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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1877, p. 4

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.i@?i-li~jji-%.. E The Wheat Tiade ·oo{ the World. Those jll-read, ill informed, and superficial thinkers, who advocate " PrOteotiOn" " ·1BRIDGMAN & FLEMING · -HAVE THE- CANADIAN STA'I:ESrvlAJ\i AND ]\1JERCHAN'J'; Bow::~lA'NVFLEE, 1'IIURSDf1Y, APRIL-·5, 1877 .$. -5to-$--2-0 per aay ~tllomo. Aamples wort!. 1 :jl f1·co. STl:N"SON & Co .. Por . . . T~E ': J. ·' land,Ml.\ine. ." . ~ . -. ~ -_::;.. __ _ m .Canada, woulc! do well to read .. Miss Martinenna' amusing ser~~s .vf st~nies on political economy,or elEe study the r_ e ports of the free· Trade Leagnc of " E ngla.nd, or better still, carefully nute thti currents Of the worlO's · 11ade and the direction +in Which thty will probably run in the fnture. BEST -OF_:_ D. MORBISON, TO THE PUBB EGS TO ANNOUNCE he Llie. a first class Hair-dresser , &c., preLIC that has secured services of Bn.rbcr. arid iS pared to guarantee sntisfaction to his custo1ners ~·Rpecial BOSS ORGA Busine·s sl ---:o:---CASH PRICE, D ct..s. . and Children. ~ -··-' " · · ~ I-:Iair Cn t tings and CCJmhings rrutde into ~wlt11hes OH shprt notice. an.q at reasonable rates. · · jJ>'!iJ" .acco1umodation ioi: Ladies CREDIT PRICE,/ 11 cts. 12~" lf they should take the latter course they cannot fail t(~ discover that the whole grain tr11.dc of America is threatened wit~ a The old eatnblisheq Barber shop, J,. " competition that may possibly terminate General Groceries, I~rovisions, tw~ d p,91:.~ r as1t of ,;Post :~~c~ .. 10 in the co1nplt:te annihilaLion of t.h13. ~xport trade of Arneri~an wheat. At this prosp~ct the British consumer is rejoicing ex- Crockery & Glassware, TO-W-N_ ~--- · also announce that he has on hand a · first . claiss s,tock of Cigars, TobaccOs; Pipes and sri:iokers'·aundries. CALL AND SEE US. SM·OKERS j;. _ .The subscriber wonld " " 17 " $1.00. " " 20 $1.15. . ceedingly, -and very properly so. The :...,-: o - : - - - D MORRISON. Bov,.manville Aug. lG, 1876· 3. British co1lsun1er takes many n1illion8 Qf quartt:rs of \vheat from Arnerica: and This will be strictly adhered AT THE CENTENNIAL "' -· admits it into great Britain dutyfree, but.I the . United States . almost prohibit the I entrance of British manufactures, and even Canada tixcludes them as far as it can by a duty of seventeen and a .half per cent.' Naturally the Briton looks for a wheat for it in ~anufactures. He <lees not look in vain for in India are tracts. of. CARPENTERS' Ci\LL and SEE THEM 'You -will be SURE TO BUY. ~ :o :~ SUPPLY DEPOT! " T ,... . {0 to, and only ·six months on avera;ge, accounts. , ·;: 'l'he subscribe!- begs 111ost iespectfuIIY " to inform the . C arpenters, Buil4crs, and po.rtics intcn~· ing tO tiuild, that he oail supply ,_ , market where he can buy wheat and pay" Sash, Doors, Jjlmds, Mouldings, &c., ! . . r - - T E l : E- - land tion in India embraces 7, 000 ·nnles ·ca.nal f ormer- · and 6,000 miles of railway. Th_e . inclnde ·a n in1111 e _ nae system of __ 1rr1gauon line·, but are also intended to a la~ge .extPnt for purposes of internal nav1gat1on. ~ili"~a~: n:f~~h~~~~.c:·;;;ha~~~- ~!:: "·s ' AT ' IS .r "· A .: C 'T . .I Jo · .N ' . ~uhli~ work~ at - Britain is 110\l' proYiding, Q.nd soon Grl~at wheat !"" 'ducts of India will be able to the American raised whea.t,, for 11 this time under _.construe- adapt ed for the cultivation of vrl1eat. All that these tracts require is iiTigation ;uid rnea_ ns of transport. These· ad~irably CHEAPE_ R · . 1· than they can bcboug:ht·fro1n this locality. 4-pa.ncl, kiln-dried doors; 1noulUcd t·Yto sides,.from $1.60; sash from 3! cents per light; outside \..,.enetian blinds, ' from $1.25 per window. . ' · EV . ERYTHING · N EW. :! .· any~othe1·s-ili , . . HING CH . or ··a E I EVERY~ ,(, . . ·.'· ..' .," ' (·, ',.'_ .' .' ES T· l'M .. ATE ~S G 1v. · N . E ' "!)'()MIN I b N" Accounts now due must "" .· <. ' be paid .:G · .. ·u A ·:· R'A,'N·T ·:E'E ~ . D. 'Ean _ x _d.~~ -:~Ja;~d~~o~n ~ ' ~0~;1~0:· ~bN .Y_· . · ; ·., · · ,.. _,.ti;~ '-'.:~,_- . - " F. Y. COWLE. Bowmanville, August 29, 1876. RECEIVED THE HIGHEST AWARD I . }\· · ----:o :- - - - ' .ltlso on hand a good supply of . Lumber, Lath,. 8h_i.nglcs, Si.ding,, . The cheapness of labor in India renders U1ese vast undertakings practicable and div1dend paying. rrhe outlay for. railroads Th ree . lb . t TEA for a Do ar. J Ch . wiil sold . . s. 0 f 50 . _. eap for CASH! Fresh water HE. BRINGS, No.1 , ~? .c . . .· . .· .. . 11 COAL & WOOD, . · Irtter.natio _·nal Medal and Diploma· . ' -: ci1eap Fu1·11i~ure! 'Cheap IJ'urnilurtt! ~- I , !. . ,.....""'."...,....,....,....,....,.,,,,,......,....,...,.,_.,_.,_., _ ~ _ ,.._.._~ _ .,. _ ~...,....,....,....,....,....,....,.,,,,._ ~-- ~~-"'-"'-"' -~ - ~~ -~ - -""'"'~ --"-"-~ ·-"" - all of .which be FOR THE inlndiaisnotone-thirdofthecostinthe British Islands. A well informed English journal state· that wheat sells for 9d,(abont 18 cents) per bushel, on the upper _ llfan· haurly 1 and that upon the co1npl~t1on of the designed lines of inland navigation, it may be landed io England for 2s. 6d, (about 56c. !) The effect of this, or of any· · thing approaching ro it, would produce· a prodhrions re"olut,ion in the corn trade.- Expected in a few days. W tf IT E FIS.H AND TROUT·:· CHEAPER THAN EVER, ~to BLA CKR.)o[Ihll COAL, at ~5 . 85. HOUSEllOLD COAL. delivered in town, '$6. SA'l'ISirA(!TIO~ GU.A.RANTEED. and a caJl respectfnll~· solicited before purchasing elsewhere Shop n.nd yl:i.rd. in reur .ofR~ · ,V. J aines' lmple mcnt ·Dcpot, KingSt. · · .._ ' ' REE6 "·oRGAN J ·i. I ! . ~-:AT- (, MAN'N'I N G'S °()LD STAND. - The Bo~vmanville Furniture Factory having commenced running again, and the new Company having · appointed the undersigned R etail Agent for the Town and surrounding country, he is prepared to offer the very -best styles of Furniture at p1·ices below anything at which it can be procured elsewhere in the P~ovince._. ,. . · q . ~ (" ,. ----··- - - ftr. ltlcSPADDEN. i ·. ". 1 I " .F'rom thirty millions would be paid to British subjoots in India instead of to the Americans. And a correspondin~ 0 1 r· , , ~ outlet would be afforded to the goods of l\1anchester and other· manufacturing. cen- sµit the times.. ~·' ... ' ' I \' · . ' 1- · .. · · · ., · ·' · ' ' '.' : I tress. This matter should be considered by ilia, Protectionist of Canada, who 1Yotl.1d drive out all British manufactures from · LARGE -STOCK OF LABRADOR HERRINGS ON HAND. ----:o :·- - - - only Organ outsitj.e of the United States receiving Mtan I1iternatio~a} lviedal, although seven Canadian manu wfacturers wel'e . c()mpeting, SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. the Dominion, and thereby_ruin the only market the Canadian farmer l1as for his wheat.---~~--- ·o ne Car,.load Good Potatoes J. Just arrived from Montreal ----:o :-.- ·" 1 r Dominion ·Organ Co., · HI G GI l\' B 0 TH A lll , CHEMIST·AND DRiJGGIST, EGS RESPECTFULLY TO AN j ·]" BowMANVILLE, ON 'i I J THE ASHTAJIULA :BRIDGE. . Columbus, March 22.-Tbe special legisJatiVe commit.tee appointed to investiga.te · the late Ashtabula disa·ter, submitt~d a r<'pnrt to-day, accompanied by a vast amount of testimony, 'vhich Wtt8 ordered to be print.ed. The corn'm ittee, after going into details showing the imperfections in B -, T::S:E . D01v.CJ:N'J:C>N" NOUNCE that he ,r eceived ·a -"·ell tis sorted stock of Genuine Drugs and Pure , selected Chemicale, Also, a splendid st.ock of the most \f,; I Funerals furnished in every respect in the vei-y best styles a n d at prices Jo,.;.er than any other firm in the country. One of tl1 c finest Hearses in the Province SENT FRE~ to any funeral furnished by the subscriber, within ten miles of Bowmanville. · Also, agent.for Ra,ymond's celebi·ated Metallic Coflins, New York. ' '" .· Ro '· . -All tlrc above goods will be sold at-1 DYE STUFFS! Saving's arid- Investment SO CIET y, p .·o er ·...!... · · ~- ~~aK the bridge, 'report the' followin g . as their conclusion : 1.. There were from eighty to one hundred lives lost by th e failu re of lhe bridge. 2, The bridge went dowu BOTTOM PRICES ---:o:--- FOR. PAIN'fS, under an ordinary load by reason -of de~ COLORS, fects in t he original constrUction. 3. The VARNIS!{ES defects in this o riginal construction of the and "\VHI EA ~At the Ycry lo-west prices. . "' br1due could lia"f e been discove1 ·ed at ~uy· , Bowmanville, November, 1876. HOHSE AND. CATTLE MEDICI~E tirne-after its ere<;:tion by careful and a na· J' lytical i11s1.H;c.:tion· such as t.he itnportanco ,,,==~=============='=.,,;-,,=====,..,..======="' "!'-... . D.--Country Storepeekers supplied on a. . vantageous terms , .' i of t,he structure demanded)· and thus ·-. the ~ sacrifice i;,f life . and prope.rty prevt;'nted. The truth is the bridge W3.S liable t o· · ~? down a.t any thne during the laat ten orelcvcn years und er loads that might o.t any --~.:=:.:o N. B.-Highest Price paid for kinds of Farmers' Produce. all Nhicli cannot be surpassed for excellency o iuality An a8SOrt,ment of ,A:ruJine Dyes kep .constantly on ' hand, together \\· a ·choice se lection of · DRUGS. Cl{EMICALS, . PAT.~NT l\IEDICINES,I BRUSHES, COMBS, SHOULDER·BRACJ<:S, !SUPPORTERS, &c., &o OIJ~s. - ' . ·i - OF- having bE)en circulated that the undersigned has been overcharging in his JJn.detfuking department, he begs to submit the following figures, w hich he challenges any one to contradict:Reported amount charged, $_ 5 0 .. , . .Actual, amount charged, $12. " " LONDON, ONTARIO. "" ., ------' . : . \. d.APITAL '.:'.°: .: . . ... , . ... .. . .... .. ................ ... . ..... . $1,000,00 o. SUBSCRIBED ... .-... . '.. ......... . .. . ..... .. . .... . . .. .. .... ... 75~,ooo.oo. PAID UP;";;·.... '. : . .'.: : .. . .. ·.. . .................. . . ........ 300,ooo.oo.RESE,RVE AND CONTINGENT FUND.···· ·,· ··· .. ,······ 60,000 .. 0a " " " r " ". " " " " 30. , ., , 45 .... 60. , . . 50.... 7:2. . . . " " " (( " " " ,, " a ~o- 9. $!5. " " 30. 50. 35 Bowmanville, March 29, 1876. W. P. PHOWER. ! , Money loaned 'upon real estate on tli.e most favorable terms. Mortgages' purchased. Interest allowed on deposits. THE · E LEPHANT H9usm 1The .PHYSITiliN's-·REMEDf -::='.=-to get over it, you generally send· for your physician. If tb e opini"on of IG }. .EA.DING PHYSICIANS pf l\fontr eal oonsidci'ed \Vorthy of confidence, you ·will try ' D:=MA:CFIE, P.resident. t ime be brought upon it in the ordiflary course of the co m pany 'a b1.1 si ne!!s, and it is · most rl:'1narkabJe-that it did not sooner occur. lt ~t ~.n ld be needless to say tha.t an engi11eer w"uld he .d erelict in his duty who could iiot provide in his construct ion -of _ a bridge against 'vind, sr!ow '· ice, and the John McLeod & Co.'sisthe place, W HEN you are ill and don't knowhow is everybody says, to ;p urcr1ase DR. BIRNBA UM'S Sook, ·Hall, Palor . _ _ an.d Box Stoves, Rneumatism & Gout Remed~, Hardware, , Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, &c. To the efficacv or which those Hi .p b(:L "·e uertifl.ed fan· the cl.ire of - ' -J<':-'"E. LEY, Manag~. Over 400 Stoo; the Test-~f-;inter REFERENCES BY PEm'rllSSION: , ' 1 \ with JirerfQct,i Success 1 GRO. ,McGILL, Esq., Manager Ontario Dank, BowmanvHle · "--"p . . 0 , ~:I: 1v.C E S ' WILLIAM ALLISON, Esq., !If. D., Bowmanville. London Ma.rah 1876 [ TH E K I N G 0 F P U M ~ S ,_.,.=. ===i_ =,,,,_ =.,.·==,..,,.........===""=="""'"""""'"""'"""'====== vibration of a rolling load. They arn as much tu be · anticipated, and. provided against as the la\V of gravHy, This report is accompanied by a bill specifying how bridges· of different spans cian 1 · ' .r·. ·.. , Clearln g a. .e .-' '-=Ir ~ 1 · ~ --=8 ..a::..- ~ .A. m RUBBER-BUCKET PUMP, .....-- t ;s ·r:' 1 ' , ~ shall be constructed. A pron1inent Toronto firm of boot and shoe manufacturers have a shipment of their goods to the °"rest Indies a.nd Australia. A little boy named Manning, of Port · Dover, while playing .with a rev?lve~, shot his sister in the breost. She died m an hour. THEY -W-::S::Y- ·IS IT? i Beca11se, 1st, They sell' the Cheapest. Because, 2nd, They keep the Best Gnods. talk of holding a horse breeders' I convention in Toronto in April. sub- Because, 3rd, They have the Largest ject to be discussed will be breeding,- rac- I ing, exportation, t11rf clubs and stakes. .Stock. 'l'HE Nova Scotia Legislature baa adopt, cle ed a resolution favoring a conference of Because, 4th, You can get the art_ delegates from the Martime Provinces on you wa~t. . the subject of legislative union. . · THE Great Eastern, which has been ly- Because, 5th, If the art~cle is not what ing idle fvr want of suitable occupation is bein" fitted up for the transportation of they tell you it 1s, they ca.ttl~ between this country .and England. will take. it. back. THE Stra· hroy Aye s·ys that the con~1 he I~ lrn.H cured severa,1 of these physicians and thousands of others in Cariada, and is now con· sidereJ., on this .continent a~ well a.sin Eutp-pe, the only reliable rellledy for all Hheurnat,ic affections. Thc/ac si-m.i/,e signatures of 16 leading phys. icians of Mont.real are on each bottle as a guar nntcc.of its efficacy, For sale by alJ druggists at 50 cents and $1 per bottle, . Certitlcc..tes of physicians are . on bottle, and ca.11 be· had also by applying· to . · C!iARJ:,ES l\IARTIN, . Montreal, Sole Agent for Canada and U. S. RHEUM ATISIH, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, GOU'r, STIFFNESS IN JOlNTS OH, LIMBS, SPRAINS, -. !<'ROST nITES, CHILBLAINS, BRUISES, CUTS, BUHNS, WANDERING PAINS, &c. - - - : -- - The subscr!ber, in consequ~nce 'of the late ffre has dete;mined to ' . ~··. .i · . .... and most desirable pump in the market. There no valves about it to become obstructed, no screw joints to become ilnmovable - by r"Q..St, It 1'.J.ll,1·0.isE! ·w ater froni a deep wfil1Wfthperfecteiise;Will 1 not freezeunless thewellitselfisfrozen;nevernwlxvrimiing; alwa;ys raises the purest, coldest -,,.vat~r, from the bottom 'o~ · the, well and will raiee a barrel ot ,,,.at er perlninute: 1 w. Manufactured at Bowmnnvillo, Or.t. Price . for,Jint in, ready for use, 181or first le feet, · a nd 'fo:r:.ty_cents.f. o r additional-foot. The following gentlemen henr testimony to the ·u nequalled ~xcellenCe ·of' this pump, viz. _ : Joseph McClellan, Esq., Manager Dominion Bank, Oshe:wa.; F. W , Glen, W. Hepinstal.1, 'I'hoe. GObo.nt, 'Chas. ·Honey , L.' Drew, A. S. 'Whiting & Co., C. W. Lent, W . Scott. ~Qnte "Ve.nte·l in every county, · Address P. C, HIMES, . Bowmanvillc. Ont. . T HIS PUMP IS THE CHEAPEST Sell off his ·: Wh'o le . Sto·c k AT GREATLY REDUCED .! RECEIVED ~RICES, ~ NJPW ;FALL and wiNTER D:R-Y f ,'! . in ol':der that lie ,niay ·reopen at his old stand with a stock · · ' entirely new. , "'.- 'G OODS, TO BE SOLD · AT One of the 1'e.stinnonials. From l.)r, Duncll..n J.'.le0a11um, IVIont eal. If.the undersigned, have been suifci-ing very between Sir John is profc~ sa:ion at p1cnics and his practices in the House have earned for hin1 the epithet of " parliament.ary sntiak. " Tml Executive Committee of the Don1inion Allia.nce, in session at Otta~a., -.have under consideration the course to For Sale-Scales and Measures stamped by th~ Inspector, . . ... _ . W- STOVE FURNITURE, EA VETROT:TGHING, and all kinds of TINWARE Manufactured and Repaired, under the practical superintendence o( Mr. FRY. · ~ ' > , . " pain and ;;ititfness which I did net experience for the last t.wo year$, and after eight do.y's use of this reme1ly, I find myself entirely cured. I owe this stat.en1ent to the public, to tho pro fession, and tu the meritR of t ho genuine arbulc. The stock now held needs no exa~g~r~ted puf!ing to commend i~ to public approval, but is known as one ' '?f tlfe largest and best. selections of n11; ch fqr the t·wo· years from. Rhcun1atisrn in the ankle jolnt,_so i:nuo.h that I wns ofLin pre. Stapif ind Fancy Dry Ggoods eve1: placed before the inhabitants of this vented from · nttcnding to my calling, but. three applications of Dr. Birnbaum's Rheumatism and Gout ltemedy gave me that relic! from town and neighborhood, " CHEAP FOR CASHT ,:e A. .T ·; . · ' ' ' >""f· T I .L" .......T lfr"'t '-=Ir ' An early call is respectfully solicited. MrNow open for sale on Corner of King and Division streets. Bowmanvillo, April 5. 1876. Bowmanville, Oct. 30, 1876. s . . ') ~ ~ pursue to obtain further legislation in the direction of prohibition. A book-keeper of the Brooklyn (N. Y.) bank walke-1 off with $160,000 belonging to that institution on Tuesday. When arrested he had 8120,000 in his_ volise, and he afterwards told the place - where the ha.lance was concealed . A T·' despatch says that not a few of t.he cases of rifles and cartridges purchased by Turkey have beer1 .sent into the Enro>1pean districts and distributed ·to J.t!usse m1.1.lls organized as a nationa.l gna1·d, 'Yhich l·s a1·r1the.r name for B ashi Bazouks. The[ be to ultin111.tely annthrlate the Christian popu-, lation. SIR JOHN'S great fear was that an audit of the Secret Ser.vice fund would disclose. the na1nes of parties paid fol' giving ibforniatiou to the Uoverurnent, m::t.ny of whom · b · · might suffer with their livee for elng lnsays can. But he testified before tl].c Pub-: . Bowmanville, Nov. 8, 1876. A ..L::3.... JOHN M'LEOO·,& CO., WELLINGTON, . . BUILDINGS . . . DUNCAN McCALLUM, M. D. June !)th, 1876. -.- - - · ··-Established l.~65, 8-ly. i,) ...... -;:!. r , B I G lS IlOW · ~- -- - - - P U ·. ' · S:::E3:'.\'; GILMORE & .CO., AttorMys at Law, Suceess·orN to ·<fhifHU1~11, .l(O!!ltne-r & Co., 629 F Street, Washington, D. O. American and Foreign Patents. granted. ADVANC.N. · -Winding UPI OCTOBER 10th, 1875. .· It is my in~ntion on the above date t o wind up the longwinded credit system, and Fell only for CASH, or its equivalent. It requires . no argµf1Ient to establish that it is to the advantage of both buyer and seiler to lrade :or ·. ' ' .· -,raging at Pa.t11nts :procured TR E . ' L' Ev E N s r ·.~·~- - ference Cases bcfol"e Inf tho ringe Po t.tent Office , J.;xtf'n· sions h~foreCon;{res.':', m en t Snits in dif· fcl'enl St:tl. e~, a.nd a.ii l ith.::i\t.ion :tpperr.a.ining lo In-ven i ium:i 01· l':tt.en t.s. s1~N 11 STAMP Fon rAMrrn.ET OF S l.X 'J' \' PACIG8. a.min~tions. in a.ll c0111u,rlP~- - Xo FJ~Es j:o-· l\-o c ha.rge n u ll'l:4S thP. patent:._ No fe ti s fo i· In a.kin g p.relimin.a:ry e~· Speci:d ·:i..uention gi nm to· HARD Hard time prices have been adopted ~t_ the establishmcnt~of ~ object. the dis:pa.~ch 0 ?1Y United States Courts and Deuartme::its. 011\.ims prosAc_ ntecl I United S tate.~, <J<;rnrt o.f Clnim. 'i, Oonrt of Oomm ifisioners of Ala ·Cl :t im s 1 Svtt thern Cla.ims Oommi;;. .;;ion, n.nd rlll cl:tsses of wr\.r he· f(1re t.lie Kxi<cn t. i\·eJ)i.~pa rtrnen ts. in. Lh~S 11prenl1; Cotll't of t he 1'1.1:.A.:Fl:B;':. . US ' >; JI;~ is ·oft'erjng hi~~-new and hauas·ome:assOrttnent ·o f / i'\Y..r.A.'Y"ER.. . . ' t ' . .. ' ' · .j Arrears of Pay and :Bounty, 0FFLc1ws, SOLD111:1cs nnd SA tr.o n.'> or the htte WcLr, or !.heir ho;oi1·d, :i.1·ti i11 many C(LSes entitled u, 1nuue.r frmn r .\Je Govt:-nirnc>nt, of which they 110,!mow!edµ;1'. ytrite f1dl hi.dory of servi<..~e, and stri.le amount of pn.y :~w.I bonnty r eceived. En· clo. 'H' lwj!iven stamp, nud f1t ll w ill .rou a free . r eply, :tfL~1· ex:uninaLiou ' \. - FALL AND WINTER ; GOODS .·&.~"'His . Caps, Collarets, Muffs, Mitts, &c,, made up in the l)ewest ana nlost artis~His Children's Furs are rare and varied, and are just, what fond !ll·mmas require for their pets. ~Thon the Ge.nts' Furnishings embrace everything in re~dy pay_ ;_ the buyer -~ ' 1' thereby getti,ng go~ds at LOWE R Committee that ho took so little cart> ' lJ t.he \'Ouchers wh ich contained the secrt_-tts he would sooner die than dis- _ clos11, thai:. he does .not i·emembcr \vhat he- 1 catlle of them , who took them, or \V·h e11\ ' d I J h ' J bl f d they d1sappeare · lr O n S ou e- ace state u1ent does not fit well. It has too And ll · c Accounts for~11~rs. · ~His Buffalo Robes are splendid value. m-His' Mink 'SJ:e re- ' markable at the money, ~His Grebe and Alaska outdistance all competition,- A'l" GHEATLY REDUCED 'p m. cEs. ~ :~, PRICES, and. the ~eller being saved from loss by bad debts. We thin li; then that all jrnrties will concur in the wisdom of this .change on our par e, sets s· -- much of the "wish-to-God-I-could-catch· him" flavor about it to be generally acllK B ' Bill to m ke prov1·a1'on iR. L.AKE s a against. the improper use of firearms pro cepte.. : . --- ' vides that persons found cal'rying a. p1~lol \;.; l to . \~ithout ·reasoriabl e cause may b e bOU31U .a,eep the peace; that a person having a. p \ 10! in his possession when arre~ted for co'q_m1tting an offence, shlil.U be hable On J . is 4.eterm.ined to continue to sell at the rriinously lo\v prices . chea ·p . er than .the_· ch . eapest. . Why h e can do;+ rn ... '"."""· wh o·e "'"°"'"" J1ave bee)l sus... v=pc:aM~l, ~·.;rll be gnHnoq::!ly f111"r ished with fllU First, he buys for cash and know-s just· ho"\V to hu,y. avQl"llJ:t!.l!JH .:Ln ' tl _ pruper 1l4J.llff.S Oil 3ppliciltion to Second, "'!'"hat he can't buy cheap enough, he n1anufa_ ctures. A;; we cJ1;i rg~ 11q ~ei:i llll les.<s ::>uccessftll, stn.znps fur rnrurn Jl'J'-'LtL£e sl1011ld be i-;en~ Ul:! , Third, he is sati~swith srnal .J profits. h ll f' h United Statea General Land Office. "' . . i;. J1, t-;tu ot·1~1. l n a p eusio u, mauy now 1·eceiy· ing pen1>iu1~r:; rire eu l.i tl~d to au lnc i·f!ase. Selitl ;;c 1am 1 _l :1.11 l1 m ror.nm t.iou '.".'ill Lie turnt~hed rree. · n~ p1 u rctl, or mJn red rn the l:t te w:i.r, l1owever 1\ ll 011' trH~l'!n~. :'i01,D 1 ~1t.<; :\.ull 8Arr.ous wounded, tic style, Pensioni. .01h goods will hereaftei; be bought for CASH . only, we and shall thereby reap the advantage the line: Shirts, Dra,,-ers, Socks, Collars, Olilfs, Neckties, Braces, &c, ·' . ' Everything good and (lh\)aJl. Cash customers will buy close. Call and inspect., No .tronble to show ·gs-;;ds, ·RAW FURS bought at highest ca~h p,ri.ces, ·-'· ' . M. :M. A -V FE . ... o! large trade discounts, which ad~antage I' Wf are· -d?termincd t_ o give to our ~ustomers. · Parties purchasing from n§ may tberefore depend upon getting goods at least ten per' cent. cheapo than under the old plan, ,.. Fourth , e se s F'"'th I1e sells il ; : at CAX.11'.I:i .A. 0 4 torn prices . . . as ; . D cotl~iction to a fine of n?t 1e~s than 620 or? B ··n, I N ·G y <) U ~o~rI)~1tal>~·n$5t~~e~r-~~n~~[~·~s~:tr:enp:r:i~ Examine Lh,e stock. wJlich com:{lrises SEE .PC>R. Y'C>U:El.SEX.."VES -AND.R F RI E N D s · W .·I . T ·a y O U. less than $20 or more than ~50 may be . impose d , or a aen tc nce o f i ruprwonmeut for not leS> tba.n 30 da:ys,------. more thans200, or to imprisonment for Ordm·s P1·omptly, a _n _d Go_od . .Fits Gu~~,_ ·_anteed_. 'i "" cr ""e' vr '""'"'"'· nut. mnre t>an six months, such intent to .Address GILMOEE & CO,, be priln.a"aci~ inferred from the carryine: of ~e has in st~~ . a n .endUt6e 't'Miety of LAdies' ;tii.d ~e~ts' Se.ralog;i · T runks, \l~lise~, ~tc,, J1ll o _ the wi:a.;:n. The ppinting of a. firei'rm wh1e:h he)-s~el~g .cheap fo~· c.a~Ji.. .;. ·_ · _ P. O. Hox {-1.. ~ H'aslitn(Jfo-it, .p. q, loaded or 11111<.Jlded, at a person il!, more- Remember the Stand~-._,, BIG BO _ OT'.' drawn by two Horsj'ls 1 WA""N"TG"· 1>. c., !fo. ~~,, 1 ~,,. 21. 1~10. \ I. I .a. It~ 111t~n.~11re ip f! Xpl"essing ll1Y cn~il·(l cOpqover, an olfence for which a fine of noi K ING . ST R £ ET ""Q W MAN . VIL' LE ""'"" 1n tt;e "!'!""'":b<lUy '"" M·lity of t~o T' cveryLhi·ng in the 't;ade, of the very latest and most \ · '"" el~gant styles and patter.ns, ()f ~µglish, Canadian, and ..A:nrnr1can ma.nufacture. having~ pistol with intent to injur.y &h.aH He still continues to man1.,1facture to or.Q.~r. fro1n the best of material,.and none but .first-class be iitlbl 6 ·o a finp of_. not less than $50 or workmen kept, l ~nr tmt>11t. of lh e J11tel"ior. , Old lloun ty I.and Warrants. 'Ne pn:,.' c:tsl1 forth.~m. Wiie1·e :ts~lgnmcnLs :' im perfect we give mi::tn1 ct.ions to pel'fect. them. \linin;r, PFC-em1it.lo11:1.11dJforn1Hil~ Pl~ll l.ed lwlore lhe G m1e r:l.1 Land adCa~es,p1·os~ Otftce :tud De· CuuH·!:! ! etl I.~llld C:i"'e", Pl'i\·tLte LrLud C!ai1ns D CHEMIST · AND DEALER IN s ,T 0 T 1, ' .. ' . I 8u!:stock,will tl1is ]'all be more replete than ever, and 11 Btiir higher olnss of goods will .be kept. _ We therefore guarantee the greatest satisfaction to all who may fa~,or us with their patronage, · ' The following lin~s ,\·ill _ b e found full ; DRUGGIST - Llhi!raJ. iU.l.i.l.llg~~uts Jl"Hldl:l WIUJ <LttOl'll) 1:1 lll LliaJI <Jonh·nctoi·s niul other8. W'" .wt .w_atrot·nc.} i! for s 11 c l1 In proeurmg con· t1,ie til, m.t 1 on~ c-oll 1·c t 1ons, 11 egoti.t~1ng Ioa.ns a.nd· rttt··u4f111g: to .11! business co1Utd~d to u~ TOWN HALL 1J t!ILDINOS, BO WMANVILL£, Dr-Hg gs~ M,e dicines a, n d Cherq.icals, llye Stuff~, Patent Medi<iill©~. l'w.>faw.e.r~,_ ~rus~es, Combs, Soaps, Paints and 0\1¥4 l'<iint ~1'~hes, C~~l ()¥, a~d Coal Oµ .LJamps; &c., &o, . IWY9!0lANS' !'RESCRU"l'!ONS CARE:v'UL.L; COMPOUN'l'ED AND ALL ORDERS CQRRj>lC'j'i:,_ y ANSW:E~Ell· , j~ Ready-made Clotltint;, Cloths, Tweid~ Dress Goods, Silks. Shawls, · S,t£rts, Cottons, Wi'ncrys, . . t' · lJ!~nkets, Buffalo Robes, &c.,&c. lh f,i,' · .. · · · · ' Bow manille, Octob~r 2nd,!8;6, I , M TRELEVEN ', 1 · . .. ~ ,· . ·. Lti~., l'~~t.e11r. a.1u1 Cq!lucqop. · Ho.1 ~ se qf · ·" C o., oftlp ~qr,r. 1;1;. ri EO. lf. n. "\VHIT~ . . ..,, Washiei· -0r ;4, .Y..tJo·al Metropolitan ila-aU GILMOTIB · oed of #/;e best q<£ality, ~ FC1VT·O"f$ a11d fhy~i<ia-r" from the -Oo;.,;t-ry will fiZ><l o "" Stockof ~edici11e$ com CENTS' SUITS AND SHIRTS BoWJlANVILLE, . , made to order in city styles, on shortest notice October 1, 1875. S. F. HILL ~~-- ·J

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