, ~ JlJH!!dta:n is J tnh~ ~m:nu CLIMIE pr nted a; 1 ublished I EVCi'\ r1uu·sda1 lllo1·n1ng by tb.e Proprietor l '"'=="'==~~~~~~~ ~~":=-~~~~==~~~~=~=---~==,....,......,......,== ~~~'!"'iOI"~~.........., THE fi.r;t m tho boot is tho last IRISH lace I as supe1sedel d lchcss poi t or eta at. endy cutls a1 u collars WM. R atthe oFFICI -Post omce Block BOWMANYILLE ONr -- VOI.1. XXIII .. HAS- BO,VMANVILLE, TI~URS D.A Y , :fi!I A_Y 30~ £SIS. A \V- ORAWFORD RE-OPENED IN SAME OLD STAND, PUBLIC MARKET \.,. . . .. . . . .,..,_,.~_ . ,. . ICI ....-, 1t .....t'""r,_.. I u_ ... · ......... Work Like a Charm A lady hvmg seventeen miles no1 th east f um l ere "lo gencrnll) goes to Port Hope to market h ear d that ti e people of tin s town ha l opened a pubhc market and thought sl e ;1 ould c me and try it She b1 ought 5 fokms butter I 0 pair ch .;:ens 9 pair dueks 6 hags a1 I le aI!d a "hole flock of live I mke; s or wlrn h she sron found plenty of customers and m a 'ei y sho1 t t ne had dis1 oscd of all her goods for cash She then stmted arounr' ~he corner of the Town Hall when she met the man with the wide r rmmed hat who mv1ted her to bis st" :e to get her Dry Goods she polltely declmed lus offer saymg that slI< had heard of that store located LET BYGONES BE BYGONES TERMS OASll 23-ly Mrs W KEYS NEXT DOOR TO FLEMING & McLEOD and wa" bourd to try it She came stra1gl t to it and found it to be it was rep esented she found a larger assortment of the VERY BEST DRY hours 16 GOODS st<i7"0)sters Ber ved in any style de5.1red at all ~KEYS ---Ar THE- - - Money to Loan! LO" EST I.JIVING DENTISTRY D s , THE WA NT SUPPLIED. s_ Keeps ti at stm c ~heJC ye u ,,et the Lest goods at the smallest possible All kmds of Clotl i lg eady 'made and r.u le to o? de? LUMBElt SHINGLES Pa t c VVM. McMURTRY Begs to «nnonncc that he bas opened the bulk of his Im ports and 1s now prep<H ed to show and SQUARE TIMBER I A.1 tdicml rectb INSERTED AT A :MODER A.IE FEE roeth Extracted "\"\ thot t Pa n that he has ever had the pleasme of exln1ntmg embracmg all the latest novelties m Plam and Fancy D1e~s Goods Checked and P!am Dress Lmens Blacl and Colo1cd Lustre s Stnpcd md Checked Wlnte llfoshns Black and Colored Cashmer es Plam and Fane) Prmts Plam and Fa1 cv Grcnadmes Sill and Warp Paramattas AKE TlllS METHOD m THANK T I NG my n n e ous c ston er::; for the hber a1 l at o age extended to mes nee 1 HAVE OUR DRESS GOODS ARE NOT OLD GOODS, BUT NEW. Shirtmgs SJ eet n,,, Pillow Uottorn an I Lace Curtams A la1ge st ock of Small Wa1es compns ng Glo\ es Hosrnry Laces Fnllm Cuffs and Collars etc P arasols and Urnbrellas A. well assorted stock of Plam and Fane} Dress Buttorn and Tmammgs To>1 ellmg Table Lmens Table Cloths Oxfmd Slmts Gents Summei Unde1 Shuts and DrMters 0\ eralls Plam and Fane} Ducks T1ck111g Cotton t le Plain and Fancy Tweeds, Wo1sted Coating GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER, 37 n ALW'AYS ON - So H o ' ~neutlenrnn o:f Fashion not iw c.-.st wear One Door \~ES ! of LYLE & MARTYN S TI ME is now eady v t1 his n men c st-0 k of JOHN SMALE 6 THE DOMINION BOW M A.NVlLLE CAPITAL PAID UP HEAD OFFICE :B]t i\.11 CUES HA TS, CAPS, AND STRAw TORONTO and d etermined tog e BARGAlNIS '.CO CASH CTJSTO~'.lERS ORILLIA CoBOURO I OsHA" A VVHIT.BY p scs all he LEA! !NG ST1 LES of ENGIJSH AMERICAN nnd CANADIAN I Cm1to1ns Der:u tn1ent ()I'TA'V BO"\V:M AN VILLE HATS Fl{OM 50 CTS. UP vv .\RDS I aL· but also RILK 111'S COLLARS SHIR I S BHACl ~ h ng Lno 50 do notf r geLU e st an d CEN l OB 8 1 011.h: of October 2 18 to cent A U rHORIZED DISCOUNT on Amer can Jnvo ccs ~t 1f t.he notice 1 per FRUIT I an pr 1 a cd to furn sh al kind s of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, ] JOWERS AND SHRUBS AM WELL PLEASED with the busmeRs I haVf done tcr t1 e past ) ea1 , and am more fornly iesolved than e'er to keep all classes of goods rn the trade OJ:IEAP foI CASH ~.ll t ee IJNPARALLflf FOR Style, Quality, & Prices. I never will keep anythmg but GOOb, HONEST, RELIABLE and sell them at the GO 0 D S, I...aOWEST FIGURES. REPAflI NG ORDERED WORK prnrnptly attended to neatly d~~i@ ~w Bowmauv1lle Feb y 8 1878 ~ T S0 1I1T :JO