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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1878, p. 1

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' ~iU~~l~0$:an::u~h~~~i1~au I i'hLusda} b~ Uor11111i; the Prop etor vV M . R. CLIMIE at the '1\1 WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED "THE MERCHANT" BOWMANVILLE, TH URSDA Y ') JUNE 6, [348. HAS a. fa1mer wns asked w y the n e v:spa.1 ~ Beca se he sa d " en my fathet d1ea he left ine a good many newspapers and l have not read them through yet Ir s stated m ·ell mformed ctrcles that S ttmg E ull ar d h10 band have volunteered the r full force to fig! t fo Great Br lam aga nst the R afnans a d ]j eu ans sho Id trouble arise about either OFI UJE-Post Olllce JJlocli CING S IREEl BOWMANVILLE ONT OUR PUBLIC MARKET RE·OPEHED IN SAME OLD STAND, Ji r OIJlt 1'here ho 1s prcpn1 ed to sell an I FEED Work Like a Charm A lady hvmg seventeen nulcs north east from heie who generally goes to Port Ho1 e to market hea1d that the I e 1 le of tins town ha:l opened a publ c ma1ket and thought she would cone and t1y it She brouglit 5 fukms buttei 10 pan chi ,i:ens 9 pan ducks 6 bags apples and a whole iio k of live Tm keys or which she soon fo1 nd plenty of customers and n a very short t ne had l spo>ed ff all hei goods fo cash She then started n,1 oun 1 &he corner of the Town Hall "hen she met the man with the w de 1--- 1mmed hat who mv1ted h er to IHB Rkore to get hei Dry Goods she politely declme 11 ts offet sa3 mg that she h~d heard of that store located an I all 1 huls of Jt@UGll GU \I~ AJ\IR RI( \N CORN by tl e eor load at BOIIOlll PRICES Also part cular attent on to COAL AND WOOD. T E RMS CASH 23-ly Mrs W KEYS lad es of Bowmanv lie and v she has opened a R ESPlWlFULL1' an 01 nccs to the J ty that N E X 'I DOOR TO FLEMING & McI.. EOD FANCY GOODS ..STORE and was hound to tty 1t She came stiaigl t to 1t and found 1t to be all tt was rept esented she foun la la1bu assortment of the VERY BEST DRY GOODS nan~ s t~Ic des ied at all "I' KEYS - - - A I THE--.r\J'"\..A.,...,_~~ ~ ,...,. ..,.-.,...... ,...,,,,.._,.. D A ITORNEY <\.'I 1n CJ ancci: y Con ON FARM PROPERIY Loan! LOW EST LIVING .......,..... ....... RUNNING THE GUANTLET OF IRE DARDANELLES EPISODE 0 THE lt.US89 TURKISH WAR O> 1770 DENTISTRY s to e t tl e Po : 1:ower 1.pply to J A CODD Don in on Bank Bo vman v le AI MODRRAIE I\ArES FJNIERES1 rime l vlan of icpn.ymcnt can be arranged Sbe n ade a large pm chase of Dress Goods Clothmg Fla1mels Wmceys Hats r aps & small wares and" ent home fully satisfied ti at at last she had l Jlmd the l lace to get the best value for he1 money THE WA NT SUP PU ED. be ni; able a t t es to procm e fuel etc ti e un dcrs gned ha e filled the a nt bv the esta.l' lishmcnt !)fa De1 ot for the traff c m s_ p11c0s what you propose is impos F_ 01 T HE PEOPLE OF BOWJ\'IANVILLE WOOD LATH POSTS ha,,."lng hitl erto been noor veruenced m not Keeps that store "here you get the best good ~ at the smallest possible .All kinds of Clothing ? ead11 made and macie to am COAL VVM. McMURTRY and SQUARE TIMBER I !t.nd are pre11ared promptl3 t o fil orders l t1 'l.bove i c and to dcl '\ e articles in all parts the fO TI 1 e gliest p cc for Lumber \.Vood e ur We bu} fo CASH and s ell for CASJl Office und Ynrd Corner Kmg and Ge org Street A>1ERICAN GRE1'NRACI~S & .1£XCHANGE BOUGH£ Jo TN Meer ELL :'! } " ' cCLELJ AN r 'V"lLLIAM CA:N:f J.U.. Begs to announce that he bas opened the bulk of his Imports and 1s now p1cpa1ed to sho" THE MOST GOMPLETE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF NEW ~ c SPRING and SUMMER GOODS that he has ever had the pleasme of exh1b1tmg embracmg all the latest nv\Blties m Plam and Fancy Die·s Goods Checked and Plam Dress I mens Black and Col01ed Lust1cs Stnped and Checked Wlnte :M:t slms Black and Col01 ed Cashmeres Plam and Fancy Prmts Stlk and Warp Parnmattas Plam an l F8Jlcy ( renad 'es )\I'.IH TEETH "iirIIOU BEAUTIFUL I I N G ID!i nume ous cu~ton e :-M fo the liber al po.t onage ex ended tone since I c+o L D FILLTNGS Artifi cm.I I cc ·.It INSERTED AT A MODERAIE FEE Teeth Extracted VI itho it I am J M BRIMACOMilE L D S Ile ~ T AKE THIS METHOD oF THANK HAVE REMOVED OUR DRESS GOODS ARE NOT OLD GOODS, BUT NEW. Shu tings Sheetmgs P1llo;i Cottons and Lace Cm tams A laige stock of Small Wares compnsmg GlfVes HoSlfiy Laces FnllmpCutts and Uollarn etc Parnsols and Urnbtellas bet' A well asso1 ted stock of Phm an 1 Fancy Dress Buttons and Trm: rnmgs To" els Towelling Table Lmens Table Cloths Shuts Gents Summer Under Shuts and D11"e1 s 0> ernlls Plair and Fan \ Dt ck T clung Cottona le Plain and Fancy Tweeds, Worsted Coating GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER, 11 18 8 ALW'AYS ON - :§o B o' (.c11Ucu1c n oi Fashn ion not so tast ea One Door WES1 of LYLE & MARIYN S TIME ls no v r nd ;i · TOIIN SMALE Bow an June 1877 6 THE DOMINION BANK, BOWMAN VILLE h his ense stock of CAPITAL PAID UP HE <\.D Oli FICE OuILLlA BRANCH ES HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW HATS, TORONTO OsHAW.A. and s d BARGAJN~ erru ned to g ve CoJ ou11a BowMAN"\ILLE I 'IO CASH CUSTOMERS \MERICAN anlCANA DIAN salth c IEAl NG S l1LESofENGLl8H '\ 1111nv UxBRinGE Custouas De1t.11 Uncut 0 .r .n. w Octohe1 Q II A T s F H () 1\:1 5 0 c 'rs up vV \.RD s 1875 ,t. U rrrOiiIZED DISCOUNT on Amer ..l:\_ lean Invoices t l further notice 1 per c ent .J JOHNSON 'C')mm '6S oner of Customs B owmnn v1 le Ma.roh 21 1878 FRUIT TREES I e m prepa ed to fu n isl all k nds of AM WELL "1th the busme·s I ha' f dQne fer tl e past year and am moie firmly iesolved than ever to keep all classes of goods lll Frmt and Ornamental Trees, FJ OWERS AND SHRUBS CHEAP for CASH A.11 t c s n rante d tr e to name and fl st cla9 the tmde Addre s JOHN CHAPLIN P O Eo:x5o Bowm UN PARALLEL FOR \V. R. Uhnuc, SSUE R OF MARRIAGE LICENSES I y autnor of s Exce le y tic Govern or al Office at the nanoffice Gen ~ J t;!i 11 Stale Style, Quality, & Prices. I never will keep anytlung but GOOD, HONEST, RELIABLE and sell them at the GOODS, LOWEST F eb "'Ll 1878 FIGURES. REPAIRING 1"01 Sale A M GALBRAIIH ORDERED WORK promptly attended to neatly done Bowmanv1llo Feb y 8 1878 WT SOTT BowmnnvWe Au~ust l 1877 lU

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