CAN,\Dl ~ STATl1:~l\:AN, HO\\ ~L'\;~VJLLE. FRIDAY, J\lfARCH 14, 18 9. Keeps rnusLmtly 011 h,mrl a good stock of GROG E f-1IES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods, 'T'obaccos, Soaps, &c., &0., All kmcL o± !aim p1 odrrP taken m exdrnnge Bow 1nanv11le, October 1, 1878 Clasgo ---o--- ouse. PATERSON Informs the publH' that in anticipation of stock taking, and to make room fo1 8prmg sl11prnents, he is now selling oft his J,uge and well assorted stock, at pnces to smt the present 10 tf. all GOODS · ter I KEYS WI-IERJD ALL IS CHEAP. The following may he noted a:; of ~pccial value. . .... 1~1 35 20 6 ccnte upwaids (( PEA SOUP S~mington·~ li'Ie-;·u·ed Pea Soup "\fade fl om thcu e.;clcb... ate(L Pea lilour to '"'h1ch ()() " 50 .... 80 Blankets, Hosiery and UnderLE!BIC'S EXTRAC"f OF rv1EAT ! clothing, &c., &c. 1s added .I JYFJL Tl 'TOT S, NOUHISHING, A"' Ll D1 SYFPl'IC THOMAS PATERSON. Ilown1anv1lle, December 29, 1878 c 0 M I A'T' I y B01--1LANI)'S Tuiatle u. One 1flnute \:V ithout Bo1hng sale b:-,. F01 123. T. DARLINGTON, HO'V~LANYILLE, ln~2n M ( P-T t 'furn 1:1.rid V\Tholci=iu,le b> FAC~r 0 N WI LLI \J\'I JOHNSON, (2h) 288 St Francois Xavier ~t l\fontreul Tf-iE C::i.-:J EJ-\PEST DRY COODS H USE GREAT S'I'RENGTH, · I l I I I I I I Il:{ BOVvMANVILLE IS ALSO 1s the place for tl1e "lYll-i l ~11: Plw1ant and Refi e'hznJ; Quatibes (23) 'l' D!\.RL1Nf~TON TTTTil "Th1thv Tuw11 U nnc1l has abaudon ed the r:l1o vn J:Ia.11 and hclds it sess1otrn 111 the Oddfollo» 's Ehli A,;eut S. ason & Son's~ N·_o_s _1~-1 ---c.RJ3~r r TELL I T TO YOUR N£IGilEORS l CROCER~ES ---Al"D AI---- SIX REASON·s WHY YOU SHOULD 00 T· l TAIJ~ORING. A First ClassCutter from rroronto. Persons buy ing the doth N. B.--A rarn opportunity and trimmings at our housP ean hme their gaimcnLs cut fre~· of charge. p RI 0 E They have just received the ~ s.. I HARRY G . TAIT & GO. FOR PHOIOGRAPH' 1st Because the gallery is ceu- 1 trally located, bemg on the llfail,et LARCEST s OCK Ever Brought to the Tuiarket. TEAS, SUGARS, ._ RAISINS, CURRAN'T'S, PE~E L S, EDUCATIONAL TuE Po1t I I opc1s have been agitcttlng the teduct1011 of school expenses ~\.nd some for the abo 1it1on uf ihe H 1 dh school, \i'.1th(nt hc1ng ablo to show any sufllc1ent grouiitl for e1the1 cours0 foI SPICES, &c. Squaie, dnectly opposite Town Hall entrance 2nd Because they always cany home fo,[ p11m frnlll county fairs :] rd. Becau0e you can get the largest picture coined and enlaiged from the smallest and the smalle0t reduced horn the latgest 4th Because they have proemed regatdless of cost ac<'e"m 1c" ±o1 the product10n uf llH prettiest mdo01 and outdoor, Surnmc1 nnd Wintei eJTectH. ."itl1 Bt ettll ,e thcv attend to the \'>.·nls of ~ll kmd1v, ~omteously and p1 m11ptly and m,1ke the most hle1il,e pbotogiaphs, ±errotypes and n11n1atu1c ge1ns, ~at lov; e:-;t bv1ng OPPOSITE HENDERSON'S HOTEL. Boy.; manv1llc NO\: 20, 1878. P'Fl, 10~ER,~S · Cttll and Exum1ne !11Bm A'"'"O l Furnitl1re & Undertaki11g B 'J' <)CIC Removed to Gilford'> (/ormerly lV!aynard' ')Taunt Stand. '\V. P. PRO"\,V:F.::R n ent of I I o'\ e al"o 1 c 110 cc In fact ever ything in our line for Christ1na,s. Particular attention is ('allcd to our gives the following rea,ons why you should see his stock and pnces before bnymg elsewhere JOb IloVi mnnv1lle, Oc t 1 18 -.; E ~FEI{Y ., J .t RAISINS & >1 CURRANTS, FRUI T TREES. l a.m prepo..-··ed to furn1i:>h nll kind~ of ln..:h tor quality an d pnce wet e u1we1 t>qrn1lled in Canada. }'mi.t and Ornamental Trees, FJ,OWERS AND SHRUBS, CHEAP for CAB:f-I G 11 & LAifIP1 '.\.11 trcee wa raut<:d l11 et< ll Jll l ::i11d firstolas .Addre ls JOHN CH o\.PLIN, P. 0, Box 55 Bov;,'man' ille. ! I departments are completed a1t fabulously low . prices. Con1e s,nd see our prices and judge for yourselves. BEJLJl'VlLT,E ONl \.RIO ,i, l11s long expe11ence l i l the l11rnrness' znd, he knows hlN ustornern \\ants, 3rd, he knows wbc1c and how to buy goods, Hh, he BUYS for, .)th, he sells at the loiueet cash pt?ces, Gth, he ],cqiE 11 p w 11 h Ihe tunes u i new st' Jes , 7th, he deals honorably w 1th all, f,tb, l·e endeavms tu p1event mi,tnkes, and coriect" them prnmptl,J ii mado, CJlb, he treats all with politeness, trymg to ment ·'Ustom 011 ,111ctly l11rnmpss p1mciples, takmg pleasme m show mg goods whethc1 partws mtPrnl to buy 01 not 'Jhankmg the pubhc tor pact faHns,-by 11vrng "P to the alKI\ e iules, by hung on the piemise, ,o tlmt I can be found at any t1111e, nay 01 mg ht, and by kccpmg cver:y thmg m the U ndcrtakmg line H,uly at an hom s notice, 'winch l bu:i horn R l'H!Ll', Toronto, tho large"t and l1est hou,e in the trade m Ihe Dommi<m)1 hope to ietam a sham of the publre patrnnage I(~~, t :fify Hearse and Outfit fm' Fw11ernl~ aH LlH lib!, 111 ihe conn ty See and Judge fo1 yrnn sel r C. W. P. PROWER. r BownLtn\1He, Scpte1n'.'be1 12, 1878. 7 och Bros. YICTOilTA BTTILDlNG, BO\Yl\1ANVILLE. BIG PUSEI: is now rngmg at TRELEVENsr 11t1PI-=t0VED PLOV\TS BEATTY'S GUIDE TO GENERA L BLAC:ErSJ~(I"I:H. And ELEGANT \IVRITING -A- l)ompletc Sef Instruct o1 ~ Ornamental 1 Parnand D . S1'()TT ' ...Li. l~I) DHUGGiS'I CHElVll~")T 1.'011 :Y l LUd, , ~ <fTLDINU/':!, J)f"iALER I N PENMAN SI-IIP. 1 --AiSll-- D. BRING MO I~RI SOJ\f J Il:AIR l >Rl!G!i"S :IG lH: , KEEPS ALWAYS !M STOC K "' ~'ITH: YOU BOW1liANVILL,,"\". Druggs, J\1edj e ine ::, ~1n d c:11emicaJc, ~'lna Good Fits Guaranteed. Gents <..:ciratcga 'lnr:ko:, Valrses etc Dye ~tuffs T--'a ~ eHt J(Iochc1nca, Pc1 funi.e1 ,.,-, lhll'-1'1e-s, Co111b5, Suaps, .Paints Oils, Pa111l B1u.,,hes, Cun.l 01lJ and Oo::iJ <J11 J,amps, lli'c &:;c PYY8ICIAX;:::; PR i~·~DHJPTI011.,.::: C_,_\.REFU LL\ (dlVfPOUXDED A.ND l\.LL Ul{DEHb CORREC1'1.JY .AN8VlRHED Remember the Stand--" BIG :BOOT" drawn by two Horsee KING STRE E T. B OWMAt\I VI LLE. ~JJ'o frnu-er~ c1/nd I' lt'} /HCiansf1orrl- the Cun11by n17l f.tid o 1,1 Sto Aof ltfedicvnes ;,;orn I 'lit best q'!.lu.i1t } M TRELEVEN · '