THE LATE JOHN McLEOD M P P 11 CANADIAN STA'IES?vI\N, BOWM ANVILLE,IFRIDA..Y, l\!I<\ RCH 14, 1879 . " .........................................................................~................................................................................~"""'""""'"';;C"""""'""'"""'"'!"'"""':"':"""'""""'""':'.""'""""'="O"""""""'"""'~""'"~"""""'"""'""'"'""""""":""="...""'~':"""""""'"""'~'f'~~~~~~~~~::~::::~~~~~~~~~~~::;"""~"=";;;~"'!~~:""=:-""""'~~""'""'""""""""'"~~~~==~!l!!"':!!!'"""':'~~""""""""""""~~ ~a,==""'"!"~=E=e~a~ _ """"""" __ !!.·~·~~;::mr.<,,.~ POLIT"( CAL CLIPPINGS 1\11\ GNI i'r I {j () rJ' " .... m!'l'Z~ Celebrated Enghsh Magne"'.;1c Apphances 1'0R TI-IE CUR E OF LJJSE 1 ">h CANADIAN OFF I CE CHURCH BANDS CAPS. AN KLET8, w LtISTLETS so.L ~s iND "\ AEI Ub OTHER u.rc roalh: in excess uf last year a shall go mto I :u t1culars I ext Vi eek --- SOUTH ONTARIO - - - o - -- JOr1ty From a personal acquaintance , ith l\tir Dryden for many yea1s we have no I es ta.tto 1n recornmend1ng h1n1 to the eleetoI< I 8 utl 0 tar o as a very fit and proper person to 1ep1esent tl eo hament COL CUBI'.IT and LIEUTENANT BURDEN The alt tu le ass 1med by the "\fayor ar d Reeve at the last meeting of the Oounc1 has caus""d no little commotion They seem to supp se that J\itaJ ors and Rec'¥ es ha\ e a dt) ne r rrht to d J as the:;: please 10 to ER redllct:'..on on Stoves, to clear out tl1e stock Now 1s the tin1e to SECURE Call and exan11ne ~ ~ ~~ r ~ee ~~ l'REBLE REF IN1JD li1ilTI1RIC t1.N COAL OIL, THE BES ! Lr;r 1 1 1 ~ THE NEW STY J..JES. TOWI~ TiiiY IT l 1 FOR CHEAP GOODS OON 'l . 1.N UES JO nr TlELDBY will yet have to answer fa their conduct Tt was bad enough to sen l tie gallan Ool nel d wn to see his trlend Sir John at he expense of tl 0 to ;vn Reeve has to I e added beca se the Tor e lUl'lg AGAIN s·1 = ALL (j 01\1 ~"- IF YOU" OULD BE PTT JN_t_O HU rntahhsb mm t it OllJ O.}S t he greate0t tlH r pn tat nn o, be1 ig "CHEAP GOODS" IN 'l':FIE 001:J , NTI{,Y. tion War le of those Umted Counties? n t the com ng man 1 IIasn tho recently after boxtnf)' the compA,gg come out r. full fledgel I ory ~at d he r1 ist necessanls be mtroduced to Sr Jol 1 a1 d Dr 1 upper forth Hth Isn t he Just the nan fo Galway or the Na\10nal Pol10y either and should Mr T lley smk beneath h1 fi auc al load will not he be the burde cClung 1'-.AR l\ii E RS IN It is neces a1y Lo wa1 i Vi \NT UF SPU ~D ID IMP RO8 ED e1a s a n s of the public f the I 100 to 400 Acre&, llaving large clearances good fe nces and bu ld ngs and excellent un mprovcd ild lo,nds b o Is of Hea\ y 1mpo1tat10ns ORIGINAL 100 to 600 Acres, &I in the Co nty o "\'\ell gton and Ill be old ut Stock th o1 ough ly assorted Each dcnar trncnt cornp t t e Specialh h eap Lmcc m Dress b oo ffa J\I1llmm.1 replete Yilth attra ct10n ~ Nmelties m lw eetl 8 and Ucths 0 Great Bargains, Ba1garns f\enwhere 1 ~-~-~-------------- MARK TI-IE CONSEQTJE NOES ~ nd tl ]t; D on t A 11 come I Piles of B owr anville Sertembert30 1878 JO