+ IS PUBLrAHRD Ef'ERY FRIDAY MORNING, -BY M.A. JAMES, AT TIIE O:FElC.1£ J'od; Ofllee Block Wng /!'.itreef Ro\VJURD"Vtlle TER.:?.l[S $1 r;o pernnnum or$1 OOifpnldJn u1lvauce Pa) ment atnctly in advance required f1om snbscnbers outside or th~ county Orders to dtscont nue the pa.per mu~t be accompanied by the amount due or the paper will not be stopped. made POSTAGE PREPAID BY rHE PUBLISHER tan TERMS $1 50 !!.er Annum or $1 00 1f paid m Advance M !\ J !\MES EDITOR AND PuormEIOR ~====~==~========~==~~ Subscl' bcrs o.re responi:nblcuntll fnll payment la Ill rES OF ADl'fRTISING TWI NTI FOIIRTJI } TEAR BOWM.ANVILLE, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1879. I CORRESPONDENCE rugg1d mount·ms that are clad with vai n &hie timbers such as pme walnut, aoh, oak, &c Our county 1s ont of debt and our taxes are low We have adopted t he cash system and the result is that every bodv is out of debtand independent Our present crop 1s very flattermg m prospect Wheat ia heading out Bf)me about stx mches high Some are now plo wmg over their corn the third time If the season shll contmues favor·ble, we will be blessed with an abundant harvest J M D!OKSON Mason Valley Benton Co , Ark nminiun <9rgan BOW MANVILLE. 1876 1876 1878 1878 @"F1i,t Pnzc H R. BARBER, ~Fust P11ze WF1i,t Pnze Sole 0 ., 11018 and n1anufactn1crs for the Don11n1on of Canada of ARCHITECT ETC OSHAWA THE "NEEDHAM" Musical Cabinet. CHARGES O _s _ h_ ·' -' "' 1 .._ .fo _r_ c_ h J,_3'.. ~i =8::: 79::_~_ _ ___ 3_3_Lf_ Pla' 8 all deeC11ptions of mu,10, opeias waltzes, marches ::::;ongs, church music &c child can m one half hom s prnct1ce pla3 any piece of musll ho" e' e1 difficult $if?'SEND EoR PRICE Lr,rs 01 mange Puddings Custards Children s and Invalid s Dzet, and all the uses o .fA rrou ;; root Any man woman D0"/11.INION ORGAN OOilIPANY, Bo~ rn..'\ .N~ RI r L0U DURHAM CORN [ I MRS. Vv. KEYS, !Bank1ng House In ret thtil l beral patldnage n the I ast nrng ll anks to the p bhc for LUfJAS, ICENSED AUCTIONEElt FOR THE I ...1 Iovtnsh1p of Cartwright lownshlJ Cle1k Com in B R Issuer of :h1arri.age Licet1aes .A.ddrcss-.--Oa.rtwn~ht Ha > a NEW STOUK Worldwide of Berl '~ ooJs Co.rd Board 'l let Articles J a es Fr1ilings Mot toes B aids etc reputarion and Cutting & Stamping- a .Specialty Children s garmen ts cut and s a,1 ped in the is distznguzshed for latest styles Ladies will find a va ed ass t.rr ent in the Uniformly Szpenor Quality a bove hncs at lowest pr ces 1 begstoan;eoc~i~~J~atsheh~s I I OF BURK &JONES. OFFICE No. I Temperance St, BO""VMANVILLE. P 0 R owntree's Rock Cocoa THE LADIES FANCY STORE ADVANCES MADE on personal and collateral secuuty 1l tllinm BaI ton, AUCTIONEER Sal08 prompLI> L ICENSED attcndud Enntsk1llen P 0 MONEY TO LOAN. DR RllYAl'l'S NOTES DISCOUNTED 5°~ mterest paid on deposits of $4 ELECTRIC BELTS and upwards T be repaid by 1nstalrn"nt or a fixed ter::m Ternts of payment will be extended from t~ee to twenty years to swt the borrower For full part culars a1 ply to J K GALBRAITH LOAN AND \.;la.'\ l.Ilgs Company 1s lending 1noney on fa.I n propertJ at moderate rates of n1terest to HE FREEHOLD WM. JOHNSON, 28\h St Francois Xavier St ~lONrlU~AL, DRAFTS ISSUED on all branches of Bank of l\fontieal m Canada New York and London, England Prnate and Bmldmg Society Funds loaned on real estate at best rates Bowrnan-¥1llc Aui;::ust 28 1878 Barrister 5-ly SOLE AGENT 33 3 tr - -- - - - so Ho! Ge11tlen1e11 oC ~'a8h· lllJRRAD Cor 1'1ANITOBA io11, not so tast. And n.ll I have to i5ayTl1at Jou can find me still at home I am not$onea.,o;ay So a1l 1ny kind old friends may come And all tho young ones too nd get their garments nicely made In fashions that are new Where old and young dea.r friends may meet \. welcome greeting by R PEA IE April 0th 1879 I have written these few hnes phlets on application gratis Commu111ca.L1ons b~ mail promptly a.nswered tton as to freight and passage Manitoba this spr1ng 'vould do well to call upon the undersigned who "\'\1llg1ve lt:laps and Pam GO TO P ARTIES INTENDING TOall1n!orma lHOMAS CHRISTIE 'Itoket a.nd Insurance Agent Bowman'\ ille For Self Cure, NOTES AND ACCOUNTS COLLECTED BANK STOCKS, BONDS, 296w DENTISTRY. c. HA RN DEN, L. D. S., DOMINION BANK. NOTICE 'IO DEPOSITOI{S WILL PLEASE D EPOSITORS per DEBENTURES, and MORTGAGES -I notice that after this date interest at the Late of Oshawa. graduate o! the Royal College rate offo r per cent ann m will be paid on of Dental Surgeons Ontario I the ba.Jances at their credit in this bank take BOUGH'! AND SOLD 29-iy OFFICE OVFR McARTRURS S'!OHE J A CODD, Agent 19 GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY L. QUICK'S is the oldest Tm Shop m tov; n He keeps on hand a good ass01 tment &c paid for by t.l e use of Nitrou6 Ox de Gas without injury to the patient Part cular attention paid to the regulation of CRILDHEN S TEETH · Particular attention given to JOb bmg and eavetroughing Boy.; m&nv~lle Oct 9 DENTISTRY. BOWMANYILLE 1818 10 ly I am propared to furnish all kinds of CAPITAL, PAID UP, · $1000,000 WlTR TEETH WITHOU TE.Era Frmt and Ornamental Trees, 147 East Fifteenth S t FT.OWERS AND SHRUns, BEAUTIFUL HEAD OFFICE BR.A.NOHE~ TORONTO GOLD FILLINGS. Artdicial ·reeth INSERTED AT A MODERATE FEE Teeth Extracted Without Pam O&ILLIA , CoBotTRG, BowMAN,ILLE I Ol!lllA \VA, WHITBY, UxBRIDGE TE.AS! PURE TEAS I CHEAP for CASH o\.11 trees wa ranted true to name a11il firslclaa Address JOHN CHAPLIN P 0 Box: 55 Bowman, ille lUISS A.]),\ WRIGD'l', DRESS- MAK.ER, guaranteed :J6.tf and a half sal~ o.r would oe exohan_ged (01 a good driving horse Enquire at this Office Bowmo.n,!lle, May I 1879. ~0.511 ' is offered flj):f of reeds Sub BABfil Ootave Co iplar et~ zeq POYi erfu}~ _and oosbng $2"..0 W, O N E OF sets BELL & CO, S CELE BRAf li:D farlor Org\\ns oontai\l,n g t\\o IOWA LETTER onl:> sci l for G5 cents JS very Iowa, as an agricultural S~ate fs a1nong httle use in a 1uan mo\ ing to Man1toba \Vlthout a capital of from $500 to $1000 the best tn the union, and for a number MANITOBA ' I Do Not Drmk Dear Mott.er \Ve found nnn1bers of farmers who settled of years wheat haa been ra1se<l. to a great 1 1 good 1oca.hties six or seven years ago extent In Iowa County the farm ers DY MRS M A KLDDER fCONT IN UED FR:l:M LA~T 'VEEK aud they all agreed that it was impossible a.r~ begtnrung to-ge~ti'red of ra. enng wh~at Dear n1other I got i:our letter At the RailwaxEI~mg 'l·J!r the Rosseau to__ge t along if thev went ia debt for their and sellmg 1t for abo 1t 40 and 50 c0 nts a Oh ho v it cheered. m' heart River there 1s a. Post Office and Scllool implements and fir::it years prov1s1ons bushel and a.re ra sing mo1e c In than So far away from home and !nends Re use Saw lo ~ are fl ated d own t h ts Doing thew orkor s part t :\. great many have got their corn '=" Anv wl o were obliged to do so are anxious usual You ask a.bout 111y habits rivor Ir m near the bke of the "omls a to sell their claims o lt to new comers all planted and are waiting f0r rain to Pray f!Ct you nund at 1est drntance of over 100 miles to the Red j an d with th e i:ro lit th ey mak e on ti 1e1r star t thtng~ growing It has been very I do not dr nk dear n othc1 Rn er an d thence to Wum1peg where 1 d th h t f th t d dry and windy for so ne tiu1e all vegeta And I try to do n1 y be t ' M ' llf 1la have a lnr"o Saw Mill I an ey ope 0 go ur er wes an e srs aca. Y '"' make a. fresh start, hence any one w1slnng hon ne ed.ii rain soon or there will he i; ery The tc1nptcra they are many ln operation Tl ere 18 :5 et soine govern I to purchase la.nd will hav e no difficulty tn light crops this Jea1 £he temoted the} arc more Iowa 1s also a good A.nd tl ey often sailed tn their painted ships went land North of the Rosseau hm Town findmg plenty of farms for sale with some frm raIS ng State and \!us pronnses to be Qu te emoothly from tho shore I sh ps 3 and 4 range 3 East but t e greater tmpro'\ ements done and at present a. man a good J ear for fru t-all but apples-the But.looktng down the ri\ er part has already been settled and mauy of h h ll b t d (Their s lffermgs '\ho can tell w tl can pure ase w1 e a gren. ea1 tree& are not as f11ll of blossoms as they I ace lhe struggling helpless forms the farms partially feneed Ther<> are " safer than tog' 150 milce west and get were last year ]'.[anv of tho farn1 er I see the wrecks as well number of settlers in th1s v10!mty who I t dI df hflre that have large orchards have cider iomes ea an tee formerly belonged to th1· country and J M mills and make cider and v1negar S1be amonst others we met Messrl5 McKercher, rrnn crabb apples ma.ke the best cider \\add el Washmgton Hepburn and Qum INDIANA LETTER A great many people are em1gralmg to 1\-lr ?vlcKercher is Postmaster a.t Rosseau Kansas and Colorado this spring th ose and owns some 600 acres of land w that To the Edit-Or of the Statesman that go to Kai sas go to take hon1eetPads or locahty Mr John Cum I send the follow mg, hoptnJ hat 1t may ra lroad lands those bound for Colorado resident of Cartwr1ght hns 1 cated 8 rnLles be of lnterest to your readers go for tho r health or to the gold mmea North at the Arn\ 1cl Rah > n of Pembina 'Ve are s1tnated 20 mileR north we!it f If uurn gra.ti n goes fro1 all the eastern Rall~ nv a.nd owns O'\: er fifteen hundred Indta.napohe Ind11'na on or near the 40 h an'1 ru1d 110 States as it does fron1 Iowa, acres of land vdnch ts rap11ly net easing I parallel The p11nc1pa.l crops gt on n u1 Kansns and Colorado will soon be full t o u1 value 1he land fro1n the centre of tl s l ca.hty arc coin whett ats rye to vnshtp 4 nortb?iard ls too wet for rlax p t:i.toee beans (_~ V crretables f Pettlemt:int until we teach the ne1ghbor j all k1 ids du well here F 111ts ot a.11 k1n<l:i hood t Raf Ri .. t!r whet c the H 1cle 1s of I are raised here tho.t A re o 111 nor to thu1 L ~ S a futnr tu w11 h ,s commeucec] to demi P latitude yet I cannot "Y t1 1t tl" 1s ' Traer Traei Co, I owa. r 1 s s Lhr. nenl'eMt l olnt to the en$ ern good fruit locality 0 1 I inds rue of g ol \\hen tho pcddlar rang Mr Bnd s Me mo111te setilement and h>S already a q rnlitv and m ght be cla5'ed m three A BLUNDER AND ITS REWA:llD bell J\fr B 1d himself pened grain elevat r al ores etc etc cliases 1st creek or botto1n la.nd- th1a; Mr Bnd had the baby upon !l couple of ho irs 1!de brought us to St land JS what I would call our second rate Dui mg hi. first VlS!t to Paris 111 I o·alle, h1s arm and there were four other child Bonafice on east s le of R~d River but 1lnd it produces corn wheat rye potn a d1stingu1shed German presented him ren at Im heels the station is located aoout three fourtho toos and clover to perfeohon, but it is not self at the house of a well kno'm lady, ' I s th e Ia dY 0 f ti ,e h ouse m 1 as k · d of a mile from the ferry nnd the Omnibus so we JI a d ape d to t h o grnwtl1 of oth er to who1n he had sent letters of introduc the peddlar es make a pretty good livelihood drawmg orops Our black, lernl lands are the lion m advance \\heu the son ant open ' Ceroalfi ' ly sh e 1sn t rep I1e d llfr B 1r d the passengers mto \'mm eg Although b est Jand s we h ave wh en t h oroughiy ed the ctoor and received his caru ah a "SIle is out SIie is perenn1a II Y an d e t ern we had h eard a great deal about t he capital draine d Th cy are capabl e o f pro d 11c1ng condueted him to the boudoir and told him ally out of Milnitoba we had but a very i nperfect enoru10 is crops of grain and are cons1d t be seated saying 'Madame will come ~here can I see her 1 idea either of its s1ze or the a.mount of ered 1nex:hauat1ble, and are not effected tmmediateJy Why go down to the Woman Sul busmess transacted w1thm its bm1ts The bv washrng or drought Our third rate,or Pcesently the lady entered She was frage Cl u b 10om, an d ' f s h e 1sn t there "0 n population of Wmn!peg at present 1s be cl ·) Ian d s are we JI a dap t e d to 'h , e ra1S1ng m d ,/iabilfo and her feet were bare covered up to the Socwty for the Prevention of ~ween eight and ten thousand, but the qf whent, ants timothy flax aud blue only with loose slippers She bowed to Cruelty to Animals and if she IBn t amount of bnsmess done will b~ filly grass The finest of blue grass 16 grown hun carele·sly and mid 0 ih there you are good mormng there visit the Hall of the .:\ss0Clat1011 for three times of what would be done ln a in cur woods and pastures and furrnshes allev1atmg the l\'[1ser1es of the Senegam town of equal population 111 Ontario The good grazmg all the year "Dund unless She threw h erself on a sofa, let fall a bians and if she has fimsh ed up there The mam str.et (eight rods wide) soeme to cov~reu by snow Whit~ clover 18 also a ahpper, and reached out to Lasalle her look for her at the Chure4 Aid Society or Ile literally crowded d1irrni;t busmess he ura spontaneous growth and makes good very ptetty foot at the 7th Ward Soup house or the Home and has an appearance of activ ity more pasture for all k nds of stock exceptmg L asalle was naturally completelynstound O· the Ono legged or at the Refuge for hke Younge St Toronto than a street of horses they eat 11 with a r~l1"h but it ed but he remembered that at Ins home Infirm Doga or at the Hospital,, for the a new "es tern to" 11 The price of real soon produces slobberwg ·lld itching of the m Oarmany it "as the custom to kiss a Asthmatics or at the St Polycarp Orphan es tate OD Mam Street Wmmpeg is hiµ:h feet and i;iose, yet where this clover 18 \ lad:1 s hond aud he supposed 1t was the Asylum, or at some of these places If m the extreme Oue vacaµt lot with mtemnmgled with other grasses hr>raes ean Paus mode lo kiss I er fool lhere!ore he yo n get on her tracl> you !I see more pa4 aborit tlurt' fee\ frontage sold early m be eafely put upon it to l(rn~e did not hcs1t·te to unprmt a kiss upon pera and strong minded l;v.omcn, and un ~iay for twelve th:ousand dollars The Oorn 18 our prtnctp.al crop, thougll the fascinating foot so near him, but he derclo\hmµ: for the heathen than you eyer Pavis H 6 uae an Ho tol nut any better wheat is raised extensn ely Corn an d co uid not avmd saym~ ' fhank you than Mr Harry fhilhl' · lfotel, :(l;amptou hegs are our pr111c1pal clependenoe for madam< for this uew method of makmg a saw. m your whole life ' l )lantgd to ~ell her a cold 4aud)ed rent~ for three thousand five hundred money although mos b formers engage m lady s acqua.mtance It is much better flat iron, JUSt"out Do you thmk she Will dollars a year and ta'l'.eS The \)rOprietor nnxed far ming- not mdependmg n one and certarnly more gcnero IS than k1ssmg buy one 1 ' !Ion R A Davis, refused the s11rn of ~hlng alone Hogs are more uncertam the hand "She will if you can prove that the thirty seven thousand dollars for the hotel than !hey were 20 years al(O on account of The lady iumped up highly md1guant ' Who are you, sir and "hat doy ou canmbale 1n !ienagambia are yea·nm~ fo r and Jot on which it stands a few mouths cholera and other contageoua dlSeases oo!d handled flat irons She would buy ago The present manager Mr S West Sheep do well and a llreat many of our mean l diamond breast pm· for those heathens, if was formerly a resident of Darlmgton farmers are turning their attenl1on m this He gave his name ~hey wanted them, [ do behave and is said to be ma1nng money pretty direction, espemally those hvmg on the "You are not then, "'corn doctor 1 ' I mtend nlso, to offer a new kmd of fast ~iko ot\ierPlilCe·in the North West, c'ay and hilly lands I am charmed to say madame that I immtnabl~ hair pin wh 1 clJ~ ~ the ·treeta of Wmmpeg durmg wet wealh Corn lB plonted from April 25th to May am not "All right you Just go down to the er are muddy m the extreme, and only by 20th it is generally lit to gather by Oeto But you sent me the co1 n de clor · Home for the One legged and persuade very great care can a person keep up a her 20th, but will do to feod 30 days card? t hose cripples to cry for immovable hair r es pectable appearance about the lower sooner Wher.t 18 oown from August 20th It was true La.salle m gorng out tha t pms and she 11 order em by the ton extrerm\ies There are a large numbor of to October ls\ As a general rule 11heat mormng had pwked up the card of ' Has ohe any children 1 very fine hotels m the mty the Canada sown later than October 10th will be a corn doctor fr om his b irean and put i t m 'Well l m tho one lbat appears to Pacific takmg a front rank fhey have a failure hsrvest from June 28th to Jnly hlB pocket TlllS 111thout ghncmg at it have em JUSt now anyhow RoBBln Houso Queens \\mdsor aud 15th Oat. sown from March 18th to he had given to the servant \\ho bad 'Because l have a gnu top for a feed Lorne, so that 'you soon forget that you !\pril 20th harvest July 18th to August taken 1t to her nnstress I here w"" mg bottle, wh1cli ls th~ m qest thmq you are twelve hundred miles away from To l·t Rye, oame ·· wheat harvest a to nothmg to do but to laugh over the ioke ever saw, ronto Many of the hotels are provided 10 days earher Flax sown from A pnl .,.___ "Now, said Mr Bird ' Ill tell you with b1lhard roome, \\h1ch are pretty well 1st to May 5th harvest July 10th to MARYS LITTLE LAMB what to do You £let thoee paupers to patroni·ed by the fast young meu of the 25th Th f 11 th Ch f ,,, e o owing is e int:.se version o swear they cannot eat the soup they get 01\y who manage to g·t rd of their loo·e I give tho yield of the above crops Mary and her lamb at the soup house they must ha~e it from funds qmte readil· From the activity Com average 3o to 40 extra 60 to 75 ,, Was gal na med Moll 1 al a la.rob bottles wlth a rubber muzzle and M:rs dis.played in these rooroa, the arnount of bushels per acre ' ' l1e!lt, J 2 to lo ex Fleas all samee wJ e snow BIrd 111JI k eep you so· b usy supp IJing th e fees paid aad the number of ten cent tra 2o +o SO bushels per acre O·ts 2o to Ev Is plncc Moll long gall too walkee Baba hoppee demand that you wont have a chance drmks mdulged m one would conclude s5 e:Klra 40 to 60bushels per acre Rye We heard a son of Erm, says the to sleep You must try It Buy up tho that money was very easily procured m J 15 to 20 extra 30 to 3o bushels per aere Council Bl if!s (La) Globe ' trymg to paupers Bribe em the city Ho\\ ever, one thmg1s certam that Potatoes 75 to 100 extra loO to 160 surround Mary and her Jamb the othe< ' How ll I know her when I see her1 m billiard playmg gambhng OD a small bnahels per acre Hay timothy, l! t ons day and tlm" the way ho understood it "Why she 18 a very large woma;i w1th '!\ sea.le and the dr1nk1ng u sages the c1ty of per acre Olover, 2 to 3 tons per acre Begorry l\ilary had a little sbaf e bout nose, and she talks all the time, You ll \\ mmpeg 18 keepm" nace with the cities Flax 7 to 10 bushel,, per acre And the """I "as "h lee· tmroJv h .1.._ ,. 1· .A.1 wherever l\'Iary v oulrl st r her sthumps hear er ..,.jkmg as you got within a mile of Ontario In ref!a1d to the b11ldmg JOHN J Ninv Theyoung shapewo ldfollowhcrcomp!atcly of her Shell aak you to S\\bscnbe ta the operallor s of tho o ty they are bemg Northfield, Boon Co Jnd1ana The story as told by a soohmorc to his Senegambian Club , and to the'Asthmatlo pushed on rapidly Ihe new blocko are · --little Sister -Mary was the propnetoress Asylum, before you get your breath bmlt generally of brick wl 1ch cost there ARKANSAS I ETTER of a dnnmullve, me pient sheep, "hose Prob·bly shell read you four or five let from fifteen to twenty dollars per thousand outer covcrmg was as devoid of color as ters fa om reforu ed uann1bals Du& don t and the buildings a.re b~iug raised from If the seasons are favor able our pra.1r1e con{{ealed atmospheric vapotu to an lo you mmd em My oplmon ls she wrote three to four stones high In fact every and rnllcy lauds wlll wake 50 bushels of cahlle' to which Mary preambnlated her em herself It don t make &.ny differ enterprise going on seems to 1nd cate that corn per acre \\heat on an average 20 J onng southdow u wa.s morally 8 tre to ence, bnt you might mention that smce there is a great deal of weal th 1n the city bushels per acre potatoes 200 bushels per follow 1t tagged her to the dispen sary she left home the bahy has had four fits We hear of genenil stores 10 some of our acre oats 40 to oO bushels per acre As of Jearmng one dmrnal section of Lnne, Johnny has fallen out of the pear tree and Q Qnntry villages, bnt it IE onlv after pay a tobacco growmg reg10n thIB county con which """contrary to all precedent and cracked his skull Mary and Jim both mg a "VlSlt to the Hudson Bay store m the not be surpassed, we oan ra1ae from 1,200 ex ited cachmatwn of the semmary at have something \Ike the oroup and Tommy old fort, that we can prop erly realize what to 2 000 pounds to the acre of superior tendants when they perceived the pre·ence has been bitten by Jones dog It wont a general store means m Mamtob In qnaht:> Blue grass, timothy red top or of a yot ng mutton at the estabhshment of ex01te her she wont )care a cent but l d the back yard are ranged wagons by the herd grass and clove r ally1eld ahuudantly mstruchon Consequently the preceptor hke to have her get the latest ne"s fell dozen earts fifty· plows by tho car load, any where m the county In fact we have expelled h m from the inter or but h" ller if .ahe can manage to drop 111 here for of 200 harrows, ox yokes and bows, tents, many advantages in the way of ra.1a ng continued 1n the neighborhood without a minute between now and the 4th of July, stoves &c whil& inside you can purchase a tock such has hogs, shePp cattle, horses, fretfulness until Mary once more becanie ohe might maybe wash the baby and give any ar\lcle reqmred m housekeepmg from mules etr. "e do not have to feed our visible \\hat canoed this specimen Of the other children a chance to see how she furmahmgs of a parlor and bed room to all stock more than three monthe m the year the gensuovis to bestow 80 much attection looks But she need not come rn 1! 1t the reqmsites of a well st ored pantry and a.nd m \Vln\er they reqmre but little pro on Mars 1 the impetuous progeny will interfere w1U1 the One legged med1 kitchen, ready ntade clotl iug boots and tectiun from cold weather or ra1na, as our vociferated Because Mary recipro can ta or make the Asthma he patients moccasins blankets and bnffnlo robes chmate is equable and free from extremes cated the woo1producer 8 esteem, you miserable l\fmd an d ment10u it to her every conceivable article that a family the tl1ermometer rarely runs much below understand the tutor answered bar.k now will yon ? might possible require who wer e 1nov1ng off the freezing point or above 90 degrees 'I will west 200 or SOO nnlcs during the year December 1s often as ADV!CE TO A Yo UNG MAN -Young man All right then l ll go m and put The greater numbei of immigrants we radiently bright soft and balmy 118 May, when yon see anythmg you want ask for some freah s\!ckmg on Johnny a skull met rn Wmmpeg were bound for L ttle and many mstances have occurred of the it like R man If you want to borrow five And with Baby smgml( m a vomferous Saskatchewan 150 to 200 nnl·s weal _ entire re·torat10n to health of persons who 1 dollars of a man, or if you only want to solo and the other children clmgmg to his Some who returned from their land hunt came from other r eg10ns, aulferrng with marry his daughter don t slide uplto hlm legs Mr Bud retreated and shut the mg explorations, ga'e doleful accounts of different kinda of d1·enses, T· a man will and hang t n to your hat and tslk pohtws door the d1flicultte· they encountered m cross live tomperate ln eating drmk111g sleepmg and rebg10n and weather and tell old, The peddler had determined to propose mg rivers tm' ellmg over m%hi!" and and avoid ~xposures, and not violate the stale Jokes whereof you cant remember to a girl that ni ght but he changed hls marshes, gettmg stu ]I; Ill the mud, an~ laws of natnre he can enioy all the com nnnd and determined to reinain a bach the method~ r,f ~rossmg ti B swollen f 01 t s an d bl essmgs of th1s I1f e, m t e11ec t u the pomt, until you worry the old man 1n[o a. nervous irr1tion Go at h1ni with elor Qtroom·, but all werA agioed as to the ally and morally, as well as physically a full head of steam on and your bow -----~--~ - - · fertility of aml and aupenor facihtrna for One of the roam features of this county is ports open hke an iron clad pullmg for a Ir is not general!~ lrnow,i tha t stale farmmg m that settlemen~ We may add that we can have a variety of frmte and shore battery Snort and paw and shake bread, when 11nmeraed in cold water for a et bl s all th time Our stock h"s that moat of the·e people went too early veg a " " " your head if you feel hke it, no mat moment or two, re baked for about an m the sprmg WhiJ,, there ls a large area good pastures and range and reqmre but ter 1f it does make him look aston hour, is 111 every respect e<jual to newly of land Ill the provrnce of Man toba that 11ttle 1>\tent10n or feedmg The peo;ple of ished Better astonish him than bore baked bread ls too wet for wheat ra1smg it can be tins county as a general thlng are moral him Go mto ]us heart or pocket book or PR1 cocITY -They aro , ery precocious utihzed forraunng stock, which lVtll probab 1 industrious and generous Our churches both 1t amonnts to the same thmg, hke a m the neighborhoou of Worchester, Mass ly ll"Y as well The general rumours of and sc bool houses are the most promrnent bundle bull with a curl m h is forehead achusetts I My ht tie ·even rear ol<\ tar~e yield of wheat are rather exaggerated buildmg· that meet the eye of a stramrer charg1ng a red merino dress eyes on fire, girl writes a friend,. ' \\a~ 1:p tlle iutting In reply to our usual question as t o yield - architectural emblems of chr1st1an tail up and the dust a fiymg Then you 11 room a1on{} wr~h her uncle and drea.mil.} per acre every farmer with whom we con c1 vJ11zat1on They are a guarantee of fetch him Or lposs1bly, he may fetch Jook1ng from the wmduw Without turn \etsed piaced their last years yield at from culture and morality among the people you But never mmd you JJ accomphsh mg her head she said l ncle Horace, 18 to 23 busbels por acre, for first crop and About one titth of the land of this county somethmg and ehow you aren t afraid to e·J!ht and seven make fifteen, don t they 1 · from 20 to 30 on land that had been brok 1s beaut1fnl, rollmg pra1r1a that 10 very speak "hats on yonr mmd And thats a He replied that she wns right ·Then The yield of productive, about one third is p1oturesque great deal more \hon you would accom 011 three or four years ago a01d alle, m half so!il,quy, It is only oats varied from 50 to 80 bushels per acre, valleys that is very fer\lla and desirable plrnh by the other method You needn t eight years before I shall ha'e a beau and, [and were sellmg on the 24th May at from for nice homes ani till·ble 0011 and t he be cheeky, but yon ought to be straight oh 1 I dread it - livrp<i s Maga.me 70 to 75 cents per bushel, while wheat rema.mder is tableland·, ntermmgled wil h forward - Ere ' I l I I I I I I 0 0 ·