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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1879, p. 2

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CANADIAN ~l'A'IESMA.N, BOvVMANVILLE, FRIDAY, M:\RCH 28, 1879 DOBBIN s ELEC1IC SOAP Dress- aking AND MILLINERY!! The great success that has attended rn3 past efim ts m domg a re Liiv first cla.~s Fancv Dry Gooch l isme s has led me to add ~t 11 another bia:nch , iz N P and the effect of its operat ons on tie tiade and co nmerce of thP. country In exposmg tl e fraud by whwh the Do m1n1on was caugl t in Septc nber last }1e tnd 1lges u1 no vulgar d1atr1bes but uaes the langt age of a gentlen1an and a scholar while his car ac ous mind grasos and pre sentE every phase of his s ibJect w th ex traord nary clearness Tl e speecl s lo g but a careful perusual wo 1ld arnplyreward. the rnader A brief summary will be found n1 tl s issue DRESS-IMAKING. Mrss WrLIJAMs who is known by the whole com p 1 mumty as a First Olas.< Dress maker is now onnected w th my busmess and 1s pieparcd to do D1ess maku1g m all 1t branches m the latest New 'iorl and Pans stvlesandatthel west possible rate, The rroof of the Pudding,' etc, ORIGINAL ~ILLI:tq"ER.,Y- ! For the Spn11g trade the arrangements for this depar tment a1e the most complete m regard to style vanety and nclmcss of materials that I have ever succeeded m makmcr 'Ihe "' Mrss approbat10n with which the elegant styles produced by 1 HICKOX fo1 the year ms been met is quite enough t o "auant me 111 sa' m,s that this seasons designs will men surpa's those of an) piev ous ones lhe want, of all ha\e L ensat1 fied so that even one ma1 f: el assm ed of finchn'" m tl c show 10om goods to their taste an 11 rices to satisfy all Opened out ti i' m rn ' ., f: m cases of 81 nng 111llmc1v Twent} fi, e pieces of Colored Silks at 80 cents r Cl yaid thn ty pieces of Black Silk from 45 cents to $0 per yard llnee cases New Diess Goods 111 all the leadmg styles with frm,,es to match THE COMING ELECTION There has been constderable spec 1lat1on a.bout the time the Onta110 Elect ous are to be held but we thmk tl e queshun s now virtually settlod Mr Mowat has had spec al regard to the conven cncc of the farming cotnmun1ty in deciding when the elect1on.s shou d come off: 'J he loads 111 the countiy will 1 ot be good before spr n 0 work begins l-lnd '\\he farn ers ire enga. 0 ed tilling there 18 no use 1n trv ng lhe month of It is necessa1 y to warn the public agamst servile mitat10ns of the DURHAM CORN FLOUR I and particularly a,,amst mte1este l and ignorant m1srepiesentat1 n recommendmg some very profitable Consume1s p1epara+ion mstead must ms1st upon iecei vmg tl e DURHAM ar.~ fo1m theu opmion of its ments from uctual us~ If tl is is lor c and directions (on every paclrnge) attended to the reports of Doctorn Chemists p10fessed Cooks and Connoissems will be fully en doised N R Y om Grocei will not keep the DURHAM (othe1 makes bemg moie p10fitable) unless } ou msist upon bemg supplied with it and he values } our patronage enough to accede to y om \~ ishes (33 tf) For Cheap Dry Goods go to ALEXAN DE B'S , 1'iOTED FOl\l CHEJU_ " ~OOD~ · El ---o --- I Coal has gone up 50 cents a ton the poor mans wa.ges rema n the sane as before An N P bless ng The bakers of I ror tu l1've alreadJ l e and ad van ed the price of bread ce t per loaf The Conserva.tlve trade n axtm s ev dently this ]\fake everytl ng as dear as pos!'n b1e for the cons 1me1 Tl e d ty on ron userl by blacksrrntl s Every 1 erson l\ ho 1 as been 11creased gets a hoISe shod must pay this tax vYe beg to notify the public that the mcreased duties on CHANCEEY S l\LE OF FARM OF \.BOUT 107 ACRES DRY GOOD will not affect th@ prices of the stock we have now on hand ' & Whatever changes we may make m puces will be down wards The necessities of the times demand ~ctn1tr m d we know that low pllces are the best guarantee f01 {]nick sale~ All Wool Tweed Suits rnade to order for $10 the nccess ty for prompt and united act on so that an old tune maJor1ly n1ay be rollerl u1 f i Dr McLaugnl n at the polls The balance of the late Mr COWLE'S stock must be cleared out at any sacrifice JOHN BRIGHT ON PROTECTION WI atever M John Bright says may be taken as tho result of deliberate tho 1ght a1 a matured J idgment The following etter conta ns such cxcelle t Harper s l\fagaz1ne alone will coRt a truths that tl e v-; ayfar1ng n1an Canad n subscr bsr frorr 60 to 75 cents Tory t eed not err therein It extra. per annum instead of be ng nearly lished so ne time innce but is frt> sh as free is heretofore show ng the e\ ils ar1su g fro.m Pr rection ·ome of wh ch we are even no bcg1nn1ng to feel Ona As! Rochdale Jan 91 l 870 Ellison (Successors to tl1e late F Y Covv-le ) Bowman ville Mai ch 20 1879 34 tf T ::EI:: H1 A SALE OF I TO BE HELD BY FOR CHEAP GOODS CONTIJ;,1 UES I McClung Bros. AGAINST REALES1 ATE. 1 ON .ACCOUNT O'F ALI. . COJV_fERB .. IF YOU WOULD BE PUT INIO A REMOVING TO l ORON ! 0 The subscribe w 11 ofter for sale (if not pt e.. i; .. o sl) sold) by PUBLIC AUCTION, ON HU l"lned} 0 Call at then establishment 1t enjoys the reputatwn of berng the greatest I\ H ¥\ELLER J IHtIGHT Ven 101 s Sohc1t0r 3:l J: n SATURDAY, APRIL 5TH, AT 11'10 OCLOCK "CHEAP GOODS" HOITSE IN THE COUNTRY· ITEMS OF NEWS MILL o wners m~ Ang is Ont notice of a reduction in wage have give ON THE PRE1v!ISES, The Lruge a nd Com mod ous DWELLING HOUSE OCCUPIED BY HIMSELF SIX REASONS WHY YOU SHOTrLD GO Iv HARRY C. TAIT & GO. FUil PHOlOGRAl HS Mc Clung Bros. propose to be aln e to the demand~ and nece<szties of the times lhe 1 a,teful the Ca1 eful the Dzsci zminatm; the SE VJ REST ECO V01lilSRR'i all delight to freq ient "" ADJOINING ST PAULS CHURCH BOW:\fANVI LLE McClung Bros AND WHYP LOOKOUT for l fs an tounce nen of he sale of his FH111lfure lr.lousehold I' ff'ects Sen n1g !Uach111es &c WHICH NILL TAKE PLACE H z z ~ E-1 BEFORE THE END OF APRIL 0 ~ p:j P-t Heavy 1mportat10ns Stock thoroughl) asso1ted Each department complete Specialh heap Lmes m Dre~s bonds M1lhne1) i eplute 'vith attrnct10ns :No> elties m I weeds and Clo+ hs Clothmg made to 01 der m the latest stvles vV onders m House Furmshmgs Excellent Seluct1011 of Teas Bargamts E' eryVI here I 1 J\{[ARK rHE CONSEQUENCES H O'HARA Tiowu anvil e March 2ith 34-3-w _A__ T..AIT tA ~1 of any who may favor h H Gallery oppos Ireleven s snow prepared to produce first cl ss p ctures AVING OPENED a Photogrwph shoe store Ill MAR R I AGE LICENSES ISSUED BY v th a call COPIED Ji fleet must follow cause l\l ie goods will be ta,ku1 m and more goods 'ull be taken out horn McCLU:Nh BRO S tlus Fall than on ,111y preHous season i;This advertrnement has H 3-RD FACTS fo1 a basi ~ Dont treat it as an OLD SONG Ladies, Bargams are V\ omens Rights I A II cone r Piles o Goods I ca~h move~ l\1oun1arns I See" hat 1t can accon Soapena McCL UNG BROS. J3owmanv1lle, September 30, 1878 10

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