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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1879, p. 3

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· CANADIAN R'rATESMAN, BOWMANVJLLE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1879. ~pcer,h I 1 :Jlr Blnke s "\:Ve last week issued Blake e acclamation spcecj 1n ii!upplement form but some of our E'Ub scr1bers fluled to get it in their pl'.per Cop1ce may 1 e had at Borland s Shoe Store free Purodle!iJ FARMERS Will find a complete stock of such Farmers send your sons for 3 man h~ to the Ontor10 Busmess College Belle ville ait1cles a.s are commonly kept for sale m a general grocery store at the t he the Tho London Advertiset s next subject tor a parod.) s the N P to be written int.ho style of 11 e One Hoss Sl ay I he prizes nre good n.nd wo a1 ould 1 kc t o see them come th s wa.) Another of those soc al e1 terta 11nents was p; ven in the D1sc1ple Chapel on Wednesday even ni;: The programn e wa& very ntereet1 l'l' li ng contr b ted to ch etly by the young poo pi e of the church A very enjoyable time v. as spc1 t 1 he chapel w8.8 beantJtully decorated as on tl o occas1on Serlou!!o A.eetdent the Small boys are already bravmg the dangers of the trcacherou ::s ice on the n1 11 poi d ' Hoops are cuuung re unrl would be 1nconven1ent if square Soho I R eports are pu bltahed free of charge teachers are r q ieated to send them in Attention if directed to the anaounce went of St Oathaunes Nurse es in other columns The entrance exannnattQn for adm1as1on to High Schools will be held on the 16th and 17th Dec Sut:scr1bcrs not receiving tl e1r parers regularly wIll confer a fa or by nohfyrng the proprietor An e:.ehange remarks that the fall bon net rese nbles a sq eezed c1bb1ge wllh tomato trimmings F Bodand has no w a of boots and aloes "h1ch low es t hv1ng pr1ct:s StJn1e one ptedtcts that the coming ter will be warm and \\et \'ilth a. C( Id snaps sprinkled in M essrs Morgan & Beith s ·ale of Cots wold sheep is in progresa as '"' e go to pr ss prtces from $30 t o $00 Remember we do wu k at the shortes t notice and on the most l eas o1 able te1m:i Gl\e us a call a ld he con"1 iced DAMAGED D. BEITI:I'S, formerly McCLUNG BROS all of wlnch will be sold at lowest cash pnces DRY GOODS! - - -H--- LADIES Are respectfully mvited to try our TEAS We have Fme Green Black and Japan Teas of all the choice brands rangmg m price from 25 cts Thos In consequence of the late fo e the damaged part of the stock will be sold off imH11 diately at a great sacnfice Our fnends 1nd customers may look out fo1 ext1 aui dman ba1gam" We offer special ba1gams m the Ready Made and Ordered Clothm,; upwards at We sell a splendid Tea ELLISON & CO. Bowman\llle No· 25th 1879 o9 67 70 tf ,o cents COFFEE GROUND TO ORDER. @ $3 00 @ 117 @ 117 @ 065 @ 0 30 EXTRA BRIGHT SUGARS of the finest brands BISCUITS CURRANTS RAISINS >PRUNES, CANNED FRUITS (LATE OF TORON10) l::i:j MUSTARD SOAPS begs to thank hts numerou" customeis and friend s for the liberal D'l BRUSHES patronage extended t o !um smce commencmg busmess He BROOMS, wishes to mfo1m the mhab1tants of West Durham that he has ESSENSES, JUSt ieceived an entirely new stock of CL OCKS WATCH ES TOBACCOS, JEWELRY SILVERWARE SPECTACLES &:c of the ,er) COAL OIL, LAMPS best quality winch he ~ill sell cheaper than a11y house m tow11 CHIMNEYS D'l t.:A Watchesand.J e nch· yltepaH'ed JnF1rst·ClassStyh HURNERS LANTERNS ancl all Wort.. Wa1·ranted. ' ~ PAILS N B - All my goods ate new I have no old stock that ha.a MATCHESt PICKLE:;, been years accumulatmg UAPERS, 0 Bowmanville November 20 1879 I'd SAUCES, SARDINES, SALMON, LOBSTERS, COCOA, CHOCOLATE, CCRN STARCH, BLACK LEAD, BLACKING Is gomg to let othe1s do the blowmg while he will sell LOOKING GLASSES, RICE SAGO TAPIOCA, MACCARONI, generally at p1 ices as low as any other house m town ARROWROOT, CORN STARCH, FLOUR, @~Q@l!I~ OATMEAL POT !BARLEY, SPLIT PEAS. CRACKED WHEAT, &c A Grcnt Chnnce. 1 ho Wc.·ltern 4.dvet tiseJ published by 'Ih1s 1s a good nuu ber of the ST \.TE~ to ser d to 'o r d1 stan t friends Ex t1 a coptes may be had a.t the Book~t-ore MAN Mes~rs 0 65 0 60 4 25 800 0 22 John Cameron & Co at London Ont ls deoid edly 11 e best family newspaper in Canada Its Agrl 1 lt ral Deps.rtment fg TCl'J interesting and bly d toC by a practical agI"iculturl!t l hosi::i of oUJ' 1 eaderg who have not eeen 1t sl oula sen 1 to 1I e above o.ddre~s for a. tree &am ple 09p\ The Adtiert 1~t.r and STATESMAN one ear for ~2 10 Sil sc ibe NOW for 3 cents We shall be u 1 ler t1 e nece·s ty of ex pos ng some Orme for who n we ha~e clone n.dvert1s1ng if t hey do not etish up so Take warning IT is pleasin g to see the rush of b 1s1 n ess at McClung s al 1 Bt an3 1 our oft he l ay you e nter the establishment it is fill d w1th custo mers Mr D Morr1son las leased th e bt en: b111Jdmg former!~ ocenp1ed by M Mayer He \\Ill now 1 ave roon1 for the requ1 e m ents of l s business A Harn1lton m10IBter was recently pad 7oc for ma.rr} tng a couple and for p~r fol"1n1ng a s1m1lar scr~ ic e a clergyman 1n Barrie rece1,,: ed 30c Some fern ales ha, e been 11.rres ted n Wellington fot the n1anufa.ct ire of tlhc t l lus Is the fi rst recor led 11sta ce whiskey of a woman keep n~ st 11 Mes~rs IvlcICa.y & Mtlr e have recen ~d their X n1as gr oceries ne v rauu 1s I ew currants fresh Je n1on peel aud essences of all ktuda Tea a ·pee alt) !\.11 persons m want of sle ghs anJ cut ters of any de 11 cr1ption fo tl e com1 l season should bear in nnnct that Morriss is the plo.ce to get thetn cheap · A fifty horse po' er boiler for the wool !en factory Ne" castle passed through her e last \-Vedt esday week It was manu factured in Oshawa by l Morrison Oh happ~ is the man wha h ears The by laws warnn g i; o ce A.nd wh a. a wooden s hovel maks Hts carlv morn1n choice .OLOO:::KS FROJY-[ $1 UP_ ~ NEW JEWELRY STORE ! c .. ~~ l.U. X~"O"G-:BCA:I.'1" g g - -AND- - MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE IN DARLINGTON 6 0 H Q OLOO:KS FRQJY-[ $1 UP_· L. CORNISH Watches, Rings & Jewellry vmmTL @mMP. fi or l Repairing done at low rates. REES BLOCI< Kl1VG ST EAST Bowmanvill e Septe uber 19 1879 60 SAL'r I Liverpool Salt, FOR D URY PURPOSES W.E. PETHIC K'S BARBER SHOP, A SPLENDTD I OT OF MORR!" P o nox42 CROCKERY \llARE o2 Bowman\tlle 68 tf AT BOTTOM PRICES STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIE8' .. PORK, lEORGE B R0"1N Oakwood P 0 65-8\\ * IO BJ: READ \LOUD TN THE FAMILY FLOUR & FJUlUID [!J .[!J ALWAYS ON HAND f,ot tor !!iale. A.n ?t mer can paper rela tes the case of a heaut1f 1l young lady tho dau gh ter of wealthy pa1enta elo tng with an editor This 1s as it aho 1ld be \\ e thou ~ht all along that the youn~ ladtee would ei.:en tna11,y recover from tie coachman n1an1a and a.ep1re to th e nob1hty a.gain That big resident of the S W rnfo1ms ns that he never had a b ett er canary it 111sta lt Bnffalo Robes the cheapest m town at w·s both tender and good ond if that other h1g resident had the p1 ~ 1 g of !lie Mayers bones of so fine a bird he 'vould not V enno1 s cold snap came on Friday a.nd have felt annoyPd a.t the rcmarl s we Satu rday abo 1t the sa.n1e St aw a Ncrth Messrs McKay & Milnes new advt Warder got a bag of flo ir next week ~----When do·s the High School foot bait Tm: I AST CBA~OE -As The In.dependent cl n b orga 11ze 1 of Ne w York wtlJ withdraw 41l 1ts ore l urn Reader w 11 you send us one nflw sub offers Dec 31st iA19 only a short t me re wa1na 1n wh ch any o e can get a \.\. orc1:::a sen ber 1 Try Subscnbo for the StATESMAN only one ter s Uoabnd~ed P ctorial Q rnrto D1cuon ary (retail pr ce $l0) and 3 years R 1h dollar per year scripuon to The Independen· for $9 th e .A.ll enterµrunng hus1neB8 men a.dvort1ac price of the subscr pt1on alone Tl e I ide n the STATKSMAN 2Jendent cl~tms to I e tie largest abl et,:i. M1 ce pies and m1dn1ght vununs wJll beat rehg1 us newspnpcr tn the world It soon be .season"' ble bas bought th· cop} wright of Rev Joseph Th e ciroulat10n of the ST,;.TE8MAN is m Cooks tamous Bo.:; tun Monda' LPetu rea and reaat g every week s pubhshing one each week To tell of its C nuudrnn which 1s the greatest fraud :sood thn1ga woul'1 occuov too much See advert1?.eru ent ln thts p~per They Moonlight Good demand for money Wood IS commg m plentifully Read that funny advertisement One n ore exh1D1t1on of the Town Circus Milk is only live cents a quart m th10 to wt Clothes line thieve~ aro at work m s10ter tow ns Marine Jnsurnnce expired on the 17th BUTTER AND EGGS, And all ther Produce taken at market on Mo.nvers PART OF price in exchanue for Good" Our aim .IS to sell the Best Goods .... Rent occ p e l bl A VV Ora-.... ford. as a flour and feed sto e tu l coal a d wood la d Possession g ven first December 1 ext AP! ly to 13 h 1879 To sell them at their actu&l vhlue PRESENT T HE PREMISES AT o the consumer To sell only such Goods as we can recommend , To please all who their patronage , To represent our Goods only as we believe them to be , To sell the greatest quantity that W GLO"\iER 68 tf S . F. HILL'S NEW CASH HOUSE New Store, New Goods, New Prices. ~~ ... ~F Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Honey, Syrups, Mollasses, Canned Goods, Sauces, H<tms Sausages and Chickens PLAIN AND FANCY BISCUITS, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Flour, &c. we can so that with but a small magrn of profit we may Let Live Come and examme goods and prices, and you will find ii to your advantage to buy for Cash from Live and T. DARLINGTON. 63 tf CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE co Y. c 0 L L A R sl to J s horses one of the most mportant items is a afe Easy Collar You may o.lways obtain th s g eat Qoon by buying your harness at E"\ ERY A Steam Nlshes l':E RSO.N DRIVING A to all unnecesoory D. BEITH, A El: IL ASSORI'ME?iiNT O'F H l.RNl!:SS And in order to earn o it that pn nc p1e we are determ ned to keep the prices do :o.;n to rook of Berltn W ools Card Boa.rd Toilet Art.Lele., bottom La.ces Frtllings Mottoes. Braidl!I etc I hope to see a ll my old customers and a. large number of ne v ones. as my dealings w ith the Cutting& Stamping a Specialty. Assurers now J01n1n g ths f!a.nada Life Ass public in he past have been such as to gain the Company will share m t l e d \Is on of confidenc e of those who favored me "With their Ch ldren s garmc:Qts 1:Ut ~nd stamped in. the &nee profits to be made next year pnt.ronr11?e I hope to that confidence a.nd latest i;tl I~ respec v request a cont nuance of the~ ~ R OLIMIE Local Agent Ladies w1l1 find a var el assortment ln · favors above line5 e.t lowest pr ces ]lowmanvtlle Sept 25 1879 61 Yo s respectf ll) NEW STOCK COLLARS WHIPS TRUNKS VALISES &c ALY\ Al' S ON H AND TO DN SOLD AT LOW PRICES A LIBKKAL DI:;COUNT FOR CASH ~ one Door '\Vet;f of lle1ulerson s Bot~l, Uowmanllllc Bowmnnville Sept 2!&th 1879 61-6m. robes eve Bt:FFALO RODES ~ccn One bund ed of he finei::t n tovt11 at Mc.Clung Ilros S. F. HILL Bqwm nv lie Oct 3 1879 62tf THE LADIES FANCY STORE," Oppos te t nc Ex1r ss,..O ffi Bowm~n~1lle A~r\l 2{ Q Klng St 11449, iS 70.I $55 66 Ase"·· I Proat Week W1ll P!O'l'EI it.or forte t'SOO: f; !I. Outfitfree JlooinalNoveltr Oo. Mout<eal l' Q. p·.- Augusta. Maine $777 expenses lo .AgentsOutlit Free Addre·· P 0 VIOKE RY A l'E!\.R and

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