-· CANADIAN s'l'ATESMA.N, BUWlVlANVILLE, J?RID1'. Y, JUNE 20, 1879. ~THE S1ATESMAN w1l) SOLINA. THE LATE IMON LEE FUN 4.ND F u:Ts be sent to new ( subscnber~ for the balance of this J ea1 for F IFTY CENTS postpaid OA TlOHETIOAl ! What comes now 1 Sprmg Of what does Sprmg Spnng remmds us that our wai d obes r ust be replemshed tliat we must lay as le om Furs Flannels lJ lsters Overcoats and Rea\ y Clotlnng and p1cpare for warm weathei Of what el~e does the advent of Sprmg 101mnd you 1 That ti e Carpets are badly faded and worn that wmdows req mre new Cm tams Tables ne\\ CoveJS Beds new Counte1pams and the hall a new 011 Cloth lhese thmgs must be rene\' ed What D1y Goods estabhsl n ent does yo i family generally patromze INSURANCE NEW I I NSURANCE 0FFJ.Cl:C N BOWM.ANVILLE T BINGHAM vv e mva ab!} nm chase om Diy Goods House Fmmsl mgs &c at McCIUNG BROS Why at McCr UN<l BROS 1 M1llmery Clothmg Queen Insurance Co y F e and I fe $10 000 000 Cap tal Because we have fo md it always to our mterest to tiade theie What mducements do McCr UNG BROS offer 1 CanadR F re and Marwe Ins Co $1000 000 Capital In each of ti en depai trr ents "c enJoy the advantage of ha" mg a large and tastefi lly a.~sorted stock from which to make om select10ns Tl e Milli ery Room is always 'eiy attractive and the "ork done Ace dent Ins Co that dcptirtment 'ery satisfactory The Dress Goods Department ahrnys compri,es eve1 y vaFiety of MONEY Fabnc mcludmg the ve1y latest and choicest of makes and styles They have Ca1r ets of all man ufactmes and patterns and House ] mmshm,,s >f eveiy desc11pt10n The Tail nng Department turns out work fit for the Lorne As a General Dry Goods House it IS mfenor to none m the county Is this all i No [ o lo> e s of Tea the best s yet to come MCCLUNG BROS keep one of the finest ~tocZ s of Teas and Ge e1 11 Groceries m the county \\ 1 at 1 bout p ices 1 Ah Pr ces 2 Moderat10n m puces is one of the strong holds Will t he Nat onal Pohcy effect McCLUNG BRoS pnces? No Tl C) sec 1md a large stock under the old Tanfl decided to give then customern the full benefit LOAN aud1n Bros for Cheap Goods fo LIKE AN OLD SO!'iG IN THESE PARTS I '.I hen llfoCh ng Bros is the gieat centre for Dry Goods and Grncenes this sect10n i Certamly Call and mspect then Spnng Importations you will be alarmed an l aston shed have tlec1ded to make an important change m their busmcss next fall and 111 \ iew of tlus they are determmed to reduce their stock by g1vmg theII cus tomers goods at ASTONISHINGLY LOW JO 36 tf UROOOH BROS. BEST CROCERIES BOTTOlYf PRICES. They have just received the A YE~R and expenses to Agonts'y Outl!t free Address P O VICKER Augi: sta 1fai e $777 LARCEST STOCK Ever Brought to the Market SUCTARS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, ERRORSofYOUTH PEELS, SPICES, &c Particular attention is called to our ' RAISINS & CROCKERY GLASSWARE &LAMP departments are completed at fabulously low . prices. Come and see our prices and Judge for yourselves v ICTORI \.. BUILDING BO"WMANVILLE och Bros. B 1 J. HIGGINBOT llAJWJ. CHEMIST AND DR0GGIST EGS RESPECTFULLY TO AN NOUNCE that h o has rccc vcd a ell as sorted stock of Genuine Dr gs an 1 P e English Ohern ca.Is. Also a aplend d " ock of t he most carefully aeleoted DYE STUFFS CHILDREN'SCARRIAGES l FINRST IN IOWN --ALL- - which cannot be s rpaseed for excellency of qual ty An asso t ment of Anil n e Dyes ke:pt constantlv on ha.nil together :v th a cho ce sc lection of RUGS CHEMICaIS PATENT MEDIClNJ!]S BRUSHES C MBS SHOULD!Cl\ Bl\ACJ!,'3 8UPPORTERS &c &o QJLS CANADIAN MANUf ACTURf, --AT-- PAlNIS COLORS VARNISHES and t:r At the very lowest pl'lcea WHITELEAJ> RB.ANDREW'S. GREAT STRENGTH, ALSO HORSE AND CATTLE MEDIOJ NE N B -Country Storepeekers suppl ed on ad vantageous term8 Bowma.nville June 3 18 9 @ @ @ (<V 4 00 011 0 10 0 (19 Pleasant and Refreshtnt; Quaci trr F'>X.A.N'O..s ties (23) T DARL1NGTON Agent FOR SALE CHE.AP APPLY TO l:'ELLOWLEES LARUE <I. SECOND HAND !Stl·ay Horse A Con LARGE BAY HORSE STRA YED on the prem ses ef San uel Jacks Lot 22 4- Darl ngtor1:1 on Sai ndetJi 2! b ins ih e owner s req ue~ en t o p o e p opcrty pa} ex pensoo and take h m away D~rl!Dg ton @ 0 05 050 est ma erials and shado at McClung Jlros 1111 A s ock of dresa goods n all tl a new lllay 211 18W SAMUEL J !-CKS H.S ' ·