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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1877, p. 4

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' CANADIAN 8T1\TESl\YAN ANJ) 1\LERCHA~T, BO\VMANVJLLE, THURSDAY, 1V1AY 3, 1877. r( 1he 1nodc of culture, aud the liberal n1anu11ng practiced IRTY :--:-.o:-:--: DAYS 1 I by lnarkct gardeners, c inno1,, of courf.!e, be generally adopted l y d1015e 1 1ho cultrht.te large a1 cas of land. ])ut l a.lwavs nvt1ced that those f'"'r1ncrs nhosc mc:thcds uc., iu t ht' sLJ,ndard of t,hc garden arc U1e ones' \ .. hu 1Jbta.1n, <t.S a rul0, the l,1rgest yields :,nd f~o highe~t 1a.te of p10Jit. Lt is tiue '- nongh that to inve.:>t yu.-uly in 111a.11ur e ;ct tho ra te of froin 50 to 80 tons per acTti, :i equ.1es : ~s 111010 :Fall Business! ---:o:-- -' ' Spring Im1Jorta,tions - - -(' 0 NT A IN -- -- Will ·sell the balance of l1it1 Stock for 'rhirty Days at I 1 I 1 GREATLY REDl:JCED BF.F<>RE RTO<' K TAKING; NA~mLY: PRICES! · CASH PRICJ<;, 9 cts. 10 CREDIT PRIUE, 11 cts. rnore fa1~h and courage, as well mnIH'Y, than the average f;;,nner -..!omn1a111Js. Yet it is n1a1nly 111 this in-teusi\'e rnodL~ of c11ltln·c that. the rna.rket g ardener finds Iii~ bt-1sr, re1nnneration . . The BARGAINS, ATTRACTIONS, NOVELTIES I Million. BLANKETS, DRESS GOOD:S, " " " " 12~ " .i:1vtn v. ho cultivates half a dozen acres nn1st get lar~;cT returns fron1 than he '1.liho euHh a LBs flon1 fifty to hundred. 1 The~ have Come an~ are Coming --A~-- F LANNELS, SHA\VLS, WINCEYS, SH ll~TS & DRA\VERS, FANCY \VOOL GOODS, CLOUDS, &c . Per.,on;; wanting the above Goods will tind it to thei1 advantage to call ]Jefore pm chasing else>v here. 17 $1.00. 20 $1.15. To geli 70 tons of cabbage produu;·~ fro1n au acre, a ~s11urlar ratio, F1·rsh Sea Herrings, J.fresh Cod nnd J)addock, S1nol~ cd Hall but Jl'1nnan IIaddieo;:, '\ arn1011Lh .tfl'urd to nn est Blov..tc1·.,, :Bx t1a Sca1ed JTe r1·n1µ;;;, (ml Frnh anrl 1tbe1 r.Jly in plant food and other cxp01nes Boneleso Uod F1 ,h, T,ah1,ulP1 lieu1ngH, Sea , f cultu1e. lf he knows, or caii nearly t\almon auil \Vlutc F1d1. t1cter1JJu1c . the v,11ncof c,1ch int.ended crop, Which will Btril,c tlie KFF'.'i 0B8ERVMt very fo1c ihly. J I.]T,LIES AND JAl\iS. ] ie can g cn er,1lly c2 lc 11l>tJe lvJw n111ch 1t Jnst H~<'ctvcd at Darlington's Depot, lted Cur ran1 Jellicri, Bluck Currant Jelly. Htrawhe1ry · .ill be safe to IhLY o ut 111 order to obtain .lam, Plun1, Raspberrv, G11n:-:ehe1·l'y, Gret'n )t; and hrrv1ng luade the calcu1.tt1un, he They invite COMP AR fSO-:\f :cml COMPETITION. T,tlllX. 1'oes nnt to htake the invcstmPnt. .Tust to 11,nul at the Depot,a c1io1ce lot of J. \ {l w, tht rf' rn clEarly no reason why the Goods · at Goods to suit the OANKED PEACHES, t>an1e ge ner~1l tnle rn 11ot equally sound for from all the Celebratecl Makers-English and' i hc fct1·1ner. I l iH busu1ess is subject to RASPBERRIES, 1 uhc s,J n1c u atural Ltws, and lus crops fire 1 ST RAWmmmES, American. Nmv and Elegant i;1 endless :inrrtneutcd by the 15a1ne process. 'l he gr:ad t act' to be consndererl is this ; In. all PTNE APPLES and QUlNCE. 1 variety. For EVEHY DAY SUITS see their magnificent ~--tses when 1nannrc is nbnndn.ntly snpphed, Also Gltlj1Ji:N PEAS, GHEEN COHX, G-It:gEN ;tncl th8 t1JLige i s t n orough and deep, the Stock. of T\VEEDS. BEANS an.ct. 'l'O~lA'l'UES. l<'or better wear, t> oil responds I l l o l'U 1 J_ espund1ng degree, a1Hl beco1ncF, in tho }1an ds of a. skilful ontinues to be thfl popular fabric. They exhibit a very laige T E A. S! t·'·. snnpl>' a. iuachin~ fol' c:onvert'l ho 1111P8L Tt as and the cheapest 'l'eas, GHEEN, 1 Hlu\l'I\:"aud J.A_PA'N, arc for salea.t'J'. I>arhng- 1 Stock, uusmpassecl for elegance of design and finish. n 1g (henncal clcn1cnts into food; a11d, ton's Depot. I ·\helhe1· d, 11Htn cultivates ten acres or ten ~.U.\f,I'l'Y JS 'l'lfl; 'l'_E!-il 01'~ CUEAI·Y·~ss ! J1undred , tho inore plant fr)(\d he suppl_1cs 1 · of tho l'iuht l~1nd (other euud1L1ous bmng 1 'l'. DAltLlNGTOK . t;q nol), the larger w1ll 1Jo tho result, Lhe Bo1v111an-. illc, Jan, 2!, 1877. (26 Jower the cost, und the higher the rate of I OJ<' THE Tll\IES ! ABUI~AST ]Jrolit. The Llsi few dollats added to the ccst of t he t.Tc1p 1:-. nearly n.1wn:ys the f.ecret of the ex ha p1uitl, and ROn't'tnn cs rrHLkcs the whole chfferettce bet ween pi c·fit and j08S. .AJl practical f~r1nerS vrofess to unclerstau<l this, ye~ few ha\e p10\'ell lhe courage of thmr opinions by rcdllcing lt tu p r a1.:lice. And h~re is just the point Never hefore such a Stol'k of and other 111 i he ga1 den ~r can v~ ell T. DARUNOTON'S FRUIT DEPOT ! This will be strictly adhered to, apd. only six months on average accounts. now due must be paid Corner Prices. PHINTS 1 Dress Goods I 'VVor~t.ed Co tin g I i l F. Y. COWLE. Bowmanvtlle, A ngust 29, 1876. 1 MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Cl1~ap El'u1·1 1il1i·re! PERFECT FITS IN THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT.) GeU:tlemen's Furnishings m Town. Never before such a Stock of FELT I1ATS in Town. Hats for 1~veryhocly. Hats for wet weather. Hats for dry weather. Hats as light as a feather. (/~l1~t1:p.,,Fu,,~1-,~'·'1/1·~! -AT- ·;>;here a. n lci.ll uf tinud a.nd. cnnservah\.~c lJolioy hc!1tf5 snd 11l'siiatc~, wlnl e the clPar· headed heroic fa.r111er fearl~ssly 1neets the expe11sc and 1v1ns the prize. There is in LtuL scarcely a. crop raised on the farm I MANN ING' S OLD STAND. The Bowmanville Furniture Factory having commeuc~d rnnning again, and the new Company having appointed ~he undersigned Retail Agent for the Town and surrounding country, he 1s prepared to offer tl1t· very best styles of FLtmitme at prices below anything at which it can he procured clt;ew here in the Province. ----··--- that 1n 1ght nat be tn ntcrially incre~sed 1~·1th but slight ~\ d<lit1ouu1 cost, provided 1jho owner could dete1mi11e-.1n each case the :Hlditio na.l outlay needed, and the right ph_i,ep, to pnt it. },_s tlus question is often easily solved, a.nd is ;rn]dom as difficult as it seon1s, it {,hallenges tlH' attenti~n of farmers, and well deserve~ further d1scusaio1~. - Cuuntry Gc11tlerHuu. Carpets, Carpets, ah! such Carpets! GROCERIES AND SEEDS.[ J. OHEMJS'r AND DRuGGIS'.1.', -n·JWS l{~;SPEOTF'ULLY TO AN J.=>::\OU N CE tha.t }w }u.s received a 'v-ell as UN D ERT.AK·ING Fnnernls furnished in ove1y respect in the very best styles and at po·ice, lower than any other tirm in the country. One of tho finest Hc'arnc, in tlIP Province SENT FREE to any funeral furnished by t1H1 subsc1iber, within ten miles of Bowmanville. Also, "6""t r.,,. Raymond's celebrated Met,allic Coltins, Now York. BUY SMALL TREES. Horte'd stock of Genuuie Dn1gs and Pure }Jngllsh "e..t~folly :;~lectcu ChP.rnH:alE Ahlo.,. a Splendid stock of the most DYE S'l' l:FFS! Their TEAS have 1w<1uircd wide-spread popularity. Hun- 1 dreds of, Tea drink en:; will. clrin k no other. 'i'lir;ir fine Bla~k Te~t i,, I'EHFECTION ! Enquirers after B.AHG'.>\INS will I OIL", PAI~'l'M, ,be treated with every comtesy and cons1dcratwu at , ,-\ likh caunot be surpassed for excellency o !l1aUty- _>\.n assortincnt of ..i-1-n1li11e D~ cs kep constantly on ho,nd, together with a ch01ce se lection of DRUH8, CIIEMIC.f\_L8, l' A'L'EN'l' )1J£DICIXJ~S,I BRUSHES, COMllS, ~HOULI)F.,R-J3RACES, JL.$ 0 Th/.[ IN"" I 0 Nr · S a v1ngs an.u ·I nves t men't · ' · - 1r_r ::E:[ E ~· I I SOOI::(:I:TY. - lr.a:·-.. having been eirculated that the undersigned has been overcharging in hfa Undertaking depaitment, he begs to submit the following figi.1r<>H, which hechall<>ngPsanyonetocontradict:· Reported amount charged, $50 . ... Actual amount charged, $ 12. I " " " 30 .... 45~ .. . " ~1 " " " " " " " 9. 9 '5 . i- 0~ !{{t lSUP:POltTEit$· .£;(, , &c LO ND ON, ONr-l1A RI 0. " c.1r11'AL ... . ........... .................................. . $1,000,00 fl . SUBSC'liIBED .. . ... . ...... . . . ............... .' .... , ,. . . . .. .. '."50,000.00. PAID UP .................... , . ................ .... .... . ... ;;00,000.00. RESERVE ~tND CONTINUEN1' FUND.... .. .. . . . .......... fiO,ooo .. oa 110\\ nu1nYi1lc, I\'Ia1_·ch 20~ 60 .. · · " a H· Bros.' Buw~! \NV!LLE, ~ ~>\t IJOLOH B, VARXISHES .ind \VllI Hie very lowe8t prices. 50.,, · 72.... ] 870. ,, ,, 50. 35 EA W. P. PROWER. :;\larch ·Hl, 1877. HORAE J\ND CA'f"rLE MEDICINE K. B.-Country Storepeckcrs supplied on· a \ nnto.,gcous t erms ~riHE JDLEP~:~~ T I-1ou~E 1, Th·e--r~1vs1G1AN's _ __RtMt~Yeverybody says, to purcr1ase conductiug a. ten1pcranue revival as a kin<l: of adjunct ~o the J\'.[oody an d Sankey niretings ~he gives a - b reakfast to every IIutn \\ ho vnll pledge 1 l1u W:lf t o listen t o t he t en1pcrance-,1ppoal I -that follo ws it. I:-Iundrt:id~ d.tLend every n1or 1u11n on these tenns, and of cunrse I lllOSt the:n at the outset CltlC onJy for ~he 1ne£i1 , but the won1an is convinced thn.t inany c1ro conve rted froin lnton1per~ ;\nee, a11d she is w1lltug to lneet the ex~ p enGe of her moren1ent. The Boston Po;jt thus descr1beB the ineeting of a grocer 's i..:teditors: 'l'bere were no assets; there was not the rmuutest t. · h ,lJ1ve of n d1v1dond. \)rhat were tlv~ crtH..llturs to dn with thi~ \'>retched lndi\ idu al 1 At all bVPnts they ' ~ c ro detern11ncd to havo son1ething; and 011e of t hei r nun1bcr, either pre\iously .nvare of the bank· l upt's lyrical ai tainn1ents or moveil by a ShakBp-2l'ian intHition of the debtor having a "si11g1ng: face" a.siked hun if he could not chser the d1oop1ng sp1r1ts of thOse to i.vhou1 ho stood in<lebtf'd by warbhng .-.0n1 e d1t ty. The po1It1ikss yet tuneful lJankrupt expressed hu; H1lhn5uesa tu uhhrre, and 111 trcnH1lous accents piped fur th the tender ballad of "Then you'll, I i eu1eu1ber n1e.)) rrhc scene \"ra.1 as pathct-1 10 as it was origincil. SALTI1H FOB \Vrv 1 1M.- '\V( eds nlay lie I dcstroye ..l bj sca t te1 iu~ a small qua.utity 1 ()f salt regu larly over the walk ; but tlns should only be 1vher. the ,weathPr rs line, <Jl' it may be wa.sl1scd to the sides and do rnuch da1rrigc to the verges. By t1eat:ing walks to a slight rlrcs;:;ing Qf salt every s pring and aulu11u1 thev 1nay be kept free of weeds at an1u1uIJ uu:1 of thea1nountcf· . a nd co:;t that 1vou ld be 1equi1ec.l. to pull ihe1n up, a nd not only this, bnt lt such an eff1'- ct lll kilhng all n1ossy confe1va. as tu render the gravel ahvays bright and new-looku1g, n0ar]y equalling in that respect any fresh front the pit and ncw]y laid down. J t rnay b u ruu1arked, l101vevcr, tha t ir. do es n(~t do tu use salt 1 where the edgings of box, as that is I sure tn su ffe r 1njury, and pe1 h_aps be 1:1lled al t oget:1et ; but grass vcrgea will s tand iL v. ell 1f uot sown too close to 1\ I3osrroN \\ omarL is 1 THE KING OF PUMPS! Moucy loaned upon real estate on th.e most favorable terms. Over 400 Stood the Test of Winter l\fo1 tgµ,g, eH p nrchaHed. In leie8t allowed on depotiitH. with Perfect Success! D. MAGFT'R, President. llEf!IJJRJ~_,_7fCE8 J oh11 McLeod & Co.'s is ~he place, 1 Jlh;i,::iu·u\.n, If the op1111on of 16 LJ<~AlHNG PHYS IO TA:\ tl ot .)lontrea.l 1s considered " ortby of contldenu\ J 01l ·wul ti·y '\:~THE N you a.1~~ill n.ncl do1tit kno\\ ho1v 'W l' to ge t over it, you g-enerall~ "'<,nd for your F. B LEY, Managt. . ' P . C. :EC:J:Dl.l!:ES' lJY I'Ell~Jl1-~BI01't: GRO. J\ilcfiTJ,T_J, Rf.:tt., J\.fanager Ontario Bank, Bo\\man\ille W U,LIAM ,~LLlSON, Bsq., M. D., Bowman ville. London J\.Iarch 1876 RUBBER-BUCKET PUMP. 110 valves about obsi1nctetl no scre\v Joints to become nnmov~ able by 'rust. lt Vi ill rruse ·vater fr pn1 a ilt-~ep wcll i:dth perrcct ease ; vd_ il not freeze nnh ~s t he well 1We lfrn f1ozPn; 1ie1·fw nf ul.'> 'llru1nnr1; ahv::i}s r,tuw~ the pure~t, ctilde:.t "'\Yater, front t hP: bottorn oI the \\'ell, <1.nd -w1ll raISe a barrel of water per nunutc. llfannfacturcd a.t Bo\'in1an\ ille, Or.t. Price for put 1ng in, i-eady for use, $!:1 for first lC feet, and forty cents for each add1tlmwl fnHt. 'l'he gentlenwn hPttr l n~titnony to the11nequalled <·xcelle1we of tt11H p111np, .,,iz.: .Tmn 1~h ]\'IcClellan, Esq. l\Ianagcr Do1niuion Bank, Oshawa; F. '\Y. Gkn, "-r· Hcpinstall, Tnos. Couant, Chn:i. Honey, J.J. D1·c,v, A. H · \Yhiting & Co. , C. \.V, Lent, W. Scott. .AgC'.nts wanted in every county. .AddrPi'iR P. C, HTJ\fRS, Bo\\ u1anv ille, Ont. or Coolr, Hall, Parlor DR. BrRNBAuM's e;Jn.d Box Stoves, I Rneuma!ism & Gout Heme~~' f IIardware, Pated Ware, Paints, Oi s, & C · 'on -W- J3:Y- IS IT ? I 'l' p 1ll0 1 f1ir ri ry of wJnch those 16 lrn,\ e l'l'rtifu>d for the cu10 o cian ' Gr~E..A..' T = There iue PUJ\IP IS THE CHEAPEST T HIS and tlcsirublc pump in the n1arket. it to becon1e 1nr>~1 1 Beca:nse, 1st, They sell the Cheapest. Because, 2nd, T h ey keep the B est GDods, Because, 3rd., They have the Largest Stock. Because, 4th, You can get thr;; article yo·~ fections. 'l'he (cw sunilc signatures of 16 leading phys- thouHarnls of others in Cal"la.da, and is now <·onsidc1cd, on Lhis continent as wCII as in Europe, the only ieltable remedy tor all Rhcun1at ic af- lUlEl'IvIATISllJ, ' NEUHALGIA, LUMBAGO, GOUT. STIFFNESS fN .JOINTS LlMBiiJ, SPUAINS, :!!'ROST BJ'f'ES, CHILRLAI.NS, RRUlSES, OUTS, DUHNS, WANDEUING PAINS, &c. JI ln:LK t m:cd several of these r>hys1cians and Clearing Sale ·I -:--The subscriber, m consequence of the late fire has clctcrmined to want 1 Be ca use, 5th, If the article- is :..~ ct what they tell you it is, they will take it back. icians of -:VlontreoJ are on etlcb bottle as a guar ~1ntee ot its efficncy. Fo1 sa1e by all druggists at 50 cents and $1 i lJfH hntth~. Cert1ftcates of physieiHnf; al'e on each lmttle, and can be had also by applrn1g to CHARTil<.S ::YIAH'rIN. ::\fontreal, Sole ...\gent for Canada and "C, t1. Sell off his Whole Stock NEW FALL and "\i\TINTER AT GHEATLY REDUCED PHICES, ' DR,-Y- ~.OODS, in order that h e may EEOEIVED reope~1 at. his old ~tand with a stoek entirely new. · · 'l'O BE SOLD One of the 1'csti1nonial.s. :F'ro1n D1·, Duncan l\J cCalln m, 1\-Iout eal. If the unde1s1g11ed, ha\ e been 5uffer1ng \ ery j !1111Ch for tho_l~st two ~ears from ltheurnatis1n I 1n the ankle Joint, so n1uch t hat I wt1s often pre· 1 TI.o itituck no'v held needs no exa.ggcrated puffing to co1nn1e1Hl it · - t 0 CHEAP FOR CASH f For Sale- Scales and MeaHureH starnp<-d by the InspPctor. ~;£f>~·~ti~~~ ~;t~~i"Jj,~~J;!~,\~~hli1;e~;;,\!Yi~~ public approval, but is known as one of the largest an:l bes~ select10ns ~ and Gout Remedy gave m~ - that relief from Staple and Fa.ncy Dry Go-oocls ever placed before the mhab1tants of tlus 0 "' T r -, )E E ' \' E'fRO- UC I -1 I"G pain and st11fru~<"i'I ·vh1ch I did net expe11 ence _ IV,.~. STOVE ]< UH..N I I uh ' 1 LI_ ' < ""' ' allll for the last two )Cae8, HTid after Nght day's use town arnl nei,,hhorhood """ l R · ] ] of this remedy, I find my~Plf .entirely cured, 0 , all kinds of TlN\VAHE 1\Ianufactured arn epai r el, nnc er Iowethisstatement;othepubhe, to tho pro · . : ~ ,. fes;;1on, and to tho 111cr1ts of Lh~ g~nuine artiole. the practreal supt>rmtendenee of Mr . .B RY· DUNCAN McCALLUM, l\L D. An e!J,rly call is respectfully solicited. JOHN l\ll'LEOD & CO., I Junemh.1876. 81\'. A 1' I .. ·~ Rowmanvil!c, Oct. :lo, 18'(6. nownu_t1 n1lle, Nov. 8, 1876. , WRLLlNGTO:;\f BUTLDJNGS l:G i:;; l~lbl1 ·,,hed 1~1--;J, ~Now open for sale on Corner of King and Division streets. I BIG is now raging at THOMAS· PATERSON. Winding Upl OCTOB_ ER It is my intention on tl1c aho'c date to wind up the longwindcd credit sys~cm , and edl only for CASH, aoakJ the l'011l s , nr a fto1w a.r ds . g8~ wasl1ed to the1n, should r.uu b.Y cha nce occur 1m111ed1ately J fa.ny ot her re1nedies have been r eco n1n1eucl ed to exth pate \vee<la from HARD Ilard time prices have bcl'n adopted at the establishment of }le is offering his IHnY ancl handsome assortJnont of or its equivalent., It requiieB "Yalks, such as the uso of son1e of the miner al acids, but there is nothing so ch0ap and sin1ple, or th at can b e so readily and sa.fely a-ppliecl,as,i (h1.rile-ne1 ·~ Ch ro }(icle, 1) i1 no argument to establish that it is to the advantage of both buyer ~ nd. seller to trade for ready pay; the buyer thereby getting goods at J,Q WElt PRICES, and !he seller being sa>cd from loss by bad debts. We thinlk part. I ~a recent.Iect1 nede1ive1·ed inEd1nbtugh I "Tli e S tars," I'rofesso1· G-r~u1t gave a 1 orapluc ideo, of the immensity uf space. - I ire said t l1at ~1 railwa.y ~train travelling night .;:1.i rl dn.y n t the rnte of fifty rniles an hour wou la reach thl"" nioon 111 s1x n1on t hs, FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT GREA'l'LY REDUmJD PRICES. then that all parties will concur in the wisdom of this change on eur WHis Buffalo Robes are splendid v-alue. ttirHis Mink sets are re- 1ho sun 1u t\\ U hund1ed }ears,a,nd AlphLt C enta.ur1 1 t h u ne,tJ eat of the fixed staTs, in fort y-t wo 111illio11s of year. A ba.11 from n. ~~un, travelling at the rate of nine hundred j ~nileA an hn·n'. whould reach the moon in 1 ..:-1..lplrn, Ct·nta111·1, 111 2, 700,000 : : ·while llg ht, t r::nl~ ll 1 ng as it did fl.t the r And low pricet1) rnai·kable at the n1oney. .~~His Grebe and Alaska outdistance all cornpctition,~~Jiis Caps, Oollarets, l\ofuffs, ~iitts, &c,, are 1nadt:) up in the 11eweat and inost artistic style. ~His Children's Furs are 1are and varied, and are just what fund n1atn· .iuas requit·e fur their pets P,'"'Then tl1e Gents' Furnishings embrace everything in the line . .Shirts, Dra"ers, Socks, Collars, Cuffs, Neckties, "Braces, '-~c. 1 Our good~ will he1eafter be bought for CASH on}r J, ' ve an(1 shall thereby reap the advantl1ge of large trade discount s h. d t .,.. w 1c 1 1 a van ago we are determ;ued to give to our customers. 1113y PnrF,es phrchasing from us I Eve1ything good and cheap. inspect, No trouble to show goods, uo w mri.nv1ll e . October, 1875. Ca~h customers will buy close. Call and 1 RA"\V FUI\8 bought at highest cash price, , j therefore depend upon getting goods ·,, least ten per cent. cheape Tate of 180,00<J nnles in a second, would no!; r each it in less than three years. J_i1gh t fron1 son1e of the telescopic stars \vould take f>,760 years to reach the earth; andfruni. son1r:: oftlH_'seclusters the distance was o:o L{l'P-at thai, hght won]d take hali a million ol years to pass to the earth, so M. ~~ MA.YER thnn under the old plan. D. -A:f'll- ST 'OTT AND DEALEH IN Our sto,·k wlll this Fail l·e ~ore 1 eplete than ever, and a stilr highc" class of goods will l>c kept. 'Ve therefore guarantee the greatest satisfoction to all who may favo~ us with their patronage, magnitude of -die s~ars, he uuttcd that ) Orders Prompt/;y EJ:ecuted, and . Gooij .Pits Guaranteed. J it wo..s con1puted. tlrnt A.lpha Lyra wasj IIe hart in "'tock _nn endless ~ anetJ- of J,Ji1He,.' unf] Cq11"' Rvratoga 'l 1t1uks, \-rullscs, etc., all o o ne huuclred billions of n1iles {.hstant from vthich he is selhng cheap for the eoTth. and its magnitude and spl~ndnr wer e a s 20 to 1 when co1npared "..-ith our Remember the Stand--" :BIG BOOT " drawn by t wo Horses, sun. S1miliar inve!:ltigatiolls brought out J KI STR. E ET, BO·\/\/ MANVILL E . t he fact t hat our sun was neither vast ly! greater nor vastly Jess than the great maj ority o[ the atara. Bow1nnr"ille. October 2nd, 1876. that we saw obJeuLs not a.s th ey 1eaJly are, H R I N G YO UI~ FRYE ND S VVI'.I' H YOU. ! but as tbcy '"ere half a 111illio11 years ago. Exauune the stock, ~·huh f'orrq1:n ses everything in the trade, of tho verJ latest q. 11d most 1 These stars nnght have beco1uc extinct ele~;n.nt stylee and :patterns, of En).{l u;h, (',u1,ul1an, ~1nil A nlf'ncan manufacture. s-~ thousands of years ago, a.rid yet then light 1 Ile still continues to manufactu1·e to 01de1', iro1n the b~l<!t of matenal, and none but fb"E:t-< htRs i might present itself to us. t.\s to the , ' ' 01 kmen kept. 1 ICHEMISrr I ' ' DRUGGIS'T 1 1.'0 IVN HALL .tJ tf1LDLKGS, B01V.i1IANVILLE. I 'l'he following line& will be found full : 1 Druggs, Medicines and Chernicals, / Address GILMORE & CO., P 0 Box 1J, n·as.~111gton, Read;'-made Clothin1t, Cloths, Tweeds, Dress Goods, Sz0!k~. Shawls,' Skirts, Cottons, Wince)'S Bli'!nkets, Buffalo Robes, &c. &c I Dye Stuffs, Patent 1\fedicines, Perfumery, Brushes, Co1nba, Soa1ls, Paints an,Q f JJ r: Oils, Paint Brushes, Coal Oil, and Coal 011 Lamps, &o., &o. NG M. TRELEVEN. & { 'O, of till ~ (HJ \V \ !';J · l ~·( lON, }) C , Nove,,1lit1· 24, 1876 It, 11 <! l-'1 l. ~"UJP in P.xpte1mu1g ID) e ntire umill.· d 'ttce ii:~ the 1·n1mnnbtl1t11 :H.111 !;IJ of Lb.e I ·:v;, P:·te.1t ~ind Co!lcc t1on House of GIL:UORB i PYYSICIANS' PHESCJRU"UONS CAREFULLY CO:W:POUNDED AND ALL OllDERS CORRECTLY ANSWEUED, CENTS'tsUITS AND SHIRTS ~OWMANVILJ.E, ' ' made to order in city styles, o ,n slw1.test notice October 1, 1875. g} \Oasl1ie1· Qf Nati onal l!fefrop-0Utan B ankJ GEO. H. B WHITE. jliJJ' Pa> ,r.ers and Physicians ftom th< C01ontry · w illjind o tr Stockof com I :posed of the best g1miity. S. F HILL '

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