GANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVlJ_,LE,IFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1878. Hughea say·, and we can't describe it better tnan in his own words. "A large Council n1et pursuant to adjournment. roped ring is made, into which ar~ lntroAl Arn1n·l oJ·, lt~:ut't el\ Couu1y, Ouf. Members all present. ~uced a dozen or so of big boys and young 1 \'.hnutes of last meeting r ead ~ind conmen who mean to play. These are careIIE .subscribe r has been appointed firmed ~ ... .A.gcn1 £01 l h c Col~l\: 011 DURHAM for the fully blinded and turned loose into tho above .b~I'lUt autl Flm al Company 'l h e Co1n The Ole1k !Jt eseni.,ed a cornmtunu.\tion" I panys N urse1y 1s the nng, and then a man is introduced not from oho Clerk of t he township of Manvers blindfolded-with a bell hung around his L A RGEST AND MOST EX TENSIVE in reference to i1 petition of .John Devitt neck and his tl\o hands tied behind him. IN CANADA, and uthera for opeu1ng part of the boundry Of course ovory time he moves the bell and as the Nw'Se1y is s1l11<1tod fat NoRIB, they - OFnrc cnabkll Lo s11Qject the stock they offer to the hne between J\fanvPrs and Cadwnght. must rmg, as he ha.a no band to hold it, public to the He\ erest test, ::ind pu1chasers ma,y 1 ely upon 1t that not h ing- will be recon1mcndod Moved by Mr. Taylor, seconded by llir. &nd so the dozen blmdfolded men bave to bn t w ha.t has hec11 PIO\ utl , b ;") actual exper1n1ent Gogg1n-r_i:nat the Ree-~(.. , Deputy, Reeve j catch hiw. This they cannot always manin the Conip u.n y s Gardens, to be in every " ay suitable for OU! S E VER E r flMAI E Ou1 cat.a,.. ":"d M1. Seymour bo appow ted oomm1s- age if ho is a lively fello\I'., but half of them lougues con tau1 the na1nes of some vanetieBwe d o not recommend. stoners to mct~t tho commlf.lsioners appo1n.t- always ruah into the arina of the other half, P arties in wo.nt of l!"'rmta.nd01111!. mental 'J'reeR, BT O Ol-:;c ed by the to,,nship council of Manvers m or drive their heada together, or tumble Slnul:is, &c >:vill p lease re ·l~1' e t he1L orclers nn 111 t hoy have an opportunity of 111spectrng tl~c reference to two Jnbs u1ent1oned In a com- over; and then the crowd laughs vehemontCompany s Catalogu es and Pnces. Catalogues \\.J Jl bA Jnruled FREh t o uny per son making n1u1ucahon fro1n the tow.aslup council of ly and invents iuck-namea for them on a ppl1eat1on to n1e for them, at Pcrryto·w n RO. J\fanvers on the Bonndary lme between the spur of tho moment; and they, ifthey .T A McMURTRY, .A g Pnl fur Durhan1 C'ou nty. the mud townslups a ud t u iuake such nr- be choloric,.. ., tea.r off the handkerchiefs ~town, Sept . 5, 1878. 6-tt. ia.ngemcnts with t ho said comnussionera as wb1cb blmd them, and not In frequently 11 they "'Y doom ad vi,ablo fui· the proper pitch into one another, each thinkmg that EIOTEL, c:.irryu1g uut of tl1e s..,1d work - Carried. the otht1r must have run against hhn on ~ss-w IWOHESTER, :N. Y. An account was pre::ente::l fro1n IIonry purpose. It is groat Inn to look ~ ·t a '\\1atson for Ccclnr T1 n1hor Iurrushed fur a jmghng match." PRICES REDUCED 'l'O $1. 50 A DAY. bridge bet wee n the 1st au<l 2ud couceas1ons Climbing a greased pole, muzzling in a amounting to $10 20. rrHlS HOTEL HAS REDUCED I'.l'S _ price to the Tu1"\' e ll1ng l'ubhc t o $t60 per On n1otion the l{,eove gave an order for fiO'\\ or-tub, breakin~ heads, running races, da.y It 1s 11 tnd~ to the N. Y Central Depot jumpmg in sacks, rolling wheell>arrows (Only n. fc';\ doo1s Sou1li ,) .m,1 has recently been the a.1uount. AMOUNTII~G· Ro·fittccland R c-f 1un1sh t>d. Open day .i ncl nigh~ blindfolded, wresthug 1 donkey racea, and The Rt.:Jeve iuh oduced a By-la.w for the 'l'he house is fi u1t 01 eve1 y i espect ancl CHu such hkc sports fille<l out the festival day 14YifRW1flQT~:_,a' mone} by goin g l-0 the pr~vcntion of :vice, drunkenn ess, blasphew of an old English harvest home, and if IUOUS langnage, l[fl11lOl c1hLy and Clllll(t, On n1uL1on of 1 \JL 'l\tylo1, se cou..I~d by those rough games, tnteraporsed with ]\fr. L,>ttnnor, th e By-law was read a first danc1ug, beer-drinking, feas~ing, and social chat, did our ancestors. no hnr1n,but hmo. rather served, by the nungling of all classes, The Oouue1l wen t u1t.J Cun1rrutte1:J on the begs to info1m the public tbat he has purcbased tho- above to "humanize and Christianize" eoc1cty, GENTS WANTED in every Count Hecoud readuig of th e B J la i\ . in thaDonuruon, Alldress surely there must be something~ in such a On motion thu Ovunc1l rose and re ported 26 G. A. JOSLIN. Box8Ct.Mont1cal. gathe rillg worthy of preservation. the Ily-la\\ \~ it11ont a.1nendn1ent. 'I'o {Jo111stun1·ttves. On n1ot1on of b'lr. La.ttunor , seconded J\fr. Hughes attributes the s~ving grace of by l'lr. Sey1nour1 tlH:.1 By law w~w rea<l. t-i. those old ""east n 1:. days - to the social HE ADYERTJ SER, HAVTNG DEEN third ti1no and passed, s1gnccl and scaled. element there wa· in them, all ranks m pcrmnncnt1y cwed of that ihe u.d rh sease, society mmglmg together enjoying the fun Consum11tion, by a simple icn1P.rJy, is ~ux1ouH ~Ir. Thomas ] 1r ecborn apphed to the to in a.kc known to lus fellow sutrere 1s the 1nea11!$ and strongtbenmg the ties o1 a common council fo1· a reni~ttauce of dog tax, as ht\ of cure. 'l'o n.11 w ho d csuc it, he will send a.copy and has opened out at the old stand, where Grnat l3a,.ga1m will be giYen. of the prescnphon u sed , (f1co of c Ji(l.1ge), w1!h cl·un· to have killed the dog for which he humanity. As he expresses it in Toni the d1rcct1ons for prcpanng and us111g the sauie, Brown at R"gby. "fhe only rea.&on ·why "hich they will find 0. SUHE CURE for CONSU:MP1a n.sscsscd. .A.pphca.tion granted. l'lON, -'1S1HM.\, BRO~Cl-II'.t'IS, &c. Parties v11sh1ng the prescription "\\Ill please ]\fr .John Vealo nnide a.pphcat1011 to this is not the case still is that gentlefolk add res~ . ha \'e the stuu1ps 1e1no\ ed from the quarter nnd farmers have taken to other amuseRev. E · .A. \V1Ll50N, 99 m.)19-1 Ponn S t,,VV1lliamsbul e ll. N line bei.weon lots No. 18 n.nd 19 jn the nth n1ents, aud have, as usuaJ 1 forgotten the coucesswu 80 aa to leave 2G feet in the poor. They do not attend the feasts tbemWEBSTER'S centre of the roncl free from stunipa selves, and ca1~ then1 chsreput~ble, whereon nwtwn the 1tpplicatwn w,is latd over I npon the steadiest of the po"r leave them for further cunsidet.:itiou. also, and they become what they are called. Storekeepers supplied in lots to suit, at loss than Cl~rrent SOOO Eng1av 1ngs , 18'!0 Pages Qua:rto, til Z, 1\il r Latthn or uit roduced a by-law to 1 Class a.1nusen1ents, be they for. Dukes or l evy and collect the ra tca of the To\\·nship i plough-boys, ahvays become ntusances and 10,000 "\\'ol't! s n Htl iuea111ngs not 1u other Dictwnar1es, f or the yeai 1878. curses to a country. wholesale prices. ' l\Ir. Goggin introduced n Dy-law to levy It was therefore a happy thought uf r ot'n r~:t.Gl tS (; OI.OUU.l'.D l'f,ATESI. A 'lllOLI~ J,mu.An:w IAi l1S£J,F a nd collect cN·tain Trnstees' ratea for the Rev. C. Adams, of St. Stephen's Cburob, B:"ll\ \l,U, R JL'i' ill'tY J(i.lUl,LY several School Seclions 1ut the yt1ar 1878. I..1a.nesborough, l\1a!B., to revive the old \.NU IN Al\ l' 8CllOOL. On 111otion the By-1<\W wa.~ road a first English .rhf!-rvest home," and modify and Publis hed by tune. adapt it to the c1v1lization of this country G. & 0. MEltltIAM, - SPRINGFIELD, MASS . The Council went into Comnuttee on the aud these times. This be <!id three years Warmly indorscd by Bancroft. Prescot.l. l\ifut By-la'1.r on the second i:ea.rloig. since, and has kept up tho.festival annualIoy, Geo P 1\1.c u sh. Ha1lr,ck, \Vl11tLLer, W1tl1i:!, On 1110L1on tlte Coiunuttll~ rose and re- ly, eaoh ytiar ad.din~ an increased interest Saxe, .Ellhu Bur11tt, Daniel '\."'t:!hs U::1, Rnfns Ch oate H Colcb11 clJ?O Sn1art 1 Ho1 a ce Mann, porttJLl the By-law, wl11ch waa r oad n third to the occasion. Wo have great fJLith 1n more than fifty College PrcSidcnts, and the bt st .A1nerlca.n and Eu1 opnan Scholar s . tin1e and passed. the influence of such gatherings upon the Con ta.ins ON E Fll!"l'H more inatte1 than any l\'Ir. Seymour 111trodtu.:e<l alid earned socHt.l, literary, and religious life of our t her, t h'}srn ullcr ty p o g n1ngmuch n1ore on a page. through a By law to appomt · Collector, rural populatrnn, and will, therefore, Contains 3000 Illustrations, nearly three t1mf's as many as an~ otho:i: Dwhona,1y, to fix lus snLuy and define hrn duties. brwfly sketch the doings of the li1st luir1tffLUOK .A.'1' t h e three p10tu1cs of a Ship, on page 17;:iU. these alon e illu:;trate tho n1eamng of 1\lo>ed by Mr. T,1ylor, so" ond ed bf Mr. vest-home ie·tlval, held at Lanesborough n:i ote than 100 w ords. Lattun0r that the Council go into Com 011 t he 30th ult., as a model for simthar l\iore l ha.n 30,000 cornea hrn c been placed in th e public schools of the United St a tes , mittco on the By-law.- Carried . feshvals in o~her parts of the conn try. llecommen dat1ons by 32-Sta.te 8upel'lntendenta of S chools and more t han 50 Uollegc P residents. The Cou11c1l \\ ehnt into Com1nittee on Mr. A dau1s is Rector by virtue of his ofiice, H a.s about 10,000 '~0 1 d s a.nd meanings not in otht>J Da tto11 a.r1es the Byw law; the R eeve in the chair. and, therefore, does not hesitate to take J~1nhml1P8 ,ibout u hundred J ems of literary lVIoved by l\fr Taylor. seconded by l\.fr tlffi clirection of th~e "veaat ,, into his O'W'D lu.bow·, .111<1 J~ se ve1 <ti J en.1 s late1· th,tn ,uJy other lt1,1 g e DwLiou iry. l:ieymour. th,1t the bl\nk be lilied up with The sale of"\Velu~ te 1 s D1t t lonanes is 10 times a.s gicat as the s1:1.le o ( au) oth er sm 1es of Drnthe na.1ne of J ohn 'l11ew1n . ~Ca rr1ed . t1onarics. .. August. 4, 1877 Th e Di< honary used 1n t he Mo\'ed by l\f1 '. ({oggin, second ed by i\-Ir. Go"V enuu ent Punt ing Office rn \\rebster's unLattunor, that tlte b]auk for sala.1y be nbJ.1dgcd." hllod by inse1t1ng the su111 of fifty fiye lt is not rightly eli11~l1-ti"f' WEBffiR rn dollars. T·h e council then 1·ose < 1rnd r e poi ted tho llowma.nv1l10, A ugust 5, 1878 z.tJ by-]a.,v which wa s _re~id a thud tune autl passed DAlLY L!NE TO HOCilESTER._ J V [r George ¥1tlson appl1f d for a grant on the qua1be1 lin e or~ the 5 1h c oucess1ou OOM ME1'0INC ON OR AHOU 'J MONDAY 1\-Io\'ed by JYi r S05rnonr, so coo dod by l'Ili~ S1h APltIL, 1N78, l\ fL. JJ,1tt11nor- t h il t l\f::. T.13lor he ;tp "l.' JE!: E 16 T E .A. D4: El Fl. p(nll lt;hl .t co m Lo nx a.> 11111 e !h o s,ud 103d big elms on the la\\Il of the pnrsonngo, """'~ .1nd to ex pend s uch 1:> tun ,· s l ie 111ay dee1n wh el'e t o.hies were spread with all the re· n1 ffi cH1 11t to rep.iii thc;S,t1dr( ad. - OL 1rriod. freshrn ents '\lh1ch farmers' wives so well On n1ot1ou ~hf! co uncil ad 1onrned until .aud so ,tbund<tutly provide. These table~ the first Niond ~ y lH ( > dobl· r a l 1 o'cl JCk. 1 '\Vere s-cattered here and there ovor tho lawn, ns the trees favored by their shade, t he R tlctur hnn!ielf fnrtushing one, at w]uch hrs 111v1ted guests frun1 abroad were seated, ~tnd lus parishioners, some singly and some u111h-'dly, fnrurnlung the ot_hers. In al1 some 300 guests rmrtook of this feast of l\1r. fl ughes, 111 r r om B1 ut1.n i's f)chool D a ys u t R uyb 11, µ;r,1pl11ca.lly <ltr"'c11bes tho fat tlungs, and e\ery farmer knows how pastiu1es of nHHry I~ ng l :ln d i n th e olden better a cluck ens ~ tng tnntee 111 the open \Ve have t une, .u1d " hoe\ret h,1s ic,1d t hat ch auu- atr than 111 a. co1dJna<l room. ea.ten Saratoga potatoes 111 tho spac1ons 111g hook will ue vljt fo1 g:et "on t Vl.:' ast 1 " .is he calJs the g1<-'Rt .tt11ntal festl\ al of the dining room of Congress Hall, but they Enghsh \ ilJ uge On tlu ~ day a <t.ll the never reltshed so well a.a under the canopy children of th e \' llb.gc, " he1e ve r t hey of the sky, and the shade of the fllms on were sc11.tte1edi liu ed t o ~ et h01 ue for a " Churclnnere" lawn. Possibly the baud of music th11t was in atten<lanCe stimulated h ulLda y , tu v11'1t tbe n fathers ~-i. n d lnoLhors ~ f; A D '> Y sellm g the MIR ond fiiends bringuFr Wlth th ont their 1 the appetlte. as n1usic 1s said to have po,ver i1 · ~.p 0 A CLLOUfi PF.N . 'Vrite,,, witgcs. or so:n 0 lttt1e o flit, f1o rn up the "to stu a fe,er Jn the blood of age."' n th coJd-.,-.;utor X o1n k 1P.1 J1JJ1Hd. La stsone yc :u: Al)erfectgcn1 SaI1 pl..: lO cent s-tb ree co nntry for the old fol k. Ou ' veast d,ty , [I llo"' evor thm n1ay bei, the secnn·d to for 25 cents Catalogue fl ee Alltlie "'S, 1v O:r\'l'R E A L N O'V El!IY C O.J..fonll c Cll J 111 our. vilha.go yo u mI:?ht see stra.pping1 be enJOJPd by all >vtth un11s~al rehah: l)ealthy young n1en and \\OIU t'.111 fr O lll all rrhe pl1y1ucrnJ Wallts ha\IOg been fully f pl'trts of the co nn L ~ J dlug ro und fru1n sa.tisfied, the feast of reason and flow of / h ou~e to houst:i 111 Ll:v;i1 best clothe8.soul followcd,ns usual on ,111 such occnsio11s Every hou 1chold, lHnYcvcr poor, 1na1 1aged ln tJus conntry. ~.\.u after-d1nner speech to r n1se a' fea st-c,i,ko .ind a bot tl e of g n1ge1 U! a hard tluug to 1nake under the n1ost or ra unn wine, wluch sto od on the cottage favorable circumstances. as to be ncceptt 1.ble ready fo r a.IJ co111crs, a.nd was not able 1t nnJBt always be ap1cy,- but Rector 1.n d1kD ly to thein 1eiue1nbet· feast Adams aeewed to know his nien, and gave tune, fnr fHas t-eal,e rn \ ~1) ~ulu.l ::ind full them auch ~t. start that they could not well of huge ra1nns. :Moreove1 fe~\st- time "as help going as eas1ly as a log slides down th e day of rcc.rno1 lrntton for the p:m sh _ lnll when started withs good push. We I f Joh H1gg1us o.nd N oah Fi eernan hadu' t had spe eches from clergymen and laymen, spoken f o1 tue l~\Bt six month s, their ol<l professionals and workers, and "all \'jeut wo111e-n would be sure to l!et 1 t patched up merry as a marriage bell," till the lengthI ... E ..A. D T TI ::VV- 0 RH D by that day. And though tht::r e was a en1ng shadows adn1on1shed u~ that it was - - o good deal of d1.111k1ng and ]ow vice 111 the tune to go home and do the chor~a. Many RECEIVED SEVEN PREMlUNIS a nd GOLD ME DALS 1N J<'O OR WE.l!. ' KS ! booths of au e ve11111 g 1 it. "hl.3 pretty well reunions with qld friends and !llany pleo.s- - .o confined to those who \\ ould have been n.nt nflw ncqnaintances were the result of doing the hke 'veast or no veast, ' and, on thrn harvest-home festival, and \Vhen W' OVER 1.5,000 NOW fN USE the whole, the effect was h 11111 anizing and Churchrnere Parsonage opens ile doors and - 0 -~Christian." ht.wn for another annual harvest festiva.11 Mr. H n~hea goes on to d tie ~he may we be thfre to participate . and the g:nncs wh1ch 1\e1c h eld in a JJir. Jlnghes winds up his account of the large green field n ~a [ t he H!lage, and the old E n ghsh pastimes by saying. "Don' t appearance of the crowd, uon~1str ng of let any reformers of any s:ort think that " gQ 11tlefulks,1' fa.urHHS, .u1d acr"·ants.-- they a.1e going really to lay hold of tl1e "Old BeIJJ.YJ T onl's s cr~ani, 1\ hen the working boys and young n1en of Eogl.u1d I church bells ,.; e1e i111 g1ng a met ry p eal,ciJJ~ 1 by any educahona.1 grapnel whatever which p d in the fiC1\ anL's ha.ll 1e~p lendent 1n hasn't some bona fide eqtu\"alent for the a tong blue coat a nd brass buttons, and a games of the old country veast in 1t1somepair of old yello w b11 clrnk m ,111d tup-booO. thmg to put m the place of the hnckswordwb 1ch \"u had cleaned for, n ld ln her1tecl u1g a.nd :wrcsthng and racing," but with f r uniJ 'l'nrn's g1an<lfathe1, ~ stout thorn all due respect for his jud~1neut, we think .stick Ill lus hand, a ud u. n oseg[ty of pinks the Amoncan harvest home .as conducted a.nd lavender Ill his b u t t onh oleJ and led by V"'"1 ctor A4.dams,__ 1s of a. higher tone and awa.y Tom 1n his best clothers, and two better adapted to the Christian c1vihzat1on new sh!l hngr, in In s b1et:cl1es· pock ets au<l the social hfe of the Yankee farmer. They,see the Jield thronged w1th cuunty I Neither does 1t supplant the American f olk, the n!cn in cle~tn wluto sr:nocks, 01 national festival of Thanksgiving. The '\'elvet ePn or f u stu~n coacs, with rough latter is particularly designed as a family plu8lt ~va1stc o.l.J,s of ina11y colors, and the . but the harvest home calls tuwne v.·o uH:Hl u1 th en beautiful long ct u 1n5ou and ne1g horhoods together and strengthens cioaks. The air resounds with the p1pe the bonds of society on a larger plan.and fabor, and th e dr ums and trunqJ e ts of Here there is a place for every one that J...ate S n pt for and Successor to '\\ n1, D. Bradbury , t he showinen shou ting a.t the do ors of theu wishes to come. Factory, Raymond st. B ~ oukl yn '\Varcroon1 s , 11 f .:~et Folut ee1.1.t h Str eet, Nei.v York cara van s, over wluch t re1nun doua 27 l Sino .of t he wonder s to be seen within T1vo in1nates of the Boys' Holl'.!e, Toron· ' . -----t enrp t1ngly. " to were found eating refuse from a swill - - - -- The ga1 Des of t h rn fest1"J.l day wm e, it b>rrel on the 10th inat. The lads, when W IL:, l'AY l<'OR A uOOD LOQ,\L P AP :E1' :!<'OR A must. be confoosed, not of a lu gh or der quest10ned, said they did not get sufficie11t YE J.It. Subscnlxi fo:. thP ~ F irst came the "jingling match, a quaint t o eat in the institution. An enquiry is game .and Lznmenaely amu~ing . " M! about to be made by the trus\.ees. H CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL. GRE...A_T Bankrupt Sale FLEMING & OF IT FRUJT AND FLORAL CO'Y, M cCLUNG BROS. " CROCKERY-, AYERS G L ... ARE and W OODEN \iV ARE, etc., T O $5,17'7. e THOS. B R OVVN' L03'V A CLEARING SALE. mon.t~ of Au.~us~ . sell. all FIRST CLASS STOCK FOR CA.SF!, T kinds of The whole 1nust be turned into Cash in 30 days. ' WONDERFUL._DISGO \lfil5Y. EMPR ESS R !lb~ £ Ul\fABRIDGED.·, TERMS strictly cash, and only . one price. Remember tl1e s ale has comn1.enced. t.OOK OUT roa ~AaCAtNS t TRQS. BROWNLOW: Fleming & McLeod's old stand. ~~--~ NOTED FOR CHEAP GOODS ' I E 4ND------ A GRICULTURAL. I G BUY YOU& SEEDS D ------A~-----~ .. \C STEVE :~B ACE UTS Murdoch Bros. GROCM'RY BUSINESS BRAD B U'RY :l!-:- PIANOS a GARRIED ON AS USUAL. · Bro.s. 1 I ' ---AltE RECEIVING--- ,, I I) ' COR,N. by the CAR LOAD! EVERY WEEK I Freeborn G a-rrettson Smith, ! $1.00 · The CJ1eapest Feed you. can buy.) Bowmanville> March 1, 1877. STATES1\1AN." j