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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1879, p. 1

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· I rs runr;rsREll HQW hts T1owsers Got Shortened E'i ERY "l'RIDA. Y lUURl\ ING, -B'\: - M.A. JAMES, AT THE OFEICE Posl omce Blocli:, Klug Street, non n1anl'illc TER:Nl:B $l ·.,O 1,el anu1m·,or $1 00 lfpa.111 ln utlvanec Pa} uient strictly 1n advance requued from rIIE PUDLIRIIER. $1 liO per Annum, or $1 (Q if pe.1d m Advance l\'I A JAMES, EDITOR Al<D PROPRIE1'0R snbscr1hers outs1de of tho count) 01ders to discontinue the pa,per mufl.t be accompanied b_y the a1nount due or the pGper will not be stopped. Subscribers a.rel e:;ponsibleuntil fnU payment is made XA.TES Ot AD1'ERTJSlN(. BOWMANVILLE, i~RIDA Y, JUNE 13, 1879. TRUSTING ::::w:_ _ · l ~0L11·~JE N"uml~er xxn. .i.o. SCOTT'S EMULSION PURE COD LIVER OIL VTIT:S: HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIME .A.ND SODA. 0 wise little birds how do you know The way to ~oSouthward and northward to and fro 'i' F ar up in the ether prped they \Ve but obey One "ho calleth ns far awav He calleth and calleth year by y"'ar, Now there now here Ever he maketh the way appear Dear little birds lfe ~alleth mo Who callctb } e 'V ou1d that I might as tn1st1ng be 1 J1 st as God me I ab1de In fa. th, in hope 1n suffenng true His strength is ever by tny SldeUan aught my bold on hnu undo 9 I hold me firm in patience, knowing I hat God n y hfe is still bestow1ngIhe best tn kindness sending Just as God leads on ward I go Oft a1u1d thorns and bnan1 keen THE CONTRAST lH J E l lAY:hl.CN O Lifo h !l.s far more p ::i.i ns tlian plearnues 0 lt of Ch1u1t Far more woful w ants th~n treasuro,.; Out- of Christ On our way to glorv gleaming rhrough the night no stnrhght streaming, Not one smile from Jesus beam1ng Out of Christ ' BOW MANVILLE. Medal and Diploma at CenLennrnl 1876 J\ledal and Diploma at Sydney Aust1aha 187G ~International Medal and Diploma at Pans Exhibit10n, 1878 WGold Medal at Pro' mcrnl Exh1b1t10n Toronto, 1878 WFnst P11ze at Brnmpton Fair 1878 ~ Fn st Prnm at Brnntf01 cl Fan 1878 ~Fuot Pnze at Newrna1ket Fan , 1878 ~rinternatwnal Life must close 1n bitter sorrow, Out of Ch.,ot Oh ' the angwsh of to morrow Out of Chnet ' Lift- can h!lve no JOJ ful ending , Rad1a.nce bnght with shadows blending Angels o er our pillows bend1ngOnt of ChrIBt But the hallowed bliss undying When in Chruit rhere 8 an end of tears and 1ngl11ng When in Chi u;it ' Anxious hopes no longer bli~hted, Souls no ll nge1 da1k ben1gl ted All the way with Hea-.; en 1s lighted \Vhen in Christ r ~International H R. BARBER, ARCHITECT ETC OSHAWA lngs. p1omptly propa1ed Spccutl attention to ~ ent1lat1on heating and hght1ng bmld1ngs Sole owners and n1anufactu1ers for the Dom1n1on of Canada of Designs Drawing and Specifications for build THE "N E E · D H A M" Musical Cabinet. Plays all desc11pt10ns of music, opcrns waltzes, marches songs chmch muoic &c Jt0B1 RT A.R1'10ITR, t oa.ned on Real Estate EGIS1RAR WESr DURHAM ISS"CER of Marriage Licenses Barrlster and \_ttor ney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery l\fonc) des1gn3 solicited and promptly answered Valuation and differences punctually ndJnsted Church Architecture a specialty 1 Comrnun1cations partu1n1ng t o building anil R CHARGES MODERATE Oshawa March 13 1879 - Office on K1ng street 33 tf AJOc the end of life is glorious 'Vhen 1n Christ ' R1'5e \\ e o er our foes v1cton0us, When in Christ' of shtvery are riven Crowns of glory hr ght are given, Theres eternal rest m Heaven, Safe Vilth Christ I :Bovv manv1llc_ _ ____ _ - - -~~~~~~~~ For Blanc mange, Puddings, C1tsfardr, __,.childreJis and Invalid's Diet, and all the uses o.fAn ow root Any man woman 01 clnld can m one half hom's practice play an3 piece of rnus1e howevei difficult ~ DUML N TON ORG'AN - Cf>MPANY, B OW111.A..N V ILLE ~-SEND FoR PmcE Lrnrn UWGUARDED TONGUES Tongues ungua1 decLtlu ow dis~er _ Right and left for words run wild Cut ting deep d1 v1d1ng fond hearts rurn1ng parents from a child I leadings cannot Stal thei1 mischief' Tears cannot assuage each wound Sorrow hovers o er the places Wh ere ung iarded tongues are found I ha\ e seen the laugh of cl11ldhood Ch eokod by som e unt'orb1dden tone For harsh words or constant chidrng Wear hke dr1pp1ngs on a stone Fed by frowns the child of nature Don a.. rnc l l \ sullen air Innoc ence g'l\ es place to boldness J oyfult1e:;s to grun despair I ha"\ e seen tlrn check of girlhood Blanch beneath a thoughtless word " h1le 11 rush of b1 t li;r anguish ..All unsought the 'fe ung heart stirred 7 \ 1sions of a faithless Jo, er I r usted \Vlule the t1ust proved. Y&1nrhese cold Yi ords of careless n1ean1ng Quick aroused to fresh dcop pa1n I ha"\io seen the eyes of old age Under g1ow d1m and b1u1redl cars that gathered fast by 01 by some unfeellng 'i\ ord .:-:;ad indeed to see the aged llurried to their graves by woe I But they whisper very often Y\7 e are burdens "ell we know Oh how keen a wedge is drh on In fond hearts by words that sting\Vords that e\ er stand ont boldly Though yea1s pass andchangee ring 1 t nk1ncl '"01ds were better banished From the lips of old and young Each should learn a..nd heed the motto Set a ~luud before yonr tongue MRS. W. KEYS, Banking House In returning Huu k s to jhe publw for their liberal patror age n the past begs to announce that. she has DURHAM CORN fLOUR Has a vVorld wide reputarion and is distinguished .for u ni.fonnly Superior Quality. OF received a BURK&JONES. 0 Fl< ' ICE abo-ve lmes at lowest puces Children s garments cut and stamped in the latest <>tyles Ladies will find a varied assortment lll. the No. 1 Temperance St, H 0 "\V"MAN YILLE. MONEY TO 1s LOAN. Rowntree's Rock Cocoa LOAN AND llo1ng Pure Cocoa Vi ill not thicken in the cup is therefore a thm not a thick ry drink ' THE LADIES' :FANCY STOEE,' ADVANCES MADE on pernonal and cullateml secuuty T HE FREEHOLD farm propertl at ruoderate rates of interest to be repaid by installn"nt or a :fixed term lern s or- pavn1ent ·w1ll be oxtended from three to Jt u1 one of tha most nutriho is and agreeable t'\<\enty )'ears Lo suit tho borrower Fo1 full kinds of food wl tel can be used in liqu d fo1u1 partmuJars appl} to J K GALBRAITH and v,;h1lst adn111ably suited to the sick s a Savings Company lending money on NOTES DISCOUNTED 5%mterest pB.!d on deposits of $4 [ and u P"' ai els BarrIBtcr luxury to those who are 1n healt.h Bowman ville August 28 1878 5-ly So llo! Gentlc111cn oC l·'ash· 1011, uot so Cast. I have written these fe ...,, hncs That~ ou can .tlnd me 1:1till at home I am 11ot gone a-way So all n1y kind old friends may come And all tho young ones too nd get t.1.J.en ga rments nicely mtlde In fashions that ne"\\ Where old and young dea.r:triends may meet .\.. v. elcome i;aecting by It PEATE WM. JOHNSON, 28th St Francois Xavier St , MON'l:REAL, SOLE AGEN'l' DRAFTS ISSUED on all branche, of Bank of Monheal m Canada, New Yo1k and London, England Prn ate and Bmldmg Societ; J! unds loaned on l eal estate at best rates crossed t.he room, and coming up to Conway, spoKe to him It \\as only some q nestlon or remark IN LIFE AND IN DEATH, A PAGE about tboso photographs which he bod not OF FAMILY HISTORY looked at , but while she spoke and he answered a curious scrutiny wa.a going CHAPTEl{ Ill -CO~T!NUED on His looks, instead of resting on her At last, when dmncr seemed to have face, went past her to the thmg standmg lasted tw1ce the ordinary t ime, Lady close behu1d hers aeen1ed to express aus Da1ntry ruse rihe n1ornent the ladies p1c1on, distrllst uncertainty Her woids had passed out t and the door shut, Con 1 were very sweet and grao1ous, h·er voice wav turned to the gentleman next him, soft and unconstr111ned but lriurchLSon and 1n a: voice full of horror added, "Did J said to himself, "Does she know of ft 1 you see tt 1 ' Does she fear anythmg 1 Is 1t real ofter "See what 1" the other returned, and all I" Then he became aware that the Ralph leaned across the table to haten Countese had asked a question to whwh "The figure that stood behmd the Conway gave no answer She stood 1vait Countesa- a tall man who m1m10ked mg, the expre.-ston of her fa.;;,~doepenlng every thing she did ' into an indescr ibable m1x1nr 6 of pride and The stranger drP.w a little further away , terror, as he, be-nd1ng a little forward, ·w as lie evidently thought !us neighbor was wholly absorbed m the discover, as 1t mad , and Ralph, coming rotuid, took the seemed, of some new revelation Murch1 empty place son made a step forward The Countees "Did you see it 1' ""'I turned euddenl9 away, pale as a.shes, and "J saw you bahaving&s If JOU were out Conway drew a deep breath of relief and of your nen·es What on earth dtd it all turned to his friend mean 1 'Ra.Jph, he said, "Heaven knows why. 'I don t "know-e.xcept tins <\a we sat I should be the only person to know her do'\ n to table there came a- a tlnutz-and I secret, but I cant stay here longer and stood bohmd L·dy Datntry s chair It keep ti Are ) ou readJ ! seem r-d to come w1th her 1nto tho roon1 "'Vhat was the matter JUat no\\ 't It sto ,d there the whole ilme now on one What could posses~ her to talk to me 'i side and now on the other Whate'\ er l told you t11ere secn1cd to be a oark mlst she did, 1t dtd and it followed her away abont 1ts head Well "h1le she spoke, 1t just now leaned over her shoulder, and the mist He shuddered and Murchison shud seemed to upen I could oee tis face al I dered too There conld be no doubt that most d18tmctly he believed he had seen th1s-th1ng '"\~lha.t was it hke? "But what was It h I e 1 ' "A corpse r The features set and 'Like the shadow of a I:Qan-1f it was pmched and white- that waa all I could anything A shadow having substance, if inake out ' you can understand that "She suspects somethmg Come, we "I daresay it was a shadow ' had better go "Look at the place where it stood The They moved slo"iy towards the door light is full bright, equally dtllnsed No Murchison stoppwg here and there to an shadow could be there acquamtanbe as he passed But at lthe "Ima.g1n11t1on, then ' last moment he again fa1rned to Conway "Aa you will , only never ask mo to Ent "Look once more 'he sru.d a.nd a.a he m the room with it agam ' J spoke ho felt hims~lf shudder for the Murch1Bon paused for a mou.ent He horror of the vision had liegu~ to mfect tried to persuade mmself that Con1vay b1m "Take one last dehberate look at was pract1s1ng a foolish hoax-that ho had her and don t carry away any fancies ' had too much wine-even that tills might Conway obeyed He glanced round tho be the first 1lhts10n of ' he commg fever room m search of the Countess She was But none of these theones v.ould stand qmte at the further end, and hod her Conway was of a. cool vnoouc~ant temper, hand on the h'andle of a door, as if going not m the least given to practical 3okes out , but at the moment when the two and he had not swa.llowed a single glass of friends paused, looking: at her, some one wine and he had not the faintest sign of spoke to her, and she turned from the phystea! illness about fum What he did door to reply Murchison JUSt perceived show was strong, unmistakable symptoms this, and then, trying in Conwa~ s face to of horror, ond of perfect good faith discover what he saw, took alarm at the Yet it might have been some fantastic awful pallor which crept over it, and drew affect of light and shade, and tf so, it him qmckly out mto the hall ...would certaJ.Ilb not appear in the drawing "For heavens salfB, -what was it 2 room -- - - For a. -tntnnent Conway seemed unable "Come," ho said "let us g.:> an:l JOin the to ans\.\ er His bps were white and stiff, ladiee If tt was a shadow 1t will stay his hands trembled, and lie grasped !us there " friend's arm to support hlmaelf "The nust was almost gone from about it, be said at last It is a corpse, Jong dead, decayrng, hv1d, phosphorescent-I don t know what to say- it ghmmers- tt «And let yon go away with the idea has shreds of a shroud hangmg about 1t that you have seen a ghost 1 I thougM Oh, it 1s horr1bld ! it 1s horrible ' ' you had more pluck He trembled convuls1vel~ "Look here, Ralph, there ia no use own nerves thrilled talkmg m that way I say nothmg about ghost. 1 only say that I have seen-ant! I don't know "hy you shonl<l not have ·een too -what I descr1bod to you lf I saw lt aga1n ever so often it would make no d1ffeience on me, except that 1t is uncanny -more than that, horrible-to see it standing there mocking everything she does' He shuddered 'And I suppose you don t entertain any idea of trymg to Jay the ghost, as you call it I doubt whelher lhe Countess · ould thank you ' "The Countess 1 Do you suppoee she has o.ny consc10uaness of it 1 about "How can I tell l All I know, you all your questions know' after " A certain gentleman purchastJd a pair of pants a few days ago which, u pon I being tried on at home, he fonnd to be too long That mght be remarked t o his wife that he "tshed her to lake off abont an mch from each leg which would make them the deSired length Being fond of teasmg her husbani.t she told h1m that she shouldn't do aaythmg of the kmd,and he retired "tthout havmg obtained a promise from her that she \\ould att end to the matter, Soon after ho had left the room, lwwover, she, as a rnatter of conrse, clipped off the superfluous inch, as she had been asked to do The family 18 composed of six female members, aud each one of tl e five, who were 1n ad101111ng roon1s, heard 'he dtspnte between man and wife and after the latter had taken off the re') ntred inch and retued, the old lady des1r1ng to "keep peace in the f tmtly, - and not knowing what her daughter 10 law had done, cautiously sltpped intu the ro0m and cut off another inch In thte way did each of the five lad1ea, unknown to the other, and all wi th the praiseworthy ob1ect of pre1 entmg any m1sundersta.ndmg between the couple, chp an mch from the legs of the gentle man fl trousers The follo~ 1ng morning all nnconac10Lu1 of what had taken place du "11'.tg the nighb he rvlled up his pants in a. piece of paper, and took them to tho tailor to be short ened to the desired length Upon a hasty glance the latter ventured the op1n1on that they were already short but the ow'fte1 in~nsted that they were fully au tnch too Jong ThH r. ~ lor had 11) n1ore to 11ay and our friend r~t red On the f >llowmg Saturdai he ca!le l for the pants and took them horne a.n 1 was supremely d1agustcd on fi n Jing the legs reached only a trifle bel )w' tlv'! knee He 1tra1g:htway accused the ta1lo1 b it his wife hea.rd him and came to the rescue ox pl nn111g thQ.t she had taken an inch from each of the legs and he1 ac:knowled& ment was f, lfo" ed by tl1't of each of the other five ladies, when it was dtsco\ered that altogetl,er the legs ltad been short ened to the extent of seven inches A llentown Gin onicle · THE GRANGERS AS BANKERS Tbe Granger 1s an universal genius Bv education, occupation and tra1n1ng a farm er, ho has an itch for storekeeping, grain speculattn~ and-a new developmentbankmg To succeed rn all these differ en~ oocup1l.ttons hti must possess a \:ar1ety and extent of knowledge which no class, In this 01 any other country, does in fact. possess And to tell the tr11th, we fe ar h e 1s generally deficient-often lamentably so- m the kuowledge 1'1uoh he ought to possess of lus own calling He would bo sadly alarmed If he were called upon to undergo an exam1nahon in one tenth of the anbJects wluch ac1enhtic men tell ua he ought to be acquamted with It ts nP tor1ous that he is deficient in sc1enhF.c and prachca.l knowledge of fl.Jriculture, that his crops decrease as the or1)o!.1nal r1chnes.:i of the soil beco1nes exhausted and that instead of becommg r1char with yeara, he too often becomes poore1 And -a.JI because he ls wanting the necessary knowledge--of hie: own calling '" v ve- rlo not desire to iepronch lum with his want of knowledge but t~ Is well that ho should be told of his defictencws ancl if JS to l t His true ll te1eHt Ites Ill kno·ledge of las 011 l i call 1ng1 and In applying th<1.t knowledg;o 1n a waJ greatly to increase tho a111 l tl pr< dnce of the conn try the only '\ 1n wlucb a nation can add to its wealth T_hese papf!i nostrums are a delusion and a soarll, which, firs:t befogg1ng, wouLl afterwards strangle the faimers who should put faith tn them -'l'he Moneta t y T1 m'W6 to the GraugEr · A SCOTSMAN SPRAYER The followmg ls said to be the praytr of And all I have to sa~ - DENTISTRY. c. HARNDEN, L. D. S., Late of Oshawa graduate of the Rol a.l College of Dental Surgeons Ontario ) OFFICE OVFR N[cARTHURS STOUE Manitoba this spring "ould do to call upon the undersigned who willg1vc all 1uforma. t1on as to freight and p~ssage and Pam phlets on application gratis Commun1cat1ons by mail promptly answered Ticket and Insurance .Agent IHOMA.S CHRISTIE GO P .A.RIIES INTENDING TOwell TO NOTES AND ACCOUNTS COLLECTED BANK STOCKS, BONDS, DEBENTURES, and MORTGAGES REST Ill A. 11 J CH.APLII'i Bowma.n"\'illc Come me and I will give you rest NOTICE IO DEPOSITORS GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY notice that after this date interest at the un, "111 be paid on Plate Work executed in the latest and most rate of four per ce1 L. per ann1 the halancea at their cred1t in th1s bank nnproved style of the Dental Art 1 TEE1H E X TRACTED WITHOU1 PAIN D EPOSITORS WILL PLEASE J take BOUGHT AND SOLD INVESTMENTS 111 ~DE 29 ly 0 man of Naznreth I trn.oe The mortal lineament 1n thee, l he human form a brother's face, The brother even unto me A CODD, Agent Thou ndest not in earthly sta.tet lhy feet the marks of travel soil, And with tbee, in thy wnnder1nga The brawny lowly sons of toil Thyself tbe humble workr.:hop knew The sweat of labor damped thy brow , In poverty thy manhood grew And tho l the poor man R friend art now Once was thou on the tossing deep Am1dst the raging- tempests cry 1J pon a pillow fast asleep As any weary one would he i9 bl tb0 use of Nitrous Oxide Gas without to the patient m.JUJ ~ Gents L. QUICK'S rn the oldest Tm Shop m town He keeps on hand a JOOd assortment of Tm and C'oppei wa1 c, cutlery, &c Highest ma1 ket puces pB.!d for DENTISTRY. HIDES, SHFEP SKINS, AND 'VOOL 10 Jy Yes man thou are tn 'ery deed A man of passions like the rest, Though ta1ntless and thy aching head, Unlike thy kind, no hon1e po13seseed Yet from th} hps \\:hat words I hear 0 homeless one' Come unto Me, Ye brothers who your bnrdenl'I. hear Come and from every grief be free Learn ye of !\fe the lowly meek WCTH 1.KE'[Il \'\!THOU TEE'IH BEAUTIFUL BANK, BOW.111ANVILLE FRUIT TREES. I am prepared to furnish nll kinds of GOLD FILLINGS. Artificial 'J'ce1h INSERTED .AT A MODERATE FEE Teeth Extracted Without Pam My yoke and burden hght shall be, And ye who rest now vrunly seek Sha.11 find a perfect rest 1n ].fe ' CAPITAL, PAID UP, - $1,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, BRANCHES 01t1LLIA, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, FJ OWERS .AND SH.RUBS, TORONTO OsH.A. wA, WHIT.BY, UxBRilJGE And as I hear I surely know Theres no presumpt ion in thy phrase , From e\er living truth they B.owThose ~ ords of v. onder and of grace CoBouRo, I CHE.AP for CASH '\.11 trees Y>L1 -ranted true to Address J l\f BRIMACOMBE, L D S Bo" MANVILLE 111n e and:tlrstclas JOHN CHAPLIN P 0 Box 55 BoVi manvllle I or Sale RICK DWELLING HOUSE, with B quarter acrn land stao1e etc an in first class conrhtion Price $3 000 'Ierms easy enqu re a~ the STATESJ\IAN office rhis Bank in addition to ransactingtheusua. banking business offers to the publio all the ad lUISS A.DA lVRIGBT, Gennessarct thj sleeper spoke :Peace to thJ perilous affray, Tha.t word thy maddening onset brokeStill at His feet thy waters la.Ji Once did he \>iaJk thy treacherous waves As sobd highway, and His cheer, AR stormy wind t..round Him raves Rmgs out My loved ones, I am here J' DRESS-MAKER, Opposite P11m1ti\ e Methodist (52) Division Street Chu1ch guaranteed 3G tf 0 ma.n. of Nazareth a power Into my subtlest needs d1stils , A sweetneBR fa.Us my spirit o er Thy prornrn 1 rest my bosom fills! Ah more than mortal 1na.n art thou, Thou precio is mystery- div?ne 1 To thy aweet will a.U ternpests buw, And ... ADd ·oul alike are tJ11ne J Who 'Vants au Oi·gan ? P ATENTS and how to obtain them Pamph let of 60 pages free upon receiJJt of Sta nps for Re"\vare of !'lilpurious lnlitnhons nn~l toun· NE OF \V BELI & GO, S CELE tcrfcitH BU.A.I ED l arlor Organs contabling two-This is tho only Electro-Voltaic and Magnetic and a half sets of reeds Sub Bass Octave Coupler etc -very powerful and costing -$220 Belt paten ted tn the United States Address is ottered ro1 sale or would be exchanged for a. Bl YAN APPLIANCE CO , good dnving horse Enqmre at this Office O Postage Address- GrLMORE SMITII & Co 1311 147 llast F1tteenth St, :N, Y BQv;m~nvllle, May l 18W. ~o ow· An excellent and enterta1atn!{ number of the MUSICAL WORLD come· to h·nd this month BeQ'"ides the usna.I a1nount of interesting and 1nstrnct1ve reading matter, there 1s a choice collection of songs and otner music "Farewell to ihe Ho111?La.nd," 1s a song and chorus ot unusual melod10usuess It will be much admired Another gem 1s a b auttful ballad bJ Lm!eJ, "It ,. Not So The song "Pretty S\\ allow Homeward Fly " will nlso be welcomed bv ell s1nge1s For instrument al music there IS a potpou1r1 of n1clod1es from +he com10 opera " The Little Duke ceased to bo able to see anythmg else A.s the bolder or wore intimate Ttattors and a good arrangen1ent of tho "Sun He found a qmet corner and pretended to gathered round, followmg the Earl, Con shme Waltz, for four hands The melody, look at some photographs, but his eyes way laid his hand on l\Imchu!On s ·houlder " \Vater Cresses ' also appears as a v1ohn ~ contmually followed the spectre "There It 1a t he sald, cloae beside her, solo, with piano accompannnent Once Murchison came to him bending down It puts its arms round pretty httle study, for beginners co1npletes the hat of new music Altogether, this her ' "Well, he said, "1s it there still? number of the " 70RLD Ib an e:x.ceed1nvly The rigid figure, BO shll m the nudet of tt t rh b t ' "It stands in the corner, between luir a. rac ive one e su ac1ip ion price 15 $l 50 I · and the piano There, that girl who 1s tho terrified e1c1tement, suddenly moved on 1 1 y per yea1 sing e c.op1cs o cents gomg to play almost touched 1t I" The Countess opened her eyes She To new subscribers the W orUJ and Sums will be furnished one year post paid As Ralph stramed hts oves followmg the turned her head slowly, as tf lookmg for [ for $1 50 Send ordeIS to this office ' d1rechon of Oonway, he became aware some one close at her side "At last, Ph11Ip 'she said, dtstmctly, that Lady Damtry was watchmg them \ both She moved abrnptly from the and died THE END BELTS are much worn with all styles of place where she stood, and cast a rapid, costumes almost tm~ercepttble, glance backward YouNG !(trls iust entering their teens It cannot be that all " fle1h ts gr""s " over her ·houlder He fanoted ha saw hcr hp qmver and her color change Grass gets 1ts du-about the only thmg are given dres·es veiy hke their older s1sterso Next moment, however. &b.e dehberately that does m thu wo:ld 0 "Very well, then, come into tlie draw "Better do It now His either fancy, ing room and try to find out somethrng or else the u1ost awful '1s1tat1on that ever more 1nortal was sub1ect to ' Ha was ob·tmate, bemg fairly dtv1ded Fancy I I tell you it 10 no fancy You now between belief and unbchef , and saw her take her hand of the handle of the Conway was obhgod to yield There door "hen that ~lrl spoke to her i Well, were about a dozen ladtes, young a.ud old, the-the thmg put Its horrible hand on m the room when they entered Lady the handle as 1f to open the door, and the Damtry was stttmg on a sofa talkmg to a other arm was round her- not close, not dowafi:er in black velvet and diamonds absolutely holding her, but makmg as If They were a curious co11tras'"-one old, it would open the door a11d draw her lnto wrinkled, and 2hrivelled, gorgeous in the next room But the horror was, that black and scarlet and flashrng hght the 1t loosed the handle, and raiaed 1ts arw otber in the verv perfection of bellnty 111 as I looked, and looked at me and bock " rich quaint dress of pur e white But oned 1 behind them, standing so near th tt the Their talk "as suddenly mterrupted Countess s golden seemed to touch A shriek, r mgmg through the house his breast, stood the dark shadow Con broke it off Doors opened and shut m way \old Ralph by a look that 1t was all directions , and the whole party, rush there mg mto the hall, found servants hurrymg They separated immediately, and Con wildly about, and the Oountess' French way found lnmself 11ea,r the lady he had maid screaming and excla.1m1ng ta.ken into dmner She was the only person "My fady 1 my lady 1 She is dymglo whom he had the shghtest lmk of ac she 1s dead-she is poisoned I Matheu r1uaintance, and sh., , after h is neglect, was not dwposed to be veiy gracious He Strugglrng on with the crowd, the t" o tnrned his bnck upon that soft glance, and friends reached the door of a small draw applied himself to hemg en 11 to her But 1t was a task beyund hIS powers 1ng roo1n opening from the larger one In He found himself drawn back irresistibly a low chair, near the fire, sat tho Connt to look at the Countess Other men had ess, her eyes closed, her faco white and now come tn, and she had left her seat , rigid A coffee cup had fallen from her but wht1rever !'the went the shadow fC'l hand, and la) broken on the floor- a lowed her, moving as she moved, and stream of the dark hqmd marked her keeping always so near that 1t aee1ned as ricl1 white dress Beside her, on a, 1f she had but to put out her hand to was a sm,.a.11 case, and the room was full of touch it SeelD't Uus, Conway soon a subtle deadly odour a. dtSappo1nted Scotsman on hts arr1va.I in ('anada from Scotland -0 Loni we thy d1sobed1ent children approach tl1ee th s n1cht I the athtude o pra.yer (an' likewise o compla1n~) '\Then we c:u1n tae Cana dy \Ve e~peckit tae fin a la.n 1lo ;vin \\I nulk an honey Inslead o thot we f und a place peopled lVl UnJodly Irish Scoor the1n oot drng the1n ower the mooth o the bottomless ptt but ye needna let them drip in dr1vd them t..o the oote1 ma1gt p nits o' Canady Ra1thcr 1uak' them hewP.-rs 0 2. -wt1d an drawers o wa ter but, 0 Lord ne e1 1nak thc1n 111a~1strcts, me1nbers o Parha1nent, nor ony kind o rulers O\\ e the people A.n ', 0 T.iord, g1ne ye hac g 1t any l:tn tae g1e a.wa, g1e it tae thine 'n1n pecehar people -the · Scotch Au the praIBe an the glOIJ will be 3.' thine ain- Amen '"N -------·-------- · ---

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