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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1879, p. 4

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CANADIAN STATESMAN HOWM A.NVILLE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 , 1879. ' NOfES ]'ROM A TEACHERS' JOURNAL. COUNTY AND VICINITY. ".- ·....., OSHA.WA. ~ · P-H-0-T=O-G-R-A-P·H-Y-I ! H. C. TAIT CO., GREAT GEARING SALE AT THE ~ ~ !~ &tit Studio, 3rd door north in I-Iorses's Block, op if she had frotn for t.y to sixty under htit' es fo_ r instruction in p enmai.1ship. · positc,thc Town Hall. charge. Sh e said she" would die at once. Two youths fio1n this · town set( the 48·tf Bawnui.nville, JuJ~· l, 1879. I told her this was just a part of the task oushions of a phaeton on fire· in which thoy think so easy !or the teacher. they were ridin!{, by leaving a lighted Now uarE.nts c11n know noth ing of the mentaf anxiety and exh .-~ust ing difficulties cigar on t hem while they.made a call A vacant dwelling owned by Mrs. W. \Will find almost everyt~ing in the line of ?:!hich occupy the teacher s' rnind ~ay and 0 , n·ight. : I think it is this t u1der e ::;t n~at~ of down on the tea.che1-s 1 labors that geuer ~1 Uy} 111 time h a:rdeUs him. For noth ing call touch an An Oshawa minister created ·l ·~eat in n1 y present s tock, which h a s been rene wed " by recent purchases. fl arnest mans' sensibi1ities ·~ ~ u in c h as the cu.ri~sitY in his congt·egation by anuouucknowledge th~t his work ~s und0Ivalue5l. . ing at the clo" se, of his serruon ,tha:t )l..e had IIa.vfug "bought to advantnge ~ I can sell cheap. ' · December 6th. some months previously - performe~ a marriage ceremony which had been '.k ept a. There is something stnu1ge1y exh aus ting s" ecret. H e inontiontJd the lady's - nam~ IN ALL SHADES, in giving .ins truction ; why this is rso, is _not but not the bri<l.egroom's. It .wn.s done to .. yet exp_ la.ined; but we k no w th nt v1tahty, t8 th t o. 0 Ottamansand8llpuerpatterns,a1uoeassortn1ent. · h · f 1 a exp a1n. t ~lacau~o o some repor ~ r ' ' 'l'riJil.Dlin a Slllrs, P l un c , F eathers 1 8 nerve force seems to p a !! s a.way. being cu c u t ea. ""an d 0 1·nnn1ents. P r eachers very ofte n coniplain oi n. feeling Mr. M~rgau shipped a line lot of. lajnbs Mme. _Demorest's · Paiterns for Sale. of weariness t he Monday fo llow ing. The Bonnets and Ha.ts always in stock 1:tnil hai'.-d-work ing i eacher is engaged for five to New York on Friday· It is to be remade to order. days i n the. week at six hours pe.r day, at grettecl that farru~ rs are: .selling their n ~a rly, if no t qnit e as exha.usting "'·ork. in ;own that T hia soon t ells on th e system ; we have Edward Carswell de)ivcrs his lecture Uecember 2nd 1878. & 11 Mue.ic ~all on "A lady said to me once, "I think you on "laughing in Wtlson's _ aro prepared to do all kinds ofwo_rk in thci~· Iino the 18th. · . , teachers hav~ very easy ti1nes of it and in first-class style. Cards and cab1nets fQ.l'lushed Mr. 'l'hos. Conant has a turnip. ·:that in the lates t s tyle of th e Art. no other class of workets have so fiew hou18. " J U8L t ben her two or three little weighs 24 lbs., a. mangold 17 Iba., and a Cltromos and Pictures for. sale. children caine runni ng in asking for so1ne- carrot 15 lbs. Big roots, eh 1 PllOGP.APHS COPIED &. ENLARGED. thing. She told them to go out and play Two fires ·hav· been started here by and rernarked that she wa.s alrnost worried children setting tire to dry l'e aves "oil ~ the PICTURE FRAMING DONE AT LO WES'r RATES. to death. I could not help laughing at streets. · Call, see our work nnd get our prices. her louk when I asked what she would do Mr. Brig-gs has organized evening· claM- invites attention to his well selected and ch eap stock of ATTING 0 "D S !- Clasgow House.,g ---:o:--- F.J D R, -Y G- 0 ~NEW . CA.NADIA_ N . In order to make room for his fall importations, the sub~ scriber has determined to . offer his entire stock for the_next two months at greatly reduced prices. _ ·Great bargains will be given in eveFy kind of. goods- especially in Tweeds, Carpets, Silks; black: and colored, Linen Flannels, plairi and fancy, Sheetings, Towell~ngs, Tablr, Linen~ and Damask, Hosiery and small wares. · · I OUR. IMME_N8E STOCK OF. CHOICE ~ .E-4 :It Uonsist;ing i n part of Black" and _ Colored Cashmeres, Como l),nd E mpress ~ . . Cloths, Grey Suitings, Lustres, Check and Plain Wi;llcies C'oths, ; '.J I Flannels, &c., &c. 'rhe above will be found .splendi<l p> value. A sk to see the 1j HOS IE ,R J.7.-1E{f 1-18-27-64. ' LADIES The RohnHJl Liv er and St o1nneb Pad cures without 1 ne<llcine. HONEST, EFFECTIVE & HARMLESS. This t reatment is not only endorsed by thou sands of )Jeople ; both in this and other cOuntr~e~ but iH being endo1·sed by the h ighest medica aQ.tho.riLies." Send for descriptive trc~tise. ,REED'S BT,OCK. J:lowmanville, Oct. 15, 1879. ~~~~~ !n~~~:,~.rned 'l'hu~,.~a~ IM ~LUNE RV AND .FANCY COODS at D. STOTT'S DRUG STORE, " " Addr ~s all orders : . BowMANVILLE. A . , . c . L:T ~ 0 Ip... V E . STOCK · .. , · . .=sc=::_- - - BER ,L IN WOOLS f 10: --· A carefoliy selected stock of the newest s tyles and best HOLMAN LIVER p AD Ra~ging fr~m five to twenty-five cents per yard- scarc'ely half .tp.eir value. Parties furnishing will .:(ind this a m:ost advantageous · 1nox<·,Bowmauvmc. · September 18, 1879, co., 60-tf, ·J fj _ial"EF. ' · · . , · ~ ' q_ualitie~ "of Fall and, Wint~r Goods may b e fo~~d JR. to 1ltfu1·doch Bros. at Mm·ohant '.l.'ailoring Establishmen t, next doo_ r ·i anq yo~~~r:t~sc~.rum~r heard it said those who follow the work a-1 capital is to , be . 'put sA ldO m grow old. , Perhaps ' this is .one Works, and that it is .going· to ·manufactr ca:Soft why so inany le arn the profession. ~dditjon- FEATHERS GLEANED AND DYED. . desirable chance. i1\to' ·:tl\,e . )Jail , D.rcss··Making done as n sunJ. ~ I 1 A choice variety of Tweeds, Cloths, Coating, Trouserings, . &c_., &c., of suiJenor quality, and at prices which cannot fail to satisfy, , - . - rriade in the latest fashions and a . · . 1 ure a riew ma9fa~ne. · ·: _ ~. . · .. ; MRS. A. S. ANDERSON. Bowman ville, August 28, 1879. W .uuld t he people more justly compreA number of the papers ate '! ~opyiv.g . a hend the teacher's diffi culties, they would story res a strike in the ,.,.p emill he-00t'iYe ~more the teacl1ere' aid ; a slight College against the Domestic "Economy word of encouru.gcment however small, at t: acts wonderfully. pra.otice. .There ~ is no truth ill it. The School Board here are 'advertising 27-57. TERMS STRICTL,Y CASH. .i E1ght pier cent Banking_ House investment p ERFECT FIT CUAR.ANTE ED· . All kinds of Gentlenien's underwear, Hats, ' Ties, Collars, Ha~dkerchiefs, etc:, in great, variety. .. . . ,. . .. or ms- i·Ii1pa.i:tiillity: Parents ~s a gen~ral r ule are partial enough to their own childr en, which I suppo 19 e is natural endon~h. This geuer ally uousiats in consi ering th eir children smarter and better thn.n their ueighb orsi ; a"nd of O':'Urse if these becouHl outstripped or another make more rapid pro;zre ss in his st udie.s, t~e te.achcr is at Once pronounced wan.ting in skill, or p ar t ial to the su?uessEul ones, when t~c December 9th. "for a complete- staff of teachers · f!)_' the The teacher should have . the .fullest Public SchoolJ at· salaries varying fl'om confidence of the parents ln his justice. $550 down to $200. Applications to be in ·· H i d I uliildren to sand to school, I would by the 15th inst.-: not send ehem to a teacher of who m I had ' POll'r-HOl'E. uo- . confidence either intellectually _ The ,boys::plaf f~ot ball in Penryn· Park these moonli~ht evenings. l !rir. James Eakins shippped per str. N orseman about 2,000 sheep for hbe New York market last week . · BURK &JON ES. OFFICE OJ!' THO.S. PATERSON. Bowmanville, July 16, 1879. 1-23-51. r rect at; par. T the attention · · t13"'TRY A PAIR OF FISKE'S Call and examine my goods. l3owruanville, Oct. 16, 1879. SUSPENJ?ERS. ~ JOS. JEFl!'ERY. 12·64. No. 1 Temperance St, ,BO W~:lANVILLE. MURDOCH ·BROS.: ' ' Between t hree : and four hundred barrels of potatoes are ready in the elevator1 on ·personal and . collateral security. for shipment:to the old conn try. Pedley, of Cobourg, in this town on Wed- 5% interest paid o~ deposits of $4 nesday. '1,he lecture is a. very interesting . and upwards. one. · ,__ , Tliis year the Port Hope Curling Olub DRAFTS ISSUED is pitted · ag" ainst Brampton in the medal contest, and already local "stane" throw- , on all branches of Bank of :Montreal ers are ta1king of "soup'n her up." This match will be played in Toronto." Four weeks in a Birch B ark Oanoe 111 was tne subject of a lectupo by Rev. Hugh ADVANCES MADE is the place for the of investor:;" to the advantages offered b '.'.· the Prefe rence Stock of the Company as a particularly secure and remuneratrve invest m en t . It r epr esents m ort ga ges on Real E11t.ate, w h ich in no case exce e tl one-half ita cash value, a:vd has a first clain1 on the capital of t.1 1 e Compa ny to th e amount paid iH by the 1io1!ler'd, and ahm un the tH·ofiLs to the extent of ' eight p er cent. pel' · a1u~ um. For fu rther particula rs apply at the office of Lhe Company, ODDFELLOWS' BUILDING, LONDON, or by m a il to - HE DmEC'l'ORS of the FINANCIAL ASSOCIATION 0 . F ON1'AR IO beg to di- EXHIBITION IN . BOWlV!ANVILLE I S . AT NOTES DISCOUNTED. fault is in the children themselvee. It is BEST -CROCERIES '· ---AND AT--1 6l·tf. · EDWARD LE RCEY, Managing Director. Mayer's Fur ·Esta.b lishment, where you will :find the best selection in Furs,Hats and Gen, ts' Furnishings . In Furs, Seal S et s and Caps, only best quality kept. Pluckc : O tter in Sets and Caps, A 1. Russian Dog and Gray Lamb, in great v ariety. Bal- . tic Seal and Astrachan Jackets; Sleigh and Buffalo Robes; Gloves, Imitation Lamb and Plush Caps. · In Hats, the latest styles and laTgest stock alw!tys kept on h a nd and prices fron1 50c. upwards. In Gents' Furnishings the best selection of 'ties, Shirts and Wi nter Clothing. · Remem1Jer the sign of the Big Hat, oppositE) F . Henderson's H ot 81. fersons having Furs to repair should bring them in early, before the busy season commences. All kinds of Furs al£ered and repaired.Cii,sh buyers preferred. · P. S.-Cash paid for Raw Furs. Bow1nanville, Septen1ber 16, 1879. impossible for a teacher to supply brains and ep.ergy, he can only draw out and strengthen those talents that nature baa bestowed. BOTrroNr :J?RI CE S~' w. BRITTAIN & co. They have just received .the Ever Broug~t to the Market.I have opened out a ohoico stock or ft e t, etc. ; also the term botts is frequent - signed by l\fr. James Eakins; and a numCOLLECTED. ly a pplied. 1 t is of v e ry corn1uon occurr~ her of passengers on toard. ence an1ouga t a ·cQrt ain class of horses, The third number of the Daily 1'imes BAI'1"K STOCK S, those particularly whe1:e the . ow?ers neg- has an article headed 11 Reduced in CirBONDS, lect to give tha t attention '"h1uh 18 due to cu1nsta.nces. " rrhat \\·ill no doubt be the the animal. After the fatigue of a hard case wHh a.t leas t three persons in Port DEBENTURES, day's work t he exhau s te~ anin1al is f~e Hopebefore its three daily papers are a quently allowed to sLa.nd in draf~s of air, and MORTGAGES year old. · ·It Wilson B. Trayes Prest on or What is worsej stand ont in a cold nan all~ · drizzly raio . Also, a p ail of cold ~vat~r is Durin<( the month of October there were BOUGHT AND SOLD. frequen t ly gi ven hi1n before he. is. in a charged at the Port Hope Police Court con d itio.n t o partake of i t. Cohc 1s frelNYESTl\fENTS MADE. quently fou n d to occur frorn sudden one vagrant! fourteen drunks, one drunk , 29-ly. Bowrnan\· Ule, Feb. 12, 1879. changes of fe ed. Very often in the surn- and carrying a pistol, one with not n1ainmer n1ont hs a hors-9 t aken fro1n grass auLl ta ining fan1ily, one a ssault and battery, kept in the stable for a few days and fed one common assault, one with lawfully Particula,r attention is called to our on dry feed, s uch as barley. meal or peas, removiug earth, one with keeping a ferowhen not accustom ed to theu1, are very cious dog,two with non payment of wages, a'Pt to produce violent spn.scn_s ~f the bow- and one with harbor ing an unassessed JIJST WJIU' TOll ' VA.l\"1' l 'OR ILi.RD TilllES. els ; also, worms and other irritau t s are a bitch. pre \·ailing ca use. On Friday last a J\Ir. Portugas, who _A_ S yniptoms-'fhe attack is gen erally sud- lives on the 8 th concession of Hope, neax which for quality and price 'Yere never eqnalled in Canada. den ; the hor se p~ws a nd n1oves uneasi ~y ; R ice Lake, was µassing aJong the road P.rnct, 'lVaichn1nker, Jeweller, d!:c., kicks at his belly, frequently looking and saw a l arge dog coming ou t of th e this n1ethod of tha nking his numerou s rou nd to his fl.~\nk.s \Yi t h anxious counten- wood with something in his mo1:1th. Ele '!'a.Kea ous tomers fo1· their past favors, hoping to merit ance dilat ed nost r ils a nd glaring eytt, chased the aniinal wid found it to be the a continuance of the sa me, and letting you no·w that I have g ot a larg e stock or Clocks, ~ratches 1 Crou~hca ,.,.·ith sen1i -bent"llimbs for a few body of a well developed infant. it had Je,Yellcry &c., of tho best qualit y that can aecouds, and t hen throws hiff1self violent- been parly ea.ten the dog. be bought: which "\V:ill be sold cheape.:r by a big than you ca n buy el sewhere ; I will a1so ly down, \Yi th a p rolonged groa~ i he rol~s An Old pensioiier known in Port Hope odds oarry on t h e manufacturing of t he sa ine. A ll from s ide t o sid e frequ e n tly resting on ht s as J.i.lickey M cFarla ne, who has live d fo r repairing entrusted t o me ' vill receive s tr ict. a:tback for a short t ime, and t hen springs up soru t.i years in a little house on the lake tention a nd best skill h itherto un a ttempted in suddenly ; the sweat b reaks out o.11 over shore n.bont six 1niles west of that town. this part of the country, as you "'ill see by so me of my certific ates from some of the larges1 :,;hops t he body, . but n1ore par ticn larly fl.round was found J ead in his house by lvl isR K::tt~ tn Canada a nd the U nited, which I have h prac"f.i ca.1 ex perience in . I am conflden t that the flanks ; t his paroxysn1 passes off, and l\fc l\olahon , a _ neighbor's d a ughte r, who a d that ·will ro.vor mo with a call w i ll b e rnastcr h e n1ay shake hi mself a nd bcgm to fee d, ca11cd to ~ see 11im. A n inqu est was held any of the sit uation . · but another fit of soon - sn cceeds t he followed by a verdict to the effect that the first attck. D uring the inter,.· al of ease deceased came to his death by exhaustion, take pleasure in recommendin g J, D. 'l1ai the pulse is unaltered, the extreniities are produced from want of proper nourish- as\'\l'""e a first class workn1an, hn-ving wor ked for us na tural · al so the brea thing during the 1uent and car e. foi· a long time, during ·w hich ho did all our :fine and diffioult jobs. a nd w e must. su.y that we ha Ye interval' of re~t is not quick~ned . Tili1:1, On ii.ccount of - unjnst restrictions -and never hn.d a chance to fill his place with a more wit h the reck less inanner in which he lies exactions embod;ed in the l\farket By-bw practical '°"atc hma.ker si nce. He la competent down and the entire absence. of tender- the farmers in HUpe Township have held ol' doing the Jincst and difficult "\vatch-repa,iring that can b e done in Canada or the United States. n ess of the abdo1nen or of elevated tem- a inass meeting and passed the follotvin g He is about the only one that holds fir st-class p erllture,-eerve t o disti ng uish coli.a from resO A, & J, KLIZER, 'l'oronto. lntion : -Moved by Eamuel Caldwell, testim9niula. affections of th e bo wels, rnore particularly seconded by Thos. Elliott,-That it is the To who1n i t nwy Con cern : from enteritis, bet te r k uown as infl~u1- opinion of this meetin g that the J This is to cer tify that J, B. Tait has worked \farket for UH for two v ears at tbejev;relry bu1.1in ess,and mation of the bowels. By-ht.\V n ow enforced in the town of Port ·we think t ha t he is co1npetent of doi ng any job Tr~Hhn en t-Remove the animal to a Hop a is wrong, and a great injustice t o that n1ny come u n der h is notice, Yours t ruly, co1n fort.a.b le loose b ox ; supply him with a t h.o.SC a t te nding said market, and that in H. WES'l'ERMAN, New Haven. good bed of i:;Lrc. w ; the n administer vie w of the oppre)>lsive nature of said ByJ.B. Tait \VOrked for· me t hree years, <luring nitrous either, two ounces, and belladonna lav{, we, the reaideuts of t-he towuship of whicl1 time h e gave 1ne first-class satisfac tion, both in the re pairLilg of waLche8, cloeks and VICTORIA BUILDING, BOW:l\'IANVILLE. ono ounce. I f the symptoms Uu not ab- Hop0, propose to take immediate action jewelry. I can recounn end him to any person 1\te in about half an hour repeat the dose ; to open t r ade relations with M illhrook, having anything t o do in his line. Y ou rs truly, 1-18. Bowmanville, N ovcmber 26, 1878. if the bowels should be constipated it is NewtonviJle, Newcastle, Osaca, Cobourg J. H. JONES. Terrebaut, Indiana. well to give an alkiline. solutio~ of .al?es; and Peterboro'.nnd nlso with somo reliabl~ '!'his is to certify that J . B. Tate is u first r:lass als o in the ~u ..3antitne give c0pions IllJCCt- comnrissiou m'erchanta, \vith a view of v.-·atchmv.ker a nd jeweller. He worked for n1e 18 months, and did tho most difficult jobs in tl1e ions of w~r1n water, adding a little Jard ~hipping th e s-urplus productions of onr 'va.y of wntch and jewelry repairing. Yours, and sonp. I f pain . continnes fo.r any farms to other markets. . R. CRONCE, Pittsburg. ]enat h of time there is danger of 1nfla.mWishes to intima te to bis friends a ncl cust0mers that he bas now bis I take p1M.Sure in recommending J . B. Tate af:I 'l'OROi\'1'0. mat'ion se tting in. The bowels shonld a first-class watchmaker, as he has 't\·Orked for Ji'W.1lly Papesj the king of burglars, has me, and proved to be a good workman. A.ny then be rn bbed with a g ood coat of musi;one giving him a job ·w ill prove him the sauie. ard also war 1 n fomenta t ions, being careful been bnried in a pauper's grave . Yours t11ul y, H. SHOAP,Alleghany, not' to allow a .draft of air while in the act ~. ~V. _ Rimer: the forger, 'va..s sentenced of 11sing the watel.'. After a severe a tta_ck t o t e rn1s of f o ur · years each on both in8~gn ot the ll:lg "ll'nte h. King Street. it is necessary to feed on srJft, ~loppy diet dictmerits. Bowmanvllle, Atigust 27, 1879. 57-tf. all bought before the increased duty, and be sold at the lowest for some tim e. Prof. Daniel VYilson, of 'rorontu Uniprice possible. Dry goods· were never so low as at the present t'ime, versity: has declared some bones f ound, there will b e no advance on the present stock. with ba.rborou s orname nts on th em: by MEN W ANTE]). the · Governor-General; to have b elonged Call and ex amine our goods and p.rices before purchasing elsewhere. j\fen , to. an Indis.n vtho lived long before the ·.rhe great want of this age is men. dis. c overy of Au1erica. Remember Dry Goods will never be ~o l~w ~gain, now is the time who are not for sale. l\'Ien who are honto buy. d f onl centre to circ11mference Thomas D 6al bas been sentenced. to two t ee ' soun r ear t's core, men who \¥.ill con ' yeurs ' ~ · ~pr1~onmei;i · · t true to the h a ll b ~t ono d a.y' f or Dtcss=Making carried on as usual- by Mrss POWER. She gives ·n friend or foPin themsel-.\ abducting Mr. Jaffray. John~ i d emn W ron g ' i .d. . d th . His bt'other d . t k good satisfaction. ves as well as others. ~fen whose con- ~vua. l~misse. , as . e Jllry n1:-i ea 1n1s a o Bowmanville, May 1, 1879. 27-40 sciences are a~ the needle to the pule. 1n tind1ng him ~n1l~y of being accessC1ry . . Men who will s t and for the right if the after the fact to a 1n1sde 1neanor. in Canada, N ew York and The following are the traffic returns of London, E11ghmd. S1'A'3MOD1C COLIC. the Midland Railway for the week ending . . ,. , . F l B"':/ J, }{, 1'-' .rLSON, VE'l'Rl::f.ARY SURGEON, October 21, 1879: $10,146,27. Correa- Private and Bmlomg Society unc s LONDON, 0::-1"'.l.'ARIO. ponrlipg week last year, $6,518, 77.-in- , loaned on real estate at crea·e $3,627.50. best rates. F rorn t he Lon.don. .Ad vertiser. · The N or.seman left Port Hope on ~'riday Spasmodic colic is usually kno?.·~ to with 111 bales oE wool, consigned by farmers and others ns belly-ache, gripes, Messrs. Wallace & Hall; 450 sheep, con- NOTESAllDACCOUNTS V"E:TRIN ARY DEPARTMENT. LARCES.T STOCK: TEAS, "~~ GROCERIES and PRO VISIONS. -pared to take in shops 3 and 4, 1\-I a.rket Square, and are pre· MARKOS ~.lAYE R . TEAS, Etc., which they ·will PART CASH SUGARS, due RAISINS, DRY GOODS. CURRANTS, GOOD BUTTER! PEELS, GOOD BUTTER ! SPICES, &c. for pay a111l give BUTTER, EGGS, PORK, 38-60. tf. bills on W. ALEXANDEit'S !or NO QUESTION ABOUT I T! The New Fall Stock at HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR McOLUNC BROS. IS SUPREME! FRMERS, DON 'T READ THIS ! FRESH MEAT. Fresh m eat can be ob tained t ill 7 p.rn., from Young & Ca·wker's, by applying _at W. B. & Co's Store, Bowmanv ille, July 1st, 1879. 49 J _B _T T El:> RAISINS & CURRANTS, IT IS A CASH STOCK. POPULAR GOODS ---"T-- G;RAYS' SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MA R i'>..'i'he Grea t .ling· TRADE ll s h J t c n 1t',tl y,An RK. CRO GKERYGLASSWA BE &LAMP,BeforeTakiug~~;~i~}i~l~Mter dep a r tments are completed at fabulously low . prices. every"'"·"here in unfa iling cure for Semina l '~reak iiess , · Supernia· torrheP ,, Tmpo- POPUL A_R PRICES --AT-- Taking. Dfr.1eases · that lead t o I nsanity o:c Consumption a n d a Prern a ~ure Grave. ~·Fu ll pa rUcul a r8 in Ollr pamphlet, which we tl.esire Lo sentl fr ee by mail to e very one.1.'he Specific lWedicine is lc'old by all druggi sts at $1 p er package, or six 1rncka.ges for ~G, or will bi=. se nt free by 1nuil on t he receipt of the money by a ddressing t Jniversal Lassil.ude, Paln in t~e Baok, Dimness l j\ge, a nd many other of Vision , Prematu1·e Ol1 McClung Bros. CA S H P R ICE S. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., · Tox;onto, Ont ., Canada.. J!dt"Sold in BowmanvilJe by all druggists. and Can;~ da and the United St ates by all wholesale and nnd rotail d l'nggis1,g, (32) N. B .- l'he demands of our business ha ve neCessitated onr removing to Ton o1' ""TO, to which place please address a ll future communications. Come and see oU.r prices and judge for yourselves. · Dress Goods, Cloths, Clotl1ing, Mil. linery, House Furnishings, Carpets, : and a · Murdoch Bros., AN CUT'rERS, SLEIGHS, WAGONS, CARRIAGES,&c Cheaper than ever a t FIRST CLASS MOJRRIS' CARRIAGE WORKS. Farmers aud others wanting nuything in this line are invited to call and learn J1ow very cheap they can 1otot a fl.rat class article. Painting and 1·epairing of all kinds do11e w ith p1·omptness at the lowest paying prices. · TA~ILQ _RING ··DEPARTMENT. Some very profitable buying may be doqe in each of these ·departrnents ' . --AT-· s p RING . @JWi JlllA Jr@lf ~ ti':lM~JF)llYim ~Rlf ~QQJ~~e o·· s·u MME R s T 0 c K \vin JAMES MORRIS. 18-tf Bowmauville,Nov. 28.1878. Mcclung Brothers.for O::tf3h . . ··M ~ FRUIT TREES. I am prepared t<? furnish all ,kinds of "°" . ~01'1'T FOR(;f~l,' THIS. --~ -- -'-'--------·----- Fruit and Ornamental Trees, FJ,OWERS AND SHRUBS, 1 EACH DEPARTMENT 'ABOUNDS I N OI--IEAP for CASH Address JOHN CHAPLIN. ~u tree~ v;·a ra.ntedtr1:1etonnme~d1lrstclas _ P_ . o ._ Box 55. W. H. WILLIAM GENERA L _ __ Bowrn~nsvill'e · Much·that is attractive, Much that is new; Much tha·t 1·s well pleasing And,everyt ag lS u Hnd~;n.1ably Chea '· p. . , . · . l - . heavens totter and the earth r!iels .. Men who can tell the truth, ana looK t11e ·wor1a a.Ild d1:;vil right in tho eye. ~fen that never brag nor run. l\1:en that n cither flag nor filn ch, l\!(en who ~av e conra:.r; e wit.hout sh ou t in g to 1t. Jrien lll whom t!_,e couraoe of everlasting life rL1ns stil1 , de9p, and :trong. lVIell who do. n ot C I'Y nur cau se theit v oices to b e heard in the streets ; bu t who wlll n ot fail ~or be discou raged t.ill judgement. do set in the ea.rth: b'Ien On Monday night Cool Burgess was a_ r- r est ed ln Toronto on leaving the train, for sh ooting at Wm. \Vid gery. On arrivjn g with his priseuer at the Cen tral Prison t he d e t ~ctive learnt tha.~ t he warr ant had been withd rawn by consent of th e County Crown attorney. Burgess :was therefore ::i·~l~asea f rc!m cn~tody, hu.v1ng settled th0 dtiliculty with 'V1dge ry . 1 M ·cCLELLAN & CO., DEALERS IN BLACKS~Ll:ITH. All kin ds of blacksmithing done in a- thorOugh nmnner and at lowest rates. AGRICITLTllR-"-L D J.PLEil!E N'l.'S REl~AlltED COAL, W 0 0 D, L UMBE,~, Shingles, Lath, Posts,~ · ~1uRDER \Vu,L Uur.- A tew years Et.go C fltra Timber; . Special attention given to the ironing of buggie and earrJages for country shops. King Str eet \Vest. opposit e the Reg-istry;:OJllce Novel Designs, ·New Ideas, Pleas ing Feathers, Great Improvement in· this diversified -stock of .. - Dowman ville. . Rowrn anville, Oct. 23, 1878. Sf McCLUNG BROS work nor to o p roud ~o be poor. Men quicklv they had -,b een cured by its use, actmost11ovrerfully,yctsoothi11gly on the who are wiiling tc, eat what th·J'.dhf·ve Th e gre·c merit. of Gnmrn's Armusr . _Liver, Stomaclt, I<idneys; earned and wear "Yhat they have pal or. F LO WER beca me h er alded throu gh the .. " d h t"l / and RO,VELS! g1vmg tone, energy, and vigor '\Ve are prepaiod-promptly to fill orders in th e above lines, and to deliver tnticles in all parts ---~~---co untry by on ~ ~uucr~r an anot er, ui; I t o t h ese gre_a.t M AIN S P R I N GSOF L i l,E. T hey - L"n.·· y F OR WINTER. without n.d ve rt1s1ng, its sale beca.1n e IHI-, are confidently rec01n mendcd as a 1?-ev~ r iailing of the town. Tho highest price paid f or- Lumber, Wood,etc. \Ve buy for fJA..SlJ. and Sell for !ASH. CE ;t~Ofilce· and Yai·d-Corner ol King and George Streets. r"' m n" D rug o-ist&. in every town in the remedy in all ca ses ·where the.co11~.htut1on,from e oe. o . . . w h at evHr cause, hvs become 11npail'ed or weak0 <.u iadas and U nited States arc selling it. ened. They 8.l!C "\Vonderful!y effic nci ous in all AMERICAN GREENBACKS AND EXCHANGE BOUGHT. ~'!1en the fro sts of N ovetnbe r becomes No p erson s uffering f rom S our S t o ma c I1 / a ilment.R ineiuen · ta! to F ema les of a ll ages ; an d 1 JORN M c CLET,T ,AN.} s evffi..e dig up t h e cele ry! withou t r e u1ov- 8 . k H rl he Costiveness Palpitation of ns a GEN ERAJ~ FAMILY MR:DICI~E. arc :McCLELLAN & CO. VVILLI.AM 0 .A KN. · · h- d " · f ti root s' and place t he ic ea ac ' . ' . . uns urpassed. · inr...r a11 '1 e u·. . ro ui ie H eart, lnd jge.:ot1on, Lc.iw Sp1r1ts, etc., Bowman ville, A1lrll 17, 1879 · SS th~ pl a nts in troughs on t he cellar botto1n. can tako three doses ·without relief. Go lJ ~a foot "\Yide boards, f ast ened o.t t h e ends to your Dl'u and p;et a. bottle for · 75 a 11/I. in the n1 idd le, witho.ut. bot~om , n:nd cents and try it. Sample bottle 10 Its Searching rinrl HcaJJng l"··o11c rtles are linO"lYn l111·ou~hon t the lfo.1·1<1. be d the roots in sand- fillmg m beside ceHts. (57-tf.) the stalks with chopped hay to the top For the.cure of BAD LEGS,RadBreasts, leaves. - Celery stored in this way keCps A CARD. -To all who suffer from the Old Wounds, So res and Ulcers, gr 0 wing and bian·chingthr·Ou_gl~tbe winter. is infal lible r emedy. I f.effe ctually r ubbetl on errors an.d indiscretions of youth, n ervot1s it t he 'n eck and .chest-, ns snlt into meat. it Cure , ' weakness , early decay, loss of manhoorl , SORE TIIRO..A.T,Divhtheria,Bronchitis,Coughss co~suuq-,i.i~tl £1u·e~l · . 1.,1\'.:; c, , I w.i ll send a. receipe that will cure Colds, and even ABTHMA . For Glandular 1.'0WN HALL J'JuILDINGS, BOWMANVIL.LE. Swelling::>, A.b sces scs Piles Fistulas, A n old phvsician r et,ired from pra-ctice, having DEA LER IN ha.d p lace 11 i:O. his haudH l)y an JJ:as~ I n (lia n1is- you FREE OF CHARGE. This great rem'edy was discovered by a m1ssionary Gout, Rlteumatism, sion ary t.b-e.for nJ.µl~ of a l'lirn ple vcge~ble !emedy for ·t h e . i3PJ:~e¢LY.: . ~lJf! .Jl. e1·manent ~ure ror .the l n So nth Alnerica. Send a self-add r essed A n d cvory ld nd of Sl(I N DISE ASE, i t has speedy a nr1 pcr111a.nent cu re for Cons um ptrnn, Bronchitil\.,_ Uat{ar i·iih; ·A shma. ·. ?-nd all 'l'hi;oa t cu\velope to t he ~"F.V ··JosEPH T . l~MAN, never b een k n o\vn to tail. l)ye Stuffs, P atent ~fedicines , Perfumery, Brushes, Combs, Svaps, Paints The Pills a nd Ointm ent nre l\Ianufa ct urcd a n d Lun ~ _,\ tfcotions, ~l "f! a pos 1 ~1 ve and r aa,rcal Station D, Bi.ble Hou·e. New York Ci ty. onlv at 533, OX FORD S'l'HEE'l', LONDOX, an<l c 11 rC for ~er· vous Deb1l1ty and all Nervoms ComOils, Paint Brwihos, Coal Oil, and Coal 011 Lamps, &c., &c. :i l"c"s old by all Vendors of Medicines throughont 111a ints, afl;.oir h a.ving te:,;ted _ i ts wonderf ul ~nra · Uuclt.len 's ArnJca Salve. th .:: Civilized Wurlil; with d.irections fo r use in t i ve pov"e.!"l'I in t hoosa.nd8 of_ cases. h~s reu 1r. his The BF.S'l' SALVE in the world for Cuts. Bruis- al ,nost ever y language. · d ty to mn.kc lt known to h is s uff~rmg fello ws. es. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Tett~r , Ch app9d PYYSICIAN S ' PRESCRIPT IONS CAREFU LLY COMPOUNDED A ND ALL ORDEltl> it'df"Pnrchasers sh011ld look at the Label OR tlrn .A. ~ t J.atecl by this motive and a desire to relleve h o.nds, Chilblains. Corns, and H.11 kinds of S ¥:1n COR HECT L Y ANSWERED, P oats and lloxes. If t h e a dtlrtIBs is not 633, h uman suffering, I wil l s~nd free of cha;de to E ru ption s. T his Salve is guaranteed to give Oxford Street, London, th ey a re spurious. all w·ho desireit , th is rec.eipe~ in German,Il rench perfect satisfaction in every caap or money reThe Trade 1farkR of n 1y saifl JHed1 cincs are JilB" ]/'o farm~rs and r:hy~~~f ~1. t .from thtt Co'untry itilllflnd o 'Lr Stockof Med·W'lne scom -0r EngJi.,.]1, wi th full d1~·cct1ons for a nd us1ng. Sen t -by mail by a ddr~ss1n g Vi'Jth funded . Pl'lce 2&cents per Box. For sale by rt:gistered in Ottawa, and also at\i\'ashington. . \ e tJest q%ality. I:l~:-~ stamp, naming this p ap er, W. W· . CHER..\.R, 119 Wm . \Voon, Oaha"?i·a, a.lso a,. Fothorgill New- apx:\l ::s, 1879. ___ io<1m. .Powers' Block Rochester N, Y.i &!-13w.- castle . who know their me·sage and tell it. Men I "!l.uaust Flower " ·was ·discovered to be a This Great Household Medicine who know th e~r plocos ai~d fill them. Men c; rtain cure for Dyspepsia and Li,-er Cumranks amongst the leading who kn ow their own bus,r.ess. llfen wh» plaint . A few thin Dyspeptics .made . necessaries of Life. will n ot lie. M en who '.lore not t oo lazy to k nown to the ir friend~ how et\si l:Y aud These famous Pills purify tho BLOOD, antl SOLE AGENTS FOR and GASH gives complexion to the whole. SPECIAL "-SHOTS/' IN DRESS GOODS ! SOMETHING "AWAY DOWN" IN TWEED SUl'l'ES ! BARGAINS MOST "COMFORTABLE" JN OVERCOATS . CARPETS FIT FOR LORNE i . '· AND SOMETHJNG GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Call and take notes (bank notes) and see what cash can do when at war with credit. M.cCLUNG BROS . H-. B_ R__A_THBUN & SON:> . . - . - FOR- B. W. JAM ES, BOWJ\fANVILLE, Agent and dealer) n all kinds of t he latest and improved Doors, Sash, .Blinds, Pickets, Mouldings, &c. ACRI CULT URAL IMPLEMENTS, And all the beHL aml most useful implen1ents used in t)1e hou f'i el1olrl depart ment, such as Sew1ng, K.nitUng an d Vt ash. i ng ]\fa.chin es, \ 'V rln gers, ' &c., &c. l3owmon ville, September 30, 1879. 10-30-29-62.. Holloway's Ointment, REPAIRS KEPT ON HAND · and strict attention paid tolstarting machines promptly. D STOTT, AND Down1anville Oct. 22. 1878. 13-ly. CHEM I ST DRUGGIS'I' D ruggs, lvledicinesand Cl1emicals . .. I · _S ., ~ M ~ ,.. - . 0 . . . K id Gloves cleaned autl dyod, ::: 1 Secon<l.-hand ciot11ing bought nnd :::l -~ [ sold. All gannents warranted to ~ ~ ..o ~ he a Htan ding color, and so that no E ~ >d one will know the1n fron1 new. It ;.:::: "' ~ ~they sh ould fail ~ be so I 'vill not 1l ~ if.I. charge one fartWng for my trouble. ~ ·. § ..§ ~ ~ r e-1lyed without t:iki ng apart.;;:: r.,.., P-i F eathers cleaned, dyed and curled. g ~ 2 t2 ...- S .= ~ ::c U .1:1=..S ~ ~ ~ ~! '"d JOHN McMUElTRY, Keeps constantly on hand a good stock of Ladi es' and Gents' CLOTHING . CLEAN_ EDORDYED. Fadetl G !lnncnts brought to their natu1al color , Ladies' D1 ess Goods = "° S1 GROCE RI E,S, PROVISIONS, . Crockery and . Glassware, Canned Goods, Tobaccos, Soaps &c., &c. . : .. . TH01f.A.S PEA 1.rE, Clothes cleaner and dyer, 13ign of the half..fadod-coat, Bowmanville 1 Bo,vm a.nville, Juv 4, 1878. l All kinds of farm p~·oduce taken in exchange. Jlowmanville, October l, 1878. . ·

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