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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1877, p. 4

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CANADIAt'I l:\TAT~CSMAN AND TvfEHCHA~T, llOvVJYlANVlLLb:, THUHSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1877- _..__usiness McLED HIMS~LF ', AGAI-! ----:o:~: u;---- H: NICHOLSON. A LECTUR,ID ---:o:- --- The unclci'signed continues to conduct tl:: e Hardware bu siness at th e old stand, under the i;i.ame and style of J olm McLeod & Co. ' TO Y-OU:!'.:~G MTDN· CASH PRICE, D cts. CR!WIT PRICE, 11 cLs. Jtist P ublfshcd , in,.(l S{'alccl Eni:elope, -prioe Ge. , I never, at any tin.le; had .a partner, or any one directly A LEC'I'URE ON THE NA.'i'URE, · Ti,eatm ent, and lln.dlc<l.l cure of Scniina] \Veo.kucf'e. or 8per. irtatorrhocrt induced by Seif .A"buse, 1 ln\'oluntr.ry Emiss ions, I mpotency Ncrvou{JJebility, a nd Tmped inumts In 1\'la r- B( o ots.and Shoesl - - ----:u..r.·:- - - - - " " ". 10 " " " 20 17 $1.00. int.ercstecl in: my business. My l'lro,t her wtis in. my employ as el erk for n early a ye_ l_tr and a half, but Jakly, for good and valid rca,~o ns, I cli ,sgener ally; Corn1Lu:1pt.ion, Epi1 epHy, ntHl cha1'ged him, which · c lisebarge'· has been confirm ed by the Court of rln'.ge lI'its; l\1enta.l 1tnti Ph yHit.:al IHcap;i.cit.y, &c.- By Chancery. Therefore the business in future ';Viii i:ecei ve strict and HOB.GR1' J. CU LVEI-f\VF.JLL, l\L D., autho1· of the " Green Book," &c. pernon1_tl attention. 'l'ho world·rcnov1' ncd a.ntho1·.in this o.ble $1.15. T::EI::E T,ARGES'.I . . j Hard Times and Cheap Goods placed at yery low fi gures, es1)ecially to CASH customern. !I 1 I be ",Lut lJv rc1n oved 1n st rum ~1HS, :educe the large stpck now on hand , prices wil I be In ord<'r to 1 h!s oondill<J11 nw.y 1 ~-. >Ylth cnt tHe<lw in e. and wiUw ttt dangerous su.r~1c,al operations, lmng ies, r in gs, or col'dia ls; 11oivlingo uut a. n1odc of oul'e n.t 011 ce sirn n lc, cO l'La.i1:, and effe ct1rn\, by which evtry l'; llffC°i·er. no 1natter \\'hat prh·;.-, otn·e hi mr.clf chC(l pa.nrl 1YJrl.1°call11. ' be, · rn~y Lt'd urc, clear ly proves from h is c·vne xpen ence Ll1:tL 1he awtnl consequences of Self-_A bnse may This will be strictly adhered~ A ·s so R 1'.E D - -- AND - - · " . to, and only six r1i.onths 011 i ST 0 C :K/ nrnken;' nfl!ln'"i~ . 'po:-.1t·pcdd, ,t? l'hi s lec 1111·B vdll pro ve a. boon t otl1ouMnds ::... nd t ho\lsa rnls . f:r.111. inid er seal, in a plain envelope. to a ny L\vo p o;:;tugc stamps, Allt.l1ess.-1hc publis hers, on l'COcipt cf six cents, or C.1:-J..E.A.PESr.i."a- -smroc~ ever offered in town, just rnceived at - . . average accour1ts. F. Y. CQWL E. ~?HE CULVERWELL l'IIEDIC.AL CO. 4;:: A:iu Sf . , Neu l'oik.; Post Office Box4586. l·':u·n~ Contai.ns House and Buildern' Ha rdware, Carriage Rupplies, with Paints and Oils of all colors and kinch;. Accounts i1ow du_ e must be p aid 8ow1nan\·i1le, August 29, 1876. n.r § ale, T Sto_ ves of all kmds, in great v·:uieJy.' . 'l\nware so ld r;heap, as no pcddlcn, STOVES .AND ,TIN\V ARE m e l·:t'pt, . _ Q ~ O Q ACRIIS, BEING GOMPOS]O}D J '~ (-, of µa.rl of L ot No. 1, 9th con. Darling-I.on ; about. 70.au1·es cleared , and t110 b&lunce well wornl ed wit,li pine a1ul oak . If, not sold U1 the Jsl. nf A1tril nexl, the. cle o. rccl y.iortion will b EI P:1>1-" t; ll: For rmrLiellh1r s c1iquire. ot S D. ilJ' AD~l{A ·-·--··- - - --- -- -- ·· ---·---- -- --·· \f I=>OST C)FF'lCJD BI::..001-C. --........======="""·-·"" ·-= """""""""="====,.. :m Av Ef'ar R .. JO .. H ,. Bowmanville: l\:Iay 8, 1s~·7, ;p ~a- s CARD. ORDERED vVORK promptly gnaranteocl. .,, pnrcha~ing expcuted awl good fits 0- d,o_ ne by experienced "" .. 'o rk meu. P yt llf>; and Jobbin 0 " T 'l 'Al'l·: GREAT PLE AsDHE rn iN -_!_ FOUIUt:NG- J,;uli~s · of llo-w1'na11Yillc u.nO !\..! M'~ . vicinit.rtha t I h:ne l't·tui·netl !LlHl O]JCncd tlle Ill . ii..,i;;:. . · V oL Te> on Ri ng.Street., J<ctely occupio <l py Mr. L. 1 Uo1·nish, Je wel!t;r, "lA ;1,h tL nc~V sLock ot ,, . WELLlNUTON 131..i.lLDINGS. :IIILLI NER Y, .. . ., .. J>'ANCY G00DS, BlU~Ll N WOOLS, eoo .& r.o . '.j Be sure and . give him a -call before el sew here, -- 1 \T- Dowrnanvillc, April 12, 1877. &;c., & ;c., &~c. S -PRING DRY---:o:--- "\Vhere I will b e g lad t.o inc et nlr old frien ds and cuslonif'l:f:\. 1 also ca1TY on r~-· . t ,.., ~,.. JI..;,.<.;;; - · -' J J:""_ · Ii: 1 "N ,x I in c ~in n ecL:c!l \'> ith llw ~Til1i n1.<l'J nnd }.-Ta 1 .1tles [ -» nt. · c 1 · A. S. ANDJmSON, (Lato wit h ) 'Tcssrs. J. &'\11'. J . l\lfc-J\hHr l' y &. Co. l\ ing SL Bo\n11a1u·ille. - - - ·· -- :- --:-:n:- : - - : The Bownmnville Furniture F,,,ctor" bavin·0r eurn menccJ n<1min" ' ..! b 1 again, and the new Company having appointed the nnd ernigned Retail 1 Agent for the Town and surrounding cuuntry, ho is prepared to offer the Wiil sell the balance of his Winter Stock for Thirty Days at very iiest sty le" of Furniture at prices below anything at which it can G R1"B.A.TLY REDUC.1-·~1") PRICF~B! be procured elsew li ere in the Province. TH IR 1' Y BEFORE DAYS T . I MAN»l\IING'S OLD M::u:JY-CURTB ::r· STOCK TA KING ; NAMELY: (_)y A · I_J ! BLA.\'KETS, NEW .,_ , - ' {;""1_ , ' ., ·\' \CT Q THE UGtiT·RUN!HND ROYl I WI-!IOH HE AT HIS I t,i1e-brea lh ofa cornp; a int.,anfi t:t1a1 tl11· tnP_ :qJ,' t'ic n ce of th e ope ra i,0 1· u1 solitary ca~c lias ,t<lken ,this ec.'.'lso::i tl_ 1e fwo l1'irst Pd ~o.s at -r.tiLourg, the T-wo Fir<>t st .Port IIopc Centn1l Fau-, Fir s t Prize coL J.::o-wnHtnvilJc, Diplom a at 'fonu1to , and olher phffeS too nurncr cu LJ t o men I t1on. 'l'h c =nb.'3rti bcr having sold ,t-df n early ·rwo Hu1·dlcd of 1Jiosc beautiful Jnttchincs tbe lust \ e1gutcC'n ntonLhs, the ll OYAL h as a record liittt NO QTHEH M ACHIN E EY.IJ: H 11.AJJ I 9.r ney cr lla,·ing to 0h:111ge a s l nglema~hh 1 0 8aol1 in i.'chll 10 1York;i11<J; first c l a'!s, wit,h ) i.carcely onl.>·t ln·ou ~~h ~1. vcr.y oaJ. Funerals fmn:i sh od in every rmpcet in the very best styles a.rnl at prices lower than imy other firm iu the country. Ono of . the finest Perf>OD'.3 '\\'anting the above Good" will find it to their advantage to cal Hearses in the Province S1'NT FREE to any funeral furni,'Jhccl by the before purdu\si,ng elsewlrnre, subscriber, within ten miles of Bowman ville. Fe bruary, 1877. W. M cMURTRY. Also, agent for Ray.moiid's celebrated l\Ietallic Coflins, New Y 01 'k. DHESS GOODS, FLANNELS, SHAWLS, vVINCEYS, . SHIRTS & DRA,VFRS, FANCY ·wooL GOODS; CLOUDS, &1.:. U N D E R ~1~ .A K I .I\lf G X:» O~IN"J:OJSr and Investme11 t -01~- or t,wo. LG VV · Pric~es - - -:o:--- Smnc of Un: leading real n L·es of t11 ~ ROY AL In i1 H cpu s1Tuct ion the Ucst, matcrj~ J~ u · ed; tiic · 'n:-<alx·ir tnirts case ·1rn1dened: first class workn1cn ewp:()ycd, whicJ1 >l"ill c11snl'e its durnbilitr; gr,'ilt ndt.p1ntio n for different r,lnsscs oi :(oods, f1 om fin c;,t n1uslin to.1Jc1tYicst fuHcloth or· er, t1djns!a'olc t o cithCJ.··vork i~1 cL f.cnv ~,oco uds b.v pi'e"' sc r~foo t f; pl'ingand im proved feed er; ver y lan:re bub b in. h olding DO yards thrcr.d; p iitc nt iamp -hclde r, ··n abli flg opera.tor to sc1v b} 1 1i g ht ns wclJ :ts by dtty. ~'] having been circulated that tho undersigned lrns been overcharging in hit> Undertaking department, ho begs to submit t he following fig ures, wl1ich he challenges any one to contrnclict : R eported amount charged, $50 .... Actu al amount charged , $12. U H " F.3 P 0 JR. r1:p ' J..;0 NJ)ON, ON- TA RI 0. r1A PTTAL .. , . ..... . , . . . , .. . · .. ... ., ..... , .. ., ....... , ... .. . $1,000,00 0. SUBSORIBJJJD . .. .... . . . ., ... .. . .. , .. , ..... ,, . . ... . .-. . . . . . . . 7fi0,000.00. !:'AID UP .· . .... .. ... .. .. ,,,., .. ,,.,, . .. , .... . . . .. , . . .. , . . . 300,000.00. llESP:RVE A ND CONTINGENT FUND ... , .. ,,., ... ;.,., .. 60,000 .. 00 " " " " " 30 · · · · 45 ... . 60 ... . 50. ' . . H H ({ ~), " " " " ;i 5. ·;0. 30. 72 .... 29, 187G. rio. ::The Tailoring A Departnient -L'?J ·~ J. S. DO~ JC{ , F <:· r so.le by '.I';, ro u e, Ag nt for Lf, C. No;·tbu1nbel'la1Hl &, Dud nnll. N. B also for ' AL'l'IIAJ.1 and ELG ~'\ SPI:i;UIALTY. 1 "\V ATCH:t:S, - ---- Money loaned,_ upon real estate on tlw most favorable teTms. u JJ'.t1:\.. Bowrnanville, M~rch W. P. PROWER. 35 GOOD FITS G·U ARAN'I EED . '· 1· ti\ 909 Unn't. bt· m arle oy evet}' ngr!Jt ..,; month 1n lb ~ liP l'ltness \\ e fUI1i. · li, bu t 01rcLy :Mortgages purchased.. k · E h i fl 6 11_ JJl . .:JXC ange. Butter 2.nd ~-Eggs ,,., One -Door VvesL of Express Ollfoo. Bo"·manvillc, ltfarck 28, 18i7. '-====-- ".:....-....,,.~~-"=~ - (23) ~ tho8e \.\ tllwg Lu werk cfl n f't:1.o i \~c earn a.dozen rlolla1·s a day rlgl~t ~n their I own lne<11tties . Hayp, nn room to explain 1 ler·c . I Bul:5i1H-:Sii ri"leasant andhuuorablc. i.\' 01ncn 11nd b?rs and gid e d o as -...yell as men. \Ve "'·ill fnr J11::h you a complete Out fit fr ee. The bn sln ess pa.ys bet t er o.n i nything '°'re iv.ill bear expense of th starting you. else. Par ticulars free .~ , .\Triw and sco. Farmers and 111 eclia.nic~. thoir sons nnd d~ughters, and :\ll ck1.3ser; in n.ied O f p a,ying Y>Or\~ ::l t. bOfDC. si1011ld wri L!' _ [,1) ll."i an-tl timp . le~q'nd}l;ibo \ 11 t 11e·,i,.-ork:1. L 011~11toiL1 ;' 1\!aine . q.t (J D· 1 cl; I Ji, E, · Interest allowed on depo~its. E1· B. LE.Y, 11ansgt. President. JlJi,'R-~ilSSJUJ\r: GT<'() J\I GILL n .· c , King of the West REFERb'1VOB'S BY J_.ondon Ma.roh 1S76 E. '-I O . B I "ll sq., ,J.f. anagor ntar10 . a11-;-, Rown1 anv' e \VTLLIAl\'1 A.LLISON Esq. 1\1. D. 1 Bowman ville. · ' ' F A N --N I N G ---o--- M I LL """"""""'""'=========;,,,""°=""'""'""'"""======="'="""~;,,=""'=== -·- 'Don 1t Hcl!:tr. .i\'tld1·esS THUE r '1ro. !'\ow 1~ t 11 f! ,<;,;. J::ii -- - - - - - A N D · -- - - - ~30 ) Co. , BIG P U S::E-I rn AND SEED SEPARATOR. now raging at TJ-IREE MACI-IlNES IJ:'J ·o:t'TE - --o-- - 'T.FtEI~EVENS I This is the best :m d largest rn ac liin e for d enning and ~crm grain ever .in vented". Manufactul"Ctl in Bowrrrnnville at t he c8tabli shmcnt of Levi .Morris, Liberty st. Call and inspr.ct. J~ . C. T::-II MES, GA.. ::RD EN"" :JT1 ._ J3, ~~~~~~~~==-~ LOST JN THE WOODS. J;·,.n;n the Co llingwor:rt B'ttllcl/ 11. ~3 CHEMJST AND DRtJGGIS'l', I l'8Lerbor~. Sole Ageut for lho counlies of N01·tln11nberla.ncl, Durham, Victoria and (;J3) _ RECETV-ED AN 'I I '!Di ] ~ CatJLain ,J. Davig, uf 1h<> ln g S1n1Jford i Da.,ds,-rPports that ·wliile coas ting along tt1e ;.;u11Lb. shore of the bn.y la::it Ji,rid<ly hefo un d two lost men rt.bout ha.lf-wa.y bet\VC:)H Cabct'B L -Ic r..d and 'rubber l\foray.- 1 T h0 uieu were .Jol~n B:d;e1' aud Ge.orge PeprP.r, <Jf Po rt Elbrin, and tbey had sbnt-; t::d ft·r 1l1 c pcninsnla to hunt for land.- J Afte r une d}1.y'R .tra.vP.l they com pletely} Jost tl1ej1· -.· eck on ing, an tl hegn.n to wander ' 1 TJ Y YOUR ,_ ·B, EQS HESPE C'l'FULLY TO ,..,rt.rcrnnr selected NOUNCE tha.1, he 1Hu1 received f\. ' '"·ell FL9 sorted stor:k of ·Genuine Drugs and Pure Engli~h Cheinictl,1:::. ~-Uso, a splendid stock of the n10 st NEW FALL a:n.d WINTER And is cktcrmined to contmue to sell. rumou .ly low priceH cheaper than the cheapest. Why he cai1 do it--Firsl, lie buys for Cf!.S)l a11d knows ji1st how to buy. Secom], wh1it, he can't buy cl1 enp enough, he manufactures. Third, he is sntisned with small profits, Fourth, he sells for cash; Fifth, he sells at botto_m prices. cu~..:wr.. > ·..a..N":J:> S EE FC>R. :il'·o·u-r1.s:i:rn;:.~::ms 0 DYE 1ectio11 of $'l1Ulr :F ts ! .vhid1 c an not be su1·pas3cd fol' cxep,Ilency o JUa Hty .An a ssortine11t of An1 1ine Dyp,s kep constantly on han ll , togcth~r 'rith a chui c e se DHUGS. CHEJ\IICALS, p .1..TEN'P G-OOD S~ TO BE SO LD - - -- . A T--- - - -- " ' ::wn: nTCTNES, I Bl1.TJ8HF. S , C0¥ER, S !-!<1 0 I i0l~H- ll l1.ACES, Cf-I EAP FOR C i-\SH A. T 1 01.bS, P .AIN'L'S, J81Jf'.P0RTl·:,ns, &c., &c a1rn lc:.islv th1·ou gh the r<1ugh ::ind tr,1ckless f orPst. . For th r,,:;e days th ey had no fn0dJ and the only y;ate r Lhey could fi nd waH ~o ,va,r.n t hat .1t could ~ellrcely be drunk.On t he third da.y }>eppe1· gave out through COL011S, V_\.RXISHES rrIY AL the yory lo,Yost prices. and \\'111 E ....'\. "==-4- µ,- . I n :n .I N G "'§:.. 0 u R F R I E N n s "\>V 1: T I-:! y 0 u I Exrnninc the stock, \>hich -;cmpriscs cvo:yt:Li ng in tl1e. trade, of the \'f'rJ· Jutcst and 1uost N I T f-l E H01"3E ,\ND CATTLE l\ll:DI011\F "\Vorl.:n1en kept . elegant. $lyles .nnd patte1 -1rn, of Ji.n glish, Cor.ndinn, and ..1.1na11~·1Jn n:ianufac hu'p, He still CQDttnues to manufacture to ordr, from the best of llll:lterial, and 11one but iil' St·elal3s · Do wmanville, Oct: 30, 1876, Order.~ Prnrnptly E a:eculed, and Good Fits Guarnnteed. F~uiitc r8 'J i fa.tigne ;i nd h11np;er, and lrnd l0 be left on Th 11 1~1d.:i v hy hiE co rnnn.uio.u, who n1anagf'd to r;;;;:ich the hay on Fridn y foreno O!l. lle ccnl(l 110 ~ tel l where he \t' a s, ancl had no idci\ \\ h e1·e to 1oak fo r assistance. The tn:;{ hanpeued to go nccr the shore to lool: for \Yood, and 1 ,!ie captain, by the aid of <.t gl:ws, :::_aTI" tliis nrnn walking on the beach; and ;_.-.; U; t.ffl~ WM no t·uat to be seen: the tug \'\.ent in to see wha.t he was c1oing. Wheu tliu nian (l3aker) observed the tug he bcg:tn r.:honting and W'i\Ving hiR ha.ncls 1Nikll \7 to attl' aC~ i:i,ttcnt.ion. He "\Vas takot~ r·n board, hui, cnnld sca.rcoly 8pec-1.k fur :::orne mi1 Httes, wh r. n lie informed 0Jut; DaNiS that he had a compan~ ion so-rncwhera in the woo~s, who, . was dvin;:.i:. Tl:e tug people at once '·Y;n1, ir' s~arch of Pepper,who1n Uu.·y foun<l. ou 1h<-' hcccl1 ~o wcw k thflt ho co11ld,ecai·ce.. Jv i-;l:1rvl. PL'pper 11ai<l that h o fc11 ~siecp ~~1 Th ured:1y night al0nggide of a l0g, Duri11g the night it ra.ined l!t!avily, ·which aec n1 ed to i·evive hlm . Jiis thirst was so t~l'fiiJle M.1at he pulled nu t; pieces of fl. rotred hi 1cl1 log, saturated with rain, howling nca.r hirn, an d jn the moruing b0 u1auaged to dra~ lt iwself. out to the shore. 'l'lio two ine n \lere alrnost 1ntkcd. - their clc1+.bcs bein g tor n lflto shrech wi th f;C:r.ttrn bling 1hrongh brns}1 !..\Rd oYer r uck$!. ThBy Hty they nni~ i." l ·a.\'C. 1rr.-rellt:<l over furty 111ile-s 1hruo5 h t l1e fo rcr. t . aud t.11ey beli eve th;:i.t if the t ug Iu~d nut (.011)0 io i.lti-;ii· rescue eo .npuort nr: <'lt 1 !1 "' y we 1dd b0Ll1 liuse pen~h~ erJ, (} ;\:L. lJil\'il!i f ,;·<1k tht~ t'WO IUfTI to I f\.l \·,, ,1v whe1 ,. i lwy ob ta.;ned cD'l v~yarice i:·t .,, r;i ch tbr&y s:;trted for .'Port r. ....,,. . ' L1gu1 . j ~1.'nblwe GROCERY ON AS BUSINESS ! G!TAHH: E& UO., Al l,\ll':J~)J'S at Law, "·H'(ll~"i:of,Ol' "i lo i Jle:tne:inber Chi[} :nan', :~nsnlc;· & (~u., ~e llasi_n sto<:k an (' ndlcss Ttiriet)~ of Iv.die s' a r.d Gt' n!s' 'oYluch he I ~ se)hng cheop for cuah. ui ll s, VvJh:cs ' e t~ . ' an 0 the Stand... -" BIG BOOT" drawn by two Horse<;, STREET, l S~6. KING 80\f'/MANVILLE. I 629 F Btroet, W ashington , D. c:. Bowruar '-'· Ile. Ocl uher 2ntl. !"JI. TRELEVEN Wind]~ng OCTC)BJ~It D p. F ' GARR.I ED U S UAL. 10th, 1875. HARD ------ ----- -- - -- l'lf!.l~T TIMES .Ji. It 1s my intention on the above uate to wind up the longwindcd credit system, and sell only for CASH, 01-' HX I\' l ".-1. l:Ji;."i. 1Tnitf1d ~::ti<· .'"-. Conrt. nf Ubi111 s, Co nn of r,\ )Jll· m1s:swiwn; o J A l;1 ln:n:L ( Jl:11m.~, So 11t !1f1n1 ~htim Es (Jorn1u 1::< ·iun, :111rl :i ll cl;i;-;":'1'8 o[ wa 1· cl;dmio IH" 1f1dtcd. Stat es Cot~ l'ts Rnd Deoartme::its oi1l m;.. lll!t! t'A Oi :;f·ll in lh·~ S 11 pi' r' ]);1 . u ,m1 l nf l li~ or its equivalent. It rcqui·cs Hard prices have been ttdopted at the establish ment oi ~ [4r l<i/JJ. "-ill::...,, ..L.W..!L..&:::&...L..'\f;m. ~:ai_ ~ · ~'9 , }le is o1l"Prin g hh> D(HV and h andaorue assortment of "Iii;?" .v,.: ,.,-,,. no urguruent to ebtablhJ1 that it is to · the adv~ntugo of both buyer and· seller to trade for ready pay; the buyer thereby getti ng goods at LOWE R f1JrP 1ho £;.:ue1u1\·~· lJ P pt t r l : 1H~:lls. i)1· 1·· 1 { ' f~ii,., , · Murdocl'l Bros. -~-Al{E 4··rears of P ay ancl Bounty . w;~:-, .<:Q : .11 1;,; 1: ,... ;) 11d s \ 11.011 .-; of lhe 1~1 le 01· lh .. 11· bPir.,; , :ire rn 1p:tn.V ca,,;e:!' MHi L!l:'d to m vt:f}Y f1oin 1lw r).o kno w ledge. \:\'"n ~ c f,1 H b 1 .~lory of :scr·1 it: t·, :.011U St<llf' a:n ou n t(;f Jl.t\' 11,11d Oo1it11y rccctVed. ~ll· c 1w.:r ,s'ta1n p . 11 wl ~1 t 11ll n'\ply, :1Hel' e x:-tm11Hflit)11, lldil ii (' ~i 'ftln )'Oll frf!l:l. O-on·1·u1ri t1111., of w!1iclt thev ha re F.._;\LL A ND WINTER GODS AT GREA TLY RED c:'01'JD PRICES. PRICE S , and the sell er bei ng sa ved fro m lo·s by bad debts . \Ye thin k then· that a!! parljcs will concur in the wisdon1 of thif:l chan ge on our par t. !t17His J?uffalo Robes me spknclid value, 1 n1arka? le at the inoncy. A i ! OEf l ( J lrn ~, ~ ·11 pi1l ll5' ;:11d .:i A~ t .O H.':i woun d ed , r up . ured, o r injnr.::id lu <he lrt!I) wn.r, h owc1·el' Pensiona.. REC.IHYING-.- - - sl:ghtly, <.l..nd sr;cked 0\1 ~ 1ho \tater, After that ]1e ::.:!i.irtcd a, tire 1 a::; he hoard wiJ d be11,sts ob t:1 in :t penslo 11, m:w.v now ~""' <"1(.iv· ing iwn ~1oi 1 1· :ire et1t1tled to :rn l n rJ1'ea8.. Send s l:111q_:~t 11t11 11 fu:n w11,H1 \'1 i ll tJ ei unli ~ lwd free. t~l: c llr ~ ·u 1 ~ " · who·oe ~tl l u:·n eys h~en r.IH" p ended, vi;il l bo g"l'ft!t\OU.~ly Jur1wsh ccl "Yit.h f ull info1 ni.1 tion and prl11wt· pi~ pc1·~ 011 oi pplicat1un t o (' [ ~tl ff~ ~II1 s Caps, Collaret a, l\fu1hs, 1".f1 tts, &c,, ar e nHHle up in the newes t and most artitltic style .. ~His 9hildrcn's Fnrs are rare and vllriBd: :incl are just what fond 1uan1mas reqnire for t_ he1r pets. ~" T h en the Gents' F 11rnisl1 ings e1nbr ace every thin g in ~~: Hi1'. Gre1e and Alaska. 'lllt<ljst._'l.uce all competit,ion.- :,WHis Mink sds are re- Onr goods will hereafter be bought for CA.SH only, we and shall thereby reap .ihe adrnntnge of large iradc dioeounts, which adv:rn tagc we nrc dctcrm~tl e d t h o line: Shirts, Dra.\1.ers, Socks, Collars, Cuffs, Neekties, Draces, &c. to give to our cus ton1ers. Parties purchasi ng from us . Everyt!1ing good and cheap. inspect, :r\o trouble to show goods. Bo1vmanvi1le, Odober, 1875 Cash customern will buy olosA. JU:. Call and RA \V F URS bought at highest ca2h prices, may therefore depend upon gettin g gocaR than under.. the old plan. least ten Jler crnt, ch cape ,fo,,F WP fur re t111'1 p o~ ~~~~ sl !O!!l r! Qe !;en t it s, p\f :p·;:e 110 fp p, unl ess !; UCcesaful, sill-TO JU> MAY ER CORN by the CAR L 0 AD [ [ EVERY W ~ EK UnH~d St~tes ,Gsn_ei:al Lan(j. Ojfice. U01llt·s1ed I.and C' t.1<:e"', ~l'i~·nte Loutl fH ni rps, N' ll1t1it :Oiini:J'.!:, Prn-ompl Io n :ult! Hom es :,;· :td C.t~es, 1u·os· tm i,1ra I!:~ U-1111 tt~·a 1 l 1:p1;l Otnce ~nd De· 11;t1lm,t'._d"r uf llle lnle11V1' . · Old Bo.u n ty I.and "\Va r ra.u ts. \VJJ p :l!l cn.~ 11 for I h em . \Vii ere asr;. ignme11l13 a re im11e rfect we gin~ Hl."trucfions to perf£cr U1em. .'U atJ Uo11i1·a<·4.o r . "J n.u· I o the 1·s. , D. STOTT, AND DEALER IX Our utock will thiu Fall be more replete than evei" aml a st big.her class of good s will be kept. "\Ve therefore g uarantee tlie greates I ' i lcHEMIST DRU.GGIST satisfaction to all who ma y favor us with their pa t.ronogc, TOWJY HALL .fir.JILDLNGS, BOlV11IAJYJTILL.E. 1¥e a cir. 11 ~ r~ttorue.r.~ :'ol' s uch In procurin:; eo ·i · t nu.: IK , n1a!< ing cq llec t1011s, 11egoti: Lt1ug loa.ns : ~n d a tt ... n:11u;:; to,,.1 ull l.indue,,,, conffriecl Lo 'P J,ihl'.l ra l ar_:·:1ngP- nknt>: lll· l_ d e \'l'" ftlJ ;d.1l.! nt;:'.H' H! :L;J G]:\88:'- o [ b lP Jlll:ISI:':. The following lines will be found full: Druggs, ·M edieines and Chen1icals, Uye St~:µ-§, fp.t~p.t Medicines, PeTfuu1u1·y, Brushes, Oo1nbs, Soaps, Paints and Oiii, P.~nt Brq~h~~t Coi11 Oil, ~f}~l Cqi¥ Oi1 -14tt~_ps, t~c. , &;c. j>YYSICI ANS ' PRf,SCRIPl'IONS p,p.tEFJJLLY pQJ;IPQUNDj]ip A!i'D ALL QftPJ!:fl.S CORRKC 'l'L Y Ai-/SWllR~U. . , A Ouui·iTliY girl wrole lo her ! 1 ~! P}': i " :Now G-corg~. don't you fale to be :i.t thll: j Nig h1ingrilo's Rct r ~at" ~eo1~ge ; I wrot·J h ~,·k that "lll t l.; bright lexicon of youth---\Yebster's T.Tnahridged-there's no: i.Uch word a s Fale.." 1 _ rr<i..,.a .1.1.'"'_, Ch eape~t F ee d ,. you. can b uy. - .1;..dd.r~;,; ;; P.·O. nox -!-t. GILMORE & GO ., H~(J1ohi1igton, P. O. Ready-made C!otlu"n![, Cloths, Tweeds, Dress Goods, Silks. Shawls, Skirts, Cottons, FVince)'S .B!c.nkets, Bzttfalo Robes, &c.,&e WA~t ll1't:To~, Bowmanville, March I ""' - .. :1wi ,'i11~ 1 it:1 of t h e Ltl~~, P<1i··11t :tnt! C0Jlec1~,;n H(·UF<t' of GtLl'or·JUli & Co., of tl11s cur . d !!BU::: f{)a§ll.iti"r, f 11 ·1! i ~; ilu· in l l:e JI . U, N<1'(j~11t11e1· lH, j iiifi. pl·msu!'e u1 e.'n.1:·e::>:> 111~ 1nr l!ll ll:·e c:p11fl· r ~J ;i moiJ w ililu o:HS' SJlf S ND SHIRTS BOWlllAJ><VILLE n)ai lc to ai·der i il city styles on shortest ncitc 1 iV~ct:Or:al q EU . U. H. \l.'Hl T J~. Udr·>Jml!f·l.4 !Jank) v·ed·of the best giialily, ~ Farrrter$ and l:;hy;.icia11s /ro1n tli C'p1(ifit.1 ii ' w-i.llfind o a· Sto ':-koj lrfed·{cines com · Octoberl, 1875. S. F : s::::r:LL '

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