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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1877, p. 4

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cAN~ADiAN STATES1\t1A!~ AND J\tlf~RCHANT, BUW.1¥fANVILLE,,THURSDAY,~AUGUST 30, 1877 fi~~'@~"ii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!§l!!!'!!""""""~!'!!!!!'!!ll!!!!!l!!!!'ll!~!!"'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!"!ll!"!ll"!!!ll!l'!!'!!"!'i!"'!"!!!!!~...........~"""""""""'~""""""!ll!!!""""""!"'"""""'~"""~"'!"'..... .._._i""'_.........."""""""""""""""""'-.... -"'"! -~ ... . -:~':"';'"'""". . - "'.-~ -! · """""""'!!'"'!!'""'!...........~'!"""!"""!""'"""i""'~"""'!""'~......"""....~......"""""""""""""""'""'""""""""""""~~'!""'""""""""""""""""""'"""i""'""""""~·....~...... .._ ......... _"""..._ ... _ ..._"""'_..,."""'""""""""""""""""""""""l!!!!"'._ ... ~ ... ,"'.~~-"""~ POTATO-BU-GS. The morning sun 'v-its risi,ng fast, As through the ' \ mead.O'\V lot'" there ps,ssed A boy, who-bare v,rith grasp so"bold, A go0U-sized bottle, :rneant to hold "Potato-bu is!" offer for l'!ale Five Debentul'ca of the 'rn. age of Nevnia8tle, value $630, bea.rlngin terestat ~ 1:nreu per cont. For further particulars apply to ; H. NICHOLSON, .< 1 TH~':Ec;;~:·~:::::~::;:··c~·.' A I.,EC':L'URE ·F !A., · R, ·.~ ·E ; .R ,_ s ·Falr ·Business ---:o:---CASH PRICE, . 9 cts. CREDIT PRICE, 1 · . His eye3 "\Yore dim, his cheeks \Vel'c w ot Witl1 tears tlfat wctnld nQt back be kept; / tnd with a~sob, a sigh', a groan, He uttered ln moat monriifttl tone, "Potato-bugs l" Near happy homes he saw the boys Pln.ying croquet, or with their toys; Above, the scorching srm did shine , And from his lips escaped a whin"e, "Potato-l;mga I " The hour of ilinner came and 'vent, OT'1~'S lJa.rge an~ extensi:v.~ Boci't apy on hand tille l~rgeiit RU oe store, where he has continuassortment. in Bowma.nville, LADIES\ GEN'l1LFI1\o!Ji~N'S, ,HTJJDREN'S, BooTe &. SHOES, the latest ]J::nglish, Arnerican 8..pd Canadian styles. AND------ 11 20 cts. TO YOUNG ·- J..usl Pu1}lisheci, -in a. Sealed Enuelope, pr_ice 6q. a_ nd SAi'CHELS - ---< A.LL KINDS ~ ~ SIZES, }-- -- :· ALL,CHEAP FOR CASH. . .. ) Please CAI.L Before Buying El&e'"1-·he1·c. ~OLD I l T. SCOTT. STAND, OPPOSITE TOWN ·]JALL. ~ .And left hi1n o'er the vines still bent; At supper time he would not eat; .A.ri.d oft and oft dj d he 1 cpcat, "Potat.o~bugs ! " ·· 0, come,. his .;.omrades ~id, "and play Ono gt\me of ball -...vith us to-day:" Dearly would he have loved to go, "Dut shook his head n.nd answere;l ·'No I" "'"Potato-bugs l" ·· Bcv,·arc ,the noon day sw1's hot power! Beware the awful thunder sh<::·wer ! " His brother f>!houted vdth a will.l\ voice replied from down t.he hill, "Potato-bugs!" THE KING OF PU MPS. ) . ':i ., .. "' ,· ·;:- 'l'reRtment, and ' Radical oure of Smninal 'Veakness or Spernu1t:.on·h11:la induccd b)r Seif Abuse, lnvolunta.r :r ,;Emissions, ImpotenClr Neu.vous LJebility, and T.tnpedhnenta to Marri~ge generally; Cons1unption, E.vilepsy, and Fits; Tulental and Phyt~ical Inc11pac1ty, &c.- -Hy ROBER'l' J. OUL-V""ER\VELL, ni. D., author of tho "G-reen Book," &e:. . " The world-renowned· o.uthqr;in this adn1ira.ble ·Lecture cleal'lY proves froni·his O\'\tne.x:periencc that the'.. a wful ·' consequences of \Self-.A h~c ruav· be e.ITCctucylly removed 'vi Lb out. inedicinc, · onCI. \\'lthotit dl:\nge!o11ifslll·g!ca~ .opera~i'?i1.~) bougies, instruments,1.·1ng-s, or cordials; pointing out. a mOde of cure aL once simple, certain, and effectual, br which evE·ry sutterer, no matter what hi::i condition may be, may cnre hiinsclf cheap- 1 b', privutely,.a:q:d 1·qrlicaU11.~ , ~ _ · · K&"ThIBlecture will p1·oyc . Ir ~1)~~· 1 " 10 " " 12! " .A LEC'l'URE ON THE Ni\.- ' TunE;- G.A.RDENERS " 17 $1.UU. " $1.15. s·EE ]j-·s ----AT This wiJl l;>e strictly adhered to, .and · only six months ' ' G RE'A-TiiY· IMPROVED a boon_ WITH EXPANSION "BUCKET, FOR BOTH I\E_ EP .WELLS AND . - CISTERNS. Y PUMP FULJiY· WARRANTED! .A.t _ close of thiy, as at the church, 'rhe bell replied to sexton's t,ouch, .,;\.nd loudly rang for nine o'clock, A voice exclaimed with startled shock. "!~' '~H:..~~Y.~~~.i;~.!~~u:~~!!c£~ 4~&~:~ I!38 __,~,.,E·S·i'L l!'arn1 to1.· Sale, n ·. EIN ,. G _.- COMPO . SE .,D 11 and thouriands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addre::;s, flost-pald, on receipt of J5ix cents, or tv;;o 11ostagc stamps. Address the publisher~, Mura; . ,. ,.. oc·h . · '! "'" ¥ ... "". "'""' i ~-- '".,,,.,_,,, 13 . ros. BUSf NESS USUAL ' . .. ,-· onaverage accounts~ now due ·must ·be paid Our hero then rushed up the lo,ne, Stop:pcct not for joy, or grief, or pain; Jlut waving higll above his head His bottle, to the family said, "Potato-bugs!" Into the fire, one by one, The striped creatures U:!cn ~.o flung; ..i.nd in his dreams throu::;huut 'vhc night, He often screamed in s:al <.tfright, "Potato-bugs ! ., mosL prmn1n~:nt citizens lil to'\vn and counfa~ _ ""!: , .JL\J_.. t N · 1 Oth . ' · · h· - t o 1 par·v o o o. , con. D ar1ing'.." Y.tho h11v_c~Yen the pump a t.horoug: tes ·' · l ton; about 70 acrcsclear0d, anli the balanbe -.:,veil woodCdvtithpineand ~ oak . If not sold bx tho ,_ nr BoforC purchasing a Ptunp,be sure to see l$t of _._4..pril next_. thw cl,t:~re_d po_rt!o-µ. will be eased. For partHmlars enquire of ·, "'.l'IIIll KING OF I'T;M:PS," . , . . '· - S -B. BP 11.DSHA W Itefereri~~,;i_c~nb~1five~;.,to h~cireds.of the ; ' L , ,· - · I Op'IS F. Y. COWLE. GRtJCERY Bowmanville, August 29, 1876. Address P. C. HIMES, Bowriianville. On {--- CA R-0.---of ·return eel l·r is stated Ill Montreal that fJll' Fran- ois Hincks will rnn for we,,t Montreal· nt the nexo election, and that Ald. Glendenning will be his opponent. -I THE LATEST SwrnnLE.-,A pedlar calla I at a huu·e with a fine lot of articles, which I he offers at a ruinous sacrifice. He m~k_ea a sale and goes his way, Tho next · day G · LA~GO\N HOUSE I store on~ng,Street, lately o ~ cupied by l\Ir. L. CorniSh, je\veller; vo'ith a ne\v st.ock of TAKE GREAT PLEASURETN INI FoR:n..11XG the Ladies Bowman-v-il.leand vicinity t.ho.t I ·have and opened the GARR IE D ' . Cl1eaip'#!!'tir·nit1ire! ON <Jhe·n:H.·.·Fu/rnil1i.-~! -AT- MILLINERY, _ ., . :FANCY GOODS, BERLIN :WOOLS, · &c., &c.; &c. ' customers~ - MAN.N:fNG'S OLD STAND. Tl~e Bo~marivillc Fitrniture Factovy having commenced running again, and the new Companyohaving· appointed the undcrnigr(ed Retail Agent for the :Town and surrounding country, lie is prepared to offer the very best styles oLFnrnitme at .prices belo1v anything at which it can be procured elsewhere in the Province. ·· 'Vhere I 1'ill be glad to n10.c t my old friends and I nlso c11rry on D R :li.J .8 S 11'1 A K'I: ;N" G in cOnnection with the .r-.'Iillinery aiia j\{an'tles (Late \\'iLh l\Iessrs. J . &"\V. J. J.l..IcMurtry & Co. King St Uo\Ymanville. . A. S. ANDERSON, two men drive up to the house.with printed bills, giving an.accurate account of the robbery of a afore, al1d claim the Bros. < . . proporty as·stolen. This the unsuspecting victim is: lecl t o believe, when he gives up the good~ and tlrn swindlers depart. D1s1.NFECTANT. - One pound of green copperas, dissolved in one qna,rt of ,vater a.nd<fpourod clown a 'vater-closet, will efr0ctually concentrate and destroy the A Goou -~~'·ARE 'RECEIVING-,,'"'-- which was never so full and'"th?roughly assorted \:Is now. ' d fl . h Br1' t1 ' sh irect rom t e foule·t smells. On board ships an.d steamboats, about hotels and other public places, there is nothing so n i ce to purify the air. ,Simple green copperas, diesolved a h~spital or othe; i_)laces for the aickJ free from tu1pleasant srue1la. Tn fish markets, . slaughtcr~houses , sinks, and wherever there are offensive gao'Sses,dissolve coppc_ r as and sprinkle i t about, > 3n<l. in a fe'w days the smell will pass b.i\vay. If a cat, rat or ruouRe dies ftbot1t the house and se1ids fqrth an offensive gas, -plac~ son1e dissolved Copperas in rtll 01)e11'" vessel near the place -where t.ho nuisn.nce is ancl it wHl He has just received a large shipment t " . l I I in an.ything under- ihe bed, will render markefo, embracing . extra~rdinary Gheap lin~s; in many let~ding '.lrticles, all of whiqn will be' offered .at bottom pl"ices, to suit the prese~t har~ ti.mes. f1~g1£,~i:'t1~~¥~~gi,1'J/~ ~'.·~~&1~~~;;,~~TI,%~~~h the ineX1_)erience of the operator in a very odd solitary case or t'\vo. Some of lhe leaclirig features of the ROY.AL In itS constru'.ction~,thC best materials ui::cd; the \Yearing parts case-hardened; first class \\·orkmen employed, which vdllensure its dnrubilit,y; great adaptation fo1· different classes of go01ls, from finest muslin to heavi~HL fullclotlt 01·lcathP.r, adjlrn!.H.llle to t!Hlu~1· " \\yrk in a few seponds by presser-foot spring and unproved feed~1·: very largo bob)Jin, ho] ding 50 yards thread; pa tent lamp-holder, enabling oper.eitor to· BO\V by night aB \Yell as by day. For sale by J. S. DONEY, HH.s I.ti.ken t.his season Lhe Two First Plizes n.t " Cobourg:-·t ho Two First at Port Hope Central Fair, First Prize at BO'\YlliaJ.lville, Diploma at 'foronto, and other places too nur11erous to men tion. < ~ '.fhe subscriber having sold ZiY nen.rly rrwo Hundred of these ben.utiful machines the last Blghteen months, the ROYAL has a reco1d that NO OTHElt l\1A0111Nlil Ji:VRR HAD! hy ne\ e1 Jrn.' ing L o change a single n1a.chinc- (JORN by the CAR L 0 AD E ·VE, RY · wE' EK Fnnemls furnished in every respect in the very hest sty l_ es and at prices lower tha1L any other, firm in the- country. One of the finest Hear·ses in the Province SENT l<'REE ' to any funeral furnished by t h e . subscriber, within ten miles of Bo:wmanville. Also, agent for Raymond'~ celebrated .Metallic Coffins, Ne~v York. lllllmi-lallilllllllil _ · '<:c ,, _ _ _I_ .. . _ ' _ . _ . _, .; ' REPO:H. 11 The:Cheapest ' Feed you. can buy; . - . havirig.,b een circulated that th\\ undersigned has hccn overcharging in his Undertaking depa1:tment, he begs to suln'.iit the ·following fi:,,·1.irns, which he challenges any ·ene. to contradict:- , Reported amount charged, $50 . ... Actual amount cha1:gcd, $12 .. " " " 30 - ... ; " " " 9. '! " 45. - . -: " " " ·20: " " 60 ... ·' " " " 4!0. " " no .... ; " " " 30. 72. . . . -· " ,. " 50. llowma11ville, March 29, 1876. . 8. T~r'rone, W. P. PROWER. 35 purify ihe at.mosphcrc .· Ag nt for U .-C. Northumberland & Durham. Let all who desire decided 'downright bargains look m of the greatest changes which have \ taken place at New York of late years h as and e~mtnine " and judge for themse . Jves. been in the matter of marriage. Thirty ONE N, B .Agent also for Bowrnanvillc, March 1 WATCHES . UJ-\'en~ .AJ/l'HA1\{ and Jia.JG ...... ',, 1877, . ---- < -- --~- - years _ __ a.go the ·money question -·entered comparitively little into consideration, but no,Y_am_ ong the_~I,Jper t~1ty t!iousa.ndJ o,r iI:i?lSO\YhOcoilaider very great wei~ht. Mothers keep the~ girls as much as possible out of the way of pleasant but poor young men, and many girls aro quite di:spos_ ed to disconrngo the attant,ions of men who could not even 3-fe ford a house in the city. The number of spinsters j n the higher class het·e, and mOre especially i.n BoSton, goes on increasing, and early marriagn'I become fewer i every year. It is the " ? oy paid for a I more .highly civilized a.ntl artificial e:xiat- themselycs Bl", it 113,S- THE ._ ELEPH.A!N T HOUSE II . · . : "· :'-."~ -6:0:~~--.:__ e\·ery month in Lhe business we furuisb, -Qut t hoHe willing to >voi%: can easily ea.rn a d ozen dollars a day right in their own 109alities. H11vc noToom to exp ! ai;r~ here. BU.sineSs-ple:isant-anri b'onorabl_ t:· "".,..On1en and "" boYs and girl:-; do a8 \\'ell as men. 'Ve will _ fur-· n_ish ynu a cou1plete Oi.itfit free, 1'ho bu.Sincss_ 1m,ys bct te1· than anything else. We ·will bear 43. Bowmanvilie, Th-lay 21, 1877. expense of starting you. tree.\Vrite and see . lt'armers and Jnechanics, their sons a.nd daughters:, and all claHOleH in need of ---.-·----·~--_,._..,..,...,.,,,.,,,====~·'.-..=-"'·~"'" - · payjng work at home, should ""·rite to us and learn a1l ahouL the work at once. Now is the ti.nm. Don't Delay. Add1·css TRUE & Co., ~<\_ugust.a, lr!ainc. · (30) THOS. PATERSPN. ~,..,_ $999 Uan't be made tiy every THE DO~IN'J:C>N. Sa:vin.g~s a;n._d . Inyestm.en t ~ ~· Kipg of ~the West .. SOCIETY, .. A l\l N : X N ·G . m: I .L .L AND SEED SEPARATOR. . - -.- u - - - ,_ LO:N,,D QN, , .O N1 TA RI 0. _ .,,,.._ "'::.>i-. . ·. .P °A: rn' CA PlTAL .. · ..·.. . ......... , ·.. . .·· , , , . , .. , · , : ··...·.· , . . . . $1,000,'00 O. SUBl:JCRIBED . ... ·, ... . . . . ......... . ,,........ .· .. . .. . . . . . . . . 750,000.00. '/Ji:P .:'·. ~:·. '. ... : 1'· · ··· ; ··· · · · · , · : ······· · · : · · · · · · · aoo,000.00. RESERVE AND CONTINGEN1' FUND........ . .. . ....... . 60,000.. 00. . '· ,TH> REE MACHINES IN o:t~;LE ---o--- l McLEOD HIMSELF :o:~ : o:---- AGAI~ !. ance.-New Yorio Sim. . . . ·I . The undersigned continues to conduct .·the: J;;ranl':are Ho:'.rnY.-One of the prmc1pal mterests I busmcss at the old stand, under the name and style of c J o1m~cLeod & ,C,o. of the present month is the care of surplus . J l l" tl' . k t ·. I never at any time, iac a partner, or any 1 one. c irec y 1 h oney. I t eh onId b e ep m a coo1, cry ·l -k f . place. Box honey shoulcl be examined mterested ·m my_bus mess. My ~rothe.r ~as m my ~mp oy a&. ~ .e' . ·.~1 · 11 l ·f th f d I nearly a vear an<l a half but lately, fo1 good and vahd reasons, I dis, occa.&1ona y, anc i mo -worn1s are oun _ ,, . · ~ . ' I b e . d' ·· b .. , th , C ·t f · k e d o,ff an d des troye d. charcred hnn ' which d18charge ms ·. cen. · y · · c t ·OLU o th cy sh ou ld 'oa pie b '- · f connnne ·11 · t d : t el a honey · HlOU l Id b e sore t d 1n · t"Ill I Chancery the busmess m uture WL receive s .nc an E xcrac _ (_ · 'l'herefore . or \Vooden vats or casks; if wood is usod i personal a.ttent1on. it shonld be first coated with wax. Hives 1 that have cast swarms should be examined I to ascertain if they have any laying queens, I , · · _ . as the ym1ng queen will at limes bo lost I In order to reduce the large 'stock now on hand, pnces will be when the hive contains no brood from I placed at very low figures, esp~cially to CASH customers. 1 · · . ' . . . . · This is the best and largest machine for cleaning and ·separating gram ever invented« J\1anufadured in 13ow,manville . at .the eshtblishment o.f Levi .Morris, .Money loaned upon real estate oi1 the most favorable terms. Liberty st. Call and inspect. .. Mortgages p~rclrn~ed: · In,te~est_ allowed on deposits. D. MACFIE, President. F. B. LEY, Managt. . :1 .'.:... P. C. HIMES, REFERENOES BY PERMISSION: · ·: Gl;O. McGILL; Esq;, Manager Ontario Bank, Bowmam·ille London<l\1a1·ch 1876 W 1LLL4. ~f . ALLf~ON, Eoq., JH. D., Bo'Ymanville. Sole Agent for the counties of Northumberland; Durham, Victoria and Peterboro. · · (33) 1 Hard Times and Cheap. -Goods ! sontcd stock of Genuine Drugs and Pure English Chtln1ica.le ·. Also_, a splendid stocit. of tho most ~arefully selecten B . : ·· ~CHEl\fIST AND DRuGGIST, EGS RESPECTFULLY TO AN :NouNCE that he hiis received a well as --· D .YE S'J'UFFS-! RE OEI-:VE.D :::SIG is now Pu s:::a:: ,. NEW FALLand WINTER ragmg at ' ·· contain so much honey that the queen will Contains House and Builders' Hardware, Carriage makers' !ind but Jit.tlo empty comb for brood-rear~ s and kinds. · 8 upplies, with Paints and Oils oLall color. ing. In this ca.'c the honey should be removed with the extractor. Hives that arc not qneenless may often be benefited by removing the honey from the centre which wiH allow a much ]argor number of young bees to ho reared.A nierfran Ag1"~c·ulhflral-ist. rrur. T:-~E OF THE LE:\fON.-Fe'\\' people which the betis inay rear anotl1er. If a hive ~hould he found without a quecn,one should be supplied, or !wood be given thom, frorn which they may rear a queen. A hive tlrnt has been queenless will often I T "L..:]"" . - -: ~ ~ .. E S :T 0 CK: which cannot be su1:Passq_ d :_ fol"_ -excellency o 111ality . An assortment ' ol - .Ahillno Dyes kcp coniitantJy on hand, together with a choice se 113ction of DRUGS, CHEMICA LS, . PATENT MEDTCINES,l BRUSHER, COMBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, IST;PPORTERS, &c., kc OILS. _ PAINTS, COLORS, VARNISHES . and 'vHIEA W At the very loYo'est prices. --' ~ ; G-p<rpDS, TO BE SOLD ,,· I CHEAP FO ·R AT ~ '~ .c3· 111.: · ...a;;a . .~ ~CASH g;;;:ii ;;:=:,JI ·· . · . ;. _ , m ..l."N·,·) ' ....... - · ·m -......-- ·'T ..&.. ..,..,T .....~ , .._,~ ~ STOVES AND TINWARE Stoves of all kinds, in great variety. Tiriwiue 'sold cheap, as no peddlers are kept. HORS1'J .AND CA'l"l'LE ~. J\1ED1CINE B.-Country Storepeekers supplied on a -,. ·an_ t ageous terms nist:.ablisl.tGl t ·1 f"-'6:_). " prices GILMORE &CO.; Attorneys at L:1W, E ..A. V E know the value of lemon juice. A piece of lemon bound upon a corn will cure it in a few days; it ohould be renewed night and n1orning.. ..:-\. free use of lemon juice and sugar will always reliev:e a cough.1\iust people feel poorly in the spriug and IJC- Fl.I o ·t r Gr :S: 'S b~ ' \. Suece!!llSQr.'!I to Chit>nu1.n, , Ame1·ic-a11 lln~ut~.i· cl:: Co., Put up, and Jobbing done experienced . .. w~rl~1~·e;1: ~ '"··. 62Q F Street, l:Vashington, D. G. and FO .reign Patents. c')Ol1nt,ri~E:. JOHN! M'LE.:> . : Bo\VD1an·villc, May 8.1877. , WELLINGTON BUILDINGS. ' - & CO · ., '. Pat.Ant!;-procnrml in all ADVANC.E. No rn.rn~ 11·' OCTOBER 10th, 1~75: · .., No clrnrge nntegs the p:ileu t :. grru.Hed. No :fees for uu1h:1t1g Jll'eliminu.rf · t·;_ amina.tioI1s. Spec.iH.l :i;t te:i:i_t. i.on gh- ~ n to ln/.!'J:· fereuee Oase ~ Ut~fore lhe . J>ater.t omctl. E x'l.f'n· :sions beforeCongres:;, Infringement S11ils 1n different St.a.tee;, ~nd. ~ll liti~a.lion :1pporu1iuing 10 Inyent.ion.'i or P:i.t~nt.s. t It is .my intention on the above date to wind up the longIl R ING V 0 UR Jl°' R x~E ,.N take meclicino for relief, but if they would cat a lemon before breakfast every day for a week-with or without sugar, as they Sli.ND STAMP · l"Oll. .P/i.MDepa.ctme~ts. TI-iIR~rY :---:-:o:-f: - - : D ·AYS, I. . , . - I l'Hr.11!'1' o~· Hf.X'I'Y l'A(a: ~ . . D S "WI'IcH YOU United States Courts p.nd , like-they would find it better than any Len1on. juice, used according t o this recipe, will cure consumption, even after the doctors have given it up as not medicine. JYLc:M:TI.RTB~ Will sell the balance of his Winter . Stock for Thirty Days at Clairns proseeuled in the 81tprnnw Uoni·t Ol LhA Unilcd SLale», Court of Clni1n, -;, Cu1.trL of Oorumissioners of Alaba.1na Claimi>, Son thern Claims Camn1iss;lon, JUld :i.ll clJ.sses of ·war , efa.ims lie· · Examine I.he stock, -...vhich con1pris1~s everythiug in the trade, of the Yery latest and rnost elegant styles and patterns, of Engli15}l, .Cana{lian, and Anw1·ican manufacture. He st.ill continues to mnnufac.ture-to .ordev, from the best of material, and none but firat-cl 11 ss \\'orkmcn kept. ,. ~· ¥ · windcd credit system; and ~ell only for CASH, or its equivalent. ·It requires no argument to .eslablish that it is to the nd.vanfage of both bnycr and thereby.. getting goods at LOWER seller to trade for ready. pay; the buyer . PRICES, and the seller being saved.from loRs by bad debts. We think then that all pa1'ties will concur in the wfadom of this change on our part. fore the Executi\·e DeparlrnenL r. > ... Orders P1·omptly Execitted, and Good Fits Guaranteed. R emetn.b~i;,Jlle §tand-.."BIG BOOT" drawn by two ':Hqrses, KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. 1876~ A··rears of Pay and Eouµty. ~ _ OFFICJ::HS, SOl,U[/j;J\ :', ·~uu l'!A1J,OH8; of thB -lale' y~iiety of L'pdies' and Gents' Enrntoga 'J)_uukl'.l, 'ralises etc. all 0 v,'hich he-is sellifig cheap for cash. ·· · ·" . '· ' · , 0 - He has in stock an en.dless to be bcnefitted : Put a doicn lemons into cold water and slowly bring to a boil ; boil slo·wlv until the lemons are soft., bnt not too s~ft, then squeeze until all the juiee is extracbed, add sugar to your t<tste and drink. Jn this way use one do.(.~en lernons_ n. day. If they cause pain or k~osen tl1e 1 bow;ls too lnuch, lessen thE;J quantity"., and use only five or six a day uul~il .rou are better_, and then begin with a dozen a day. After using, :fiv" c or six dozen, the patieut "'ilf begin to gain ~flesh and enjoy food. 1 Holrl en to the lemons, and still use them i ver:y freely S(;lVeral weeks n1ore. .t;\.nother use of lemons is for a refreshing drink in sun1n1er, or in raicknefl;;i at any time. Prepare i\ f.i directetl a.hove, and add "R·utcr I and sn::rar. But in· urdor to have this .keep ! well, ~fl,c1· boiling tbs letnon 1 squeeze them a.n<l s.trn:in ca.refnlly ; · then to evory GREA ... .I'LY REDUCED BEFORE PRICES!, , . STOCK TAKING;· · NA.llIELY : BLANKETS, · DitESS GOODS, FLANNELS, SHAWLS, vVINCEYS, sHIRts & D.RAvVERs, FANCY WOOL GOOD~, CLOUDS, &c. Persons ·~~anting the above Goods will find it to their advantage to cal before purchasin'g .elsewhere .. W. J'ricjliURTRY. February, 1877. war, or t hoir heirt;, ~re in. num)' cn.l:le~ enLitled t(') money from the Govern1non~, of V.'hich Lhey have no·knowledg"'.: . \Vri1e fnll h isf,ory 9f ;;:Fwvicq, O:nd stare iunuuu ~ of µ:i,y au~l Umu1ty received. En~ close stump, ripd rt full reply, n.Her e.xamiuation, \>;ill bogiyen-?·on fre e. Pension1. rtlpturB(i, or injnrfi!d in · the.Jf\.te \Yar, howover i:,ligh:ly, t·an obt:dn o. }Jew.;ion, ma.n.Y uuyr ii't.m~iv· lng pPn,.ion:-: n.1'& en!fld t<1 an Jiwrl!ase. 10ttlm~1 Bowmarv Ile. October 2nd. wo·unded, . M. T.RELEVEN ' Om: goods will hereafter be bought for CASH only, we and shall thereby reap the advantage of large trade discounts, which we are· determined to give to mfr customers. ~vantngo 41! OF1rwJ~lt8, .sor,DiltHS and BAILO n s Send ~ Parties. purchasing from us least ten per cent. cheape :utti 111 fo1·if~aliun \Vill :)le f,urnisl1RJJ frBP. Oia11nn.nts, vd1osC ntrol.'neys llnve b-een suspended, will be gratttoui::ly furnished 'W ith full infornrn.tion itncl 1H'Pper\1·~ on .:appiiCl1twn t o H ·A . R . IJ , ,-TIMES ·' · iv.I:.A.. 'Y"EFl.. may therefore depend upon getting goods than· under- the old plan. - - 1 «" . A:: ·w e cha.l'gc no foe unless succes!::!fuJ, stamps Jor return por,tage ioll onhl bC :>cnt' us. U5. United Stat'>.'5_fJe11eral Land Offlcc. Hard time prices _ lt!"vt'l ,been, adopted ,at t~e establishment of CHJ~MIST . _.ANID TOWN .HALL ~ D STOTT .· DRUGGI$T BOW/HANVILLE. , DF.fALER IN I / Con le:;;, cd La.nd 1Jt1sc0; ;,..Private L1J.n d Chums, !ollinin~. Pre·em p liqn and Homer;te:i..d Ctfses, pros· -Chmfn·a.I I,H.nd Offlce a.nd Deecntefl bef oni olle1 pa.n1nenL oI the Inte-rfor. · ' Our stock will thiH Fall< be more replete t lrnn ever, aid ' higher class of goods will ba kept. We therefore guarnntee the greatc~ 1\1.1:..A.R..:H:.U S, Old Bounty Land W.arran.ts . . 1-Ve _pa.y cnsh for t lle1n. ~'here assignments irnpe1·1ect W J ·give in8Lnwtion;; tu pedect them. Mall Contracto1·~ and ot.~ers. _ We ;:i.ct as a.ttorueys for :nwh i11 procuriniz conl1'ttcls, .1ntt:lillg \:ulleclwn:,;, negolitt·tin$ loa.~s u.ud DrU!Jgs, Med icine? and Chemicals, Dyo Stuffs, Pate1.1 t 1\-.'I~dicines, Perfun1ery,l Bi-ushes, Con1bs, ~oaps, Paints and Oils, Paint Brushes, Coal Oil, an!d Coal Oil Lamps, &c., &c. ,... (;' ! . ... half pin t, of juice ;idd one pound of lol!J or cr11:-:.h··d flll'..;fll' , hn i.l B,nf1 f4til' a few n1inutR ........ n1~t i l th'-' Sli _ , a r i:-i disHolvcd; 8kim ,Jll ih· rind hott.1". l:'on will get more I j 1 (:P. fr o m rhr? l e:,1 1111s by boiling t,hon1, ;t'ld t o nll bu&iness confided to ll>i. , Liher:i,,l i-1.rr:tngAinfnts madf! with a t torney:'$ in a!! C!:LS0'88 Oi bTI~ll1 ~ SS atten~in1g AT GREATLY REDUCED. PRICES. ' . I WHis Buffalo Robes are splendid value. ~His Mink sets are remarkable at the money. p-His Grebe and Alaska outdistance all competition,- .i ftll"His Caps, Collarets, Muffs, Mitts, &c., are made up in the newest n11d most, · 1 FALL AND WINTER GODS eatisfaetion to all who may favor us with their patronage, The following Unes will be found foll: Address GILMORE & Cb., P . O. llox '1·! . l.Va..-hinqton, D. 0. WASIHN"G'l'0,'1", D. 0., Sovembe1 · 24, 1876. I""": P 1""'"'"" ;n ""~'""'""'" mv"e conll· dencfl 111 the rr.t: p murolnl1t11 a·ud fidelity of the Ln._yr, Pn tent. irnd_ Collcclion . Hou:>e of GILMORE "PYYSICIA...'IS' PRESCRIPTIONS G.A'.REFULriY COll!POUNDED AND ALL. ORDERS . CORRECTLY ANSWERED. Ji . "ifl' tic style,. ~His Qhildren's Furs aro rare and.varied, ru;id are just what fond m-am~ n1as require for their pets. ~Then the Gents' Furnisli'ings embrace everything in the line: Shirts, Dral'\'ers, Socks, Collars, Cuffs, Neckties, Braces, &c· Read;·-nzade Clothine-, Cloths; Tweeds, Dress Goods; Silks. Shawls,'Skirts, Cottons, Wincey Blankets, Buffalo Robes, &c.,& th <'.! pre pfLration keeps. lunger.-Oor- j · ·' La ric;et· J '·i> "esponde·tt.(;e Lorwon Fa·r,iMrs <ina Blwsiciar..s from tJ,. 0o"1ntriJ wil! find f the hst qi.ality. · ~ ~r Sto.ckof Medi-Oines com & Co., of this cit:,. CT-1'~0. II. B. WHITE. -tiJ (Cai'ki1lr' oftb..t Nntianal Kdrn_politan Bank.) 1 · ·Everything . · 'good and cheap. inspect, )So trouble to show goods, \('., Bowmanville Oatober,181.S customers will -buy close. . Call and RAW l! ""URS It bou~h~. at h.i~~est M. cash ,price~. M .A Y ER j CENTS' SUITS ND . SHIRTS . B ""ll!AJSVHLE made to order in city styles, .on shortest noe Octoberl, 1875. S ;. , F Hilii . ~-

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