CANADIA~ ~TATESMAN, BOWMANVILJ,E, FHIDAY, Q ;_ T0RER 3, 18~19. CORRESPONDENCE " PA..Tff;NC1E " 'l'O "SOLIN.l,ClTS." I was plea sed and a. 1Htle arnused, to sec in th~ STA.rESMAN of Sept. 5th, a correspondence frorr1, as is supposed, one of ' the boys of Solina Division. I only hope the boys will go on so t o do. True, the 1nercha1 1L i~ about to leave tho store and post office ; this is a splendid opt:ning for a n1e1 c..:hant., tailor, or country ped1ar. As to crops and stock, the reader will rernP.n1 · ber your corresponden t gaYe us so1netlnug to think about, and as the hurry of sum· n1er is over, and the e\·enings are getting Jong I hope tha far1i.ers of DJ.rhugton will 'take an interest in ventilating this important subject thoroughly. Your curresi,,on<l en t seemed to recom · mend lUI to soend a few spare or surplus dollars in thC purchase of in1 proved stock, without limit of prices or kind of st,ock to speculate io. I wish hi~, or som' one or more of your more experienced corrcsp?ndeuts to furnish us with some practical sngge~tions as to how \\ e can get the ve~y best stock at the very cost, as son1e farmers have purchased at high 1)rices and sustained a loss. Is it advisable for us to purchase thorough-bred stock, fe1n<1.ll:!s of any kind, fa) n1ake our first improvement, or get good grad L~si and breed then1 t.o the best males 1 I think there are surne farroers who make stock pay, while others say nothing pays but what goes _into the ba~1 suppose they 1nean uot~1ng bnt _gra.111. J agree with m~ny who ~h1n_k Darl~ngton as a township, .is ~ar belnnd in .the c.ass of tenant : th e tenant pai<l no rent for the a Month and expense!;! guaranteed to [ Agents. Outfit free. SHA w & Co. property he nccupied, and had paid n~ne ~ Augusta, l\I~ine. for about five years, and the landlord, with a view which cnn not be thought other andLOT~or than p1'actical these hard times, endeavored to ren1ove this unsatisfactory tenant, in order to adopt some means to mak~ the property more ieinunerative. Local jealRTCK COTTAGE AND QUMtTER ousies, however, and old s9res existed beof an a.ere of land, situate(l at th<~ co.rncrof tween tnewbers of the Council and one of Vntarlo and Albert, Strtel!~, in t h e to-wn of Bow1nan \'ille. Thi~ house contai ns seven the parties, and tho friends ot the Corpor- rooms. Ou t he prPmises thel'e i<1 a s1nall i;arden n.tion of the village wore nsod by tho having a cl1 .,lue HeleeLion of fruit trees planted Couucil, ur a controlling influence therein therein, al:3o a good "ell, fra1ue stable and shed, all the h11il<lings being in good reto engage the Council referred to in the y.,·ood pair. 'l'e1 uw c1:1.s.1, For further particulars ab ove quotation, tr' defend tbo above apply to R. R. LOSCOMBE. n1en~ioned case, and t,1 wrongfully pay \ 38-ly, from the Corporation's Treasury the sun1s Bowma.n \ iJle, Api·1l Hi, 1879. above mentioned, for the purposes there $7 7 GREAT CLEARING SALE , A'l 'I HE 1 1 z LEE ·& EDS.A LL. I HOUSE I SALE. B Glasgow House. ---:o:--- ~ <t1 WE ARE NOW SHDIY!NC THE I LEE & EDSALL. Largest, Cheapest and Best assorted stock of t-1 0 ~ EVER 01"l!'ERED IN BOWMANVILLE. In order to make room for his fall importations, the sub- ~ scriber has determined to offer his entire stock for the next ~ two months at greatly reduced prices. E-1 Great bargains will be given in every kind of goods- especially in Tweeds, Carpets, Silks, black and colored, Linen Flannels, plain and fancy, Sheetings, Towellings, Tablfl Linens and Damask, Hosiery and small wares. OUR IMMENSE STOCK OB' CHOICE HEA. 'Z'ING STOVES: -THE- · COOKING STO VES: -'l'IIE- without medicine. 'l'he Holtuan Liv c:r .-11ul S101unch Pad cures stated. 1 simply ask, can this be true 1 Is it a. fact 1 Danie ru1nor stou lly asserts iL is, else I would not have troubled you. OF l wait with hope for a stern denial and ex · olanation. If it be true, then a wrong hns beeu committed which stands, I am tolrl, on our ~tatnte books as a crime ; a wrong I should think any one connect?d 'vith lhe 0 F·Ii' ICE present Council, would not so far deuiean hims elf ns to bec<·me a party to. "That has this Council to do Ydth any private legal dispute of tlns kind ~ . I arn aware BO '\V M.ANVILLE. that another branch of professions, namely, the Physicians, r eceive pay fro1n a. 'Corporation and very pl'operly too, for attendADVANCES MADE ance ~n the poor and intligent; but this is the fit'sL tin1e in my el:perieuce that an in· on personal and collateral security. Banking House HONEST, EFFECTIVE & HAU.MLESS. 'fl1i.i treat ment. is not only endorsed b:ir sauch; of pen11le, both in this and other countr:es COUNTESS! _ Improved for 1879, is still ahe·d of all. NORTH W EST WOOD COOK! The Best and Heaviest Cooking Stove made in Canada. BURK &JONES. but i~ li~ing endorsed by the highest. 1ncd1ca. autLoriLirn:i. Send for ac~criptive treatise. For sale at D. STOTT'S DH.UG STORE, Bowl'l!ANVILT.E. Address all orders: THE RADIENT HOME Is the easiest manag.=d and 111oat No. 1 Temperance St, G- 0 '0 JI:> S 1 "" HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO., Rox :W, Htnv111anvUJc. ~e pten1ber THE ftlARQUIS An ~ntirely powerful heatiHg stove made. -'£HE- new and novel "\Vood Ranging from five to twenty-live cents per yard--scarcely half their value. Parties furnishing will find this a most advantageous and I desirable chance. I 18, 1879. GO-tf. Cook Stove, just invented, see it before purchasing digent mau had been supplied with legal council at the expense of a Corporation. Wondt'}ts, I have been told, never cease, NOTh'S DISCOUNTED. GOLD COIN 'rhe new stove for I87!J, is the any other. young stock on tha road or in the, woo?s Newcastle Corporation will not be the in sun11ner and feed at the straw stack Hl nriginator of the eighth wonder, and a very winter, aft~r breeding from 25 or ~O cont. bad precedent. Yours, sires who do not feed meal or give the Sept. 23rd, 1879. N EWC-< STLE . grow'ing stock a fair chance, do uot get 1 their eyes opened, when shall we hope for better things 1 I know. farn1ers who have SO LUIA, been talking about gettmg O·.tter stock for EDITOR STA'l'ESMAN.- \Ve have not had years past, who are realJy go1n~ worse in- a visit front Lorne and Louise ; perha.p~ stead of better, from the fact they do not our Mayor has 1101i given them an invita~ provide sufficient supplies uf food te~· keep tion. Many of u· Yisiled Toront:o,Gue.lpb , stock gro,ving. Hoping some one_ will be \Vhitby, etc., and saw the 11lustr1ous interested in this matter, I remain your Couple, and we think, for forcigners they 1 obedient servant., PATIEt-:OE. will make very good citizens. bnt I trust tho Council will be able to say cattle kept ; and if the old lasb10nod farm- they have not been guilty of snch a fla- 5% interest paid on dep"osits of $4 ers who keep their calves '?n whey, and grant abuse of their p<1sition, and that the and upwards. THE DUGHEN RANGE F:>R COAL OR WOOD . TERMS STRICTLY CASH. DRAFT,!::,' ISSUED on all branches of Bank of Montreal in Canada, N cw York and London, England. Private and Building Society Funds loaned on real estate at best rates. THOS. PATERSON. Bowmanville, July JO, 1879., 1-23·51. Eight percent investment at par. .ASSOCIATION OF ON'fAILIO b eg to direct the attention of investors to the advantages offered b y the !-'reference Stock of t he Compa ny ns n p articularly ser·u1-e and i·emunerahve inveetment. It represents n1ortgages on H.trn.l Estate, ,.,.·hich in no case e:xceed one-half its casl1 value, and has a first c1aim on the capital of the Company to the amount pairl. in by the holder;;;, a nil also on the profits to the ~xtent of eil6ht per cenl. per annutn. For ftuther particulars apply at the office of the Comyany , ODDFELLO"t.'v::;· BL"JJ.. DING-, LONDO:r\, or by mail to handsomest finished and most complete stove The Handsomest and Best working Range 1nade. I yet out. Solina, Sept. 25, 1879. - -- · - ···----CARTWRIGHT. Our band did not compete for honors at Toronto, I hear they have ordered a new E!Ct of instrurnent:i;, and are going to pre~ pare for the next Exhibition. NOTESAND A CCOUNTS COLLECTED. BANK STOCKS, BONDS, DEBENTURES, and MORTGAGES MURDOCH BROS. is the place for the T HE DlltECTORS of the FIN AN CIAL all kin~s aud all sizes of Wood or Coal, Cooking, H eali ng, Parlor a.nd Box. Stoves. Scove Drums, Stove Pipes, &c., &;c., all at prices 25 per cent. cheaper th.'ln e ver sold . \Ve are sole agents for all the above, and have an immense s t ock of before. STOVES CLEANED AND PUT UP BY CAREFUL AND EXPERIENCED WORKMEH. ILllfrl & llU8~1'11laL. 42-54-61. Bowman ville, September 23, 1879. 1\1:1~. Eo11'0R.-Much as we hunger for foreign ue,vs it inust be admitted that we have a shnrPer appetite for local items. Everything relating to ~ome affa~rs appeals nt once to our sympathies, and invariably meet· with a h earty reception. If the Zulus are fighting , the Chinese starvingJ or if the Pope takes cramps, we l~ke to know it; but if we hear that a man in"" ?Ur own locality is cruel euouJ.?:h to be~(Tirtn My metrimonial predictions have partly been verified, and a vacant housoion Simcoe street north, will soon be occupied. Our Divislon was recently honored by a visit from men1bers of Hayd.on Division. A very pleasant time was spent, as th ey ca.n1e prepared to intere'it and a1nuse us. Refreshments were served at the close. Iioots promise to be a splendid croo ; potatoes are being dug-, and are turniug out well, nnd :).re a gooiJ. sa1np1e. Clover is also good, a.nd the acera,ge larger t.han ever heforo in this district. The prospecis for the farmer would be encouraging if the cluef engineer of the N. P. and his fore~ 111an, Dr. Tnpper, would put on more stearJl and force up the price of produce If they don't soon redeem their pledgo of faJl I for one will be willing to award the the title that Ilarnurn has n1onopolized R long-the pl'in ce of hnmbu~s. Foxes d animals of odorifr.rous ten· dencies, hav nu\.de havoc ~among gusliugs, chickens, etc., nd our vrivcs and da11ghters are n1aking "g)'.~t lamentations. '!'his calarriit.y ~ in additio~ to cheap hntter and cheese, will n1ake ' 'pin money" scarcei. I-loping bro~her "Part 's ~ ' pol,u.,Ot'S will keep well, I remain yours, , BEST CROCERIES - - -AND A T - - - 1£DWAHD LE Hi..:EY, Gl-tf, Managing " = Directer. BOUGHT AND SOLD. !NVF.STJHENTS l\HDE. Bow1nanvUle, Feb. 12, 1870. 29-ly. BOT.--I'OJYr They have just received the have opened out a eholce stock of A. BUCKLER invites his old customers and 'the public generally to call and inspect his new stock. It is complete in every department and is admitted by travellers to be one of the largest and best assorted stocks in the Dominion. Goods in all lines have been selected wit,h great care this season in the European Market by myself and are pronounced by competent judge8 I to be of a very supe1-iur cla~s. Our stock was never so complete before and we are determined to sell cheap. tyranny-at home, and - finish hy brutally thrashing his wife, we instantly b:-come interested if not pleased ; and wlnle we would cooiy prescribe peace for the Zulus, L-udiC:s' mid Gents' CL C~TH ING bread for the Chinese, and pain killer for His Holiness we buru to mete out'jqatice t O the wretch' who violates his sacred 11t~· riav ~.:.vows in such a. mannerJ by dooming hi~ to- fillprisonruent ior hfe, after being well coated with tar-and feathers. ro ! Dy£ · rPREPAREO 1 When we notice t hat you have so man)' able corrcspo11derlts iu. var.i?ns parts tv "write u p" th~ir res1Jec~1ve nmg~~orh~~ds, ,-, 0 wondt·r why you omit Cal't\\r1ght. ... ,ow air, "'e consider we are worthy of a brief notice occasionally. . True, we 111ay not be ahlA to furnrnh binders who can tie up forty or fiftv sheaves per minnte. or boy2 whO can wa.°'lk 100 miles in no ti111e, bnt Yl'c havo a council that is NO'!" c~reless _flnuugh Sept'. 20, 1870. SoLINAous. to leave roads in a. break-neck con.J.ition, and then squander our 1u oney ~n~ litigation to cxtdcu.te themselves fro1n difficul ty. If fJOUOIJllG. we cannot get up any serious threshin g uia.chine accident, we have a youth who, The · Union Suow will be lteld in t he wishing to change the diet of a machinf', Agricu lt ural Grounds in this tow n t on the fed 1t a. pitchfoik, and all hands a rest 14th a.r.1c115th d::i.ys of October. while it t'.'as bein!:'. digested. If we have 1r'Iessrs. 'flaroraft ,~Co. made their first nut six or ac:ven couples rea~y to partake shiptnent of ba rley 011 \ \7edne>sday last o f " d ou bl e-.barrelled " bliss '~ \Ve h :ivc' 7000 btrnhels b:y the Ca/e(luuia for Oswego.' plenty who. wish they were ; ano last week I , · frir. George Hooey and ]iiss Josephene Mr. Grie\.·es, Coinm~rcial .Hotel, htts alGrahan1 drove to Millbrook al'\d gave tben1-1 ready started to rebuild hrn stables and selves to each other, for " good or better." . sheds. We-uv~erstanll they t~i°k a cu"-Jplu of 1i,nti- ---Mr. Ila:rry ifamieson has alrnost reco,·ermate friends along to take a lesson. l'ld from the effects of his se Ver e -fall fro1n \Ve know that some -people <l:t the fr_of11 ' the roof of V:.1ctoria. Ilall. \ l\111 Glo\T cs cleaned and dyed,Ri·cnnil-ha.Hd clo th ing bought and 1 · <iold. All garments ·varr3.nted to -, lie n.stnnd1ng color. and so that no ~ one ·will know them from ntnv. I f they should fail to be so l will not k chu.rge'ono farthi ng for inytrouble. 'Ii~ 'rlI011:AS PE.A.'l'E. ,-: Ulothes clm1ner 1u1tl dyer, sig? of the h::il f-fad1:1U coat, IlO'wn1anv1lle. Bow1na.nville, June I, 1878. 45-tf, na.tur.11 ~o!ol', L ittlies' D.cess Goods re-r1yed williout taking apurt. Fe..t.t lmn; cleaned, dyed nnd curled, C:l-il!_;c\ l, ELl Olt DYED. l<'aded Gar1nen!s bro ught to their LARCEST S To CK . TEAS, GROCERIES Market.~ Ever Brought to the and PROVISIONS. NO YAN KEE HUMBUG. tJ In return111g thanks to the public !or their hbcra] patronage in the lJast, begs to announce that she has received a NE'\V ST OUK ot Berlin Wools, Ca.rd Board, Toilet Articles, Laces, F l ii lings, Thlottocs. B1·aids, etc. TEAS, SUGARS, Etc., which they will AARON BUC~LE R, PART CASH : _Sign of the W ?>tch, King St. Ho-..vmanville, Sept. RAISINS, on CURRANTS, DRY GOODS. PE: ELS, ll~GlIJJOSTPRICEPAIDFOR I W.E. PETHICK'S BARBER SHOP, &C . GQ 0 D BUTTER · CIGARS. To get your and ! NG done. At the same t i1ne smne TOBACCO and SPICES, GOOD BUTT EI{, ! llShe has the best manufactured. He has also a fine assortment B1far pjpos for 15< for pay and give dm--1 hillH Vil'. ALEXANDER'S for J..1870. GO We .mean business and will not be undersold by any catcb-penny. in shops 3 snd 1, Ma.l'ket Square, and are pre-pa.reil Lo take Come a long then friend ~ with the cash and we will convince you sell us. BUTTER, EGGS, PORK, that no Jew or Gentile can under ' 2·0 RAIR-CU'l"1'ING Sil.A.v get of Cuttin,gcfStainping- a -Specialty. Children'sgar1nents cut and Stanlpcd in the latest. st,yleH. J-iailies \.,.ill find a varied assortment in the above lines at lowest prices. Particular a.tten tion is called to om FRESH MEAT. I ~ -!- KATHARION. 1Jtj\'"Jf ):01ir " THE L.ADIES' !'ANCY STOJ.1 E," 012pos1tc the Expresti Office, J{ing St. :oo " mttil\ liiC, ...i:p11t 2'1, 1619 . DECillEDLY Jr~Jll'IDml~ . RAISINS -: CURRANTS7 -. n1eat cau be obta.incd till 7 p.m,, tram Youn~ & Ua,vk ~ 1·'s, by npplying at \Y. U. & :F're~h ' fa ce iss unburnt, rough 'oi· covere1l wi!h Jlimpler:;, try one botlJe of Kathat·1on, which is sure to CUl'C. MJ.DE ~D SOLl) .B\:- ~-~, - ----..~ ' which for quality_an~y:i:,_j_c1cJ were ue~~i;.aq.11alJerl in C:l1.i:-1da. ---------------~ -~--- Co's Stoxe. Bo,vm;:i..n;\·JJle, July 1st, 1879. . ·i9 K. -- l·U.-39. · --GRAYS' SPECIFIC MEDICINE. ' i W. E. PETH I CK, 'at his Shadng P<tl"lor, liL"St doo !~-EW, TRADE MARK, Tile Great :Eng· TRADE lUJt .Hen le.ily,An '\-Vcst of ltlHr1loch 1 Rn,~· Grocery think that nothing but barbarity and ig· norancc ex_ist north of the pine ridge, but a sljght acqu:i.lntance would show · ~hci:n their mistake. Though onr townslnp ts the einallest in the County, it .will-compare f.:i.vorablv with either of the others as an a'griculttiral dislrict,. and we <l?nbt if Darlinu-ton contains a v1llnge as lively as onr Metropolis ; some may d~ more busin£s_ s, but we know of. none co~ ~au~tng as many pnhhc institutions as \Vdharnsburg cf1n boast of. Our Town Hall is co1nfortable and co1nmodious ; we have an Orange Colborne sen t np a. woman to Cobou.rg gaol for stealing finger rings. It wn.s n. sort of a.n engagement riug. At least she is engaged at present working for the counties'. The Port fl ope Field Battery were prac t.ising at l:'ort Hope on Tuesday afternoon : the reports of theit· cannon could he heard distincLly here, seven miles away .. 1 USEFUL AND BEAUTIFUL. Wlflli!i~lt'.m patrons and the wholesale and retail p~1blio of his n.ppointmcnt as agen~ for l3own1anv1lle, for those popu1ur nc:\-V and fancy ma.chine made c:akes manufnctured by J!.-11·. J. D. Kasn1ith, of avails hin1self of this method to tnform his unfai!in i;eure!o r Sen1i11al .store, King Street, Bow1uanv1 lle. ,aqr-Send. 50c. by 1nail, and in ret ur fyou ·will receive a bottle. ARE& LAMP , \Veal::.~ Snperma· torrhea, Impo- neas, 1 .J 11ly 21, 1879. 52 Lodge · our drill shed is a luxury of which we Me' proud. 'Ve have fonr churches, more hotels than we need, stores and blacksmith shops" too nnmerous to wen· tion," and some priva~e residences worthy -0f a site in 11 oronto City. It is univeraa.lly admitted, that at our little lake is the pic-uic gro und "po,r excellence "of the County. Seldom a dt1y pa::iseH in summer but its shoreiS echo and re·echo with the merry l ongh of plea:oure se()kcrs, ""ho frequent tnis lovely retreat, whiln numerous boats glide. over (the snr· face of the smooth wat·r, filled with the happy non e of whom would contradict our w~rthy old" knight of the bo~ch gad," who declares that "Scugog Lake is heaven on earth." But while we prire our township for its utility and the many sourc~s of pleasure it affords us, yet we · value it 1nost highly on account of the worthy clnss Tor01{to, which for cleanline!!s, utilit~'. beauty aud cheapness, have no equal, as tbe.y Rre all 1nade and mixed by n1ach1n 0ry, and by the on1y complete cak:e mac\hine in Canada On ,Vednesday evening the Sous of Temli'ulllines of Riscuit.i, Fruits and Confectione1·y, perance hel<l their first inonthly fresh, cheap anU good. for N cwcastle sea saln1on. Fresh arment for the season in their hall in Dnm1·ivals tla1ly. blc's block, Dr. Beatty in the chair.- departrr1ents are completed at fabulously low . prices. Come and see our prices and judge for yourselves. Before Takmgiuss of Memory.After Takmg. of Vision Prernatu1 ·c Old A~e, and ma11y other Diseases 't.ha.t lead to Insanity or Consumption and a J-'remal u!:e Grave. . iHf'.l:!'ull particulars in our .pampltlet, wh1ch we desfre to send free by nuu to eveiy on~. l'he SpeeLfiu 1\-ledicine i~ l'lold ?Y all drugg:rnts at $1 per package, or six packali(es for $5, or will bt:. sent free by m<til on the receipt of the money b)~ 1owasaacquence of Self-Abw:e;aa all 1 Hseases thatfo:ten1:y, and · Universal Lassi1,nde, Pain in the Back, Dimnesfl JOiiN McMURTRY, Keeps consta~;tly on hand a good stock (lf addressing A nl1n1ber of farmers have decided to hold a ' 4 Har\·est J'.Jomo" at Mrs. "rood's GOOD BREAD ALWAYS ON HAND. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., 'l'orontoJ Ont., Canada. &-E'Sold in Bowmanvil le by all dru~gists. and~ averywhere in Canflda a.nd the United States bv ail and and .retail druggists. (32) N . B.-1'hc demands of O?,t' business h~ve neceasitatcd onr removing to l ORON'l'O, ~o w_h1ch WYLLrn. Consult .rour o-wu interest by patronizing 51-tr. Hotel, on the evening of the 14th of Oc· tobcr, the first evening oftthe Union Show here. Very few towns are so high toned as Ooboura. 'Vho.t c.tber town in Canada would dare tu keep Royalty waiting at the station, wh:ile its reception comniittee \\'il.S combln,I! its hair 1 At Harwood, SPpt. 25th, B,yersvn Hart, pilerin Ulyott, Stt.dler & Co's lumber yard, was jannn ed between two lumber tt·ucks, and died thirty minutes a ~ rwards. He leaves a young wife and'.chiJrl to 1nourn hia u11 tin1ely end. Bo\'irmanville., J uly 15, 1879. M ' u r d 0 c h B. r 0 s., (~. -GU'I'T-:Eii3~~-- --- ·VICTORIA BUILDING, BOvVMANVILLE. Bowmanville, Nove1nber 2li, J878. GROCERIES P-RO:V-ISIONS ' ' ~ Crockery : and Glassware, Canned ;Goods, Tobaccos, Soaps &c., &c. A !l kinds cf farm produpe taken in exchange: Bown1anY11l0, October 1. 1878. place please address a.11 future comrounicat1ons. 10-tf SLEIGHs; -WAGONS, CAitRIACES,&c L'~aper than ever at 1-18. MO °':T{RIS' t CARRIAGE WORKS. . 'G' nnything in Farmers nnd o ... hers wan tn:. ""11 how very this hnc are invited to call and le~. 'Pain Ling cheap they can g-et a first class article. """mptness and repairing o~ all Linds do:Pe with prt.. at the lowest paying prices. Those Teas a.r~ ~Oted!or t.he1rl ~T. lVfcMUR'l--,I~Y · . SP~ING! :o: ' - ' quiet, (except during e~ections). 'Ve h':ve furnished some of the c1t1es and towns of onr Provinue with their roost able teachers and ins;)ectors, and the generation now in our schools promise well for the future, .But the strongest evidence that ca~ be given of the snper~ority of ~~1r town.s~ 1p a,~ a home, is the tes t imony of the 1n1lhon -all who have been fortunate eno ugh to live here any len gth of time, prefer Cartwriaht to ahuost any othe1· place on earth, while onl' "town~hip natives" consider it a kind of "modern Garden of Eden." Hoping yon will not _neglect us in the future, we cease hu1nn11ng. We are the ti1ues is repo1·ted tn ha.vo been nrn.d e all Protestants and n early all moral living recently by Messrs. i::Iyntt, Sadler & Co., and law abidi~~ people; we disc?unten- who got $12 per M for three million feet ance aH wrong-doing, and are part1culady <lelivere<l at Cobonrg. This is equivalent of people who have settled here. A remarkable good sale of lun1ber for GREAT STRENGTH, AI,!30 Wishes to intimate to his friends and cu stomers that he has now hi8 Pleasant and Refreshing- Qualities. ' (23) T. DARLINGTON, Agent.. to over S15 per J\f deli "·ercc1 across the . lines, and is said tu be the l1est sale n1ade ' in this aection for a number of years. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK @~ ~~~@lf & ~l~APJ!klilll ~Rlf ®'@@D~~ all bought before the increased duty, and will be w l d at the lowest price possible. Dry goods were never so low as at the present time, there will be no advance on the present stock. Call and examine our goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Remember Dry Goods will never be so low again, now is the t ime to buy. Dress-Making carried on as usual by MISS POWER. good satisfaction. Dowmanville, May 1, 1879. She !rives '-" JAMES MORRIS. ' Bo"\-vmn.nville, Nov. 28. 1878. 18-1 f I NEW ' GOODS! AT OLD PRICES FOR CAS·H;--- - A T -- FRUIT TREES .. A con1mittee of promine.nt ministers in the Methodist Church have been two weeks in sPssion in this town, revising the Methodist hymn book, Considerable changes have been in aome of the hymns, and a great nlany of the more seldom-used ones have bee1~ expunged to make room for newer and more n1odern ones. ,The new book will be ready by New Years, and will contain about 950 hymns, one third of the·m being new ones. I I am prep1trcd to furnish all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, FJ.OWERS AND SHRUBS, E.A.~TIN""G- 'S Bowma.uville, April 5th, 1879. 118-37 . CHEAP for CASH '1.ll trees 'va ranted true to unme and :first clas = " 27-40 Address P. 0. JOHN CHAPLIN, Box 55. BowrnanviUc BIG P U S::S::: fa; now ragrng at Sept. 25, 1870. To the EditQr of the Statesman . KIKli. The World, in its report of the reception at Cobourg on Satnrday, 20th inst., says M c C L E L L A N & C 0., DEALERS IN W. H. WILLl~MS, GENERAL tbn.t at the entrance of the Ladies' Institute, Broohurst, an interesting little cereNE,VCAS'rl.E COUNCIL. mony took place. The you~g ladies were Sin.-" I fs little good comes out of writ- awaiting the party, and on their arrival at ing fur newspa pers," wa.s a remork att~ib- the prettily decorated entran ce to the uted to Captain Shawdon, so rne thirty gro1111ds, l\fisR Kerl·, daughter of \Vn1. years aa<J and a t that tirne, T believe, the Kerr, Esq., Q. C., and Mifls Stewart, of Captau7 ,;as accredited with h~ving. n1ore Port Hope, pupi~s of the I~stitute, present~ than au ordinary an1onnt of Intelligence. ed I1er Royal H1ghnos_s with .a bask~t of I am not going to say that nn1ch comes out 1 beautiful flowers, whtch, with ev1dent of such writing now, for the pnblic. would pleasure,.thePrincess was pleased to accept. pruba.bly be inclined not to believe 1t; but lJpon a ribbon attacht!d to tl~e hand~e wore still, it is, thitt the newspaper has sketches of the Rose ~nd Th1st.le, with the as its object the exposing of the \Vrongful words, ~' Biookhur.e.t s. Greeting .to Her pnblic nots: of pnblic n1en 1 and T therefore ltoyal High ness the 1'nncess Louise 1 the ask fro:n you a short space to niake a few . Patroness of Art aud Education in Cnncnquiries. I h<ive noticed in two co-ten1- ada." The J\.'Iarqn is and Princt'!SS e:xpresspora.ries of yours, the fo llowing sentences ed th.eir ~ratificat ion , and aske~ s~veraJ in reports of th e ~roceedings ~f the New- qnest1ons in reference to the lnst1tut1on. cesUe Council, at 1ts last t~eehng : ·' ·rhe Committee appointed to engage week was prolific i11 fu·es. On l\1onthc services of 'r. l\1. Benson,-Esq:,-barris-: day, a dwelling owned by J'.\-1rs, Densn1ore, ter gave a verbal report, stating t hat he and occupied by 1\irs, :&ieagher, was dam- COAL, W 0 0 D, T iUMBER, Shingles, Lath, Posts, & Square Timber; This Great Household Medicine mnks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. 1'b.esc famous P11ls pul'ify the BLOOD, and a.ct most po,verfulJJr, yet aaoLhingly on tho BLACKSMITH. All kinds of b1o.cksmithing done in a thorough manner and at lowest rates. AGRIC:UJ/l'lJUA.:L J~IPJ,J<'JIENTS ICEPAUt:ED SOLE AG];NTS FOJ!, ::S:::_ B_ RA..T.HBUN & SON:. -FOR- Special aUenUon Jo;i ve u to Lhe ironing of buggie and carriages fo1· country shops. King Stret "\-Vest, oppos:ite the Rei;(isti·y~ofilcc Bown1anYille. BowmanYille, Oct. 23r 1878. Sf Liver, .)'toinach, I<idneys, a nd IlOWli:l1S, giving tone, energy, and. vigor to these great MAlN SPHINGS OF LIFT!;. 'l'hcv are recommended as a never failing re1nedy in all cases where the constitution, fr-om whatever, has become iD1pufred or weak~ eued. They wonderfully efticacjous in all ailments inci1le11Lu.l "" Fen1a.les of all ages ; and o.s a GENERAL F AMIT ,y l\lEDICINE are unsurpassed. ·~ Doors, Sash, Blinds, Pickets, Mouldings, &c. "\:Ve are prepared promptly to fill orders in the above lines, and to deHver articles in all parts of the town. The highest price paid fo1 Lumbei., Wood,etc. We buy for ()A.Sil, and sell !or CA.SU. R. W. JAMES, · BOWll1ANVILLE, Agent and dealer in a ll kinds of the latest and best im proved. -I And m"O:fflce and Yard- Corner of King and George Streets. is determined to-· eontinue to sell at the rurnously low prices AMERICAN GltEENBAUKS AND EXCHA.NGF: DOUGH'!', .TOHN l\{C0LE T.T~ AN,} WILI..I AM CANN. Holloway's Ointment, 111!1 Sea1·cJting :nul Healin:; Pl'ope1·Ucs are ln1o"'vn throughout the \\' orJd. For t11e cure oi RAD ]Jfi:GS,BadBreasta, Bowmanville, April 17, 1879 McCLELLAN & CO. 38 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, And all the best nncl most useful implements UJ'3e<l iu the hou sehold department, such as Sc;Yi ng, Knitting and \.Vashing ~inohines, Wringers, &c., &c. had attended to the case respecting Rich- aged to the extent of $150 o_r $200. Fully ards li\'ing on \Valtou street, IUld that his fees' therefore were tea dollars." And 1 rt.he followiug accounts were present~d and ordered to be patd: George Curti8, expen(!es of committee to Port Hope,~." Althouah not a freeholder in tho village ?f Newcfl.:tlc, yet pecuniarily interested. in its success, I wish to kaO\\' the rnean1n g of these words. I hwe heard st.ran~e broom factory and dwelling; W, Roberts, insured. The sa1ne night, the block of frmne buildings, deseribed in the 8'1'ATJ·;s ~rAN, and "alued at $5000, were levelled Old l/Voztnds, Sores and Ulcers, to the ground. On Wednesday night, T. it is in!'allible remedy. If rubbed on the neck and chest., as salt into me<1.t, it Cure H. DeLaney's work shop was devouretlby SQR,E 'l'JfR tJ AT, llinh theria.Bronchitis.CoUghs~ tire.-N o insurauce. On Frida:y morning Colds, aud even ~<\8 l'liMA. For Glandular a largo three storey block, owned by lVfr. Swelling::i, A lJsceHf'.!es, Piles, Jo~istulas, S. Retallick, and occupied by Vl. J. ~vans Gout, Rheumatism, 1 flour and feed store; ,V. Fox, dwelling; and l\f. Qutnu, ~ents' furnishing and tailoring estab !ishrnent. 'fhe buildini.t was val~1ed, at 52,500 ; jnsured for $400 .. ~lr. Qnnu1 ~ lqss ~s $3,oQO,; . . insura.n~e, 81000. }Ir. Roberts loss, $L)O_; no insurance. l\Ir. Fox's, loss,- $300 ~nsnr<J.nce, $~00.:_ _ iuloi med on the ·UbJoct, that a httle 111{~. Evan~ los>; ~1000,, $150. .roubla arose between a lan!ilord a~d 11 Onllm of tire, not known.-Se,.tinel. rumors as to th{':ir meaning; by some it 1s denounced as wasteful extravap;ance, and by ot.hers io language such as wonld Jea.d a. ·liRi.nter~ste<l party to think that the h t1e ,1 f '· B· e:HJh of 1' 1ust 11 could be very µro p·l scribed to it if not a much stronger : 1 r~L}t Soiue J eop'le say, who seem t'? be ! An d every kind of SE;IN DISEASE, it has aever been known to tall. The Pills and Ointment arc Manutactured only at.'i:-l:-l, OXFORD .S'l'H.EET, LONDON and ai-e so_ld. l?Y all 1{endor:.; ~if M~dici~es throughout the C1v1hzcd \Vorld: w1Lll directions for uso in alrr:.ost every language. .&Purchasers shoulU. look at the Labal on the f Posts and Boxes . If the address is not 533 I Oxford Street, LonQ,op., tb.e:;' ure spurious. " 'l1 he 'L'rade Marks of my said .1\fed1cines: 1 r~gistered in Ottawa, andals9 a~ "\.V~ahington. j strict uttention paid to?starting S. T . O.A.:LX.. .A.JST:O SEE FOR. '.Y'OUJ;'l.SEX.."'U';Jlll.S D 0 T T 1878. 13-ly. CffEMIST AN 'D DRUGGIS'I' - · -- - : :nBJING Y O U R F R l e NDS WIT I -I YOU in the of the very latest and mo TowN HALL :tJulLDINGS, BOTVMANVILLE. CHARLES TOD, _, Examine atock, which co1nprise1S r.verytbing and American A.LER BREAD & FANCY BISCUIT MAKER. best of materiaJ, and none but Druggs, Medi cj.nes and Chemicals ASUPERIORsTocKoF Promptly Emecuted, and Good Fits Guaranteed. " ._.. and REP AIR8 lEPT ON HAND. machines promptly, cheaper than the eloeapest. Why he can do i t :F'irnt, he buys for cash and ' lrnows just how to buy. :S econd, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures. 'Third, he is satisfied with small profits. 'IJ'ourth , he sells for cash; :Fifth, hesells at bottom prices. -AND--- ' ' Bo-..vmanville Oct, 22, ; DE IN the - .elegant styles and p~Uerna, ofEng-lish, Canadian , Re s till eontinues o manufactw-e to order, from Lhe , workmen kept, tlde, manufacture. flrst-cla 'Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Pw:fumery, Brushes, Combs, S0aps, Paints Oils, Brushe.s, Cv,aJ Oil, and Coal Ou Lampa, &q., &c. PYYSICI.&.NS' PRESCRIPTIONS DAREFur.r.Y coMPOUNDl!:_D Al'!D ALL ORDERb CORl m CTLY ANSWEHED. ;,:ar-Fo farmers and Physicians J'rum'jtl« Country ".e heJt quality, . '~ ·~~::- I C0 N FE CT I 0 N E RY' FRESH Al\'D CHEAP, i ~ Me :has in stock an endless l'ariety oftLadies' a11d Gents' Sare toga Trtinks, 'Vali ECF, cf e vi'hich he is selling cheap for cash. [KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. AJ'l'il 28, 1879, ~ ,,,ii'~· 1ind ·o ·ir' IStoclwr'Medicitie s:om I KING AND DIVISION S'l'HEJCTS BOWMANVILLE. '[ J)owmanville~ . .Remember the Stand-" BIG BOOT" drawn by two Horses KING STREET. BOWMANVI LLE. I. llowmarVJ Jan 22.187!1, 26-ly,_._ M. TREL_ EVEN·