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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1878, p. 4

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CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2Ei, 1878. ·-.· Home-made Carpet, 10 yards 01· overLlS'l' OJ<' PRJZES. . · ' - I 1st and 2d :>frs A.McLean. . · 'I Bedin Wool 01· Worsted work, raiseiHORSES. . 1st Mrs Finke. · D11AUGHT.-Team-ht A J,attimo1·, 2il Berlin Wool or Worstea work, flatr1st Mrs J Davev, 2'1 Mrs Fluke. T Werry, 3d 'l' 'l'aylor. · Brood Maro and Foal-1st John l\faEmbrniclerea Braia \Vork-lst Mrs H haffie, 2d Ira Jobb, 3d A Hylands. . Gihson, 2cl Miss Cecelfa Spinks. Two year old Gelding or FillY:--lst Crotchet WDl'k-lst Mrs H Gibson, 2cl TO BE HELD BY John Mahaffie, 2d G. Darcy, Hcl James Mrs T Dnrcy. Coates. . Fancy Knitting- 1st and 2d l\frs Jane One year old Colt- 1st James Coates, Devitt. 2d John Fordor. Emboia.ery ·on Muslin- 1st Mrs 'l' One year old Entire Coltr-lst Thos. . Darcy. White. ·Bead Work-ls\ Mrs W Ashton. · GENERAL PURPOSE-Team-1st James :Wax Fruit-1st Mrs s ·T Ferguson, 2d Davitt, 2d Anson Taylor, Ud .Tohn Brent. Mrs T Darcy. · · · Brood Mare and Foal-1st John Ma- . Wax Shells-ls\ Mrs. T Darcy. haffia, 2d TA Wright, 3J J·ohn Beacock. Gents' Shirt-1st Mrs T Darcy. Two year old Gelding or Fillv-lst Painting in OH-Mrs Dr · Montgomery, Samuel Allin, 2nd T A White, 3rd R. 2d ,\mbrose Mason. , ·. Cars.cadden. · Painting in Water Color-'--lst Anibrose · : · . .. One year old Colt-ls!; John Fordcr, 1foson. 2nd TA W1·ight, 3rd G Fallis. I - Pencil Drawing-1st and 2'1 Miss Em.IF YOU ·w oULD BE PUT IN1'0 A . 'J'wo year olcl Entire CoH-lst H Bart- ma ·rayior.. · let. . . - Monoohrornatic Drawing-1st Mrs M CARRIAGE- Team - ls\ () Edgerton, . Devitt,2d Mies Emma Taylor. 2d S Groan, 3d Wm. Bruce. Leather Work-1st Mrs S T Fergu- . Brood Mare and Foal-1st T Lawson, son, 2cl Mrs J Devit. I 2d G W Devitf. . . Seed Work~1st l\fr. Goggin. Two ycnr old gelding or Filly-1st Geo Farmer's Wreath--,-1st llfrs.-FlnkE. Call at their establi!lhnient; it enjoys the reputation of being ' Hooey, 2d A :VfoLeav, 3d J Devitt. Hair ·Wre;ith- lst Mrs W Ashton 2d the greatest · · · . ' One year old Colt-1st E Gu.lbraith; Mies E Graham. . 2ntl A LaUimor, 3rd if H Devitt. Berlin Wool ]<'lowers-1st Mias E GraSinglo Driving Horse-1st G Fallis, ham, 2nd Miss Hu~hes. 2nd G W Devitt, 3d Joh,11,Hngh~s. . Patch Work., 1st° Mrs Jane .Devitt, 2d Sadille Horse-1st Geo .Fallis, 2d A Mrs. ·Fluke. Lattimor, 3d ~fas Flnke. - ·. Rag Mat~lst"ri!rs II Gibson; .- - CATTLE. · -· Woollon ·Tidv::_.lst · Miss Hughes, 2c1 IN THE COUNTRY· l\frs S T Ferguson. · . . . .Grade ·l\Iilch Cow-,lst Andrew HyYarn Mat- 1st Mrs TI Gibson, 2c1 Mrs land, llcl ·r Weny, 3cl 'l' A Wright.· J Nesbitt. · Two year old Ileifer-1st T Werry;2d Home-made loaf Bread-1st ·M'1·· A Lattimor, 3d TA Wright. Geo Mal'low, . 2d l\Iiss Emma Tayl01·, 3d Ona year old Heifer-1st ancl 2d T l\frs N Jlfoi·low. . · · Werry, 3cl John Samells. Paper Flowers-ls\ Mrs 'l' Darcy, 2ncl - Yoke of Oxen-1st Wm Jones. l'vfrs Fluke. . - propose to he alive to the demands .and necess·ities of SHEEP. . Feather l!'lowors-lst Mrs Wm Ashton; 2'1 Mre. Mrs Jane Devitt. the times. · Yearling Ram, Cotswold, 1st John German . R.aisecl Work-1st Mrs W Goggm. ·Ashton, 2i! llfrn Dr llfontgomery. The Tasteful, the Carejid, the Discriminating, the SEVEREST Ram Lamb-1st John Trewin,. 2nd T. Home-made Cotton Stockings-1st Mre · ECONOilfISERS, all delight to frequent A Wright . E Ginn. Aged Ram, I,eister-lst A La,ttimor. 1lome-made Cotton Sorks__.:.lst llfrs T 1 ·A ·. RT . w: n · Ic HT FAIR · ll Gilrno;.,, 2d Mrs N Marlow. G . . Pair .J:io_ me-made G .· loyes-,--lst .and 2d Mrs H. Gibson. T ::a::: E I 1 I I -- -1 I BIG P U S H is now raging at ' .- .... SHIP FOR CHEAP GOODS CONTINUES AVERY LARGE --STOCK OF-- Mc Clung Bros. AGAIN .ST ALL CO.~EE,,S. JUST .ARRIVED -AT- COOD HU OUR iF . - And is determined to continue to sell at the Tuinol.1sly . . cheaper than the cheapest. Why he 'can do it--:-First, he buys for cash and knows ju~t how to buy.; Second, what he can't buy cheap cnouah, he manufacturcrJ. Third, he jg satisfied wlth srnall profit.~. Fourth, he sells for cash; · Fifth, hesells at bottom prices. -AND-~ prices C.A.LX.. A.N'I>.SEE FC>:Fi. .'Y'C>U:EUSIELVES 'I !' "CHEAP GOODS" HOUSE DO NOT F_AIL - T o - :-·- I J R I N G YOUR F R I E N D S WITi-I Y OU workn1enkept, cl~gaut. styles.~nd patterns, of Enghl'h, Canadian, and A:fnm1can ~a.nufacture. , ~-e still conl1nues t_ o ma,nufa;cture to order, fron1 the best or · material and none but first-cl<> Examiue the sto·ok, 'vhich comprises everything in the trade of the vcry,Jateet and DlOS · ;. -"· -' ·~ - ~i-.- · of Mcclung ·Bros. McClung Bros. . AND WHYP See T, h~em ! Ordm·s Promptly Execttted, and Good Fits (Jcnaranteed: 1-{efhas ~n stock an endless~: ·rariety of La.dies' nnd Gent~' Sura.toga 'fru11ks - va l ise ~ eJc \vlne:h he is selling oheap for"cash, ' -~ ' ,_ , Bowmanville, Septembcr12, 1878. Remember -the KING Stand-'~ BIG STREET, BOOT" drawn by· two I-Iorse.s BOWMANVILLE. GREAT Bowmarv Uc N'f. TR_ ELEVEN .--;-:o:-:--: Goggin. \VliO ha·ie.f!nished their four months course are . Pni~ Fowls, large breeJ-lst and 2a ~~t1l~~"\~~t~~~~fe~~e~~0,;1('g~~;1,?]f~~~i~J~~Jas Fluko. they spee·lily a 1.tain promotion. · ·, . ' Pair ~Gees~-lst . ~ . 1\fcLca.n, 2d c Lar- ' -~.._o\.m~llg' OUl' stuClents· are those wh~ have teen mer. thr.ough .tl:.e~graunnar 6choolsnnd univernit.ies,as .The \lndersigned whilst thanking his friends for past favours, wishes- to re·mind them that he his still at their -OF==============· E-f service, and disposing of g9ods at :rates ··~ Heavy . importations. FLEMING & · McCI~EOD'S Stock thoroughly assorted; and2d John Samella, 3d TA Wright. ~::::'.\ "/1\1~ hitherto unheard of for cheapness; 'rw_o Ewe Lambs,_ Cotswold-lat John /,Vi:}J,/Y r.IV" - ~ /,- , Each department colnplete. T1·owm, 2d 11 A Wright. _ f~\J , )rJ\,~~ -· · In addressing an intelligent public he ~ . STOCK OF Two .Ewes that have raised Lambs this i\\ . . ·';{,-;:(~ '; Specially Cheap Lines in Dress Goods. Sea,son, J,eicester-lst T Worry, 2d John /l\o (ffV' . '.J. --.·' ~oes not think it necessary indulge WhitJlelcl, Bel Geo Ginn. _ ·~ _,{~/ ~ Millinery replete with attractions. /'Cj:ROCERIES, fJ.lwo Shearling Ewes, A H 1n extravagant statements' invidious Novelties in Tweeds and Cloths. Latlimoi, 2a and 3'1 John ~liilfte!d. 'T s G .. BEATT" & co· . . ·. Ewe La,mbs, Leicester-1st C?mparisons ~nd fulsome penegyric of Clothing- made to order in the latest styles. ~ " CROCKERY, ,Whitfie!U, 2d and 3d A Lattimer. °";~RIO. '\Vonders in IIouse Furnishings. · himself and his own performances-- he 0 HE DESIGN Ol!' 'l'HE ABOVE INExcellent Selection of Teas. Sow, large breed, th~t has raised pjgs T the Work it most._suc~. proposes to convince by the logic of . .! GL-4i,SSW:ARE ·and this season-1st John Beacock.. ?e. ssfully as jn the great Bargains Everywhere ! Sow, sm-all- breed, that has raised pigs of A-l indisputable facts, rather than by b oastr to prepare t ns season-1st ' . Lawson. nien for. by giving a WOODENW ARE, etc., "So\V Pig, small breed-six months nlil in ful assertions, that he gives the best ;MARK THE CONSEQUENCES. or undor-=-1st ,Joh .. n .Tobb, 2nd and 3d J. · .E;.o!)~-Kee.r!ng~in · all value·at the lowest price;- . · · , L Powers. · ~g['~~.'d'Ja~t~~t'lli~o~1;}:~~gg,0.'.h;~k;/':,'~,\1ift Effect rri11st follow cause. More goods will he takeri in, and AMOUNTING TO $5,177. PouLTnY. kiud: ofbuBiness papoo·.. · .· · more goods. will be taken out from ::\foCLUNG llROS. this .. i . Large importations are daily con1ing Pair ·Game l!'owls-lst antI 2,f John GRADUATES OF THE -COLLEGE Daxcy. . . Yearling Ram, Leicester-1st 111)\Terry, 2cl John Whitfield, 3rd <J Larmer. flofa Pillows-1st Mrs R Carscad<len Ram J,amb, Leiccs\or- lst .T Whitfield, 2nd l'virs ·Wm Ashton. · , ' 2cl '1' A Wright, 3d John >yhit_ efteld. . Log Cl;lbin Quilt-1st lWrs If Gibson Two Ewes that have m1sed lll,lllba thLS -1 2nd M1·s A Sprinks. season, Cotsw,old-.lst and 2'1 John SamB. atting Wreath-1st l'virs Wrn Ashton. · ells, 3cl Johll" rrewm. ' -1st ,,,.. Two Shearling Ewes, Cotswold--.... --- ·--- -~· . 1 ·. · ' 1 Qankr'11,pt Sale I GLASGOVV HOUSE f z ,I < · Leiceste.r-ls~ ,) ~-/ 1 ~- , z to - rr\VO . I · ... - .· -. · DELLEYrl.r,E, - SWINE . 1· .STI'l'U'l'TON. and is accompJfahing, sho'"ll ~nccess its g1·u.duutes throughout the country, IS boy_f;, and young and n1iddlC aged om1ucrdal PursuHs thCn1 TITOHOUGH' und PRAGTICAL J£ducath?n its . forrns.i. Penn1an$hip, Anl:l)n1enc. (.or:;;espondcnci:;~ uran1mar a.n<l: treat 1t as an-- .- - .Fall, than ·on any previous season. This advertisement has HAR.D FACTS for a basis. · · · OLD SONC' · Don't -' THOS. BR.OW'.l\ILOW begs to infm'm the public that he has purchased the above l to hand, p11rchased under all the advantages arising fr o m . the present depressed state of the market. · - T. -'- Pair Du'3ks-lst G 1fa.rlow. D,URY PRODUCE. well as y ho3e whoseetlucation in early Ufe ha· been neglected .. Thefonne'-' come to receh'e a praoticalcducntion.sucha,·is. needed in e·verv rnlars, and, speo1n1ensofpcnmanship are sent on J\.PJJJJcation. ,,_ Address~ , -· s. G. -BEATTY & co., a Bt1ltcr-la\ "'rs John Beacock', Ten lb ., "' .LU 2d 'Mrs· Nelson · Marlow, 3lt Mrs H Gib- 'l ub B -~1tter, UO lbs or over-1st ivirs Geo Marlow,_2'-1 ~Irs ~11 ...~: VYright; 1 day life, the latter to remed~- epast neglect anl:i all to secure t.hat Jfno,vledge .,Yvhich w:ill '~help· them to euooess in the world. _ a&' '1'}).e Uolleg:3 Journal, .containing full iJD..l'ti- ·L a'U · '1'es, Barga .1 ' ns are UTOIYlen's R1'ghts l't Goods! Cash _ nioves Mountains! Se_ e .what it .etm tcccomplish at _ - , _ All While .all is cheap he would invite especial attention to his stock of black and from 50 cents upwards. . unus_ually large, whilst the ge~~era~ nd valtrn cannot be surpassed, · coloure d · come! Piles of silks · - ·T_ en lbs Cheese-1st and 2nd Mrs John . Si;mells, 3d Mrs Ndson Marlow. · son. · ·september i1; 1s73, . , . - Belleville, Ont. · ' .. s.3rn · lMPLEMEKTS. I . Double Waggon- lst and 2d T Holmes. / . · TO · Fanning Mill-1st R Sylvester. ~ rE . LE,..ANT Set Horse Shoes-1st Yvm Henry, ""'1 . --A_:_ DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. _ _ BEAT TY' scu IDE WRITING - McCLUNG BROS . .. FIRST .CL-.ASS STOCK . FOR~ CASH, - The stock of household furnishin P's is stoc~, for .~- ': v_aEJ.~ty, ~.:ist~nt · · · 10. . : - . -- ' - and has opened O;It aftheoldcstand, w.herc Great Bargains will be given. Bowmanville, llfay·20, 1877. THOS. PATERSON, · - one pair sevted an{Lone pair pegged-1st Complete Self Instructor in Plain and · G t' B t h · - . -d T wo P arrs .:1en s oo s, ome-n1a e, Ornamental Boots, home-made- ls\ r ·· VECIE'I'ABLES_ . N N Jeffrey. i:~et:adies' ~ p E NM AN s HIP' THH MAGNETICON. Parties who are de,;ir01rn of procuring l'vlESRRS. '\V.1<:1·roN The whole must be turned into Cash in 30 days. Storekeepers supplied E · , GRAIN, FilUI'I', AND r1\vo Bushels Sprinu "\Vheat Fife-lAt ,, '"' 1 Gco ~fnrlow, 2d John Samells. T\\o·o Bushels Spring VVhcat, early var· ' 1 J o h n ·rrew1n, · 2d Geo Mal·low, 1ety- st 3d John 1\iounljoy. T\.VO bushels reas-15t G ]i'.Iarlow 2d Devitt, 2d James TWO n U§ h o1s F'a11 'Vh t 1 t J_ H a writing-, without n teacher, will find Llrn GcmE " ea - s perfect instructor. HUndrods are heeoming Devitt. -. - }Jeautifnl :vriter,s throughJ:?ntthc -Dominion and. lTI I.he UJ?Ited State,? py llBIDg it. Tt consists of ~ s1:1I'1es of COPY SL1rs of convenient size for practising, ·which contain' copies beginni~g with 1he J1r8t prinqiples ~ndgradually progressing f,n Lhe nrnst el~Mt. plain and ornamenial v1rriLing; an ORNA:O.TF.N'l'AL SHEE'l' containing Ger1n·an . 1'ext, Old E11glif.ih _ a n-d - 'ornam.ental I ietterln_ g , Offhand . Floul-jsh}ng of Birds, &c.· ~A Boon: OF (JO PAGES _ with full analysis and in struct,ion, ancl a beautifully en:.. ~rn:v_ed case to cop.tai~ the. Yrhole. . I I you.NG PEOPLE wrsrrma 1·0 acquire a rapid, easy, and tieautifnlhand- ii~ lots to suit, at less than current ,.I & Co.'s celebrated Magnet.icon Appliances at · wholesale ·pri~cs. Bowrnanvillc, will please notice that the business of this branch has been tmnsfeYrcc1 to Toronto, and that - TERMS J\fr. S. MASON, N cad'.s Block, will hereafter act as Agent for Bowmanville, and will keep an a.5sortment of the Appliances 2Jways in stock. Pamphlets and all information will be supplied free on application, or may at any time be obtained from the Head Office, 125 Churnh St., Toronto. Any of .t he Appliances are sent by post or express . ·Oil Wm }\.fcLaughhn. 1 . ' l\'arlow 2cl A Beacock Bd Anson 'l'aylor i.~ ' r' · ,. Two bushels Oats," lnte-lst J Mountjoy, 2cl Thos Werry, 3cl John Bonoocl<. rl'wo Bushels Barley, not two· rowed1st TA ·wright, 2d ..\:nson Taylor, Bel N rwo bush0ls Oats, Dlack-lst George I I strictly cash, and only one price. t · GA.... R D E N E R S : i I P1'ce $1,00·. Post_ Pnid. Address, S.-G.-BEA'l"l'Y & CO., On\ario .Bu.siness College, Bellovllle, Ont. lt6 Agents wanted Remember the sale has commenced. BUY YOUR SEEDS ,, · September, 17, 1878. 8-~ M¥~ owbushels Potatoes-lat N Marlow, 2tl John Samells, 3cl Geo Marlow. bushels Turnips-ls\ 2'1Two A Taylor, 3'1 G Marlow. N Marlow, Dozen Carrots-ls~ and 2d J Samella, 3cl G Marlow. Three heads Cabbage-1st J Goggin, 2d J ohi1 'l'rewin. 'll"'o Squn, Chas Ijarmer. 0 BI G G 1 · A ·N T. AND Hl'IPROVED BIG GIANT. EVERY FEED MILL LOOK . OUT . fOll ,UAllCAtN8 t TE:OS; BROWNLOW! Fleming & McLeod's old stand. · Bowmnnville, August 1, 1878. 1-tf. - - --AT------· receipt of price. THOS. J. MASON, American Re.presenhtti,ve, 125 Church St., Toronto. Toronto, Septt!rnber 12, 1878. NO Two Pumpkins~lst Wm l'an. Dozen Beets-1st II Gibson, 2il N llfai'low. . · POW ER Dozen llfangoltl Wmtzels-lst .fohn · · Nesbitt, 2'1 John Sarnalls. · Peck Onions-Isl J L Power,_2d H J\"EEDED. - Murdoch THE . GROCERY GARRIED ~- Bros. BUSINESS USUAL Git"i:~n Winter Apples-'-1st Wm TufoLnnghlin, 2d A Beacock. _ Dozelt _ Fall Apples-Isl TA Wright,2d W McLau . f!hlin. ·· · br~~~."~a ~Pf~~,.~~~~ets-lst E Gal- Gi~'J:,n2ti;,~l~~e~~thern Spies-::1~t H - Col1ection of Fnll A[JI)lcs,-4 v:trieties, 4 c · succEssFu 1 ,. c _ ._ G;RINDS TWICE 1\S FAST AS ANY OTHE 'R MILL OJ<, SALVIE PRICE. .. · THE ONLY '.R.EN'FElE"'VV - Jl.1. i l... DE ! ~ __ M1LL · · FRUIT AND FLORAL OO'Y· ~ " - --i-· - . ~~-----H. ~ () TIJ]'mi~'!~:{~~b~~u£f~- u~'£~!n~1'~~1~\~~ !~ pany's Nlll'SCry is the .u '.unp1-io1·, Rcllfrcw coamty, oni. ~ ! '~ f ;>; ~ 0 above Fruit anrl FJoraJ Con1pa1ly. The Con1- of e·oh kind-ls\ 'l' A Wright, 2cl A Ileacock. Collection of Winter Apples, 4 of each kind-11 A Goggin,. J)oz011 - "\\Tinte1· Doz on Fall Pears-lab S Allin, 2d J p on.1·s-::-- S · anl ""1·ij:~ht, 2d A Beacock. 1 t l 21 r .i Grind~ ·corn and CobJ - sE~iI Corn o~~s and as the Nursery is situat ed far NOR'T'H. tliev B',"rlo»,· aiid Small "rai'ii. ' ' 1 are enabled ~o subject the stock; they uffcl' tot-hf: " ' " I public to t,hc severest test, and purchasers may . . rely upon it thltt nothing '\Vill be rccom1ncndcd . EASILY SHARJ:>ENED. · ·· · t>: · 0 LARGEST AND MOST EXTENSIVE ':' IN. CANADA, -'· "~ .-.... ~ .[ i....._, §· ~ Nesbitt. Jobb. Ben.cock. 1· G 1tJ. 1 Hnlf Dozen Bunc ies Trapes- .? O )11 MAKE ·s. -. FAMILY MEAL. · ~~it~~euf~~Pl~1~,t~R~~R~n~i,~~r~~~~~netj~~:yc~-f~ - do not recommend. loug cu~s contain IJ1e uan1es of :su111e varieties -.,..,-e bnt>vJiathasbeenproYed,by·nctuttlcA"))Cl'in1cnt ~ ~ ;i .,. A a~ ~ §:- '(D o8 ~ ; ~· ~ ~ ... - ~i:l':l ;:..LJ ~ ~ o "t:;i · ~ · ::(i LEAD T ~E JVQI-tLD~ ~ - Ji'~~ ~ ~ , . ~ _ ---:o:--~ ~ $"" ~ ~ H . tj RECEIVED SEVEN PREMIUMS ~ncl GOLD MEDALS IN FOUR WEEKS J di · s· ~ @ td ~ t;:;,I t"f lf:1 ---.:. :o:-t:r;J "" :o;: -~ ~ w r <+ 1-' d U ~ tQ · ~ ~ "' 1-H ~ L"·j 1-;1 BRADE· U RY. PIANOS · I:! · <+ . . ON AS t"f a....c]. · ~ .t§ 8 ~ "I ..,,. ~>: ~ . Three Citrons-,--lst G Ginn, 2tl John. 1 found, 2d J -tTobb. Tbrea \\""inter Th1olons- lst G Ginn. . TDOK ]'IRST PREl'vllUM , EVER Y.WHERE EXHIBI'l'ED; - :-- ·, Do"en EoriJ Indian Corn-1st .l!EDY FARMER WAurs , not I , i' i;y ii · 1 , . o··E 11 · J.U , Parties in wantofFruHandOrnan1e·n 1aI1'1·ee:o, Shrubs, &e., will please rc·crvo their orders Ull· t·il th,cy haYe an opportunity of inspecting t11c Con1pany's Catalogn.qs and :Prices. Catalogues! will be mailed »~Kio to any perrnn malting application·tome .forthem,atPerrytownP.O. · · £'.l ~ , ....;- ~ I>- cf -"' fl ~ ~ I SJ ~ ...... 0 0-;? .-- ~ ~ g $ ~ r-i ~ WiOVER ·15,000 NOW IN USE. ~ T /". . - - :o:-, -. ~he pec;.nJiai' charms of this Piano is its adapta~ hon to the human voice, as an accompaniment ovt'ing to i0 ~ympathetic, n1cllo"1.", yet rich and PO"?.--crful s1ng1ng tones. La.test f1-om the "ll'hlte llouM.. -'fhe war an1ong as to whose make of pliinoforte ~honld moot ·with favor at tho Executive Mar.s~on has at bec1LseL1)tid by J!..frs. Hayes' se1f-~ctJon ot an elego.nt Bradbw·y upright made by F. n. Sn1itb, Ne., v York. The nev; Brlidbury oc~"?J?ies St pla,ce in the private parlur-afa.vorcd position. ~t. 1s an in~trumcnt of ,great beauty and <?Xqurn1Le tone.- .ZVatWnal Republican , J1Tashington~ ~ ~ ::::;:> ~ ~ t" ~ ~ ~ V) <e: ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ;:l ~ ,_, ~ ~""::I t;tj C':! ~ 8 ~I'\ i:, · ~ ~ 0 g, ".... \,,/" u..- IT\ \LI (/l ;.;J ~ z t?:;J ~ ""' ~-< N H u a· - Ten -ya1·:;:D~::e~:~1:'~ .· r;~~~~J st 1\frs IJ 1 1 1 SEND ·'Ol< PIIIC'Jl Alm .DESUitll'TIUll' II f'l't :'~lOIJOl'AC'l'SllltOEINts. &. fl .0 · " TO . Perrytown;Sept. · Gilisou, 2d A Dencook · -1Bt II Home~made '"Vv;.oollen Coverlet--lst Ivlrs John Nesbilt, _ '.lcl :\Yrs. John Goggin. rl1en yards Flannel, all wool-1st H. Gibson, 2tl 'l' Wbilfield. 'l1on y[trds _ hn1nC!-n1ado :Flnnneli rnixetl 111 R · ·-11 KNOW 5,~~;;,t for Durham ~-~~'.nty, By re.ding ·nd proctlo!rl'~ book ever 1,,ued, cnt;ticd the iuestimapie truths con;. tained in the be;;t -medicu.1 J. A. McllIURTRY, [ ~ " ~ _ 0 ,> '-1, HAMILTON, ONT., ::YIO ., U ·' S ., A · ~lND II S'l' ·a' LO'CIS' · '~ __. '.Ln~~___:~~~~tem~er 11 · 1878· ...-.:. ti! ~ S r"'I ~ l-r1 1 . · ~~M· Cj,.Y ~ Jil JI \..P" ~ w. ~_ 1--_.... ~,, ~ ~ p. '~ "' C t;j ' J ~ Bros. Murdoch _ · -- - -ARE RE<JElVING -·- - - >--j n. o., April 8, 1878. I - lj ' J lhivitt, 2d lYirs J Goggi.u. fiorne-ma<1o Cotton Ooverlet-lst Mrs ,T Fluke. 2d .1\-trs A. np,acock. . Ho1ne-mnllc Fan ey Qnil. ting-.1 St iurs. _ John ~f\Abitt, 2d ~Iiss l\1a,ry Taylor. Pair Lonie -m1Lde Vloolen Bia11 ketR1\,f' D . " M 0 RR . r·.s·a··N --·-1 I 7-ly Priceo~l.y$1. on receipt ofScnt_bymail price. It I- trcatsoiExhnnsted ·vitality, Pl·emature Decline,. . · therefrolll 1 andcon!ainsmorct::rnn50orilf.i!mlprescriptions,o.nyoneofwhichisworththepriceof THYSELFSELF-PRESERVATTON ~ :;.., 8"' ~ ~: t::I :.::::1 U' , ... 9 il CD 1-rj .~ '~ ~"~ . 1J w §. , ~ (:'I~'~ Ql;< · .l ~ .,,. . lfroia personal acq~aintancc' \v1th the inanuf~cturer of t~te Brfl:dbury Pianos, we can endorse him as worthy of public ·confidoncc. 'Ve are using these rnanos 1n our familles and thc3r give entll;e,~~t~sfnctio~n: ~frs.' U. S. G1·ant, "\Vasltington; Ad1niral D. l>. Porter, ~"a~hi·ngton: Rev. O. II. l1ffany, '\Y nslu:i;gton;., Ge~. 0. 0. Ho'\'\'a1~d, Or:~gon; ~0Ue1·t .B onner, ~re\\' York; Grand CeD:tral Ilot~I, 1'ew· York; ;::;t. NtcholasHotcl, i\ew )'. ork; Bishop G1lbertHaven, Massachusetts; Dr·.E. O. llaven says: "::VIy Bradb~y continues to grc,,,.. l1etter every day and myself and faTnH;r more and more ih love with it. All our friends adnurc it." · BiH)1011 Sin1p_ son.8ays: "After a trial in n1y fan1ily f'or years, for beauty of finfoh and wurk1nansh11! und Hplend1d quality of tone, your Drad.bury 1-'iano cannot be equnlled." Dr. J. H. ·v·incent,: "For famlly>vorship, social gatherings, the l'icb.ools and all kinds of musica:l c~Lcl'tuinnumt..i>,.give n1e, in preference to all others, tho swcct-torrn<i Br.O,dou:fy Piano. It excels in singular quu1Il1e.:i." . , · Dr. Ja.s. l\il'Caulcy,Carlhdc, Pa.,s1:t)'s: "}\fy B1·adh!H'Y is splendid. Best in the State." Rev.John.Ii.llurst,D.D. - ~i;;o':it:ti~y:~~t1u~t~~~i~fiis~~i~s~~~~l~~~~ :;, (t:. ~ ~ a· ~ \V fW.I ("\!" ~ I--< ~-.:g ..&::a...!"'.h·J;l._ .JL~ T : T , . Y '1!l:;o. n~E~i;;;;:......, .._---.._. _,. ~._;;.r... R, pianos taken in exchange; casl1 paid for the Hanm. Second-hand pianos at great bargains" froin Lt llfrs John Quinn·, 2d Mrs J Dailey. Tl QL . t B d T Steel Engraving·-· mar11 <nces . ran s $50 to ~200. Pianos tuned and repairf. ~t Organs and 1 ,n elodeons to Snbbath schuoL5 and chUrch cs IIomo-made Gents' Pl·id-lst Mrs W ie mported Havel of art an~ beautysupplied at a liberal discount. Send for illuEtrated -price list. · ' F · "YT 'T l aeut l'REE to all. Sclld Ilmce,-2tl Mrs. J Nesbitt. vam1a c 1gar,, 'me· 'a. o ·accos > it t Add is the oldest Tin Shop in town. lfome:made Woollen Shawl-1st l\Irs fl'ocn all well · known Brarnk- P':fuAB~DYnc"irnmcA~ H. 0 He keeps on hand a good assortment H GiLson. · Pl ·a . Jvfoerschanm Pipes and Ciom . and 0 Late Supt, for and E!uccesaor t.o Wn1. B. Bradbury, Ten yards home-ma<1e · 111 , woo 11 en J c· tt II ld ·· l k of 'l'in and Copper ware, cutlery, &c. or mixed-lat 'Ylrs J Nesbitt., 2nd Mrs II " ·1gmt·e : ·0 0 GerBs; aDar,,Bo·e . stopc . to lNBl:JR..L'\...NCE. \Varerooms, 1-i 'Kast Fourteenth Street, !\-cw"'York. Highe"t market prices paid for ]1'ac.tory, Raymond st., Brooklyn. Gibson. ~ se 1ec 1rom. . . . r1ar . ipes, 27-18mo - Sixskeins11omo-madeStockingYarn- afullline. Smokino·Mixtures. And .J.AR'l'D.UR JUclUl!UTRY, HIDES, SHEEP SKINS, 1st ll~rs John Neshilt,7 2d }frs fl- G_ibson_. ·all other goocls in 1 fobbacconist line. l~RRY'l'O~VN, Agent for_i::evenll fu·st_ AND WOOL. Pair l~orne-1nade ,Y\ oolleu Sr.oclnngs-~ govd -stock of VTiolin ·strini7'S. P Insurance Companies. ltisks taken on all 1 ' 0 ·descriptions of ins1u·able property, viz.: ll'ar1n, 1st itnd ~cl :VIrs H (hbson. p . t .· I . · WILL PAY :FOR A GOOD LOCAL PAPER FOR A Isolated D'\'rellings in t1nvns &, yi\1ages,Churches, Pair home-made \Voollen Sooks-ls11 rices ·o smt tie times. · . Parti cular attentio~ giv-en to job. . YEAR. Subscribe for the . ·_ School-houses, and :\t[erc<tlllilt! risks, at as low rates as any othe[' fi1·st class co~pa:n_v. and 2d :\Irs H Gibson: , Ki ng Street, North side. bmg and eavotroughing. · _ "ST A TESMAN " 6-tJ. Pair home-made l\11ttens-) st l\Irs H l!owmu,iyilln, Oct.; 3, 1Sl8 llil'tf. - l:-'~rrrtow11; Sept, D~ 1878., BowrnanviUc, Oct,. 2, lli37a · 10-ly. ! . . -~'" _ -· -KEE pS A '1. WAYS . 111 U ST O GK, _ the book. Thisbookwae:1vrittenbythemo;;t ex. tensiveandprobablythemostskilfulpractition~ inAmerfoa,towhomwas!1wurdetl.agoldn.ndjew. ·.. -, g ~ ~ U1 ~ c1lcUmc<l.a.lbythoNationo.1MedicalAssocj.ation~ A Pamphlet, illustr[.l.ted with the very finest 'l'.HE BEST MANUFACTURED.~ ffel!l'WARHAN'l'ED FOR SIX YEAHS. Old CORN by the CAR LOAD T:DVERY HEAL ~;:'~hT~;:;J~!u~ ~1:S~ul-T y SELF L. QUICK'S PianoB to let, and rent applie1l if11urchas8d; rnonfhly instalmellts received for the Sll,Die . Freeborn Garrettson Smith, WEEK · 00 $1 The Cheapest Feed: you Bowman ville, March 1, '. 1877. can.©~buy.,

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