· THE PRINCIPAL MEASURES Among the measures passed during the present sess1on of the L ocal Leg1slat 1re the more impo1tant inaJ be said to bo the amendIT'entR to the Educat10nal and Election Acts, the Jury Bill and the Bill m relation to the mspection of Insurance Compames The amendments to the School Law have the I effect of extend1n 0 tl e school fdrancl ise- a t present conrmed to freehol ers to a 11 nan1cs are on the voters ~~m-u ~wm~dvd~u ThIB - IS PU13L S ED HY M . A . JAMES, \T TilE OF.l!: CR .r Ht om.cc 111ocft lt..U1g si1 rct Bo" n1 tll' Ile I _ . ~......--~~~""'""'~~....,,. ,. . .,. . ,'.'.'."' .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'._~" ""'--"'~-" "'~....,~--"' -"....,~"""'"""'""'....,....,....,....,,.,.......,~~~....,,,.,....,....,'.':'.~..=:.:__~~'""°""""""'"°"'""',...._,._,.,....,....,,.,,....,.,.,,....,....,....,,.,,.,..,.,,,.....,....,~....,~ TERMS $1 50 per Annum or - - $ ~==================================~=====~======~==== 1 00 if paid in Ad _ c.:;._ lH A JAMES EDITOR AND PROPRIEIOR va~n =c= e================================ I percons whose B OW M A NVILLE, FRIDAY, l\iARCH 14, 18 9. -41 :BLUNDERS A HAPPY HOME 7 ~ g1ves11comevoters lhe llght to vote at school elections There 1s also a cha.nae 1n rc2pvct to matters of expend1tnre - " 0 cc ~ .., .... " ~ ~ The Jr13h have a world wrdc repu tation for ' bulls s 1ch as uo other nahon has r roduced bit e\ en they are rarely luck~ enough to blunder m suuh a "a:l that the second blunder cm reels the first A mother and son however aucceded rtwent ly rn accon1phah1ng this curious feat w. " mother nut her question rt flashed on hnn pc1 hai s tins stra go Jetter rs for her Gnu g 1t to her to open a id look at tbo signature he was iu1te relieved to find his conJectnri;, was right Ihe blunder of the n1other m 1nri 1 nug had made in t lhgrble the bl 11 dur of the son m direct P=I 0 1-3 "" f.i rs Heretofore Scho I Boards ha< e had the power to ask for aln1ost any su1n of n1 ney they saw fit and tho Connell was obh"ed to provide the money By the an e1 ded Act M 1n1c1 pal 0 June ls a.re empowered to \ eto t dernand for cvpond1ture after the actu<Ll nccomm.odat on req nred by la\\> 1 as been provided City Boa1 da are given powet t u er ect one of their own school.,, into a n1odel school for trau 1ng tead1ers-a po\'\Or corrt!spond1ng to that alr eady ex ere sed by Cou1 tv f oui cilQ L arger pow" a: are conferred on Separate t;chool Boards for going in to capttal expend1tn1e In respect to the an en lments to the Election !\ct 1t may be said that the pr1nu I al idea h; to remo\ e all d ubt as to the date 1t whtch th fo of Pai lrnr iet t I have a wife ,o;hoso t cntl r lo e Has ever been the same \Y1th ull the care an<l watchfulness lhat households dufacs clulrn ~T ea.rnest natut of 1 of l ope '-' Lh hea. t they I O.'VC no c ange \:VJ- m na ght but de tth can pn1t fro \.Vh 1 nothing ca.n e6trange Workrng With Imperfect Tools As gemus can shape a face from clay so it can create tools and mater a l for its ¥. ork n any art or science The cou1 try doctor Lescarbuult who d1 sco vered \Tulcan was found bJ Le'\ eir1ar in h1s v1s1t to have used co1ntnon boards and charcoal to re cord hIB observations for lack of pp,n and paper Dr Smiles r hrs charming hfo of Rob ert D ck tells a s1m hr story of hrs ready de\ ice of th1s re1narl able man 1Ihough stimulant \\ th poison Jn it wlule tny compelled to labor incessan tly to support med1c111e is n. natuial stun ulant contaunn.,, I his family tu his trade a.a baker he became no poison s r1y medic ne stimulates one of the best practical geolo_g1sts of the nerveR. and not beina po1s0nou::i. Scotian J u,lJays 1nf:lan1n ativn- tha t rn t holds the S1r Roderick 1\t'.Iurchrnon once vIB1ted cells open mt1l the morb d deposit " him to mqmrc ab ut the ge0Jog1cal fea forced out and the cells accustom them tures of tl1e cot nf:ry about Thu1so whe1e Tl e baker was busy at his selves to receive their stimnlns nntu1allv he hvod through the arteries It stops all cravu g oven surrounded with the unplements of for alcohol labor P lease ex.plain the p::i.1:1sa.ge of food 1: ull of enthusiasm at Sn Roderick s and poisoned alcol1ol to the b am agam questions he caught 1p sowe handfuls of I aa1d fionr soread them Oll the boord and n1 'Vel1 , hen a man dr1nks a.lcohol tv; o or three m1nutea ha.d drawn a perfect goes 1 ke electr1c1tv atra1oht to the ner\e 11uap of the d1slr1ct sho\\ing tl e course of cells thencu to the eye tluor gl the op I everi stream and the drp of all the strata tic nerve tJ en to the bra1n n aking a I Sa Roderick s dehght was eq lal to his m i..n talk lively t hen to the !:ipinal cen \Oader hmber1ng the back thou to t he m vrnnlar system and wl en it finally TWO DEATHS gets to the sto nach he 'om ts Focd One of the most dramatic and s1gmficant goes J st tl e op1 os1te \\ ay Food goes to the stomach firnt then rn o the blood me dents of tho New l'ear was the sudden and aln1ost conte npuranco11s death of two meu In Pen1 sy l van1a One\ as a noted JOUrnahat a 1nan without high birth great wealth 01 ta ruts or I oh heal powo1 yet a whvle cits st o l n ou1ning at his ~ ra\ e Political eneuues 101ned as heattily as 1us rnends in l onest reg1 ets and honor for htm The man had been simply a go od ratwnal moe help( l loyal IJo\\ did y u chsco,er that red cin it vos mnd to hrn God to lus country, chona ha1k wonlcl cu1e d1u 1kenness 1 J n.n 1 to 1 is friends '~ell I tirst discovered it do:\ 11 lll I rhe other n)an had been born with a.a Mt1yla1 d twelve }ears ago Aa acco mt fair chances as he bad probably 1mte as t that tlnie 1 much 1nte11Lgcnco dr d culture po~sesscd a comfortable fortune FEED MILL \ 111 0 u u.ll Lh e iU ..._] E O l F.U CIA.Ifi AND IMPRO\ ED BIG GIANT 1 · A CURE OF DRU"&KENNESS BOWl\l'.LANYlLLE CAPI T,AL PAID UP, SUCCE SSFUL Mill MAUE? I he physicians and ten1perance men of Chicago are excited over a new remedv d1sco·ere l Ly Dr Robert D Unger wh ch not only cures tntemr erance but leaves HIS Oll N th e drunkard with an absolute a\ e:rsinn [wd1tference] to ·pmtuons l1 qu rs I had a long talk w1tl Mr Medill abom '..S ANY 1 this wonderful d1ScoverJ durmg winch I I1ER MH T OF S.AMTI PRIOE asked hH i Is this n1ed1c1ne a secret 2 TH:E O~LY Dr D Unger is a Re tells the secr t EVERY MAN M IllE R j 0 EASILY S,L!.RPEN ED Corn and Cob Shell Corn B n ley and Small Gram frow twenty four to tlurteeu it competent fur seven grand 1nry nuin to br1u 6 in a vet<l1ct instead of twelve There 1a also a change nacle ln the proceas of select ng J uors b3 v; l ch the means of selection 1s inmphfied and cheapened as well as being rnadc un1fo1m all over the Provu ce by the adoption of a property quahficat1on of four hunored dol1nra This is an unprovement on t.he old } lan by which different co rnhes had d1!le1ent qua! l10at 10ns The Bill rePpectmg In surance Coa1purues provides for tl e ap po1ntine.nt of an 1nspect::>r whose sttlary 18 to be n1ade a charge on Lhe companies dou g busu1esa Intl e l'rov1nce and whose function will be to vi~1t the head offices of the various companies ana prepa.rti a iepo1 t of then fina 1cia.l cond1t on their ab htv to meet theu· engage1ncnts their comphance or non complw.nce the\ arious stat ltes conholhng 1 s ru.nce con J a..r ies 1 he ~ct rs calculated to gn e policy boldera gre<.1t~1 c nt.ide1 co 11 t1 e standing and s1nccrttJ of the va.1 ious ilio and hfo insurance companiea doing bus1 less In the Provu ce Besides the e, therG '\!lS n Bill defining the northern and western bounda11eg oo:o the Province a1 d pro\ id ng for the adn u l tration of J stwe in the newly acqu1rcd districts Ihere were a nun1ber of othe i 1a.tte1s dealt with f AMILY MEAL E\!RV FARfil1ER WANTS ONE I o Capital C n.p to.l SJ i\D l!GJ.t B tUtE -\ND DIS~DllPIJO.N 10 IUA.NU!<AU1 l.UI .H8 J. A. FIELD, SON & CO .· HAMILTON LOl lS MO U S ~ Mr - - 111 bed ? abked as we gave our hats to t l e srUDl' TO m·TERTAlN Oo11tnl WOOD H, \V JAJ\TI S LUMBE R SHINGLES, S c pie u Anent for D th \.m ber 11 1878 best 1neal tlus nlorn1ng hf teen ~CD.rs I am 1 ut 1 01 talJv dc1 rmrn cd I am stro1 g and wou1dn t Lake a drink of liquor for the \\orldJ andOh Doctor ' 1nterruoted his '\\ lfe as she sl ook both his l ands you have "\)hat conspicuoua r.ures u saved George and \ e are so happy cfl. 1 vou ref"'r tu Doct r 1 and then I er <yes filled with tears of J y Dr S B Noole He V\ ill that man ever drink again I I H is Herve cells were asked the Doctor potso::ied He was once President of the No by Illmo1s Dental Associauon He got to be a hard drinker H a nun ct began to be n.ffi.:cted tho lgh a scholar a1 d a ~entle man belo;ed bJ ernrybodv He trred red Peruv1M11 bark Lh1 ea weeks ago Hes a well man now and everybody in Chicago any nc l)oks at lus cure as n m1111cle Dr Noble hab tual kn o\\ sit was a drn ease and don t ob3ect to be referred to l am satisfied 1f the phys1c1ans in New York will gtVe Dr D Unge1 s discovery a trial the) wiH do more for tcmpe"ance 1n Ol D AND R[ LI AB l E MONEY TO L O AN Insurance Agency. ESlABLISf{ED 185~ The su bscnber 1 enresents the followmg first elaHs Com pames J3o wmanv lle !!..u~st 28 18 8 §o l'H!o' f,.e nU c nrnn ot Fashiwm· not so f'aist. Western Assu ranee Coy '[ oronto Fne and Maune Capital and Surplus $1 750 000 H A VE D ENTISTRY. c. HARN D EN, L. D. S, of I e nrol Su geons Ont 110 ) Old Hartfo1d Fne Insmancc Co' o Har tfo1d ""ets $3 273 868 88 Cornn ercial Umon Fire and Life As mu 111c0 Co London Eng ( ap1tal an:l Imested funds $18 750 000 Isolated Risk and Fanners surance Coy Tm onto $000 000 Ph emxin"ma11ceCo, of B10Jklyn (Mame Capital and surplu:; $3 000000 Canada Life m FIC1" O VFTI McAU1RUR s R LORID GOLD - FILLING A SPECJALI Y red varrety Drr gg1sts call 1t the qmll bark h.eca__me con1e~ fron1 twigs abo i the srne of a q nil AMER!CAN wrr (HI! DREN S TEE III y:;r; l l T. W ORK WA Rn 4N 1 ED ,._ r)EN T I S T RY. wca1 One Door ' ' EST of L Yl.E & l\.IAR rYN S J O H N t'>MALE \Vl'l l i 111.: III \VIl liOU TEETH Bo,, lll:ltJVllle T "' 18 B EAUlIFUL G<YLD :B..,II,I.,IN 88. j il r ~du:1.tl Fe e11:1l IN J£1Ul .> \I I MODE RATE Ill E T eeth E xtracted V1 th ut P am AW CRAWFORD How tlo you mix it.;> Tho readv v t of many :;i, Yankt!e may &c Tr a\ lleis Insur wee Company ot I take a pound of tho \ ery best q u ll be trusted to mm a Roland for an Oliver Hartfo1d (Life and Accident) red Peruvian bark (cin h011, i '1'lt.b1a) pow to any foretgner who ventures on a sa.r Assets $4 205 000 der it and soak it u1 a pint of diluted cae rn aga uat h1s country Ai amus1n~ alcohol Then I sCra1n 1t and evaporat~ it! illus trahon w s recent1J gnen inn. hip to The Accident Insmanee Co do"'n to a half p1n~-so it l a pound to a j the Pacific i Yankee and an E 1nhsh MEDICINE ada Uapital $2o0 000 half p nt :\.ny one CfLn prepa1e it n1an vel e fflllow tr n ellcrs a )d ha<l be Row do yon gne thrn medwrnel come qmte socmblc through the fotced Canada Guarnntcc Coy l\fontieal Pi ivate Suretysh1ps abolished I give the drnnkAn man a teaspoonful companionship of Qeveraldays The Eng every three hours and occa~ionu,lly rno1st hshma l e' 1c1e 1tly thought more of the Lanca,lm e Fire and Life Insm anc~ en his tongt e between the dosf's the first O'fand scenu1y 11 d the 'ast re.,ources of ( o :v Cap1ta1 $10 000 000 .Man and sec nd daJS It acts 111 ~ q lllnno the country th .n of the c ilture and good cheste1 Tl e patient can tell by a hea lache 1f J o 1s manne1s uf tho pcovle nor did an undlle 39 638 at Er1e 1116 274 at Buffalo 329 gettmg too much 'l1re third day ] geuer modesty restra1 1 the free utterances of 381 at S 1Spens10n Bndge 51,274 at Char For Insurance ill any of the above first ally red nee the dose to a half spoonful loUe 150 061 at Fan Haven 2 911 806 clll..BS Co n1 nn1es ar plv to at Oswego 20 nos at Cape Ymcent in good part then down to fifteen ten and fi\e drops 090 at Ogdensl rg g1v1ng i. slv thrus now and then at the Ho" long do ) on co it r ue the med weak pomts of mot! erland As tJ eJ lClllC 'I Broker and General Insurance Agent Conservatn e papers are tryn g to From five to fifteen da3 s and in ex passed thro lgh the Rocky :i)-101 nta1ns tren1e caaes to thirty days Se, en is about they saw that many of the g randest VlC\~S make 1)olitical cry against l\ir Mowat l v ll:foney to Loan on Real Estate the average were d1sfig ired by 1 1ge ad vortise uouts sho1Hng that he stretched his lea..e of Now please tell me the philooophv of uu the s1des of U e cliffs rh Eng I!Shman [ ow>-1r b) tak 1 g act\ antage of a lec,ii.l hcket A,,ent for the lnman this n1ed1c1ne-l\ hv it cnrcs drnnkeuness pomted at tr em w th mtenoe disgust I q ubble abo it !\ld ma I:toweHr much and Anchor S"""mslup Lmes 0 and how you happ...,ncd to make the dis The Yankee no doubt syn path1z d with ground the~ may have had for attackmg !um but the op> oitumty was too good to Mr Mowat before the 2nd of Febru coveryl? Agent fo1 Pmnos 01gans be lost and he coolly retorted ary they ha1 a none now '!'he Local Op and Sewmg Machmcs Well first you must understand that · I guess that IS not so had as some of postt1on by remarnmg m the llouse afLer mtemperai ce first a habit finally beco neo your people w 10 ha\e trred ·o advert ise the date at which they contended Pai!m a disease It becomes a disease of the themselves on the ular.et Mars referrrng n ent ce.sed to ex1't wade themselves to tho ns1nea of :E n<i; u~hmen given to seai:J 1 uerve cells or If ta king to a phys1c1a.n a.nd inounta ns discovered iu the planets pa i ps cri?H1"1,.9 in the breach of the should say rt becomes a rl1·ease of the The Englrahman la rgh~d and concluded o nstttot10n Sr that m the elout on c~m sensorial gangha I found by d1s~ectmg that it was not neces3;iry t<> ma;i;e any reply l.'a11;n that gnu would seom to J;ie §piked ' These do well for the stomach an d qnadrunle<l ti e msur b t bow shall ;iou feed the n 81 c~ debtor did not die tellec s and sp1r1ts of v l l gi. eats~ l\ih :o;1c 1 can understand how this 1 lea clung to Yes If they can sm~ But pei haos uf the the man fol1o wed h1n1 tortured ten1pted dozct :rou have inv tcd not OVi::\r one or h 111 When A"matroi g would die he\ two of them hn.ve vo ces sufficiently cnlti would be rich If death would on]y vated to sing in public qmcKcn his steps Why not help htm 1 · G es 1 E t Few of us th't At last he hired a rt ffian to kill .t\rm am xce 11 ei don t h ke to plaJ ~anH~G chec] e s c:l e<'.!s stiong and tmdmg that he did not fimsh tho "ork dealt the fatal blow wrth his anythrng that· light sp1 ghtly and e iter tarnmg o\\n hand ' llave you any p1ctor1al books 111 yonr So it happened that while the first !torarJ oi abort tie home 1 If so be man v. e have 1 amed was borne to tl e sure to plac the1n 0 1 the centre table grai; e an id the tenrs of a whole con inun 'Ve \e known a su '='le i.:olu ne fun sl de It'\i the last inan wa.s hteralIJ carried to lrghtful entertamment to " whole 11roup a brutalized maas of terror for an hour and bung by the neck until ' Have you a Olnnese top 1 If llot:, purcha~o one It w y cost ) ou !we 1ty ce1 ts and we 11 "arrant that tho fi)'st tuoat other "'Vila even11 g arter you get it if you be r1gl ly time began constructed morally you will " ~it no other cntertau1ment than you will get out Ontano Barley Trade of spinning it Do you sa~ P~ a v tops are for O·w EGO N x Tufarch 7 -The imports ill rrght why not be a bOJ oc of barlcJ fron1 the Province or Ontario boys? easwnall} ? Try it and see how ~ o 11 ke mto the Umted States m 1878 were 4 939 v51 bushels agarnst 6 825 082 rn 1877 it 7 021 382 rn 1876 and 8 236 282 m 1875 THE Rev Joseph Cook commented Of ti» imports m 1878 40 622 "as recerv el at l\hl aukee 204 891 at Port Huron u;ion a boy chmbmg a tree to s enl ap1!es sa1d 41 924 al Detro t 32 474 at C vcland The apples are ti e ob1ectn c n atural motive the boy a appetite ts the subiectl\e natural mot1ve his 1ntent1on 1s hw mo1a1 motive Wh1.1 eupon a critic adds It rs harclly neceSllrry that the b ot or board the o" ner of t h" orchard a phes when he catches him at it 10 tho boy IT IB com plarned that the Local Oppo s1tion ha\ e no cry or platforr 1 up u1 h1ch to go to to the cou try and 1t 1Uust b ad mitted that there 1· a good deal of J rn ice m tl10 comnlarnt Negative clmrges and bald msmuat10ns about extra.,gance and all that sort of thrng will hardly do Elect10ns ar e earned not by mgntne charges ond bald msm mhon' but hj k H. O'HARA, II I I I l ing \; ies or strikmg rlatfor ms \V hali takmg 01y have the Opposition got 1 Wnat strlkmg platform 1