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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1878, p. 4

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·~ -, ·· .,·_ ---- ------ - · CANADIAN S'l'ATESI\1AN, BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1878.' AGRICULTURAL. Pre11aring C..'lttle fom; \Vlnt-o.·. THE BIG P U S H takes the l i;:a.d in. Clothing flhG. Cattle feeding, like every branch of farrnir.g, is now carried on with a \1 ery sn) a,1] tnarg:in of profit,ancl the fe eder IJ.l U 3t t herefore examine every item of his hqsiuess, af:! closely as does a large 1uanufacturer, to see that _c·.:ery unnecessary expenditure is cnrtaiJed and every waste prevented. lt has been through the s tudy of th e most extraordin~ry economy, ·in an TO BE HELD BY t he nilliut.est details, that cotton and print manufacturers been able to continue ~u si~ess und el' suuh 'unprecedented decline .; 1n pr10es. It becomes as necessary that the c a.tt1c feeder should examine as closely the · details of his business, to see that the cat- I tle he feeds have a large capacity to eat and digest food, that growth and flesh may be produced with the least expenditure . of fo o d; ·;n other words that he shall hayo a well constitu ed auiiual machine. This will depend n1uch llpon skill in .selcotioni in breeding and feeding. In manufacturing it depends upon the amount of work accomplished by each machine. If the IF YOU WOULD BE PUT INTO A machine d0es only work enough to pay for st ock and la.borJ then it is at a loss of wear and tear and interests on capital ; but if a steer he fed only enough to keep up present weip;ht,without gain, then all the food given is \"laste, for the anin1al is not .ga.iniua in yalne, but i?'I usually losing, becauso Call at their establishment; it enjoys the reputation of being a b stand-st ill is a loss of thrift. If the the 0 O'reatest pasture in October be . only sufficient to pre v ent~. loss of. w.eight, then is th_~ pastun:1 wholly lost for ths waut of extr~ food u_) produce growth. The object of keeping cat tle h!, then, growth or gain in weight or vn.lue; all the food expended b~fore IN T:EIE COUNTRY· growth b~gins is thrown away, and can only be co1n p e1~sated for the extra food ' which produces a profit. Perhaps ' the illustrations of the folly of supplying the anima.l 1nachiues with sca.nt·y food may be given by supposing tha.t a _ stcn.n1 boiler, designed to . gencratl;l power, should he kept. constan tly a.ta terul!erature of 190~, ur just b el o w the production of lil!:e steam_ , propose to be alive to the demands and necessities of no power would be generated, no work done and the fuel expended to keep up the times. this useless heat would be quitfl wasted.; bnt if a little more fuel is added, raising The Tasteful, the Careful, the Disc1·£minating, the SEVEREST the ten1perature a few more degrees, the enECONOMISERS, all delight to frequent' gine starts and the work goes on, and the -fuel is all economically expended. So likewi::1e the animal that haa been given only the food of support remains in its station:ary condi tion , gaining nothing in w.e ight or value; but if one third more food. js --------------- ~ ---add od, growth rapidly goes on and ail the fo od eaten io p oid for with a profit. No\V ovcry feeder should e.xa.rn iue his 1 I_I_ eavy importations. aui1na.l.~ oft.en to 13es t.hat they ar e well Stock th_ oroughly assorted. nourished and nn:i.l~ in g progress i n growth. 1 for when t ho u.niiual <l.oes not grow ho is Each department complete. kept at & loss of all the foo d he eats. 1f aU oa.ttla feeders fuHy cornpreheudeCl ih1s Specially Cheap Lines in Dress Goods. fact, it ~vould pr otl uce ·an entire revolution lYiillinery replete with attractions. into thu 1.u~t.hod and profit. of · b~ef pro,:. d nction. The rtJ \vo.u ]d no . long-er be a H Novelties in Tweeds an.d Cloths. ciaos of short cattle, as they havo no place -1::::3 of profitfobie ca t tle fee din g. There rnus t ~ Clothing made to order in the latest styles. be no t;t o.nd- -uo period of e:Uppended \Vonders in House Furnishings. gro\vth-~but a steady progress for 1he Iirst dav to the last day of the beef animal r.,:;;> Excellent Selection of Teas. on the farn:i. f-!..i Now, win ter is the trying period for Bargains Evcrywherq ! growing nPinials. There l':I ~ lo.w teu1 p~r------- -D.ture t.o he overcu1 11e, a.nd tlus 1s a. great tax upon the wint61' fo od. lf th e animal is in thin condition, the wint er gives it a El foarfol struggle for life. A fa t nnimnl is F. "' t t c 11 _ .. 1\ ;r " ,' -J '11 b e · anc_ . J in th e ,.m e condition, as to' r esouces, ,uec mus 10 OW cau::;e. JJJ.01 e goOl S Wl taI{en Jn, th at" man is who has a snug :fospqsit i_n more goods will be taken out from McCLUNG BROS. this bank wh ich he c~n drnw upon wlien he '"I . Fall ' than on anv previous season not ~~ble t o protl uce. Th e fat u: t\Ccum.., ' · nlatcd ill t.he aninw1 _system is a su re 1 This advertisement has H AR.D FACTS fot a basis. Don't d eposi t which comes t o its a.d aud kceys it · . · OLD SONG warm in !.he cold Sea. <on . We have often tI eat lt. as an . . . . wa.tahe<l the e.:ft\~ct of con ditio n 1 Jpon L d' E ' animals in stand ing th e cold. Tho·· iH a ies, argain s are Y Vorne n 's Hights. ! All come! Piles of aood flesh · eem to be almost indeffereut to Goods Cash moves l\l ountains ! th~ b.n11 pcrat u re 1 whilst thin anirna!s' See what it can accomplish at &hiverin_ g an d s.ho·wing the. grcn.test of. d~s · j con1fort. Now, t he tcac1ung of all t his u:;, that every feed er should yivc his cat tl e full feed through October, and ·ee that th ey get OHAMPION8HIP FOR 'CHEAP GOODS CONTINUES is now raging at GENTS' FURNISHINGS. .An & xoericnt assortme~-t ofClot..~s for M c 0' 1u n g B r 0 s AGAINST A VERY L.LL\.._RGE --STOCK OF-- TRELEVENSI MJ!JNS' AND BOYS' l/UlPS constan tly on hand, Tn-iloring <lono in first clnss style a.nd on Sh o:rt A m sole agent fo1· Fisks' c~le b rat ed "COMMON SENSE SUSPE~OE R, " Cull a nd Examine the1n. I:Iave also ·tt Choice A ssortmeut oi' · LADIES' SHOULDER BRACES i;t.nd S kirt Suf'.pende r s. ~ o Lady should. be vdthout the m, T11anldul for p'ast fa vor ~ ; it i5 hoped a c?ntinua.uce of public patrou a.g-c ·will b e n1erited by car eful and pr o1npt at.teni.:ion to all orders. .ALL CO~E~S . FALL GOODSI JUST ARRIVED -AT- - · J OS. JEFFERY. Bown1an dllr,, Oct 1, 1878. COOD -H·UMOUR F_ - TO - And is dl')tei-rnincd to continue to sell at the ruinonR ly low prices ~· cheaper than the cJ1capest. Why he can do ithrst, he buys for ca:;h and knows just how to buy. : ~e~ond, w~iat h~ can't J;>ny cheap enough, he manufactures. . 1h1rd, he is satisfied with small profits. Fourth, he sells for cash; Fifth, hesells at bottom prices. RB w. JAlUES, BOWMANYILJ, E, 12 A_gent o.nd de~ler in an k ifids of tho latest I an rl b est im proved ACRI CU l TURAL m~PLEMENTS, · .And all tho best and n1ost useful im plement.a used in the househoJd department., such a s se,vin g, K.niLt.i1 1g fl.lld \Vushiag Machines , VV:ringers. · &c. , &c. - AND- "CHEAP GOODS" HOUSE B R ING Y 0 U R F RY E N D S W I 'J:' I-:1 y O U REPAIRS :KEET ON HAND, a nd st.i·ict aLtentio n paid to starting maclii ner; prom ptly. Bow1na nville, Oct ·.22, 1878, 12· ly. F.xamin o the st ock , which com prise~ everythitlg· in the trade of t he very l a tes t . and mos elegan_ t_ styles filld pa~tcrns, of }~ngli s h, Uanadian, and .A.merican fil auufa.cLure. · Ile still continues t o manu facture to order, from the be st of materjal a n ll. .none but ftrst-cla . workmen kept, ' Mc. C lung Bros. AND See T h e :tn Orders Prompt(y Emecuted, and_ Good Fits Gum·anteed. J:I;e rl1 as ~n s toi;~k a n endl ess~ va r i ety of L ad ies' n111l Gent s' ~ai-Ut ogn T r u n k s Vulh:·t.:B ejc w hich he is seJhn g cheap for ·cash. ' ' THE M ART'. REMEMBER Remember the Stand-:" BIG BOOT" drawn by two Horses KING STREET , BOW MANVILLE. Bown1arv llt~ Lyle "& ·M artyn HAVE TilE w1:~~lung Bros. B k t s l I I an rup ave . G R E.A.T M. TRELEVEN LARGEST VARIETY GENERAL GROCERIES, CROCKER Y and , GLAS SWARE Tn the Con1fty. GLASGOVV 1 - - - : -:o:-:--: HOUSE I Q tJ.; !\! . . [A . RK- -THTil CONSEQUEN ' ·_· CES. friends for past favours wishes to re- PRovrn10Ns oF ALL K INDS. -OFmind them that he his' still at their FRESH AND CURED MEA'£S . service, and disposing of goods at rates ALLIHliDso11 P~:~:"E nommn,um FLEMING & McCLEOD'S hitherto unheard· of for cheapness. >'c:--. ~-i- --~----STOCK OF .· In _ addres.sing. an in te _ lligen t pub .lic he ·11~ . '~i~</J:J;/;rJ J~~ ~oes not think it necessary to indulge pt 'x:&\fJJ~ GROCERIES, 1n extravagant statements, invidious ~- f~~ comparisons and fulsome penegyric of s. G. BEATTY & co. CROCKERY, himself and his own perforn1ances--he GLAS SW ARE and proposes. to convince by the logic of T HE DESIGN OF THE AllOYR INSTll'UTio::;r1 and w urk indisputable facts, rather than by boastits W OODENW ARE, etc., ful. a ssertions, tha~ he gives the best- for then1 value at the lo\vest price. _ AMOUNTING TO $5,17 7 . hill s of exchange, checka, u.nd Large importations are daily coming l he undersigned whilst thanking his _ ,. DELLEYILLE, OW· ARJO . - · the iL ii; m ost sue~ cess:fully accomplishing, a.a ~bo\\rn in th e g re;;i.t gra.duo. t cs th1·o ughout the cpunt:nr, '.3uccess of is to prep are boys· .and y oung and nri rld1 e aged men Com men .:ial Purm1Hs by giving a 'l'HOROUGH and PRA'I'TCAL Edncatlc-u in Hook-l{ee_ring -in aJl ir.s for rns, Pon ni::i,nship , Arith rn et1c , Correspondence, Gr a1n1nar ;;i..nd Spelling ; B anldng M e L ho t1 1'.l; .h ov.· to d eui '\Y1th all noteH, d rafL:-i, kinds of b u:,i11e:;1S paper, TBO S . '.B BO 'W NLO W begs to inform the public that be has pureba.5ed the ttbove to hand, purchased under all the advantages arjsing from the present depressed state ofthe market. GRADU ATES OF T UE OOJ,I,EGE they speedily attain promotion. .A..rnong our stu dents arc those "vho have been through t he g rammar schools and mdver 8it,ies ,at:l 'Yell a s th ose ·whoso edu cation 1n eal"1 J' life has been n eglected. 'l'h etormc\· comi;i Lo r P A ;e i ve a prn.ct_ical education. such u.s i;; needetl _ iu e ve r~ day h fe, the hit.ter t o r01ncdy (pasL n ect, a nd a.U to s ecur e th u.t k nowledge wh ich will holp t hcn1 t o success in Ule \.vorld. I.t:ff' The College Journal, con taining -f11H J mr ti~ cn lars, and specimen!:! ofp_ e-n1nansbJp ·u.r0SP.n t. on appJicu.Lion ., S. G. THJ:A.TTY & ;J o ., BeUev11lo, Oµt . Sept e111b er 17. 1878. 8-3m ---~-----~---- While all is cheap he would invite especial attention to his stock of bl ack and coloured silks from 50 cents upwards. eac_h w eek sieppin gin togood pm~i~iou H ;i t1 -.,·1hich. ovnng to t he co1npJet.e11oss of t hen· knuw le dge, 'i.vho have finished th e ir four n1on tJH'! co utse are r. in good. c0nditio~1_ for the wint~r. ~rah~ f ed iu the fall will be doubly for 1f the pasf. nres in i.he least . d efici.ent.. If the a nin1al comes to the win ter In good cond it ion. then H. grain i·at.ion will keep it McCLUNG BROS. FIRST CLASS S T OCK FOR ,CA SH, and has op~ned out at th e old stand, where Great Bargains will be gjven. The stock of household furnishings is unusually large, whil st the general stock, for variety, extent nd value cannot be surpassed. Bowmanville, M ay 20, 1877. JO. THOS. P ATERSON. it the growina thriftly all tho winter, but if thin ~on1m encerr1ent of cold weather, it can not eat enough to make good progress. Live Stock Journal. ..... An experienced phyaicia.n says : I wish to sua{J"est "t o phvsicians. ·in treatiitg diptheri ~~ to use ~ intern; lly a very 1veak soJution of carbolic acid, n.nd for the throat or fauce8 a solution of hydrochloric acid, abo ut the strength of at1·o ug vinegar . I have tr ea ted every case su ccessfully so far wit h t he above named rem edies. Croup is inst::i ntly relieved with the acid solution. As far as n1y experience goes, the Iaatnamed r emedy stops all morbid devolopment in the t.hroat as surely as a hoe will stop pig· weeds in a hot, sunny day. Apply i t to the throat,,\1tith a brush or 8pOnge, or u se as a gragle. A correspondent in Alaban1a writes that in a case of his ownfan1ily,he took eqna.l parts of black and common salt pnlv erized them. finely, and with a n1op ap plied the mixture din,ctly to the throat. " The ~il'ect ,vas m, agica.l," and the patient recovered. Another correspondent. in New York says that he has often tried successfully the met hod recommended by Dt-, Field in an E nglish medical journal, of garglinl( the t.hroat with -a solution of Jiver of sulphur, or the pntient inhale the fnmes of burning aulphu1·. · To CURB HoARSENESS.-A small quantity of p uh·-e!·ised borax, about t.he size Of a.-pe a, dissolved in t he n1onth and let slowly run down th e throat, will stop the tickling and hoarse ness aln1ost instantly. THE MAGNETICON. Parties who a re desirous of procuring llhss RH. WETTON & Co.'s celebrated :Magneticon Appliances at Bowmanville, will please · notice that the .business of _th is branch has been 'transferred to Toronto, and that M_r. 8- }1ASON, N cad's Block,_ will hereafter act as Ago11t for Bowmanville, and will l~eep an assortment of the Appliances alwayR in stock. Pamphlefe and all information will he supplied free on c application , or may at any time be obtali1ed from the Head Office, 125 Church St,. Toronto. Any of the Appliances are sent by post or express on recejp_ t of price. The w h ole nTnst be turned into Cash i11 3 0 days. Storekeepers supplied in lots to suit, at less than current ------- A~D------ BEAT TY'S GUIDE TO ELEGANT WR ITING -. 'i.~- 1 Complete Self Instrlictor in Plai n and Ornamental whole:,;ale prices. , a perfect instructor.. !I undrcas are bcc.01ning PENMAN SHIP. PEOPLE WISHING TO Y OUNG acquire a,, arid t>oa_ u tifulhandw-ritin g, without a. teacher, ·will_ find tho GUIDE TER]IIS · strictly cash, and_only one price. GA.RD E N E J: --=G S,, bea.utif'Lll i.vriters throughout t h e Dominion and in_ the United by1113ing it.. lt consists of a series of COPY SLil-'S of con ~ v cnicn t size for pra.ctising, whiC.h Q-Outalu c opies beg inning 'vith the first principles a.ndgrudually p r ogressiug to the inost elegatrt plain and ornu111cntal writing; an OitNA-~tE I\"T.lJ~ SI-IJJ;ffi'l', con- I mental taining Gern1an 'l'ext, Uld E nglish and Oruu.~ Remember the sale has comrnenced. BUY YOUR SEEDS ----AT Ijot,tcring , Offh and ll'Jouriahiug of Birds , &c.. A B OOK OF 50 PAGES ·Yi th full nnul y8is n.nd in atruetion, a nd a b eautifully e ngraved case to contain t,pe 'vh ole. Price $1,00, POst Addre ss , S. G. BEA'fTY & CO., B usiness Co1lege, Belleville, Out., Jf-.ff' A g ents "\vantcd S ept ember, 17, 1878. S-3m e l FEED -1VIILL- I '~'oronto, THOS. J. MASON, A.1"nerican_ .· ', THOS. BROWNLOW! Fleming & McLeod's old stand. Bowmanville, August 1, 1878. _,_J BJG CIAN T~ Murdoch Bros. THE GROCFRY BUSINESS GR AND IMPROVED BIG GIANT. NO 125 Church St., Toronto. Sept cn1bor 12, 1878. 1-tf. POWER DED, MAN IVl illE R. < SEASONINGS. TauE as a die-Indigo. I-l E.ADQlT ARTE RS- T h e hatter3. A ~ir-s:ingle -The bachelor. AN oa ted animal~'l'he horse. l 'rns TWlCF TIIE AS FAST AS ANY BI-i.ADBURY P ·I A J:"-J 0 S a bove Fruit a n d Floral Company. pany's X ursery is the 0 HER l\fILL OF SAME p grcE. O NLY rrnE painter's overcoat-Varnish. 1\. SBL -PISH IJl:\U--::-Thc T HE . subscriber.._- hai: heen appoin ted 'l'he Con:1~ LE A D THE - - :o: - - V7 0I~L D. "Agen t for the COUN1'Y OF D U RHAM f or t.h e SUJOE SSF UL Mill GARRIED ON USUAL, IU.A DE I fish-p-eddler. :Hron-ro:N.l!:D People-Street-hawkers. and is th e ~urs ery iH i-;itua ted far KOH.TH, they · o.rc enabled to snb,iect. tl1e atock they offer to the :' rr HERE~S Ina ny - a sip 'twixt the Cllp. pnblic to t he s ev e reH!, 1£;,L, and purclrn. sers 1110.Y r ely upon it that n othing w ill b e recon1mcndcd and the llp. ' ' but ·wbat has been JHov e d, by actua.l experimen t in the Con1pany's Gardens. to b e in eve1·y · way 'THE for'3r u n n 8rs of a plague-A mos· su ita ble for o ur sEYErrE CLIMATE. Our c o.t a q uitq's legs. lougQ.~ontai n t he nun1cs of so1uc Yfi· r ie t ies "iYe IN t ho n1idst of deb ~ we are in .lifo- L A RGES'!' A ND MOST EX1'ENSIVE IN CANADA, REjCEIVED SEVEN PREl\fIUl\18 and ·GOLD MEDALS IN FOUR WEEKS! - - :o:- ~, OVER EASILY SHARPENED. Grinds Coru and Cob, Sholl Corn, Oats, B i:trley, an d ' s rnn.Jl U· rain. most of us. 15,000 NOW IN USE. .B -- :O '.-~-- Chicago Coniniercia.l _4. d'l.'erti,~er. A "~RA K tn an-Tho one '.Yhocan't "raise' a dollar. r l'HE sca.h;s of i' usti ce a ro for the wejg h o f c he . tra. n !"gre~ a o r. SI ~lJX Cit y is t he la wyer's paradise.- . do 1~ecomm end. Parties jn want of Fruit and Trees, Sh rubs, &c., ' vUl p lease r eserTe thcir oi·der s un- . t hey lrave an opportunity of i:µ_spccting th e Uo1npany's Catalogues and Prices. Catalog ues ..,.vHi be uiail cd Fnn:1~ to any p erson n1aldng fl.pplication to me fort.he10 , a t Pcrr:rtov..·n .P. O, J, A. J\foMURTIW , Ag:nt fo r Dtu·l11:Lm County. P eu: yto1' n, Sept. 6, 1818. 6-tf. .. , '; r~ dew f( t itue, ,, said t he burglar, as he . - - · ·--c··--L wnndc.rcd for th in tu t.he n i!;ht. a, i:ngu }frf.RliJ ft spek k 8 n En glioh u l ee tle/ 1 IB j l j · "CJ' ii h · 111 I ... '!'he peculiar c harms ol' th is P iano fa its ~da.pta ..,101! to ~ht:; h uman Yoicc , aos an accom panim ent ow ~?g t u 1~ s ~y mpatlietic, n1ellov.-. yet. rich nnd po\,crful srng1 ng tones. Lu t es t. f ~·u n1 the 'll'h it.e IIoust!.-· 'l'h e v:ur amo ng p1a no·n1aker s as t.o whose n1ake of pianof~rte ~ houlfl meet vi.·ith favor a t t1 1!'! E.xeeut.iv c 1\lo. r.s~?~l h ::""I a t Inst beeu set.tie d Qy JVfrs . H aves' sclcct1u.1 nf. i:i. n e!egau t.Brad bun · upri,> "}Jt, 1n"aae by F. 9. S 11 i1~b, ~ cv; Y ork. 'J'!lC J.e w Briictb~ i~v -0c~ ~tJ?1ce1 ~i. pla_ ce in t~e private parlor- a fav orc(l po~n.101L _~t .1s a n nrn t.n11 n ent of g 1 ·eat be11utv and ~xq u1 s1 te tone. -J\Tational · .Republfr.·a1i Wasll.:inulon, D. C. , A p1 ·il 8, 1878. ' . Fro1n p,er5?na..l acq1~ 0.iu ta.nce ·w1tJ1 th;e}ct;1rcr Il1·1~rl bury P ia;·, or.; , we- cnn endorse him as 'v91tl1) ,of public c~n:Q,do=?- ce. ~~ 1 e ar~ ui:::.1ng t hc-::c _ l?·a.nos m _our f amilies, a nd l.Jwy give entn·c , ~!1t:sract1on: ~1-s . L: S,. Gni.nt, '\-\ ash1n gton; Au.1i;11'Hl D. D. ·Porter , \Vasbi ng·tou ; ·l{ev. If.. 11fla n y , '7f"asln~1 gto~ .t.. Ge~. 0. 0 . Ho~wn~1d , ? r~go:1:, ~ioliert _.8onr.e1·, ".N"< .nv Y ork ; Gr und Qenb fLl Hotel, 1\cw lode , ;:;t . N1choln.s llotel, Ne \\ York ,Jl1shop G1J bc1·t Hnven .l\'fassac:h use tts· MAK E S FAMILY MEAL uJrdoch --AltE RECEIVING- Bros~ - - TOOK F'lR ST PREMI UM EVJmYVVHERE EXHIBITED. EVERY FARME RW ANTS ONEl SENI) l~O:!l ·' P U:JG:l·! .A.1\ U Ul;.'5CUD"'l'!6N: 'J '@ tU_.\ ~ '\ Ui·'..1.C'l'UU.l~U.S . K · NOW 2f t:Jie Ry rending a.nd pnicticlllg the iucstiruable truths con. a to e 111 11.gc l', o u enun. . " -i.· l KE ao 1ne bn'3i t1ei'.IS in cn. HlUs icians U ~, are, pretty cer t ain to 1n cc~·~ i,lv_i i1'. notes. is _ u nh a p py wl 1en he ~.h1n ks he fr tot) brifo?h t t o h \·e a.nd to0 yu un g t o di e. Tn m sn1o ki ng chi1 n1 1cy llO \.,.. begins to put I \)lJ ~.\. )L'J. N tlu~ niust iunocenl- look iuiaginab1o. n e ver taiued in the best medical book ever issued, entitled FSELF-PRESE HVATION P i-icc $1. by mail on reonly ceipt ofSent price. It treats ofExhnustod Vifo.lity, PrcnrntuTe Decline_. Nervous and Physical D ebility, r"nd the cnillesi [ concomitant ills and untoh1 -mi8crit!S U..ui. t re sult 1hcrefrom, an d contains more thim 50 o rigiual prcscrl\',tions, a ny one of wliich i9 worth the price of the ook. This book wa:s ,.,.rittcn by th e most ext ensive u.nd probably the most skilful pract itioner Jn America, to whom wns nwnr<JerJ a gold andjew. elkd wcJu.1 by the Nn.tio'nal !v! edic:--:1 A 8sOciatian. E THY s L q. J. A. Fl ELD, S OM & GO.~ HA1vfTLTON, ONT., AND 81'. LOUIS, :MO., U . S,, .·L Hanii1tcn, lc,1e p t cmbcr U , 18'78. 7-ly ~ ;....j - - -·· ·- - UJ ~ - - ·· · ~r. ~· 0 . Hav en says : ·~ l\fy Bra'f.bnr y Piano contin u es to g; nrw better ever' dn. v and Dl)' l3elf nnd ra n11l y n1orc and 1nor e 111 love vo.t.h i t. All out fncn d s ud1n1re it. " J ·' Bisftff(J Sinrp sou.;::;ays: :· A fter a triflil i n iny fo.1n ily f or s ea.r s, 1'or bcanty of linish ·and \YO"krn11.n sl11p an d _~J;!lend1d C\na11ty of t_ono, you1: Bracl~nry P:i~n ? can n ot be cq na llcd." ~ D1· .. J. H. Vin(:911t: 'For_fanu l)-·~vorsh1:µ , socml gutltcr111gs, th e tlu. bhn.Lh sch ools a nd a.11 kind« f! f n1 usu::~ m:~ t er ta u1111 ent.s._grve 1 11e, 111 preferen ce t o all Dtl wr e, t_ h e swet!t-toned B r~.c:lln.11'\ , P'ano"' It c.xcels 111 s1n g 11Jar qualities." " _.. · Dr. ·Ja s. J\'('Cu uley,Ca 1"1i sle, Pa.,saya : " My B1·adbn r y i8 :.-;plcndicl. BcBt in the Ski.le." U.e v . .Tohn. F. Hurst , D. D. ' · THE BEST M ANU F,\OTUR ED.·~; J"&' WA HBAN TJUJ FOE SIX YEAHS. CORI~ 'by t 11e CAR LOAD D. MO RR ISON , IIAIR D R l!'!:SSEH., p aiuted a 'vo u1an. Pro bably because wo1nen paint thcn1 s1.~ l ves. J\fursso :N1EU · ye} of art ~md bea.uty- Steel_Engmvin~n. _mar. A Pam:phlct, illustr 3ted w ith the v ery _ - HEAL fiue~t ! N aorne uf ou.,_ rest:-~Ul'll.nt.s the 'vaiters d on' t wait hn.lf so 1 11uch as the cn~t. o mers. :6uch St. 1 Boston, Mass, Ci:u u.AG-O is the Cologn e of "America, in Hplt,e of tl:e spirit e<l riv alry of several sister cities. H Arl'Y is the m iL n wh o can lie all da.y u-nder a. ~bad y t ree looking for w ork.~ Pica.y1ine. 1'HERE hR."l<-e been so nutny exl:lcnt.ions f f' y that i:;; l1erlff8 are getting the hang th e thin g. r:S'fr~iE. ~-DI<JlttTl..11YSELf 1 sent FREE to all. Send for It at. once . Address L. QUICK'S is the oldest Tin Shop in town.' . Pia.nos. to let, a.nd rf'nt a pp1i ed i~purch:issd; 1uouthly in n1mtls rcccivcU for the sa:i.ue Old pianos ta k en in cxchang~; cash P.f.l.Hl for t h e san1c . Second-Land v ia uos ut gre..,t bargail .· f , 1 $50 t o $200 . Pianos tun ed and repair r. 1.- Or ga ns on d mclo deons to Sabbath fH..:b :Nis u.nd ch~r~tn 1es su p plie d at a liberal discount. t-3e nd fo1' illust r ated price list. INSURANCE . .J. A R'l' H. UR lUcil_H;R 'J'!~l! , ~ev t~ ral He keeps on hand a good assortment of Tin and Copper ware, cutlery, &c. Highest market prices paid for Freeborn Garrettson Srnith 1 IThe Chofoest Brand8 Imported Havamia Cigam Fine Va. 'rolxwcos E VE :R Y KEEPS ALWAYS IH STOCK Lato Supt. for H.ntl S u ccessor t o V\'111. H. Bradbury, Faotory, Raymond st., Brooklyn. "\Vnre1·oon_ 1s, Ii Ji:ast .!fourteenth S treet, ' New York. .WEEK I in l" urah1e F Hrm, Is Dwe11j ng~ lu Low n s & v illages, Churches~ School-ho11JY!'.;l, au d lo.'fercantilc rfaks, 1::1.t as low r at es as filly other ilrst class Compa11y . ERRYTO,:VN, Agent fo r first clastr P Insura nce Co1npa11ies. R isk!'! taken on all descriptions of property, viz .: R IDES, SHEEP SKINS, AND WOOL, , PartieuJ1tr attqntj on given lo jobbing and e1tvetronghing. Bo:wmanvllle, Oct. 2, 1878. I 27-181110 P errytown, -Sept. 5, 1878, 6:tf. 10-ly. $1 00 . · WILL PAY POR A GOOD LOCAL P APER l!'OR A £YEAR·. Th e Cheapest Feed you can ·buy. Bowman ville, March l ,.c 1877. Subscribe for the · " STATES MA N." from all well know11 Brands.Meerschaum Pipes and Cigar and CigaTette Holders, a large sloek to select from. G. R D. Briar Pipes, a foll line. Smoking Mixtures. And all other goods in Tohbacconist line. A good stock of Violin strings. Prices to snit the times. King Street, Nonh side. Bowmanvillc, Oct, 3, 18)8 10-tf. · ...

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