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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1878, p. 3

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CANADIAN ST A T~~SMAN AND ivJ 1.:1~.CHAN T , BOWMA~ \rl tLE, rI-IUR SDAY, JU NE 6, ·J878. 0 exi sting bet·YCCn the undf;l ~ 1 gn ed a s B ut cher s in t he To\'.·n of Dow1nanv1lle, undoe1 the title ~C O AVi"KEn BROS. has t his day b een dJsl!lolved by u1 utual con senf, ~ o t ake eff tlft. on the first da~ of JuJy no w en s u in g . A1 1 . c aims again s t t he Firm must be p1 esen tcd on or befor e t h e saicl _first dn.y of July next, a nd all d ebis d ue the F 1 rm 1uust be settled llfiforc said da ellias tb e books and accoun ts w 11l then p ass in to o er OWERS! Insurance Agency. EST.ABLISHED 1852. I 0l 0 AN~ _RELI ABLE (Money Power and B P ower,) The subscriber represents the following first class Com pa11ies: T HB PAltTNEHSHIP HITHE RTO l\1eet .daily at Mcc lung Bros', AND T HE \Ve, torn Assurance Co'y , Toronto, Fire and .Marine, Capital and Surplus, Sl,750,000. ·" Old Hartford. Fire l nsmancp Co'y . of Hartfo1 d, Assets $!1,27:3,868.88. Co rnmercial Union Fil c and Life Assurance Co., London, Eng , Capitl11 and Invested funds, $18,750,000. Isol ated Risk and Farmefs' Fire Insurance Co'y., Toronto, Capital, SG00,000. h ands for settlement, "\:Vituess } GEO . HAI N ES, J f . IM P ORTA NT QUESTION is no1v p ositively settled . I n the estimation of the public McCLllNG BROS. Cn .t;$. l\:t 0 .A,VKER. vr. n. R. C A, VKER. Bov; m a.nv1lle, J une 1, 1878. 45-!w* N evy B utcher Shop "\V. Jm . t.:A Wli"ER of J uly n e xt, be found in t h o s h op lat el y fitt ed u p 1n th e ol(l Tul axkct g-, h vo doors scuth cf IV!a r ket. h ouse, where h e inten<ls t o k eep c onstan t ly a ft1 st cluss a ssortm ent of m e atri i n t helT' sea son, such as .ll'resh De e f, Co u1 ed Beef S picetl B eef 1.iutton , Lamb, Pork, V eal, e t c. ' H a vwg had' o. lifetime ex 11 er1ence in the b usiness h e 1s determin ed t o give sat1 s facL1on t o a ll who m ny fa.vor him"\\ i tb theu- p atronagc.1'.:fco,t s cnt t o a ll parts of the IO\\i rt on shortest are FIRS'~' W ILL, ON AND AF"l'El'!- t he first in \VAR and F I RST in PEACE in the supply of cheap reliable goods. Phrenixinsurancc Co'y. of Brooklyn (Maine), Capital and surplus, over if l liberal su pp (}r t extcn'1efl to the 111 rr L of Cawker Bros ., he ,./' hope !: for a c onti nu fuu e of a fair sh nr e of thell' pat1·ona ge. l teniernlw1 1ho new stand. B owrn a nvillc, .June 6, 1873. 1.5-31n. / - ----- - n91~h0:n.kful to old custorrters for tho l1J1_ d__fh1di11g: no~~··' . This will e:npha~i".' L~ly_~e- the .case . through01:1t. ~hi ~ i $3,000,000. Administa·ator's Notice to Cred i t ors. a gain'> I t h e estate of t he la te J AS BRH:Wl', ot the town of Bow filanv ille, 1n the County of R ea per&MowerRepairs ~!!;,.- a large stock of VVood's Rea pe r ,unl B u('keye JVf.i ,, er S1cklt· Bn u,s, new, Lhat ~Hll be sold a t l a s reat r e c l u ction . . A ..lso a large stock Qf K1uves . \.Jl repair s done i n a s at isfact ory m a nner. _1 Ladies' and Gl)nts' A LL PERSONS HOLDING OLAi ll'.lS ~ rrL1HE B O'Vi-'MA._ ~ VlLJ,,ECARRl <l._GR\V" on KS ]Jm·chas_cm will _ find something _g:ood : Canad.a Life Assurance Company, H amilton, Capital $1.000,000; Assets, $2,8b9,146.8.'l. CLOTHING CLEANED OR DYED. F11de tl Ga rn1en ts brought t o their natu1·al col or, La.dies' Dress G r;ods re d yed without taking a part.Feathers cleaned, d yed a.n d curled. K id Glov es clean ed a nd dyed.S econd-han d clot h1ug bough t and sold A ll garments '\Ya.rr anted t o be a standing color, a nd so th a l, n o one will know t h e m from new . J r t hev s"hould fail to h e so I '\vill not cha.rge one farthing fo1 n1ytroubl e. Durham, veon1an ,a1 e notifie d to send 1n p a rt1cu I lar s of the s i:nne to R . Russell L mworo he, of THOMAS P EA'l'E, Clotl1P." <'leaner an d dyer, sign of the lrn lf- faded coat, Bo·w manYllle . Bowman.v ille , J un e 4, 1878. 45-t f. tbe sa id TO\'; ll ot Bowu1an villc, Soli ci tor fo r t he n ndf\rsigned ndm in1st 1a torb : on ~ or be!o1e e SF.CON D day of J ULY . .ii .. · 1878. The said 11 a.r t1c n lars to include necessary dat es and it.ems and t o g i ve t h e christian n ames and s ur n a mes of t he cla1ma n ts a nd thou· Post office a ddrcaa. J\nd n ot ice 1s g iven , tha.t f1 ·om a nd afte r the Haid d al.e t,he ad m inistra t or o f the said e3tatc w ill proceed t o dist ribute t he assets of the mtestate a1non g the pa r ties entitled lth ereto, having regarded t o th e claims of :which he sh all then have no t1('e, a nd w lll n o t be 1,able for th e assets so d1slribn ted or any p.a1t therept ,t o a.nv person of whose <'la1m such 11d m1n is1:ra:tor shall not h ave had n o~H'e a t t he 1Im e of s11ch d i stribution; this n otice b emg g i" e n u n1ler ~ha pter 107 Revised st nt nee of Ontauo, Hect1on 3i. An rl a,11 persons indebted to ~he said e state ar e requested to set t le t heir indeb tedness for thwith. JOHN BRE NT, A W1nir1;i.<1 t1·ator. BoVl'ma.nville, Ma} 30, 1878. 14-iw. . . . . ..&.,ason-& Son, CO NTEMPLA TING OUR S1'0CK OF Qarriages and B uggies is u nu sually la rge t his sea son. AH carnages m a de Ltom the best An1c1wan goocls and sccondgrowth hicko1y. A. c all soh c1tcd. Vt. l\icCLUNG. Bowmanville, April 25, 1878. 39-3m ~~te:·~i:ne~. not . to "l!:EEP OVER ". .. will._?e. offered at prices. :W~ic~ must ~ry of. Ban.krn~_t Stocks and th e like ! The Accident I nsurance Co. of Canadl1, Capital, $250,000. Canada Guai antec Co'y., Montreal . Piivate Suretyships a bolisheel. A CHAN G-E OF BUSI-NESS IN THE FALL, Will sell th e whole of ti:ieir SPLENDID STOCK of staple ~:fr s . _,: \__NDER80 N Tha~ ..~l~e- .n~ust: of .:1\'.foCLu.NG ~.R?s' $'0 0.d~ . are N EW .. ~ncl were ?.?.':1:g:~t..s~?:?'." .. ~'.'.? .. 1?.'.· J_}.r ic:s._ They are not :Is nO"w sllowi11g a ('boice t<tock of M IUINERY an~ FANCY GOODS for th e SP RING TRA DE , ' vh icb w 11l be k ept w ell a f"sortcd. F eeh ng thunkfn] for the patr onage so h bera lJ)T bestO"wed in the past, wou ld kindly solicit a continua.nee of tho sam e i u t h e f uture. STH.A..W AND FEL'r H .A.'l'S doneoverinthe ne·vest stvles. MAN'J'LES an d Dltt;SSES OUT a nd .k'I'l'T'ED. Sign of t :tie GOL D EN ~ONJ\'E'l', IC1:ng S t r e et. Rowm a.nv Hle, Jl..:Iarcb lDth, 1878. 31 tf Ll1ncashire F ire and Life lnsunmce Go'y, Capital $10,000,000, ManOLD ST.OCKS, ~v~ich > ver: bo~g~t.when .~oorl~ ..~vc~e fully .twen~y-.five chester. }l'or Insu rance in any of t he abov e Jlrst class Companies apply to AT ANDREW 'S NE WS A C EH CY and fancy Dry Goods at prict;)s so low that no house in Bow0 CANADIANPAGI FIG RAILWAY. Georgian Bay Branch. 'Sealed Ten d ers, addressed to th e unfl ers lg'lle~ a nd end.orsed '"l' cnder f orGeorg1a n Bay Bra n ch, ' " ill be receiycd up to noon of Saturda~ th e 20th day of June next. . 'l'h e lino w ill exten d fi·om Station 0 of location of 187i, on th e ·w esto?~r n sid e of Sou th R ive;i-. neo,r N ipiss1ngan !'ostoffice, to thP.ll eadof n aviga tion of F rench !liver, abon t. :'> lniles eas t 9f Ca.nt1n.'s l3a y and w 1H b e i n len gth about 50 m1Jes. ~ .._,.r'op osals will be rece i" erl in t\VO form s {.A. an d Il).L as eet fort h Ht a. n1 P.111orH.11dum oI Conditions of Cont "a<' t, wluc h with :; pP. c1fic a.tions and o t;he1 i nformtitio q m ay he had or seen on applica.t10n u.t the De par 1 men t of P ublic V\lorks. h N o 'I' e nder\, -: ll be c ntcrta1ned unlesi:i on . t c printed forn1 anU' unless the printed cond ~ Lwn s are co1 n pli ed vnth. By order, F. B R A UN, Secretary. Dep art m f:' nt o f Pulilic \VorkS, ~ 01 1 a'v~ a , 2!-lth l\foy, 1878. \VfllJnst now b e fo un d The chcitpest do. do. do. do. do. do_ do do do. CROQU ET in town . do. Base Balls Jlfotto Frames clo. Crornos do. Familv Bible3 do. Sheet "Music do. Mirrors do. Rubber Bwlls do_ Fans " do. Wall Pockets do. manv i!le ca1 1 compete with them. TERMS S rRICTLY CA SH. 1 0 RE I .. B ER I H . O'HARA, Broker and Ge neral In&urance ~.\.g ent. Their DRESS GOOD8, MILtINERY and MANTLE De- M oney to Loan on Real Rstate. partments embrace all PRICES, STYL ES and NO VELTIES, and me1it ,. . , - · · · ·- · · · -·- - · - '1 1 ekct Ao-ent for tne Inman t he attention of all Ladies who are desirous of obtaining NEW & HANDSOME. I "d · h Rt h. I . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . an .t!..llC or i...::: earns ip ,,mes. f?.~:!?:s :i ~od~'.·ate_ cost. Agent for Pit-mos, Orgam , and Sewing Machines. Bowman vil1 e, .Tune 3 1 1878. 15. And t he follovoiug noveltie s n ot t~ be else.where. ~.rhc wonde1 ful · F.t~1 n g 'l'op- cleO: patrit croc h et h ooks- Gayles Indelible InkCrJ stal H u bber., .H'r agl'~llt P aste, Chro ma&u L 5 <'e;i L K, S 11 1 L l pe n rac k s, and " Mil ton's P nrndise Lost,' books I and I I, v;1t h S torr 's noles, for sec ond (l,k,., nn i n t er m ed1a t e exnm111n,tio11. 01\T ,'l'! G 1A 11 ET I C i1. l m · - · r:Ef:E - n ·~ lL Y LI ~E TO RO CH'.l:lSTElt - Rnbi1.n~u to Offi ce-fr i."JJll 'l'"'-1'<1. ncc-i:it., Intends making alterati'ons . , c oJ11i1;JKCING Olj" on T ABOUT Mo 'i, DA v ~ 01 tl1 1011gh 1\Ir. I{ . E,tsto n's Bo nk -s L 01e, Thi arket TI1 u ld 1ugs . llo wmanv i lle, May 8, 1878. 41-tl'. 'J.'HE 80l A.PIUL, 18 78, S El .A._ 1\.X E G reat in R EMOVAL '"fO RONTO. 'l'hc v e ry grn l ify ing r e:-; LLli s 1i;hich have follow~d t he use of the 11-fagn eticon Ap p h a. n cea since t h e1r. introduction iu A n1erica . - five mo nth s ::;incc,-has caused th em to b e l argely in de m and 1-MUSIC I :MUSIC! - th r oughout the,Dom1ruon an<l the U n1te<l S lia tes, and finding it n ece:s"'ary to ( \V _ SIIEl:W OOD, Iv 1As·1·EH,)' '\Vill n iakc her r egu l:n> vri p6 ou thi s ronte : lea\ 1n g Cob ourg ev ery m orning n.t 7 HC a m., a n d Port Hope a t !J o'clock on arnv<Ll G . 'l'. H . trains fron1 ca st a nd west, connechng a t Rochester with.the N ew Yo1 k C,entr al, North e1·n Cent ral a nd Ene H a llw ays and J_,ake 0 11ta r10 Shore D1v1s10n ot tho R ome, '\Vat ur t owu and Og(l ensburgh H.a.1lwa.y t or all p ou1 t~ e a st,, wes t and s outh. ltl~TeJE.f.ll N G :- \\ 111 leave Ch ci. doLte ~ J mrt of R oc hester) rl tn l:t' n t !i p. m . excep t SaLu..r1hl p1, w ben she will lea ve a t 3 p . m . fo r Port Hope Direct. Den l~IB m Rtflck, &c , \\' lll H n d _thfa the C'ln~ap~ est anrl ntmiL exped1t101 H1 route to Bos to n , A lb Hny, Ne'.~ Yo1k ,&c. Fo1 fu1ther in formation apply to "NO RSEM AN" l 1 P ROl1'. OSBOR J'l1'-', Gn Anu' ' r~ 01 " .\i IA'\U Ac \DENY l Fancy Goo ds, T oys, \ P aper, E nvelopes. N . B.-:Miscellaneons Books ~tt half price. ha,, lh' t tue d t o f orm a clo.:::s in Bown ..lnv1lw for t eD. cL~ llg t h e fo llow m g b1 'anolH,s ol ::\!m-.rc, '>1z : XEX T <\, O HIO, l~ 1\Iusrc, / THOR Or ·,H BASS. lIAll.\10NY , ES 'H:UMB K 1 AL .\1 C-8ff , VO~!J E 1'IL~I N1N"'G, BASE BAI1LS, Cheap Croquet. F}\ N R EX T RAORDINL'1RY ! WILUA M anti a.11 h1 anches per t au 11n g to 'l:h c 6t t!d.) M u s~ ( . 'l erm s : , P:ia.uo 01 Or gan, 24 le ss on s, . · · . ~ 8 'l'ho1o iJ g h B a ss or H armon,, i:: I IPssons Ja Coruot, V 1oluJ, 01· othcrorc)1est. ra ln stru~ m eu ts , 2J lcs.<:ions , . . 8 V owc tram u1g, 24 lessons, . 12 of 00 oo 00 00 AMtRIGAH Hf AOQ U ARTtRS of the bas1n ess to a 1nore cen tral po:::it1on, .l\fr. l\lASON h .'.1.3 takeri h 1s residence at or C . F . ltSJ~I:I£ V V\1 · t3 H E H \ \iOOD. P o1t }lope. ID, Kings t on . All aro inYited to call and tes t tho validitv of this adnrtisement. . Town H all Bl ock, Bowmanvill e. ~ ~ ' · ) ('astpar t oflot 23 5Lh con. D ar hnglnn . T h e rn a ll Pnder g0od c ultiv utlon : ~oml fr.arue dwelling, 2 ha.m e b arns, a:n excelle nt or ch ard of a bout. 100 t L ·ces, w ell fen ced, a nd on e of the best s tream s of watc1· in t he t own ship Jett er. 'l'heir very g r e a t Yalue in all ca ses of runs throu gh i t . T his is on o of t h e mos t desirable h on1cst cads i n the d 1strect. wea.knesa, or disease of the Ch est. 'l'hr oa.t , or A LSO F OB BALE , Spino, mall Neur a lgic or 11 e1vous a ffcction i: , 6 .A.cren. 011 lot 24:, G th c on . On w h ich is an c1charcl of 2-00 choice f1u1t t r ees J11st bcr-i11ning Ag ue, P a r a l.} l"\is , JIH l uding Lum bago , Sc1at1ca , t o bea.,., besides ga r den orch ::u d w it h th e cho1ce ~t s111 'LlJ t n nt:: . Good d\,o lhng, wood ,; he o, etc, &c., in I n d ge;,,;1· on , L n·er CO'nplainte. Uonsli.i.ndncwer-fJ,,1 h n i;st rrn.t)ll ot wu t;·~ l'. T h r .i prop erty .Palrou.. I utc111a l '\Ycak<~c s s, a n d inany other 1s onr:i of 1he best, and m oB t uo mfo1t~hlc to be -0.iscase s, is b eing 13.rgely a pprocni. t ed V i hore f01 111 d rn th etow usln p-evcrythins- in g ood orde1. Tc1·.irrn P ll ~/ . ·.\ p pl ;" on ~h e p1cnuses, lot 2:: t o t h ey ha.·Fe been used, and in a large numb er of V\'ILLIAl\'1 B AKER. Darhn g~ on , 1Hay 14, 1878. 42-3m. ~ case s ha ve brought p er manent r ehe f a fter nearwher e he n1ay be cons ulte d aa t o the u se of the l\{agnetic on .A.pp lia.nccs , eith er per son all y or b}~ ly. a l itetime of '\Vea lrness a ml i:;uifori ng. 'rhe:t a t e s nnpl!· a nd convenien t, r e q uir e no 125 C HUR C HS TRE ET, TOR ONTO , AC R ES , heing co1npnsed of north- 33 Doheny Block, Lindsay. BO"wman ' i.lle, M<iY 20, 1878. Th eir TAI LORI NG DE PARTM ENT R E~!QV..c\.L - ... .. ! is still under the management of l'rir. J OHN STON, wli ose reputation as CI.OTHINIJ &GENTS'FURNISH I NGS . ... ... .. .. .. . .. .. .... .. .... ... .... ... ... .. . ... ...... .......... . ' aF 0UTT8R is well known. ..... ....CLASS .. .... ....... .... .. . .. IRST Their sales in thi s d.eparhrnmt aTe Their CLOTHINC is g"t up equal to anythir,g .. .... .... .. .. ........ .... .... .. - -- ~ ---- - -- - ll·':H'llll t or WILLIA:'.{ GRAY&; CO., \.-V 1udsor. Ont. MfSold I n no-,nn ru1v 11lc hy .J. Tf1 gsu1liotham ltnd D. S11 !.I , a n d all D1ugg1sL a e \ ' el'.) w her e. Their stock of CLOTHS §ale. NOR '.l'IIH.OP & LYJ',fAN , To1onl o, V." holcsal c , preparat io n 01· contact with t h e skin, a nd cau not g et o ut of ordor ; the~~ g 1ve n o shocks , or un pleasant sens ations, and 1n a y be w or n w1tll safety a nd benoJU b) Lli c n iost d elicat e obild or i n vali 1l- t'rn ~cntle p crn1ca.ting intluence of n1agn ensn1 reachin g nncl act1n g when all olher s rste1ns of hop,,tn1ont ha· c failed. M R. EV AN S wi:l remain it t L be former add r ess. ONTAR IO STREET, BGW~IANVJ LLE, McFeeters. being com posed of the S outh h a lf lot 13, Gth c on. , 'l'own sb ip of Darlington, conta1nin~ 100 acres in ore or Jess, of which there are a bout 15 acres clea r ed , o.ud is be autifully sit uated 1 n1iles north of th e t O\'iil of B o'\'i mnnv1llc.'fhere are on t be p1 en:nses a g ood b rick d1v('Jhng honbe ~1th 1ut chen a nd '\r ood ho use attached, fran1e b.trn dr ivin g houEe a.nd stnbles, ther e is I an applf1 orch~a 1d of o,b out250trees 111 ost oi'\vh ich are youn g t1 ees c ommen cing t o bear . .Possession g n e n lst of October. 1878. C TI A.8. HOOP1i;R , 'f'yrone, P . 0 . 't Ex~c rto rs A . :1\'IcFEETRRS, B owni unvi)lle. J ' · Drul1n~ l o11,J\fa.y8, 1878. '1 ~l-w. " T 'H B E ST ATE OF the late Archibald j V/. Alt x::...ndc1, (lormt;rl)' l\l u1d uch Bro s.' D r) Gu ods sto r e.) \\he1 0 he hcc p s in .e t-0ll... }1 lJ.n e of t he ehmcest clol bs or < ncrJ' dc fH. · 1plio11 for Gen !R' and Boys cl oth i n g . SlJ l 'l'S m a d e to o rd er on t ho sh orW,,!, n ot1co, M.nd i n la.t est stylos. A fun s tock of Ge n ts' fur nish ing ... c~ e very c lcscr1p l10n. 'l'l.ankful fol' nao;t; fovor ;;, it ;~ hoped a. cont1nuunce of pub!lc p~d 1 ~~1 w i .... b~ 1'H~1 1 tcd by ca1 efu l and prompt ,ttl;<·n h o11 to all 01·1::1cJ.s. no\' man vi ll e, lVfo.roh , 18713. 3i O rn . J.£S P EO r:l1lTUI..1 L.Y 1nfcrnn:1 011> p 1l1 1ic I l>P.sta l~c has r cx.noved ~ rban t Tv1lo1olit h rn e n t t he ed 1n ~ \.; t hat to h1" ::Vft st o1 e l£t LPh occc1p. . bv j G E N T S' In thm dcr)artrni·nt will be found everythin" N E IV in Hats, GloYes, Ties, Shirts, Collars, lJ ncl01 Clothing, and eve: ything pert aining to a ,F irst Cl:ws Gen ts' Furnishing 1£stablishment. " ~- "FOH. Tl{E BilEA 1) f f:i T H !.£ LII E. " W Y I_, L I E ' S ~Ji::::r\ \.~ LY I lVIPHO.Y liiD fol' a short tilnc, 101· t he con veni enc e of p ersons S TEAM BAKED BREAD! ,,..· h o prefer sending or calling there, a11d \\ill s u pply an y of t he Appllances,01 any ii;i fo r mat1on which may ba c l eoirerl c one e 1m11g t ll Clll. P ainvh l t> L~ . Puce Lists, T est1m ou1als. &c., I puta.ble. For particulai·s addre E!s . , or b y pas t · , - O Ch arge f or I JAMES B h~LJ,WOO D · -free; on a p plicat;10n .. , Courtland , Ont. :M'. 1d~ 1,.t 0 n, ~ ou nt y of No rfolk , Gorne1!ng i n t he v rlla g(' u1 ( u ut l1an d a11d a . qua rl ~r o f a n1 11e j fl' OJ n Couitla ud S LaLIOll G . ' ' H.. R , 'J'1 !l e ind 1s- UNDERSI GNED olfer s fo r ·al e .JOO acres of bis f..a.rm Irr t h e townslu p of T-H~~ j I-I O USE ·Their stock i, complete in this department. oeo nsu1L11tion:;. j THOS. l:!.5 ~~UR~H i'ffASON S TREET, ' TORONrr O. J ;A me 1ica.11 R epl'esen tctive of I MESSRS. \VETTON & CO.! Bowmanvii!c, I nvcn to1 ·s , Pat entees , a.u 1 S ole l\fan ufactur er s of the l\'lagnet icon A npliance s f l pleasa n tl y s1 t 11ut.e il on Con«e<1s1 01'-Rt. , Jn Rf eas t; of Sil.' er-St, com posefl of gorn1 f1arPt:> d·wel hng, 'iH th a ll n e9es~ary con' P. n1ences , half a n tH'J'e of Ja n n, w ell u n p1 oved, with a ' HJJ1 Pnd1d lu!, of fruit Lrces, i n good bearing . A p r1ly to ifayZIJ, 1878. · ~ VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY, Ca,rpe1s of a ll l.. irnls, Floor Oil Cloths, Rep and Lace CurtaiTJs, Window H ollands, etc. GRAND TUUNK HtULTrA Y. 'f rcn...l!:l'S issu ed L o 1111 riu t8 ot Can n.da. and the Ur11i c11 Sl at es. R!C1i1 li .!l.j E I;" and 0:.\'TAtra:~ w\. l'iU 'lT!Ol\'.A{Jo. S. l\IA~7-~: Firu~t T i·eci!J, herehy an - G- ~ 0 C E .; R, I E S 1' 'l'u.: K E'l s i HRned to all ports on L v. k e Ontv uo H.n ,e .. St. L tt'\vrenc e and tl~ e Gu lf. " 'IICKJD !" 48 11.eaen t-st., Lo1ido,i, E ngland. Brauch }]s t.ablMh"nc . ~tB -CJ1 ell cnha1r 2 a1td S outh~poYl , E · ngland ; Ert1nb1ngh and Glas-gow, /3cotlan d ; mnrl Toronto, Canada, .Dep ot- B!Ji um an-vilW, On ta· r io. Bo\VUlanvi llc, JHns A-, 1878. 15. j_ nonn ces to the pub li c t h a t he will can· a:,;s this county durin g t he ensu ing s um1uer for th e sale of fus t class fruit and or n a men ta l t 1 ·pe~, and requesti'< t h ose pur go:,;ing t o bur s n' h !u reta1 n thrnr on1e r s t ill h e ca lh;, for he w ill gu a.r!lp ~e o t1n1l, cl ~ss ~ to ck . J.B. 0 KE, . W clco1ne P. 0 . ~ :l-3 m . P'lf1Hl£ UNDERSIGJ'IED I n tl1i, department they aim at keeping :i T, Gooc, -", aim"j y Grocun·es, Croe lrnry, Ch' ma, L amps, etc. 'I'!1cy , Ill.i. h . lSr X ~:~ C .it '.E~ ..(;.~ ~ issued t o l\Ia ,d : < rba v~a, 3 Tc OUTF.s a t t he loW C$t 111tef; , \7J, . $ tl LO l"- C claes, a n d $21.00 Zn d c 1al-;;i. Donii uion J,n te o ' l".!tca ~~l{!; fol to i"tn.·011c. .B'or tJcitet s and a.JI into~m u.t ioll 1:q mly to make e, spec1altv of Teas . 'I'lieir TRoR. Ccrm ·· 50c. TEA Begs xespectfuUy to in forn1 his Customc1;;; a.i~ d has becomo a household word, and t heir is without exception the best ever soltl in town. B LACK TEA IOjjice- Q'l.T"' " ~. ~4..gcnt. 38 G m 8 doo1·s Easi of Pose Ojjice. fo1·, l\.fa.y 28, 187S, Bowmanvlllc, April 15, 1878- 'l'o Let. h a lf acre of ld,nd, good well a.n d eiste1n . GEfi'l' chance t.o metke mmiey evor ~ offercC ; ho nC'a t, plca.s11nt, profi·t uble; co3 t 11 nothl11gto + 1y1 t. ~·ewuut1u1energetl e \".!t1 nt, mak vr fem ale, l o xeprnseut us i p " t.ow-:1 in the Po ~11JJo u o f Cat! .i llll \\ c S - ~ G Jf OOD DWELLI NG on P r ospect skeet, cout.anJin g sel'en roo m s and good cellai ; 'I m·m s th e pubhc gen erally, that he hu.s now -:_ ~ Salt and Plaster at Low·est fi~ -~ TTNOW N AS THE F.AIRB.AI ThN place, ...l.~ on 1{ 1ng sti eet '\VeE.t . 'l"vo acres, n1or c or h e.use~ Pric~ for Cash . i-l'ahmb~c 1L~t :saae. - --Hl!:· Jli:l Vh D fl U:i - 3 000 uet ycav. Henri .~c stamp n1 o'th o .1tnlogue oont.amrng nearly 5(JU !WW 1~nd U ;Wful 1~d1clC:i I/ti. lf"A C° Qft w 1Lh full 1n11truc t10ne to M U tii. fi'CI WQ rnen, ~ 1rnys to !}'~ f7t.. ,uu.l girfa s· M '1-1 I activo men, from$500 to \ ery reasona bl e t o a g ood Lenant. .A11plv fq ,J, JC, G ALBRA TT II Ot \Y. R. CJ,IM I E. Bo\.~n1 aJ1\.1lle ,....,:Aia.>' J4 , 1878. 42 tf. -- -~ -- ----~ . New ·Fall & \Vinter Dl~Y - GOODS ! Conslst illi;;' i.u 1H1rt or lllo n cy t o L o a n . inSt<tlmen Lor a fixed tern1. rn T EREST AT EIGH'r PER CE NT. T erJ.llS of payment 1Yi1l b e cxtCn ded from one to t w enty y enr s to suit the convcrnen co oftP,c bo1·rower. .A.pply t o W, M. IIORSEY. _B o,vmanv ille, Mav 7, 1Si8. fl tf. Mo,n treal Nouelty Co., Montreal ,_ Que. O N REAL ESTATE, to be repaid b v .Po;_·t DarHn;·tou l!I:u·bor @:;Ol G fil iHJ y. J:ia.r bot I hP1~ a.t Darli n gton , on Monda y, l.'th of J urrn '1 e~, + , fl t J o'cloc k p m ., for the election o± d nectL ..'H fn:r t he rn1s11 ing year ,and for other bu.:-1n c ss conHH te ll w ith the co1n pan y. By or u er. .J . M I L NE, Secretary, NEW DRE SS GO ODS, CLOT H S, COAT I NGS, F LAN· NELS, GLOVES, F ANC Y KNITTE D GO ODS, HO ~ JERY, UND ERCLO T HI~G , YARN S, F1NGEH1N G Y AH.N, &c , ~ c . , S~c . All to be sold at the lowest price for 0 ...&.~8:131 .. Bowmanv1llc. Oc tober 3, 1877 10 I fJess, " i th g o od well a nd c1e.t e r n. }r "}1gh ty 1 ·mt treps a ;tple s, poa) s, pli1ms, che nics, c n r - trrlVIcCL UNG b uy their . ... . .... . ,. BROS._ .. ,. . .. . .. . . . . · · · · ··~ goods at .. . ' 1111 Row1na n v lllo, 11tu cb 2G, 1378. 31 01<' THE Stockholde1 ·s A MEETING offi Con1p.1H}', vdll be helil a l ce Port of 1hc l-'or t n~ i,r h n g ton Brick-s. and TiJ e. RICI{S TILE F OR S A.LE 7 B .,Gast of th e Nurser~~· ill _be sold a,, the [ 1 .Bo w1na1n Jlle, l\ta.y 15, 1878. 42. can make m oney L1.Hle 1· a t "' Ork for u s t han I ' bnBln ess :vou can engage in.a t a ny th ing else. Cap iLt.1 ~iut lci;-1iured; we ~ 1J \ :,._ ;Ki to $20 Per day n 1ad c b " a 11 y will s tar t you. $12 per (lay a.t l10111e made f I ·~ 1vor k or of eitb er sex, l'1~ht in V\ b y t he i n dus t r ious . .:Ht>n, worn en, boys a n<l ...L',J . J i.b.ei;:- owu locahties. P o,1·t1culo,rs JJO \\ E S T FlGL RES. >:5 ELtisfa.ct1on g u , ~i rls wanted everywhere to" ork fu r u s. N o w and sam ples l'f 01tl1 $5 f r ee. Improve your spare · V f M. L OCK EY. m t h e thno. Costly ou t fit and t euns f1ee. Aclr tnne at this bus1ness. Address S'.L'IKSOK & Co, , Bov: ma1n illc, :VIay 211 1878, 13-2rn* 1 d r ee1t1 TIHTE & Co,. Augusta. .l\fauie, 13-1). J : :>o1 tland l\'Ia1nc. 13 l y. :\.J~·ID .t. 7 TJ ..,,,=,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,.,,.,===========....,=....,=="-:===.,,.....,===..,.-,...,===,.= , I I I B T I r:.u 1fri goosr hern es, and grapes. An ir\sue ct ion o l)e the best gaule n !$po t in Bow· w ill sh.ow if.. L IJ nJ,nviJie . A p11l} Lo · j I p a 11;:.nt H ftncl teacher~ 2(? d1fi.'crent ~0s1~s f h e en ti re paok eent tr0 ~ for 25 cts. ~u1rency or ata.mpR. V'..l\N DE L F & Co . .. ~.A.nn ~t .. ~ {29·61J1,) · cw o TR-\ ~~~P\ U ~~·r twchtnr;,C AJ!D . Ir·st{UCt ion a nd amnsemen t combn::.ed. Im:tJ Orta.n -. t o ----------~- ~ ~ 0 t; , H .·JONJi~s. Bo w1nnnYille , August 1 1877. 1-tf .;i to 20 per cent 0 H E A PER tlmn some professecll y cash buyers. .... . .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. . do their busineGs on R C'ASH BASIS, and sell their goods CHEAPER .. . . . .. .... .. ... .... .... . than anv so called cash store in town. This is the verdict of the People ~~ · · · · · ·· ·· · ·· · · ··· ·· ~ 11!iro " " 0 , , . , , . ... . ... , . " " " " " ""' · H · · O ... .. ... . ..... . . . . .... . ..I._) n, n u ~tl~ J Ol ning Ruebot.lon1 l l ou s c.,at p10i>cn t occuuied b y l\f r . McJJougaJl and \'\' 1)1 'l'h on.1pson, li:'or {ur t her 11 Hr l1cultt1s en q uu·e oE W m . l'uomp:.-< on. on thP. }Ji e m 1 ses. D LOOK OF D lJTLDTNGS TO WE ST Ho \'i manviil{l, .A pnl 11, 1878. 31· 1 ,. , ~000 0 0 · · · ·· · o o oo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · · · · I$ 66 · BO 'Wll1 6U\"ille , .Apr il 18, 1878. 3$ se x (',Rn TI1ake gTeB ~ ""3-Y fl H tho tln ,e , they w o r k , write for particulars tO H. J:-1 <\.LI,7.'l' J;' o. week in y our otvn tov.n . $1 o utfi t tree. Xo r isk. H Gader, if yo u 'va rtt a hnsiness at w hich pe15011s of mtl1cr J:J l y · ' & Co., r o,rtla.nd, Ma1:n o,

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