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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1879, p. 4

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CANADIA){ STATESl\1AN, BOvV1VlANV1LLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1879. ' . - - ---- ~--- - COUNTY P~ND VICINI TY. MONEY. and <lihers ~un: obt0i1n 1noney f1ou1 the under· a1g-nl,d ou the inost advantageous terms E. G llURK. Office No. 1,Rcugog: flt. 20 Om* BO\VID,i;tll'Vllle, Dec. 12, 1878, Glasgow House.I THOS. PATERSON Informs the pu?lic tlu'.'t)n 1.q1ticipation of ;tock taking, and make room for flprmg shipments' he is now sollina oft his b well a8sorted stock, at prices to suit the present CHARLES TOD, BREAD & FANCY BISCUIT :YlAKER OuE vil lage is very quiet at present, bnt we will 8 9-,.0 ll ha.\o a change, tts se\eral o I our nmghbors conte1npla.te tnuldu1g on the ruins of the late l11·es. Pr1nc1pal among thern are . 3"Ir J 0. W1lhan1son , a store , ~Ir. Thoa. lt'Iarrow a sl10P-shop ; and,"' if rurnor be corre<Jt, 3'1r. Edward Filtett, an hotel. Son1e of our far1111ng ne1ghbo1s also 1ntend bu1ld1ng tlus coming summer. l'ORT PERRli. reduction on Stoves, to clear out the stock. Now IS T. I '°" S1 PERIOR STOl'K OF ~ , KEPT CONSTANTLY TI~ES'Without indulging in boastful assertions .'vhich a discerning_ ~ub~ic has· ~ow learned to .es! imato at its' proper value, he solicits mspect10n ai;:d companson from intending purchasers. the time to SECURE_ B.A.RGAINS. Call and .exan1ine 1 ---- WHEJRE ALL IS CHEAP. Cheaper than P.ve1 at -~ MORRIS' CARRIAGE WORKS. a11ne1,,, and others w11,utJng anything 1n 1111,., ltue arc invited to call and leaTn how very < lu ap they c11n get a tin;I:. t lass art1clo. Puinhng and repairing ot all kinds do11c Wlth promptness at1;hc 1o\vest pa;i ing prices. The following may be noted as of special value. Diy Gornls . . ...... . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 cents upwa1ds HIDF S SII F.EP S '"IJW' . CarpetH .. . .. ... . .. ...... ._ ......... . ...... . ...... 12~ ' ' ' ·' l,._ ~ b , TH Wool Ua.9hmeres .......... . ....... .. ........ . 35 AND Vv'OOL. Tablo I,in:ins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . ......... 20 Particular attantiou oi'<'n t<· jobTable Napkins, per doz ........ . .. . ! ...... . , . . .. . ... 60 r bing and er>V<'cJOI Jgh ing. Bowmanv1lle, Oct. 2, ms. Silks, Slack or Colowd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Lace Curtains . . .... . ........ , . ........ . ... . . . .... 80 I - - · ~ -~- -- - - - - I ,JAMES MOimIS. 18-tf n.:.E ~-b!F~EV¥£f cl~\~~1~~~~.-:r~~.r __ Y_ a~n _d t\-' U nder-1 F~~l.'... ~!!.~~~.~~~.E~Y, ~ulscr 1ber h<ta h 0 en '1"1_, 'Jlff1.. t! d Agentfortle CoUN'l'YOl IJ1Jr,f-f~r.tfo,.. 1he I " 0 '"~ l'_nw c ·1d !<'Jowl Com1nm 1l o e l'om pan, x "\ 111 ... ery ls tho P .l:'".l.. /'TERSON. J..V-l THO ·ri....ffAQ Dowmanv1llo, December 2!), 1878. 1-~3. T H J1j 'OYSTERS! All kincls of farm produce taken in exchange. 1878. 10 bf. It you want a good plat"' of oy ... ters, c 1ql of tea. or coffee. or a. good "QUa1e meal, c~ll at ]:fts Kess' Ilestau1 ant, onpo..,1Le the li-:xptess Office, K1ng Ht, Tiownu1.nvdle. ' ll ti'.. NO"\' e111be1 1, 1878 THE CHEAPEST MU is the place for the s. I MRS. KEYS Keeps consrantl;\ on l c~n<l an cxccllont assort ment of toilet arL.1des, underwear. m1ll1ner; goods, hRH, laces, fnlltngs, Berlin and other \\{)(,};.; 1nottoes, etc, etc. Children's clothmgmit aud stamped to order at DRY COODS H IN BOWMANVILLE IS SE c 0 FJ: SKE ~ S M M !\i "THE LADIES' FANCY STORE," l'hree uoors ei.rnl:. of Hendorson's Ltvery t:3:tab1e. H1n\111,Lll\'1lle, Nov. 1 1878. 1 1 l lf. BEST CROCERIE - -- .AND A T - - -------- -- ---------~ ' PEA SOUP - - S. 1\[a~on & Son's A First ClassCutter from Toronto. Pe1sons bu.ying the c loth and trimmings at our house, can have their garments cut fre.-, of charge. N. B.-A rare opportunity. Syming·ton's Prcpa1·ed PeaSoup 1 Made from then celebrate1l Pea Inour, to ·which is adtl~d : lEIBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT DELIOIO'CS, NOURISHING, AN'l'l-DYSPEPTIO. For j l\.1t'C'u':i 1n One. :Minute "\V1t h out Do1hng sa le b~ PRICES . II They have just received the STOCK Ever Brought to the Market. T. DARLINGTON, HO"VMANVILLE, 1\l:A~U ..IL!!. CTUllJJ:D UY :F:IlSI!;:E '277 King A1'.D ~ & StrM~ V OI>'l"\\r., Wes\ 'l o1uuto ~ .\JiEl <?PPOSITE HENDERSON'S !HOTEL. Bow1nanv1lle, Nov. 20. 1878. O.R I Y TE:AS' SUGABS: RAISINS, CURRANTS, PEELS, SPICES, &c. I ---- A~ent N ErSECRE'Iq::< JOSEPII JEFFERY, le f or Bow1nun1 tlle _ .i; f TELL I T T O YOUR NEIGHBORS. ::Jl'>~·O~EB."S Fur:niture & Undertaking B'T'OCTC Removed to Gijjord';, (formerly i}fa;·nard's) Tavern Stand. VV. P. P RO,VER fact everything in ~ our[GREAT s.~~ENGTH, I 1 line for Christmas. Particular attention is called to our P_leasant and R1freshing Qitatitzes. (23) gjves the follo~ ing reasons why yot1 should see his stock 'l'. DARLrNGTON, Agent. and prices befoie buying elsewhere : FRUIT TREES. I am prepared to furnish all klnds of W 1st, his 1011g cxpem·nce in the 1nrnincss; 2nd. he knows his customo1R' wants, !J1d, he knows wl1me and how to buy goods, 4th, he BUYS for C.A SH; ii th, he s<'lls at the lowest cash z.n'iCPB · (1th, he keeps up w ith the tirncs in new stvles 7th he deals hon~ orably with all; 8th, be endeavors to pi event rnist11k~~. a;;_d corrects them l'.10mptly if mad_c, lJth, l?e treats 111~ with politeness, trying to ment custom on strictly bnsmess prmc1ples, takuw pleasure in 6 showing goods wbother parties intend to buy or not. Thanking the public tor past favors,-by li\in<« 1o1p to the above rules, by living on the premises so that I can found at any_ tim'.', day or night, and f:iy ke_eprng everything in the Undcrtnkrng lme 1 eady at an hours notice, (whi«h I huy from R. PHILP. Toronto, tl1e largest; and best house mt.he trade· in the Domimon!J hope to ietain a share of the public pat10nage. takes t he lead 111 C lq,tl11 ~1..-; .-1Jld RAISINS & ... CURRANTS, GEN1'S' FURNISHINGS. An exc'ellent asso1tnwn t .if{ l ulh"- for Fruit a nd Ornamental Trees, FJ,OWERS AND SHRUBS, 11IENS' A ND ROYS ' fU.rIT8 eou,;tantly on hund. 'l'a1lo1rneo il o nc 1n first clc.tH style and 011 Sho1 t A.m 8010 agent for l'wks ccleb1 u t~ I · which for quality and price were never equalled in Canada. CHEAP for CASH CROCK y GLASSWARE & LAMP departments are completed at fabulously low · prices. - --Come and ~ee our prices and judge for yourselves.. .\11 trees Wfl tan1ed hup, lo n~n11f! <ind :find ~las Add1ei>s JOH~ CHAPLIN, P. O. Box 55, Bo vi' man\ Hle. he "COIViMON S ENSE SUSPE ~ D ER," Oah and Examwe lJu rn ll <L\ f:l a loo a Choic e 1 ..:\.osortnrnnl of I i 1,1\DIES' SHOU LD E R B:RACES and Qku l ~uRpendcrs Xo Lad' 8ho ul.1 be v.J t:b out then1. 'I hanktnl for past fa , OH' 11 1s 1 1 pcd a cont1nuan1 E of pub lic patlonage \\ ill bo n1cr1tcd by <<.ue111I and pron1pt atte11i...ou t o an orders My Heu.nil and Oidfit for Fwnec,ol8 are the best m the county. See and judge for yomselC EFFERY: · W. P. PROWER. 7 HJi;LLH,\'lLL!L, ON l AH.10. Do\vn1anv1lle. September 12, 1878. BOWM.ANV 1LLE MARBLE WOR KS ,Murdoch Bros. VICTORIA BUILDING, BO\o\'MAKVILLE. BowmaIJv1l1e, November 20, 1878 I I I i S'.rl'l'U'l'ION, and the work 1t most sue cessfully accomplish1ng, as shown in the great success of its graduates throughout the country, 18 t o prepare boy!'., and yonng and n11<ldle aged 111P.n for Comm~1< ial PurHllllH by gn1ng them a THOROUGH und PR.A.CrICAL Educu.tlon u1 Bo~k I{ecrrug 1n nJl its for1ush Pcnmunslup, Arithmetic, Correspondence, urammar and Spelhng Hank1ng Met.hods ; how to deal with notes, drafts, bills of exchange, checks, and all kinds of business paper. T HE DESIG:N OF THE ABOYE is IN7 BIG PUS::Er is now ragrng at - Iron CAS H . l 'a1tiesn ced1ns anytru1e Hhove will tvell to call a.nd 1nspcct fu1 UH mscl ' es Agenl,' con1nuss1011 sa\fd 7\ ote th is . Italian J\.f,uhle and 1\ t"·Pa te ~Ia10les alv.1:1.yc; on hand 1-18. GRAD lf ATES OF THE COLLEGE u1onth~ (;e are / Yt ho ha"\ e fin18l1Pil tlieu fu111 FIRST .P RIZE I ---=~-- POR.. TE:Fl.'S IMPROVED Ml arded the fiist l" i,,co~ u 1111 c ornpetito1s at the owrnanville Fair PLOWS · I e1u h \\eek stepping into g-oudpo"1l10w~,1n viluch, U\'i1ng to the co1npleteness of their kno\\ ledge , I they Spt;cd1ly attain pro1nohon . Among our students those who have been through the grammar schools and un1vcnnt1cs,as well a.s those whose education ln early hfe has been neglected. Thefo1n1el" con10 to recerve a practJCal ednmit10n, ~uch as 1s needed in everr di!)' llfe, 1he to remedy ~past negler-t , and tt.11 lo HP.t ure th ~,t kn(n\le<l.gc \.';}11< h w11l help Lltun to 8UCCCSS In the wolld. faf' The College Journal, conta1nmg full pn,1t1 eulars, and spec1menf:! of penmanship are;:,enton ap phcat~on. .Address, fl. G. B:RA TTY &. fJO , Belle\Jlle, Ont. ~e rite1nbe1 17, 18"8. 8 Sn1 C. BO U N SAL L, -~ l'IW.PRH 'I 011 ~ I Bowrnan".'1lle, Sept 19, 1878. » ~lm. -~ I 1 I - i:~ ,~ _ R 111 JA1~i, Ji,~!, ~,\', · " · ·· .tt·.IJ w~ ~~clii."'."..~.....,~~e They are the Best and Cheapest in the lV!arket, · Their Patent Diamond fron Points, rnndc from steel , wrourrht and cast. b Iron, are wa1'.:mted to laiit longer than two ordinary points. PHce any pattcm, only 4() cent, each . jYfr 10'1 B owmanv1lle, October 10, 1878. BEATTY 'SGUIDE TO I I BOWJ\'l ANVl LLE, ELEGANT WRITING - A- Testimoninls of merit.~ Comp!ete Sef Instrnctor in Plain and Ornaruental D. STOTT, CHEMIST AND .AJ~I<.:R PENMANSHIP. And is determined to f'ontmue to ~ell 11t the rnmously eht·a.per tl1a11 the cheapest. Whv he CaJ:l do itFll'st, he buys for t-a~h and knows jnst ho~v to buy. ~e~ollll, w~1at, he cant buy chPap enough, he manufactures. Ibn d, he 1s satisfied with small profits. Fourtl1, he sells for cash: Fifth, hesells at bottom prices. C -urn- p1ices an1l dea1er 111 211 ktnds of the la !Ant a nd lwRI Hll]WO\ ed AGRICU LTURAL IMPLEMENTS .A nil 1111 thP lwRt .i-JJll ·no"t ltSeful im 1,1P.mento ij:-;etl 1.n thf' hoaselH>Id doparlincnl , ,11 ch a::i Sewn1g, .Kn1tl1ng .I nd "\Va131 1· 1ng . _i\fnclnneoi, \ :V nnge1"', &c, &o ' REPAIRS KEPT ON HAND. HnilxtncLaHe.ntion paid t o eta.1t 111 g uiach1ncH pr omptl;; . Bowman-ville Oct. 22. 1878 .i1 h. a..LX:i .AN':J:> S E E JF'C>FI. 'YC.-J:TJEllSEL'V'ES DRUGGIST _ B :Ull'<:; "\ <. l: :E :J J , J 1' I Ii< 'WI".I'H YOU TOWN HALL l'JuILDLNGS, BOW1liANVTLLE'. IN Exumme the stock, Vihtch co111p11ses ti\t>ryt h1:ng in tlie hndc of tile v c1y la.test and mos elegant styles and patterns, ofEnghsh, Canadrn.n, anil American 00nnutactu1c . Ile shll continues to manufacture to 01 der ' fJ om t11e best of material a:nd none b u t iiIHh·C ~ J workmen kept, < · a W. H. ·~l/ i LLIAMS, GB:N E R.l. L Druggs, Medieines and Cl1emicals CAT,n ACCEPTED __ rr he Rev. Joseph Ell101 t "f M"n1retl, has accPpte<l a unan1 mo 1 H · call 1n the ch lT~e of the Presbyterrn.n church of duis place.I Orders Promptlp Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed. He has in stock an endless "\alH-~ty ot' Ladies and Gents' Sarntcgn T1u1ilrn, 'Tvhscs, etc ·wluoh he is selling cheap for cash. Pye Stuffs, Patent l\1edic1nea 1 Perfumery, Rru&hea, Combs, Suaps, Paints Or/s, Pamt Brushes, Coal Oil, and Coal Ou Lamps, &c. , &c. ' p y Y SICI A.NS' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDER& BLAClKSlVIITI-1. mn.nner a.nd at l o\'\ est rates. i G J!Uf ~ All I· 1nds of blaCk".>illl lhmg don e in a thoi:ouo-h --- "' COltUECTLY AXS W ERED, Remember the Stand-" BIG :BOOT" drawn by two Horses KING STREET , BOWMANV I LLE. September, 7. Mf'!' A.gents wanted rJ..11.1 U~~' IU iPi l :Jl.l!:"'IA UE1f'~ £B.~ED: Jli!!;1" l!'oJarrrcers and Pivys10ians j10rn th& Gount1'1 w;U nnd o 'r Stookof Medicino 8'om \e best qiudity. · 8 M. TRELEVEN. · l Bowmanville. Dc"manville, Oct . 23 Spedal atte11tio11 g1-., en Lo 1h e iron ing of b'IJ -!'glG and cru.".!1a.ges fo1 countr1 shops K ing Street "\\'"est, oppos1te 1he I·' egistry't J1iG.e ._ l87S~ · 13 ly ·

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