] ' J'T' " ~-- ~ I..,' .1..1_ .... '\, i , l\ () v1~r-1 BER 28, l S7P. J"J · WHAT AILED THE PU DDING· Il1: JOr.>Ji PHINE roLI \R!) ot SI "; 1 J 18 J 7 64 l{angmg fiom five to fa ' e ctl't per }<lid- sea ccly half t h eir rnlu · hH;llt} S1-,R JC1'LY CASI-I. FJightper ir1vestment at par. ~, I 8. is the place for the " Il\T BQ1;VJ:f.Lt\NVILL ~; IS Ar-r BEST - -- AND A I - - - I 3 J: l I CJ 1-C ha\e oJ)eu ttl o 1! t. < horce J d v\ wte1 stock: of They 11ave just received the Ever Brought to the 1Vlhrket. s o~~' ~ Lt' I 1 TEAS, GROG RN IE,~ l arod to take 1 in shops 3 and J l\1u1 kct ~~uare TEAS, SUGARS, RAISINS, CTJ.Fi.F~A lJU7 TER EGGS Ktc for which they w1l pa'i p A p., 'T' CASH nnd g1vc due bill~ on \:V ALEX 1.NDEl1. S fJl NO QUESTION ABOUT_-:_ I The New Fan Stock at DRY GOODS. NT'S, I GoHoi) PEELS, GUOD SPICES, &c I J3uT T inu i 1 0 l:l~TTElt I cOl Icl FREE3I-I lY.rEAT. f1om B & RAISINS & CUl=tRAN ':CS, IT IS A CASH S TOC K . --H-- roPUI. ill PRICES --"-- McClung Bros. , departrr1ents a.ire cornpleted at fab11lo1 1sly low . prices. Come and see our prices and Judge for '" selves. 7 I CASH P R ICES. ~ 0U!;- Dress Goods, Cloths, Cloth ing, Niillinery, House Furnisl1ings, Carpets, and a FIRS~-1 SLEIGHS, W~GONS, CARRIAGES,&c Chea.per than e'\ er a.t Murdoch Bros., YIC'l ORTA BUILDI~C,., CLASS BO\\ l\IANVILLE. 118 MORRIS' I LORI rna.i ho clone: m each of --A1 - Ilow1na.nv1lle, Nt ve1nbe1 2b, 1878. McM U 1:-l'J'I-=tY \Vrnhoe to mtm1<1to to h" r1ie'1do ,1ml 01rntornern that he has now Ins >'L AND all bought befo10 the mere u;etl duty, «ml will be sold at the lov; est I am prepared to furmsh all kmds of pnce 1 osSlble D1y goods wcic nc,cr ,o 10>1 as at the present tnne,/ Fruit and Ornamental Trees, theie will be no ad' ance on the present stock FJ,OWEHS AND SHRUBS, Call and examme our good" and pnces before pmdiasmg elsewhere I C ASTI · Remembei Diy Goodsv;ill 11e-\e1 be >O low ar,am, no" is the tnnej CHEAP for t b ~11 trees "'a tnnted true to llf n e ~di 1 &l clas O uy I Address JOHN CHA! l IN Dress lWtkmr IJ\ MISS Po1\EH She b Po Boxoo Bo"manv1lle b ca11ied on as us1ml .; good 8atisfochon W Mcclung Brotb.ers for Casl1. UOl'll'T ! Oiit4Jl,!t:'ll' 'i'H IS. E.P.11.CH DEP ARTl\'lEN'r A BOlil':f IH~ IN o nesl 11\!Iuch that is attractive, . l\iuch that is new, Much that is well pleasing, And everyt 1.1g is undeniably Cheap. ---H--- 27 40 · GRNRR~L McCLELLAN & CO, Dl£AJ,ERS IN BLAC~KSI\1ITH. COAL, WOOD, Shingles, Lath, Posts, & Square Tjmber; SOLE A.GEf,Tt> F01t Novel Designs, New Ideas, Pler1S1ng Feathers, G r eat Improv ement in this d1vers1f1ed stock of McCLUNG and GA~}{ BR C»S .,,n c, cornplcx10n to the whole ::a;:_ B_ R..ATI-:I::B-CTJS! & SON"., Doors, Sash, Bhnds, P ickets, 1"1oukl~ngs, &c. ::>ROIS, 1.N DRl£S8 (,OODi:i I '>O"VJEf fl lNG 'AWA'>' D OWN n; I\\EED '<\ l ll>ti llAW,AINS J\l\l::,'.l' COJHFORT \ RLE CARPETS FIT FOR LOHNl' '"ND t;OJ\H,lHJNG GOOD Fon I,\ ERr "<lDT 1 Call and take no Les , bank with cied1t A:\1ERICAN GR:&ENB:l.CKS \.ND EXCHANGE BOUG H T 1101' ts) d11d SCl what vr sli c.<n 1lo ' ' I,en at Mr CLELLAN & CO "' D. CHEMIST JOii l'J McMURTRY, Ji1!11rFo far'lf·ers and Physicians f1or;1 Ii· best qmdit7. All kmcfo of fapn produce taken m exchange Bowmanv11le, October 1, 1878, " .- 10 lf