\V n1- R 0 T .. I l\l: IT.. at t OF l<'llCE-Po.t KING BO omce ntocl· SEVEN lho WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED "THE MERCHANT." V 0 J_J. XXII .. BO,VlVIANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 26, £8170 I TREES I am prepared to flll'n sh all k nds of SPRING IMPORTATIONS --.AT THE-- Frmt and Ornamental Trees, FTOWERS AND SHRUBS EVENING SOLACE OHF ,.A. . P for CAS:f-I t ces Poet's Corner. L .,. NEW STORE NEW GOODST CORNISH p e es he-ehehasopenedo ta ]a ge stoclt of t.hc best goods to be found n the couu try co s s mg of H AS REMOVED lNIO HIS NEW CLOCKS UH<\.INS J.1£\\ELLERY FORKS SPOONS ELifcJIRO PLATED WARE &c &c A GENERAL ASSORTMEN T OF FURNITURE KEPT AND SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. A GOOD SUPPLY OF UNDERTAKING fURNISHINGS ALWAYS ON HAND SOCKS KNIT FOR 15 C TS 18 of the Town Lme mach ne half way between Bow mnnville and Ne vcnstle at the old hotel stand 40 rods west KnT'rING MACHI:IES For. S.ilE Address CHAS KENNED>: Bo n anv e Post O ~ce Come!and see the Franz and Pope knitting What's Wanted A DISPArOH from Paris says that an active all ance between Italy and Russ a will be made rn case Austria should inter HOW WE SING was agam Bit m what d1rect10n I cot Id fere in the preae1 t var in wl1 ch ca!ie not tell I It was Arr emment physicians explanation to Italy will JOlil nth R lssm as I have sad as dark as pitch Gettmg young ladies The use of the lary1 goscope off my horse I felt ab01 t b t could find AllDUL KERIM Gencrnl ss1mo of t ho The Dr shows models of the mtenor o,(. noU mg And ,11 le I was ·eek ng t he the mo itl and wmdp1po and of the reed Turkish army h as been d s 1 ssed and re [es c1y cane agam-the ftmt~oa I of a cl ild like cords that v1bratmg by means of a r placed by Osman Pasha. ReJ1f Pasha n pam Then I be 0 an to "o de1 I am from the l 1 igs produce sound The cords ~I n ster of War is also i eported d sm s·ed not superst1hous but I asked mi self how are f delicate pearl color m the female Osman Pasha is at preser t con1mander at it was poss hie that a ch ld coulu be oot but of a sort of salmon color m the male W1ddm on the prru.11e at such an ho and such a L ttle muscles at the ends tighten or re <\. FRENCH man of science says the E g mght No real child it could not be lease the cords JUSt as a v1olm strmg ts lish M eehan c has shown that excellent Upon that came n 10th er thought-one reg 1\ated by the key or peg D seases of paper. may be manufactt red o lt of the less welcome W 11.S t a trap to hmder the cords ha'i e heretofore beer:: almost im usually reJected ends of asparagus and me on m) w.ay and ensnare me1 There poss ble to cure [ ecause the organ IB so this 1 ot ordinary bro" n paper but letter might be m dmght robbers who vould delicate and difficult to get at With the P·! er of the finest lescr1pt10n cas ly hear of 1 v al nost certa1 i nJe home laryngoscope this difficulty is obviated that mglt ar d of the money I shoull No man can be re,engeful withou t de It has already savecl many In es Then have about me the Dr shows how by puttmn a httle hberately keepmg h s own wou ds open I don t thmk s r I am more t mid than Let yo r wounds heal p a1 d you w II be m rro ' affixed to a long prong do m the othor people not us much so perhaps ns throat the tm g e bemg pulled ot t as fa1 ready to forgn e b lt if yo probe tl em some but I confess tl e idea made tne un as possible and throwmg l ght on the every day the pan you give ~ uurs'elf only easy My best plai as to r de on aa fast serves to inflame your hatred mir or the whole of the sn gmg apparatus as I could and get out of the 1 ystery m can be seer distir ctly 'I h en he says they A YOUNG man calling I 1 nself Jamea to safe quarters Just hern was about tie sl o Id uot smg when they are hoarse Reno1e steppe l into a police station in darkest bit of road m all the route because the two cerds are inflamed and a8 Boston saymg he had r m a way from the act of smgmg is th e strlkmg of the Ed nbu gh Scotland n th $~ 000 of h s cords against each otl er they become employer s money and a s he could not thereby all the m re mfiamed and some find vork wanted to be sent back there times I aralJsed 'Ihe treatrn·nt for t is to Ja I to nm a s Iver v1re down the throat touch THE death 1s announced of ti e ol lest 1g the cords and passmg an electrical Methud1st m mster u Ireland the Rev c rrent thro gh them Almost I 1Stn tan J ol rr Nelson 1n his nmety fou tl year eously the cords have been thus He was bapt zed by John W osley a1 d was so as to give a. pure tone also a friend of Dr Adam Clarke tl e commentator WHAT IS PASHA without tr yrng to save it STRA:NOE most strange are the n otions But how W3'1 I to savo itl -how find it I voman resp ect ng jthe beauty of At the head ol the 1 irkish state is the of one 1 Tl e more I searched about the less could another L a·t week I vas at a pa1ty and venturea to observe to a lady with whom l was talk 1g that I thought a Jo ng g II who 'as stat dmg near s rema1kably pretty TI at,dowdy pretty rep! ed the ladJ why shes 1 ot ernn t ed back THE ox1 ort of eggs from Kent County Ont IS estmrnted a t three tl o 1sand dozen per day and one dealer m Chatham has laid a vay mp ckle for the fall tiad e ornr respons1b1lity of the state on !us shoulder fifty tl ousand dozen >'Vhen 01 e reflects and IS assIBted by six Vrniers of the Cu po that one tl10usand do7.en fills a t en barrel la as they are called to d1stm 10h them tub somo idea may be formed ot tho space from the various other V1z1ers in Turkey and labor r equmte to carry out th s The word Vizier s gm! es he l\ho bears trade or s 1p1 orts t. burden and Vi as first con THE Bost 11 P lot the leadrng Cathol c ti ed to the S !tans prime Ill n ster but at the present tl>uo 1s applied to numer paper of the United States m referr ng to ous high officials m Turkey a ld other Ma tl e Montreal disturbances cot isels its hometan states Closely resembling Viz Canad a I Ca tho! c readers and friends not to the 1er lS Pasha a title formerly given to to place themseh es m antagoms pnnces of blood and other civil and nil1 law and c!eclares that it m rnt be adlllltted tary officern The word is der ved fron and proved with bayonets 1f r ecessa y Pa foo t. or support and shah r !er that the Orange me 1 and all others who and therefore s1g1 1fies the s 1p[ art of a parade 1n peaca have a right ao to parade, ruler The bad~e of a Pasha is a horse a w th full protect10n of the law ta 1 ""'mg from the end of a staff ere m Sm J OIIN alludrng to the M n ster of ed w th a g lt ball but if you e'"r I appen M ht1a m hJ.S Kmgstor speecl sa d iL was to come across a Pasha of three tr a.ls you his duty to preserve us agamst fore 0 n mayconeluie he s ver) exalts I pe1 so rrage and domest c foes fron the Fen ans do wn n fact the Pasha of three trials 1s the to the Colorado bug Probably he l as Grand Vizier h m·elf heard of an acting Mm1ster of Mil1tia vho at one critical hme utterly failed rn this WOMAN S POWER duty-l'tho w11en the Fenuu s were swarm 0 f 1ng o long our shores vas d ead dr 1nk 1n his oflice and left calls fo r mstmctio, by the score una1 swe1 ed D oes he ner 1 to be told who th·t act ng Mm ster ~as 1-St 1W:mus Jou nal 0 NO. G2. AS LOW AND- As 45 CTs A CHOICE STOCK OF NEW STYLlSH MILINERY NOW OPENED L<\.DIES A"n GENT8 'ND F ELT HATS -1.LTERED AND CL EANED STRAW A.1·tdic1al Teeth INSERTED H A MODERATE Ji EE Teeth Extracted Without P am De<:cmbcr DRE SS MAKING AS USUAL (38 tf MRS A 1 :LE1 CIIER l'o Let - AND- ~6- I LOAN SOCIETY. CA.PIT AL $1 000 000 HE.AD 01.iF C CE AJl}lle 1'1 ees. jffi.lnnes Block King Street close to me With the cluld hushed to my hre3'1t I rode on Its 1 erfect s lence soon showed me that it slept A d sir I thanked God that He I a.'1 let me save it and I tho ight how grateful some poor n otl er 1 ould be But I was ft 11 of wonder for all that :vor der1ng what extraordinary fate h ad taken any yo mg child to hat sohtarJ spot Gett ng m sight of home I saw all the wn dows alight Deborah had done it for me I thought to gu de me home m safety th ough tho dar k ess But prestntly I knew that somethi g must be the atter for the ve1y fe v neighbors wo h ad "ere gathered there My heart stood st 11 nth fear I ti ought of some calnm ty to one or otl er of the chi! lrcn T had saved a I ke o le from perrnh ng b t what might not have happened to my own Hardly dar ng to I ft the late] hile my poor tire l l orse stood st ll an d mute outside I we t slo >Iy m the child i my arms covered over with the flap of my 101 g coat My l\ife w as wee1 ug bitter ly WELLAND GANAL ENLARGEftNT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS s of voices ans wered 1n1;1 Dolly s lost Dolly lost? Just for a noment my heart turned swk Then some nst 1 ct I ke a r ay of I ght and hope serzed upon me P ll 1 g the coot oft tl e face of the chtlcl l held I lifted the I ttle sleepmg thu g to the hght and sa v Dolly Yes sir Th· child I had saved was no other than 1 y own my httle Dolly <\.nd I k1 e v that God s good angels had gm led me to sa' e her a d that ti e first flash of the summe I ghtnrng had s hone JUst at the rig! t mo" eat to sho w me where she lay It was her whites n bon net that had caught ill) cJ e My dorling it was and none other that I 1 ad picked up on the drenched roa I Dolly anxtous for her doll had wande1 ed o t t: useen to meet me 1n the afternoon It 01 eated lave rnllcn and m after could trace the r fall to tho dev1hsh tempta t on of the so01al Lo ~I at home Ex elude it d1scouutenance 1t frown down the custo n and help your male frwnds to save themselves KL"8 me George she said chained to the 1est uf the gang as h e George n1anaged tu kiss t he g rl otl er pnsoners looked on m envy and the SJ erill lookcl on mdulgently But how much more the pr soncrs wot ld have en vied that I s and ho~ ster1 ly would the PRIZE· First Prize I JUST AS USUAL. Time, Money and Labor Saved F' :El. El :isr 0 :E% OIL POLISHJ Th s F1ench Oil Pol sh 1s prepared for C rr1n ges B Jgg cs Ilnrncs& Boots and SI oes <\.ND ALL KINDS OF LEATHER Commenc ng on or about l UESDA )'. the 1 Ill \.I .RI L 18 1 Moaey to Loan! W. BELLS CABINET ORGANS ON FAHM PHOPERTY (11 TH.1£ SIEAMER and although the tra1 i w as xap d rate cou vey1ng Springfield Ill to the state bounded through a w ndow ed i: ery gomg at a him from pnson I e au\l Bsca1 T HE OLD DRICK STORE lately oc 8-tt c p ed byP,1 Tho Ba Li g App y t o RAl'NES & CO iO or C DOMINION BANK, BOWJIHNVILLE LUMBER SHINGLES LATH POSTS, and RQUARE TIMBER IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS U:NDERSIGNED ARE PRE T HE PAlt.ED to contract for the supply ng o LUMBER SHIN'1LES LATHS POSIS CAPITAL PAID UP HE AD OFFICE :BRANCIIES $1 000 000 TORONTO have succumbed from diseas e of sick persons sent awa.y from the seat of war ver e abo t 60 000 more which makes the nu mbe of dead from tho Crimean and a e prepaTed promptl y to fill orders in th OmL LIA ahove ne and to 1le v r articles in all parts CoBounothe To n Bo,v:uANVILLE The 1 ighestpr ce pad fo Lumber Y\ ood e ltE \:Ve buy for CA.SH and sell for C <\.SU Oftice iaind Yard Coiner K ng n.nd Georg Streets AMERICAN GREENE ACJr,S {!l. EXCHANGE BOU JHT J OH· McCLELLAN } "'cCLELLAN & Cf' I I O~)IA WA WHirIB~ 1.:xBRIDGE AND ALL KID.IDS T --OF-- Bu1ld1ng Material AN D FOR THE v;: ILLI.A.:M: CAr.i N lll. Bowmanville Jan 30 18 .:i 27 1 CON "TRTCTIO:S 01 .6.LL CLAS SE" OF BUILDINGS, l OR WHJCH T H.l!:Y W LL FURN SH l J,ANS AND ESJIMAffllS WHEN REqumED ALL l{lNDS -OEOUSTC>nl.I: 'VVC.-:E'!.:.U:: · c of July of cou ae but I ve got the vorst men ory abo 1t 000 OQQ prod 10·d on the enl!re globe - t hese h1stor1cal facts Thats 1t said T he selli n ~ value of the tota 1 clip would the wISe father Q ncouragmgly Colu n1 probably aggregate $450 000 000 Out of bus d sco ered Amer10a on the Fourth of fourteen hundre 1 and n ieteen m Ilion Jnly and the natwn celebra.tes the dav m honor of the evem Freddy I wa t yo to study t p I should feel a" fully mar t lied I a I you ask e I mes ch a quest10n t e fore co 1 ];'any