Postage Prepaid by the Publisher . .. ¢q~ ¢~11ad~an ~ht~~inau / Ir:> I TEACH AND LEARN One man cunnot thoroughly, safely, an d wisely conduct iuany f\X.pcr1ments at tho stme time IIence, it is 'ery des1ra U le for neighboring farn1ers to help one a n other in th1B respect So of all cl rn ses ~ ne:aged Ill producttve pursuits r Te n men c in, ln on6 year, try a number of theories that ene rnau could not pu t to ·--,,.....--===,,...==...,..====.,,,,.=======~"==-===,-.-==========·.,,.======;- I the test 111 less than ten years. If one makes an experiment that pro\ e.".I u11p rotitabl~ 11 is his dut:i to let lm fnend · kn iw it, that they may uot S1'tfer by re peat1ng It If one posse3ses special ~knowledge var1et1es of ar ticlos of produce, pecuh :1.rr1ties of cnlture, methods patience h~r bright snnlc and clear laugh were irrtis1stlbly w1111nng Aud when eyes, of preserving or utihz1ng v;; hat is ra1scd , as fine as thoso aoop hlue ones of the or anvthmg else of importance to success voung man a 'looked l-0ve into her R, Vj;hat Hind prosperity, l)e ought to be kind en ~ conld the child do l ough to 1nfo1rn his neighbors, at least, so I Iunocentl1ttlesev nteen year old Janet! th1;; iden1ty J{ Frank Lew1s and FranCls that the:y LJJ.ay be nrner aud rnorc succees~ She did uot h. low what had haprened, I La.n1er ful Iu a certain c0Inwu1uty the far1ning either She only thought tnc soft, 11 1111 The cool, bran1ng October weather uass was unimprovefl, and, hence, nnprufitablo ,..\h t lna den u1d ) ou kno\v sh1nJ antunin da.\s were sweeter than she I ed Novc1nber carne in rainy and dark, ..l progrcss1ve inan of intelbgence and sk1Ll \:\hut " oo doth th,... "Hnc cup hold hall e-ve1 known theni, espec alh the quiet at first, but presently the Indian summ,, 1 n1ovcd tn fru1n a distant State1 introduced You \\O ild 1t into the ocean deep 'I hough each drop we1e moltengolCI Sundays, when they all went together to j follo\'icd, with ns dchc1ons, dreamy haze, mor-e itd\anced 1deas, aud rapidly con vtii t tho httle country chnrcl1, anll l':lhe played J and its fragrance of fallen leaves, 1ts odors ed the poor Janel into a fertile, profitable on the melodeon, and led the singing, of pine, sweet as spung flowers tarru His neighbors Vi ere kindly en .. with l\fr Lewis clea1 tenor ringing 1n her On one of these lo'\'.ely days, Janet and lightened, adopted his wise example, an d ears 'J hen in the afternoon, the Joung Franms came slowly straying through tl e I soon brought op the whole commun1ty t o pr.onle \'iOuld at1ay a r.;ny Jnto the woods from church They had faHe:a much greater prospe11t) Or course, t ho or np the 1nonnta1n stcle, and int talku1g be1nnd the reHt or: the party, and even the man who tang ht aud those who learn E.-0. theie till the s1J11 began to sink behind j sound of tlH; children s merrJ voices had are 1nuch happier Let it be known that the opposite mountains Janet "onld died away n1 the distance A ptostrate 1eJfiah nionopJy of nseful 1nfor1nahon is hs~en entranced, whilP- he talked to hor trco by the side of the path offered a suicidal as well as ignoble and nnohari t of n1ns1c he had hcu.J, cf wonoorrul :nng ten1pting resting place,of wh1ch the youug able, and that few n1en are to be p1t1cd era and actors of pictures nnd statne<:!,and nu:i.n persuaded Janet to avcnl herself more than those who iefute to learn by ! books he ;had re id Janet, though Qhe They sat there in perfect silence a little the experience of others I had read 1ess t11an he \\aS JUSt as fond of while A sqnurel ran dowu a trco across Io further thesr.- ITT1ggesti0Ds It 18 books the path, peeped at theru for a nlOllit!nt cotnmcnded that farn1ers 1 ga.rdenersJ fr111t 'Yon see, she said, 'father loves Sn and away again A cricket chirped cultur1sts, etc, \is1t one another more Walter ScJtt JUBt ·· if he was a near famtly agarnst the falleu lea.vca lhe soft frequenUy, talk togethe, more freely, neiJhbot of ours, and I had read u.ll lus sunshine stole down through the network: pubhsh their e:xpflr1ments nore carefully , nuvel3 auct p0Bn1s before l \\as fourteen of loaflt:ss branch~s a.hove then heads, and and, ill every legitimate \lay, try to teaelt ye us dd And Kenneth a11d I read a blessed 'S 1bbath quiot and peace more and learu more Shakespeare, nnd \\l nst.!d lo act lt out in see1ued to hll the \\hole world around --- - tho rrchard \Se ns"'d to 1n::.ike Jun ha thtnu still a.11 I be C 1;1sa.1 s b 1dy, \\ h1le l{enneth 'I-low prettily yuu arc dressed to day, ; \\as 1\-lark Anthon) ,n.nd I was 'the people Janet 1 said Francis, presei1tly He Jiad u 1 HffilLD I t, r Eitl' FBIIJ \ 1: :.ttOR"HNf., t · CAPITAY I ha\mg drnposed ofthcl\ G1ocei} Stock to ~:R.,- · D_ EEITE:, I I I I re. no" dey otc then "hole attention to the DRY GOODS BUSINESS, once to give ...-. ........._ 'V'V'r.~.-..........-...~ .,,,,.... '1011M BROUGHT TO ~ J ANET -- SPECIAL BARCAINS -----I I.'J-- MILJ,.,INERY, DRE3S GOODS, PARASOLS, TWEEDS, CARPETS, &c. Some lines 111 DRESS P.ARKSObS, &e., vvill be sold out reference to cost. Butter and Eggs will be taken as usual by Mc Clung Bros. or D. Beith and paid for either in Dry Goods or Groceries. ------- been lcantnJ forward u httle" his tlbow on fore and since the Inaugui ttion of the t i his knee, l11a cheek resting 011 his hand ff A. 1I ' fl guor1 mmy manufacturer< lrn>e [ '1011 ha\e been tJ burdiu,_{ suhool, \.\ 11 e his eyes took In all the beaut'\; of be"n incl l b tl J "' Ille(, Y 1e expcrtellce g-a1ned thenl aaLd the yoHnJ n11n viho Wil.s1theg1rlsgrf\cHful figure, tho pretty sott 1<lurn1 , th t f h b ' 'I ~ e vas ew rnont s, to anawet never tued of J s 1norry cla.tter, and rown dross, fitting her so perf~ctly, the the question 111 ihe negative, aud lo'\ ed to 1vatch her (.;hanrru1g faces bro\\ n felf hat to tna.tch, with 1ts curl 1 no doubt with reason But those "ho hear her gnh'1h laught1;Jr ing feather, th~ \\lute ruche around her\have answered ate overhasty, for, thonJh 'Ohi ~es, I was th1;Jre two j oars throat, and the scarlet tie that gave the we htn O' adopted protection, \\'O have no t only come hon1e in J nly I was n.wfnl1y needed touch of gtrhfih brightness to I1er it WOllld seem, yot succeeded tn enforcJn~ homoSick somotuncs but I did Ji ke my costume t o 1 11r ret enne 1 ias beee1 falling ofl 1nng111g lessons L\nd then, yen knQw it 'Do ) ou think so l said J \.net, mn1h1Jg most alarmingly, and 01 1 tnanufactnters was n1co to Jla.rn 1o p]ay on the organ, '-Yes You R.ln :tya dress 111celt· "hat h b , ave een roapmg little benefit to all ap at uhu . . ch u.nd help in a p1etty color your cravat is A d pea.ranees ccor 1ng to a despatch fro m 'I 1ook nicer than 11sual to day, because Ott t b a'va,i iuust e couch1dcd tha \.\e have 1 good httlo tlnng you l ha\ eon n i Jeen weakly try111g to evade the cost of are Janet, aa1d the young rnan, softly arry1ng ont tJ1e pohcy and ao have not ,btarned all tta benefits, ·uch aa they tho vere Thi~ is to he 1 en1ed1cd, ho\' If ·e are to behe\e the desp.1tob, the Governmenl has definately dec1ded to 1 ostablrnh a bronch of the C11stoms Depart n1ent, to be called the Pre\ enhvu Service that will endeavor to stop en111ggling b; patrolling the fronhcr day nnd n1gl~t l1he Jeuple of Oanaaa ha' e already pretty well nadc up tJieir nnnds as to thn 111er1ts of he protectwn pol1c~ that was adopted on ho 17th of September last, and the fur her the prov1s1ons of ,.. the tariff are eu orccd the sooner will they take steps t o n c a decided oxp1ess1on of their op1n1on~ et tlus C06tly pl0i entn: o service be at 1ce estabhsned) so t11at 110 excuaeo-0f 1ta )t be1ng grantec1 a proper trial may be iaed later A.nothcr grand panacea i a nng '\\or.ked up t11at of nat1011al cur ~ that n1ghl ncy, but if the peoµle of Canada. ara a couple of se the) will rather watch closelJ the of hke 'on, Janet-good and ui..;lltle Oh, ~Ir Bond, (t of that "luch thei h 1 e already ad how sweet sh~ \\as r ted, and so be able to JHdJu clearly is He turned away his h~ad \'i 1th a s1gb, the probable result of reh ing ( n an y awl Janet s sweet eyes tilled with tears of ~ )re mere aEsura.nces and promises inatle S) mp"thy ss ~he thoQght, ' Ah I his interested poht1c1aus -1Y it1 e~!:l n1ot1rer rn dead and no enc c1sc 1s kind to .r _.,..,"'"".....,r-.. That \'tas before J sc heal ?fent to boardin 0 I r t·er WHY NOT 'Arcn t hor e}e3 wh~u he tlHIIeu again to hel' ~ hy does not farnung pay tn son1e lo Ho tooked tt her onB Instant, and then, 0lh.1 :ivtn1G Changes and amt1ndtnents of the caht1es I .Because the people bave falle n bendu1_ lus }1eul low, softlJ toucher! w11h mun1m1 al law adds ifllmensely to theJr into extnn:agant habits In 011~ \\ estcrn htS hps the little h"nds that lay fol led \\ Ur.k, which goes on Increctsing fron 1 year township an agent for parlour organ ti on her lap I JV[y good angel I he murinured y n to :i.:ear Indeed no session of Legislature took Inore orde1s for 1nstru1nents thu h1a 1-J is du11 ~ know how bad and reckless I v.; a«. is allowect tu pass '" ithout alterahous of firm could make in n. j ear to co1ne some kind being n ade nnposing in one cnsto1ue1s were western fc~rn1cr:; B\ ery gettiug to bo when JOU c1n1e to tne way or anuthor add1tionnl dntieo upon the fa.m1Jy reqtured nn orguni and the pnno1 Janet looked np dt~tresJed nnunc1pal clerks, with the addition of pal ieason \1ias because the next door ' Indeed, l\'[r J;ff'i'\IS~ shE\ sa1 · .1 tiarneetJy, heavy penalties for non con1p]i ince or ue neighbor had one A.II were sold on a 'jOll tn 1st not think that 1 n1al o yon glect in maknt_.{ returns, &c Oui legisla year a credit 'Ihe young ladies who good 1 If 1 anytlnng to do with Jt tors ne1ier >1eem to cousH]cr the position of learned to use those instr111nents douhtlri it 18 onl;> because God cho::ises to let n1e 1 "'ell' he s11di sof !j 'however it 1s, l tho clerk Appo1nt11d at a sniall saJarJ no longer tnil { the cows lr n1an11 e L11 e when the duties were comparatn ely light dairy, spm the \\Ool from their father's know that yon can rn; rue do "'hate\ 01 he accepts the position, believing that he Jlocks , knit the fauuly hose, and rarely yon cho( se ' can attend to it without Withdrawuig him 1nake ~heir own dresses One luxurious Janet was silent fron1 lus other a\ uuations V\t ith tho habit, espemally u; causes work to h e I downcast, wlule a gra~e yeftr].} Increase of lna du· 1es, however, he thoug-ht 1ncouven1ont or degrading, Joads cn.n1c to her face And~ all his tune taken up-the proper ) further and becomes drnastroua in the entl ' Ta:net,' si:i.1d the vonug tnan, discharge of the business of the ofticc re The ~oung 1non, too, require a faE~ horso \\011ld :}OU n11nd son1etunes calling mel by qu1r1ng hi~ almost nudn 1aed attentiou and ~costly wagon and mo1t expensive IDJ name -not Ii r ~uk as the boys call I rrhe . . . =tlary ren1a1ns the ~ame Or, If in attire and then the help ( f a l 1red n1an me, but Francrn, as n1y rnother calls n e I st1rtcd, an l fl 1lldenl.) turned c1eased a trrtle, 1t 15 with that grudging in the field is as needful as th tt of the an l reluctanle characteristic of rnuntcipal help in the kitchen Th1der thc<>u c1rcun1 ronnd to I Jok 11.t htx 1.1.ce corporations It lS scldon.1 raised wllhng stances it lS not re matkable tllat fanning 'FranCls r ls that your na :ne ~ sho 'l ne-ver thrq ght of it?i being Jy and never to a. figure that wonld be I will not pa.J cried ------~ that,' she added, With a stat t 1ed ex pres ftnytlung hkc adequate remuneration for the services rendered THE TRUE LADY s10111u her e)cfl Ru1ely, now she hought ' of it, she could see 1n }us deep blue eyes 'Ihe lad~ does not lose casto becatrne she PROMPT PAYMENT nll rnakcp her owu c1othcs, and is obhged t o wj \\tfh r' u0 h , et 1 McCL UNG BROS. J K GALBRAITH Ba.r11sier BO>\muuvillo August 28 18"8 "ly THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL MILL MADE! Bo-wmam1lle July 2, 1879 · 10 30 29 1011, not iso taist. I lun; wutten theso I~\'\ hnes \.11u all I ha> e to Sa}'l hat vou cau find ine still at home I an111ot gone awaj :So all n1:1 kind old friends uiay con e And all the young ones too ud get thou gar1ncnts n1cel;, niade ln EASILY SHAHPENED Gr111as Ooru and Cob Rhell Corn, Oats Darley find Sin 11 C. a1u SJ:~ I <.ING ! - - --:o,:---- \\here old and Joung dca.r fucnds may u eet \. \\elcomc groet1ng by R PEA.IE ra.sb1ons that (UC DC>' MAKES FAMILY MEAL TOnK FIRST PRElHJUl\f EVER\ \'\HERE EXHIBITED NE~V T. GOODS I - - A l -1 ] 8 87 ' "- t 11 B ni 1 to la 1ne that th s ) ouu --r fellow lS not rhere s something strang~ about it Ile p( a gcntlen1ao :Bund 18 quite "ure T talked v.1th hin 1 n1yself and he 1nade tJie came 11npless1un on me l cDnld SA-e th1t, vilule he 1s a good natured ~ouug fellow, and rn 11opular enough ,\Ith tl1e other iuen, he doesn t altogether hke }us a..ssoc1atious,. and would prefer to get al'iaV fron1 the1u I don't think youill j regret taking hin1 , So the questivn was settl d, and the next morning the two boarders appeared at brcakrnst 1\Ir Bond,a stnrdy,brusqne, cle\ er b 1mness u1an, and l\fr Lewrn," horn Bess sprank forward to greet with a. snule for it waa no ot her than ht-r friend, the ' hestest looking ot the bnd,kc builders 'A verv modest 1 I DENTISTRY. c. HARNDEN, L. D.S., G1 actuate of the Roynl College of Dental ~u1geons Ontano OH'TCB O"I FR '.T lr.X 'NDER:; i'ilOhl!; AT OLD PRICES FOR CASH, E..A~TTI~G-='S EVERY FARMER WAtHS ONE! econon11ze J. A . FIElD, SON & GO .· lIA.MlLTON, ONT AND Sr roms MO us A GOLD FILLING A SP.1£ClALTY F late \\ ork oxcctitod in tb.c latest and n1ost m1p10ved style of he Dent·l A1t · R A. "lady' H! a \'om an Vi ho clearly un derstancls and conina:tently pract1sca, tl1e I(; huements of a lnghly c1v1hzed exrntence , :tnCl the 1nost real d1shnction betl\ een a Indy and a wo111an who is not a l tdy, IA that one is inore ctv1hzed than the otha1t and more deternhned to preAerve the hab its of a high c1v1hzahon, both 111 her own person and 111 all those over '~horn fihe has authority BOWMANV1LLE MARBLE WORKS el1 nobody does it ' said lVIr Fraser , him fo don1g tlns rather and dene.uden t, ns so nian\ in en ire, ther;e daj s 1 \" do~s fellow 'Ihe boys we e devoted to 1nm; as bo_Js be .:to onA older and cle-terer than then1sehes who adn:nts tl1en1 grau1ously to his fnendstnp As fo1 htt]e Be-sa she I fairly adored him ' I '\.nd J·nct 1 \ \ 1Je1e were the ri es cf tbis gool fn.ther 1nd lnother, that they did not :iee \\ h ~ was happeo1ng l Janet a11rl th1 ulhant '\ oung stranger weie falling in love ~ nh e1ch as r a.p1dl,J as poso:1ble V\hat el~e eonld theJ do1 Ihe \ bGJ s heart JT111 ;;it have been n1adc r f stone tf 1t chu not beat Cj_ Lncker at the mght of Ja lets i- racef nl little figure , and lovely race \11th HS fOft dark eyes, u.nd longlashes t n at drooped so s?>eP.tly against the glo"mg cheek lhcn Janet's sweet I will INSERTED A'l' A MODERATE FEE, I J T o Invento1s and Mechamcs ENTS and how to obtain then1 Pamph et of oO page~ free upon receipt of St.arr ps for l r1. J C. BOUNSALL, PROH,TRJOR Bo\ n1nn i l'o:::tage A ld1 e"B- Sohc1! ms of Pa.tents Box 31 W a·hlngt-0n D O Gn MORF. HMUH & Co e r;;;ept 1a 18"'8 x (Im 'household wal' s , ' her gentlenesz and I wonder if there lS any aut ( f homago n1ore f11sc1nat1ng to a VJnng girl than this -fro111 a person she lil\.e8 1 She docs Hot feel that Jt 1s a fannhar iy to be iesente<l The humblest sub1ect niay kiss the hand of hrn queen No, she did not resent It at all' Iler chleks ourned, and a sunle dunpled round the corners of her hps but she uttered not a word of reproof Yet I think if an) uf Tan et s country beaux (and she had n1any, Vi ho walked hotne from chnrch with her, aHd hopped. in .. of even Hlg", and Lhatted uith her by the cosy :~ntt1np-·too1n fire) if n y of these ardeflt admue1s hnd ( 1t red < n a hke exp1 es s1on of lus hnmhlo ad ranon tht:'r~ v.ould hr.tvc been a ilaRh 11 Tan ~! s d::i r k e.}es,o.nd a. hanghty 1urn of he r pretty heaa, that would ha>e prC\entod Im repoatmg the e::<periment. It does not cost more money to speak (!ood English than bad, or to be gentle than rude yet a larlv always from prefer company-causes delay iu pajin.g ence, speaks ce1rectly and has gontie wages ]\; o matter 1'i hat the en use, it 1nanners does not supply the wa11ts of the poor rnan J t so happPns bj the force uf c1rcu1nl ur 1ns family, or prevent l11s having a feel stances that there arc more ladies 1n the r of ben ~ Wf( nged A_ chee1fu] pay1nent uppe1 classes tlHJ..D u1 the lu\ver, and that I of sheer dues ha~ often pnt a s1uile on the there i.s a sei crci public opuuon IL' the face, clashc1ty in the stop, energy Ia the upper classoa about inost th1ngs wluch, I arni, and n1ore and better work in every taken togethei, conahtnte c1vtlizahun, be hJur canse it 18 a fault in rich ncop1e (who ha,e great faculties) not to be clean, and cult1 ~ated, and pohte,- wben it may only be a ANNEXATION nnsfortune in poor ones ,.Vash1ngton has never been a very Therp, is, then really such a th1ng as healthy place, but n. is said to be leas hdyhood, and ti 1s one of the strongest of healthy now than ever The Detroit en ihzmg influences .lYeus suggests that, 1n the event of a change, Detroit would n1ake a beant1fnl .A. girl of sanguine ten1peramcnt and fas 1 n1t1onal capital, and hat it \l.Ill be quite central afte1 Canada is annexed If Detroit tid10u· taste w11l take a conmpt10n fit if 18 not made the national cn.p1tal unt1l Can ·he happens to get ,. ·lllg]e hair m her but the ·ame I ada JR annexed to tho United St'1tes,1t wi11 mouth out of the b1 tter, probably have some time to wait By cr1rl wlll browze a101 nd 011 " silky mousJ that time Toronto 11ill l>e e? htled to put tache attacher! to a good lookmg young 1 n1auirs hpJ and uever sa~ a worJ, m a cla1u1 I