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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1880, p. 1

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/ Postage Prepaid by the]Pubhsher, "" ::::;:, U&i:E&Z ::a '.Q e e iUJ:nc IS PUilLlSJ ED Ef'ER'i' IRIDAY llilORNING, BY- MA. JAMES, Al HE Oli E Post 01nce 'Bloc.k, King Sh 0ct nou n1an' Ult> -----=< TERMS $1 50 per Annum or $1 00 1f paid m Advance l'vI A J \MES EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR XXV .N11111ber ;l4: BO,V-MANVILLE., FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1880. ISSUED BY f ) VOL(l~JE W. R. CLIMIE, g-st East Do ,. man ille SCOTT~s E PURE COD LIVER OIL v;:r I T H: UlSIO - - - I OR-- 1s 1 then, n. with a HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIME AND SODA.. PURE DRUGS <ND CHEMICALS mv1tes bis old customm s and the pu bl 1c gene· ally to Cllll and mspect his new stock It is complete m eveiy depa1tmcnt and 13 admitted bv travellern to be or.e of the largest an l best as,01 ted stocl,s m the Domm ion Goods m all Imes have been selected with great ca1e tlns season 111 the Eu,opean Market by myself and a1 e p10nounccd b_y competent Judges to he of a 'ery supeu01 cl as, Our stoc1c \\as never so complete before and we arn determmcd to sell cheap A· BUC n l/l [ RJOHN R0~~::1:1~=~ HIGGl~~BOTHAM'S. go1o AN D tNADULfE l{. A.lEl i A VHOICE .A'-ISORTllIE N T Oli 'IOOTH N UL AND HUR JUST BR~SHES Tl s song of the poet the storJ of blood The wreck a.nd tbc storm the d rge for the good \"\ e woa\' e as 've go 1 t tl e rcco d of fate \'.\ t the thoughts of the"' se and the deeds of the great RECEIVF~D NO YAN KEF~ :E-IUJY.IBUG. COLLARS! F_ JY-E..ASON'S :E:AJJRN E SSI SJS[C>:P A FULL ~ SSOR1 \Vhat though ts ar se within our heart ~a 'e look out to da} And view t he azure 1slcs of 1eat 'l he old v ear floats a' ay I Tho 1gh c ld and blea k the shores appear An 1 lead the leatlc ~s bouJ?b Th e so l'I. of Jlfe l \es through the} ca1 JVothzng but First Class Com panie> represented Jl!QJ~B!l We mean busmess and wrll not be undersold by any catch penny Come along then fnends "\\1th the and 1' e "\\ 111 com mcc vou that no J cw or Gentile can undc1 sell us \ deathless promised bow JS 'ii@ lTu@Alif Bo 1mnnv1lle AARON BUCKLER, ; 18 9 Sign of the We,tch, King St I ENNT OF at t!te lowest rate o/ znte;est Ofhce latch occ u1nn1ltyDr BEi I Ill Urng St , Bowman' Hie II !UP'1£S~ WHY Wf AR SOGKS WITH SEAMS ,,hen ;,011 MANNING &NOS ORTHl FOR.. STOVES. of all sizes and supe1101 class g1 eat Cook Stoves ieduct10n from last y1 a1 HALL PAR Coal Stoves·--101 A LARGE LOT O.E and Cook at ~ COLLAilS \-VlfIP::; TR UN KS VATfoES IO BE .iLW \YS ON H \ND ctn ba:\e.1helll"'ithout ut KNITTING FACTORY wher e all kinds are 1 ade of both A large stOl k JU st rece"ed o[ all kinds of toves L\anutactm ed of '> the best quality of non of the fine,t timsh and the most handoome of C O TT01'f AND "VOOL, any m the rna1ket ~ in nil colors Drai,..,: the low char be idc the fi o A 1d ba<>k \ lt!::t n t s glow 11 en read "Orne poet s fantasy \ h le sw nging to and fro s pnecH '""·"ctim·"·· KENNEDY One door> est ofM ID \VHLIAIUS B tel er Stull Ile T ly 22 18 9 o2 tr ... 1 @" Don t for get Mannmg ,',, NOS\\ 01 thy- opposite th e On tauo Bank Bowmanv1lle SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL 61 I hen forn1 the c rcle cl ...qp the 1 and \.bo'"' thE' glowing coals \V l 1le Lo ~ e shall le nd to fn1 y land GREAT CLEARING SALE MRS. DONNELLY AT THE MRS. W. KEYS, \Vhcre peace R"\\ ru.tctl >i.onls .And when t he ch1m1ng bells sha ll ceaee ~nd fnen ls l he -pled ge re1 e v Vi e ll sallJ f orth to ~ n the Old Do ) o I by hazar<l k n w tl JS gentle man 1 1nq 11red 1he Oountesa Semaroff of me Glasgow House. -6Hf He ha r 0£ a n E n gh ~h m an An d welcome in the>.: e\.'i Old J ear ad1e l a last a cu "\o\ e o ve no fealt~ to another And w armlv as we weJco1ned l ou ---o--In orde1 to make ioom for ln:; fall imp01tat10ns, the sub scubei has deternuned to oflei his entn e stock for the next two mont11s at g1 eatly r educ<d puces Jn the ' ' e w elcome now your younger bi other G1eat ba1gams will be given m e\er} kmd of 60ods-es pec1ally m T'l'eeds Carpets, Silks blucl~ and colored, Lrnen I: Jannel~ pl am and fancy Sheetmgs, rowellmgs Tabl!l Lmens LIFE and Damask, Hosiery and small wares OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF CHOICE I N SURANCE. akes I s bo'\ 1MrORTMH ~~NOUNEMfNt ~UA~lml ~Imm~~ --IN rILE-- 0 RE ss TheS!andu d Life A smrance Co CO ODS H e s very s ire yo d o not kno " it D ut n odest as he s even now lle thinks bes ometbing of a poet Rangmg from five to twenty (i, e cents per} arcl-scarcely half their value ' · Parties fmmslung "111 find tlus a most adrnntagcous and GOOD BOO TS & SHOE.5 clesu able chance I ne nndno>-.: 1c:: the t rr e for all who ·want BOOT and SHOE TERMS STRICTLY CASH. MONEY TO LOAN. Our Prices are to suit the times, and our Goods a; e to suit you LET 1£\ER'YBODY ILE<\SE NO'IE CHARLES TOD, BREAD II FAN CY BlSCU I'l ~1AKER F1011i Frank J: esl e s Mar;azi ic CHAPTER YI -COTIINU.ED THOS. PATERSON. Bowman ville Jul v 16 1879 1 23 o1 A SUPERIOl 01ocK OF CONFECTIONERY, I H IESH A.~D CHEAP SMALE'S J K G.iI BR UTII Barri s ~er KEPT CON STANTLY 0 N ii-lv BOOT AND SHOE STORE, hING STREET NJ£X1 DOOi< \J F.STOF I YLK& MARTYN S " rrI-I1£ MA(i NETICON/' - - o-TRE l").AltSONAGN KING AND DIVISION SfF m TS BOW M,\.N\ ILLE 26-1> Oh fo r example behold a qneshon of diffic iltv 1;1a, d th e countess ehrug1nog het should :Jrs 01 e s ne\ er happy fl3 11 childhood bit m fine one finds a way to be happy To love \\hat 1s beaut1ful 1s happrness bllt then 1t 1s a happmess full of all that 1s most sad It 18 not often that one has discovered that truth al ) our age mademmselle But 1t IS true Is it not 1 For beauh dies or 1f not beauty th en the eye the soul that ct JU) ed 1t Why was 1t ever shown to us ? lt only makes us long for \\hat never comes-for "hst can never be Tlus gloomy plnlosopby uttered by one wh0 should have seen as yet only the suosh ie of hfe roused n1e to o.t c111pt wh at for rue, was tho anomaly of v1nd1 eating the n1ore hopeful view Sou e pl tl1tu le I brought forth a\:ont the son! findmg m another world the fulfillment of unsat sficd ospu:attonS' and I asked her whether she doubted 1mmortnhty We were leaninJ on the broad wooden railing of the pro1nenade looking seaward rho c0nnteea "as turning her ring absent lJ on her forefir ger 'There ouaht to be 1mmortahty said she to reco1npense us not for whn.t we ha\e suffered m the world, but for "hat \Ve htn o en1oyod Yes you could not have h1t upon a stronger argument, returned I, after a n1oment s thought It ts strong cnou.o:h 1 'Strnng enongh, certamly to i11stify hope Ah my Go I one hopes without any 1nst ficat1on at a I You conceive fuons1enr I am no t one of thos e- \\ ho behet e alN ve are old of the holy Greek Church To be heve o 1d after all to be decel\ ed I could not bear 1t I havo not found any one so w1.:::e as to make all donb ts seem foolish But I hn ve found n1any lh1ngs that tell me Deat1ny 1nocks you Y cs she added tuin1ng toward 1110 w1lh a. kind f .fieteeneas in h er look- yea deist1ny n1ocks n1e 1 No he1sanAuencun I ....., u..5;,\"f,rel w1th a touch of pre1 aric ~t on Ah th ese Americans } o\ I 1 ate t i e1 n m 1rm ired the Countess \. ln ara 1'-'Iaden1e rose ti a sh g uf he sl oul ders We shall lia ve t he pleas ire of see111g J\.'IonstAUr Ca npb ell at the danooth1s evening 1 Without doubt-that rn n I am to depart by the diligence, eve n at the pres ent hour Depart to day i Impos lhlo After having met monsieur to los"" h n ass on Madan1e I am deso lated, bu t-affair"' 'Yrn w II not go to da) 1 "" l the Countess Almara 1n a '01ce so low that it could h tve bee 1 audtble only t o n yself Perhaps indeed I co lid n1n.nage to postpone for a few days I rernmed still addrrss1og myf! e f to m adam e Good W e r cmat n } ere but a f e w da)is lor ger ourseh es and vhen we go you shall ac00mpany us That will be chrnmr g Is 1b agreed 1 Madame a thousan d acknowledge ments' ' r II this evening then I bowed .J() ~ The Count ess Aln1ara. latd her hRno 1n n 111e our eJ e ~ n1et hps seen1ed to form the word l\fe1 l she did not utter 1t alo i d then sl e turn ed brusquelv and follo" ed her mother and ti ey \\ere soon out of s1ght CHAI I.KR V I I A CASH BUSINESS N otice the following from among recent letters . Sou JI CALEDuN A 1g 25, 79 began to feel ts benefi t and ha1 c no dou bt fro m t s action thus fa.r that I shall soon b p I feet ~ vel I would not to day ta.ko $u0 for it i f J co lld uot get auotl e 0 R es pectfully l' onrs GEO A LEWI"' DENTISTRY. c. HARNDEN, L. 8u1 geons 0 ta r u I ha\e mcreused m3 staflof'.\ork men so as to meet the demand fm ordeied "011 and ie1 an mg wh1cl \\Ill be promptly attended to JOHJ~ S lllA J,E. D.S., 39 2o 1879 Gradt ate of the Ilo:r H.I CoJh ge of Dental 01 ~ ICE O'i] It ALEXANDER S STORE I drew a long brnath sti cked my bear · thoughtfully lookecl at m y wa tch and ·et out at a br1;ik pace for 11y 1 nn1 e called and turning saw 1\-'Ir JeffPrso n Thfontgome1 y vho s gnalcd to 1110 with one gloved hand wlnle with the other he ltfted his hat m adieu to an clderl) gentle u 11 ~1th i tre ff:iendous a" eep1ng mnstn.cho My f l nd now hastened toward me lns whit e te eth flashing his bl e e} es beaming and w1lh a general a r of prosperity and bene\"'O ence Jam so glad toseo y ou dear Campbell' B Jt they told me yon Wt."I e g ing to lonve S uely ) ou re not i What an "da I shall be here a t least a week Taff took my firm with pm feet cordiality and good faith I did not want him bnt there was nothing f r Jt but t o let the poor httle man comf" Arrrved n.t my ho 1i:ie I sent l tm t t stairs ' I 1le I stopped to have a " ord ' 1Lh my landlody Madame Emmit I shall be able to te ma n another week M~d an e En a ilt was delighted, bnt wou kl monsieur pardon her 1 Freely and comp ctely What the n 1 01 ]y that ~ 1nce mo 1s1eur s not ce to lea~e another monsieur had eng ged th e roon 8 al d Made\me 1 na.n1t had agre ed with htm f r a month 'Then let h1rn know that you l'rl fl 1nder stood n1e at d th at l e must go else whetft To rt n1arve only alas I this gent 0n1an h 1d depo31led the h re of the roon s m ad THE DOMINION BANK, BO\\ M <\.NYILLE Pasto Soutl GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY \\ ork ex-ec tcd 1n the late1:1t an l n ost nn pro., erl atyle of the Dental A1t TEETH E XTRACTED WlfllOUI 1 AlN by the IBe of N l ous Oxide Gas 'vithout lllJUry o the pat1cnt On.ILLIA CAPITAL PAID UP HEAD OE FIOE, llRANClIES $1 000 000 TORONTO OsHA wA, Co Bouno Bff\V1\fANV I L LE I "\Vn1rnv, Pa ticular attentlOn pa. d o the 1egulahon ofi OlIII DREN " ~ HL uX.BRIDGE 1EEIII WORK WARRANTED 4l!;\ MONEYTO LOAN CONSlDERABLE SUM OF private A fnnd s has been placed in my hands for i n \ r stment o Farm Property for Jon g 01 short terms to s t 10110¥. e1s at the lo \ est rate intei est Ar 1 v to The Magneticon appliances are sent by post or express to any address on receipt of p rice ADDREbS, D THOS. J . J.V L.A.SON, 12i':CHURCH STREET TORONTO $55 66 I Agent:i Fi'ofit p e W e ek '\\'iU p~vo t o r folftt t $ 500 $ 4 Ou fit free .U.OIJkeAol. NovcltyCo r.Iop.t real P Q. l3ow manv1lle, Septell!bcr 4; 1879, 31 39 20 Bond St1cct NeVi Y m li,

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