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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1878, p. 4

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l\i1E H CHA~T, J ~~~-- --·- - ~-- - - - - - BOWl\tlANVlLLE, THUR8D1l 1, APHIL 11, 1878· THI~ TRUIPS' WEDDI N' G. "The first yea.r lhat 1\fr. Norse a.ud I we re n1a1·ried, we lived in a httle country - -- A N D - - ·village in a. norther11 county, and the popula.tiun being i':lparse, n1y hnsba11 d was not often called upon to unite a couplo i~ t.he h \'"lly estate of n1 a.trimony,and the maJor1ty of ihnsB who presente~ th<;imsTel ves were from the runtl ch.str1cts. lJBually tho :o:---c01·01nony was perfo1ned in our little parlor; 80 whenCver a nnmbel' of buggies were You have heard a great deal of late about Bankrupt i'ltocks, drawn up before the front door, it was the sirtna,l fot· 1ny sister-in-law and myiself to Gl'c>Lt Sacrifice· Salfls-Selling 20 per cont bPlow their noighhorn-The ei~tcr the pa.t"lor, anJ. Lake a scat on the Man with the Broad-brim hat, &c.- still you l1ave yet to hear of any sott, y.; hore we could watch ~l:e.1~roceed-,, 1)e1~son but says' that ~ ing."l and arnUS"} ourselves cnt1c1su~_g the bride r~1Ll her friends. J t was ludicrous, { [ assure y oa, to soo the rnral gt'oon1 and h i"' l)Gst n1an w1 t.h their large h ands enca.s0d l H white k i1..l8, the tingers spread ont lik e a fa11, for th ey fouud the gl ov e~ most uuco1 ufort a,b1e. After the concl ns1on of the c.-;1·c::r.1ony, they their har1:ds i ror,i, 11nd re tiuter1ug the bug:gLes drn\'e oJ.r' foUowod by a nurnber of friends w h o had 'ooen walling ontsiJ.e for tben1.-They spcut r~bont a,n h·:nr driving u.p and do w·n the pr1nc1pa.l street ~f our Y1llage, And all who have dealt at Mason'.s Cheap Cash Sto! e arc Jud then returnBd tD the1~· n~w hon1e, m;1 plmtic in at>Herting that they Hell far · dieaper than any other house \Yhero they entertained then· guests to a ---"'Truth Stranger Than B"'iction 1" GOLDEN HARVEST ~;R-FARMERS. !Skates-: ! Ynur 1-1.ttcntion is called to our J HAMMOTH S PlffYG WHEAT, ; TRUTH WILL PREVAIL. east!'jncident to wheat, and produces from 60 to 80 buel1e1s to the ncrc , .A.Vt'arded first premium An entire1.r new val'iel,y from anything e"er ' befol'e iukochtced. Tt, is lnight . phunp grain, ahnost one half iu9h I long inakes fine flour, has never had nny dts· I Skates! --(:o:)-~ Skates! BIG FUSE::: 1s now ragmg at at the Centenniu.l. Price: "" , _ r:3an1ple can be seen at tl1is oftlr:e. is decidedly ~ P~~age :·.::: ·.: : :::-:.·. -. · · ::~ '.'. ::::::~ 1:~: ACME CLUB Sl~ATES TRELEVENSI Normandy Giant WHITE CORN T!:IE l<'I.°'.'IEST CORN KNOWN! It ' vu.s first imuorted. and has been thoroughly tested in the Lr . S. llns produced 150 b1uihels to the u.cre. Grain very la:r~e. PearlJ' '"'·hite.lHuny of the ears meaei.1re 18 in ches ·long v.',ith 2 to 4 to the stalk. Prono11ncetl hy ugriculturii'3ts the finest corn in t be world. Prwc 1 package,.. . . ....... . ........... .. ... $ 59 1 large p aekagoe.. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .... $1.00 "\Ve wa.nL age11Ls to introduce these vo.luu.ble "'eeds ever-, "'hele. No trouble to sell. Send s1 H.111 11 fo1 ia1uple and spccin.l terms, and secul'e Lel't'l LOl'\' at OllCO. . N. I. MAYH~lL~ & CO., I in porters and gro\vcrs of E'1cld a ncl Ga.rd en seeds. .Sv1-·cetwater, J\fonroe ~ o., 'l'enn, '\Ve ln c1;]l.i \ alHHt two fanns in this vicinitv and sha 11 ennlinue t o inake in1port1ng and !STO'"~ing seerl:-; a spe~ialty and mtroduee noth- I ing but pure H fleli "'· ~ . 28-tf I ----AT----- LEE & EDSP)._ s. Masori & Son· SELL DRY · GOODS Ro\v1na11villc. ,, .. THE ICE KING SI<\::ATES at LEE & EDS.AL.L'S. Barney & Berry~s New York Club Skates a.t LEE & EDSALL'S. AS CHEAP AS ANY OF THEM. All the nEhi\T makes of Spring Skates And Einppcr, ::i.nd -perhaps a t1ancc. ~robabl_y j11 (~l!~N'ii'lLElUErto ' Du L ou vour garmcnte., I W:i 11 c lean thern.Or, if they a"re faded, I v.-ill bring thmn to Urn11' natural color{ and rnnke them so th at.. no n1an 1rYi11 knOYi' them from ne-o;;v. Satisfaction guaranteefl or n_o charge. 'l'HOMAS PRATE. Uenoya.tor and Cloth Clothes Cleaner .tF Oppositr~ 'l\ FCoar· Blacksm1th-shop,'1St Ilowmanville. Otto be 12, 1876. · I-tl I they wore just af! happy spending their honey 1110011 in th e; r own ho1ne as those surprlf:led at Lwu ~nddle-aged, comtnon-luu1ong: persons praseutn1o:.; thein selv~s at our d_o ur, desir111(1" to hav0 t101.c nupt.1,tl knot tied . l obse~i;e\l tho wornan was cnarse~ looking~ and ~ ery t.a.11 ; 11a.ving a.n a.bnuoancc or c:urls. They appear,;d in a, hur 1_ y to g~t through the ccre111011y, i!1 ntnbhng: then· word::t ha~~iJy; ~hey expla.1neJ t hey were ju ha:ste to bv iJJ t n n0 f<1r the 10.20 tnun; neither uonld sign thei P uii.n1e ; att~r 1nak1nrr their ma,1 k they gave rn y husua.nd a ti\~ do1lr1r bill'; on receivlug three ~ollars in cha,nge, the n1an l,ooked drn~at1sfied, and said he thought : twas, only ct do1lar for doinc' this 'ero business ; thcLl he contiuued i ~ a. wh luiug tone, 'I ean't afford nior'u a dollar,' eo ;..Jr.Norse good-naturedlv ::rn,ve hi1n another note. .c\.t dinner· 1in10 inY si15ter-in-law aeked if any t.r:in1ps had been b egging dnring M ; ; who ()'Oona \vedd.iug Lonr. "(lne nL1rning we ,.,.-ere feelina the necessity of reducing prices to suit tl~e times and ,'.eta.ii~ thelr desen:ed reputation fm~ selling the clwapcst goods, have decided to reduce thell' already low pnces S MASON _ & SON IF TITERE IS GREASE, P AINT, OR is determined to contimJc to sdl at the rmnously pnccs ' cheaper than the cheapest.. Why he can do itFirst, he buys for cash and knows juiit, how to buy. at LEE & EDSALL'S. , Second, w:hat he can't buy cheap enough, he ~anufactures. All Sizes and Prices of Wood Skates \ . 'l~hircl, he is satisfied wit)1 small profits. Fourth, he sells for cash; at LEE & EbSALL'S Fifth, hesells at bottom prices. Straps, Gimblets, Wrenches, Clamps, and all skaters' requisites O.A.X..:X.. .A.JST:O SEE FC>R. .;'YOU~SE'.JG VES ai; LEE & EDSALL'S. -A)O[D- CHOPPING AXES OF. THE, BEST MAKERS at LEE & EDSALL'S. B R I N G YOUR. FR.~E N D "'!, 'W'ITH YOU 10 PER CENT ST I LL LOWER Cross-cut; Rutting· and Buck-Saws at Lee & Edsall's. SLEIGHBELLS of all kimls at LEE & 1£DSALL'S. . I~xamine the sLock, '1,o\' hich comvtises ever:rtl1ing in the t1·, of tbe very latest 1-UJ d fuos t elegant s1)-lm1 and patterns, of English, Cnnadion, and ..1.\.1nericau mannfacture. " ' He s t ill l·ontinues to manufacture to ordci~. fron1 tho best of mate1 ia1, and none but first-<' la. ~ ~ workn1en kept. - CASH and CHEAP GOO S are having th<;il' effect, and people are begi11ning to realize the benefits of l:uying for cash. Orden Promptly E.xecuted, and Good Fits Guarnideed. IIe'has in stoek an ernlles;i~ '1ariet,y of Lailico;' a11t1 Cr r; t.s' which he is selling chea_p for ·cash. s~ratoga The he~t assorted stock of Hardware ever shown in BowmaJlville, at LEE & EDSALL'S. 'JJL:nlrn, ,,.nlu;cs, e1c ., n'I ~ Neads' New Blc,ck, opposite Hender,son's Hotel. Bow MANVILLE, 1 A great reduction Bowmanville, Nov. 29, 1877. iu~P RJCES ·of all Goods Successors to ,J, MoLEO Remember the. Stand-" BIG BOOT" drawn by two Horr>es . K ING Bowmarvlle .Tan. 22th, 1877. at LEE & EDSALL'S, S T.R E ET, BOWMANVI LLE. M. TRELEVEN "QUEEN" the i11orn1ng. "' J said 1 thought not; she 11111st have w.i'!Gaken the n1id(llo.::iged lovers for trurnps. . . " &he ""' tBuictrked that w11en sho wa~ sitting in the uarden, rea<l ing, her attont1on was a ii tract ~J to'warda a It a.n and wo1 nan who ,va1kcd ste::ilthi ty 11lung the hawthorn h edge uuobst~rved, as:. they ihonght; then- the wonHLll i\ ent heh-ind t ho barn. and s~on rlpnoa,red a~,r-dn in u1en's clotlnng. She kn"'en it \"·J.a the Sj,U1e 1Jel'30ll, for ;.vhen "'ho re joined iunn she removeu ... L~c ~urls ~nd boi uiuL, a11d in t heir plac? she put D. Scutch cap. . "\Vhcn I 1~Prird the ir dress <l.escr1bed 1 s TOV-.E NOW IN received a "veJl at'! ' so:.·te-d stock Genuine and P11re English Ch'mniral.,i, J\lso, a. splendi d stool{: of the :01ost r·rn-el'ully selected · B "\OONCE tha,t he has of Drugs DYE CHEMlS'l' AND DR0GGIST, EGS. l<ESPECTFULI ,Y TO AN OUR PUBLIC Works Like a A lady living seventeen miles north-east from .. NEWEST AND BET BASE BURNl in;E. It has b~"n found§ after a th.irough trial, to be PERFECT in its opera' tion. Thci M mm TINGS and E'ITTIKG8 of a superior and at the same time useful construction . . STUFFS! "d1id1,Ga.nnot be surpassed fol' excellency o t nalitv . ._\ .n aseortm-cnt of .._\.ruline Dyes ko:p constan' on han d, together vrith a choice se lection of DHUGS, CJlEkIIC.1tL2, P.1\.'rENT 1\TBDICINF;S,' BR1;SHF.S. COlHBS, SHOTT LDER-BR ACES, ISUPPOR'l'JGRS, &c., &c OILS, PAINTR, UOL Ol :~. at;d J ashed :ri.ic. N orsc to eXaff~ine ~h.e fivc-dolhi r hill. }l e ...:umpared 1t with ,1nntll'.?l', a1 1d fou ri d it was a f~r gerl note, tholH'h cl(:we1~y ('X cnted. o made ~t ;:Jdar~h 'f,· r the d 11>a1s, bl!t ,tl_1 ey 11.1d Jcft t11e · 1·, CF" ' ··i·l W(' w~ro a.ll 11111to ft:->.'l u:-Pd that ·"""~'" .·. . ' t bl nn? ~,; nspioio ns \i ere arouserl in a n~on1ent., \" AilNiflJI ES ~~At -----:o:--- - here, who generally goes to l 0 ort Hope to market, ·heard that tlrn peo1>l e of this town had opened a public market, and thought sl1e would corne and try it. She The North .o f Scotland Canadian Mortgage Co'y brought fl firkins butter, 10 pair chi «ens, 9 pair ducks, 6 bags apples, (X..:I:nt.l:::i:TEDI and a whole flock of live Turkeys ,or which she soon found plenty of customers, and in a very short t' ,ne had disposed of all hm· goods for .I. RE NOW LENDING 'MONEY l:'PON FIRS'!' OLA SS F'ARivl PilC l'EHT cash. She then started arounr' che corrrer of the Town B11ll, when she '..J....q~ at. moderate rates of inter;st. Period and phn1 of repayment can be nrnrngcd to f:Uit ib · met the man with the ,~·idc l 1mmed hat, wlrn invited her to his s(-::~e convc.nien:'e of tht'l bo1·rower. The- Com1)a.ny floes not lelld n1one)' 0n' the Building or Loan Roeiety p1ari,!but 1he p1incipa. to get her Dry Goods; she politely declined hi" offer, saying that sht had can be repaul hy annual instalm<'nts if desired, SI~iPLE INTEREST ONLY being c hargnl upo tho unpaid balance. By this plan heard of i.hat store located . l ' ,; f HE CRATE CA ff N0T CLINKER. The 0HE(1K lJAUPEH gives perfect control of tlrn fire, and provi<les for ~sca,ue or dust ~hen ble11ui~~g. th0 YCl')-' luwesl prices. and WHI EA HORSE AND CATTLE N. Il.-L:on n try SLorepeekers supplied en a '\ia11taµ:c01u; t 1 ~rn 1:'.! NEXT DOOR TO FLEMING & l\fcLEOD ~. ' I he - Borrower is not Bound to Pay his Instalment, ·' _,,i . ' ' 1 °" ' 11ncl was bound to try it. She came sLraigl,t to it and found it to be all it was represented, she found a largPr assortment of the ' But oa.n or not, in enoh year a.sis n1ost convenient, without risk or extra expense. Apply to ' Ahgu~t 22, 1877. [4-1y.] J. A. CODD, Dominion Ba:nk, Bow rnan);; ll th(·v- 1vc1e Lun n1en 'IVh· ) b. aci pr o Xt Y r.ric,d this litd tJ c1)n1-1Jen;~ u:n_rr.e .rr1nr~ ! han ouz;~. - Frou~ " A Fe ~t' (Jul Jr t:1ldi~l'J~1 [ i ii .L\pul n 11 1nbcr of "l\..,.ev; I>om.t'lHUJl. 1l!onthly. ·L__:;:._ ~- ...-..- - - · - ·- - l ~~~~~~~~~~~,.... ..... ~. rf&~- This St;ve=zs recornin!:n° ded in .the h~ghest terms. ,$2li, a 'lVcck W hy t he Rev. Dr. Ttl:udge stopped his Paper. So 1nr: 'ye::-~l.·~ aQ;O when tho writer .'~tas a re uc:de r ui-:;pn an Er~steru prLp fir, it. ~le_: vo1 ]ve!J on hun to 1vuto for tl ~e ss.n10 ed1t1 on ~n acconut o f the prdsento..tion o f a gold~ ht:::tde(l c,u1e to the 8Jev. Dr. }iudge, th.e . . . 1~ .. u~ n1~n o-f +he 11lacc. aud n. IHYW 1 1ugjJ:,u~hi;c tl;:\t. had just h~f'll pnt. in np ernti"u <tL <he- fa~t., >ry. d'luw, , twhh_at n1 ~vlr 1 tJ 1 ,, Rev. Dr. }\.. udge ma was i ~ . rrhe i DCI JJl f'\ldl'l'd1t C huccan eJr w!to llUtdC UP, ::::: : :::::: ::. ::: ::: ::: ;::::: ::.:: :: :::::: :_ ::;.::·'74}-;"':::::: :: :::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::: ; :: :::· Gtt~u·;,)~tee(l--1 BEST DRY GOODS 'Kirig , of the West ---. F ' AN NIN G LO'". Es T LI v ING p RI c Es. VERY 1 ' · THE---- Parties .LOO.KING. FOR STOVES 1 ,i GJ£NTS WANTED ili every Count .L'L . 1 ki11i;·!i I i I S TO xr E c COAL· 1>....., [{T7QQD , V ' \.,:;>, 'VV J..7 ,__ ; Ll will find a varied assortment of . KNOW in the Domh1ion. Address 2n <;. A ..' osr.1x. Bux80l,Montrcnl. lly prnc\lcing the rnadingond truths con~ t~i~kdc~c;tj~~~~~i. ~:t1b~"J She : ..ade a larg8 purcha~e of Dress Ooo'cls, Clothing, Flannel,;, Winceys, Hats, -,aps & sumll wares, and went fully mtisfied th>Lt at last she lrnd bund the i·lace tog-ct the best value for her !Il<ll1Cy. ~ I , t , ' th e.... t" t' l111:j"l ? \:i;1biP'4l !n tl ' lC (J},,1.1).'? .'if1_'. 1 r~er, :td ~ n ,\ :1¥ nOI IT ·" ~ ~ '- , LA -!DINC 0 11 +'-~=l~~--~1' ·oo · ff · CIS F-0 t ~ pr;ss, someL !ling lik e this was the appa.lin g · re_:.iult: H .:4omo of the R e,,.. I\ludg(·\, friends callel nnhimyesteul ay ,an~after a brief con:>u lta:::.inn l he uns u:-;pP.ct111g hog \'I- ae by th0 h inrl lcgs <M1rl slid along the hl"';.;.·n Ulltil h0 r~achtd thf' hot wat1--:r tnnk. J::l.Li fi 1(-n rls CX JJiained tJ:_o object of tl11'fr I , v:.t it an~; p1« s~·nt0d h i u1 with a han~sun1e I gold.he:.i.ded butcher, ~vho gr:lbbcd him ~y ! .THE VERY LOTVEST CASH PRICES. GALT _L....;J a 1'1. d .SEE for yourselves. :::::: ::::::~.r;;t+Y--r. :.: SELF-PRESERVATION l'ricconly$1. SentbymriH pt of -""'·Un price. It. treatsofExlm..... - ~ ~N cryous m1CL ~. ar:n ,]l(ll).LJ.1.j.!~ concomitant ills and uutolcJ llil!'Enesthatrcsult th£'refrmn,~ndcontainsmort:thau50odgiunl p1eM scriptiom1, uuyo:ue of which is wo rth tl1c plicc of the book. This book was written by the mo"t ex.. tensive nndprobribly the most fikilful practitioner in Amerlcn, to whom was awarded a goltl and}:w· cllerl medal by the Xational:Mcdical Association. A P:nuplllct, illustr&tcd with the very finest Steel Eu graving<-· marU IE iJ. vc1 or 11.J"t and teaut:r&R sent FREE to all. Send for it at once. Address s 'ITH REE' - AND SEED ·SEPARATOR. _ F · :a: -J_, I j_ - c · " ,,..! ' T MACH INES IN ---o--<.J ' - -- o - - Q NE ! 1 -·~ · Kee ---~-----::-------_...,,,...-o: -.;..o~-U) p.. . prices. that store ,vhure---vuu n·ct. ·tho beRt- uoods -at the ' . "' ~ ,, D All k' ' 0 f rn . 'J't(l_,{t·.lf ,1 · Tln d s l..if;Ot1 //l'Jl,g rrnaae and 1no,cle to t This is the best.and Ja1:gcst machine for cleaning and s('IJ'tr;1ting· oTa · i·n ~ o ever inv·ented. --~~ ' ·1B · . Ma:hufaC.tU17ea jn o'vinanville at the cstabli~lin1ent of Le\'i ~f0r1is L1'berty st. Call a'11d ,·n ' ","P ' cc t. ' >) PEABODY , No. 4 BulINSTITUTE Jincb St., Bo">ton, 1\'Iass. L MEDICALTHYSELF n I 1 Sole Agent Petcrboro. fo~, .the p. o. HIMES, coui; ties of Northumberland, Dmharn, Victoria and (:l3), Jrv's ovcrpowoted ~ 1ne: and fo r t lrnt r:cnson iii~t wunld not 1..10 n1 1H·e than atte111pL f.o tl! n-nk thvse n.ronnd hiru for the IDiHHJ~r l hf" ta1li Dnd ~"~ nnf{ huu a.round , ~nd in , j~ 1, s 1,hRi. n tniun t ti t11e wa.s l n th e : \Yater. TliP.rc11pon h~ l'arne forwarU a nd I mi:id th!tt there \'. rn-c hu1es ~~hen tho fe el- 1 ! 1 Y uu w ill al8o find on h11nd it full varid.y of 1111 kinds of lilL ~ · · fJ) A~ULUL ~ lEN. \-Vn t cs. A 1v1th cold "'atec. No inlr rcq.iircd. Lasts one l"!:l'TS ai5 0 A, DA ~ ":~11\ni' the J;IIR- bich .'.:O hu;,;e an aniu1a l - wns cut In frct gnit·nh , v" as astonishing. T~1e. <lo~tor Conch1d.·ci hi.s t cn1a;rks: t.he machine seized ~ n \ nrrE·Lr A U D}'.iJ:AVY · ·HA . . R'11WA"ll ,~~· S 1 J.11 1 l~ j} ""' for £iJAJ ' $ ~-1~ N'l'R~"~~~~~~~~:::,.~~~;:~,n:~ :~ , ; 0 , ~ :i'P.!1.-r. A perfec t gmn. Samplo 10 cont&- three ~n cPnll-', Cata1ogne free. Address, - - - - - - A N D - - -- - - 1 him , aLd, iu 1e~s titne Lh~n it takes to wl'itc it, the hug wan cut 111to fragments anr! \Yorkor1 into del icious soau~a ge. The ocuM.;lon will be ietnernbe-red by th.e <loctor·s f riEmds as one of the 1nost <lohghtful of their livfJS. Th e best pieces ca.n be obtaint.'d f()·c fift. en c~nt::i per pou~1d, .a~1 d we n.r0 pure t hose wh ') sat nndcr his 1111n1si,ry will r.,joiet j o ho:~r tha t he has been so l uu1dc.iomclv tnmterl. · 1\1a!i ! ~ ,,,.clJ, about nino o' clock that inornin!! th0 office had bem1 abandoned hv evcrY man hut the ad vertiB1ng clerk, ;~~ 1 d he ascended to the roof aud robed h imself in boiler iron, so that he qould see t.hc clergy inan ten.ring down t}~e street 1 .,,1ith his congregation, all wf'ar1ug the D<1lll·<1hr uf Wi1r, and carrying butcher ( h:niY~S aud Lh 1n ~S . r_rhe next dny We ) anoloz iZod buL ·~tho d,)Ctor stopped his' 1 1 comprising u1 part Pocket & Table Cutlery, Electro-Plated Ware, House Fttrnishi11gs Fanning Implements, Carriage Jvfakers', Builders' and B!acksmitlzs' Supplies. :: ::::::<."_,or.+tu-.n : :.:: : ; ::::: ::::;: ::: :~: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::: ::: I -"l"on need not be :.t1vay fro1n I llo1nc ovc1 High t . You 1·ttn gh-e your ·whole , titne to the -.,york, o.r 01,l: J 011r s1lar~~n1 ornents,- , \Ye have agents w no arc 1nu.k 1ng over ~20 p er day. All who engage at ouce 111011('}' fast . At thcp1 e.sent tim.c111oncy eauuoL lw n1alle ; so Pasily and ra,p1dly at any other business. I1 cos1s nothi11g to try tho business. 'l' crnB uud $5 Outn t, freP- . A1ldress at once, H. HALLE'l'T 'J8 Co., Porlland, J\f a ine. · (!)) you1· uw11 tu\\11. ~~~Ji~\~~r~~~f i\i:~r1~~~~7u\~~~~·k ~sJ£~~1~Yw~~1;1~ -- P. t1n1os, but it cnn bG 1nndc in !i.f thr ee m onths by any one of i either sex, in any ~nrt of the I I G-..A_RDENERS:i 1 Gl~ss; Oils, Putty,White Lead---both -dry and in oil, Varnishes, Japans -and Paints of all colors. W'l'be,;e have been bought in the he,it markets, with great care, the of wl1 ich can be rnlied on. I have 11lso a large stock of , 0 8 0bse~1pti;n.-l1lrli1tnapolis ~l.1inies. To tile ll·orliiu~ t.H:i ~~ .-VVe are no1v pre parcel' to furnish all <'la8Kes with constant emplo1:_in ent at home, the who }e of the time, or for tbmr spare n10111ents. Busini-'SS ne;v, light and profitable. Persons of eiLher '-'ex ea1'ily earn front 50 cents to $U p er e;·eni11g-,and a proportional sum by dcvotiug their 1vhole tilne Lo 1he busin ess, Boys aud girls earn nearly al'! 1nnch a.s 1nen. 'l'hat all \\'ho see thi,:;; n o1ice ma,y send. tbeir'add.rc ss, and t est the Uusine15,; 1ve n1ake t h i s unpara.llclcd. ofl'er: I'o such as a-1e no!, \-Y~ll &1-tistied we ,\--ill send one dollar to irny fo1· ! he !ronhle of v,·riting. Full particula1·:-1, sa111ples worth HCYBra l dollar s to connncnce ; vo , : kon,anJ. a copy of hmne and fireside, one of tho larJ.{e:iL and b e~I 11l11st.ra.ted .Publica.tions. 1111 sent f-ree by utail. Reader, if you want ])Crmanent profitable vlork,a.ildress, Gl~OUGE STINSON & Co .. BUY YOUR - - - - -- AT SEEDS ' 1 GOPY- 1 1 . I "-- Portland l\tfa.ine A svn~nr potatoe weighing sev~nteen 1 pound" w·1l'3 11dPlv received in '\Va:ilungton quality from t he S o~1th -"\,Test. iT is entimaterl that the loss to cornrncrce bv t11e blccka.d l'.1 at Odessa ~lone lrnR bee11 from >fi'i0,000,000 to $60,000,000. FANA'fll'.AL ' ·----.t. Ne,v, Cleat', a nd ,~~~!l'.~j,$50to$200 --- - - - - -- Uo1u·ist~ ---~ - Murdoch .Bros. PER MONTH - Of Official Report of A ward to Do:MINTON ORGAN COMPANY Bowmanville, for Organs exhibited at the Centennial Exhibition, PhiladelplHa, 1876. -~-- (30) INTERNATIONAL EXHIBl1RION. PHILADELPHIA, 1876. n ~o. 235 A. M. GALBRAITH. "CHEAPSIDE CORNER." Dowrnanvillo, Nov. 15, 1877. H indoo 1vidows are still found q11itc ready a.nd willing to be buri1't ;:i 1ive. An instance is jus.t, reported to havtJ takt:n place. ""I'l· ifl sa1:l. on good authority, that t he so L tnd of ea.nn('fl has heeq }:card ,o ver 2~0 miles by applying the ear to t he solid :--:...'....:o:-:~ : earth. Thcsubm·riber Jll f' lJedfuli~ ;L1i1 1 ~·llt=lll'tl1 i1 [Jc1lif fll Jl'1l:1c 1 J DE r . rou1n, a n1ountain about 500 feet high , ~ 100 feet iu circnmf0rence _aL the MadcQts. basf-', lf~O at, tl1~ top, the rn ost consp1euous At no former period has he shown s11ch a and lrt.11 dm ruk in l\fontana, r ecently fell down hodily into th e 1J!a1 n ·boiow. ied assortmen t: GLASGO\!V HOUSE I var- Con1n1encing ·with t h e e;-,rlie?.t. pe1iods, closing l\.1nrch, 1877. 3 Yolun1es uf tht> \Vorld's great., Grand llistory in cne. Ancienf, JHathUe A.~e~ 1 anrl ~lodt~r11, includin~ history of Centennial l:t:xhi71ih,m, Jna11rwration of P rcsiclent liayes, ! ancl T-nr-ki.'>h TH.f!ic11lties. A book of thrilling I interest and ur11verl"ia! need. Eells faster ihan any other, BeauUful i llustrations, low price,,, quick sales, extra terrns, circular free. .A.. tldress .J. C. Itl~C UUD-W & 11'0., l'hiladelphia, Pa.; Cincinnati, O.; Chicago, Ill.; Ht. Louis, l\Io. 1 UN · IVERS AL .HISTORY THE GROCFRY BlJSINESS . Thc "United'. States Oentenn'ial Commission has examined the reporl of tho Judges, and accepted the follo1;1ing reasons, and decreed an award _ in conformity therewith. \ PHn:ADELPlllA, December 5th, 1876. REPORT ON AWARDS. GARB.I ED 1 TnE circular of T1ord Sai.lsbury, i u ressped. to tho ~ift~renc01'I betw·ecn Russia an d Gr-eat. 11nhdD. app<::ars to have had a very g-ood t°ffec.t, arid to ~ gr e at exte:it. h,~~ t~1iJ istt"d tlv--i :-;ympathics of Europe in the l'<Vl"e rz' 1 )rcs1:111ie1l by England.. The citSl' of l'~r1 gland , it is I O\\o s 1~c:n, is very ];irgcly the ee:·~·~ of E111~Jpe) and th ~ probabil il ;cs arc that Ro i's1a will sta.nd isolated. THE .l--J.e,·a!o' say s :- · ' The Guelph : Ont. , cattle dc~,le rs liave"' decid ed that 'l'orontn cJnno· it all the ir own way, and haYe udnL1ud1ed a synd~\ ·;J./D, with a ct,sh capi tal of $JOO,OOO. It it5 proposed to purchase for lhc·Eu rcp.can niarket,betweeu no\;· nnd t he n1id<lle nf JVI1ry, 5, 000 heavy cattle. Rnrnc 2,700 ha \ e already been bc:::pokeu, p1'incipa1ly in the County of vv-el h n;~ t nn ... t) t'T'AIYA, ..'1..·,ril 1. ~Lt.-Col. ---OF-- NEW GO'ODS! In all the departmrents of his business. Owing to the great depresaion in trade he has been enabled to secure unusually G-OOD -VALU"E, which=will,bq sold for lliu·t b!3 lll<lde Oy. -ev~ery -:'tge~~)': month in the bus1ncss wP. f urrush, but those willing to \York cau ea"ilY eo..rn . a. dozen dollars a day right in their o-.,Yll locali lies. no roo1n to explain here. Business 11Jeasan1 and. honorable. \Vonmn a.nd boys and girls do as well a:;: men, VVe will furnish you a complete Ou1 fit frPe. 'l'he business pays better t han nnythiulo( ebe. \Ve ·will bear expt~nse of starting Jou. Padiculars frcc.VVrile and see. Farmers anJ inechanics, their sons and fl a ughters, and all classe,., in n eed of - paying \\ ork a t home. should Vi-rite to us and learn all abou1 !ho 1vork at once. Nov.· is the tin1e. Don'~ Delay: Address TRUE & Uo., ~~ustn, J.YI~!:!l--~-- _ _______ _ (M) _ Great chance:,; to inake monev. '\Ve · need (I. pcrso1~ i11 every town vto take subscriptions for t he larges!,, 1·hea pest and b r·st Illustrated fainily publication in t h e '\'Orld . Any person can become a successfu1 agent. 'l'h e most cleganl worl;: of nrt given free to ;mhscrib crs. 'l:he price i:-; s o low that nln1ost e \ Pryhoct;v sub:3enbe::;. One agent reports n1'1king- nver $110 in a'V\·eek. A lad~' agent rcpo1·ts t Hking over 400 subscribers in ten days. _,U \.Yho en,1tage 1nake n1oney fast. ·~r:-011 <'fin devote ull your Lime to the businc:::s, or only your spare time. You need not be ,iVi--U.J.' from l101ue uve1· night. You can do it as \.Yell 0-s others. :F'111l particulars, direct.ions and terins free. Elei;<int ;:i.nd expressive Outfit free. lfyou ·want prolitn.hle v;ork send 11~ your address at once. It co3ts no l hing t o try ihe bneinees. _Xo one >Yho engages fail,; to make g1 ·eal pay. flddress '"rhc People's .Journal," Portland, 1\.Tmne, 11 $999 . ON AS USUA L · Product, REED ORGANS. DoMrnlON ORGAN Name and address of Exhibitor, Co., Bowmanville, Canada. " The tmdersigncd, having examined the product herein described, respectfully recommends the same to the United States C<Jutcnnial Com mission for Award, for the following reasons, viz: COLD Murdoch I , ~Bros. ---AUE RECEIVINGc--- "Because they have produced in thfilr instruments a pure and satisfying ~on e, by their method of voicing, and have a simp1e a nd efficient stop-action, with satisfying musi c a 1 I combinations, an elastic touch, and ,good genI eral workmanship." II. K. OLIVER, · I . '-. i I I Signature o f the J udg AJ;'PROV AL OF GROUP JUDGES- Booi· Biudu1g. zinc, ·whichLhew 1~h to have bound, ca n have I thcirorders 11ll~J d in the neatestandJnost durable style, and ou tl1e l-lhortest notice, by leavingthen1 n.t the STA'lESMAN office. t1--long yo1ubtna ~· R. CLTl\TI Smith, Deputy-A. d ju tm i't General of ftf~nitoba, has ! Special attention is called to his stock of arrhed J10 1e. , H1." saJS there 1s no doubt lh nt Sitting .!::::1 dl ha:-. a 11nire nnntber of l nrl1an~ with hi n1, arnl as soon as his ponies '" are Ht p1 nper con di don he w·ilJ likely S\\o-oop dn wn on Au!t.'i·lcan terr1t(lry conven ient to J-d:<. \',lFr(!u,bo;itt> fo r 1heyn1rpo8e of raiding 111 Tweeds, Flannel, Underclothing, HMiery, · Cottons, &c,, :Jn 'l ar:~H1Jing the United States Govern· ment. Th(-' innunted I·olice, althongh a an unrivalled stock of Black Silks, L i nen~, Table Damasks, verv ~·ffic1eul, body. f! not numerous ~n,;urrh ,111.J. a ... e tuo-1nu 1·h Rc:-:ittered t o pre- Toweli ing, Ticks, Sheetiug, Blankets and Cou~i~crp anes, &c. \ t;'Jil 1l1,· i tt tendcd m ov~mc-,nt of Sittinf[ '--. S~ l3u n ~-t nd his follo\V~l ' 8. A_ fc tX hors P~ 1ua:v be Btolen fn·n~, O~o11atli an:;:., hu~ further ~11 f'( · yar·cc 11f' docs not anticivate to tho Oanadi~1; anth oriticf·. Bowmanville, October 4, 1871. Cash ~Prices' Lo-vv Beyond:; I..Jrecedent CANADIAN MANUFACTURE, RAVING BOOKS.MAGA] :.>EllSONS _ ZINES , Pam11h lets, or anytlting iri the book CORN by the ·cAR LOAD EVERY WEEK 1 J. SCHIEDMAYER. E. LEVASSEUR. ED. FAVRE PERRET. GEO. F . HRTSTOW. P. F'. KUPKA. WILLlAl\1 THOMSON. JAMES C. WA'l'SOJI,-. JOSEPH HENRY. .T. E. HlLG"1 RD. F. A. P. BARNARD. A true Copy of the record. ~ FRANCIS A. WALKER, ('l11ef of the Blll·ean of .A.;yards THOS PATERSON, . perm anentl y cured of thut d1·ead diseat'le. Consu 1n pt.ion, b~ ;i simple remedy , fa H.nxi.ous lo ma.kc known to hn; feilow su.fferers the 1rreans of rmre. To l!'ll y"110 d~l-111 en, he will send a copy of the pref'-cr1pt1011 u setl , tfreP. 1Jf charge). w1 1h th t-i, direct ions fory reyar~11 1-(' Hnrl using- the sa,111P, -.vlucl1 I h ey ·will find ti,, SURE CnRr.:ior CONST;MP· '!'IO~, .i\~THJ\11-, IlRO:fCJII'IIS, & t '. ( rr,BE-ADVER/l'JSEH,HAVING BEEN {SEAL} Given by authority of the V nited States Centem1ial Connnission The Cheapest Feed you can buy. Parties wiio-hing the prescl'iptiun ;;;i ll please I address. Rev. E . A. \ V ILso~-, i1V-6m.) 194 P@nn St..Willinmsburgl1,l'!ew Yori: ! I A. T. GOSHORN, Di,nclor-Gei<e,-al. J. L. CA MTilliI.L, Sctrcfo , y. SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. Dominion 0rgan Co. J30WMA!(VILLE, 0!(~. l "

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