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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1877, p. 3

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CANADIAN STATESMAN AND TVJERCHANT, BOWMA.NVILLE, fHURSDA_Y, ThfAY 3, 18'"""" BARGAINS I ~---- - ++-- - - --- l\L[ E AN""S CA S -~-:o::---- ::a: J · " BUSINESS CHANGE! ----:o:----· Owing to the general scarcity of money, and especially the difficulty of collecting our accounts · after they have been so long past due, we beg to infol'm our friends and the general public, that we have determined that on and after ---Of Official Report of Award to DoMTNTON 0RGA"' COMPANY, Bowmanville, for Organs exhibited at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. TUESDAY, the 1st of MAY next, to sell our Goods for F. F. McARTHUR I j MESSRS. MURDOCH BROS. Having sold to me at a Great Sacrifice to themselves, their INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. INo. 235 ' Has been selling off his stock at reduced prices for the past CASH EXCLUSIVELY, -- OR }<'OR-- PHILADELPHIA, 18i6. The United States Centennial Commission has examined the report of the Judges, a.n d accepted the following reasons, and decreed an a ward in conformity therewith, PHILADELPHIA, December 5th, 18713. 1 . year, the old stock has nearly all been sold out, and he has 11ow recei: ed a splendid lot ' of Dry Goods Stock and Business 1 l purpose otlcring the whole stock along with _ N ew Dress Goods, New Tweeds, New Prints SAL.E S OF $20, OR OVER, REPORT ON AWARDS. ·--'4' ·-- - -~ EIGHT THOUSAND DO~LARS WORTH OF NEW COODS NOTES AT 30 DAYS. ----:o:---- Product, REED ORGANS. Name and address of Exhibitor, DerMJNION Omu:N Co., Bowmanville, Canada. The ttndersigned, having mrnmincd the ·prodl.ict herein described, respectfully ~·ecorr1111emls the same to the United States Centennial Commission for Award, for the following reasons, viz : -----·A'l' THE-- --. -- - "Because they have produced in their instruments a pure and satisfying tone, by their GODERICH COARSE S,f\LT, FOR J_,AND, ~l.00 per bbl. -· - - -:o:---method of voicing, and have a silnple and . , I efficient stop-action, with satisfying music al Dress Goods! Dress Goods! Dress Goods! CLOVER, TIMOlHY, W. B. C~.~P.OT & MANGLE SEEDj combinations, an elastic touch, and good genOne stack of 20 ct. G0<;>ds marked down to me. One stack i A FULL SUPPLY. eral workmanship." of 2i'ic. Goods marked down to 15c. One stack of 30c. and I LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES! All Goods will be offered at the lowest cash rates. ' New Cottons, New Hats, New Gloves, &o-., &c., &c. all bought at bottom prices of 1877, and will -be found the cheapest goods ever ottered in Bowmanville. ~A large stock of CHOICE TURNIP SEED will be 35 cel1t. Goods marked down to 20 cts. About 2,000 yards of fine goods '10c., 50c., 60c. and 70c., marked at a quartei· of sold at prices that cannot be beat. a dollar per yard. H. K. OLIVER, Signature of the Judge, .APPROV.AL OF GROUP JUDGES- Also a complete supply of General Groceries, Crockery, B L.A.CK L U S T R E S I 1 25 cei1t Lustres at liJc.; 30c. L ustres at :we-; 35c Lustres at Glassware, &c., . 25c.; the8c goods are all finished on .both sides and r:ne blacks. Tho whole of the innnerne stock oi Black Dress Goods _ at a , great reduction. J -- -- - : o : - - - - - J. SCHTEDMA YER, E, LEYASSEUR. E-D, 1"AYRJ£ PERRET. GEO. F. BRISTOW. P. F. KUPKA. WILLIAM 1'HOMSON. H ."i\1ES C. WATSON. .TOSEPR HENRY. ,T. E. HILGARD. F, A. P. BARNARD. A true Copy of the record. FRANCIS A. WALKER, Chief of the Bureau of Awards. A FUI,L STOCK OF Givc'n by authority of the United States Centenuial Oomii.lif:!sion. . A. T._GOSHORN, f)i,rect~Jr-General. J. J,. CA:\IPBJ1,LL, Sccntury. J. R. f[AWLEY, Preside1't. FLOUR, SHORTS, BRAN, .OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, AND COARSE GRAINS, W c try to keep always .on hand. ffelFRemomber we ~ell arid good value. SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. Dominion Organ Co., Bo'\\~MA.NVIJ,J,E, O~T. - - - : o :--- -- - 3 lbs. of 40 ct. Tea for $1.00, - ~1IY WI-IA T IS IT ? ~ ----- - TIIE--· -- . 1 THE TAILORING BUSINESS carried on as formerly. STOCK OF BLACK SILKS at the reduced prices cam:i:ot -be equalled. A good Black Silk at G5c.; my 50c. Ladies' Zanilla Umbrellas are-a decided bargain. The correct make of costume. Linen 15c. at per yd. :o: HIGHEST PRICES PAID AT :ALL TIMES :FOR :FARM PRODUCE llES'l' SHOE STORE JN TOWN .- F O R - - BRIDGMAN & FLEMING. -1 Bowmanvillc, .~ pril 2&, 1877. STYLE AND QUALITY-! fi;,/E WORK A SPECUlll'Y CALI.i AKD EX...:\..'MU.; B .!\>IY STOCK. \Vomens' .l:..eather Boots for 90 cts. -l\fen's B rogan;- for $1:00. -. Tip top "\Vomens' Prnnella Gaiters, 75 cts. CA_N' 'I' B'l<iA 'l' 1\L 'Vomcns' Enu.mcl SlippE;rS for 75 cl~ . ·-ALT.i ...:\..rr-· I J I .ALL-WOOL TWEED SUITS MADE TO ORDER AT $10. Bowmanville, April 17, 1877. Staple Goods at Auction Prices! G-ood fast colored Prints at 5c. per yd. Handsome 1\'Iouming IJ~·ints--new patterns. 1\. full range of Factory Cotton always . in stock A good brown Holland foi· SCOTT'S SHOR STORE, I _ _..........,..,. _ ,,_, ," ·"""""""""""'....,,,... _ ..,... _-===-==-~........,...,..,,..,.,, I I OPPOl"ITE 'fO'WN H,\l.L. Bo1'--mt~nvillc, Mu,rch 28, 1877, 35. ANTI--- A y0 R KR s H I L L I N G p E R YA R D. The finest American Steamloom at l:Sc. per y(L The larges,t stock of towels ever shown in Bowmanvillc,_from five cents to one dollar each. 3,000 yards of Towelling starting at 5c. per yd. My stock of York-shilling ( xford Shirting has already r@qnil'ed large additions. Carpet ·warp, the best in the market, warranted to make twenty-five yardH of yard-·wide Carpet, Qnly till.50 per bundle. Soft fine feather Ticking marked down to a York-shilling per yd. Very wide Table Linen .at 25c. per vc1. Fine Linen Table Napkins, 95c. per doz.. JEvery house, keeper should see my im!nense vu,riety of BootsandShoesJI :<"..rf.::---- i ~~ BRAMPTON AGRIGULTURAL WORKS !~ ErAO-G-ERT- I Bram~ton Rorce lleaping 1\!Iacnines--im~roved for 1877, Beaver and Meadow Lark Mowers, \ We beg to invite the· Fai.·mers to examine our NEW ROYCE L BBos~ ;vfA?HTFACTURERS 0)!' 'l'B.l£ CDI,EBRATETl G-.A..R D E N_E RS / T::H:E L..ARGEST:i E . D :I : FIRST PRIZE GENTENNIALTH~ESHINC_MAGHINES, ETC., ETC. BEST As s 0 R T ,---AN n ----c · BUY YOUR SEEDS ·---AT CH.EAPEST 6'\'er offered in town, j nst LACE & MUSLIN CURTAINS, JCoffered at le~s than wholesale prices. My White Quilts at one dollar ,;hould be seen before they are all picked up by shrewd buyers. The stock of White and Colored Shirts, mun.hering about 700 of various kinds, at exceedingly low prices. A good 'White Shirt for Mlc. A good Oxford Shirt for 50c. Boys' Oxford Shirts, with collar; 90c. A fine lot of Bow Ties t o be sold at 5c. Ties, Collai'H,Braces1 &c., sold cheap. A good 1 'I erinoUndcrshirt for 40c. 3 pairs Men's Cotton Socks for ~5c. --~-:o:--- I REAP.ER before placing their orders with any one, feeling assured that it wil) 1w to their adva~ltagp, &s oqr iinproyc111ent~ wiU cornmend thi;iQ:isQlvclJ to every intelligent Farmer. ·_ , a.::-:;;,_mC)lll""-t"ll:2"'_ · We have also to intimate that we have · exclusive ·ri,ght to spll the ~--.a. '-'~ ROY~CE - REAPE-R in the Cou!1ties of "York, \Tictorla, · Ontario, Durham, ..~o., &c. We however granted Messrs, GREEN BROS. & CO., of Waterford, the right to sell for. th~ seasons of 1876 and 1877 in above Counties.; aft.e r th~s season, therefore, their right to Bell them absolutely cea.IP.S, We make thrn expl,.nat10n to correct certain ' received at false reports circulated by interested pai·tit:s. I l I I I- ,REAPERS, for your inapection. Further information will be cheerfully given on application to J, M. JONESS _ We will shortly be able to place in the hands of our agents our NEW M ' u r 'd 0 c h Bros. . . . - I R. \V, JA:!\fE~. ~'"M. SANDl !;ltCOCl{, 'VEBS'l'ER, & G-AJA_HtAITH, Bownu;tnyill~, ag(".nt- fo~ · the sale of our 11nplements. ~ Bn.l."\fPTO:N", 1Iarch~ 1877. {33-3n1os. POST ()FF"IOE BbOOK. ------== = =-- - - · N'E~ THE GROCERY ON AS BUSINESS USUAL, ORDERED WORK promptly executed and good fits guaranteed. Be suro and give him a call before purchasing el sew here,. BowmanvillB, April 12, 1877. SPRING DRY GOODS Ti --:o: - - GARRIED Ai'i umrnually large stock of Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers I I King of the West ~=ILLI~ER.,"Y_1FAN NING MILL _ . - :and Mantles, all to be sold cheap, . !he goods an:l prices~t in this depa~tmcnt are so well approc1atod That then· orders :are air.eucly considerably in advance oftheir facilities ror executing them.: o : - - -- AND SEED SEPARATOR. -- o- -~ - ll NEW G - 00-D S , ~ Murdoch . . . . . _· - IVIASON'S THREE MAC~_INES IN ONE TO ::H:-8...N"DI ' . f Bros. s "P One hundred Capes and J\fantles to be. slaughtered 1 all to be sold at $2.50 each-mo::i.t of them are worth, .from $5 to &;15. A fine lot of fancy Grenadine to be sold at Gets. per ,yard. Two hundred untrimmed J{u,t,s' to be sold at 5 'cents each. Call early and seclll'c some _ of these bargains._ ' E 0 I .A.. 'J=., This is tbe best and largest machine for cfoaning and separating grain · ever invented. __ , . ., _ _. I :Manufactured in Bowrnanv ille at the cstablrnhrncnt of Lov1, ' Liberty st. Call and inspect. WHICH HE WILL SELL AT HIS - . --AHE RECEIVING:'---- J:>. O. HIMES, Sole Aaent for the counties of N orUmn;berland, Durlmm, Victoria and Peterhoro~ (33) Usually LOW Prices CORN by the CAR L 0 AD - - :o:- - TERMS CASH. · 13 a.nd 14, 2nd con. Ju1med1atc po::,~ess10n. To bo used as naisture lantl only. Lease for one or five years. A pp1y to JONA'l'l! AN sri'EPHENS __ ~ -A J30UT 50 ACRES, .f'ar1n to Let, PAI{T O>' Sale, LOIS r .'. , THE Ul><PER11'1ENTIONEP PROPllP,TY, the estate the _ late part of of. 1L Johns of the vill;-ige uf Orono,\vtll ba sold I,h;ldad by_ Public Anet.ion, on th_ e premums, _ l!n May ls _I., l R77, at 10 Ju., m!n!listing of the _fullo willg' :- a:? The Tailoring Depart1nent A SP:B~UIA LTY. EVERY · " · Darliµgt 9 n, April IO, 1877. -·- -- -- - - - - - - - 37-:lin __ _____ __ _ _ ____ I , I ·well as tho old sa·w-null privilege. ·rerms ni.1de known at time of sale. - ) . L. OJ~AH.1(, E..tecutor. 1 All U1e unsoltl. v11Iag_:e lo~·S. of sa.1d ostate, a.s WILLIAM ALEXANDER, (Late_ Murdoch Bros.,) Bowmanville. J3owmanville, May 2, 1877. Debe11tu1·cl!J tor !Sale. ! Otono, l\farch 28, 1877. ~5- Aw . GOOD FITS GUARANTEED. - apply to tcrcstat~even T age of Ne\vcastle, valne HE NEWCASTLE HARBOUR co. I offer for sale ~·Ive Debentures ol the percent. For furthei·particular~ $6.% their ccilinW3 tinted or wi1itened in good : stylei ·without tne t rouple of rem,ovlng. their carpet s, Rhonld le::ivo their orders with JAMES II. NIClfOLSON. RA I~T, Gem·ge stroot, 01· addreRs Box 49, Bow . nirtnville P. 0. Prompt attention will bo given, ec. Ntwcas1lc 1' 1 Jl (·_land sat isfaction guaranteed {M) House CJeaning· . Yi l 1 ADlES~ DESIR01JS OF HA YING each, bea.r1ng1n- L - ' Butter and Eggs Taken in. Exchan. One Door 1-Vest of Express Office. Bowrnanvillo, Marci; 28, The Cheapest Feed you can ·buy. .Bowmanville, March 14th, 1877. , I a 1877. (2?~ -.;g- .

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