· IS p BLISIIE1 · , I E .- Eli~ '£i'!UIH. Y MORJUNG, BY M A. JAMES, B0 " M.ANVILLE, FRIDAY, 7 ~IAY 9, 1879 tl at sticketh closer SERMON TO ODDFELLOWS Hts grac1gne prom1ees will tnspira our hope 'V§ may be rtch m grace valiant j lb fight strong m confidence, and success f we commune with Jesus 1 ful in labor And now brothers, with what word shall I conclude l Shall I snatch a note from the thunderous eloquence whwh rolled m the Forum or shook the Senate m the olden times I Shall I borrow a peroration from the 1 p· of modern oratory 1 Shall I cull some enchantmg beauty from the poets sorrowful page 1 ))I ay I le11ve theso untouched I have higher resources-I have richer treasures ' God has given me a gem with which to oompleto a nd crown my address and now I brmg it forth with gladness Wherefor;;-;;;y bolovcd brethren be ye steadfast unmo\eable always aboundmg n the work of the Lord foras much as-ye know your labour is not in vain m tie 1 ord ' l Temperance HO"'\VM A NVI L .LE To the Editor of tie States nan DRAB Srn -Perhap· a brief descnptlon of this port10n of :North west Arkansas 1 look ab1 oad fair page I re d God T look above and the golden sunlight in grai d ma]estic 11ng on the north t pon Th'11ssoun on the br1getneas 1n 1llunnno is characters sets west upon the Indian 'Ierr1to1y It ex forth God I look at tlie beautif 1 star! t tends from latitude 36 degrees aµd 5 mm u~es tc :16 d~rees and 20 n 1nutes about on the same parallel with ]\ a5 ville Ten nessee and Ra.le gh North Carol na The county has a l area of about 900 square m les It s s tua.ted i:1.1n1d the s 1n1n1ta of the ()z;ark Il LU ta1ns f} e elevation S about 1 050 feet aborn lne level of ho ADVAl'vCES irfADB person tl an l collatual "ec u1ty 1\0TES DJSCO l NTED t I a1 l on depos1 ts of I and upwards DRA1' l '.-> JSSl ED 1 COJJ_RCTED EOJ<iDS, DEBENTURES, and MORTGAGES BOUC,.Hl' AND for many '\ears I as oeen ti c n ti o of the STAT ES f\JLAN DEPARTMEN'l' andweac good in wuidom 1wpe1csph le 11 es ll 1s very; ~roduct1ve There H! a great in the way of wh~at oa s tobacco rnar y ways in wluch the character of God potatoes is necessarily ptesented to us He ia the ( O"rowtl builder of tl e natural world ar d in that iJ:row here to perfection s tch as. plums aspect he ma festa ch1effy wisdom and pea-ehes pears a[ nlcs goosebeir1es rasp power Ile B Lawgiver Re is l{ing He berr1efil blackberries and strawberries s Judge He is i:Shopherd He is II isband Grapes grow w1lcl m the greatest prof us man Re JS Househol ler He 1s Father lo 1 Gardeo 'egetables appear to be a. He is bro her a1 d ti ere are many otl er natural product they are plent1fnl here aspects of the D v ne nature given 111 the all the J ear-such as cabbage tnr1nps Word of God and there 1s something in lettuce onions beans peas cucnmbers,. each f these aspects which g vea us a truer and other va.r1et1ea too numerous to nu.n1 conception of one element of Gods char t1on We have pure air and water nQ acte_r probablJ than can be obtained in where on Gods earth are the l eavena a1 y other way Each one of them inter bli er the sunshine brighter or the burst prets so nl:'Hung through our exper1ance 111g mountain springs and fountains more of the t nknown and 1 visible God N 0 crysta.l1y clear and more n1el0Choua in tl e r wa1 der1ng chant as they dance on the r oweet wmdmg way to the oea We have rugged 1n0untams covered with valu able t mber BeamLful valleys that aro fert le and very product \ e Bea 1teous undulating pra1r1es dotted fa.r a1 d nea.r with orchards and mell.dows Such is tlua portion of the atate The material 1s here in a dormant state-\'i.a1t1nJJ for further developments In my next I will g "' more part c tlar or t 1 nute detail of ftinount produced per acre 1\'Iore anon I l'rI DrnKso,;l\'lason valley Benton Co Ark April 22nd 1879 18 9 · ~ ··------- STILL STRIVING! cK NAN thange Cz1;,ta1 ds Chzlar.en s and Invalid. .1 Dzet and. all tlze use' o_fA rrow root To tie Ed to of the State&» a ; DEAR Sm -We ha; e ~ohm ate m North Cnrohna. unsurpassed for tho production of whose wo1k almost anythi"g be! ngrng to the veget~bl i> CO R N f lOU R Jia, a TV01 Id u.mle 1 eputatzon and zs dzstmguzshed _for llnifiwmly S' tperzor Quality ~ n w better 1 an ever prepared Rowntree's Rock Cocoa .. bacco lands-and §If) 21 H o' GenHcnaeia o.f Fai'ih· IOU genuine to finer or better tobao i !ha In the not !!O ( a i;it. DENTISTRY. C, HARNDEN , L . GOT D FILLING A CHILDREN S GR J ~ DS T\H OF AR F\ST At; ANY 0 rBER MILL OF SAME PRICE tion and as rnany me1 h'-"' e rr a 1) minds so many 1 fl'e ent. op n1oas aud theories have been given as bemg the truth l am not going to attemp h is afternoon 11 the sl ort t1me a.Hotted mp, toe deavor to answer the g 1eat1on iu all us bearings I THE ONLY CAPITAL PAID UP HEaD OF.HUE arnent above you seem near ar d measureable years they grow and ~row., a,nd see1u fu the1 off~ a"d ~nnde:r and deeper a1 I vas~or 3s God himself hll you snule to MAKES FAMILY MEAL. ArhJicaal 'J'eellt INSERIED AT A.MODERATE FEE Teeth Extracted Without Pam TOOK IIRST P:itEMll '-' I EVERY FARMER WANTS ONE I some of the most magn1fic1Jn t scPnery to be found on the cont rent Laude can al"ays be bought l ere at very reasonable pr ces b lt improved farms can be bad a t fn m $6 to $15 per acre ar d ununproved lands at from $2 to $5 per acre accordmi( th s1tuat1on Produce 1s worth cotton from 8 to 11 els per lb corn 60 cte per bush oats, 50 cts por b 18h bacon b to 11 els per lb oork o ct· ~]] kmds of n orchand1se 1s low VYo ara quite c n "\en1ent to the great b11s1nesa centrea-1: &mg on!J 4 ho irs ride from N01folk Va , (our prmcipal local market) 18 hours r1d 0 fro1n Baltimore and 22 from :New 1 ork. Brothers we ha'\ e mot hero to day to 0 ir poht cal condition 1s as good as any render thanks to Almight) God for h · 8tate in the Union elections perfectly go dness to ~ards us and strenathe ing with n us the u;ra1 d princ ples of ] r1end sh p Love a d Tr 1th I et us ever en deavor to be true to ourselves and true to a ll lh e r g l t s aucorae l th em I v tiie l aws o r Order I neel not tell you for you I of tho countrJ and they are for the most all lmow that to oe a true Oddfellow you par t a ,,, t d t bl I '1.uie in us r1ous peacea e peop e must I e fa1tl ful to God and love y ur In conclusion I say that to parties fello "IV inen J\1ay Ha \\ho lB the Tr lth w1sl u g to onugr ~te either from Cana da gu de us mto the way of all truth Let or any other country our State can offer ue l '1en my dear brethre1 bo lov; ly if we 8 lper or inducements '\\ e want hones 1 would be w se Jet us be 1 n nble 1f we industrious energe ic people fror11 a y v; hot o to locate a ong us and help us to develop the resources: of our glor ous old State I have hardly commenced to tell y n of her u,d\antages have sa.1d no word abo t Olll' great coal fields iron corun d n and gold mmes water power suf ficient to dnve all the machmery m the> l S &c &c but may at oome su bse qt)ent time whrn opportumty affords let you hear from n1e agaJ.lfl Ver) t ruh '"11 BENR> T Boyo; Jackson North Oarolma April 26 1879 Hanu lton '