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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1879, p. 2

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CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVJLLF, FRIDAY, FJ1;BRUARY 28, 1819 THE DUNKIN REPEAL FARMERS I :N W <\:NT OF SPLENDID IMPRUED fl st class f11rms of MEDICINE. lVIAG NEl ICON." 1 English Magnetic Applian ces FOR THE CURE OF DISEASE 100 to 400 Acres, Hat 111g large clearo. cos good fences and bt d ings and excellent uni np oved ild lands n blocks of CAN A DIAN OFFICE : CHURCH STREET, 100 to 600 Acres, LADIES' AND GEN rs· Great Bargains, BELTS. SPINE BANDS KNEE CAPS, ANKLETS, WRISTLETS SOLES AND VARI OT S OTHER A HARBOR OF What benefit will a harbor of ref 1ge be to the town l is a quest o 1 ve have asked several c1t1zens dur1n1'1 the past week The general reply I as been T caanot tell W II tho projectors please tell ns We are q nte ready to acknowl edae that it "011ld be a great benefit to th~se holamg stock lll the harbor n t why ·hould private enterprise be aided by Government i The harbor is owned by a Stock Company wbo ate no doubt anx10 s t o receive Government a d in order to raise the value of the r stock wh ch is now we are told conSidorably deprec ated m value However this is a rnatter w tl which we have nothmg to do But that tie town should bear the expense of sendmg thiee men to Ottawa to u tercede for private i i stlt it1ons is a matter in which tho rate payers are partwularly mterested Vie are aware that Mr Milne ar d other ·took holders w Il endeavor to sho" that they are interceding in the interest of the town We must be excused if we question then smoenty Tl e idea of gottmg $200 000 to expend at Port Dari np;ton IB simpl) nreposterous If we thought there was the shadow of a chance we should remain silent bit we do not therefore '\'WO sa.y the Cu 1nc1l were not Jnstrfied in incurring the expense of sendmg tl ese men to Otta wa The men themselves parhculady the 111ayor "ere no doubt higl ly dehghted to get a chance to go to Ottawa at the ex pense of the corporat10n They no doubt thought to have been present in the House when the ~st1mates were bro ght do" n How dtsap[ omted the) m 1st feel And then what earthlv object was tl ere n sendmg the Reeve I What rntl 1e ice has he w th the M mster of P bl c W urks more than the lliayor1 We believe the public will bear is o it 1ll saving that the prospecta of secu1 ng Govcrnmer t assistance for he Harbor Oorupanv were n t such as to warra it the Oounc1l in sending rnore than the }1a) or and we question very n uch the propriety of stt <l mg even him Bit then 1f the) should succeed rn sec u ng tl at !\200 000 to be exper ded on our- o tho Company s Harbor we shall have to take this all back so we drop ur pen 1\'f re nnon - --- ----~- J< 01· Sa le or to FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! THE papers are speaking 011 t pla nly 111 regard to the auperanuation of the Toro to postmaster and the ~ppou1huent of l\'.Ir T C l'attesou m Ins place The London Standa d an mdependent JO rnal and which cninnot be fa Ily clui.rgfld with at y bias or feel I g n the matter denouncea the whole tht 1g as a shameless JOb and very pertinently eriq uros 1£ 1t is intended as a sample of tho civil serv ce reform that was promised by the new Government 125 CHURCH STREE'l TORONTO ~May also be obtamed f1om S Mason Neads Block Bo-,,mam11le ., I SIGN OF THE RED FLAG. S F. I-IILL sr n ng off at ost and less ti an cos H Oooking Sto'JJes. ---o--- .. the balance of 1 stock saved from the :fire The goods saved are fust class season able goods b t n o de them u t U e) to 10 to 20 PER CENT. reduction on Stoves, to clear out the stock. OF 11 all be aold at what thev will bring CASH ONLY, REJ\!El\!BER THE PL ~CE BURK&JONES IEJ\1POHAR1 OFFICR TWO DOORS E<l.ST OF OLD STAND I.a O .... Now 1s the time to Call and examine SECURE BARGAINS. ~ ~ ~ r. No. l Scugog Street, All perso11s mdcbted to e " ll confer c ua d of tic BOWJUANVILL gr at favot oy calling arul .ettli111 the cou11ts 1 romptly as 1 am Gash i ADVANCE) MADE on personal and collateral secuut:y ; THE NEW STYLES. e S.. F. HIJ_.iL. "\\ IIY Y 01 SH01 LD GO TO l\ OTES DISCOUNTED 0 =.. liee&Edsall: TREBLE REFINED AMERICA N COAL OIL, THE BEST IN - ~QWN. TRY IT. T ::S:::E mte1est paid on deposits of $4 and upwards DRAFTS I.SSUED DR BOYLE S MOTION - -' HARRY 0. TAIT & CO. FOil PHOTOGRAPHS A PIONSHIP BANK STOCKS BONDS, DEBENTURES, and MORTGAGES FOR CHEAP GOODS CONTINUES TO BE HELD BY BOUGH'! AND ::SOLD Bowmanvillo Feb 12 18 McClung Bros. AGAINST - - - - - -- - - - - -- --- !) 29-ly The Annual Meeting of the Stoel Hal le rs of the OHAl'WERY SALE OF ORGA-N CO Improved Farm in Darlington ALL COM"ERS. IF YOU WOULD BE PUT IN'IO A c::ooo HUMOUR Call at their establishment it enJO} s the rnputat10n uf bemg the greatest ON SATURDAY, MARGH I, A D 1879, AT TWO 0 OLOOKINTHEAF1 F.l'tNOON A1 rnu; OWN OF "CHEAP GOODS" HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY· RFEBOI'TOM IN HE McCl ung Bros. GREAT STRENGTH. ALSO propose to be aln e to the demands and necessities of the tune::; The Tasteful the Ccii ejul the Dzsa zmznatzng the SE VER ESP ECO VO.MISEBS, ,ill delight to frequ<mt Pleasant and Refreshing- Qieatz ties (23) I DARLfNGTON Agent McClung :Bros. AND WHYP MUSICAL WORLD. PEA SOUP. S3m1ngton's Prepared Pe.,Sou1· I\fadefrom their celebrated Pea Flour to which s added E-1 ~ z H z P-t ~ ~ 0 Hea'y 1mportat10ns Stock tho10ughly assorted Each department complete Specially heap Lmes rn Dre;;s Goods Millmery replete with attract10ns No' elties m Tweeds and ClothR Clothrng made to order m the latest styles \V onders m House Fm mshmgs Excellent Select10n of Teas Bargams E' ery whern ' MARK THE CONSEQUENCES tal~en and JBROS tlns m D on t uame such All come f P iles of See what it can accomplish at Solie to s of Patents Box 31 (30) " GI ~ ORE ~MITH & C o · McCLUNG BROS. Bowmanville, September[30, 1878 10 ashmgto1 D C · -

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