,· CANADIAJ\J ST A'.TES L\1AN AND M E RCHA~T, BOW!vlANVlLLE, THURSDA r, JUNE 6, 1878. ~~~~!"'!!'!'!~....z,....,.~~""""..."'""""""""'""""""'"'""'~""""""....,""'"""""'"""'""""""""'""""""'"""'""""""""'"""....,"""'""'"""'""'!"'""'"'"'""""""""""""""'~~"""'!""!~~""""'"""'~""""""~"'-'""'~""!"""""""'!"'!"!'!!!!'"!""!"!""'"""""""""'!""!""!"'"""'"""""'"""'"'"'"'""!"'!""'...,"""""'!""'"""'...."""....~ ~"""'~!........""""""'""""'"'"""""'"""'"""..,,..""'"""""""'"'"""....""'"""'"""""""'!'"!"""'""""""'....~!!'!!!'!""'"!"..,....,...,,...,~,.,..,...,..........~ Destroying the Canacla Thiatle. It is hfoh time that an unrelenLing war of cxt erinina.t.ion was engaged in against !I O'\V a f a1·n1cr ca n th i8 pest of the far1 11. _ and ure Lo see h ie land becoming year after · d b tl118 · l year 111ore th orang h Y occupie Y detestablG weed, is m or e t h an we can unclerstand. Yet this is the condition of hundreds and t honsa.nds- of farms, and one would think the case hopeless from the way in whioh many su c_ cumb to this 1 A. Remedy ~.hat l'feTe 1· Faill! ENRY & JOHNSON'S ARNICA and 1 ' Further Sweeping Reductions - - X J S T -- BIG PUSEI: is Row raging at H 1n an or c ..i::::L. -r:.:r E A. p of ever y k in d, i ncluding ~kin Disease generally; and wfdlt1 i~s application is fm.r mless and pain-. ful ,it;s effec ts a r e mo st h armlessandnever }lainfut. Asa FAMILY L i.:.. "'lLM.ll:N'.r it m eets the wa n ts ofevcry househ old. o JL LlN IM.l!:NT is an exter nal remedy t o1· be1.ist , for . cu r ing Wounds, Spi·ain s, SL.rain s, Sore s, Cuts. Druises, Burns a nd Ulcers I DRY GOODS I . ( ELLI . S ON 0.' (Successors of late Y . c_owle, E sq.) ,.,.,,,,~ COLDEN HARVEST FOR FARMERS. TRELEVENSI enemy of good culture. Yet the' e are several of destroyii1g the thistle.TO wowways t h orn when in bl oo m is one way. land is auoth er l")artially to summer fallow - tha.t th e Ian d t '"u Ol' ti1ree pl 0 u g h ,.;.·.in'gs ii~ early spring~and th.e n sow t o , ·turnips, and thoroughly c:iltivate thern, · is anot her way. An. A.mcr1can exchange · one w_ ti~ey can says: " 'I bere is a y t Jia · ~ be got rid of, and that. is by puttmg tJie foul land i.n corn. anl theu resolutely digging them ou t with a fork, as soo" as the ·yo'loig le.!kves appear in t ho spring, or au y \ spa ct e cuts tirnc thr ough the SUll)JlH~l'. .!:. thein, an P. every piece lef t will gl'ow ; hnt by looseninl:!' the groun d with a fork they can ba taken out more thoroughly than by To summer fallow t h e way. . t · 18 ·O o-1vc GR O0 . E RI E S · '· Ol'"'eap Groceri·es· ·.1. .1 YolU' attention fa called to our i\.1AM MOTH SPRING W HEA'l', A n ~utirel~· b~f~~:1i{~l~~~~~~d~nything ever It is b right. plun1p g r a in, almost one hulf inch l ong, n1 akea .fine flour , h as never hn.d an y disease i ncident to wheat, and produces fr oni 60 to 80 buslic1s to the ncrc. -~warded first premium at t h e Centennial. Price : lJ Ji'. I vniy several tlmea a and n1ust bo followed up as s oon as t h ey ap- ~~f~~1eiheTkr~{ a~~~~;i, ~~tw!~! : is~~~~l~ up this seo,son, 1 I 1, Cheap Grocer .ies ! ~~~~~'.~:~~1~,~~eaCf~:.~~~ thistle does not pear. rrhe next seaSon put in corn a gain. .A .. few will corne up th is season , but not n1any, and generally a single clearing t he the second year is all that is required to destroy them for evern1orc." .Any n1an "'ho "can't be bothered" to put in effect some radical nlethod of ex- tp The public will find t he cheapest Groceries in t own at -·------..--....... A -~~ -- -- SINGULAR STORY. We consider it useif~ ss to write long and exa ggerated adver· tisements, we think it enough to tell the public frankly that Norviandy Giant WHI'l.'E CORN we hold a large amount of B ankrupt S tock which must and is deoidedly THE FINEST CORN KNOW N ! will ·be clo:ia red out .at any sacrifwe . And is determined to continue to sell at the ru 1 Hou sly low p r ice It i.vag fl rBt imp or t.ea a.ud hns been t.11o rou.gh~ Iv te~t. ed i n t he U. S . Hus produced 1GO bush els Having d e cided to continue the busii:iess of the late Mr. cheaper than the cheapest,. Wh y he m n do it-tOthu acre. Grain v er y l a.rgc. Pearly w hito .- J\fauv of tho ca.rs iueasur c 18 inches long wit h Cowie, we beg respectfully to announce that we will endeavor, Firs t, he buys for cash and knows just how t o buy. 2 t.o l t o the stalk. P r onou nced by lea din g Second, what he can't buy cheap enough,. be manufactures. agriculLurists the llncst corn in !Joo world. Price in our management, to win the confidence and support of Third, he ·is satisfied with small profit s. the public, and sustain the narn e we have earned for CHEAP F ourth, he sells for cash ; G o ons. ' · · seeds everywhere. No trouble t o sell. Send Fifoh, hc sells at bottom prices. stamu for .san1plc and special ter1us, anll secure In these " hard tim es" especially, a cheap store was want· terrifory nt onco. N . I. MAYERS & CO .. CA.LX... .A.D..TI> S E E F'C>~ Y"Cl>UJ!:U?iEL"O"ES ed in Bowmanville. It will be our constant aim to supply I m por ters a.ud groi.vers of Field a n d Ga rden - A N_Dseeds, 8weet'"va ter, Mo nroe Co., 're.nu . that want. We h:-i.ve in c nlt.i va.Lion two farms in this viN. B..-WE wnr. ~JAKE A CLEAN SWEEP T HIS TIME. Every H R I N G YOUR F R I E N D S W"ITH YOU cin ity a1al shall continue t o inn.kc imvor tin g and grow ing seeds a specia lty and introduce nothExe.mine t he st oc k , '\·h ich comvr~ ses everything ill tlle trade, of t h e very latest a.1ul JUOS piece of · Goods placed on the Centre Tables will be ·de~ elegant ing but pw·e seeU:s. 28-tf styles and Jmtlerns, of E Tigli sli , Ca.nad in n , a nd AJn eri can manufactm·e. H e st ill continues to m an ufactJ1 re t.o o rd.er, from the be8 1. u·f 1naterial. a nd none but J1r at.-cl tt. ./ cide<l Bargains. We are determined to show the people ·workmen kept, -~ . ,, that then> are advantages to be . derived from BANKRUPT Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed. STOCKS. H e th as in stock a n endless~. variety of LadJea' nnd · Gen ts' Stu·utcgn 'J umk::;, Vnl iftS <oi c ~ PTM?~age . .·.· .·.·.". ·.·.·.·.·. ·.·.·.·.......·.·.·. ·. · .·.·.·.·.$ . o.· .. $ 1 00 Sample ca.u be seen at thls office. ::U We have placed large lots of JOB GOODS on the Counter Tables at PRICES that will command READY SALES. ~tr~~!!f::t.";~ . i~;;~~~i~ ~~~;~-~i~blc J ona.thau, .R. Bass, of C runbria, Niagara. County, K. Y., has not a joint in hi s body. He went to bed in 1857 and has never b een out of it f".ince. He o::u111o t. n1ove even a fi.ngel'. He ran os captain of a canal hoat between Buffalo and Roches.quit canalling_, ,and the.n went to . bookkeeping. H is JOmts k~ pt gcttmil stifler and and at last he had to give up, and for stiffer. iThe doct or s cou1d do him no good, FLEMI NG & McLEOD'S. .J . .HIGGIN B 0 '.l' II A.M Remember the Stand-" BIG BOOT" drnwn by two Horses P . s.- In futme all kinds of farm produce will be taken KING STREET, BOWMA N VI L LE. i >1\ r~change at highest prices. M. TRELEVEN (Succ~ssO'rs ELLISON & Co., 40 \.Yhich h e i s selling cheap for'oash . -~ - ' of late F . Y. Cowle, E sq.) Bowmanville, May 1st, 1878. ter in 1850, and was getting stiff then. \Vlien he could not du a n y work, ho had to .,.. ... Bowmarv lie -..,.. .~~ ~~ "-"-"'-"""~ " .-~ -~ --"---.-.~ __ -_ , _.,_. ,_._ -_ - -..,....,..-. ., _ _.. ,_ - _____ __ -.----~· - - -- -·- twenty-one year~ he has been abed at t he, old hom estc."Ld of his fa1 n lly between L ockport and Lewiston. His trouble C01Tl.n1enccd with a pain sho oting thro ugh t ~1e C ALL I AND L 0 0 K- N OUNCE tlrn.t he has r ecoived a well as sor ted stock of Genuine Dr ugs and P ure H:ngli sh C hemical.£~ .Also, a splen did stock of the iuost r,a.rcfully selected B CHEMIST AND DRuGGIST, EGS 1 1ESPJ;;C'.l'F'ULLY 'r O AN ,MONEY TO LOA - - - - - :o:- - -- - DYE S T UFFS! I 1 bottom ot his foot that tumbled him to the grou nd.. The foot conunenced t o S\ve11 and got to be almost twice its na.ta ral size. StHfn eas in t he joints followed. Now Bass is literally a bone man. Thel'e is n ci - - - . AT TH JJ:I R - -- more bend in his legs, arms and body than there is to a marble statutu. His I nrms a.ra as fast to his sides as if they he went t.o b ed he co uld 1nove h.1s arm s, but the j oints finally beu~me solid bone. They have to feed him with a spoon. His jaws are as im1novable as hi~ othe.r joints. Ther e is n space between Ins teeth that is i ust wide enough t o gflt food t,hruu uh, ' In 1860 he became blind. His n1ind /-!i s sound, but be speaks with difli- were·nailed there. For eight years aft.er Cheap SUGARS, T.. EAS ' RAISINS , _ · , 1 l'\'h ich c an n ot be surp asBe1l for excellency o ,1.ua llty .An assortnien t of Anilin e Dyes k ep c.onstantly on hand, together \.Yith a choice so lection of DRUGS, ClillMICaLS. PA'.l'EN'l' MEDICINES,l ::'.:;.;: BRUSHES, COMBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, !SUPPORTERS, &c., &c OILS, P AINTS. Boots & Sr1oes'IA As I am d esirous of doing a cash trade exclusively from the ; The ~ orth of Scotland Canadian Mortgage Co'y I :U :C 1v.I: ::C T E I > ) · co Lons; ~At , V ARNISIIES an d VYfII the very lo,vest pri ces. at. moderate ra.tcs of iuterJ;lst. r eriod a n d pla.n of. rcpay nle11 1 . c<:1 n be arr:i n g C"O t o ~. 1 1 i1. 111 con ven ience orthf') bot·r o,vcr. Th e Com pany does ~o t lend mo1~ey 01! the 1311ilding or Lonn SocieLy 11l a.11 ,tbut lhe principa can be r e paid by ai;inual 1nsta.ln1cnt.s if desi re d, SIMl'L1.£ INT E R ES'l' ONJ,y being e barge d t l IJ O t11 e unpaid ?la.lance. By this pla n RE N OW LENDING :MONEY UPON :F'lRST CLASS FAHl\'I PilUPERT EA HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICI NE ; n1e Borrower is not Bonnel to Pay his I11s ta l ment, But can d o~ s o or CURRANTS, &c., &c. N. ll.-Country Storepeekers su pplied on a vant ageou.s terms date, I will give not, in eaoh year a s is n1ost convenient, ·w ithout r isk or ex.ti·a expen ~c ; .A.pply to culty. KEEP UP WITH YOUR WORK. Shoul d t here happ~n to b e among our readers au easy-going fa.r1ner-one of th at class wh o never do to-d ay what can b e ------- EIGHT PER CENT DISCOUNT Also CROCKERY and GLASSWARE . & August 22, 1877. J. A. CO DD, [Uy .] D ominion Bauk, Bow n t·11vill ·· · ~--- - - -0 JST . A . L L -- Casl1 Purchases over $5.00, $2&; a WeeJi: Gua1·an teed WAN'l'Ell in every Count A GENTS tb e in King of the West put oft' till to-morrow-he is requested to IHGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WHEAT, EARLEY, PEAS carefully iligest this truthful paragraph from Col.errian 's RA.firai lt Oi'ld: Some fal'mers dri ve t heir CLOVER SEED 5 per c ent under that amount. F AN N I N G hand.~ M I L L work ; are always up with it or ahead of it.. They anticipfl.te t he work of th e far1n in its order and are alwo.ys prepared t o meet it half way or inore. c;tther faru1ers a~e always behind with their work; ther e 18 always someth ing suffering fron.1 n eglect or d eJay. The crous don't get the at tention .they need at \he right t ime ; the fences are not repaired till tho stock .h~ve d otle n1ore dama(J"e than the repa1r1ng 'vould cost; the s;ed is not vlantcd till it is too late to get it. go nd cro~; t1~e \.vood is not hauJerl till the wood-pile is exl1an~tcd, and t hat ina:y be in sun1mer time ,.,..hen the crop s are s ufferin g to be ha:rveste<l, and t h us Bo1vJ1IANVI.L1,11 1 J anuar y 2~ , Fleming & McLeod. 1878. 26, 26 Dominion . A ddress G. A . JO SLIN , Box804,Montr~al. N. B.- Thi s will ~A very NOT include ORDERED WOHK. AND SEED SEPARATOR. - - -o- -- KN 0W ' By res.ding and pl'actlcing th e inestimable truths contained in the best m adieai book ever issued, entitled large stock of SPRING GOODS on THREE MACHINES I N ONE ---o--This is the best and largest m achine for cleaning and separating giain ever invented, Manufactured in Bowmanville at t he establishment of Levi 1\lonis Liberty st . all and inspect. -·K' N ervous r.nd Physical D ebility, 1md th e eudless th er efro m, antl contains more tbau M original pre. scriptious, :iny ~ue of which is worth tl~e price of the book. - This book was written by: the most-extensive and probably the mo~t skilful practitioner in America, to whom was awu.rded n gold and jewe lled medo.l by the N t\tionul Medicnl .Asi;ociation. t reats of Exh anstod ·vitality, Premature D ecline, THYSElf SELF-PRESERVA'l'ION Price onl.Y $1. Sen ~ by w ail on 1-ece1pt of pncc. It F. BORLAND. BowMANVILLE, April 11, 1878. concomitant ills and untolll miseries th!Lt result 37. P . C. HIMES, ' J> . .A Pamphlet, illustrittcd wioth the very finest Steel E ngra-ving£-l\ mar. vcl of twt fl.nd bcantys ent F R.El; to all. Send !O T It at once . A dlliess PEAB OD Y I NSTITUTE, No. 4 Bnl. tho work drags all tht' t.i1 nc. Such fa.1·m e 1:tt HEAL ' 1 Sole Agent for the counties of N ort h umberland, Dmham, Victoria and Peterboro, · · (331 are Ii.Ot hapµy. They h ave not the lively spirits of those who arc always. up and a little ah e ~1d of t heii· work. Reader, t o wh ich cla10.:-1 do you belong 1 lYiuch work can he done in win ter to advance spring MEDICALTH YSELF ··= ':'rk. ,--~ BRADBURY P IANOS LE .A D T I-I :H; - - - :o: -- inch St. 1 Boston, Mass. 1;!ie~ Grca1~iie "l.n~ie nemedy 1 JoB MOSES' PILLS. V\T 0 1.~ y__, D for GENTS. $5 ;to-\}t:6u~ ~~.!kthew~~;: A \Yith ccld water. Nojni:= r eqillred. lx\sts 'on e y ea.r . A perfect gen1. t:a1nple 10 cents-three ~5 lRECEIVED SEVEN PREJ\'UUl\'lS ~ OVER and GOLD l\'IEDAI,S IN FOUR WJ;;J!:KS ! - - :o: -- 15,000 NOW IN USE. ~ tjmcs, but lt can be 11u1.tlc in three inonths by a uy one of _, · either sex, in any part of the country who is willin~ t o "\\'01·k steatl il ~' at t h e on1ployment that '-'"TC t urnish . $66 per ·week in vou:r o wn to"\vn. You n eed not be a >va v front horne over night. You can give your· "\Yholo t ime to t he "\York, or only y our spare 1no 1ncnts.\.\re have agents who are rnakiug over $20 per da.y. A ll v;rho engage at once ct\.U make . money fast. .A.t the present t imeruoney cannot bc mn.de so easily a.nd rap idly at un y other business. It costs nothing to try the business. Term ~ a nd ~5 Out.ttt free. Addre>=s at once, R . H ALLETT ~ Co., lJortland, 1-J.aine. (9) '. fo t he \\'orlli11g Class. - VVe are now pre pa.red to f11rnish l\.ll classes with constant employment at home , tho whole of the time, or for their spare Dloments. B usiness ne\v, light and profit.able. Persons of eit her sox easily earn fro1n 50 cents to $5 per cvon ing,(l.nd a propor tional sum _b;r dev0:ting their whole ti.mo to the business. Boys and girls e arn n early as m uch as n1en. 'l'hat all ·w ho see this notice n1ay send their address, and test th e business 'vo nut k e this u n pnr alleled oft'er : 'l'o su ch ns a.re n ot v,rell satisfied vire \.\ill sen d one dollar t o pay !or t he trouble of ·vriting. Full particulars , sam ples worth severa.1 dollars to eomtnence w orkon,an d n. copy of hon1e and fi resid e, ono of the la rgest and beet l llu.eytrated P ubliotitions. all s ent fi' ee by mail . lteader, if y ou i.vant permanent profitable ·w or k.address, GEORGE STINSON & Co. , P or tland JYl a.ine · (30) $"17 f . 0 / cen ts. Catalogue f r ee. ..:\ddress, :\'[ON'.l'RE.AJ~ l'~OVRLTY C0.1fon l.rl·al - - - ---,I.ND-- -- - - is .not easily earned in th-en G...A_RDENERS:1 B UY YOUR SEEDS ----.!.T OOP-Y Of · Official R eport of A war d to DOMINION O RGAN Co111PANY Bowmanville, for Org ans exhibited at the Centennial E x hibition, Philadelphia , 1876. ,~~§~~'l.$50to $2 0 0 PER - - -- A Nc'\v, Ulear, a.nd Uonelse- - -- MONTH Murdoch Bros. GROCERY GARRIED ON AS INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. PHILADELPHIA, 1876. 1 n°· 235 EMPRESS RELUg£ '!'HE J«rtlEND OF l\'IANlUNJ?. ...~N l:N'l'"E.u .NAL AND EXTE RNAL REMEDY. I Factory, Ray1nond st., Brooklyn · Freeborn Garrettson Smith, Late Supt. for an d Su ccessor t o ·\ "'"m. B. Bradbur y, "\~larerooms , 14 Rast :F'ouxteenth Street, New Vo.rk. 27-lBmo .BAJ,M FOR EVERY WOUND. ·kDls all 1min instantly _ ~· D.~~.!1..::' ftiS"fu;Q~JY~ru'76roeily l or Ttheuroatis1n on the " America1J Contin ~mt :pro~·ed b;vthou.·sauds." -· ~ s soon a.a applied 1t g 1vesi Justa~~ ca.so to llie unfortunate Hniferer. It is rapidly U'bsorbed, penetrates l o-~h_c very ~on e, eutt\~"S the circulation, neu t.ral1z.1ng u.U R heu mahc , P oison" circu lating in the blood ,and expels it systonl l:!!;~ough t.h_ e ~~t.u!'a.1 outlets." I":.l"ll cr(.Y~ES ' It cures Rheumatistn and ~lll'&lgia, and GL ASGOVV : - - : - :o:-:- -: Co1n men cing V'.'ith t he ·earliest pet" io ds, closing l\farch, 1877. 3 volumes of the \.Vorld's great , G:rand History i n one. Ancient, lHifl tllc Ag es, a.nd Jl1~rteru . including his tory of Centcnndal ExhibUi-On, I na_ U:(Jurat ion of P1'csident Hayes, and T·urkish D(jficulties. A book of thrilli ng inter est and universal n eed. sen s faster than u.ny oth ro-. Beautiful illustrations, lo\.V prices, quick sales, extra terms, circu lar free. A d d r ess J. C. 1tlcCUJtl)Y ..t: '10., Philadelphia, P a.; Cincinna ti. O. ; Chicago, lll. ;,St. Louis, M o. UN1 VERSA L HI STORY BlJSINESS i 1,JSUAL, The United States Cent ennial Commission has examined the report of the Judges, and accept ed th e following reasons, and decreed an award in conformity therewit h. PHILADELPHIA, Dcccm ber 5th, 1876, REPORT ON AWARDS. '/ I ---~ rromrri; 'l'oot hache. 1~an1.c1 1 e., lfoada.~11e, ~euralgia, H hcurnal.iSn1, S rwaius, :-;welhf1:.r~, IJ!flann11!l.tlon , nurns. 0111,s, Bruises, f'.a.m 1.u Sldc, P 111n in bat~k. Pain in cho?t, Pai n. ill. a.b oul4e1:, C:ongbs Coldi::, F .rost-b1tos, CJ11lb~ ai n s! Dut.tr hrea, J)ysentery,Suiumer compla 1n ts ,1Y.c.,&c. ~a.J o".'.'.' c x1e.r·11a\ ,~~r~1~~ et your prejud ice 011d g1ve ft. a tr1a!; the, ,m· veshneul; is :'lmaJl n.nd tehef certain. lhe gl'(:Uir secret. SJ.lCGess with :1:11 cfasses i_e; ow ing to the fact it is ~feandhn.rmless, pl ea:; a nL t.otake. gi ves in st ant i:;-1s:=:, and c1~n be ap· plied to a. ·vi<ler ra nge or 1li.""Cases 111 eve~y · Q.av life ·vith 'g.reotor r:;ucceri~, thap._anr .vr~ : pai·at.io1; w h ich reseurcb , i'ktll , ana ·· Jl.·l~,~!£2} ~ ill;;_~c~uost a?on i z.i;;P.,.:f'.~in ift~r . - om' .As a proof o·f its gi·eu.t y o ~vt>r ovei· disea,,6,, any person, no u1atter- wno 11. u my be, !!-..!£~~ Poor, Olil or Young, who is sufferingfl'omn.u.y Of the a.hove "{lainfU1 co1nplaints, will caH at tJ1e Office in '1 oronto, ~;ny <l fl.y of the i.veek,v.;iJl get pr1~ct:iCu.1Pro of ":F'ree cf Uh:11rgo" of it....., rf1agiCU.f i:lOWer-~~~eappTICat~on . ---;ECS'tfmO:UTaiBf~m-airpartSO'{iheDO'ffifi)ion ure co nstantly corning Lu hand. giving·exPi~es~ sion to the n1ost grateful gratitude for a.donishin g cures which it has performed, and ·ve would be pleased to i·cccive testimon ia.Js from a ll ot hers who use it successfully. P hysicians ol' t-he h'Igi1cst. re$pe'Cta°bUity~re commend ii; a~ a inos t effectual " do1nest.ic reme dy" fr;r the J'elief of Pain in oases of sudden en1el'g·ency. """"C arry "it t·01·"'0'iiriiollieS, aiid it" wfirpyov·e··a ~Ie~;i__ing to your famili~ ap.d a.ffHc t. ~c1£!l~!· ""15ru.ggisf.t>1 ar~ seHing enormous quantities of it wb.ru·i:wer intro<iueed. I chall~p the ·vOri d to prod u~""" ll"ricc. ~:i cts. pcrr Jfo~He, TJ.1e f,r<1(le supplied tln'oug4 the \:Vholes a.le Drug a:nd Po,tent :J\1edlcine l louseis of 1\.fontreal, 'l'o:ro11to, liamilton anrt London. SoJ,D BY ALL ENTEltPRISI KG DRUGGISTS. April 15, 1878. 38- ~!f!;9~..:~l1,,~..y~t.£r~~uc~~:'-~--.,--"'. day th eir The -undersign ed w hilst thanking his Have ex_pla in 11lcasant h onorable. \Vomen and and g ir ls do as wen a s men. We will f urfrien ds for past favours, wishes to r ecomplete pays better an:!-"thing "\Ve will bear ense starting ParticuJars mind them that he is still at t heir exp Y'tritc a nd mecha ni cs, need of service, and disposing· of goods at r ates learn paying ho1nc, and a ll the )To\\' time. Co., hitherto unhear d of for cheapness. to ma.I.:e mon ey. "\Vo . In addressing an intelligent public he COLD nGreat eed a every to1vn· to take for cheapest a nd family the does n ot think- it necessary to indulge Can become a successful agent. free to '.rhe is so 10.w that almost everybody in ex travagant statements, invidious subscribes. agent reports m'lo.king over comparisons and fulsome penegyric of 400 A.ll n1 oney fast. devote all your business, Yollueed himself and his own performan ces--he others. and tern1s free. :Elegant a.ud cxpresdve proposes t o convince by t h e logic of tions Outfit If profitable us address to t he .No one wb o fails t o n1u.ke indisputable facts. r ather thl\,n by b oast- great pay. Add ress People's Maine. l· ! ful assertion s, t hat he g ives the best Book Dind1ug. value at the lo-"\vest price~ · :>ERSONS HAVING .BOOKS,MAGAbook Large importations are daily con1ing l bound, fil led in the tlurable a do~en llollars a righ t in own localit ies. no r oon1 to h ere, Business a ucl boys $9H9 U Uan't be made by ev ery agmn every 1nonth in t he business ·w e furnish, b ut thm1e willing to-w~Jrk can-easily -earn Name and a ddress of Exhibitdriwi Produc t, REED O RGANS. DoMINION ORGAN Co., Bowmanville, Canada. The undersig ned, having examined the prodtict herein describ&J. , respectfully recommen ds the same to t he U nited States Centennial Corn missio1~ for Award, for t he following reasons, viz: n.fo b you a Outfit free, The bnsjn ess else. of y ou. free.sec. Farme1'.S and their sons an<l d n.ughters, a nd all classes i n work nt shoulcl '>Tite t o us about work at once. is the Don't Delay. .Ad dre ss 1'RUE & A u gusta, Maine. · · (30) than 1 chfl.nces a person i n subscriptions the largest, b f"st Illustrat ed publica tion ill ,.,·orld.Any per son The most elegan t "I.York of art gi v..en subscr ibers . price One '140 in a week. .A. lady agen t reports ta.king over su bscribers in t on days. 'vho engage make You can th ne to the or only youi· spare time. n ot be av;ay from ho1ne over n ight. Y ou can d o it a.s w ell af:l Full particula r s, direc· fi·ee . your business, you vtan t \.'iork send at once. _ Jt costs nothin g try "The en g liges Murdoch ~Bros. "Because they have produced in their instruments a pure and satisfying t one, by their method of voicing, . a nd have a simple and efficient stop-action, with satisfying in u s ic al combinations, an elastic touch, and good general workmanship." H. K. OLIVER, , Sign ature of the J udg ---ARE RECEIVING-- Portland, J ournal," · .A.PPROV .A.L OF GROUP JUDGES. to hand, iw rch ased under all the adva ntages a ri sin g from th e present depres.ied s tate of the market. · especia l attention t o his stoc k of black a n d from 50 c ents upwards. · coloured silks ~ ZINES, Pamphlets, or anything in Ui e zinc, w hiohthe)\'lSh to h ave cat1 have theirorders nctttcstand n1ost style, and on the shortest notice, by leaving th em at tli~~TA'lESMAN office . Bring a long y uurbind CORN by the CAR LOAD EVERY WEEK E. LEVASSEUR. ED. FAVRE PERRET. GEO. F. BRISTOW. P. F. KUPKA. A true Copy of the reco1·d. J. SCHIEDMAYER. WILLIAM THOMSON. .JAMES C. WATSON. J OSEPH H.BJNRY. J. E. HILGARD. F. A. P. BARNA11D. While all is cheap he would in vit e unusually large, whilst the general stock, fo r variety, extent aud value cannot be s urpassed. :Sowrnanville, ]\fay 20, 1877. ,,by The stock of household furnishings is . Consumption, to known to his cure. "'ho make perma~ntly V R. CLIMI FRANCI A. WALKER, C h ief of the Bureau of Awa r d THOS. l? A TERSON. '!'ION , A S'l'D~L.\, BRON CHT'r1~. &c. cured of t.hi;t.t dread d i se~e. remedy, is fellow sufferers t h e means of To all desire it, he will send a copy I of tl1e Jn·er,;;crip lJon n:sed, (free of charge), ·vi.th the d irections for pn~pari n g a.Ild using the sa me whic11 L l 1ey vd.ll .fi.l1d a SuB:~J COREfor Uo~su:.-.rr: II HAVING BEEN T HE ADVERTISER, a simple anxious The Cheapest Feed you. can buy. Given by authority of t ho United States Centennial Commission A. T. GOSHORN, Director-General. J, L. CkM PBJ<~LL, Secretary. J. Il. HAWLEY, l're.idcn SEND FOR Pf1ICE LISTS. 'I Pa1·ties wil';hing the pr escription will please address. · Rev. E . .A. 'Vn,soN, !9-6m.) l!l!!Pcnn St .. Williamsburgh,New York Dominion Organ Co .UowM.AliVlLLE, ON ..