s'IA1ESMAN, BOWMANVlLLE, FRID!\Y, 1tPRIL 4, 1879 BORLAND'S CASH STORE Is bhe place to get your stock m His stock consISts of every descnptron of goodis for Sprmg and Summer "'ea1 which is bemg sold I FOR CASH · at pnces which cannot be beaten m this country as for mstance T Womens Genuine French Kid llutton Boote for 183 00 per pair Boots and Shoes made to order and Repru.r· rng promptly and ueatly done POST OFFICE BLOCK ,, 1878 rrHE MAfi NETICON." FOR TrIE CURE OF DISEASE Celebrated English Magnetic Appliances CANADIAN OFFICE I Ne i"«B.~tle J.\.Iarcl 20th lE:!I 3i-15w'll STREET, TORONTO, I FACTS WORTH KNOWING. TlffiOAT AND LlJNG INVIGORATORS LADIES' AND GEN Bll--,T~TS. rs· For nal 'Vea.kness or lnjurv Neural'{la and al Nervoue 11:troot one ~deep ese.nefi\ Paralys s Headaches eto SPINE BANDS KNEE CA PS, ANKLETS, WRISTLETS SOLES A..i.~D 81 ARIOUS OTHER FOR 30 DAYS~ OF VV. McMURTRY ses selling oil the balance of h s entn o wmter stock at greatly reduced prices io1 cash onlv CONSISTING House OF BURK&JONES OFFICE 1 Temperance St, BOW~1ANVILLE ADVANCES ilfADE I rsonal and collateral security NOTES DISCOUNTED Ol U %mterest paid On store le1 OS and 11 wa ds ts OI $4 DRAFTS ISSUED on all biancl s of Bank of Montreal m Car ada New York and I ondon England Pr Hite an l B nl l n,, Sociotv Funds loaned o 1 real estate at best rates NOTESANDACCOUNTS STOCI{S BONDS, DEBENTURES, and MORTGAGES 0 BOUGHT AND SOI D ISSUED BY CLIMIE. ·