-- at U e ~~ ON r KING cTREl! l BOY\ MAR\ IT T E WITI'f VJ"HICH IS INCORPORATED "THE MERCHANT" NO. 26. H S RE·OPl:NED iN SAME OLD STAND, c. fancy took another ·tnde and passed on to a new station Ho began to picture little 1 mJS and llfandys runnmg an<lracmg and halioomg about th· shop and the 1<artlen One little cu rly headed elf would pcrsrnt 11 } l:'ep1ng around the corner < f the door at J 1 i g_ -- '-~ ·-' ,... "'"' N~ r0 :J a 1ythu1g trag1cal He was terribly nervous that lay before !um for ho rernembered that there had uever bePn any outspoken engagem,.nt bet\\een then1 It waa a purely tacit aftaU' Of course she I new bow he folt and sho had more than c' er the task NEW STORE NEW GOODST be" lO 18