Postage P1 epa1d by the Pubhshe1 SICK HEADACHE This complaint ls the result of eatmg too much and exertmg too little Nme times out of ten the cause is 1n the fact that the stomach was not able to digest the food la·t 111troduced mto it either from its hav ing bee:;;-unsuitable or exces sive m qua< tity A diet of bread and butter '\V1th ripe fruit or b er11eaJ with moderate, continuous exercises in the open air sullfcient tu keep up a gentle presp1ration would cure almost every case in a short tune Two teaspoonfuls cf oowdered charooal ln half a gl ass of water an d drank generally give Instant rehef We inchned to think that t he above ren1ed1es may do in some, but n ot in al1 oases A sovereign remedy for this dis .. ease is n t easly found A correspondent contributes the followrng on this sU bJect Stck headache is periodical, and is the signal of distress whtch the sto puts up to inform us that there 1s an over alkaline cond1hon of its fiu1ds that it needs a natural acid to restore the battery to its normal working "oud1tion When the first symptoms of a headache appear, take a teaspoonful of lemon 1mce clear, fifteen mmutes before each meal, and the eame dose at bedtime follow this up un t·l all symptoms are passed, takmg no other remedies, and you :v. ill soon go free frrm yo 1r unwelco1ne nuisance Many l\lll object to thrn because the r e'lledy 1s so simple, but 1 have n1ade 1nany cures in this wa) 18 PUBLISHED J,#1;,RI' FUIDAl.' MORNING, -BY M. A . .T AJ\1E81 AI H I!l OFJ!:lCE Post ttmcc Blocl , ll1u:; St 1 cct, UO"' tna11\ 1lle TEEJY.I:S M A J <\MES, En1Ton A"'D PROPRrnroR BOWMANVJl_,T jE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1879. -===~--..,.--..,,--.,...--,=~==========- 5 VO"LUME XXV. l N11111bcr u x:::: MARR IACE LI GEN SES ISSUED DY W. R. CLIMIE, Bo'\vma,nvdle SCOTT'S EMULSION PURE COD LIVER OIL V\T I T FI: ~ ID! ttlf!!. A CHILD S FAITH ~---- l BY WILL R MO:-fTGOMERY THE DOMINION BANK, BO\\ h'HNVU LE HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIME AND SODA. I They tE'lll mc sweet -\_h e Maud 1s deadPoor Alice .Prlaud my plaJ rna e sweet I A u d they stand and 'H1tch by the 1 t tle be 1 ~ bedding their tears on a snow ·white s heet CAPITAL PAID UP, HEAD OFFICE ER...l.NUH.l\:8 $1 000 000 TORONTO They tell me poor A.lice l\'laud is still- Stlll 1n the arms of icy death And the31 tell me it her Father's will Io close her sweet eyeR anril atop her breath 0RIJLIA ConouRo, Bo,VMANVILLE I OsHA~A, VV.H11BY, UxnRinGE TheJ tell me a Jutlc gra"\ o is made Under a tree in the garden g1ound And there sl all sweet Allee Maud be la d Io sicep neatl the d st of a grassv n1ound 1' et they say her sp I v1Jl not be there'll at angels ba\ e bone t to lands abo' e That the gra' e i.-v1ll cove1 her face so fair But the Hea\ ens 'v11l hide her sp rit of lovo The Celebrated English Magnetic Appliances FOR T.HE CURE OF DISEASE CANADIAN OFFICE: Andlmy poor Allee l\'.la,udbs dead they sa} Dead 0 tell 11e son1cthing o_f dea th I Is it a stranger con1e t his 'va.y Io malce us all sleep- to still ow breath 1 Su1e sweet Abee Man l will lift her 9;)-eS 125 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. CHRIS !lE Ands ntle on her playmate once aga1nOut of her shroud rnust she laughing use :\.nd Death will unb11 1 his crt1el chain r eke\ Agent J ..I. CODD Aoent $25 ~ $50 PER DAY CAN ACTUALLY BE MADE WITH THE LAD I Ea' AND GEN rs· ""~-~~ ~~:!nWellAuger SPINE BANDS. WHAT THE STORM BROUGHT TO JANET DY AGNES Jt\lIES KNEE CAPS, ANKLETS, WRISlLETS SOLES, A.ND 'AilIOUS OTHER APPL I _1\._ NC EB. The} ares n11 le and con~en1ent; cannot. get. ()llt of order do not 1nte1fe1 e '\1tl 0.1 y bus1nC88 or occupation may l e latd a.side at any t1uie 1 etj fff3 no prep~1ahon 01 connectio i 'v1th a.c1ds not. "\vorn in co t acl "\v1th t.he slun and thus camie no JJ-Tltn.hon or unrlcasnJ1tncss and bcmg ar ranged on the sc ent111c pr1nc1 plcs thel com bu e n any points of excellence which arc not posse<>sed bv ANY o 1HJ H. Elet.itnc \pplumccs a fact at ouce demonstrated bl compa rison U' Price from $1 oo to $10 oo Canada Consultations Free ~ The i\/fagnet1co n Appliances are rnan fact ured only by 1\1ESSRS VVEiro~ & Co of London and Chelt.t Ll Lm Engla1 d Ed1ngbu1gh and Gla.:igow Scotland Dubhn Ireland a1 d To onto rree on apphcat n or sent b\ post to an.). address PI ess to ony add ess on receipt of p11cc Illust1fl.tcd Pan :phlets oontcun1ng P11ce I ~18 Iestimonials a,nd all jnformation a1e supplied lhe :\_pphunces n1e also sent by post or ex T.l-.lOS 7 1vIASON AMERICA \' REPRESENTA TJVE ~~May also be obtamed from Bowman\ t11e, ] ebruary 25th 1879 And are prepa:red to demon&trate the f11ct lIORSE PO,VER..t. und will bore nt the r ate of 20 FEE:r ;p_..R BOUR '.Ibey bore from 125 CHURCH STREET TORONTO, S Mason Neads Block BowmanvJle 31 OUR AUGERS are operated entlrcly by ·n And ANY DEPTH RmQUIRED Tbcy will bore in klnd8 o t Earth, Soft Sand and .Lime,.tone 'Bttuminon· Stone (:'.oal, Slate and Hardpan 3TO 6FBBT IN DIAMETER, And we MAKE the BEST of WELLS in QUICIIBAl<D @r~nn 0 0 JY_[ P ~:\... N Y1 Send for our Illustrated Catalogue, terms pricest &c, proving our advertisements l>&naftae Address every State and County in the United Statea. GOOD A C:rIVE AGENTS W·nted In GRBAT WESTERN WELL AUQER CO. 10 · AND IMPlWVED BIG GIANT BVERY BOW MANVILLE. ~International Medal and Diploma lfdirlnternat10nal Medal and Diploma Wlnternat1onal Medal and Diploma at Pans Exhibit10n ~Gold Medal 11t P10vmµ1al E;<b1b1t10n Toronto WFnst at BrnJDpton Farr, ~Fnst at B1antfo1d ] air W-Fnat at Newmarket Fnn, Sole o\vners and manufacturers for the Don11n1on of Canada of MAN NEEDED Savings Cc 1 pany is lendu g money on farm property at moderate rates of nt.e1est to be repa d bj i11stalm nt or a ftxed Ler1u Terms or payn ent wiJl be extended f1om three to t 'vent) yeai s to suit the borrower For full pa.rtwula. -s apply to J K GAI BRAITH 0 T HE FREEHOLD LOAN AND MILLER. THE ONLY GR! NDS T~ JOF AS FAST AS ANY 0 ~HER M:ILL OF SAME P.RIOE 1870 187b 1878 1878 Hl78 1878 Bown1anv1lle Auguat 2S 1878 ~o Ho! Gcntlcn1e11 ot l<'a,.h· IOU, - - -- - u l"\' SUCCE SSFUL MILL MADE: 1878 not so C."l1d. EASILY SHARPENED Grmds Corn and Cob Shell Corn Barley, and Small b-ra.1n Oats I ha.v e wntten these few lines Ai d all I ha-v c to sayThat.} on can :find n1e still at home I .1.rr not gu1 c away So all 1 iy k ud old friends may come Antl all the) oung ones too nd get then garments nicely made 111 l'ashions that new \. welco111c ~roet1ng THE "NEEDHAM" Musical Cabinet Plays all descupt10ns of IDUSlC operas wa!t,,,es, ma1 c hcs songs church music &c Any man woman ~SE!rn FOR PRICE Whore old and young dear :tnends may meet by R PEA'IE MAKES FAMILY MEAL. TOOK FIRSI PREMIUM EVERY \\H ERE EXHIBITED DENTISTRY. c. HARNDEN, L. D.S., Grad1 ate of Iht Royal College of De.ntal Su1geons Ontario 01 EVERY FARMER WANTS ONE l SE!\D JiOJt J>IUCJ HA~IFACTUCERS clnld can m one half 11 m s practice play any piece of music howevci d1fhcult LISTS UD DESCltlP'.l'ION TO DO.ll1.INION ORGAN OOJYIPA.NY, Bo'\\ l'IIAN-v ILLE oFnilll IJVFR .ALEXANDER s STORR J. A. FIELD, sori & co . A TI-l:E "WORLl>"S BALM., l:drA remedy used TllIRTl Ii Jl E 1.' EAUS DR L D VVEYBURN ,,;;.ALTER.!\TlVJ,i: 8} RllP 111 1 GOLD FILLING A SPECIALl Y Plate 'Vork executed in t1 e latest anrt most HAMILTON ONT .AND ST LOU JS JVIO U S Vick's Floral Guide. F1 orn Pcterso s Magazine David Franks little Daughter, Bess, stood m the porch of Ins monntom form house and watched a railroad tra1n flv1ng up the valley Ress shook her fist at it as 1t ratticd across a bridge, over the silver creek, that wound through the meadow There JGU g es 1 she said You <{Oes by here lots of times every day and I don t know ,,here :JOU comes from or where yon goea to, and I cant ever' go with you ' It goes to the world outside of the mountains, Bess, s~:nd har pretty, brown eyed sister, Janet wi t h"' lai ah Well I wants to go w~h it~or I wants it to brznu- tne somethzn, said Bess decidedly 'Maybe it will brmg yon sometlun" baby, some of these days said Jan.';' soothmgly and she watched the tram too and Y..ondere<l if I v would over bring her anything, or tike her a.way into the wonderful \'.orld out"ide of thfi circling blue mountams of which she often dreamed as a sort of fairy land Janet s mother glanced )Ut of the door She was almost as nretty as Tanet still and very hke her ' It a g 1 to i ~1n she said its al1 ost t nc f r tJ e eqnnioctial Tl er~ s g u g to oe <i storm nlother sad D L id F ras er as he came rnto h me at th a "fe1 y n omeut to supper fol lo el by Jl:cm ell nc! Tun, his s\nrdy boJ H of fouiti:0I1 ar 1 t, eh e years !I.I praJ ers, that mg ht, thelsouncl of the hJ n · led by Ja1 et, c'ear, voung voice W "9 al iost dro, r 0 1 by the IP·r of the stvr l .All 111!.!_ht 1t r ed The morning ll....,h t showt:d th ... tu adows flooded bv a f au l n'=' yeJlo., tc rrent the railroad bml 0 e was g nc ar <1 a tram w·~ standmg c n I he trick nP-a 1 '.\fr Fraser s gate There were very fc'\\ passengers fortun atdy and but one !adv Al of them by Mr Fraser s krnd hospitah!J, "ere asked to his house to breakfast lhey came thankfully enough, thwu~h the still fallmg mm and every face bright ened at the sight of the blazmg lira, the table set so neatly, the temptmg break fast of hot loaf bread and brncuit, "batler bread, ham and eggs, clear, strong coffee tluck oream and golden bu tter The kmd welcom e of the pretty hostess and her daughttr added to the charm Oliserrnnt httle Janet instantly noticed that the lady passen?er was deadly nale, and that ~ he seemed to be sufformg very much with a headache A consultat10n with her mother resulted rn Janet s going to the lady, and askmg her to come up stans, and he down a whJle There will be plentv of time to rest, and e\ en sleep a little, said Janet, ' for I heard the captam tell father 1t would be several hours before he could get back to B ntley You know they say there are sevet u! breaks m the road JUSt be yond h ere and no trains can come up, so yon will have to go hack the puva.te practice and ucve 1 ftlUng f.o improved style of the Dental .A.rt~ R W JAMES, :\gent for Durham callay cn1e :E'l.::E.l:EUDJ.rA.TXS:l\I.[, ult a lhe offer was gratefully accepted and Janet led the wa5 fto the "company roon1 with ttia: white b ad and curtains, its snowy toilet table carpet tnd its neat, dark ' rag by the uso of N1trouo Oxule Gas "1thout lDJUIY o the patient Ptutlcular attention pn1d to the regulation of· CHILDREN S DENTISTRY. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, EGS RESPECTFULLY TO AN ~OUNCE BGWMANV lLLE MARBLE WORKS land Arnpuor Continenta l and Amorwan Italian Mai blcs &c of t e most modern des gns and best -·w ork 1a.nsh1p at un usually FOR WlTHOU B sol'ted st.ock BE!\.UTIFUL Also a splcndia. stock of the most ca1ef1lly ael13cted of Ge1 u1 ie Dru~ anu P ll'e Englisli that 1 e has rcceh ed a well as Hcotch f\.nd CanadJan Grant e Italia 1 Rut 1-"lonumcnts Headstones G1ates m GOLD FILLINGS. Artificial 'l'ccth INSERTED AT A MODERATE FEE Teeth Extiacted Without Pam DYE lection of RUGS STUFFS' which cannot be surpassed for exoellcncy of quality An asso1 tmeut of Aniline Dyes kcp const antly on hanrl togethP.r ·with a oho1ce se J,on PRIC:ES 'i HJS FA.LL Janet, as she earned the lady· travel hng bag for lier could not help seemg on the plate, the name of 'Evelyn ]If Lamer ' What a pretty name thought the girl ' And what a pretty lady 1 she add ed, mentally She was pretty, tall, and graceful, and stately, with a lovely blonde face deep, blue eyes, and "'av1ng fatr h air She was no longer young, however, and her face was pale and s~d Yet ho" soft and low her vowe was au<l. gentle her moven1cnts 1 How ex quisitely "hite her ungloved hands And- yes surely the sparklmg Je" el that shone Jnst hke a dow drop above the tluck gold band on her finger must be a diamond that wonderful stoue that Janet had heard of but never seen How mce fh1s rn said the lady as she sank u1to soft, cushioned easy chair ERRORS of YOUTH. CASH. well to ca.ll and inspect for thems Ives j Agents commissuon sa'i ed Note tlus Itallan :Ufarble and Marbhzod Slate CHEMICaLS P.A'l'ENT MEDICINES BEU.SHES COMBS SHOULDER BR.ACES SUPPORrERS &c &c .Parties 11eed1ng any of the a.bove will do before t he bright little fire that Janet. bod hastily kmdled and leamng her head on the back she closed her CJ es wearily Presently she put her hand up to her head uneasily I thmk I must take down my hair ' she said, langmdly "Perhaps that will ease my head ' Oh, 1f YJU WLJl let me 1· cried .Janet, eagerly "I would hke to do it so much · OH S PAINTS COLORS Ma bles always on hand an l how to obta n them Pamph let of 60 pagi-:s free upon rece pt of Rtan1ps for I ostage t\<ltlressPA!EN'T'S GILMORF. SMITH & Co "\ !1.UNISHES ar d V\ HITF:I EAn l:J1" At the very lov.,; est prices BOUNSALL, PRO!'RTE10R 19 i878 8.Sm O) l\lEDICJNF Solicitors of Patents Box 31 N B -QountryZStorepe ek.eys 13upphed._onLad Washington D C vantageona terms HORSE AND CATTLE The lady smiled up at the pretty eager the house and holdmg up something In face and Janet began her task Very both little hands 'See what the lady gent!~ she took out combs and hair pm· gave me down by the gate out of her bag r and spread the pretty ltght brown hair It "as an exqmsite httlo work box of over the lady s ;boulders and then Russia leather lined mth quilted blue smoothed it gently with her hands, and furmshed with dainty working Presently the weary eyes opened and I implements the lady looked up at Janet llus is a g>ld tmmble 1 said Bess, TI hat gentle little hands you ha\ e, fairly tremblmg with delight as she ex dear she said s1nil111J Every touch h1b1ted it 'She said 1t was too large for does my head good It reminds me of- j me now, but my finger will grow, and its She stopped abruptly and closed her all mmes entirely 1 Oh 1 Janet the eyes with an expression of pain J train has brought me something at last r Janet wondered silently "hat the lady Janet, did she gtve you somethmg too! meant But she went on smoothmg the 'No, pet But she kne" I would soft hair back from the white forehead, rather you have somethrng pretty than to th1nk1ng meanwhile that it was well the have it myself,' said Janet, n1ak1ng the lady could not see how bro\\ n her hands child s happmess perfect by her smile and were kiss and he1 admiration of the preHy gift I think you must be used to charming For many days numbers of men were away headaches said the lady Per at work temporarily repamng the broken haps your mother has them bridge and one evening Besa coaxed LITTLE LEAKS 'Yes, she has sometimes said Janet Janot down to the work with her to watch It is the httle leaks that run away with "But mother says Kenneth my brother, their progress The stream "as still 1s a better nurse than I am Kenneth h1gh alHl many of the men engaged were the profits 111 fiarmmg, an I usually but sits by her for h ours sometimes, and wad ng 1n the water to the knees very httle tune io re'lmred to stop a leak smoothes her hair and her forehead till 'Ugh I shn ered Bess, as she watched at its begrnmg It Is the work of only a she goes to sleep We call Kenneth tl cm 'I wouldn t like that Look, few mmutes to replace a board t hat hao mother· boy Oh ' harn I hurt you 1 Janet, at that man He Just took off his been pushed from a fence or tv make a What·· the matter I asked Janet hastily shoe· and \\ashed the mud out of them new post or rail for a m1ss1ng or broken Ihe beautiful blue eJes had opened ·nd and put them right on agam one It is a more serious work, ho\\ ever, gazed at her with a sudden look of agony 'I see said Janet laughmg and put to rebuild an entire fence When decay The slencle1 wlnte hands were "rung tmg down the little pomhug finger She commences its progresses very rapidly un together pass10nately, and after a mo had been wa chmg thlB mal\ befofe the less stopped at once A broken fence may cost a farmer the loss of a whole field of ment s struggle foi compo·ure the lady child called her attent10n to Jnm covered her hands and burst into tears He was young yet 80 , igorous and hardy grain or co.rn Many a. field prom1s1ng a 'Let Ill!:' call 1 uother l said JanetJ aux.. aa any .Every moveinent of hus httle fine crop Iias been trampled down by cattle It lously ' I am suru she can do somethmg figure was full of grace and strength He because of one or two dr·lodged r&lls for you walked mto the turbulent water as care is a. very careless practice to tr ust cows But the lady caught her hand and held losslv as 1f it had been a carpeted floor, m a field where there ts a. weak place m her fast and helped to hft the great timbers and the fence We know of a farmer \'I ho put No no she sobbed 'I do not stones and slid about under them, and hUl mildest and most valuable cow m such want an~ thmg It was only that I thought got mto and out of,dangerous places, with a field, and at mglrt found her choked to of mv b )) My s n, iny dear son I l an ease and c iolness that a.stonxshod and dealh under a ne1ghborrng apple tree We have seen some farms without a hennery hav6 lost !mu Oh if he would only half fnghtened Janet Among t he scemmgly more important come back to his poor tll1serablo mother [:ro BE CONTINUED] du hes, pro\ 1s1on for the fowls was thonght Tonder hearted httje Janet could only kneel down by the poor mother, draw her MR BLAKE AT GALT to be too 1na1gn1fie1ent to receive a ttention lhe result was that tlie poultry wer~ head dowu on her shoulder, and cry with lhe Hamilton 2 imes 111 an editorial re roostmg In bmldmgs whwh should be kept her ferrmg toMr Blakes speech atGalt, the oth clean, and among farm i npleinen ts which He 1s 1 ot dead 2 she asked er day says Mr Blakes magu1ficent they wero d1sliguro1ng, 1f not ruining 'N -oh no But he has gone away speech will be found to bo the more valu from me He was not a. bad boy dear !\fore tnr e \'I as spent rn cleamng up after able from the fact that It was not 1poken the chickens than would have been re You must not thrnk that said the as a poht1ciau would speak It and because q mred to bmld half a dozen hen houses mother eag-erly He waa always good it bears evidence of bti1ng the ca]m utter with me but son1etimea h1~ fathe r was a Here was a direct loss but it was not the ance of a man who is capabltJ of r1s1n 0 only one Tho hens had no place provided httle stern with him ho did n ot mean to aborn pohllcal levels and dealmg with for them t o lay and so they often sought be but he never quite understood Francis matters and subJeots m a way that shows So when ~l\'[r Lamer wanted hun to go out of the way places whexe the aggs were he speaks f,om the dwtatea of heart and never found, and here was more loss mto the bank, and said he must do it, conscience and iiot from the lips Mr Francis would not He said It would be Blake a counsel and advice to his friends ODD FELLOWSHIP slaver~ to him There were q rnrrels and cannot but be of the wost valuable char threats-and my dear boy went away from The annual meetmg of the Gr and En actor His remarks are not open to ad u~, "e uon, t kn.ow where Ile does not campment of the I 0 0 F of 011tar10, >erse crillcism- a fact ampl3 proved by write to mti @a~et1mes I fear he may Hanulton on Tuesday 12th was held m the course of two of the leadmg organs be dead ~ e have-1 have looked for the Mml and the Spectat0>, whwh yester rnst., Grand Patriarch E R llobmson of hun .,,1n SJ man~ places A month ago day directly attacked Mr llfackenz1e, have London, pres1dmg There was a full at some one saw h7m O\ er here 1n tho valley nothing of any consequence to say against tendance, all the offices and representa Re was drivrng cattle My poor boy, that Mr 13lake to day The Mail 1t is true \tves bemg pre!ent The order is reportI l\as so prond of Then I ca1ne to look tries th~ vein of ridicule over a matter of ed to be in good condition Two new for bun , but no one could tell an\ th1ng of the least possible importance while the enoamp1nents were organized d nr1ngeth'3: lum lf I only knew where to wnte to ~PflGtti,t01 ex >resaes its ve:ry extraordinary year The fo1Iowtng figures are extracted Ir I conld only send him a tnessage surprise tl at M· Blake m dealrng with from the Treasurers ann 1al report let lnm know that if 1 e will come Initiated during the yea1 1!5 the tariff, did not boldly out as a rabd ..(\.d01itted b~ Oa.1 d 10 borne his fa.ther ·will :p.ot 1orce him to go Reinstated 10 protechomst ana a follower of Sir John 165 mto tho bank Oh, if he know how my 27 Macdonald When that 10 all that two heart is brenlnng without lum 195 h ostile JOUrnals can say agamst Mr Blake, i Janet could only soothe her by car<ssr,s 12 It u ay readily be taken for granted that "35 and whispers ol sympathy, and hopes h1s speech is simply proof against cr1ticuun, 0 th11t the truant boy wonld 1 et come back while the positions he lake· are unassaJI to her aolc PresPntly the mothers tears £owed more quietly and she su ffered Janet to FARM ACCOUNTS lay her on tho bed and cover her up We are often amueed at the expression warmly ' You wont leave rue, will you? she Jf farmers when talkrng upon the profits asked entreatrngly,st1ll clmgmg to Janet s of any department of Jue to the effect hand It has done me so much good to that they do not kno" Jllst how much 1t talk to you dear and you are so kmd paid How many farn1ers asks a correi If I had a aaughter ~ might have kept her pondent knows how many pounds of pmk they have mado from a bnohel of corn ! with me With a heavy sigh she turned her head But few can tell We do not say that on the pillo v and closed her eyes Janet s is the oase with all, but the words embody gentle hand ao tly stroked her throbbing the prmc1ple which characterizes the ma The follo\vtng offices were elected for th& How man) farmers temples, till at last ex hausted by ·orrow JOrtty of farmers e nsuing yeal" -Robert Evans, Ham1Hon, and weepmg and the long mght of traHl can tell "hat the cost has been to them , M ~ Grand Chief Patriarch Jo hn G and anxrnty, she fell asleep She slept in ra1s1ng any number of acres of wheat Bcllev1lle, J\f E Grand High corn, oats or other crops? \Vo venture long and heav1Jy and it was nearly noon John Donogb Toronto, R W when a touch aroused her She openod bhe ass@rtion there is not one 111 ten who Grand Semor Warden George Shaw, can tell to a meaty Tlts should not be her ·yes w1tlt a stai London, R W Grand Ju"mor Warden, }armers shonld conduct their farmma Janet s bright face smiled down upon M D Dawson, London Grand Scribe her, and through the wh ite curtained operations on purely business pnnciplest'l and Treasurer, J H Perry Wh itby and wmdow she saw the deep blue skv and keep an account of all the farm doings 1n John Gtbson Stratford Grand Repie dollars and cents, hke a merchant or other golden sunshine of a clear September day aentati\ es to the Grand Lodge of the ' The train will leave swon, 1 said Janet, husmess man, and at the end of the yo:>r Um ted Slates 'so I had to wake yon No, theta is no strike a balance 1f any, to oapltal stock The Grand Lodge of Outar10 met on If they have d,urmg the year brought their need to hurry I asked the conductor to Wedneaday -It bem;i the 25th annnal se· give Jou plenty of tune And &ee I have lands up to a gre~ter degree of fertility s1011 During the year ele' en new lodges over and above its cond1t1on at the com bronght yon a hot cup of coffee, and some have been ustabhahed and the general broiled chicken for you did not eat ar y n1encement of the year, by mannres or condition of the Order ts encouraging f~rtihzers or have a su11Jlus crop to dis breakfa·t The annual report uf the Grand Secretary pose r f 1t ts a good u1vestment for sue A very damty little repast Janet had showed the receipts from all sources to he arranged upon a. table, near the fire and ceedmg years Every farmer should know $7 326 02, with a balance of $5 189 7B Mrs Lamer after bnthmg her face, and how he stands with the world-his worldfrom lost year-$12 515 80 m all The h1~ forma t the commencement of each put tlng up he1 hair, found that she could expenditure wao $G,635 71, leavmg a really ellJO-Y the lunch 1 w lule J a a et year balance on hand of $5 879 99 The re h overed around her pleased with her pa THE Bts'.!' WINTER WHEAT turns of subordinate lod~es are thus sum t1ents improvements Mrs Lanier was mar1zed perfectly composed now, and Janet could llfany are considermg which is the best 180 scarcely recog1nze the wee pu g '"'heat to sow tJus fall "\i\ e cannot direct 8 2 broken mother m the calm, grac10u· yoo all aright but will give you tile best i86 6 lady, who so courteously expressed her mforn\atlC n we ha\o been ..ble to obtam 1 400 gratitude to Mr and Mr. Fr set for In coun~y of the Kent, perhapl the bes ioo 103 their hosp1tahty and- who regretted "ilh \\heat growmg county m this Damm i 693 such a wmmng smile that they could 110 ) ion, we hear the Soott wheat IR yet the cept nothing but words in retnn1 for it fdvorite ·wheat tn London 1ownshto Rnt when she can1e to t ake leave of perhaps as good a. wheat township ns n.ny Janet tears shone again 111 her lovely eyes east of Kent the Clawson is preferred to and ahe held the girl" hand long and tho Scott On my sons farm, m Dele 20 "are Tm111alup there is ver~ httle chfier softly kissed her rosy lips 12 322 'I do not nkc to thmk that I may ence if any between tho Silver Chaff, 12 312 neve"r meet my kind httle fueud again Cla\\son, Scott and 1'-Ied1terranean These $95 Hl !.,.. she said in those low tones that Janet we consider th e four best varieties 3 ~18 o2 thought the sweetest she had evei hea1d T hroshmg may tell a tale that the eye 22 628 17 'Perhans I may see Jou as you pass by cou lrl not detect m the tleld On some $ 85 845 6(1 after the road is mended said Janet ga" light and early soils the Delhi wheat may Joi 723 9;I mg "'"tfully up rnto the ladys beauhfnl yet be preferre<;l We should commend face you to sow the vanet1es that are yieldmg Mrs Laiuer shook her head best in your locaht1es gome farmers sow the laet week m Augllst, but we prefer No I shall go home by another rollte t he second week in September, as the h d but I do not t now, s c sa1 mean o , ld Hesstan fly IR nu~erons in some sections f orget you d car c n ' and it delights m the early sown wmter ]\faster-Dr Fife Fowler, Kmgston Another soft kiss and she was gone wheat The first frost kills this pest, and puty Grand Master-\\ H Cole, Brock Janet "atched the graceful figure as it thus the late sown wheat escapes There ville , Grand W arden-R M ]\'[ Patvn, pas·ed down to the gate a11d disappeared is also danger m sowmg too late, "" the Chatham, Grand Secietar~--J B K rn g, m the cars Soun the Jong ;,h1stle sound plant should have " good growth before Brantford, Grand Ireas11rer-W Badened and he traln moved away w1nter sets in, 1f possible - - Fa nier s och, To.ronto , Grand Represen..tat1ve' Look here 1 cried Bess, runnmg mto I A dvowte D r Cl T Campbell, Toronto I - ----· I I /