C ANADIAN STATESJWAN ANJ> MERCHANT, BOWMA NVJLJJ i':, TH URSDAY, MAY 24, 1877. ~~------- -- --- - 1 NEW ALL CAN SECURE GLASGOVV HOUSE I1THE ELEPHAN r HOUSE 1 - -- - --- - -- -- MJZ'~~l<!t~.;i..J ----- - - - · . ~~-;;--~"""'TM""""~""""""""~~~"'!'!"~""!""'!'!""'!'!"~!"'!"!"!!!!!!!'!"!"!!'................"'!!"~"""'"""'~~~ ....... . ,., ............,.,,_ "Th iFW=:tW> 1 I _ _ BARGAINS I -- - - -· ++---· i ; I McLEOD HririsiLF ,-.-'---..o··--·---... __ G ODS I 1 AGAIN! . . K OF DRY GOODS STOC BU. SINE SS CHANGE! - -- :u:---- The undersigned continues to conduct the Hardware bmiincss at the old stand, under the name and sl.Y:le of John McLeod & Co .. The 8ubscriber respectfully invites public attention to his , I never, at any time, had a partner, o1· any one directly · I interested in my business. My brother was in my employ as clerk for f nearly a year and a half, but lately, for good and valid rea80118 , I dis· [ charged him , which discharge has been con Ii n11 <0d by the Court of Chancery. Therefore the business in future will receive strict and personal attention. which was never so full and thoroughly assorted rs now. 1 I Hard Times and Cheap Goods! F. F. McARTHUR Has been selling off his stock at reduced prices for the past year, the old stock has nearly all been sold out, and he has now received a splendid lot of He ha s just received a large shipment direct from the British market!', embracing extraordinary Cheap lines, many leading articles, all of which will be offered at bottom prices, to suit the present hard times. Let all_ who desire decided downright bargains look m ·· -.' ' arnl examine and judge for themselves. 111 I or dn to reduce the large stock now ou hand, prices will be placerl at very low figure~; eHpeci:tll y to CASH e u~t omern. MESSRS. MURDOCH BROS. Having sold to me ·at a Great . Sacrifice to themselves, their TE:E ST -O 0 K: Contains ·nouse and Builders' Hafrlware, Carriage makers' supplies, with P~ti nts and OilB of all colors and kinds. ·:Dry Goods Stock and Business 1 l purpose ottering the whole stock along with STOVES l\.N D TIN WARE E E:~ T F l. 0 U - ~G :Br Put up, and Jobbing done by experienced workmen. T I New Dress Goods, Stoves of all kinds, in great variety. Tinwa re sold cheap1 as no peddlers are kept. EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF NEW GOODS --~ AT AV S New Tweeds, New Prints, N e\v Cottons , THE-- - - .. THOS. PATERSON. BOwmanville, '.May JOHN l\fl'lEOD & CO, 8, 1877. WELLlKGTON BUILDINGS. Rowmanville, May 21, 1877. 43. - -- -: o : - - - - - THE KING OF PUMPS I IJREATLY IMPROVED WITH EXPANSION BUCKET, FOR BOTH DEEP WELLS AND Dress Goods ! Dress Goods ! Dress Goods ! One stack of 20 ct. Goods marked down to lOc. One ;.;tack vf 25 c. Goods marked down to 15c.. One stack of 30c. and 35 cent Goods rnai1rnd down to 20 cts. . About 2,000 yards of fine goods 40c., 50c., 60c ..and 70c., niarked at a quarter of a dollar per yard. -· - -- - :o:. .- - - .- CISTERKS. 'h ;Vli:ItY PUJ\.1P FULLY \VARH. A N 'l'F:D t 1\few Hats, Nev1 Gloves, c o p ·y - · Of Official Report ·of Award to Do:>JJNlON 0 1WAN COMPANY, Bowmanvillc, for Organs exhibi ted ftt the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 187G, ltefc.rences can be given to hundred s of the inost pron1inP.nt c itizens in town and co untry who have ~Yen the pump o, thorough. test. i?," ir~· Before purchasing a Pump be sure to see "THE KING OF ruMPS." Addreos B LACK L S! . UST - RE . 1 P. C. HIMES, 25 cen t Lustres at 15c.; 30c. Lustres at 20c-; 35c Lustres at 25c.; these goods are all finished .on both sides and fine blacks. The whole of the immell$e stock of Black Dress Goods at a great reduction. · ---:o: Bo-w1na11vi1le. Ont Heside;ncc- Oppositc the Drill Shed. ·& c., · &c., &c. all bought at bottom prices of 1877, and will be found Urn cheapest goods ~Yer offered in Bowrna11vil1 e. READY ~EAN""S MONEY CASE:J INTERNATI ONA,L EXH18 !TION. PHILAD:RT" PHT.A , l S7G, 0 235 1 1\ · · MY STOCK OF · BLACK SILKS at the reduced prices cannot be equalled. A good Black Silk at 6Gc.; my 50c. Ladies' Za.nilla Umbrellas arc adecided bargain. The correct make of costume. Linen 15c. at per yd. ---:o:---- 'Jlhe United States Centennial Commission has exarnineJ the report of the Judges, and accepted Lhe foll()wing rea.~ons, and cleereed an awanl in confonnity therewith. l l THE TAILO R I NG BUSINESS carried on as form e1·ly. Owing to the general scarcity of money, and especially the difficulty of collecting our accounts after they have been so I Product R EED Ont: ,\ :-TS. Name and ad1lress of Exhibitor, ' . long past due, we beg to inform our friends and the general Do~n NION ORC+AN Co., Bowma11villo, Ca.nada. public, that we have deterrnine<lJliat on and after !/" ./.-- REPORT 01'-J f_,_VVARDS. ALL-WOOL TWEED SUITS MADE TO ORDER AT $!0. Dowmanvillo, April 17, 1()77. Staple Goods at Auction Prices! Goo d fast colored Prints at 5c._per yd. Ha.nclsome Mourning _ P rints-new patterns. A full range of Factory Cotton always in stock. A o·ood brown Holland for · TUESDAY, the 1st of MAY next, to sell our Goods for 1 undersigned, hH.\.:illg --c ~ alni1rt:Ll G l 10 pr o(tnet J:i.c1·ein de8cri1Jed, rnspcctfolly recoinmends the same to U10 UniL cd States Centennial Commission for Award, for the following rettsons, vi": · r r] 1e " . CAS·H EXCLUSIVELY, I - --01' FOR - - A y 0 R KM s H I, L L I N G p E R y A R D. The finest American Steamloom at 15 c~ per yd. The largest ; stock of tov.-els ever shown in Bowmanville, from five cents ' to one dollar each. 3,000 yards of Towelling starting at 5c. per yd. My stock of York-shilling Cxf'ord Shirting has already rnquired large additions. Carpet vVarp, the best in the mar- · ket,1-rnrranted to make twenty-fi:ve yards ofyard-witle Catpet, only $1.50 per bundle. Soft fine feather Ticking marked clown to a York-shilling per yd. Verywide Table Linen at 25c. per ycl. Fine Linen Table Napkins, 95c. per doz. Every housekeeper should see my immense_ variety of j "Because they h ave produced in their instruments a pure and s at isfying tone, hy their method of voiSJ)ng, and h ave a simp le and efficient stop;action, v1ith s atisfying mu sic al com.binations, an ela stic touch, and. good general workma.nship." H. K OLlVEH, ,'-.:j g·nu,turc of the Judge. .AP PROV .AL OF G-R OUl? J "UDGES- .L'JVD-- - - - GAR T)l=ii~ERS SALES OF $20, OR OVER, NOTES AT 30 DAYS. . ----:0:----- J . SCHIEDMAYER. E . LEVASSEUR. ED. FAVRE PERl{ET. GEO. F. BRISTOW. P. F. KliPKA. ' "\VJT.I,TAiW THOMSON. JAMES C. W A'l'SON. JOSEPH HENRY. .J. E . IIILGARD. F , A. P. BARNAB.D; BUY YO UR - - - -AT - ·--- A true Copy of tlie reco1d. Jt'R ANCiS A. WALKBH, G h:en 1~/ ant.h oi-ity of t.he 'Unil,ell Htate._::, CsntenniaJ Con1n1ission. All Goods will be offered at the lowest cash rates. GODERICH COARSE SALT, FOH. LAND, $1.00 per bbl. .A.. 'l'. GOf'Jl!()}lK, lJ irccl:vr--GeJUJ?'aL J . L. OAMPBHLL, SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. Swrd~ry. J. R HAWLEY, PrMident. LACE & MUSLIN CURTAINS, G~OVER, offered at less than wliolesale prices. My White Quilts at one dollar should be seen before they are all picked up by shrewd buyers. The stock of White and Colored Shirts, numbering about 700 of various kinds, at exceedingly low prices. A good vVhite Shirt for 50c. A good Oxford Shirt for 50c. Boys' Oxi'ord Shirts, with collar, ~ oc: A fine lot of Bow Ties to be sold at 5c. Tics, Collars,Braces, &c., sold cheap. A good Merino Undershirt for 40c. 3 pairs Men's Cotton Socks for 25c. - -:o;---- i.Jr TIMOTHY, W. B. CARROT &MANGLE SEED A FULL SUPPLY. Dom~11 -ion .o.,~ ,..., .!.- .!. _.. 5 .a,I ...,-J. Co ., J301VMANVIJ.T,F,, ONT. ==~====----.;.;;-·;-.;,; ·· = -·;.;;; ·-· ;;;;; ·-;;;;;-c-;;; -= ·-;;.;.; --=~,.;;:o- --- ----- -- - ------ Mur·doch Bros. THE _· . GROCERY GAR.R.IED ON AS W HAT ISIT? - - 'fHF. -. - trr.A large stock of CHOICE TURNIP SEED will be at prices that cannot be beat. Also a complete supply of BU-SINESS US U AL. BEST SHOE STORE JN TOWN ·--FOH-- STYLE AND QU ALITY ·! FINE -\VORlC A Sl!lGC!A L'l'Y ~ G.A_I.IJ .A N D E:...X:.1l\11NE )i Y ::lTOCK . \Voutc11s' Leather Boots fol' UO ct s. General Groceries, Crockery, Glasswate, &c. A FULL STOCK OF Men's B1·ogru1c for :?,..1.00. 'l'i p t op \Yo mcns' P1·undla Unitc rs,- 'i<.l cts. C . ::\ . N '"'t' HJ·: ,\ 'I' l\L A LL.A T-- - - - - - ------ ====-· I 8C()T'l"8 SHOE STOJ-1.E, llo\-v11rn.1nri1l c, 1\fan:h 2.~, COARSE GRAINS, An mmsually large stock of Hats, Bonnets, .Flowers, Feathers FLOUR, SHORTS, BRAN, OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, AND W c try to keep always on hand. and Nfantles, all to be sold cheap. The goods and prices· in this depa~tm c nt are so well appreciated that their orders it.~~1~eme111her we ~ell :3 lbs. of 40 ct. Tea for are already con::iderably in advance of their facilities for and o·ood value. executing them. " lf:7 i·, $1.00, ~ I · I BRAMPTON . AGRICULTURAL VifORKSI ~~1 · ---~:o :.!.._ _ __ Murdoch 1 =s:=..A..GGE R T BROS _ :o:- - - .- fllGllEST PR.ICES PAJD A'l' ALL 'l'IMES :FOR Ji'AR.M PRODUCE MANUFAC'fURElts 01" THE CELEllRA'l'ED - --.\H.f<! RTWEIVING--- S PECIA..L One hundred Gapes aml Mantles to be slaughtered, all to be sold >Lt $2.50 each-most of them are worth from $5 to $ 15. A fine lot of fancy Grenadine to be ~old at 5cts. per , sold at 5 cents I Yanl. Two hundred untrimmed Hats tQjie "-"' . each. Call early and secure some of these baroa111s. BRIDGMAN & FLEMING. ]fowmanville, April 25, 1877. Brampton · Ro~ce B}eaping lV[acn i nes--im~roved for 1877. the CAR L 0 AD WEEIZ! 1, l·'a r n1 to Let. A O .) ~~ ' . ~0 ' . -+~ J:l and 2ml con .. I mmed1ato poase~s1on. 'Io be used as pasture lan d only. Lease for one or fi\ c y curs. .A!Jply to "11A ~ s· 'PHENS JONAI ii; ' .· Darlington, .A.pril l0,1877. 37-2in · - ' "-····· --- -- sate, ,. Beaver and Meadow Lark Mowers, CORN by T L FIRST PRIZE GEN BU~~A TH~,E~~~~MACHINES, ETG., ETC. ""J' RE.APER before placin_g thei r orders with F ·BOUT "O ACRES PAR'r LOTS " I I u. THB FNDERMENTIONED PROP.1£fi'fY, part of the cstl,lte of . the late };Jd'l.Cl. J~hnR of_ the v lllage of Orono,w1JJ bo sold by Pubhc ..Au . ct1on, o~ t-?c prem . ises, oJl M~t.-Y 1st, 1877 at 10 a.. ro., consisting of tho following:~ CASH , T li!'DMS io;;.n I WILLIAM ALEXANDER, (Late Murdoch- Bros.,) Bowmanville. Bowrnanville, May 2, 1877. ROYCE REAPER in the Counties of Yor k \Tictol'ia Ort!>rio Durha1n <£c &c · - . · '· ' · - ' ·' ' ' _ · ., · ----- - ---- ----- -~------I vYe however granted Messrs. GREEN :BROS. & .0 0., of Wn.terford, th e rig.ht to eell D ebeJtilli"e§ fbi· §ale. for the seasons of 1876 and 1877 in ab'ove Cou nties; · after TJ1i.s season , therefore, -~ ~ --·- --.--~ ------their right to sell them absolutely ceases. "\\le make t hin explat1ation to col'rcct certain House C ean1ng. false r eports circulated by in terested pa.rties. · HE NEWCASTLE HARBOUlt CO. offer for sale Five Debenture!! of the "Yil A.DlES DESIROUS OF HAv ING I We will H hortl:y be a):ile to place in the hands of our agents our NEW age of N·e;vcastle, va,lue ~635 each, beai;ing- in their ceilings tin te<l or whitened in goon REAFPERhS, f_orf yourt~nspectll10b n;e . ch eerfn 11 y given . i · t· t J 11' TO terestat 00 even percent. Forfurtherpart1culnrf ,Lyle without. tho trouble_ of ren1oving their urt er in orm . n inn w1 on appii ca _ 1011 o . J. . , 1' ESS apply to ~'\l'p~ts, shonlll leave their ordei·s with J.Al\ifES TI. \V, JA~[ES, W::'il. SANDERCOCI\:, \VRBSTER & GALBHAlTU_, Bo\v1nanvi!le, agent fo~ H. NrcIIOLSON. B \IN, George street, or. nddr~ss B11x. '19, ~ow- t h e sale Qf our imp}omcnts.. · - _ Alrihe unsold village lots of said estate, as w cUasthcoldoaw-millp1;ivile:r;· Termsmadeknownattnneo sale. L CL \.RK Exec·utor Or M h 28 18· 7 · . " ' :!5-lw. 1 · ono, arc ' _ · one, feeling osrnrecl that it will be to their advantage as our improv.em . ents will c0n11ncnd them~elves t o every 111telh.gent 1 ' armer. We be(!· to invite _the Farmers to examine our NEW ROYCE .... . . . .. . . } . E 'V ERY I We have alsQ to mbmate that we !lave excl!JA51/Ue 1·ight to Hell the The Cheapest Feed you can buy. BowmanvilJe, March 1 , 1877 T L I e · I , ' : ~ i' ' l 'J~ ~n'9'i1!e P. q. Prompt attention will be g1vcn, r.o and satwf11:ct1on guo.:ranteed {(W.) 1 . · - BRAMPTON, ].farc:h, 1S7(. .. (33-Jlmos.