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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1879, p. 3

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· CANADIA~ :S'l A'I ESMAN, :BOWMAN VILLE, FRIDA.Y, MAY 23, 1879 LOH~ $ I , :ttll!¢m-an ¢ ¢ n~ i~B i!l~ 'l't :1! ,111 :\ n fi \!,!, 11,1:1 "----~'--~~ ~ rllL s agenc "Earth Quake '.'\._ cry d st net Ml o k of earth quake wae in th s town n Thursdn:v morning abo 4 a Se era persons were awakened by 11 e shock Mr J Staples mtroduced and tauaht a class lll Grammar after wl 1ch 1\-1 SS p ra An adJOUrned meotmg of the Town low and Mr Thornlull vaned the proceed Oounc1l was l ell on Monday n gl t His mus ex elle I Vi: orsh1p the Mayor 1 tl e cl air Men1bers present - the Deput.} Ree' e and C unc llors Beith Br \tam Burden Boyle Buckler H gg bot! an P gnott at d Treleven A co nmun1cahon v; as read f om the AmatAur c Club tenderrng $8 04 net proceeds of their late concert f r tl e benefit of the 101'1 poor TOWN COUNCIL J I CORRESPONDENCE I \V. ~lfc~URTRY v'i rnhes to mtnnate to his fuends and customers that he has now Ins SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK QliP JlllAJf@Y ~ ~~A!>l!ill!l D>BJf G}Q~mS\~ all bought before the me eased duty and w1ll be sold at the 10>1 est price possible Dry goods w 1 c never so low as at ti e there will be no advance on the I resent stock Call and examme our goods and pnccs hef ne purchasmg el8e" here Rememhei Dry Goods will ne\ er be so low agam now is the time to buy D1css Makmg canied on as usual by Miss POiHH She good satisfactwn Bowmanv Ile ]\fay 1 l8 9 LADIES! Gilt Edge and Plain Ivm y Ga1 dR in 5 Rtyw8 · Beautifi l Fems ti), 40 style<J On motion the letter \'\ n>.:1 received and fyled tl e thanks of the Counml tende ed to the CJ b ~nd the awuunt handed to the Chairman of tho Poor Rehef Com Harid< FluwM Va" 8-30 kvnds 1'i ew Dengn f eu ell 1 y ve y ch<eap 2000 Sheets of Scrap Pictures un 1ue and beauttful designs at lil R B.ANDREW'S. & CO, DEALERS IN McCL~ELLAN ....., COAL, -vv 0 0 D, LUMBER, Shingles, Lath, Posts, & Square Timber, SOLE AGENTS FOR 1 ' - EI:- B_ R...l~TEI:BUN -FOR- & SON:> Blinds, Pickets, Mouldings, &c of the town The highest price paid fo1 Lumber V\ ood etc \\ e b y for t:ASII and sell for tJASH S-Offlce &J d Yard-Corner ot King and George Streets :\\ e promptl~ to fill orde:rsm tbe above lines and to deliver flrtic es in all pa.rte AMERICAN GREENBACKS AND EXCHANGE BOUGHT HOLMAN LIVER PAD co. McCLELLAN & CO 1870 38 SPRJ:NG&SUMMER HATS mvites special attent on to I is ncv; stock of ::S:::.A...TS'.7 FELT AND STR.A...-W-_ uRual replete with star le and latest novelties CANADA M. l\lfAYER 18~9 is determmed to cut close and cash customers especially will be ht erally dealt \Tith ~WQ lfD.~·Jll~~ 6R~lli!l!l 38 tf OF THE LIFE ASSURANCE CO'Y. ALL BUYHlRS ACKNOWLEDGE LAR~~E:.~?FITS COUNTY AND VICINITY :ilX HANGIE8 BOILED DOW~ who have pmchased our goods that N XT YEAR I88o Osl a."'a 1s annoy!:!d by rowrl1es and cows MASON'S CASH Is the cheapest House m townfo1 DRY GOODS J1 irst Class T.A...ILORIN""G_ <\11 \Vool Tweed Pants, Bowmanv1lle A All vVool Tweed Smts (not shodd)) made to 01de1 for do do do $10 00. Manag ng D rec Lor Secretary S r of A.genmcs J W MARLING R HULS NEADS 1VE ,,V BLOC!.: R C LI M I E Agent BOWMAN VILLE NEW ~ILLINERL_ Ju ST ARRJ\ ED GOOD STRAW HATS AT 35c EACH AT OLD PRICES FOR CASH, --AT-- T Bo anv1ll0 118 3 0 u Sprmg and Summer Stock rs now O[ cne.I out and we are one of the largest ~hoicest and che tpest stocks e\ er ottered to the mhab1tants of Bowmanville and the sunoundmg count ) Om stock of goods rn unsurpassed :C r vauety style and cheapness Do not fail to -~ call and see ±oi yam seh cs Ladies and Gents hats cleaT el and re Rhaped m all the latest st:y les ~ I JOHN McMURTRY, Keeps cunstantl} on hand a good stock of 4 00 013 010 0 (19 0 Oo 0 55 010 0 08 0 40 0 fi7 Mrs DONNELLY. Remernhei the address one door west of Buckler s Jewelry store Kmg Street Bowmam 1lle 34 7 GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware, TE..A..SI Canned Goods, TobacPURE TEAS r cos, Soaps, &c, &c., All kmds of fa1m I roduce taken m exchange Bowmanv1lle October 1 1878 HOUSE and LOT for SALE. GREAT CLEARING SALE OF DRY~ RR LOSCOMBE 38-1> Farm f'or Sale ---o--y ELLISON & CO, (Succes,:;:01s to the late F Grnat Cowle Esq ) respectfully announce the opemng of a Cleanng Sale on STURDAY NEX'l vV e mean busrness and are well prepared to offer temptmg bargams m GOODSJ BOUGHT BEFORE 1HE RISE IN THE TARIFF -.AT- BALLYDU]F <JHE u· FOR CASH & TR..lDE. IANS A'lEf( Tweeds, Clloths, Hats, Shirtings, Gray Cottons, Sheetings, Hosiery, and Dress Goods. All Wool '!'weed Suits made to order 1n Good Style for $10 Mr JAS llrown of Fleet" ood recently disposed of two steers ·eigl mg 1 800 and 2 000 pound· respeetively to J Eakms for the English market The third half yearly convent10n of the East Viet rHt Teachers Assoc a.t100 w1]l be held al Lu dsay !1 Fr day and Sa!ur day May 30th and 31st 3B-tl l'ROPR .l:!:TOR OF THE CROMPTON LOOM WORKS, ~WOlWESrER l\B .SS,, U S ELLISON JENNING~ (Successors to the late F Y Uowlc) p S-In oide1 to comr lete om preparnt101" tl e store will be closed on Fnday 4th nst a CO. 34 36 If A b 1glar assayed an entra1 co into the res1dcnco of Mre Dumble Oobourg and was fr gl teued off by the servant girl who rang a bell II e Co l m ttee m ti e Ho JSe of Com mons on the Tre1 t R \er "\Vorks have decided agamst the transfer to the Ontar10 Go"\ernment Bo~-manv1lle MARR IACE LICENSES ISSUED BY Bowmanv Ile In futme Fann Pwduce will be ta,ken m Exchange Bowmannlle Apnl 3 1879 J\larch 2.5tll I Brick House to Rent. Mr A B01 gard purchru1ed two magmfi D. STOTT, AND CHEMIS'T DRUGGIST TOWN HALL .fJi!ILDINGS, BOW.MANVILLE. ' Dwelling to Let - 0 e cf our ne1ghbormg exchanges ad vert1ses a atray calf a biped ot that class is absont JUSt now from thl+ " town ®~M Tl e Col urg Fne B1,gade has been nted to } ltI boro for the 1st of July Ill for six wor ~ha for d1sorderly condt ct and Bunr.,n 15 House ot as.a 1ltmg the pohoe st Port Hope m the discharge of their duty Do vm111wlllc Ma~ The notor1ous Jack Donaghue has been BRICK r\\ 0 STORY ON SCUGOG 8treet la el;r occ11p ed bv Mr J ohn Mho q uartered at the Counties Boarding House I We "ill pay Age s a Salary of $100 per month and expenses or allow n large comnussion to PYYSICU.NS PRESCRllPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDEHl!I CORREOILY ANSWERED MP:ANWHAT WESA.Y l sell our re v and wonderful nventione WE Sa.mplefree .Addresl!I (39) BHEHMAN & CO Man;hall M ch Do 1gall JJ n ed1ato poaaession Apr ly e.t t c BURK & JON ES :12 tf Jllfl' Fo fam ers and Pl 11· tians from ht best quality 7 7 .Agents th· Ooi.ntry '-"'ll Ind a., flto kof Mtdwi»e a om [ ~ugmsta Maine a 1.fon h and expenJJe.s gunrt\nteed to Outfit !re· SH4W & Co

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