.. ~ 16 PUHL SHED Fion eR o I VERY FRID<lY lllORNING, RY MA .TAMES, AT THE OFE CE 11'ost Oiliec Blocl K 1 g Sheet Bow"J tan TERMS $1 50 per Annum or $1 00 1f paid m Advance ANOllfEI SHIPME~ 1 Mes81'8 Joseph Gould and \~ H Hu man started for E ll(land on Monday last with 400 sl eep and 10 horses They take passage by the stea ner ~h s ss"I p Mr E B Morgan sends abo it double that number of sheep by the Lake Ji ep g01 A HUGE APPLE -M s Ph1lhps of Cedar Dale sho" ed us an apple of the twenty ounce variety htch measured be tween 15 and 16 nches I circumference and we1gl ed over 23 ounces It 1s the b ggest appple we ever saw Has any one cJse seen ts mate 1 BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER25, 1878 WYLLIE'S l'<EWLY IMPROVED <( en UJ = m c: We re a John Tamson s Bairns "'Cl Sl1EAM BAKED BREAD I I- holds 1s performea by ts 1 n ates rnder supervls10n of the elder or elderess but ocoas1onally when the p1ess of b 1s1nesa demands artisans and labore s are employ ed from the world Next in order is ·~stem overvthing m its place They perfom every k ow1 duty cheerf Uy EC N')MY I all spir tual revealn en ts com ng from one and the sane source confirm a1 d susta n each other tho gh thousands of years m tervene LL z LI.I T. DARLINGTON, DEALER IN FINE TEAS, of ram strength and fl.av 01 Coffee good and dehc10us at ] Dailmgton s Plea~e remember my motto Quah t:y the test of cheapness " 8' .., 8 .. c ~ H > w > > ~ <-< ~ c t"' t>:l ~ [ - °' °' 00 ~ .., °" " E: " e. " > c !<: i,..I C;j C"J ~ _A__ T..A_IT M H Ga lery opposltfl Tre even sshoestore is noYi prepared to produce first class p ctures A' TN G OPENED a PhotagraQh ot any vho may favor h m -w th a ca I . 0 ~ 8 <': " .., = C:j PIC1URES COPIED ~I t:-<I '3 MILLINERY AND rve seen a Joskin sac transrormed He scarcely l ent h n sol Toe langer that the Vi se man I es Tho ma.tr he sees and la rn And ave the deeper care he taks VVerea John Tomso sbarns 1he products of the farm rue turned to ITEMS OF NEWS pract cal acco mt not anyth ng s suffermg need as they 1 ever fatl to enterta n THE cigar makers strike 1n Toronto strangers and they ne'er turn the hun~ry I eontmnes from the r doors w1thou adnumstcrmg ta I the r want. LONDON Ont has a 1 ew THEIR HABITS DRESSES &c I over the Thames They pay great attention to cleanhncss THE volcan c activity of Vesm us has of person changes of rai nent and the greatly Increased S'1'RAWBBRI ms are said to be pl en hf I fabr c s of home manufacture n ostly Jeaus and woolen goods The bed I nen n ti e fields at R viere du Loni comforts blankets and carpet ng are pro diced an o g tl emselves Males and fen albs occupy sepa ate apartments usually two brethen or the san e n im ber of s sters occupy o e room a d 1 io case does there exlSt any mt maay between the sexes They generally retire early m the A BELLEVIM.E despatch says I mber ng evening and rise by early da :vn and f e quently before takmg breakfast perform opera! Olli'! w ll be more extens ve th s wmter tha fur several years past 1 or outdoor work A LoN DON spec al says the Duke of Edinburgh Prmce Alfred mil accompany the e v Governor General of Canada to America I rm; Orangeu e1 and 1' Oung Br tons of Ottawa ntend to 'rnlk to church on GuJ Fa" kes day or d m the even ng a concert will be hold AT Br dgetown N S o 1 Monday CHANCES -If rumor prove tr 10 there n ght a mulatto g rl Ann 'J:horr pson waa burned to death by her clothes catch ng are soo1 to be 1no1e than one change in the newspaper offices of the town It s fire :vh1le .,1 e was n a nt sa d that the EJ tor of the V: ndicato is rm, Newfoundland elections come off abo t to move to Wlutby to assu ne the next month Tl ey .ill tnn e tiroly on control of the new paper which 18 talked personal lSsues and there s very I tile of bemg establ shed there while h s excitement over th,em brotl er Cha les Larke 18 opoken of a.a THE Da"son route between Wm 1 eg com ng bock to Oshawa to ass st m t he an! Northwest 'Ierntory m too bad for V ndicator Mr Stanton of the Cl" o wle, travel nnd the oontractor is forward ng s spoken of as the probable foreman of II e 1 ew office suppl es for Rat Portage by ra I THE financ al a1!a1rs of the Protestant Ed cat 01 al Board of Montreal l e ng greatly reduced the teachers salar es w II be le'3encd for ti e ensu ng J ear EANOY GOODS hn.ve o v opened out a Cl o ce Select on of Mil inery s.nd Fancy Goods ~W"ERo Q AND FEAFllERS N' GREAT V R E Y 0 0 "' TRIMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS A:ND BO~ETS I SlLK AND VELVETS n al tho nc v ahades a. l of wh ch I to a l O:EE.A.::E> FOR. OAS~ Ne e Jave l been so 'vell prepared fo the Fa Bumness as I a.m th s <.:icason Feol ng t1 ankful for past favors I ;vould k nd y sol c ta cont u ance of the san e tj iJ). THE DOMINION BANK, BOWMANVILLE Poet Co nposed by Alex McLaughlin tho Canad an MANTLES CUT AND MADE TO ORDER STRAW AND I HT HATS ~LI.DE n ll tl e new styles CAPITAL PAID UP HEAD OFFJOE ORILLLi BB.!NCHES $1000 000 TORONTO OSHA WA CoBouRG Bow1rf!\NVILLE I MRS ANDERSON Bow an Ile Sep 25 1878 ·w HITRY UxBRinGTil INSURANCE NE ~ lNSUil.ANCE OFF CE I N I T OLD AND RELIABLE Insurance Agency. ESTABLISHED 18o2 Scott sh Commerc al Fire Ins Co LUMBER SHINGLES A gu· H i877 $10 000 000 The su bscr ber rn1 resents the follow ng th st class Cor pames Western ssm ancc Coy Tornnt Fne and Manne Capital and Smplus $1750000 Old Hartford J! ne Insmance Coy of Hartford sse s $3 273 868 88 Commeicial Umon Fire and Life As smance Co Loi don Eng Capital and Invested funds $18 750 000 Isolated Risk and Farmeis surance Coy Toronto $600 000 Phcemxlnsurnnce Coy of Brooklyn (lvlamc) Capital and smplus $3 000000 Canada Life Q een Insurance Coy F o a d Life $10 OtttJ 000 and SQUARE TIMBER ~nd Canada lJ re and Mar ne Ins Co ii 000 000 TH E FARM MONEY TO LOAN. T fa m property at mode ate rates ot HE FREEHOLD of p a Jiment t LOAN AND e o <\hove ine a nd to d el ve articles n n.11 pm s the To :vn Tl e J g est p ce pa d for Lumber Wood c Streets are prepared p ompt y to fill ordo_rs n tb nterest to be :epn d by nstalm nt or a fixed term Ter s ent~ yea.is o su t the bor o er pa t c ara apply to Sav ngs Company is lending mone.} on vill be ex ended from th gar We buy fo ()ASH and sell for <:A.Sii Office and Y a.rd Corner King and Georg Fo full AbiEilICAN GREENBACKS & EXCHANGE BOUGHT JoH McOLELLA· } McCLELLAN C 0 ~V LL 1'r CANN Ace dent Ins Co of Canada 11 s aga nst ace den ts of a I des er ptions MONEY TO So Ho' GenUe111en oJ Fa!!h· 1011 not so nut ING my numer ous cnetomers for t.he be a pn.tronago extended to mes n e I TAKI!; THIS MErHOD oF THANK HAVE FRUIT TREES I am prepared to furnish oJ kinds of REMOVED BOOTS & SHOEA -OF-- S3 ts Tl e r la1 ded estate compr ses between e gl t a1 d n e hundred acres all of ·h1oh are under fence and ti e l ghest state of cult vat on A· tie Soc ety at "atervl et s small theJ deemed t prudent to rent a large port on of the land out to skillful formers m the ' c mty The soil 1s a vory r10h dark loam and not unfrequently yields from 60 to 80 bushels of com to t.Jie acre The transfig rat on of the ground s sl gl tly undulat ng msur ng hereby a most perfect dramage Q te a number of acres are oet apart for pasture of stock A large fruit orchard of the choicest variet es of fruit gives bea1 ty to the surround ngs The otock lB of tba very best and of the D rham breed Tl e milk cows surpass any that I have seen on ex hlb1tion at o r county fairs All their wagons and farm 1mplomento are well cared for and not exposed to ti e sun and ram but careft lly placed nder cover The shaker s a sc ent1fiB ngnc ltur st A J. ro the S e tvnel WoNI ERFUL -Mr James Gordo11 I as showed s potatoes of a largo size tho seco1 d growt1 on t1 e sane so I Tho lirst growth were very large potatoes and were sl own at the recent fa r \Ye thmk th s 13 equal to an~ ti ng e ha e known or hcnrd of m old Ireland llfr Gordan has also mangolds of a very la1ge s ze Frmt and Ornamental Trees, FJOWERS Al'ID SHRUBS CHEAP fo1 OASH The ccident Insurance Co of Can ada Capital $900 000 Canada Guarantee Coy Montreal Pin ate Smet} ships abolished Lancashire Frre and Life Insurance no y Capital $10 000 000 Man chester The agr cult 1ral 1mplen ents are of the latest in proveme1 t I stood among the peaceful and quiet homes of tins humble and unprete I ous colllm 1n ty who have ateadtly ar en fro n CHEMIST AND DRlJGGIST the early stage of forest and p oneer I fe EGS RESPECTFULLY TO AN 1n the wood t o com petc ce and by earnest N OUNCE tl o.t he l a s rcce ed a we 1 as and well directed to l they have comerted so t.ed stock of Gonwne D ugs and P re Engl h the rugged w lderness nto a parad se of CJ} emicale Al~o ... a splend d stock of he nos smil ng fertil ty ca efl Uy selectoo SUMMARY OF THE DOCTRiliiES HEID llY B DENTISTRY c HARNDEN, L DY.E rvhich on.nnot be surpaseed fot' excel ency o 1ual ty An assortment of .An I ne Dyes cp constant yon hanil toge J er with a oho ce so lect on of DRUGS CHEMIC"! S PATEN 1 MEDICINES l BHUSHES CO M:BS SHOULDER BRACES !SUPPORTERS &c &c COLORS D La c of Oshawa graduate o! the Royal College or Vental u ~ o s Ont.ar o ) OF EIOE 0' FU j\!cAR1HURS SIOUE GOLD FILLING A SPECIALIY Pla e ' Vork executed n the la test and n ost mp oved s y e o tho Dental .A.rt 1 EEIH EXTRAClED "\\IIHOUr PAIN For Ins ranco ill any of the abo, e firnt OHS PAINTS class Compames ·!Ply to H O'HARA, Broker and General Insura ce Agent a l'W At the cry lowest p lees VARNISHES anol ~HI EA HORSE AND CArTLE ~an MEDICJNE N B Country Storepeekers s ppl ed on a ageous terms egula TEETH 0 c Bow Door~ ESr cf LYLE & :MAR'l'YN s JOHN SMALE Ticket Agent for the Inman and Anchor s~""'msl 1p Lmes Agent for Pianos 01gans and Sewmg l\fachmes p;-ALL VORK WARRANTED 4L>!i DENTISTRY I BETH AW CRAWFORD - H S RE-OPENED IN SAME OLD STAND, be e h e is nrepa -cd to sell FLOl R an l I EEJl I II 1 i ds of ROUGJI GJC.A.IN JlF.RIC '-N CORN A by tho car oad at Bll'Il oivr PRICES so pa t cu ar a tent on to BEAO'J:IFUL GOLD FILLINGS AI tiflcial :teeth I N SERTED AT A MODERATE FEE Teeth Extrnc ed Without P a n COAL AND WOOD. NOTlOE TO DEPOSITORS rate of four per cent per annu u D EPOSITORS " ILL PLE /\SE take not ce that alte Lh s date nt erest at t he 11 be p a d on the ba lances a thell' credit n th s bank J A CODD Agent 19 ~ Subocnbe for the Stale 1r.a Don t b01 ro" ) our neighbor s Remer b tl e address one door west of Buckler s Jewelry store A. SECOND HAND PIANO JN GOOD K ng Street Bowmanville ..t:!... order forsa eve:rychea_p lheownerhna }Art town Enqu re a thia office Bowman Ile Sep e nbe 11 1878 '1 3m ·