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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1878, p. 3

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AHClI 28, 1878 NO-T 80 Please TAKE THE STOCK "f.1/e hear a gre1d deal about Sacriji1 in/; ! Bt;rtkrupt Stocks/ I! I Goods at Cost I I I!! and a!i tliii ki>1ti 1i @ II ~ A.nd let McCLUN-G BROS. get lll a Vv1 ord " That '-' from that mon1ent you ee this in p rint uirtil the 1st, day of Ma rc h , 1878, · (Stock-taking,) McCL UNG BROS. w ill se li goods at prices wf-1icl1 ca n11ot b e und e r - , .They i:rttend : making changes ir1 their b u s iness, t o prepare for wh ich ' or T wo I BE Nc»w; ~·c311 THEY ARE DETER at · McCll1ng Bros. -and you will find tl1em selling ·goods ~ A T "· ~~~~ L l -Kiel G loves at cent s per Dress Goods 5 cents per yar·d, Mantles · 50· cents -each, Gloves and Hose 5 cents per pair a1id ·_10c. each; Gentis' L l. nen Collars 2c., 5c. and 10c. each Gentc;,' Fi n e VVl1ite Shi r ts 7 5 c. each· -Corsets 40 cents Gents' Ties 2c, .. ' @ood T .v veed ~Oc . per ya1?d; Union Carpets 25c. per yard.· ' 1 ~T~~~~- And so on column.s, ·and then ONE-HALF vvi.ll 1 10t have ,been to-lcl ! R emember !---U1 1til tli e first d ay· of Iv.IciJ:rcb., 1878. ' Reme1nber l---U11til the first day of SWEEPING REM O 'v ED. M-:..AS ON~S l l I I 1 Ill ELLI 0 ~Sztccessors CO ODS ;; Harness S l1op I to F'. Y. Cowle,) ' II is re1noved to the stand latel y ocC 11pied by M . .Poder. · .One door W esi of' JI.encler,01i's l fotel. How1nanville, Jan. 8, 1878.: 21. is now ready \'-'ith h:s in1mc1Bo stock of I I -1 FELT HATS, C APS, AND STRAVIT 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT MUSICM l\'IUSIC! RLAND' a splendid lot of coLarn llARVEST FDR FARMERS. Y our ent.on is called to our l\1ANI l\l 0 TH C'PRl:-<G W H EAT, ....\.n entirely ne-w varie1,y from anything ever befo1·e introduced. It is bright. phim1J g"9in, v 111'1nst nno lrnlf inch lon g, nwtkes fine flo11 r . ti ~rn 'H~"er 11Hd any dis~ Ready Cash P. Ur . \J ~ 'r1 a 0 Ce-· s· , . PROF. , QSI}~RNFJ, OF l\lLiMl ACADE:..:IY OF JHUSIO, XF1\Tti, OHIO, ' eaRe inl'irltmL lo wh1>;J,, ;tnd proc!ttcPH lront' ~O Lo RO h11Hl·elo; lot.he <tt n: . AwarUetl lir;:;t ;__:rei11ium a l, Lbe Ce11tt~11nial. Prke : I GRAJ)UA'l'E from THIS DATE until the !~ N D : of APRIL. hns clccide11 to form ;1.. dusG in Bown1an-villo for teaching the ff,:lo\'.iug hrunches ot .;.'\:luslC, vjz: THUHOTJ :..lI BAS-:3"· --... __ 1Ii.1.,I~i\10NY. .· .1 " INS'1'RUJYll£),; 'I' c\ T, J.\IIUSIC, -,"' . \'" IHUE T1tAINING. Spring & Goods, ~a1nple 8p[i,~~\:ngc can be "ecn at this oftir;e. is decidedly J!'l~EST ::::: .' ·. :::: :·:. ·. .' .' ::. ·. . : : : : : : ~i:63: Normamcly Gia"it Wll I'L'E C0111V THI£ CORN I t was fi r st iinportcd. a.:nd nr.s been ti1o~·ough ly tested in.the U. S. llasprodl'Ced 150 bushels t o the acre. Brain very lnri;e. I'eari 5' \Yhite.Iviuny ot the ear:-;: mea~ur-c 1.~ inch P:s Jong- with 2to 1 ,to the s1aJk, PT"ono:au.:ec1 h."' lenrl1n~ agricnltu1'J"tR t.he fi11e<1L c_;orn in l l >e wurJr1 . Pri( ·e purchas0d only· from first class Manufacturers, will b·~ sold at and all bl'anches JH:~"l!iiuius to the study of JVlu~ic . 'l'erms: or Organ. 24 leesons, .. ... : ......... $ 8 00 Thorough HP~:m or lfttJ'u1ony, :.:1 Lessons, 15 00 Cornet. \'"i\11111, or other orche3tra Tn«tr11n1enl.H. 24 lcssons,. .. . . . . . . . . · . . . . .... . 8+ 00 ~:Vmcrd1·lli1dn.;. :'.i lessO::rs,. . .... . ··· ·~~ 12 00 a very SLIGHT adval)ce on COST, for CASH. Do not fail to see Tow·n 'l'"' Ct.i.L 1]_ ~[ will surely make our prices low enough to defy all competition , We are firmly determined to cut down t he prices and ·rr1TTTTION ·pay& lile al " ayR O.N'E H ALF _Ji_ Ix ADVANCE. J:-'npilS con1ing \>dtl1 lesSOl!. -OUR. STOCK OF PEUI'TELL,AS, ranging m prices from iiO cents upward per pau. . to SHOiV GOODS. No trouble l f~;~.~~a~:~1~~se·:::::: ::· · ::.:::: ·......'.'.~i-~~ \-Vo want agent':\ to inr rod uce theso valuable seeds o-very-..,hcre. No t~ouble to se~ !. t3end stan1p for ;:;an1ple and spec. a:l lerrns, nnct secure territory at once . N . T. i\.1.'\" YF.R R & en., T111por:,e15 and growers of Field <.t.I!.i:l Uarden st·ed"'. Swcet'"1Yu ter, I\Ionl've Co., Tcun . · Vire have in cultiva'Jon t1vo farms in t his vicini1,y and shall continue to i1nporting c1..ncl gro"'-ving seeds a spec ialty a!!d introdn co notf.· ing but pure i::ieeds. :!3 tf' I SELL OFF RAPIDI.:Y. N. I ·.n not learned, v..·ili be sent b.-0me hgain und lesson chargca, i1nle::;;- accompa-nwrl by u 1vritten excuse feom parents Gr g111irrli>111~. Pupils ·vrill be o..GGigned leason hm11·., au!l tL rc e::x:pected to be pr0n1pt:ly on tin11·. Nu uow 'bcginuers taken for less 6 m011th~ ROOMif £T -i rr.. "PI Kl.WE'S, opposite P eop1e shou Id rernem b er tn . at B d." ·' .,._'.K-"<TTP'l . '" ' "l'I'OC1 ~ ·{S are al w-ays sold off CI-l EAP. (1\"o t.1evi0t-ion~ '! ' it-tr Nc1ov bc8;inners~ 'p r:\:,0"' 01: ORG--A:f, 21 lesso11s $6.CO. Pfanon t11ne:1. the ThfARKE'l'. ! , , SHOES TO ORDErt,' ,AND FITS GUARANTEED. ----- --~ - -- ' Bow11111nville; l\'1an:h 1$, 1878. ' . 33 - -. ---- ----~-----------"-- - ' ELLI SO N & Co. King Street lVIfl.rch 21st, 1878. ;:,tatt~ 01 cultivati()n. Good >vatkr on prnn1fars. Situa.terl on block "\Vost of tl:~e Y'urniturc l!'acto1y. Possessio n can be giy1 n innncdiately O .FF I CE ccn!aining - BowM.ANYfLL~, BLOCK 33. f-'4, fo ur i-001ns, back kitchen and 01 eJ mw-qua1ter of ft11 aero of' land in a good · · ,-. A. ::YT. G _ . ALBllAl'r TI. 1-tf ! ··F RAJHE COT TAGE i\furch 14, 1878. T. ---RECEIVE D IIIS-~ if rcouirccl.~ Apuly to · Never such 1 !alue or 1 ar ie[ .v, Begs respectfully to infurrn his Cnsto1ners and the publil'. generally, !hat lie ha..~ 11ow I Bo1y1nanville, Ati/!tt;t 1, 1877. - Neyv Fall & J> HfOK Vlinter DRY GOODS! .JJii NEW DHESS GOODS, CLOTHS, COATINGS, F LAN· NELS, GLOVRS, FANCY KNIT T ED GOODS, HO~IEHY, UNDEHCLO T HI~G , guarLer ~Ol'C' Jund, stable, etc. , all in :first chtHS ('()TtdiCon. P rice ~3,0IJU. '!'p1·1us cnsy .F:nq1Jirc a.t the STAT J~SJ'.IA::-< otflce. \52) DWELLI:NG HOT!SE, wilh Also Stamped Golds, Satins, l\farbl e :s, 1.\ a:-.lwble Oa ks, &c, 9 All ;.i re invited- l llspec li on FJ~!·: E , - - Pi:~_m:-~~ N Jrg~~-- YAHNS, FINGEIUNG YARN, &c., &c., &c. All to be sold at the low est pnce for C.A.SJ:-JJ:,. Bo;vn1anville, October :1t 1877 10 I - VllL L ItI..:1.J L (lfree) the 0 J3: HJ .AF r for a simple V .b;l;l<:'J'\nr.:u BAJ,M thv..t y;illrernove 'l'AN J:'RECK"Jil1:~. PI.i\-IPLES an (\. DLO'l'CH l·,R, lcavii1g the skin :'loft, clear and beaut1fuJ: ub:o inSt·I'llCtionn f·_ir pn1ducillg a lux:uliol"!.S grov.. lh ofh[l,iJ· on a bald hcud or smoor n face. A1lrllcss, incloHinr'" :1 cent stamp. Den. Vandelf & Cu., 20 '\ nn HL ~;r . Y. (2:1-Gm) General Statj onery, Fnncy Good.'., Schooi fl ooko·, picture Framing, l't'fusic, BerJi n ·wool, Toys, < '<in oie.s , &c. R. E . appoi ;;tcd BR . ADBUR~Y LEAJ_) --:o:----:9: ~-- vV Ol=i.LD. RECEJYED SEVEN PREMIUMS ant\ GOLD JYHH>ALS T:.' FOUR _Jl G-Ji<N'J'T,RMA-='l" who &ufl'ered for ye;ir:< fron1 nsrvous Deliility.Pr,cmtHure· De.cay. an~1 all the of you1,hful incliscrehon will, for LLe sake 01':::.'1tferi;:ghu1nuuity, send nee t(\ an who need i it. th;- r;\dpe and qi1'cct ions for iuakini;, 91c \YJi1EKS ' I snnplp, r('lllldy by ;vlucll he ~v·u-1 cL1.1 ·ed. Suffer etrect.~ i'G I ... IE book c>cr issued, entitleilSELP-Pm>S~:RV A'IION . Price onl_Y $1. Sr.n~ by w"'il on rec~1 pt of pnec. I t treats of Exhausted \Titr.lity, Premature D ecline, Nervous a.nd rh)"sical Dr.biliry, n.m1 tlw cndksg: concomitant lllfl anrl untold 11!.iscric;: that r8nlt therefrom, and contuin':3 more t han 50mi.gin~.l prei:icri\',t.ions, .any one of which i:> worth th e irrice of the ook. ';('liis book was m-itrnn hy the mo~t e.s:a tensive andproba~ly tho} most skilful practitioner in America, to whom wa8 t1.wa rdcd a gold andjew.. elled medal by the KationalIIIedicml As~ocia.tion. fo r the MOH TCAGE L OA '-cT COMPA N Y. H,. E_4..S T U~, ~>ro c K.s TO SELL, .'l'l o N EY l l DVA::lCEI> OK R EA L E STAT E . " -'"' ~ ~ · i'l i w1s1d 1:i,,. to )Jr oftt by arlVf-'[ 1L-.r':o experi e nce 1:a.rr do ~J0...,bvo.c:drN1 iT1g in 1 1e~·iec:t confi denl .TouN Oli f)J~;]\, ±:2 CeJarst., Ne·.v '.:'.ork !YiJ OYRR 15,000 N,OW IN --:o:'01H USE . ~ .ii Cl1eap Groceries ! KNOW YSE lf TH Dy 1·11atllng and the ineetimablc con~ tll.iued in the best medical practiciu~ Town B~1 1l Dui;rii 11~~·H,_ _B,_.. \v,u1 ·\n v;1:e, R EASTON, Du.1 c: n y B locl.: 1 Li il dsr~y . l\L.· 1cl1, 7, 1.-:',R, (i:;J) t im, I u tl1c bunrn,n Yoicr;, us an accon1pa.nlment, THJ "· i,eculiar cl!nrms of this Piano is it"' adaptn.· siugin,; tones. I with I 1 1" , ,· irc·i· ' lie p::i.s , ' y0:1:~, (.1 ~ ·'7" . t--:: fl~ 1 111;.~~ · 1 _ r_: cl H !Y1 rn ore firrn !y re 5ohed 1b n eye r to beep all ehsses of' go o d~ fr1e h .1 - l' -"S '-' t1'>1' - · ll1 ovd11g to its syn,pathtic, 1neJlow, yet nch and e~~ful THE BEST !>L'\.NDFAOTURIW. 0ti~, liim <-LK ,,-orthv of JJlllilic con1idence. "\Ye arc using theE;C t;nunos lll nnr fanql~t'H, ~nd tlu~.}' cntirti satisfa.Ction: l\'Ir~. U . fi. Gr:lnt. "\Yashingt on; Adru 1ro..1 D . D. Porter, VY 1·uihmgton : I-ten·-. 0 _ H. 'Tiffany. V\r~whington: G-e 11 , o. O. Howard, Or~gcn; Hobort ,RonnP-r, Nc\v York: Grand C'P.ntr(l,l llotel, Kew York; .~t. Nir:holas Hotel, Now Y 01·k; Bishop (dlherl IIuvcn, :!Yiassachusetts; 1 H.ev-. John . F. Hurst. D, D. .. - ttc · I lf · Dr. E. o. Raven says: "::\-Iy Era(lburT l'1ano contlnl;es to g.1·<n;- y,c r OYery oa.y, an( mysc and fa111Uv inorc and 1nore in love vi'ith it. ; \Jl our fncnus ailmiI'e it. , B ishoP Riu 1pson says: ·· Aftcl' a. tria I in n1y fomily ~or ye:H·~, for he[~uty of,.±inieh and "\Yorkmanship an(lsnlenclicl quality of tone. your 13radl.;ury Piano l'aunot be eq,111Ued. , , D.,.. J H . "\-tincent,: ··For family wm 'lhi[J, aocial g:ltheringt-:, the Sabb{l-th scborns. arnl all ~n1ds of 1u 1 ;;i~ 1;1 entertainn1e11l_s,_gh:,c n1e, in p1efe1c:nco to a.ll o1 l·('l:i, the sweet-toned n1 adlrnr;i : 1ano. I t excP.lB i n singol2.r 11u:::ht1es. " , . , .; .· . " Dr . .Tas. 11 cauley,Carli:=lc. Pa.,say~: ::v!y Braabur;r , H t:ip,011(L cl . Des. i_n 11ieStatc. 1 exc1urnl!e tonc.-_i\Tahonal llrpn'Jlwaii,, Trash1' 11 ulu 1 i. D . C'., .llpril. 8, l87;;l . ; Froin personal acquaintance ·with lhe nJ.anuf~ct11rer of if10 Bl'd_dbul'y P1ar101-1, wP. l'nn cmlo~'sc i.a:cst JJ'Ollil -ahe "\Ybite ~!ou .,.1 -. - T11e >vnr an10IJg pin.:u,o nwk~r~ a~ t"o w}1ci:ie u[ pia~10- Cnisumption, A ~·lhma, ·B rorwhitls, C'c1ta1·rli. foltC sl10uJc.. 1nei:t w1lh U-L\'01· at tbe Executive · Durfall Lhioat B.nd 'Iuni .A./J"ectionl" : af-.;u a µ·o::iiJVhH~sion has at ln,.,t lJt~ea se ttled by J\irs. IIaycs' 1i ve and radic[l,1 cure fnr Ntwvrnib Dt·Uil , t;y llncl Hdcction oi'. an t·IPJ.!.<:td~ Bradbury l'pright, n 1ude all ::\crvous Coinphdnts, afLel' ha\i11g t l O"Ough 111 JI'. G. ~mi',h, Nev, York . 'l'hc nc-..v Bradbury ly tc5tCd ita wonde ~·~nl cuni,Llve powers i11 thouu·~cup1es ~ r11':,ce iu the private p11rlor ~~favored sunds of,'f\:;ell" iL l ib duty to n 1akc it known position. ~1,. rn an instrurnc;nt of greut hB:=tli ty to hiG suffering fPllows. Actu.atcd by this mo- Cheap Groceries ! A Pu.n1phlet, illus~r:.i.tcd wi>th the very fiuejt Steel Engravings-a marvcl . of art an cf bea.utyscnt FRRE to all. Seutl fo1' it a.t once. Addn:ss ~nch und , tive 1.t-r1d a consl"ientiuu s desire torolievo hun!a!l su:tfe:-i11g-, he will send FH.BE OF (;11A1-tG J1:. t o a ll ·w ho (:'..t" 1:<ire it, this ~ccipo, >vith direcl J011J:1 for , prepaliag· aud succcsSfµlly using. kent hr rl' - \ furu n1ail br a durcssing 1vith stan1p, na-mi_ng ' this paper. D l'EABoDY lNSTITCTE, No. -1 Dul- St., Dost-On~ H E A l :orE01c11.Ll'Hlf'SELf l'rJ:.Ms. 1 the 1nid e 'Tl{E G R .E AT The pu blie will find the cheapest Grocerjes in town at Eng lish Ren1eqy ! DR. W ILLIAM Before Taking, no ~ " ,.. n 1-l. 1"~; - NE\7{T (J S"' IN. Ei. -. ~ 8 '· "lJ v B " 1 11" - FOH CALL AND CEA YE ORDERS. 1->iano:-: to Jet, an cl fi·nt applied lfpurcliassd; inont11l.f insta:1nc:n ~s re~t'.~ \'ed fol' the. sfiri-lc. Old pianot-l ta.ken in c-xchange; }laid for the sa1ue. _~Pcond-h,,,nd p~ann_ at grent ~a1gi:nns . ~rR_rn ~;}0 Lo $200. l'iano "' tuned nn 4. 1 epnir~d. Orgu us amt fUCl?ctcons to , alibath schools chu1cnes Hl![lpltcd at. a libernl J.iseount. Send for illu;:tr::ited pncc lu~t. . 3Jo·>YARI\AN'L1<:D !?Ole SIX YEAJ1S. rrHR \;NDERSIGJ'>ED Et E RPECT- Ft:"LLY announces to the 1n1blw tl1al, lie has comn1e-nccd business in the ehop 1al el_y o~eu picd by l\Ir. F : Mason, F LEMING & McLEOD'S. 1 Q l18Jity, & After 'faking. I n ever w.i ll kc r~p a ny1 h ing hu t One door East of Fa rm er' s Erclwmge, i " vd1crB he is prepared to 011 all cnlers for IIca-vx and Light HaTness of all ae"4cl'i.ptions. Tho best o:I n1ateria.l will h e ; and satisfaction L'1 ivorkmansh1p g-cc1ra11tec:l. /Vfi" H.epai dng prmnptly attended to.~ Freeborn Garrettson Smith, Fo.::itorY, Ri:1y1noncl :it., Brooklyn. SPE OI FIO Il'IED I CINE CALL AND ---A'.f.' 'l'IIEIR- -- Late Supt. for and SucCe:sso:r to \.V111. R . Bradliurr, \V 11rerooms,.1i li::ast .l:'onrteentlt Street. Nevv York· 27-18mo. LOOK C:1 n:" ,-L11 NH;:t vc rrs Dff~r:l1Sr:S, s11( h aH Tr: irMORf~, DEiJl.LITY, PROS'_t"RA'I10:f, t lC .. Wlllch in m <tJJ) GO OD, BO NEST, HE LIAB L E: and sell th em at the G 0 0 D S, SAl'Yit:EL JAOKl\IAN. Bo'iv1nunvillc, .Tan.~. a1·c pioduccd Oy ovc:: ind ul cncc i11 cho use of tobacco und ul0oholic spl:n:,s : but the Scccifie l\-1cdicine is inore especial 1 y recom-rnended tts 0 an nnf'a;iling cnre Lor 81,,11N .\L \V ~ ;AhN 1< ,:"'8,HP~l'. "]'OR THB BRF;AD IS THE LTFE." 1878. 24.-31n.~ follo\'r MA LORHFfHA, Tll-1 !~<l f f< ,i· .t: \' , a.rd a ll dit'e1-t-=P,R t hat aH a xequow·e oI .3 01! . AJ:iuse , <>.:-> LOPR OF WYLLIE'S I l\F.WLY IMPROVED WISH to infon;_, · the public that I . have on hand at Enniskillen, a ltt1·ge I], ifl 14. quau~ N !:~ t~ 0 D : · STE Is Bre::u:I of Llto future. IL ia actually the hm;t \ __ , ;r ._ h t l ! f) bnker'r.> 'ow~ ad n1anufacturecJ. in tho Dominioi1-;0 no t ,e.,.- 611 vilt'Htl of the fanu;d ..ZH.ratod Dread. IL 1~ I Flll,.b;ND, s,op t [l. coug 1 · sweet ""'hite and light, cuts bca.utif11llyH1 r ounil neglect a ( '0111nJon Col d oven for a d1-1,3. ~t sl ice-· 'hi th uice son crust all round 1tT1d io; evenly ma.y end in tJon:-:u1nption and death. REY. >:. ilaln~d. This 1s no brag ; ull ~vho have u3cd it FL Dov.- t.f. J;~T,TXIH. bys c_:..ired thonHan9--s, both ...~an testify to L hr· truth of thrn s1aJe1uent, nnd old and yotuig; and it will cure ,you 1f taken <>uc t:fial -..\ ill uun vincc the moi'\t, iuc1 eduloUB. 1reeiy and in ~eason. This Fir.JXIn hns been To ho h.:td fresh aa.ily at "'l'he Poet's Corner.' hefnre lJ1c Cannd~an ·peop~o ~ on.:rY SIX Yli:A:.*"'· . ')( ,., ., ha.c; ueYcr fa1lecl to give rd1cf to all w no 9 :Uow11ufnville, January "'J, 18rS. -1-tf. lune uaed it: It ha'.3- won i18 w11y by acnu"l.l f\P.r·----;--~ Yice, unt,il ithu.s become a l1ousehold frien11 in JIOU!'!le :tn(i f..,,ot JOI.'"' §:t1.e. thousands of our best f amilies. ,, :i:tcgnla.r Physicians use and recomntHn!l 1t. Clergynien aed -· all public 8 pea.kerH ar~ its best parroc..;. Rail· N O\VN AR TH.K F .AIRBA.lH:-N" j)Hi.ce, , road Euiployern~ , nrnt'l1cxpo~ed10 colds, coughs . on King »ti·eet >voet. 'l'wo aores, n1nre: ol' ~tc, 1 should al way~ use it. f'arruer::>, La', i c>'s. '"'itll gnud house. >veil and cistern. F.ighty .l\1erch.a11ts aJJl1 ev~l'ybody, old and young, speak fruit treeB-apples, p,enrs, plun1e, che:l'i~s . c~u·- .highly in its pi-ajec, t'a,nt.s £'"OoPebcrrics, and grapBR. An 1us1·~ct10n ::VIai:ch 3 lf ""S . :33 -..t'il) s'h(1"" lt 1;0 be the best ga.rile.n i'po!, 111 Bo\V· ------·--~ --~--- --- .. '"' - 1nan v1lle. _1_:pply to N lf}TIC}:, "-~~have too 1 _ I ' D~srr1NED AW\wf'~ f.~ Bil 1' · BAKED BREAD Il TO 1itY of No~. 1 AND 2 SHIKGLJ·:~. whieh I will sell bclo-w cost to get thcn1 out of the ,.,,.ay. h 18"8 ItJ;ib. 21t · ' 1 · L itv of Fn-t'5'1 ' CLASS C ED AB PLIS'l'H, ahm qua!l- ) Hovi L 0 5t ; How .R e s t 0 r 0 d. ~EOOlVIE · 'T HE A -'~rOl"~~ " mcrrARD Enniskillcn. sY1~vES.1cER. Ont, 31 tf ·. to ()ie.~l11 B'fiB1e1Jt:· - aTHl Physical Jncapacit.v. Tm;;ed~rneHtoi to ::\farriagc. etc. ; also, <'o;~RTnfFl'ION", EPILEPSY a.nd 1n 1 s.induced by J">elf judulgm1ce or sexual cxtrayaga.nco. &c . lf& l--'rice, in a sealed envelope, only six cente. 'l'hecPhlH'atcdauthorJn tJ1is a dn1ira.hleEssay, clearly (lc1no1ntrates. from a thirty rea,r s' :,11c~ cei'\'1lll1 _prnctice t hat the alan11ing conl"eq1H'n<·e,1 of Rt'lf-Abuse may bp raaica11~- c·111·etl "iLlH'tiL lhe da11grous lBC of int(·rn al u1cU.kine.,; 01· Ll'e av plication of the kr1ife; ,minLiug out. ,1 n1ode or cure at onep, sirrrµ:e, certain, and effectual, by 1ne3'11S cf -..vh iuh 1wt I'.' sufferer, uo nu1ttcr Yl·hut his cond11ic111 may be,nuiy cure hinrnclf c.hcuply, priv;:it,pl;i-, and 1·adically. a~- 'Th;s Lectnrc :should be in the hands of evcr.v ,vouth and cvciT u1an in l ho la.nd. Sent under scl_l!, i n a pJah} en -, .:e11!fH\. In any adfl1·ess, post-1Ja1a 1 on rgue1pL 01 Hix centl;, or two uosta;o :ot11r.1~~Addl'e3S the puulrnhors, volunL}try s~~l~~!~1~~;~~~1¥!:~~~)~"~g~,1 1 1[~~l;~i })rated Es:!ay on ~the radical cure, (without mecncine) of Af·J-<;t? l\L\· PUBLIS H ED, A N'}'W f'1li L~un of DJ:. CULYER\YJ£Ll.'~ Cele· Cheap,SUGARS, TEAS, RA ISINS, CURRANTS, &c., &c. indulgence. lNSA:!"1rY on CON'3UMP '::'lOX and a PR E ~1INJ'1Jt1E GnAYE, ~II of w11kh :is [!, r ule. 11ra Jirs·c ca.used l>Y de\' iating fron1 tl1e path of naturo and o\·er 1'~fF.MORY, l J:'.'HVERSAL L_.tSS1'1'UDE , PAIX TN THE BA.VE", DrM_~_css 01~ Vl'3lO N;. P n 1:::-.1ATURE OLD ~GE, and n1any othc:- di05cascs tliut lead to Also CROCKERY a,nd GLASSWARE, HIGHF.ST Pl{IC J~ ']_~he Spcci:d<' Jliecticine is t h e r c snlt of et life study and ma11y re<~1·s of e:~q:_1er~ence in treating the1:m specfal dh-;eases. Jili'l ua-rticc1la1·s in our pr,n1plllet, ·whwl1 we 1li~ f'lil'I:' to "'end f"ce by1nail to ev,·t-;y une. 'f'lic: S11celi10 11-lodic(nc ls svhl. Uy al: Jh·,1gµ;iHt" a,L ~1 per package, ors_;__-.: packages lor ~5, 01· w ~ ll JJc sent by rrrail on ie2eip!.. o-' the 111onev, by ullclressing · \VJLLl..:t.Tht G HA Y &:; C O. , 'v\' l1i'ctsor, Ont. Jtar'Bold in llo·,ymarrv1l)e hy "",I. fl;g-gir1bothau1 and D. 8tott. an(l :-ill Dr11g:glr5·Lh evPrywherP. , NORTHR OP & LY1L\ ::\, 'l'ur 'ln lu, ~ \.\i ..\.gc O HDE HED \'VO.H K p rorn plly att ende d to. HEP.AI RI NG n"atl y d,rn e. 20. I r D CI--IE MI S 'T C"" 0 '"T OT T DE..:\.L Elt I N K PAID FOR WHEAT, R,\RTBY, PEAS & CLOVER SEED ·---- - Bov..-i11anv1ll0, },,ngust 1 181 . .,:~ · j· H, .,o:-; E~- 'l'" 'll" ' _._ .tf ~ I TAKE · r! I }1'a_}·jlJJC"ll·f>."' « -,,__ .ii'.~ · \VArrc::u: F.Rfor nJI kinds of gra,in a;t hh; oti-lce Bo-Wrnanville. $60 \ '\i' OR'l.11-I lJlt' (-:H!·OID8 ' ' 111' C:l] DC!QR1BER 1· 'm l"· ~ o \YOU d announce that he is prepared tn pav the hig-he<:t price I Ml:.J,ENhID vQ ..,,_ I 1ralu.ablc :i;iee3e p-; .lewclry, t;um1, leto ;sa:-n1)1n elcganl Sle0r:c flc·t; with rl\ckage '.n the v.orld. Tr. oontnins15i;hccti;o:i'N..ot'[ ;f'apc.r 1<> Envrlu1Jei;j 1 r c n_cil1 J?enholrl er, l\Iag1C PuL .__,;r:-., . " · 11 " ' >elllno S<atwu 0 >Y TIIE fJ GLVERWELL N IEDICAL CO .. . : - ---~--------··& McLeod. BowMAKYJJ,T,F,, cured of that. rlre.::Ld di,;chl "~ t'on<"ump t ion, by a simple rem<" ily, b :-n1"'<im1;,., to J1 l ,\1H\ kncnn1 to his fc-1l l (,w -:<111Tc'n"1'K t, ho 111:~.UJH of c;11·e. 'l'o all -..vl111 de::>U·e it, hP. will r1end a c o p,; o( l h·~ preizcl"i.pLiun l.sed , 1frcc of ch .:l-1':.?,C). Ydth tI-· i) tlirccti"1nd for prepar:ug a n d using the ;;ame, -....-hkh they 'Nill find[!.. cure 2u:·c for CO);"SUMP'J'TON, .A.STIIMA, BnONCHI'.L'IS, &c . T H]:£ advGrli:--; erliaYing Let AND DI{U' G- GI S'I' J1 1Jl:fflil <:i teutly Drl1ggs, .1Yl e di c: ir1es a n d Che rn ica ls Uye Stuf!S, Patent J\Iedicino~, "Pcrfnn1er.r: Brushes, Con1bs, Soaps, Paints t)ils, Paint Brh~hes , Coal Oil, and Coal 01!. Liamps, &c., ,'£le. 41 Ann St .. 1\ i.'""' "'i' H:·J.;. ; Post Office Box '1!)86. &olr1-~tmir. .-? u ltvu~: flolCl·p~a tnl Sfocl~ <Jolk.zStuU,nnflaf,,1dvs .:.1 1;.ne·i:ict. P-rn anJ,) . OJlfi, post-Priid25cll:!. OPAC:KA (J]J""]':'\il , ? -pa~kt·,g c, I Augus_ t_li, !S77, JQl:fN l\i1cDOUGALJ::)~tf co.,,. .:J!3 ST. JAli-!E;:- ~ T.; J\.lON'JHE/l.JJ, QnE-. " orili.nmT .u.ulu.oemM·thto..:i!l;e1:U1, _ ]};RY \ · h:x ~r,u: ~OVEL1 ~ O N HEAL ESTATE, Interest at 31-4!n Jo,nue.ry 22, 1878. ~!~Ji~ ===; Parties >Yishing the p1·escription. will please ad d r e ss, E. A. \.Vl.! ..S ON . 19i Penn .. St., (20-Cm.} \VHlia n isburr:, b , N, Y. 26. Hight pel' cent. 1~7K n,n. J--'OSCOl'.'tBE. · :H'cbruo..ry 28th,

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