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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1879, p. 4

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' CANADIAN ~TATES.MA~ BO"iM.ANVlLLE. FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1879. ' CARTWRIGHT COUNu!t. FARM AND HOUREHOLD The municipal Council of C:\:rlwright Work for June. n1et at the ToV·lll Hall, 'Villiamsburg, on Monday, June 2nd, members all present. 'l'he Reeve in the chair. The Court· of In this lovely month thti country usually Revision proceeded to revise th0 roll . -"- \ p;ts on its most attractive dress. The warm The only appeal was from '11. Buchanan. weather pushes· on vHgetatic'm and there is no The application was granted and on motion of work. Some will be so absorbed in this of Thfr. Lattirnor the roll, as now reyisied, that they can seo little beauty in ve~etatiou as was .confirmed, and the ClP-rk ~irected to it is di~played in , ~nnnmer,able forms, A little 1 iIMPORTANT ANNOUN~EMENT. 1\'.'.[cMURTR.Y Wishes to intimate to his friend s and customers that ho has now his --iNTHE-- S .P.R ING AND SUMMER STOCK BORLAND'S BIG GIANT. ·. , . FEED MILL AND IMPROVED BIG GIANT. · all 'bought before the increased duty, and will be sold at the lowest NO EVERY . I Hue, andnoV'i' is the thne for all who Want price possible. Dry goods wcr'e never so low ·as· at the present time, certify to _the same a.s the law directs. better planning ; a little lt!88 hal'd work; work MAN Is the place to get your there will be no advance on the present stock. . On rnot_i-0~1 .o_f1rir. Seymour the court ad- for fewer hmir8 in the day, and a knowledge of GOOD BOO TS & SHOES HIS OW!\' Call and examine our goods and prices before. purchasing elsewhere. JOUrned s.~ne_ di e. . . botany,wol1ld ruaike every farmer enjoy life bet- to pay him a visit.. You all know that fOlt The prlnc1pal totals ex.h1b1ted in the roll ter. The botaniH t seeH 80111 ething to admire in custom '\YOok, S1f.A.LE is not to be excelled Re1riember Dry Goods will never be so low.again, now is 'the ·time l\'EF.DED. &re a· follows : -Number of acres, 36,904; · · k a.11 t II MILLER. '· t 1 I f 1 t ~() 88 9r. 5 every plant, and plants ma e or snppor a either in fit, inat0rial ·or workn-1a.nship. tG buy. ""' a va ue o rea prope r y, 'i' , ·> ; h h . f h· · t value of personal property, $33,874; total t att ere IS? muc 1nterest1n _anycoun ry. Our Prices are to suit the times, Dress-Making carried on as usual by :Mrss POWER. She gives GRl NDS TWim' AS FAST AS ANY value of real and perso;,al property and Coni.-Indio.n corn is a beautifnl plant, 0 rHER MILL OF SAME PRICE. as he has the largest stock in town, · purchased before the good satisfaction. and our Goods are to suit you. BOOT and SHOE 0A8H STORE · I B OOTS & SE:OES, inco1nos $·7 23,330. Nurnber of persons, . whether we view it in the tender blade, in the 1978' ; horses, 858; cattlo, .1756; sheep, 1707; and ho<(s, 885. full·grown plant, or when harve·ted. Nothing The above gives an average of 18~ acres is more useful or more beautifnl than a. crib for every man woman and child in the w~ll filled , vood sound corn. Iu June, the LKl' .t:VJ+:.KY~ODY PLEASE NOTE Bowmanville, May 1, 1870. 27-40 THE ONLY SMALE'S township. If the property were all fairly diVided evet'y man woman and child in the township would be worth $360 ; there are about '8 horses for every 5 persons, abnnt 9 cattle for every 10 personB,nearly 7 sheep for every 10 persons, and over 3 hogs for every 5 porsons. The exhibit is a very favorable one. ':l1he average assessment in the townShip of Cartwright is only $18.66 per acre. The minutes of the previous : were rea.d and confirmed. Mr. Fluke coinpla'ined of the conditiori. of the road towards the mill. and asked _that so1nething should be dorle as it is i11 a very bad condition. · 1 On 1notion of J\'Ir. Taylor the Reeve \Vas ·appoi:µted to examine the road and .~co to its b0ini!-0paired. After consideiable discussion, on motion of l\fr. Tay]or an order wn& grant.ed for the The Council resumed. corn should be well tended. The cultivator should Start as soOn as the rows 'can be seen, and be kept running for some weeks. 'l'he land hING STR.EET, should be Well PrePanid ~ bcfore planting, and NEX'l'DOOHWEA'l'~LYLE&MAR'l'YN'S, the rows'be made straight, then all or nearly al1 the work can be done with the horse and culti· A CASH BUSINESS. vntor. It~ will 'seldom be a profitable orop if much hard labor is given to it. For .fodder or all parties who have not Jlaid the-ir for using iri the dry weather of August and accounts promptly in lite past, I have de September, it is a gooit t.:ustmn to drill in the BOOT AND SHOE STORE, ww, M c C L E L L A N & C 0., DEALERS IN SUCCESSFUL MILL JU.ADE? recent rise of 10 per cent in prices, and customers will get the benefit of his early purchase. His stock consists of every description of ·goods suitable for Spring and Summer wear, which is being sold f_· C OAL, WOOD, LUMBER, Shingles, Lath, Posts, & Square Timber; SOLE AGENTS .FOR i EASILY SHARPENED.' Grinds Oorh and Cob, Shell Corn, Oats Barley, and Small ltrain. EXCL· U SIVEL Y FOR CASH '! at prices which cannot be beaten in this country, as for instance MAKES FAMILY MEAL EVERY FARMER WANTS ONE ! l!i.E.l\"lt tenmned to do a STRICTLY CASH rows a'bout two Ieet anffa half apart, and then run the cultivator. '£he stalks grow larger i BUSINESS. AU over due "ccu1mts and they often bear small and the crop is worth notes 1n/u::;t be seltltJd at once . more. A ·small piece of corn for thIB purpose .JOHN s1uAr,E. is almost ·indispensable on a well·managed farm. S~ock.- Stock of all kinds should now be thrh:ing and doing their bellt. 'J;he sheep and lambs' should be looked aftor evei y day. - 1.'b.e · swine should have some grass. Keep the calve.i growing by rich pasture,· milk, and a little ground feed, More attJntion should be. giveri to sels<:tiTig and rai13ing good heifer calves tO improve the milking q ualities of our herds of commOn stock. '!'his should be kept up for with a definite end in view. Good males should b_ e used with the s~ID.e o~jeqt. H_ E_ R_A._THEUN & SON,, -m&· TOOKFIRSTPREMIUl\1 I . EVER:fWHERE EXHiBITED. Women's Genuine French Kid Button Boots for $3.00 per pair. Boots' and Shoes made to order and Repairing promptly and neatly done. POST OFFICE BLOCK. Bowmanville, March 25, 1878. 1-15-25-35. ----~"' -~ Doors, Sash, Blinds, Pickets, Bown1anvi1le, April 24, 1879. l·-""!----------lllll~'°!!!!"ll 39· j nf ,/ amount of $26 to l\fr. Thompson for road job. The clerk read a communication from the clerk of Reach setting forth that the Reach Council had granted an appropriation of $25 'to be expe nded on the town line on condition that the Cartwright Council grant a Jika sum . On motion of Mr. Goggin an appropr1 ation of $25 waa made to be expended on the town line opposite the 3rd con. of Cartwright to 1neet the appropriation from Reach. . . On motion of llfr. Taylor, Thos. Darcy was appointed a commissioner to Oxpen'd , the. Sam~. BOWMANV lLLE MARBLE WORKS Monumen t.s, Headstones. Grates. in Scotch and Canadian Granite. Itallnn Rutla nd, Arnprior, Continental, and American Italian l\tarbles, &c .. of the nlOSt modern designs, and best workmanship, at un· usually "\Ve are prepared promptly to fiU tb_e above lines, and to deli-v:or erticles in all parts the tov."U . !£-he-highest jificlrpaitl for J...uinper, '"""ood,ete. \VebUyfor CASH, and sell for t::ASll. u-o:m.ce and Yard-Corner o1 King and George Streets. AMERICAN GREENBACKS AND EXCHA..c'IGE BOUGHT. 0~11ersjn Moulding~, &c. .... FOB P:l~~Ff:...fu::i~~IJ"TION 'l'O J OllN MCCLELLAN, } "\VILLIAM CANN. McCLELLAN & CO. S8 J. ·A. FIELD, SON & GO .· HAMILTON, ONT. AND Bowmanville. April 17, 1879. s·r: LOUIS MO., u. s .. A.· . Agent for Durham. .SPRING&StJMMER HATSinvites special nttention to his new stock of R W. JAMES, Han1ilton, September 11, 1878. Lee&mil HARDWARE. SPADES AND '3HOVEL8, CORNISH SHOVELS, FCRKS AND HOES, URADLE AND GILA88 SCYTHES, RAKES AND BARLEY FORKS, CRADLES- and SN"A:THS. STEEL BARBED FENCR WIRE, ANNEALD FENCE wnrn, GALVANIZED .FENCE WIRE, BRIGHT IRON WIRE, BRASS AND COPPER WIRE. PAINTS AND COLORS, , WHITE AND RED LEAD, LINSEED OIL AND 'l'URPEN'l'INE, MACJHINEAND CASTOR OIL, AMERIOAN , COAL OIL. CUT AND WR.OUGHT NAIL8, SCREWS AND BOLTS, LOCKS AND LATCHES, WROUGHT and CAST BUT·rs, TEE AND STRAP HINGES, BARN AND GATE HINGES. CARPENTERS' TOOLS BLACKSMiTHs' : TOOLS, COOPERS' ·rooLS, TOOLS FOH EVERYBODY. STOVES AND TINWARE, PUMPS AND SINKS, LE ,\,D AND tRON PIPE, UUT~ERY AND PLATED WARE, LAWN MOWERS AND GARDEN SEATS. LOW P.RIC~ES l'OR THIS FALL -;Waking H:ay, _:_For profit ruuch depends on I good man~ement. and, of cou:se, Honicthiug on the weather. 1'h~re are ad\'antageA in using a hay·tedder. , 1fay can be cured :much more quickly and in gornl weather can be cut · a.nd drav;.;~ in on the same day. This saves cocking , up, and a.voids risk of getting wet, . Begin t~ cut grMS early. ProfesRor B'e al gives ·the fol· lowing gOod reasOns for this pr.a.cticc ·· Stock prefer bay made of b'Tass just before, or as soon as it is in blossom . 'rhe chcnlist has found that grass at such times contains a gra.ter proportion of nutri"tious or digPStible materials than whcu cut la.ter. Thia plan leaves a longer tirne for the next groWth , whieh inay be used for pa.sture or for mowing again. It -exhausts the· roots less. ',' CASH:. Parties needing- any of the above will llo well to can and irn,ipect for themselves., · .Agents' com1niSsion saved. Note t,his.llali1 Ln l't'farhle and Marbliz ed Slate Marbles always on hand. H_A._TS,, FELT AND STR_A._-W-_ FRUIT Al~D FLORAL GO'Y At Arnprior, lleni'1·e'l' C'ounty, Ont. - Mr. Prnst again appeared before the Council regarding the da1nage he had sustained by having his bciggy broken by the unsafe condidtion of the road in the bel(inning of April last. On motion of lYir. Lattimor, Mr. Goggin was appointed to investigate= the matter C. BOUNSALL, PRO.l:'RJETOR llowmanville, Sent 19, 1878. 8-3111 . The lines are good, the prices tempting, being purchased early they _ escaped the NATIONAL POLICY, and now he offers his customers the benefit. is as usual rerilete with staple and latest novelties. Agent for the CoUK'rY 01:-~ DutUI.AM for the aboye 'F'ruiL aml Floral Company. '1'he Uompany's Nlll-sery .is the T HE subscriber has been appointed and report to the Council at its next goessiou. Mr. y~ eale complains of the large num· her of stumps -some 90 in all-which are on the q narter line on the 6th con. be - J ·0 -~ ~d-1!1 Jr~ - takes l,hc lead in Clothing ,~,.,, FF EJiY · '" ~nd l\lf . l\II .A. Y E R lS tletenn.ined to cut clo;;e, and cash customers especially, will be liberally dealt with. Bowmauville, April 15, 1879. 38-tf. · tween Jots 18 and 19, and urges that the road may be opened. On motion of llir. Goggin Messrs. Lattitnor and ~eymour were .appointed commiasionere to let a job of taking out the stumps off the place referred to. The clerk read a communicu.tion from l\olr. D. De.i.con in answer to a recent den1and of the ·Oounoil that (1\fr. ])eacon) Meadows hold out better when the grass is not allowed to 'go to seed or to get old before .An excellen t. aa3ort1 nen t of Cloths to1· cutting. Very often the crop can be well se· cured if cut early, .,vbile if cut late, bad weather MENS' AND ROYS' SUITS m'ay come on. If a farmer begins early, he constantly on hand. 'l'ailoring done in lirst has a longer time to work · in case of bad class stvle and on Short Notice. .Am sole~ agent for Fisks' celebrated . weather. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. ALL BUYERS ACKNOWLEDGE who have pmchased our goods, that and as the Nursery is situated far NORTH thCy are enabled t.o suhj ect, the stock they offer t o the public to the severesL test, ancl purchasers may rely upon it that nothing ,...-ill be recommended but what has been ·proved, br actual experiment in ' the Company's G11rdcns, to be in e\"erv "·ay suita.ble for our SEVERE CLIMATE. 011r~ catalougues coiitain tJ1e names of so1n~ varieties ~re do nut recommend. , Parties in want of li'ruitandOrnamental Tree Shrubs, &c., will please reserve their orders un til they have an opportunity of inspecting the Company's . Catalogues and Prices. Catalogues will be nnLiled FREF. l;o any person n1aking application to 1ne for Lhem, at Perryto·wn P.O . .Agent for Durhau1 County Perrytown, Sept-. 5, 1878. 6-tf. LARGRST AND MOST EXTENSIVE I N GANA.DA, J , A. llfoMURTRY, tent10n of changmg it. M W E y Id · t d t . r. · . arno IS expec e o rise and explain- the line claimed by the council is that run by Mr. Yarnold, Mr. F. Marlow complained of the bad condition of a portion of the 4th con, it ]s al1nost irnpassable and will require ;ssistance; thinks it would take $100. very much could be d0ne for that por~ion Gae of 'l'rees and Gwrdens, &c.-Trees which have been recently planted, should be we11 should remove a certain fence of his off mulched or frequently cultivated. 1ie np tho road allowance, says Jlis fe nce is al- atraggling canes of Black Caps or cut of! ap.rt: ready on the true line, that it was regular- of .the top. Mulch Stra.v-rberries to 1 nake them 1 ly se.t.out by b'Ir. Avery, a thorouglily endure the dry weather a.nd keep the fruit l li d ti t h h Id 1 e 8 ~1 rveyoi·, ia e as he the clean. 'For this purpose there is nothing bet· · hne .f.or twenty- ~ve and . has no in- ter than, clean straw work6d down among the "GOMMON SENSE SUSPENDER," MASON'S CASH ·STORE Is the cheapest House in town for Vick's Floral Guide. · A he Call and Exa1ni1~s~h~:.eni1o~ve also a Choice and Skirt Suspenden!. No La.Cly should be ~jthout them. Thankful for past favorfl, it is hoped a co ntinua.nee of p11hlic patronage will be merited by careful and prompt attention to all orders. DRY GOODS. 1 criptions of the best Flowers and Vegetablesi. ~nd how to grow. tJ1em. .A.11 for .a FrvE CE:'.ii'T· ~'f'A~(p, beautiful i,vork of a ltl) pages, One Colored f!lower P late, and 300 illustrations, with DesIn F,nglish or German. ' .rf he FT.O\\'ER AND V""EGETABLE GARDRN, LADIES' SHOULDER BR ACES T ~ AILQ~I""'-TG_ LU ..i.."-' A First Class Cutter. do. do. All vVool Tweed Suits,(not shoddy),made to order for $10.00. All Wool Tweed Pants, Bowmanville, April 16, 1879. 1 V~IC~'s ILLUSTRATED MONTIILY 1\1AG.AZINE· pageS, Six Colored Plates, and 1nany hundred. 1 Engravings. For 60 ccuts in paper co·ver8; $1.0 in elegant cloth. In Gcrn1an or English. . l plantK. th d . If I I 1 . 1 d e eee _s w111 grow. o~ { ia.y _ il!i ernp ' seeds will grow and .m ak~ trouble. If leave& If there are oats or wheat in the cha.ff, . . Bowmanv:Ule, Oct. I. 1878. . JOS. JEFFE RY. 12 <lo. 2.75. 38-tf. ':Pho reeve ron1inded the applicant. that k b · d d II th ·k W?r eing one, an as a e woi m1ght be put on, thn:t .a very mn_ c h .lees grant would accomplish the work ; of the road from the statute lalfor. on thebeat, as a!I. the rest of tJ!e bea~ is in first rate coud1tion and requires httle or n o employed,, the wu1d will scatter the:n. Saw· dust is bad for the soil. Corn-stalks, unless chopped or cutup, are a poor material for mulch· ingStrawberries. For a succeosful garden, it BOWMANVILLE, is necessary to plant a succession of beans, Aglilnt and in all kinQ.s of tho latest and beetr.. co1·n 1 lettuce, Jleas, radishe~, spinach, · _ ____ b _e,st._imp~e d~ .,. . _ ,etc.- Jt ;; u·uall:in:rtr=li'Viiiillffi o cave ,_· spot £01· each sort and so keep each kind of veg. ' eta.ble by itself }for cucumbers and radishes 1 And all tp.e best and mo;st useful 1mplernents , : ., used in the household depart1nent, such and i;,quasbes, .1f but few arc ra1sedt take ad.van· aa Sewjng, ij:nittiui;t and 'Vaahtage ot coops of young chickens wllich should ing Machines,'" ringers, . &c., &_ c._ _ R. W. J·AIE S, NEAD'S 1VEvV BLOC/(. ;s212ages, Six Colored Plates in 6ve r.r number, and many fine Engravings. Price $1.25 a year Five Copies for$5.00. Specimen Number sent for 10 cents. VICK'S SEEDS are the best in the 'vorld. Send FIVE CE~T ST.AMPfor a FLO.Ji ..\L Gt.r!D]!;, containing List and Prices, a.nd plenty of information Address, JAMES VICK, (26,tJ. Rochester. N. Y. An immense stock of all kinds of Hardware, at prices that defy competition. Call and examine goods . and get prices. Bowmanville, llfay ~13, 1879. 1-21-2-0-42. MONEY. AC 'RI GU LT URAL IMPLEMENTS completed in o~c year. J the ga.rd~n . _ 'lo start ~e~ons and ~ther i,·J11es, On motion of Mr. l:togain an appropri- a.d'p.ress1on ma-y .b1::11nadtnn the soil over the h h lJ th f 11 ation of $50 was granted and l\i. :rviarlow i s 1n e o own1g manne_ 1·: Pl an t th e see d s, appointed comrnissioller '·to exp0nd.· t.he 'theri' place n..'b1ock over th~. hill and pack the same. dirt olosely around it. Remove the block by a The reeve reported that i n co1np)j~tl_9e h~le a.ttacheci. to it. A pane of glass, or a with the instructions of thl:l late meeting piece of very thin muslin stretched on a fra1ne. of the Council l\<1r. Taylor and he had ex- may be placed over each hill and left till the F.::rg?sou. They reco1nm e~ ~ed an ap'proM prylr~IOU of $30 and Mr. ~right as comm15s1oner to expend the same. it cannot be ex ected that the . ob can be - be brought out '.n season and scattered about REDAIRS KEPT ON HAND L . , · it.nd strict attenl,ion paid to starting machine~ promptly. 13·1Y· Bowmanville Oct.. .~z; ~ 878 · · · · "1 · ~· AT OLD PRICES FOR CASH, --AT-- - - - : o,:-. - - · T N' () · ' s"'[j'lo · R·~' T T .l!J" J:!J · ·_ , -. . B-.A~ · 'TT IN" G-' S 118-37. aminei:! the roatl complained of ' by 'Mr. plant~ crowd it. ,"'· , , . -. Bow.nu1.n:ville, .April 5th, 1879. The plants thus get · good ·TELL IT TO YOUR NEIGHBORS. '· :Informs the public that in anti.Qipation of stQQl~ _taking, and : t o' make room fpr Spririg shipments, he is ·now selling oft his large and well assqrted stock, at prices to suit the present R S0N THOS. PATE· On motion the Council adjourned till the lirat Monday in Ju!y, - Observer. CLARKE COUNCIL. TowN HALL, 0RoNo, April 29, 1879. The Council met ; the Reeve in the 011air, all of the n1embers Present.Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. A petition, prayit1 g that Alexander Herron be allowed to occupy a pOrtion of road with buildings thereon was presented. Not granted, Moved by Mr. Uarvetb, seconded by Mr. Renwick,-That after hearing the views of the several parties with reference to alterations in school sections NP. -12 and 22, 8 and 14, 13 and 17; and in con· sequence of the strong feeling expressed by the resident Ratepayers in said sections . in opposition to any alteration or ohanae we deem it unad visable to take further a~tion thereon at present. Carried. The foll ~~f n-g· Ord-era -were g-falife d '~ e are nOw making good Siiigle " Buggy Harness, for the low price of '$15. This is done to meet t.he demand for a cheap article which shal also be scrvicnblc. A full supply of the following always- on· hand: Lig:tit ia.nd Heavy Harness, DOMESTIC. 'f'runkE and Valises, \VJ,lips, Brushes and Combs. Horse Clothing, Harness Oils, Surcingles, Safe Mock ftlinc6 Pie. - One cup chop'ped i·aisins; Pads, llitts, Mane Combs and Cards, Hells &c., &c. ono nutmeg ; one cup of water; one tablespoon· Repairing promptly attended to, Colll;ll"S fnl ~f cinnamOn; two · cups of sugru: ; olle-ha.lf 'Vnrranted cup uf vlnegar; one cup of sweet boiled uider; butter the size of an egg, and elght crackers One Door West of ]i', Henderson's lioteJ. rolled fine. Uook well together. Bo'\"o'·manville, Noy~,~5. 1878. 18-6n1. Jumbles.-One·halt pqund of butter; threefourths 'of a. poun.Ci of floUr; three·fourtha of a cup of white Sugar a.nd two eggs well beaten. Add a little nutmeg, make int.o a. soft dough. SLEIGHS, WAGONS, CARRIAGES,&c Break off in small piece!', roil in sugar and bake beaper lhan e_ve1· at in rings. start without trouble fron1 ci.ny insects·.:.. Rwral New Yoker . JOHN McMURTRY, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO. Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods, Tobaccos, Soaps, &c., &c., All kinds_oLfann_ produce taken in exchange. 'Bowmanville, October 1, 1878. . OFFICES: Hooey's Block, l{ing St., Cobourg; "Observer" Block, King St,', , BO>vmanville. Hours from 10 a.m . toJ p.m. TI~E· S. . 'Without indulging in boastful assertions, which a discerning public has now learned to estimate at its proper value, he solicits inspection and comparison from intending purchasers. 1 Keeps constantly on hand a good stock of F. MASON. WHERE ALL IS CHEAP. The following may be noted as of special value. CUTTERS, John So·. tt: ly refined peopl~ are always adverse to Comro1ss1oncr Stanton was deputed to · · ·· let a job on side line between Jots No. 6 makrng a display of themselve~. Least of and 7, in the 8th concession, not to ex.ceed all do well cultured perl:lons wish to draw . . -'Vil1iam-Little was allowed four dollars, as part payment for underbrushing and eight~en dollars. ~~rbt~:-~~·!:t~I~·0k: :1~:h:~.ur~h!b; 1~~e:~J-KEET--coKS.TANTLY .QJLn.A~ D. , Tweeds, Cloths, ~a~s, ~hir~ings, raiment which is in keeprng with the · usua~ S'l'REV;'l'8. Gray Cottons l SheetingsI Hosiery· I . f · · · I James .Jackson was appointed Path- b a b 0 a person, most oonsrntant Wlth ' · a Il d D r ess G 26·1Y"" master for road beat No. 65, in lieu of the gravity of religious worship. Thorough~ Bo>vmanville, Jan 22 · 1879, - QQ d 8. It IS Widow _ Anderson .. ,, . . ..... ,, : $5 00 Widow ' Nobes . .. , .. : . . , , ..... · 3 00 Widow Egliaon . . , ... ·, . . . , ... ·; ' 4 00 David Johnston . .. ......... .. . ·.. 4: 00\ C. Decker ......... . , , ... _. . . · , _6- 00.. Widow Prout . .. , ...... , , : ; , .. ~-3: 00~ Wi~.ow Stephens,, .,, . ·.-. ...,. .' ,·.. :i . 00-. Louisa Lee .... ,., . . ..... , .... ·3 00 \Vidow llays .... .... , ........ 4 00 WrighfFami!y .. . . ........... . 3 00 111. J. Brookbank . . . , ... ~ ..; .. 3 00 Widow Cameron . ...... . ...... :l 00 Ginger Snaps.-One pint of molasses ; one cup of butter; 011e teaspoonful of ginger; one te'aspoonful of cloves and one of 1mda.. Put all together on the stove, Jet it come to a. boil, and armerH and others wanting anything in when scarcelv cool add flour sufficient to roll thi s hne a1·e invited to call and learn how very che!i p they can get a first class article. Painting out. " anrl repairing of ctll kinds dol'le wit.h promptness at the lo>vcst pu.ying prices. A Tea Dish. - A nice dish for tea is made by JAMES MORRIS. putting six or eight butter crackers in a dish, Bow1uanvil1c, :t-;oy, 28, 1878. · 18-tf pour boiling water over them and grate loaf - - - - - -sugar and nutmeg or lemon over, and lay on slices of jelly. Pour enough sweet cream over them to make a. nice sauce. M 0 RR IS' CARRIAGE WORKS. ,GREAT CLEARING SALE n·-n y _ '-G OO· D S ·I - - -:o: -- - OF The Holman Llver and Stomach Paci cnrel-l without lnedicine. No'poisons used. Honest! Effective! Harmless! They not Pateutl\i1cdicines, but.n scientific principle. . , N. B.-Do not fail to rend the interesting Lecture delivered by DI'. Fairchild, of Nc"v York, n.t Hope Ilall, Llverpool, England, mailed free to any address. Info1·mation and explanation of treatment given at the offices or by letter. pllrchasing these r emedies should 1 Parties elt-her go or send direot to the offices, as they will then receive proper instructions concerning this treatment. . PFl.:X:OES. Childron'seize . ...... .. ... .............. ... .. . $2.00 Regular " ............. .... .. . ........ ..... 2.50 ~pccial " .............. ..... . ... ... .. .. ... 3.50 BO}'i'manville, May l, 1879, , Dry Goods . . . .. , .............. , .............. _ . . . 5 cents upwards " Carpets .. ...... .... .... , , .... ..... . . , ... . , ... , . , . . 12:\ Tll Wool Ca.~hmeres ...... . ....... , ., .. , ., ... , ....-35 '!.'able Linins . ....... . , .. ........... . . , , .. . ...... . 20 Tahle Napkins, per doz.... .. ... ... . , .. . ..... . ....... 60 Silks, Black or Colored .... . ........·.... .. .... . ... . 50 " L_ ace Curtains , .............. , : .... , .. , , ..... ..... 80 " Sl-33·10 Or\._NADA Blankets, Hosiery and Underclothing,, '&o., &c. Sunday Clothes. . The Christain Index . justly says :- "It -i·- Gowle, Esq.,) respectfully announce the opening of a Great BREAD & FANCY BISCUIT MAKER. Clearing Sale on STURDAY NEXT. . 'fW'@ l?Jl!l~D,~~ ~[1(4,~ll A SUPERI\)R STOCK 0~' OF THE CO N F E CT I 0 N E RY, We mean business, and are well prepared to offer tempting bargains in LARGE. PROFITS FRESH :A:N-D CHEAP · · ' . . CHARLES TOD, ELLISON & CO., (Successors to the late F. Y. LIFE ASSURANCE GffY. . THQMaS :.·PATERSON. 1-23. BIG ·· l?USH is n_o_yy: raging at _ _ TO BE DIVIDED KING AND DIVISION BOWJ\IANVILLE NEXT YEAR, I88o, ~t "\Vlll be a.Hotted to assurers joining tho Company .. W , H· W I L L I A M S' . GENERAL We are <letennine.d ·to force out the ready made clothing at any sacrifice. Liability;-' i tJ;tis time., . i Uvon a.n estimate of the Company's Reserve upon the Government Standard, at 30th April lnSt; there ·Wa.s then over and above Capital and 0 ~l Surplus or$50:.?,~·I9. TRE:LEVENSI ~ravel road.· · ·· · · .. ··· ··· · .'.. $8 J.Vincent, repa.iring bridge Tucker's Mill,au<l fixing culvert in vill~ge of Orono . .... ...·. .. . , .. .. , ·· 3 buming off brush on 7th con. lintt ·~All kinds of blackf'lmHhing done in a thorough 0 ne tlollar was refunded to J ar'nes Mo· , . . . , · .' a "' ar as posst e, a manner and allnwest rates. Lean for dog tax collect0d iu error. distrnotwns 0 : nch and poor, great and httle, :lGRH'UllfllllAL IHPLl~HENTS mw.nRED Ordered that the foll<Jwing accounts be shall appear ID the sanc.tuary: that thus, SpeclalatteDtiongiventoth eironingofbu~gie paid : by au appearance of equality, the lowly 'and carnages for country shops. Richard Hughson shovelling snow may be cn<'ouraged to- attend public wor- B~~~~~~~ilfet. \'\Test'. oppoSite the lte~istryloffice J the gaze of a CongregS:tion to themselves, when they and others are met for the aerious m11tter of reli:zious instruction 1.nd devotion. , They de · ·t're ala · o th ·t 1· · ·bl II BLACKSMITH. " All Wool Tweed Suits made to order'in Good Style foil' $10. N. B,-In reg·ulating the ]Jrices' we .. will no~ be guided bv the '-" .i National Policy." On the contrary we will make further reductions, 1 and continue the policy of "low prices," which has pleased our custornerB I and served our purpose so well in the past. / Company doing business in the Dominion, bcing eq:uiva.lent to a bonus addition upon '\\'hole-life Policies of 2} per cent. pe:r annum- au addition of 26 per cent. in 10 years to the sum assured. A.G. RAMSAY, J;io1ders in 1880 will not fall short. ol the liberal return allotted at the last two divisions- in 1870 li.nd 1875-which bas not been surpassed by any : 'l'hie favorable result warrants tl1ei anticipii.tion th<t.t the profits to be dhrided a.n1ong poliey- 00 ship. If. there is one place where a true .· Bowmanville. Oct. 23 1878. Sf ELLI so N ~- ~ CO. R. HILLS, l\fanaging Director. Secretary. Supt. of .Agencies, J. V\r. MARLING. BO~MANV!LLE. W. R. C LI M IE, Agent, (42-2w) w ity, it ia in the presence ~f the great . God. heart wants to be free from the affection, or even the semblance of assumed superior- PANIC PRICES (Saccessors to the late F. Y. Cowle.) P. S.- In order to complete our preparations, the store will be closed on Friday, 4th inst. OF all things, do not get behind in the 'The rich and the poor meet toge ther; the Drive t h e work, and Lord is the maker of tbern all.'-Ex: do not le t the work drive you. If a· bad beginning is made, there will probably be EKJOY LIFE.-What a truly beautiful a bad e11ding. world We live in ! Nature gives ns grn.ndeul' of mountains, glens and oceans, ~IosT farn1ers will t1nd it far easier and and thousands uf means for enjoyment.· a great deal more profitable to pay as thr,y We can desire no better when in perfect go. Any nJerchant can afford to seJJ health ; but how oftep do the m·jority of goods fur less money, if he gets the people feel like gi, viHg it up disheartened every time instead of waiting six months. discouraged and worried out with disease, THE yearly dairy product ot New York · when there is no occasion for this feeling, is lll,873,361 ponnda of butter and 98,- as ev.ery sufferer can. easily satis725,172 pounds of cheese. Of this, factory proof that Green's August Flow~r thirty-three counties makD annually 83,- wilt ruake them as free from disease as om. Dyapepsta and Live~ Comp· 478, 730 pounds of butter, and 95, 988,920 when b_ work in the spring. poui1ds of cheese. ·fRUIT &ORAM[NTI AL TRE[S [ I [ In future Farm Produce will be taken in Exchange. Bowmanville, Ap1·il 3, 1879. 34-36-tf. AT 1'HE NEWCASTLE NURSERIES. 'l'o n1eet tbc hnrd times, the subscriber will sell Trees, etc., for Spring planting, for cash, at the above N'urSeries, at prices heretofore un- IF farrners were as careful to save their oots, hay, fodc!er, &c., in the best possible condition, as they are to have their own food properly prepared, th e cattle's food would be made more nutritious and more. ohl.ugust Flowei:. will prove it8 wond'et1ul palatable. eJrect. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Try it, · Newc&st!e, March 211th, 1879. plaint is the _direct cause _of seventy-five per cent of such n1ala.die& as Billiousn_ ess, I ndigestio.n, Sick Headache, Costiveness, N et:vous Prostration, Dizziness of the Head, Palpitation of tho 'Heart, and other disttessing ·sympt_oms, ~Pree clos~s less than 50, at 15 cents each. Pluins, and Cherry, $3.00 per dozen, or cents each. Norway Spruce, Horse Chestnut and Mount11in .Ash, ~3JJO per dozen, or 35 cents each. Roses, $3.00 per do.zen, or 30 cents each. Shrubs, assorted, $2.50 per ·dozen, or 25 cents each. Curr·ants-Red, white, and blacl;:, 75 cents per dozen. Also a. splendid lot of V\'ltite Pines from hvo to three -feet high; flt for screens 0r wind breaks, at $10.00 per hnntlred, or l2fr cents each. ~ . . heard of, viz: Apple trees, 50 and upwards, tor 12-} cents D. ·S T Q T · T ' CHEMIST · AND 1'.EALER IN DRUGGIST · TOWN HALL 1J rJILDINGS, BO WMANVILLE. Druggs, Med1c1nes and Chemicals I 'Dye St.ufl's, Patent Medicincst Perfumery, Brushes, Combs, Soaps, Paints . w :·· H. CHAPLIN. Remember the address, one door CORRECTLY ANSWERED, west of Buckler's Jewelry store, ~ Fo farir.ers and Phyaician. fr.uni the 0o1'ntry wil! find ..o ·;r tStockof MedM;ine ·wm King 8treet, Bowmanville. 1 lie best quciUty. Bowma.nville, March 211879. -.- PYYSICI.A.N S' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE.IWLLY COMPOUNDED AND ALL Oils, Paint Brushes, Coal Oil, and Coal 01! Lamps, &c., &c. And is determined to · continue to sell at the rumously low prices cheaper. than the cheapes~. W..hy 41?_~ c!o it- F.irst, he blJys for cash and knows JUSt how to 'buy;:·JUST ARJ:UVED. Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, ·he manufactures_:_ GOOD STRAW HATS AT 35~. EACH. Third, he is satisfied with small profits. Fourth, he sells for cash; Our Spring and Summer Stock is Fifth, hesells at bottom prices. now opened out, and we are showing one of the __ Jargest, choicest, and o. a.X...X... .A..JSr:c:> SEE FC>FI. VC>UBSEIX...V'ES cheapest stocks ever offered to the -AND·inhabitants of Bowman ville and the F R·I e NDS WIT:H ,y o u B R I N G YOUR surroundi11g country. Our stock of Examine the slock , "" hich comprises evei:-yLhiDg in the. udc, of the very latest and mos goods is unsurpassed for variety, elegant styles and patterns, of Engllsh, Canadian, and .Amer1cnn ma~ufa.ctnre. · style and cheapness. Do not fail to He still continues to manufnctw·e to order, from the best of material, a nd none but flrst·cla workmen-kept. , call and see for yourselves. Guaranteed. Good Fits Ladies and Gents l1atscleanedand Orders P1·oniptly Executed, and H e has in st.Pok an endless variety ofll.adies' and Gents' E::arntoga 'I1 l1r.l!5, VHliErs. tc Ire-shaped in all the latest styles. '\'Yhich he is Selling cheap for cash. NEW MILLINERY r ORDER~ I Mrs. DONNELLY. Remember th~ Stand. -" Jl!G BOOT" drawn by two Horses STREET. BOWMANVILLE . KING Bowmarvllle M. TRELEVEN · 7-31,

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