~~UOHh~:~a ct:bR~lt~"l~HUn [ !El e t y ii hu r ,.d .1 ~ b~ !Uol 11111~ the Pro p1 et o l \V lVL. R. OLIMIE ut t l c OIFiE HJll -P oMt Office IHocl< K!NO SH ]J;J> l _____ !) WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED "THE MERCHANT." BOWMANVILLE, THlTRSDA Y, - ~lARCJI 29, [541. - ' · WATCfIES ! · C 0 l D A ND SI L VE R I SUBSCRTBEI. H \S L ~TELY -L~D-- UNDERTAKING BUSINESS I T Store I Ar L1 e St EC1!\1EN P }IOIO:s o b e fo md H I N IHE \R I GALLE!)' OF E TATI A ]OUK TAn AND ornaui~ t say at Central Paik the sport ca __,_,__ to become as popular as l o]o _______ y A NIGHT ON THE ICE Oh Jf I 1 al some ]J' u R N I Tu R E ll:lE -AND- A GE NJ<m U ASS ORfMF N1 OF IA n 1HUH No KEPT AND SOLD lOAN SOCIETY. 11.l:i!lD OF.lilt:E CHEAP FOR CASH. iOOOll SUIPJYOl Dom len pernnce s eet PHOJOs :ouo\1 N b t at ue RY lHEMSEL>Eo thel arc good D 0 0 p UN Of RT AKI NG fURNISHI N GS \.L"\\AYS ON HAND .tarCHHtGES "VERY MODERAlETI lUclmu~ Block King Street HAllllLTliN ONT Ren ember the place Next door cast of I yle Sc l\Iart n s K ng Sheet Bo-w manville J:i urn1t re m a de to order nnd repairing done A DAVY 12 tf y I u WILI ] IND LESS IN I R!CJ<; ti un N R IO BE EOU~D IN G BGWMANVILLE. ALSO 80 AND 1:0U \\ ILi ]l~lJ lHfll Rn H I AJ\D n UJ<; 10 LH.t<; T \.KF NO rE of Lbe sto k of H iNDSOME FP.A:v!ES "l l c --~ --,,... A FOREST IN THE DALTIC SEA ---- as th e CARD. seot 21 18 6 FOI MI N O tie La.des of llo vn anv1lleanci c1n t that I ha e ret.t rn ed and opened the st re on King Street late y acct pied b) M:r L Cornish Jeweller VI 1th n. ew stock of I NEWSTORE! I I \.KE GREAT PLEASlJRE IN l N NE w GO 0 D s I 1n L· 00]3,NISH \.S REMO\ ED INTO HIS NE\\ H p ennses vl ere he 1 as opened o ta la ge stock of best goods to be fout d the coun try cons sting of the ll1ILLINElW l'IUS'I' PRIZE' First Prize I JVST AS USUAL. \Vl ere I 111 be glad to meet m) old fr ends and custou ~ s I also carr) on FANCY GOODS BERLIN "\\ OOL>< &c &c &v DRESSMAKING W\TCHES CIOCKS CHAINS TEWELTERY .FORKS SPOONS 0 ng to the rct e nent f on bus 1 e s oi I BA SSE'l'T F. T. HOSKIN REOPENED ha' e plcasm c m mfornung pu bhc that I ha' e ieor ened m n) old stand (two t1001s \\est ofthcl'ost Office "ith an entire new stock of flesh Sev t 6 18 6. CHAS Kll;N N El!) Bo·w man\ ille Post Ofllce 9 BANK, BOWJ\1 \.NVILLE SOMETHING NEW AND D URABLE r Time, Money and Labor Saved F'Fl.EJSTC~ I I CAPITAL PAID_ UP HE,\.D OFFIOE $1 000 000 TORONIO OIL POLISH 'l lt s ]; r el ch 0 l Polish 1s prepared for Carriages Hugg1es Harnes& Boots and Shoes T FA~UL"\: GROCERIES I GOOD FIIS <TlTAlHN'f ~~n M} ann shall b e to KEEP the BEST AND SET LAT THE AN D \LL KINDS OF LEAIHER H e looked at her anxiously color left her face m a flash a gaeat effort to s ;\ allo v sornelh t g :\'Juch threatened to sutfocate I er Then she spoke LOVTEST POSSIBLE PRICE. ha\c de te1m m ed to adop t th~ belrnvmg it to be advantageour NOT ONLY to THE BUYER but al s o to the SELL ER PARCELS DELHERED CASH SYSTEM, eral l rovir cus a d u terwoven nors In the da.y t1n1c the cru1vas being their share of r ecogn t1ou and a Dufter1n rc1noved the apart nent becomes a tennis gold medal re\\ ards an.d encourages wl1at co irt ever excellence may be ex.I ib1ted 111 their '10D01;G iNINU respective fie! 1 of strife lu all the&o Ihts nil corn pet tons there JS no get tl cu1an who en ters 'v1th more hearty zeal than the doPor He JS a born sports n1~n .. to ALL PARTS of the town with promptness NEWCASTLE NURSERIES. FRUIT 1REES,SHRUBS, PLANTS SPRTNG OF 1874 I am prepared to furnlsh all k inda of Tl e Ga\ ernment 1'-1ans1on occupies an ele vated and commanding pos1t1on about t"o m !es from tlt e Parhame ttaJy Bmld u gs m the m1 ldle of a well wooded estate Highest pnce paid fo1 all kmds oi "l:"XTE INVITE THE AIIEN I roN p1oduce l' l' · of Plante-sand dealers to our tu ge and Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Ff OWERS \ND SHRUBS JOHN J\foMURIRY con1 etes ocko UHF AP for CABI-1 f) THE WA N'f. SUPPLIED Stanaaras ana Owartfru1t Trees1 ' GRA IE 'i INES S:!il ALL lltUIE~ ANOTHRR ORNAl\IENTJ\J_, TREES Sl ubs I oscs Ne t a d 0 na nent.al 'I ee~ E c greens nnd B ulbou s Root s S mall Parcels ] orwarded by ~Ia I '"'hen de red Prornut at tentUJn g e11 to all en iu r es J l' LOVEKTN & CO ~ev.castle Nurse es 30 BIG PUSH - -- A I - - - I UMBER SHINGLES WT SCOTT'S BOOT <;, SHOE STOitE ~ DENTISTRY. vVhm e compet1t10n IS defied Ho J as he Ja gest a SHO ES TRU.N KS V l H OU TE E'lll BEAU1IFUL G EN 'l' L E 1'1.E N F THERE IS GREASE P,\.INI OR I D rt on your garmcntf' I tll clean them Or they a c faded I ll bring them to the if w aiural color and make t hem so that no ma.1 v. n know thcnt from new GOLD FILLINGS. Arhfictal Teeth 1J! Opp oe e 'l I I-oar Bla krm1 h l:!:o'Yonrn ' Jle 0<-tvLe 12 lb 6. Satis!nctiun guaranteed or no charge TlIO:W: lS Pii;ATE Renovator and Cloth Clothes Cleaner isl.l op~ l INSERTED AT ,\. ~IODER,\.TE FEE Teeth Extracted "' ithout Pam ( " J M BRIMACOM13E L D S neoember 11 tt