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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1878, p. 1

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-~~~~~ ~a~~:;~~~!:n:: ~1:~~~WllaA I h m .· sday b} the P.ropnet or IHE Sprrng Show of the Cartwright Agn cultural Soc1et1 will be held at \'. 11 ba nsbn1 0 on T Ja uada.J April 2oth 'ilOl'IHIJ~ \,Y,JYI. TL CLIMIE at tho &w 1\fANVl'h for t h e las we 'i. e :, J H N assagaweya township lately offered to b iy a faun pay $2 000 or $3, begg~d round OUO m cash. OFl'ICE-Post Office BIOCI!. · WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED "THE MERCH.ANT" ,,.. BOWJ\'IANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL l[, £818. HoN EowAED BLAKE has purchased the handsome 1es1dence bu11 t a few years ago by S R Briggs lumber merchant, Ioronto paymg $18 500 for it VOL. XXIII .. A W. CRAWFORD -FAS- L1Quoa started it liquor kopt it up, and hquor ends it sa1d Thorp, whu was Alcohol is recent ly hung at Auburn the Alpha and Omega of a career of crime RE-OPENED IN SAME OLD STAND, -where 1 e s I re1 a1ed to sell l I.CUR and l?EElt and tll k11uls o:f ROUGH GRAIN \MERICA-;\ CORN b~ I1HJ£lt.E was f1ost. ever' ruonth of the year 181( and it was known as the year with out surr1me1 The New England faimers called it e1g;hteen hunared and starved to death A LITTLE grrl Joyfully 8"Sured her mot her the other day that she had found out '\ 1ere t hey n1ade horses-she had seen a n1ar: in a shop JUBt fi.n1sh1ng one of them, for h e \\ 0.'1 na1 1ng on Ins last foot the cur load at BOTTOM Pitff ES Als 1 H.rt ul11r nt ent on to Reduction Sale ,I $25 000 WOR1H UF DRY CODS~ TWEEDS $1)5 0001' ~ ~ ' To be Sold at Half Pnce ' ' fnE commerc1a1 agent at Gabon, Africa, 1 epurt· s TORE th"t the kno" ledge of the Congo River derived frum Stai lcy s d1scover1ea 1s n anJ slvle leaned at all Vi KEYR alrcadv bearing practical f1u1t English m1ss1onanes ha"< e followed tho river as far as the tirst rapids and arc about to establish A TTOR :'<EY AT L A.\\ ' SOLICITOR ON,. · n Chancer) Con veyo.n cer &c NEWCAS TLJ Loan! AL ·EXANDER Has bought the whole Stock and busmess of F F McARIHUR Esq at a \ ery low figure and after ha' mg the StoJC cntn ely iefitted has moved hrs ah eady large stock mto the new premises a m1ss1onary station A n1od1!1tid form of sla'\ie traffic ts reported as still existing be tween that region and the Portnguese Islands of St Thomas and Prmeess A. Ilr1tish gunboat recently captured a brig wtth 01er one huud1ed men, v;omcn and clnldren 1n a miserable concht1ou who had been oefrned and shipped near St Paul as fu~e Ju.borers Plate ::HE BEGINS ON P a. r t THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, to offer both stocks at such great reductions that BARGAINS h1'oherto unheai<l of will be gn en. FoR the benefit of the w10c11,eres who would prescribe I rotect1on as a panacea for hard times and the only means of making wark for the unemployed, a con temporn1y quotes an old sto1y told uf a Scotch fisherman and !us daughter which mcely illustrates the eftect protect1011 \liould have,, if carried to its u t1mate re suit Eh fathei said the daughter I wish a the folk rn the world wer~ dead and then we would get a the fish Aye ayo lnasrn, said the father, I tt wha co ild bu 1 thern' -D ENTISTRY. A.:1.· ll di ~1a l Special Drives in all Departments. '( .em:h I Atock I~1:;ERTED AT A :rtIODEP~.\IF, F EE I J M B RiliB.COMl3E L D S of 10 OOOyards of Dress Goods divided into 5 Lots and placed 9n a Special ':Fable l-2000yar <l;? 2-3 000 yards 3-2 000 yards 4-2 000 :yards 'i-1 000 >aids 20c hcand12 1 cgoodsat5cpe1 }ard ..,. 2oc 28c and JOc JOO ls at lOc pm 'ar l 32c and 35c good, at 15c per yard 38c 40c and 4oc goods at 20c per >arc! and urwaHl< at 2oc per yard " IotNo Lot No Lot No Lot No Lot No Offerings Ill . Dress Silks 7oc Good Black Silk at ~oc P. ' yaid 1$1 00 Gros giam Silk at 75c $1 2o Soc $1 40 $1 00 $1 7D $2 2 ~ Ask to see the ii!pech1l" m Blacl, Lustres. at lOc, 12c, Mr JlfoA1thurs »hole stock of. PRINTS · ___ Punts reduced to lOc 100 d all kinds of leather wear On e Door V\ EST of LYLE & IVI ~I 'I YN S FREt<iCII 0II POLISH & 15c be and 17c 4: pie1 es New Prmts light ,.,roundH A sh tons Be't to be sold at ll cts CANADIAN BLEACHED COTTONS. Every lady should '88 the stock of these ooods the first make m Canada whrch are undoubted!} THE CH~A.PEST IN THE TRADE ,JOHN SMALE 6 Factory Cottons Cheaper than ever IPff See our factor} at 7c per yai d 01 6tc 1 J the preee JOHN FI:B ""JAL, J e Hl op oppo site the :Express o:ttice Ha n g had eevera l ) ears ro.:per e:O ce in the r ade l c h op es to sati fv a ,, n o may favor h lID " ith a call t B EG 8 TO lNFORl\1 THE .PUBLLC g r:e1alt<.: tho.the h ... s removed his business NEW STORE GOOD l!ITS pre o:;es wl ere he has opened out a la1ge stock of fl e best goods to be found m the coun try cm SLst1ng of NE\!V GOODS I L. CORNISH o\.S REMOVED Il'iTO HIS l'l""E" H sentence in at the bo:i s HORSE BLANKETS-$2 oO Horse :Blan! ets to l1e sold at@' $125 -onl3 ·ten pans left WATCHES C rnsto1n i.; D c p al'Uncnt 0TI>l'W In~ Cctobc1 2 IS o 1 UTBORlZRD DISCO UNT on Amer A 1un.n 01ces 1 notice po1 cent ttl further J TOHNSON 0!.'>m n ss oner of Customs FRUIT TREES. I a l repared o furnish all k inds of CLOCKS, CHA.INS JE WELLERY FORKS SPOONS, ELECTRO PLArED W ,\.RE &c, &c &o GAR PETS · _s'ic 'lapestr3 Carpet at pe1 'aid Hemp Carpet at ,;ents per yard 12~ Gue Fm1t and Ornamental Trees, FfO"ERS AND SH RUBS O I-:II-iJAP for CASI-I DOMINION BANK, BO" MAN\ ILLE ,() 1 a11-s Lace Curtams inst opened out ne» patterns-call and see them ~Another case of New Fnllings to hand-pretty goods and cheap WA good heavy Table Lmen at 20 cents pet 3a1d W Mens Cotton Socks ~ pans for 2 o cents W Ladies Cotton Hose lOc pet pan- lica\y n111{e W Fmgermg Wool m all colorn at 8c per skem W Hea>) Blue Drill at 12~ cents per yard CAPITAL PAID UP, · $1 lJ00,000 IIE iD OFF ICE BRA:NUHJ:S TORONTO 0RILLI!\. 0 )BO"l B.G }30,'i MANYIL L] I OsH\W\.., '\-\ HllB Y, {JxnRinGR Tweeds, stock must be cleared out at what it v. ill l rmg ~ A good Felt Hat at 2oc one a good bit better at oOc ti e BEST at $100 Heavy Cana dian I weeds at 4Pc ~Call Early and secure your Spring Goods, at ' WM. ALEXANDER'S, LATE F I< M ~All ~RTHUR Ali D l\fCRDOCH BROS BEAHR llrorn Goods ?narl.ed 'ln plarnflgci rei, and No /Secoml Price We v; rll show One case Silk Mantles one case CashmeH Mantles Saturda} 9th mst 2 mNos maritks- F rench Goods Apprentice wanted +01 the M1llmerJ

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