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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1877, p. 3

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CANADIAN STATESMAI'i AND l\1ERCHANT, BOlVMANVI L_ LE, T IIURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1877 ~·-·--·"'--in ·~~~~"!'!.~.~~-~~ · ~~l!!'!!'i!!I"'!"""!"""!"""!"""!"""!"""!"""!"""~..,..,,,. n· l!1/f.~-~--<·J\"O;!\.~~~ !!'?'fr WS!Z:~- ~:!"!!-___.,.~ ExCt;nent $5to.Cl!20 peritayathome, S&mplea worth . 'II i i fre e. i:3TINSON &0 ·· Porti - -- - - ---·- - ·---· ---- - . -.---- ---- . - -~- ...,..- - ----- - -- -- ··· I.A..1-1 BULLJ for service. D ,UBJA p ply on the fa.rm . GEO. G. : l'itANN. Bot·v m anYlllc, J u n e 27, 1877. laild Maino 'J~(;°Let. ··"'""" ---------~ --, SUMMER DRESSES! IGLASGOVV HOUSEJ - - ..~'r- - -- - - - --·- ·- f8-4'Y· o f land . A pply a t the S TA'I'ESM ..\ N office. - ---~- NEW GOODS! N'"E~ - ----- · DOM!NIQN DAY! - - - 0- - - - -- - - A GOOD DWELLING HOUSE CON_L~ 'l'AniIK G Hcvon r ooms, with half an aero GRAN DEX CURS IQ NIT1;!in,r:;;!~~~ng ~o~e m~.~~~W.:f ---To---~ -,...-rTQ T 'T'QRO-L'J _ - I :Notice. A L E X .A N D E R'S ! - - --:o:- - -- - FR,ICES - - - O N -- - M ON DAY, JULY 2:7 y GRAND B froin tions , parts of 1he Provin e·~. u1'l'o..yccl 1nreg~.JJ1a, and the athletic sports and game&. ' It promises to be v ri e of the greatest_ ~rp ecta. cJ cs of the yeu.r, a nd l.he m ost cnJoyable Excursion ottered. r.lobourg, ~nd a ll intern'l e<~iate "S tu~ u ntle t· the aus pices of Row n1a1n:1JJe Cou1·t. "Pridf> of Ontario " No . G,~00, to wit n ess th e lnou st er dmn onstration of For c:sters, t : o111 a ll ¥lilson, entlQ!!f-il by S,,h Jane "'1lsnn,Ln favor <,f Dav1d ·vali can1p a.llofthe t own nfBO \'tmanl \!lle,theva.-lu eof ti1c s nidnotenot lia1ring bcen received . SA R .A.lf J A NE WI LSON . Bo\H11an ville-, June 7. 1877. 46-31n 400 Yards Striped JJawns to be sold at a York-shilling per yd. good ~ were considered cheap at 25 cents. Call and see them. These The subscrib respectfully invites public attention to his TRUNK 11AILWAY, Apple 'l'1·ees. P · No. 1 st a nda rd appl e Ll'ees, a_ssorted for $15 per hundred, CASH, a nd ot h e r fr~t a nd orna1nental trees in '.t he same propor tion, a t their ursiri e, Newcastle. · 3! A cheap lot of plain and striped Grenadines, the conect goods for .t he warm weather. Heavy Oxford Shirting at 10 cents per yard. Heavy Brown Ducks at 15 cents per yard. H eavy Brown Holland at 11} cents per yd. lieavy Table Linen, wide, at 30 cents. A good heavy feather ticking, warranted to hold feathers, at 15 cents. - - - - :o:---- STOCK OF DRY GOODS ! which was never so full and thoroughly assorted flS J P. LOYEKIN & Co. WILL SELL now. Beatltifnl Flowcl' Plan 1s. F. F. McARTHUR He has jnst received a large shipment direct from the British market~, - --·.o-o- - F ..:\.RE S VERY T,Ovir, A::l F OLlDV{S : · large and choice collcctioh ofVi'indow and ]I" ron1 Cob olu·g a n tl Port H <?pe, $1.50; Ne\Y- :Re dd ing pla.nts. -'"'-" ill be disposed of a.t a slight l,onvillc, Xcwcastle, Rov;nrn.nv1lle, Os.ha w:n. and ri.d ~·11nce nn cost: Co1·ner of Church and S eu .. (43) "\Yhitb y i;:i l.00; D u1tl n 's. Creek.,. 50 cents. G?<?d gog s treets. t o retu rn on any L i"a1n for four d a y l'!. T r a.1n "'iJlleavc Cob_ourK on t hC1.!,l Ornin g or ~he 2nd : PEH \V'll:EK A'l' Ho:.tE. Sam. ""'at 6 o'c1ock ; .Port H op e, Ci ··b ; ,!'l"~wt.01n-_:-1~!e G.~O . · ples a nd Watc h freP to ~ll. Ne-..v cust lo, 7; Bow111an v1lle 1.l::i, aJ"rn 1 ,n g tn AD DR~ss. :VIO N TRE~'\ T, NO VEL'I YCO. T oronto a t 10.~lO. Pas:; cn;;ers fr01n J3o~v1nai;ivllle D. S. l·'. 236 St J ames Stl'eet ,Montrcn.l, P.Q a nd in ter mediate stutions c~n- tn,ke th1s trlun, or , ----------::-::--,:--~· lcnx o_on tlie r eg-ulartruin,aJ.TiYi ng i n Toron to S d.1· u clr-by l~igl1f1li11g. S BURDEN HAS RECEIVED A A DARGAIK.-Six Dozen Parasols, fancy handles, t o be sold at 85 cents each, usual price $1,21>. -: ----:o:. --- ~ em bracing extraordinary Cheap Jines, rn Has been selling off his stock at red~ced prices for the pas year, the old stock has nearly all been sold out, and he has now received a splendid lot of $54 30 , BIG- DRIVE many leading articles, all of which will be offered at bottom prices, to suit the present hard times ; · Let all who desire decided downright bargains look in 10.45 p.1n.,C or cobourgc..ndinterm c~4iat~ s~atio ns. 'l'lC I\'.E'rS:~a.n b e h a d fronl t he prlllC!µul sellen1 1.n ea~~1 to·wn . u_nd on .I.he. mor ning of l!;xcu rs ro!1 , a t the v~ous S ta t w ns. For i r-theT p a r tieula r s se~ b1 1Js. . . _ a\ik?1?Ji~~:N-rNG- I vi'ill lcav e'To1onto at Op.n1.,a nd aga·in sLLh e rn, f"rllan1age to dwelling by lighi;.. uing . . "fhis aatisractor~ payruen ~ w a s in m~ked D. DA" \"'IS, Vv'. HUN NEY, \V. A.Lr·T.N, : cont r a st to a neighboring case, Vt·i1;ere a.Mut ual Ohn-frrnan Coin . Sec . Com. Trea s. , Co. r efused t o p a y for damage by llghtn1ng . ·u J 20 · 1877 (! 7 Q' ) ~ 0 . R .. }IAlJ,. Bo-wn 1n.nvi e, u.n ~ .. . ' · j Darling ton, J une 1, 1877. 45-5w. I ~ ---- -. I proinpt -HEREBY ....\.Ol{NOVVLE DUE 'l'HE hook-1 seLt.le1nent by tho Isolated I Usk & lfe F a i·mero; Fire JnHw.·a.nce. Co. of m y c . lai m in full - A lot of PAPER COLLARS from 1.2 to 14-inch, lo he sold at 5 cents per box. 200 LADIES' SILK 'l'IES, _ pretty pattteru, at 25 cents. A new lot of COLLARS AND CUF.l!'S- pretty goods. Another lot of those 5 ct. TOWELS to lia11d, Also, 10 PIECES OF TOWELLING at 5 cents per yd. New Dress Goods, . New Tweeds, New Prints, New Cottons, Ne~v Hats, - . - - - - - :o : - - - - - . N0 CREDIT GIVE: N · (JAL). AU· EXAlJINE GOODS AND Jl:DGE FOR Richelieu & Ontario Navirr'ation Co. 1 " ' l R oyn · 1 i\' ') L' f ..[' urm er y l' ine 0 0 · ~a1c by ·render. BE YOUt~llLVES. and examine and judge for themselves. N. B.-.A.11 goods marked in plain flg-ur es and no second price. ~t [-rrENDERS WILL RECEIVE D up ~-, eatn ci s. · .t o the 9th do.y of JUK.llJ nex t, b,r the undersi g11ed, for t he purchase of Plant, Stock in Trade, Tools, B oole D ebts a nd ba ian ce of L ea se of the Bowmanvi lle M a.chine_ Con1pany, a mount. n g- in a ll to a.bout ~'i2,000, a.t so n1uch in t.h c $. 'l'erm s : G. H, a nd 12 inonths,on a pproved pauer. igen eral 'In< v cntory m a y be , ~e e n at the office R . H. L oscom be, E sq. . G . S. SJIA '\\', Pr· dent. Bo.,.,1T.11anville. May ao, 187z, !3 WILLIAM ALEXANDER. Bow>rANYILJ.R, ,June l!lth, 1877. THOS . PATERSON. Bu1vmanville, IVIay 21, 1877. 43. co1npan y Jeaxes P ort Darlington eve ry e vening: ex cept. S nml a.ys\ nt .; o'clocl;-, for Monti·oal ca1 ling a_ t i nterme thntc port s. GOIN (~ \VEST for Toronto apd ilt.on, one lea l cs e1 cry mornin g at 3 o'clock excepting run in conncot ion wi l;h the G.'1'. R. a nd ull i.n fornrn.!;lon as -to connecting po ints _:.\Del tl lso tic)\:e ts slnrnltl bfl obtain ed befor e going to Stntton or \Vh a,rf frou1 t he undersig ne d, frorn ,\·h orn o.11 nccessa.ry ber t h $ ca n be se cured, and · G!Oi'er's hrns for conveyance of passen gers to Cars n,nd floats. 'l'lfO ~IAS U H RiS'l'U~. O NE O>' ~ H E STEAMERS of the obove Wl'lat's Wanted now oct: upied b y ·.r1·. 'l'hos.'V..ello \\.-J ep,~, · w here he ~'il111e prepared to r ep a ir '\V"a.tches, Clc<;ka and J e¥1·e1lery of a ll kinds , in the .. m ost satisfa c tory mann er. liavin g_ b een engaged iu a leading csto.blishn1cnt in N ew Y ork city for u. length of tin1 e, h e f;::cls c onfiden t that all order;s en trusted to hitn will be properly filled . .His recAnt einployers sa~~: ..,."John Ma ynard has boon in our e m_ p loy n.s watchma.ket· for t he pa flt e ighte en lll.9nth s. lle ha.s proven entirely trust worthy, and as a worktnan e fficient. \Ve cheerfully cornTp_end him as_ a fnithfnl and r@ Hable m an." l\1 ARS'fERS & CL.\ \.V SON, .A fri al r es pectfully s olicited. R. EASTON'S Book and I 'fTi~~~fJ:iners 1~~ 1~~;:n~~{ ti~~er.,i:,~}c~i~.t~:~'f~\~c~d11:t1~~~ rH1 H E TJNDERSIGNED. reap£ctfully an- Statio~ary Depot. I - - - -- - :o:- - - - -- 1 The Agon t of some 18 ye exper ien ce . Bow man ville, J une 20, 1877. ~l7··hv FAN""S FA.:t:'f S ROYAL MMLUNE OF STEAMERS. FANS AT :F'IVE CENTS . . .,~~~~~i:z~~~~~- sp lcudjdly·e q uippe<l pass P.ngcr n.1,ld freigh t lin e leaves Por t D arlington e v er v cYcn111g except Sun day , n.t 5.30. for l'o:rl; H ope, · Cobour~, Kin g-~ eton . t he r iver P or ts anil Mont1·eal, paesmg t he Thousand I slu.ncle n.nd ra pids of tho S t.I~ awre ni;-e b y daylight. -~lso ,. fo1 · T oronto n.nd liaaul to n every_lllOl'llin g except. '1'11esd 11r, at 3.-30. Conne ction s· w ith st eam boa.t s and r il iill in1porta.n t points . J\fr. G1 ove r· ~ m1rni1nH1 lea v es Hneboa<}ni's h o- , tel a.t 5 11.m ,, with pas.acngcrs for stea mer·. Proc ul'c Lid\..cLs on the '\Vharf at PorL Da d ing t o 11 , from .li)-tf. i!I -,.:·c-:9.::jli'!'··~ ·Ji\> ~ '< 51rr' _,. ., .... · /'~ ~-'11' )<- ~ ,, JOHN MAYNARD. DOwmanville,' A111·il 25, 187 7 ---~~----1 39 ~ - ----~ BLACK POLISHED FANS For 25 Cents. New Gloves, COP-Y Of Official Report of Awa1'cl to_ DOMINION OnGAN COMPANY, Bowrnanville, for Organs exhibited at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. O KE OF THE ST~lAMERS 0 >' THIS. FARMEES - · --<.Q";oo.Q';--- A T,L l ( INDS 'JI' A_ GU.I CUI1T U R A T 1 ] 1\n-' L E!\J'F. N T ~'ORK DONE ON TH E ·8itORTE81' .NOTICE. ·a-Mallet CROQUET SETS F'OR ~ q;Jr,.;t 0 &c., &c., &c. all bought at bottcm pHcs oJ lf/7, :·rd "ill 1-e found th cheapest goods ever offered m Bowmanville. - - - --..'1'o the P ublic, Agent . - - - -· repa ir sh op is r e.q ui r e rl i n t.his 11a 1t of the cou nt:J v , I h ave secur e d Lbe ::ier vict-J uf 1nen w h o have h ad long exper ience with all ki mls of .R eapers, Tu:Io-..YCl'S, r:.u.keti, Chaff Cutters , etc.All kinds of s d one at sllortest and at 1nost rca.s onnblc ter ms. Having arran~ed , I a.n1 pr.eparcd t o furn is h ing s a nd r cpru rs of all m a ch ines in by the Bowmru1villeJ\ia.c11ine· Co. All -..vork '!Yarranted to give ~atisfn ction. W . :VIcCLUNG. } .Ca.rrlage w orks, l3owm a.n.viJie, June 6, 1877. H A YING FELT t hat an Agricultural 0- 0 I Base Balls, Balls from 5 cts. 100 Sheets of Note Paper for 25 cts. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. PHlLADELPHIA, 1876. 0 235 <K · · M c Clellan & Co. TEACHERS. /H E WILL S]JND SAY!PL"R COPrns - -- - ~OO:M: F .A:EER.,_ FR.A.M::ING_ R. EASTON, DOHEN Y BLOCK , LlNDSA Y. the public for tlie very lib eral p a tron age - r' l of U1e Co111111ercia.l AritbJnetic at, 5C cents extended t o t hem d n rin ~ _ tl1e p in the fuli!l - and K ey to sa me at- $1,00 to: a ny ad dr ess on t r ad H, a nd w ould say t h at dur ing t h e presen t r eceipt of $1.00. They cout ain n101·e information ' the AnaJytic and D e cim al M et hods of solution season I.hey will continn o to furnish g ood d 1 -y on sc re <en~ (l c o a l a t tJ 10 lowest possible n-1arkeL t h u.n a ny_othor Canadia n Arithm 0Lic. \Ye can figures. \ Ve w ill n ot ·worry custon1ers Uy can- SUPP.lY au y b ook you want. ..\Ve wa.1it the i:t.dvnss1n~ fo1· t rad e, b ut r esp eottnll y solicit. t h a t a .r ess of every Tea c her and Seoret ury of Sch ool orders be left a t. ou1· offi ce, ·w h e r e I.hey will be U oara in· Canada. Send th.rec c ent ::itamps for t h ankfulh-- rec eived a n d promptly and squarely information of value t o a ll ofyou. E.Sc.arlc tt,Esq. Inspector rublic Schools, says th e Com. Arithk fille d. · rneLic is : 1'Hl<~ BES'l' he h as soon, a nd recom111cnds B owmanville, June 6, 1877. all teachel's to get i t. Address M. A . J' AMES. !For ~ale . 1\{a nager 'feachers' S npply}B11l'eau. 4:-l Da.ltin1ore, Ont. l au d .on S t.r eet . f(u··sc vc ral years occ upied by late Pl~T ER SH EPPARD.Excellent garden, wHlt fruit. trcea a nd berry bush es of various k ind!', s ta ble, wood::ih ed, h in·d and soft water and a ll conveniences. A lnost desirab le and cmn plete res~dcncc . For particu l ars app1 y on t he r1 re mises. I SABELLA SHEPP ARV. -~ 16-~ln B ow m anvillc, J une ll, 1877. ---~ R 1'1 SPEC'J'F'UT,LY r etum tiw.nks to Satchels, Purses, Music, Toys, Fancy Goods, Envelopes~ Inks, Blank Books, Albums, Vases, School Rook~, Slates, Pencili:, Pens, Eiblfr, (h:J(h hl1i<u ;rd F~n1 I'C<lli. The. Uni ted States Centennial Commission has .examined the rep ort of the Judges, a.n4_ a_£ccpted the following reasons, and decreed an award ·in cortformlty therewith. PHILADELPHIA, December 5th, 1876. THE TAILORING .BUSINESS carried on as formerly. FICTLTRE R. EASTON, REPORT ON AWARDS; ___ ,,,., __ _ Bowtuanville, April 17, 1877. GOODS AT ABOUT HALF-PRICE. TOWN HALL BCILDJ N GS, BOWMAN VILLE. Rowmanyille, June 1th , 187i. B RICK COTTAGE, C on cession the with quar ter-acre ·-- - The urnlernigned, having examined the p1·oduct herein uescribed, respectfully recornmenchi t he fiame to the U nitcd States Centennial Commission for Award, for tbe folloTu-iJlg reasons, viz : -. ! . _. !_:: ---------·----,...--- ~.~ ~:~~ Dissoli1tio11 of' Pa1·tnerl!l hi11. _ _ .FORE ex isting be tween the . undei-sig,ncd a ;; Photographers, in t he T o,vn of .Ho·vman'iille, under t he nam e and style of'T'A IT & :A.H'l' U 1-L, ha.s this-rlay bee-n <lie,:;o}yed li.r 1nutual \Consent. All deb ts o w ing h y th e sairl firm of 'l'Al'l' & AR T IIU R ' viii b e p aid by H. C. TA lT ; to whom n.ll debts duo the said fir n1 lnnst b e. lia id . 'fhe bus111css ,,.,-ill be continue d in the sanw galle1y by II, C. 'l'AI'l'. · . Dated at Bow1nanvUle this fu· st day of May, I87i. II. C. 1'AIT. \Vitness, A. '£.A.1'1'. JAS. AR TH UH. "J_' HE PARTNERSHIP HERETO· REA MONEY CASE: - - - - -:o:---- --- -- - - - -- I ING mv nnme ron;; c tL~Lo rucrs fo1· tho liberal patronage exte nded to rn e since 1 T Airn TITIS MRTHOD o;· THANK- "Because they have produced in their instruments a p,ure and ,satisfying tone, by their method of voicing, and have a simple and efficient stop-action, with satisfying musical combinations, an elastic touch, and good general workmanship." H. K. OLIVER, S ignatur e of t he Judge. AND------ GA. R ·D EN" El RS ln eoii n cction vdth the a bove, I d esire to th ank th_e p u blic for t h eir kind pa t ronage in the past., a nd res pectfully soli cjt a con tin tut.nee of foxors. , lt shall b e 1ny e ndeavor to fill o,11 orders wi th the · - I ut1nost pro111ptitude,and in a style not surpassed _. b y any artist i n cent ral Ontario . You1"ser vant, been j11 1Ju siI1ess, a n d rcsp c,ctfuUy solicit a conlf. C. rl'AI'l', P hot o .A r t ist. Llnuance of the sa1n e,a.t m y n e w shop. Bcingun· l low m auville, )lav 1st, 1877. ab1P 111 1uy old stand_,. for -.,.-. .-ant of L'oom , to 1ncet 1 · · th e jucreasing d cmnnd for boo !,a of m y own D! a.n ufa c ttu e,u.nd keepa s u1ta.ble s tockot:oth er kinds I have · · I =r AVE WAR I WAR I Owing to the general scarcity of money, and especially the difficulty of collecting our accounts after they have been so long past clue, we beg to inform our fri ends and tlie general public, that we have determined that on and after APPROVAL OF GROUP JUDGES. J. SOHIEDMAYER E. LEVASSEUR ED. FAVRE PEHR ET. GEO. :F'. BRISTOW. P, F. KUPKA. WILLIAM THOMSON. JAIVIES C. WATSON. JOSEPH HENRY, · J. E. HILGARD. F. A. P. BAUNARD. BUY YOUR SEEDS ----AT· _ R E M OVED to thecou1ofl1011 sp1r,mis cs la t ely occup ied by T . G. D.uley, -..-.ltich wi ll a fford m e th e faouHies I iequii·e f o1· ex tendi ng m y b u siness. 1 purpose k e epin g c ou );Lantly onhand: LA.DIES', GENTS', MISES', a ud YOL:TH S'. ' < I BUT LET THEM FIGHT. THE PEOPLE OF BO'\VMANVILLE · a nd vicinity 1nust have their TUESDAY, the 1st of MAY next, {SEAL} A true Copy of t he record. FRANCIS A. WALKER, Chief of th~ Bureau of A'vards. I ~':-~CO AL ~.,,,/Jl .~ l:. ~ ___,, _L:::\,_ I ' I 1 B O OTS & S T:fOER --01~ -- peop!c, Ie1in ~surothcn1 Twillusemybesten -c·lwaper lhan evPr o ffe red on t his marke t be fore. I t1retnrn1ngthankafor the hberalpatron age b esto\' cd on in c last season by t he rnass of to sell our Goods for ___,_.., SEND FOR PR.ICM Given by authority of the United States Ce11tennial Com1nission. A. T. GOSHORN; Direcw r-Gerwral. .J. L. CAJVIPB1'1LL, Secrelary. J. R HAWLEY, President. LIS~'S. MY OWN lvIAN U FAOTUUE. "!'hose who p r efer hand·nui dc w oi-1,;_ can be suppltctl. 1 will g ive particular a t tention t o Cl-STUM 'V o1_.1."~ Ord1--w 15 will be . pund,11ally attended to , l will al wayf.l k ee p t he b est i\.f A 1'EH· LAL and a s soon as possih1 e will h a v e the lates t s tyl es in LASTS A ND P.-\ 'l"l' l<~RNS . I h ave h ad the and satisfaction guaru.ntecd. Please i:..ive me a call b e fore purchasing elsewhere. All coal sold by mo is >Ye1glied on 'J'o"t'n tleavo rs to meri t a cont inu anc e of the CASH EXCLUSIVELY, ~ Dominio11 Organ Co., BO"\\o"MANYILLE, ONT. Mur·doch THE GROCERY ON W>r. McSPADDEN. Bown13.nyille,1i~y 31st , 1877. · --OR : F ort-- WHAT IS IT? - - -- TH E - - F'XR.S'I' F L 0 0 It especially· fiLted up for a BOO'l' AND SHOE stGre. a nd -..viH ei1tlcu.vor to keep it supplied with a selec t stock of B oorrs J. ~ D S H OE S su itable f or t o-wn and co1"u1try w ear . . .\.lso other a.ri.:ieles belonging to t.hc trado , vhich I haYE> not been able to ke ep in U1c pa st. I wn.nt to conduct n1 y business more l'/Jauhootl : How .r,ost, Ho'1' Re stored ! edition of Di·. Culvcr'1'e1J's f;{'.lcln·at.ctl Essay on the 1·aiUral c ·11,1:e, (iNithout medicine) of SPEH.MA· 'J'ORla1u:A or Simin a l \.V Pakness, Involu ntary Sen1i na l _ T,osses, T M.POTEN CY, M e ntal u.nd P hy_ sicaJ InCapacity; In1pediments t o l\furriage , etc.; also. CoNRUM :P'1'10N , E PlLEPSY and li'rrs , lnduced by self-inllulgenc e or . s<~xu al ex:traVagance , &.c.. .j@"_ f,lrice, i n a scaled C:;nvelone,only six cents. Th e celebrated thls a d1nir<ible E ssav, cl earl y dcn1ons trate.s, fron1 a t.hir tv v ea.r s' snC. cessfulpractice , t hat tho alarming ·collsequence of sel f-abuse 1 110,y be radically cu r ed ·vithou t the d angerou5 u se of int er nal m edi cine 01· th e up11lication of the l~n ife ; p oin tin g ou t a mode or C lll'e at once simple, certain , a nd effectual, by lll cans of -..vhlch ev t·r y im:ffe r er, no m a tter -..vhnt hfa c ondition m ay be, umy cure himself ch enply, privately,- and r a<lfcally . Z£' '!'his J,ect ure should b e in the h ands of every youth and ev~ry n1 a n. in t h e la nd. Sen t in1der seul, 1n n. plan1 envelope, to any address, post-vaid, on 1·cecipt of :.ix c ents or t wo postage stamps. Add1·ess t he p u b lishe1 ·s, - SALES OF $20, OR OVER, NOTES AT 30 DAYS. - -- :0:-- -- · BUSINESS USUAL J " lJST BEST SHOE STORE IN T OWN - - -F OTI-- - P UBLISHED A NEW STYLE AND QUALITY ! FINE 'VOU.J{ A ~f'ECIALTY, CALJ , AND EXAMJN F .: J..fY S'l'0CK. \Voinens' J...enthcr Boots £01;-!XrclS .· lVI 6n'.s l3rog 0t11s for $1.00 . 'l 'ip t op "\Vomcns' PrWle lla Gai ters, 75 cts. C A :-.f ' T BEAT M. VYomem;;' Eo mnol Slippe r..: for 75 cts. .ALLA'!1- G· A RR IE D AS STRICTLY ON T n~ CASH SYSTEM t han I ha.vo been doi n g~ a nd. a s an inducem e nt ' v i ll allow a libera l d iscou nt t o cas h cust-o_ r ners. STI LL O N H A N D · ac prnnt.ity o_[tl1c cclcb ru.t cdFn n:::-:roH O IL POLLSl:l, All Goods will b e offered ' at the lowest cash rates. GODERICH COARSE SALT, FOR LA~D, $1.00 per bbl. b es t, in use for hru·n ess. a.nd all k inds of leather \ Vea r . One Door \ VE S T of LYLE & 1fAR 'r YN'S . ,JO H ".'l" S MALE. B o'>Ylllanville, J un e 12, 1877. 4ll CLOVER, TIMOTHY, W. B. CARROT &MANGLE SEED A 1 SCOTT 'S SHOE STORE, 0 PPOSI'l.'E rl'01VN H _ AT.T ·· TH E G RE AT FULL SUPPLY. Down1anville, M arch 28, 1877, E ng·lish Rem edy! D R . TRE CUL VERWELL MEDICAL CO. A.un St-... ., Nc,vl:' tn ·1i·; Post Office llox 458 67 large stock of CHOICE TURNIP SEED will be sold at prices that cannot be beat. Also a complete supply of ~A Bros. Murdoch THE KING OF PU MPS I 35. Willi AM Before Taking. II ~ GREATLY IMPROVED WITH EXPANSIO::-f BUCKET, FOR B TII DEEP WELLS AND CISTERNS. EVERY P UMP ---ARE RECEIVING-,.-- RA A. \l'Q I v SPECIFIC ME DICINE C m'CS a ll N ER VOU S D rRE.\ Sb:S, ~uch D EATT~TTY, P RO S T R A TTOK, CI C. a.s 'J' H.E ).fOR S , wh ic h iu 1nan:y Cases fU'C })l'odriced b y ove1· inl1 u1~r~~ nce .i n the u:; e of tob a~o a nd alcoholic spi.riLs; hut t h e S pec i fi c l\fcdic inc is 1n01·c espccinlly - ~:c cmu1 n en<letl as an u n failing cure f ol' SK:.11NAL '\·VEAK NESs ,SrER:;'IIA'l'OTIHll l!: A , lMl'C'J'ISr-·cy . o.n d a ll diseases tha t follow as a s_ e quencc of Self A buse, a s Loss oir 1\1BM ORY . Usn· EnS AL LAss rruDE, P AIN IN T IJB ll ACK , D I ::\INIGSS OF V ISI ON. General Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, &c. A FULL STOCK 0.1<' FULLY WARRANTED I be given to hundreds of the H eferen_ ce s CllJl CORN by the CAR L 0 AD EVERY WEEK mos t p1·on1in p,nt citizens in t-O'iVll and country who h ave g iven the pump a thorough te st. f' OLD AGE, a.r.d _ m any othe.r diseases t,h a t lead to l.NSAN 1 ·1'Y OR C o::-; s l'i\!F.fION and u P n n::.:I ATL' RIB GH.\YE, a llof-..vhich o._ s a i·ule, are first caused 'by d c\riati ng fro111 t ho path of nat u re a nd oYe l' indulgence. . The Specific ::.Hedicino ia t h e r esult of a life study a,nd nHLn y yea r s of ex perience in treating t he;Se Hpecia l diseas es, !1'ull particular s in Olll' pamphlet, which \Y e desir e t o send fr eeby 1na1l L o e\·eIJ: one. . The ..__ pe ~ iftc 1 \il edicin e Is B old by all D ru gg i s t ~ a t $1 per packa g·e. or six p acka ges ior $."i,-01· will be sent by rnail on rec eipL of the u1oney, by adtlrossing · WIL T ,TAM GHAY & CO.· \Vindsor, Ont. ~Sol(l in B owi.n an villo .by J . HigginhothaTtl a nd D. Stot. t, a nd nJ l Dru ggis ts everyw here. · PH E MA'l'URE FLOUR, SHORTS, BRAN, OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, AND COARSE GRAINS, We tryto keep always on hand. gi :· Beforo pl1rchasing o. Pump be sure to sec "'l'IIE KlN G OF PUMPS," · .Address - I g-H.emember we sell and good value. I I P. ,C. RIMES, Bowma.nville. Ont B.e sid encc- Op_pcsitc the Drill Shed 3 lbs. of 40 ct. Tea for $1.00, I E!om;e Cleaning·. HIGHEST PRICES PAlD AT ALL TIMES FOR FARM PRODUCE I Debentures Cot· Sale. The Cheapest Feed you. can buy. .Bowmanville, March l 1877 . 16 NORTH.ItOP & LYMAN, TOl'ODlo, VVholesale Agents. 0 BRIDGMAN & FLEMING. Bowmanville, .April 25, 1877, the~ r ceilings ti nted or whitened . in goo.d offer fo r sale Five Debentures of the Vil· s t yle, without the trou!Jl e of. rem9vm g the1l' age of N ewcastle, v alue $635 each, bearing in·· carpets, shQuld leave then· orders w1 tJ1 .TA.MES teresta.t '11even per cent.. Forfurtherparticula-rs 1 BAIN. Geol,'.ge street, or adclt·ess Box 49, B . O\';.-. apply to e ution w ill be give)n, H NICHOLSON 1. rr anYille P. O. Promp ttcatedt and satisfaction gua ran . (3< ·, , L ADIES DESIROUS OF HAVING\THE NEWCASTLE HARBOUR CO. l

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