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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1878, p. 3

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·-·.----·---~~""""""""!0...... ::~I;""""'x!~!-jf.._; 2""""';!"""""· .;,!':.....,,...,,:~~:~{-._ . . . .,I!!"""' .T""""" - - """"""__....... _S ...... __....... _____ A...... _ . . .~. . --F............,_....,.,A_C__- T .! THAT YOU CAN RUY AT ---.(1: - --- ANl) I. . . 1878._..M.......,..A!""""'G""""'N""""'T E~"'!!'!"'t~, I ....... C ~"'!""'1~·~""""""/~H. .J~~. . -__!!""\f1T..... O~,~. . . . . . .""""""""---(Mo~ey Power ·f and Bargain Power,) · Intends making alterations. & Co.'s . ENGLISH PATE.NT i Great B arg_ a ins in CHEAP CASH STORE, Fancy Goods, Toys, \Yriting Paper, E 11 velopes. N. R.--Miscdlaneons Books at half price. M~et daily at . McClung Bros', AND THE MAGNETIC BELTS, IMPORTANT is now positively settled. In the estimation of th~ public l\fcCLUWI Bmm. are FIRST m vVAR and FIRST in PEACE in the supply of cheap reliable goods. Cheaper Goods, l\I ewer Goods, Better ·Goods, and above all, :ruJr .A. :r;r I ' r a> :B .L"- 'fu.m:::E'IS issued to :Thiauitoba Y~a 3 1wu rr ~ at the lowest rd.JC'". viz· $iJ UO 1st class. and $~1.00 Chest Protecto~s, LUNG INVIGORATORS, BASE BALLS' Cheap Croquet. F,\N::-l EXTJlAORDIN,'\HY ! All arc invited to C<lll and test the validhy of this advertisement. Town Hall Block, Bowmanville. Doheny Block, Lirnlsay. llow1na1n illc, 1:L!Y 20, 1878. 'Lnd class. Ho1n, nion J,111:P nf S~.t'lUUl'i'S tu ~'nropc. For tickets and all infouuation a:pply to · lVIore Fashionable Goods, than at any other house in the county, because he sells only for Spine Bands, ·cork Soles, &c., -"FOR TH"E- TH08. CHRISTIE, · Agent, CURE AND PREVENTION -OF- I ~1~1anvil10 . ..-\_pdl 15, 1878. _ ______::~1~ Rea per& lVIowerRepairs [ Oj}lc:< ---il doors East of Post Ujfice, DIS E.ASES_ ---:o:--1 cli1nate large "'tock of \:Vooct's Uea.per d.nn Buck~ eye l\Tower Sickle Bars, new, tlwt "°-n1 hP ROl(l ul:. a g-reat reduct10n. Also a lar·ge stoel. oi' Kn1\ cs. AU repairs done in a eat1sfa.f'l01.)' 11u:1.1u1ci. A T Tl::ll<j 130Wi\1.A._N VlLLE 0ARHIAGE\VORKS f'~ mm STOCK OF Carriages and Buggies is i1nu"ua1lY large 1hiH Sf'U$Oll. All cariiagcs mac1t· from the hp;; I A rnelican goods and sccondg10\ ( ~'Ve don't advertise to write figures and 1nnkc the readers of adYcrtiscmonts believe that one's store 1s of a certain extent ::incl charnctcr which upon cxarninatiun is found nut Lo },e) as represented. 'rha.t is not advertising. To advertise is lo g1vt1 the public a ~ true idea of \.\hat you ha:ve for sale. Purchase Is diseases inciclent to everv oountr~' uud may he TDO"C rea<lJ]y and etfeetuully treated lly Ele('trH"ity 1h,in by a11y- othel' n1eans, and cai·eful obHervaU011 has demonstrated the fltct that no other form of electli< 1t;1r tan be so e<isily and safely applied, and \\ilh ~o nearly universal benefit as , A LA RC:E1 NU:il-lBER OF THE HP11son, during ever.v d:1y of which purchasers will find something Co. "'Ood ...... .. .. · .. .. . : ····· .... ' · ·.. .. ...... ...... . . . . · .. .· .. . . · . . .. .. .. . . . . in st.ore for them! J\((AGNETISM. Lh hie kory. -- .A call solicited. VY. 1rf0UJ.JU?' G. GLASGOvV :-- - - -:-- -:n: - :__...::::-: , BO\\ iniinville, .ltpril 25, 1878. -- - - - - -- 39-3m - -- -i find that they can get the best value for their money from us, therefore 1ve claim to sell goods CilE . .i\.PEST. ~-WE i.t; now showil1g a cbc1c0 stock or The undersigned -;,\'hilst thanking his don't; ' 1nal>...e cf!~h c11;ito1ners pay for n,ny bad debts-as have !lone : but :::iell to evtr,y one at tl1e lol-Vflst possible price. Th1;1 ( credit sy~te1u is \-ery unfair fur the custo1ne1s who al\'l'ays pay) _fr~end~ for p~~~ ,:ra;:u~s, ~';7;~.hes t.0 r~: Mllli~tRY aml fANCY GOO OS caRh, they have to pay just the at the creclit stores as fil1fld vhem. l,.1.1a,, l h, 18 ,;:iL.1.ll at thelI forthe SPRING 'l'!UDE. which will be kept , the one that gets. twelve montl1s' credit. VV c clai.J:n to sell goods "i .. .. f +es well tcd. Fcclrna- thaJ:Jklul for the patro I "'e·1··v1ce cl Ct 1 SIJOSUli=l' 0 [>"l)f" rts a L I av I liberally b'stowod in the past, would 1 ' fromlOto 20per cent CHEAPER TIL\N CREDIT STORES. san1e lll hi the1·to unheard of for c~1 eapness. fu~~;1hw M~I\ -i n a du"~eQs~ n· 0.,.i;. 11 i fl!--,::;, pl.; ~·e·1t p"bl1c he H>~n ... '""" . l~ ] . t. necessary to i "" ndulae 1 a.oes not tl · 11n . t::> ·Bowmanville.~Iarcbrnt.h.1m. - - - --- DR,ESS in extravai::»ant state1ne11ts, invidious § $'. c:J ~ ~"' -~ 0 ~ .'.! comparisons and fu.1son1e penegyric of f ·"', ~ m ~ c himself and his ovrn perforn1anct::s--h~ ~ f ~ 6 :::1 8, p rr,,poses to ?onviJJC~ by the logic of ~ Vi ,~ ~ [ Di ess Goods from 5 ot'nte pc.r ytml. A good all wool Erench :M'.. rino; in all Lhe new shades, at 25c per yard. indisputable facts, ratner than by boast·t::1 ~ ' All-w?ol Deliage, the 1wweHL gornls and pretty shades, at 25c per yard. ful . a~:sertions, that he gives the best ~ rr g ~ The newest Dress for the ePnson iH t,]ip Unfinished Cashmere, pretty colorvalue at tne lO\V8SL ·1 Jr1ce. ,,,.. ::J :z;_ 111gs and all-,wooL Our price for these goods ia 55c per yard; the same rnake of ?:. gnodE< 1ue sold u1 Tu1onto at 60c per· yard. Large in1portations ara daily ~ ;: ~ ST · Our 13lack Cashme(~s, imported f{om the best houses in London, are from \Ye JYir::-i. ~i\_NDERRON TIUY FOR CASH and SBLL FOR CASH, and a..o; mt1he § '?. "'I J, 'l U,RSOJ t:O - ' !:11"1 \AIJ...!. -~ 0 b " ...._ . ...., rn>gc so kindly solicit a continuance of the the ... ..... · .i, -W' J..!.~t. 6 >') Cl UV ~"o.. AC) 4 I il..A. AND FEI'l' HA'l'H donenvednlhc' J ne:vrcst stv1 e:;;, NTLES a1irl 1YRl<iSSES CeT' apu Fl'Ll'>< >.of Ice "4>LDl:N llONlHiT, R:mgStre['f. CD . o &1tf i I RE E ----- --- OR PHYSICAL FORCE. I DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY and MA NTLE Departments embrace all PRICES, STYLES and NOYELTlES, and merit, ... .. ... . . .. .. ..... . '1 1 ... ..1.. 4 Ci: ~ r-< ~ ~ (ti i to hand, p11rchased 1mc;cr all tht.: mlvantages ari~ing from the present depressed state of rhe 1muket. While all is cheap he V/Olild i!1vite ~· ~ ;,j, en i 24 § [ ~ o "" bS Cf) 10 to 20 pe.r cent cbea1,er than thof4e houses that buy thcrn 111 1\1onLreal; our prices are 55c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1AO and 81.60. & : 0 especial attention to his Etock of black .and coloured Riilrn from 50 cenfa upwar dIi. The stock of household furnishings is unusually large, whilst the general stock, fo r v,tricty, extent .and value eannot be furpa~~ed. rpT_~ n _ ,_ r l 0'~. Pl~~TERSON. 5l o ~ ;:,;: p, §. ~ ;::..,qq ~(zjo "' ;?. t=". l=d ; ~ r [ S' f': '~ · ~ Ow· f(r brilliancy C'f tin1sh alld cvenncfls of t~xtnro. :&Oc, 25e, 80c. 85c, 40e1 45v, 30c and 75c. ~)ra.b, Sl~ttl, :&'.Iid Blue, aud eve111ng shades. b11li:11 nt aOc per yard. O·Vll 1lltlke of Bhwk J,usties is as' et witho1Lt a rival in Lhe marlrnt, \'.le soll thern nt lOc, 12tc, 15c, s· " u.: "" d- .;0 'll~ 0 1J ' dored ~ros G:'ain Silks in K avy, Prune, I\Ly1tle, Bro wn,- eal, ~ronze. A splendlll a.-s~ortnnint o! 8uuuue.i ~ THOS. I (1\fe~t- 1 ,,, \.Vetton & Uo ,) [ Bo\'i'MA~v11 , L1~. 01'1'L' E(Un-~ ,J. MASON, , THE GREA'l' English Remedy! DR. W lL UAM oue uo a.r or. "'] 'l e ijtupc< " ' 1 '[ " ur · 1 +l Striper · - l J.Vl1181JlS '·" ]' vv 11 .i.'I' 11;.;.l111s. rvt':-iP11 p1rr.1f:t·y ,1ef.:a1ne '"h" n ii,e~ at He per yard for which ered1t stores ask fro~m 12c to 15c. Our pnco is 9 ccnta. Extra quality V\'hitc 8tr11)e<l 1Vhrni1n lt.t lZ?c. -... ·.. - 0 Ask to see our noted Black Gros Grain Silk at-7 5~ I'. tc~~;;;~f~~~;,'~1i;·.~ro~710~ i:.n~?!,;"1Th:tM'li~~h k 1 II f St., Cheltenham, l!J1i1;. ; 8 _\1 ntland St., f per yatcl ; tlH:l sarne goucl l'3 ore d i., ,l'3tot es {-18 burgh, Scot1 und. end Onta.110 ~t., (3doors below Queen St " I Buwmanville --~ -Ont -- ~~ Canada _ _ _:_ __ _ MUSIC! MUSIC! PlNYt'. OSROHNliJ, CRADUA'IIB OF 1fIAMI ..1Co\DEMY XLKL\, 0.rlIO, Q]' D1rns J"inens, in ' Plain and Knickerbocker. at lOc per . yard. l\:Il.TSif', ii() pieces Oxforcl Shirting from 9c per yard. has decided to fornL a cln "E' in HO\\ manvillc ior tcuclnng the foilo'·, 1nG t1 atH hes oi Jllus1c, Yiz: 'l'llOltOC iff TIA~~. A gc,o<l heaYy Blne· Drill at 12~c per yard. I!.AHl\fO~Y. TNS'l'RtT-:\1 r:~ l' 1, 1\fFSTC1, \.TOTCF. TR A rNING, 1 One hundred Linen Oostumes 1 'vell, 12 doz. Parasols. fr1._1111 ~,;t.&f> to $12. Our prieP:o a1 e 60c, 7h<'., £1.00, I ,l ( !) $1.50, $:2.00, $2.25, $2.50, ;;;2.75, 03.00, $3.50 & $5.00. _, Their TAILORING DEP.i\RTlVI:EI\l T (/) MANrr1LESI MANTLES I Just to J111nd, another lot of those famous cheap Silk arnl Oa.shmere l\1antlcs- rare v11luc. WILLIAM GRAY & CO., \Viud:.Dl', Ont. iH still under tl;o management of }.Ir .TOHNSTON. whose reputation as - . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .................. .. is well known. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... . . ' ' a J!'rnsT CLASS CL'l"l'ER ................................... ........... .. ............. .. ....... .... ' Their sales in this del"" trn«nt arc1 CaU and !:lee then1. A lovely lot of Mantle Velvets and :Mantle Silks in stocl-. REMOVAL co1rntantly increasing. Their CLOTHING i, got up cqnal to an yt hiJJ g J . ............ ................................ .. ....... .. ... ....... . ... in the prnvince, and much bel<m cit.y prices. .......................................................... ....... ... ' ....................... '....... .. ... . .. . . . . .. . b0Jv0 Their stock ,,f r LOTHS g1eaL r'i:tl'P, : J 111l -1 a1ffJ.01~oitt ~~d~fDi:~k~~{sJe'v~b~~:,_~~ham NOitTIIHOP &. IiY::.\f.Al~. A first class Mantle Maker on the premises, from Toronto, "V'1 le guarantee a good fit, ancl made up in the latest fashion. CLOTIIINct &GE::-1TS'FUTINI3I-1IN<;b i;.-; unut>unlly· large, the;y been selected 1-vith . ... . ' ........... .. ... ... .. . . ' ...... ' .. . . ernlna~e 'Vholec:aJe .Age, 'l'oronto, everything new iii Englisl1, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds, \Ymstcd Coatings, ........... ' ........ .., .... .. ' ..... . : . . . . ... . . . . . . . . S"ic. , l.%c., &c . }JOr pair. GENTS' FURNISI-IIl\TGS . MILLINERYI In this department will be found everythiiw ~y J~TV Every season thiR deraTin1ent becon1cs'1norc successful. Each experience makes us 1no1e successful 111 the chojco of " 'l'AKI:NG 8'1 'l.'LJ<:s." 'Ihe unqualilied satu~fa.ctlun that haying our I\Iilhners copy1ng French l)~1tte1111":1 .in one of the ]en.ding ' ' holesale Hollf!CS in the connt1·y-in the e:uly r:7a:rt u£ the season-gave in Lhe Fall, has induced us to follovr the ~an1e course this sea,13011. They have no1v- returned to us und .ire work.and day to fill the large nun1ber of orders intrusted to "e~~on's Hats. Glove~, Ties, Shirts, Collar", Under Clothing, ai;d" e;;;'~;ti;ln,g peTtaining to a Eirst Class Gent;' Eumi,hing· EstaHiohmrni.. i11 -' iFor "'ale. Further J3weeping' Red1..1ctio11s --IDJ'-- n· s1 Ii' e consider it usel1>ss to wri te loug and exaggerated adverti,;e,i,ents, we think cit enough to tell the public frankly that we hold a large amount of Bankrupt Stor:k which must ancl will be cleared out at any sacrifice. ' Having decided to eontrnuc th~ lrnsine~s of the late Mr. 11'01 iurtlicr p n·t1cufa.1s c1u1u.iro of "\\·u1. l'lwmp son, on ti:ie pren1ises. 37, j _1_10_~~1~~~le~ April 11 ~ 1878. B LOCK OF DUILDIN08 u.nd TO wmw ar,11 Hlljo111ing Hueliull_,_0111 preden! oucu pH 1.l by J\I1. J....IoDougu.11 \Vm. 'J'hou1p:o:.uu. l\TIQ-r_:rTNfG .i, C"1 HOUSE FUR.l. 10 .1.::Ll. .... D. ';l - I I Sha,pe~ Their stock is complete in this de1 .artment. Lt ·BOl;T QL~RTEit AC!tE of LAND, ~])~ We would ask you to call and see the many in H a,1;s a.ud nniquc styles of Trirrnning, and the N obby Bonn\ ts, opened Ollt this 1nor11ing. ~~Three no1th side or church street. midway bel ween 'l'cmpei unce and Dh 1s1on streets '!his Jot teing near the centre or tho to" 1 i"' ::iluable for either busuiesso1 ot11er purpose~. AP!Jlv to j J.. -_\._ Carpets of all kinds, :B'loc)r Oil Cloth8, nep and Lace Curtain s, ·wi11dow Hollands, etc. ll.O!TAHA. "\V. 1\fc ..1..\ICH.'fRY. ! cases of Ha ts and Bollll cts from N cw York. Ca:I and see tlu~rn. · ~]FA complete assortment of all kinds of FaS'hion~l;ile . Millinery li"il'M"~VEi;. G-R, 0 0 E :r:~ I In this dopa.rlnwnt t lioy aim at keej)ing Trimmings. MASON'S GENTLEME.NiS Good :Family Groceries, Crockery, China, Lamps, etc. rnal,e a spc·cialty of Teas. Their They DEI:>ART~JIENT. \Harness Sl1.op is re1noved to lhe 3ta11cl lately occupied by 11. Portor. 50c. TEA hm; become a hou~uhold woril, and their is without Pxt·eption the best eyer ,old in town. BLAGK TE/. Cow le, we beg rc:spectfo11y to a!lnounce that we will enrlea\'Or, in our rnana;i;ement, to win the co11tidence and support of t he public, a11d r-ustain the rrnrne we have eHrned for CHEAP Goons. ln these "hard times" eel in Bowmanville. It will be our eonstant mm to that want. In t.his clcpad.rnent \\ e have a full otock of e\ erything t11at is new. A good Oxford Shilt at 35c, or three for One llollctr. Very fine Rega~to SJ,11't,, mt.h two Collars, only $1.00. Salt and Plaster at Lo\vest Price for Cash. Orie rlool' West ot' :llendenon's llotel. Bo\Yn1anville, Jan. 8. 1878. 21, Bov:. Oxford Hhi;·h, ~l'ith two Collars, only $1.00. A good Wh>te Shirt, well maclc and cxtrn gmibty, at $1.00. " "FOR THE BREAD IS THE LIFE." Nlen·s lvlerino -Under Shirts at GOc, the sa1ne goods credit stores ask 75c for. 1\1' en's Cotton Socks at 5c pe1· pa,jr, Paper Collars 5c per box. WYLLIE'S \ :NE\VLY ll\1PHOV~D OTICE! ~McCL UNG . .. .. . . ..... .. . Ties, Bra.ces, Colla.ra: Guffs, selhnf:f vcr! 1ow1 i STEAM ..l!~ -~ BAKED BREAD I I 1 BROS. buy . . their . . goods .. .at . the . right ~ · 1.;""lI 1J.I;,"ON Cli ~ !--...) ..... (S tt1..u;:Jvr., 4 <~I lct!c ~P'. Y. Cow(.3, Fhq.) c 0 ·' For cheap Dry Goods, Millinery and Mantles, go to Bo1vmanv111e., .A.ugust 1 !871. 8 , II,JONJCS. .. _~ _S.-ln future all j{ind,s of farm 1)roduce will be taken " l I·: exchange at highest prices. J}owmauville, Jl:Iay 1s t; 1878. i!D I '1'1Je 1:nt1re pack sent free for 25 cts, eur1 f·nc} 01· _st;a.rnpa. ·vAN l HGLll' &, Co.20.A u ,i ~t .. i TR.AN:>'.rli~ uJ~N1' tcacldn "" ~ARD § Instrnc hon arnl amLl3emcnt comT>inoct, I mportrnt to po.,reUL 1' and teachers. 2G ditl e-rent des:u;11"', - - - -- - - - - 1~ti' WM. ALEXANDER'S Cheap Cash Store, llfoARIHUR'o BwoE, King,st, , ' - (29-6m.) New YO?k .~All goods marked in plain figures, amt uo ·ecom1 priGe. evcnahea.dof thefa.mell t!Lrated H h5 sweet white and light, t ul)o; 1w:::tuLifully 1nround shces 'w1th n1cP soi"L 1·1 llst alJ ro .nd and is evenl}' baked . 'l'h 1:-i lR no b1 ag ; al l who ha> c used i t can testif." tu the truth of th.s s.-ute1ncnt. ond one t rial \'dl1 eon dncc t,11c ino-:.t llicrcdttlou..::i. T o J)e had fresh daily at "'.!'h e :P0ot 's Corner.' 1 I3pwmanville, Ja.nuar; 29, 1878 j J-tf. _ Rread of the future. .ft i,; actually the best liuke1·'s brcnd inanll:ft<,ct11rPd in the Dominion- , IS DESTINED TO BEOOJ\IE: THE I !'

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