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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1877, p. 1

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vV JYI R.CLIIV[I Ji.. 11t t1 c O '& II' HJ !E:-P<>~t 0~1'.Jce lfUocl< BOii :.11.A.NVIJ LE ONT A cas11 of' iol 1t 10 of U e Du n.irin Act at Owen Sound has been purushed by t l e 111 position of a fine of $30 and costs F ) t,;lt conv ct on liave ta"ket pla.ce in Picton und er the Du ikm Act a1 cl the h IUor vendors begin to t1en1blc ~,...,,..,.,~="'~~~~~"'."'."'~~~ BCf\VMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, £317. It is a very cold day g 11 Yho carne out for an armf1 l of Thats true for ye she replied ter come in and warrn youse] f ~ft er a few minutes tl e old n1an con cluded to take the girls ad'1co n ot that he really felt tl e 1 eed of fire but because 1t ' ould be the eas est and I ass b y tl e only "ay m whwh he co l l acco npl sh the obiect of h s labour Upon e1 termg the I toh e , he fo 1 d the I1 sh rI seated near tl e ra1 ge with a and ~po 1 1 er cheek .vh1le her body rocked to and fro as if ui 1 n orta.l a.gon) bv a \ 1gor ou s push wi th her fo ot a chair wluch stood in lHE strikes 1 duce 1 an India 1a 1 1 fifty five years old to buy anewsp 'I er for tlie first ti I e m his life A "'i ICTORH B C d spatch announces the death of Sir James D' gals the found (Fro>i ti e Dehoit F ee Pnss) er of the city and fisri Go ernor of ti e They vere a sleep) Jot on the four o clock Colony car go11 g dowi M1ch1ga.n Aven d yesterlH..t: Ontar o Government oHers a io day The day was hot the du st thick and j only one man and he beyond the prime of ward of $500 for tic ar1 est of John Cope life opened his eyes os a woman crow led Mallmy chai ged · tl be g a P"lY to tho murder of Uberta \\ >de Col rn with ' long paper box under her arn His eyes opened n httlc more as sl e sat borne down near l im and I resently they "ide 1 ed to the rfullest extent as he read the label One dozen open backed ahu ts He glanced fro1n the box tu the female and back and groaned o 1t Lando love b 1t wl at v1ll corne next ~ She looked a1 ou1 d at hun as if she fear ed that of coho would come next a 1 l l e br ghtened up a httle and said \Veil I \e "orn em for a year a d I knuw theJ are handJ and rel 1ble 1f y daughters \.'i ant to get haF a. dozen I s an t c ) over it IS greatly excited by t he discover.} of a sunken vessel opp s te that cttJ It is s ppo<1ed to I ave been s nk there nearly 150 years ago a d the behef 113 general that pLrates ticas 1res ar e lud den 111 the vessel The vessel ;va-a seen ow ng to the unus 1al lo uess of the 'vater a ca·· DCHI MAN VII IE I CAPII AL PAID UP I NEVI STORE ! J A CODD Aqent U.1.'WER FALSE COLORS Having l gl ted tl e Ja 11[ sat d c h a vn the as if to '3} n~ ou t lh t3 11fl1cucc of the blustering sno \ey Hannah (the ho ise keeper) N EW GOODS T curtains s till 1nor e closed.} I, 00 RNIBH TREES! CHAINR JEl>ELLE.RY FORKR I SPOONS :EE'EcJIRO PLATED VI ARE &c cast The elder llfr llartly was a gentleman ht le pa st rn d dle age w th a pleasant be nevolent loo] 1 g cou 1ten:i.nce expressive of tho comfort and ease w1th whwh he had UJ:mn:issioner of Customs lil.WORTANT TO BUllDERS W eie you speakmg to ma 1 ohe asked after seeing that i o one else seemed in terested I sorter vas and sorter wasn t plied as he worked a famt snnle face I \Vas saying that its 'vonderful IN a yo mg Jody a boo! of travel rn iind how tnuch the in' entive gen s of this Cologne ca.lied tl e scent n cnta.l city co 1ntry has done for us 011 the slnrt \'\HE" yoi wind up a v;atch t goes on quest on When yo 1 wrnd up a c0m1 ar y It dosen t She lntche 1 a vaJ a little T 'enty years ago h e mused as he A Wll>TEilN e l tor sr ealmw of L con h tched after her If any mon ha<l told cert s nger a 1~ 8 th at hei vuwe 18 d chcrnus me that the dorn1ant genius ot tlus co n1t1y - pu1c as n1 ooultght ai d P.S ten er as a " ould soon rouse up and invent a button shirt behmd shirt Id looked upon hnn as crazy Bit dormant gem is vas all O K She ru 1sed she in' ented and Ive got one o them very shuts on The 1 ok she gave h1m ought to have torn lum all to p1ccos b 1t t hdu t SOME rnen keep sa\agc dogs ruu1 d One year ago he oalrnly rt:s 1 e I I their ho 1scs so tha t the h 1 j poor who f ai ybody I 1d told me that tho 0 01 tl r stop to get bite may g t it out~ do sex wo 1ld soon demand open back shirts tho d at Id ha\ o gone a fish 1g nd never ie tt rL el she is But tl e evoch has hove 1n s 0 ht- she s Yo 1>1U rtght here I can r oco1umend then1 as her the world over boss Who are you talk ng to air 1 * * * * nanded in an awful voice A fe " mon'hs later l\11s Haitly said To you ma~a n 1 ms ··} >g that f Harry do you k o" I used to tlnnk I w ar e n there is no reason \ 1 J you sh uld 1 t I appeal tothesepassengers edly exclamrnd So do T 1 e a1 s ·ered Even body m this car 1th a butt.on behmd sl n t on will please stand up unt I I can co 1 1t L 1oh s Ln a nswer to his sumrnous A N "w Ha mpoh re paper says that if it nos ea lhe woman went to ascertain but soon devotes n1ore space to the potato bug than lire old man stood up He was all alone to ti e Legislature it 1s because the bugs What do you mean! she asked reh rne<l saymg that Mr s Leigh chd not He looked aro nd n1 a aorrowful way and arc lo ig the most wm k don t t nderstand sa1d I will tell yo 1 o The noses ha\e 1t and the resolut on WH<T kmd of carpet shall we ge for .,..111 never ment on it s la1 l on the table Ho · e>er Ill stwk the parsons study' aakc I a cl t rch co n to unne and I don t behove this m1ttcc man of hll'1 e Ax here Wiii go back on her dozen t II ·he l s I tor was the comprehens 'e re1 !J A WOMAX ,,.s killed by !Jg! h i g re gnen em afar slw · Wh ch a1da of the neck do !hey b Jtt m on 1mdam? J cently h1le draw mg a baby coach Ha, 0 The yeJls that followed bro 1ght m th e ve not al vays rged wn cs to let then dri ver The old n1an was pointed out as husba. els push the baby conch ? a drunkard anu a woman insulte r and the drn er wa~ f tlehng for lns n eck when the astou shed man cr1cd on t Who s drunk Who rnsulted ai J body I :N ext n1orntn figure appeared m thu doorway leadmg from a store room 111 the b ack attic of Judge Hartly s residence ·aid t\gure being n1ostly e veloped in a t r e vorn long sJ irted soldier overcoat not 01n 1tt 1ng the no itable short care J 1st Ion~ eno 1gh to give to mankind in general a 'ery nioin1ng broa \ oho ldered, ungenteel appearance I am sorry you are s 1fle1 ng so bad whwh seemed m good keepmg with the ly cot tm ued N elhe Jonh beard and han, all of ·Inch ms s 1r I the iron mg l 1nll taKe Jo Ir place at the mounted hy a broa l brunmed slo tch table ;vhilc y ou go a 1d ask n1other for hat sometlung to c ne your i:a1n and don t Paus1110 before a large mnror at the come back until you get relief Soon after the old man resumed his end of the low er hall le cooly tuok a 0 1 I (f · ><Hll" "Li<:S LURS Posrs AND - \LL KINDS JOHN McCLELL,\.N 16 If ho ise- one who 'vo ld meet is ti. 1th ag1ad smile of ve1co re afLc:r the daily ca1e and pe1 plexi ~y of b siness one l ose cl ee1 A gent He ker t talkmg about sl 1rto ed the rnman v th the box And you ve got a box full the 1nau L hamt noShe turnet! np the box and saw the label for the first tll e She gre" red then h1te and there was an awful s lence R1ppmg off the cuver she exhibited a bolt of n1osq1 ito netbug nestJr.d a vay in the box Nay she helcl It up and ernn shook it at the o!J man He srr 1led softly nod I ed h s he·d · dozen t meo and blandly said Correct madam- I t 1mble to it That doesn t look hke a dozen b 1tton belund shirts and Im gr e\ ed 1f I offend ed Pit it back madam forget that you ever sa. v me and wear any kind you are a n ind to - OF- AND FOU 'III E B u1ld1ng Mate1 ial T CONS TRTC l ION OF A IL CLAS BUILDINGS ~} S o> SPRlt~G IMPORTATIONS T 1st then tho pretty face of Miss FonnJ s 1 1ou1 ded n c nl papers an l ha1rp 1 s peepeu out m fron t f t ie door an! the deaf old man heard her say with a sneer Poor enough a ud trashy enongh too no doubt Chloe it is unposs1b1e for me to understand "hy ) on sho ild l erm t that class of people to 1 tr id e mto yom k Le! e WI y u d ) ot not sl ut U e door m Im face u l let hi n go v. he.10 he belongs'I contrnued the baby despatch a1 nouncmg !us mother a illness and d es1r1ng h1s imn1ed1ate presenct:i at hotne and how fe \ ere the days of anx 1ous watch g ere that dear and saint like n1 other as Lorne to that country fron1 which r o traveller returneth Rou.,ng h1m elf from h rn thou 0 l lf11 re' ery he becan e a '!'3re that b s fatl et ier ly but what slwtld - - -eXl ens Vtl · ·--- - - Sure nuff honey "hy as if to quiet A l hficmJ l'eetb 0 lel SF l HD AT A M:ODEHA1E FEE re th Extracted W1thcn t Pam J M BRIJ\1ACOMBF I D " b ll for her o\\ n and JP.av lg her lEN mbcr thousand dollars \\ e love water who loves F 1r·st Prize I JFST A.S USUAL. Add ess as and he CHAS KENNED Y Bow um' Ile Post Oft ce 9 A Card. \\1th a 0 reat ap1 ea1ance e1 ergy he com1 ie nc ed a olaught upon the \\OOd ptlo before long ho~ever by p erforming much 1nanual labour of ti at kmd he vo ild pay well for MosT men love httle v;oruen tl e p1ivdege of prying into the n1er1ts a1 d de nel'lts of ]us lady acquamtance After a. tnne the SaVi b egan to lag in its n1cn moat aud most worncn love n:en I b cs t red of s ng1e wa1 l an l £01 \ ar l tnoveme t and th tle or love httle men most nd nost ble s dt ess he!· at hber ly at any time to wood busmess did not progress as rap1 lly [love little men and women-Psi aw (To be contmued m our next ) look about h1m for a con I an10n but, if as at nrst sa d the JHDlJ t p company th an none After Joggin g some E l le::; furtl er t I e woman dece l d and tl anR g1veu the cup of cold :\ater on t he occasion ed him for the dnve Hove I m h all 1ded to announcmg that 1 e had settled furthe1 t o go ere I r each t ne B-- roa l on him the sum of t;lO 000 to be pa1d m aake l tl e I nb t e law Oh fo u ann al rnstalments o! ~2 oOO Ii , es pas·ed It t Cl or ti r ee imles I acl t1gat1011 has es abhshed tJ e fact that there the an· ver b t as I thot ght bad co IS no mrntake or decor t10 l m the matter better tl an none I brongl t you on o ·

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