9, so CORRES_!'O:tfDENOE Hl~ P ~ ~ I ~ ONE OF TH E OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Th roat, Bronch1t1s, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Ast hma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest, mclud ng CONSUMPTION A WELL 1'NOWN PIIYSICIANWRITE8 It does ot dry up a cough and l·a·· th· eauu behind as i ,} th~ case W'tth most preparation,s, but loor;enir it cleanses the lungs and allays 1rr1 tatio i tht s 'Yt"lnoving the cause of co1nplaint DO NOT EE DECEIVED by articles bear ng a s lar name Bo sure ynu get DR WISIARS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY " ith tl e ' gnaturc of I BUTTS on the wrapper 50 Cents and $1 00 a Bottle Pre pared by SETll W FOWLE & SoNs; Boston, lllass Sold b.) druggists and dealers generally A l'rotected Sol11t1011 of the I'rotoxlde of Iron, Is as easily d gested and as<;: m1lated w1tl the blood as the Simplest food When the blood <loes not contam the usual quantity oflron t he deficiency cal be supplied by the usie of t he PERUVIAN SYRUP It cures a th ousand lls s mply by TONING UP INVIG ORATING and VITALIZING the S.} stem The enr1cl ed and vitalized blood permeates every part of the body repair ng damages and w iste searching out morbid secretions and lea\ ng n tl 1ng for 1 sease to fee l upon This is the secret of tho wonderful success of ti is remedy in curing \NYLLIE HA~ Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boils, Dropsy, Chronic D1ar1 hma, Nervous Affections, Female Complaints, And all d seases ong1nahng 1n a bad state of the blood or accompan ed by deb1hty or a low state of the system CAUTION -Be sure you get the PE RUVJAN SYRUP Sol! by druggists gener ally Pamphlets sent fr<e to any address by I SmTII W 1' OWLE & SoNs Proprietors 86 Har ON HAND A LAHGE ~LOCK OF C ONFECTIONERY, OYSTERS and olher deh cac1es fo r the Ho\ daJ s whwh h e Will as u sual aell off cl eapcr tl an the cheap st rison Avenue Boston Mass j I HILL'S CASH HOUSE For December 1879 to January 1880 0 .., ~ " s 00 ~ "' >-"' "' "' ltj ~ ~ ...... ~ ~ ~ ~j "' "' ~ PJ ,__. [fl f-' ....., ~ >-;) CD ~ µJ c+ p_, CD ..... (fl ~ trj ~ ;Jj .,;, --"'-..., "" ... ,.. ~ CQ ~ L1 ~ ~ ~ c+ ij~ t><; ,__, (fl en ct' 0 CJ ~ ~ "' ~ "' ,.. ~"'~ Ci> ~ ~. ~ f-j if' CD 0 r '<> .. j I A good n 1 be ot tl o g I led paid h rn the $30 and 0U1e1s paid part a id gave their note of ban l for the balance m three mouths ! underat!l;nd that ao mnny of on as usual b.) ~ rss Pm JR Sl gnes " 4\l I I J