of the very l~test and moat .;-1,n el~_gant styles and patterns, of English,, and .Amo.r1can manufacture. 4;h is p<nYd er is to make the b utter come He stlll.continJJ-!'32 t o manufacture to order, from the best of material, a nd none but first~olass t . ·t l workmen J<ept, .d d firn1 and ao li · a n o give l a c ean l minglod together at the time of churninfl, l B. R_I NG Y 0 U R . F R T ~G ~ D !!! ~VI TH Y 0 U. j imper.i<'t:L we 11:ive 1n,,,.t.ruc1 .mn8 t. n r. hf'm Mtisfaetion to all who may favor µs with their pa.tronage. The following !ines 'vill be found full: TO W.N HALL t!ILDINOS, BO W111ANVILLE. ittafl Uont.ra4:H.or!ll nnd 0U1er1t1. ,;weet flavor. i t does not enter into the b b ut its action is upon the crean1, 01·ders · p rompt JI Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed. \Ve· n.ct. :-i.;.:a.t t<irlH' Y'"' for i>t1· ;i1 iu l'!'oct11:i11g e1m .r!l.t:lt:!, 1na!c1ug (·oll··:( ~t1on . . , 11,·:.totia1;n1 g l oau.~ :u1d a tt>'rnllll:{ l< J 11ll lm.~mtl:::i' conllded t.11 uS Liber;d·arrlu1;!f.'Hl··11 1. ~ ;i1:1d 1 1 wi;.11 :u1ornt-'y1< i u ti.!I cla.sse1; of b11 ,; u,ti1$'>. 1 Medi~ines Uye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Perfun1~ry, B1.;~1shes, Combs, .Soaps, Paints' and Oils, P ai n t Brush~s, COal Oil, and Coa.l 011 La1n1)s, &c., &c. PYYSICL'l.NS' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULI.Y COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDERS . . CORRECTLY ANSWERED. Ile has in istock an en(llf\BB variety of Ladies' and Gent~>' Saratoga· Trunks. Valises etc all o ' " which he is Melling chea p fnr cash, Address GILMORE & CO., P. O. Box: 4 1, H'11sid·,.r,drn<, f i . l'. and it passes off wit!· the bnttermilk.The ingredients of th e pvwder .should not be mingled together until required to be Remember the Stand- -" BIG BOOT " drawn by two Horses, K ING Jlowmar~illc, Ready-made C!othin[[, Cloths, Tweeds, Dress Goods, S ilksl Shawls, Skirts, Cottons, Winceys . Blcnkets, Buffalo .R obes, & c.,& c. ) ST R E ET, 8 0 W M A N V I L L E, used, or at the time the cream is in the churn ready for churning. O ctober 2nd, 1876. M. . TRELEVEN. \VAi'll!Ni;Tc.'1. ll. C ., .Y<_1·o~~·nl,r,r :!4', 1:-rn l l n kt-' p le a :s ure iu '~XP1'·l ~ ;>1 11g m.\· pntir e c on fl d e uce ill ihe 1'f:'iO':>i·_~ibih tit :1.nrt :i ,fef.i tu u f ih(: l~n.w, Pate n t au ~f C Q l \ecu oi1 1-fou;e llf i'J tu10ltli &: \Jo., of tll1 ~ cn.r. CENTS' SUITS AND SHIRTS t;Eo. l L B . \"Hl1'1': (Oa shitr dfthr. N1 J.l!an a l 1 11.:ti·opv r'.itun B 1 ;.1 1-k.) I. made to order in cit y styles, on shortest n otice,. §t!i!r' FarrMrs and Physicians from the Co1'ntry will find o ·1· Stock of Medicines com Bow:ou.NVILLE, October 1, 1875. o,,a of tJu but quality. · S. F _ :::S:I+.L ' I I

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